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Pony of his Word by Zad

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 19:51:47
Updated: 2022-03-11 20:43:53
Expiry: Never

  1. Pony of his Word by Zad
  2. (AJs Dad / Applejack)
  3. M/f, paddle, otk, bruises, non-consensual
  5. (05/02/2016)
  8. ---
  10. Applejack's face was stained by tears. She couldn't stop looking at the door to her room, which was now closed, but she knew that it would be opened again in a few minutes.
  12. "You wait for me in your room, ya hear?" Her daddy said to her only a couple of short minutes ago. It was in that moment that Applejack knew she'd screwed up.
  14. Deep down, she knew it was going to happen, but for some stupid reason she did it anyway. This has been the third time this week it had been her turn to do the dishes, and also the third time she'd half-assed the chore and left plenty of food behind on the plates. The dish sponge hadn't even gotten wet, a detail her daddy had noticed right away.
  16. It was stupid, spiteful, and rebellious. And that was why she was sitting here on the edge of her bed, nervously playing with her hair and waiting for her dad to come upstairs with the paddle held in his mouth.
  18. Applejack heard hoofsteps coming close. She prepared for the worse, a tear trickling down her cheek as she braced herself for the prespanking lecture.
  20. The door opened. Applejack shielded her eyes with her hair, but in the corner of her eye she saw the color red. She rotated her head, and when she saw who was at the door, the orange filly's eyes went wide as dinner plates.
  22. "Big Mcintosh? What are ya doing here?" She asked with surprise in her voice.
  24. "Hey, Applejack." He frowned sympathetically at her. He looked back and forth between her and the hall. "So... is pa gonna whoop ya?"
  26. Hearing the word made more tears of embarassment and fear come out of her eyes. She shook her head yes. Big Mcintosh's sad frown deepened. "Ohh, Ok....."
  28. He stopped for a second and gave a pained look on his face. Applejack saw it and felt even worse than before. Her big brother hated it when she got spanked. More tears came to her eyes.
  30. "Ok, well, uhhh," He tried to say something, but all he got out was, "Good luck, sis. I'll be taking a walk."
  32. Applejack wiped her eyes again and merely nodded in response. "Ok. See ya later."
  34. Then she heard more hoofsteps coming. Her breathing stopped.
  36. Applejack's heart beat like a bongo drum when she heard the sound.
  38. "Ohhh nooo" she sank into the bed. Big Mac looked away from her and down the hall, and what he saw made him take a step back in the other direction.
  40. "Hey, Pa," he said. He gave Applejack a glance out of sympathy. "Just talking to Applejack."
  42. She heard something drop on the floor outside her door, and then a much deeper voice followed. "I know. That's fine, son. But right now, I'm gonna need you t'head.... somewhere else, ok?"
  44. "O-ok." Applejack watched her big brother nod his head, and after he gave her one more apologetic look, he walked away from the door.
  46. Another stallion walked in. Applejack could feel her heart throb inside her chest when she saw what was in his mouth: an oval wooden paddle, just a tad bigger than his hoof and about half as thick. Seeing it made Applejack sweat, and her throat felt dry as a desert. He put the paddle down on the floor and spoke to her with a disappointed tone of voice. "Applejack....."
  48. The poor filly had to force herself to stop looking at the awful spanking instrument on the floor. She felt like she couldn't breathe.
  50. "Pa?" She barely got out. Her father loomed over her like a bad storm. He was a sizable stallion, with a lighter-colored coat than hers and a shade of emerald green in his eyes, which looked down at her in sadness in disappointment.
  52. "Suagrcube, what am I gonna do with you? First you don't do your chores two days in a row, then you backtalk your Ma when she tells you to do the dishes today. And now, not only did you not do what she told you, but lying about it?"
  54. Every item of wrongdoing he listed off made Applejack shrink more and more away from his scolds. The sadness in his eyes made her feel so much guilt that it made her feel queasy.
  56. "I know! I'm so sorry, Pa. I'm really sorry." She said sincerely. "I'm sorry I lied, I was just a-a-a-afraid I'd get in big trouble...."
  58. "Well you're in even bigger trouble now, Applejack."
  60. Poor Applejack whimpered in fear. She sniffled and wiped her snotty nose, and looked back at the scary paddle on the floor. She knew it would be thwacking her bottom very soon, and the thought made her eyes well up with tears.
  62. "I'm sorry, daddy." She said with a cry.
  64. Her daddy closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths. "I know you're sorry Applejack, but I still gotta do this. Your Ma and me told you what would happen if this behavior of yours continued, and I gotta be a pony of my word."
  66. Saying this, Applejack knew her time to plead was up. Once her father said he was a "pony of his word" there was nothing she could do to change his mind. She was going to get spanked and there was nothing she could do about it.
  68. He picked up the paddle and closed the door.
  70. Applejack could do nothing but sniffle as her father sat down on the bed, put down the paddle next to him, and picked her up. She dared not try to run away as he pulled her over his lap, tummy down.
  72. He made her so that her front legs clutched his left leg tightly, and her back legs extended out the other way over the bed, leaving her rump bent over his right leg and sticking out at a slight angle. Tears were running down Applejack's face now, and she sobbed out of fright.
  74. Her daddy rarely said anything at all before she was punished, and today was not looking like it would be any different. She could see in the corner of her eye that he was reaching to pick up the paddle, and when she saw it she couldn't help but sob even more. His left arm swept her tail onto her back and pressed it down firmly, leaving her butt totally exposed.
  76. The position Applejack was now in was something she would have given anything to get out of. Her dad's hoof was strong on her back, and her body was pinned effectively to his lap. There was no getting out of this until he decided it was over, and whenever that happened, she also knew it was not going to be anytime soon.
  78. She felt the cold wood against the bare skin of her bottom, covering both cheeks. Applejack whimpered again and shut her eyes, feeling the paddle leave her rump as her father raised it.
  80. For a few seconds, which felt to Applejack like a few minutes, she remained there, motionless save for the clenching and unclenching of her bottom cheeks.
  82. This could not last forever, sadly. Taking a wide swipe, her daddy swung the paddle down.
  84. "Oww!"
  86. It landed with a loud crack across the middle of both cheeks, hitting hard enough to cause the skin to ripple slightly.
  88. Applejack gave a loud yelp of surprise and pain, feeling the impact on her bottom fully. Her back legs kicked out of reflex as the lingering sting of the spank simmered hotly on her skin. The first paddle whack was followed quickly by a second, which smacked down just below the first, still covering her bottom all the way across.
  90. With only the second spank, Applejack's back legs were thumping against the bed with desperate kicks. A third and a fourth, and then a fifth landed in rapid sequence, this time spanking only one side of her butt at a time and alternating between sides. Applejack weeped and howled, her butt moving to the right and left in a predictable pattern, wiggling in the opposite direction of where the paddle had landed in a hopeless attempt to escape the pain.
  92. This routine continued on and on as the spanking went on, the repeated cracks and whacks of the paddle never stopping. No matter how hard she tried, Applejack's rear had nowhere to go. Her back legs kicked with every spank, but she could do nothing to stop the terrible paddle from thwacking viciously onto her buns, leaving behind sizzling red spots up and down the curves of her rump.
  94. "Waaah! I'm sorry! WAAHHH!" Applejack cried her heart out over her Pa's lap, covering the blanket with tears as the paddle moved down lower, spanking the base of her cheeks. The sting and heat radiated from her now scarlet rump, which was only turning darker by the second. Her father would sometimes speed up the pace of his swings to pepper her burning bottom with spanks, which made her legs and backside jerk, kick, and wiggle around desperately.
  96. And her father still did not stop the awful paddling. He continued to punish her with the same steady pace, swinging the paddle down hard onto his daughter's naughty rump.
  98. "Aaaooww!" Applejack's entire bottom felt like a furnace. Try as much as she wanted, though, there was no breaking free. An unusually hard spank to her right side made her squeal loudly in agony, and in sheer desperation she tried to reach back with her front hoof to block.
  100. Bad move. Pa saw it right away and was fast to grab it, pressing it down onto her back along with her tail. Feeling herself become restrained even more, Applejack whined pitifully, giving an unusually hard kick of her right back leg that ended up jerking her whole back half to the side, toward the floor.
  102. Her dad was not quite quick enough to stop his spanking hoof before the paddle impacted painfully on the side of her flank, right where the red skin of her tush had been a second before. The strike made Applejack's head shoot up as she squealed in terrible pain, feeling the impact throbbing on her flank.
  104. For a few moments, the spanking stopped. Applejack breathed rapidly in and out like she had gone for a long run, and her nose was stuffy and eyes sticky with tears. The mistaken whack to her flank hurt horribly, but there was nothing she could do.
  106. Once these seconds passed, Applejack felt movement beneath her. Her daddy was repositioning his legs, and in addition, moving her further across his lap so that her butt was lying more in the middle of his lap. For a moment Applejack thought maybe her spanking was over.
  108. She was wrong. Before she knew what was going on, she felt his right leg move to clamp down over her back legs, and just like that Applejack was robbed of her ability to move her back legs at all. Her crimson bottom lied vulnerable as ever, bent over one leg while the rest of her body was pinned to the blanket.
  110. Another hard swing, and the paddle was back to business, spanking her without mercy. Applejack could only wiggle her butt just the tiniest amount, but it did nothing at all to throw her father off his target.
  112. It wasn't over yet.
  114. "Aaaow! Owww!"
  116. Applejack's face was red from crying so hard, but it was nothing compared to the dark red color of her butt. It stayed in place over her daddy's knee, and each crack of the wooden paddle made the bare skin only redden more. Little traces of purple showed in the center of both cheeks.
  118. Applejack lost track of how much time she had spent over his knee. It felt to her like the paddle would go on whacking her rear end forever. She tried to beg, but she couldn't get the words out. They came out as mere sobs.
  120. Spankings in the Apple family were always serious. They happened rarely, but when they did occur, it was an excruciating and long event. A disobedient filly wouldn't leave her daddy's lap until her butt was redder than a beet. Sadly for Applejack, her father was not satisfied quite yet.
  122. Her Pa raised his left leg and stretched out the skin of her rump more as it bent at a sharper angle. Applejack could not feel the movement through her pain, but she did feel what came next.
  124. The paddle swung up and down at a faster speed than ever. Her father used the bounce of the paddle from her bottom to give him momentum for the next whack, spanking straight down onto the space where her rump and thighs met, back and forth, left and right.
  126. "AHHHH, OWWWWW!" Applejack's bawling reached its loudest volume. Tears and spit coated the blanket beneath her face. The spanks kept on coming, turning the lower portion of her butt into an inferno of unending pain. She tried subconsciously to wiggle her butt away again, free her hoof, or even use the only one she had free to cover her fiery cheeks, however, she was totally helpless.
  128. The result of the speedy, merciless cracks of the terrible paddle were showing on the curves of her plump rear. Repeated smacks to the same two spots brought a grouping of little blisters and welts to the skin, but her father still did not stop.
  130. Her legs crossed and uncrossed between her father's locking leg and the one where her bottom was perched. She tried to kick her hooves, but she couldn't. Snot clogged her nose and made it hard to breathe, but he kept on going.
  132. Many minutes had already gone passed since the beginning of the spanking. Applejack's hair stuck to her face from the tears, and the paddle cracking against her butt still filled her room. Each spank was like a million needles pricking her bottom all at once, and the constant sensation of fire swelled below the beet red surface and made the pain so much worse. But she had no choice but to accept every whack her father gave her, no matter how much it hurt.
  134. "Ahhh, ahhhaa! Paaaa!" Applejack called for her daddy, begging for her punishment to finally end. The wooden paddle made her rump clench and twitch every time it spanked down, only now she did not try to get away.
  136. The clock kept ticking.
  138. The sun was starting to go down by the time things were done in Applejack's room. Her daddy delivered the last peppering of spanks to his daughter's scorched bottom, and then, he put down the paddle on the bed.
  140. He kept Applejack over his knee for a few minutes more to let her cry. He did not let her tail or front hoof loose. She wanted so badly to rub her bottom, but it wasn't allowed until he said so. Whimpers and cries filled the room even though the sound of constant spanking was now gone.
  142. After a long wait, Applejack's Pa finally let her tail and hoof loose. In a mere moment they both had gone back to her bottom, but with a yip she took her hoof back away as it touched one of the blisters that were formed. Her tail, though, felt cool against her throbbing red tushie, so she used it instead.
  144. "Oww" Applejack squeaked. Her hoof used her tail like a soft cloth to rub, she tried to do anything she could to find relief. Outside, the sun was close to setting, and her room darkened.
  146. He spoke for the first time since the punishment began once she had calmed down.
  148. "I want us to put these past few days behind us, Sugarcube. I know there were far too many times you crossed the line with me and Ma lately, and what I did tonight was something I think you needed bad. But I also know you can be better, Applejack."
  150. The sniffling filly listened to his words with ears wide open. She was still draped over the bed and tending to her rear, but she was also making sure she was hearing what he said at the same time.
  152. "I know, Pa. I meant it when I said I was sorry," she said meekly. "I won't backtalk Mama ever ever again, and I'll wash the dishes when it's my turn, and I'll always do all of my chores, and---"
  154. She stopped in the middle of her sentence when her father said her name, firmly. "Applejack."
  156. She almost swallowed her tongue when he said her name. He sounded stern, and after enduring such a harsh punishment hearing it made her nervous. "Y-Yes, Pa?"
  158. Applejack was surprised when she felt him let go of her completely, unlocking her back legs. He picked her back up by the shoulders bodily, and smoothly, he put her down next to him.
  160. Applejack made a pained face when she sat down on her bed. Her bottom still hurt terribly. She did not think long on it, though, when her daddy put a hoof below her chin and met her big, bloodshot eyes.
  162. "Everypony makes mistakes, Sugarcube. We all have bad days, heck, bad weeks. Sometimes we can even say bad things at one another, things we wish we can take back later."
  164. He narrowed his eyes at her suddenly, and his tone of voice changed. "But there's one thing you should never, ever do. And that's lie."
  166. Applejack's eyes grew to twice their size when the last word came out of her father's mouth. His hoof strayed to the back of her head, where he ran it down her mane.
  168. "Because no matter what, Applejack, no matter what happens, your word is the most valuable thing you can ever have. And if ponies can't trust your word, then as far as they're concerned you ain't got nothin' left to give them."
  170. He spoke gravely. Applejack waited a while for the wisdom he was giving her to sink in, and when it did, she nearly felt like tearing up all over again due to the guilt that was building in her heart.
  172. "Do you understand me, Sugarcube?"
  174. She nodded. Her father nodded back in approval. "Good. Don't ever forget it, young filly."
  176. He gave her a hug around her shoulders and leaned his head into hers. Applejack breathed softly in his grip, still unable to block out the awful pain in her rump but loving the close contact with him regardless.
  178. He pulled away from her and stood up. "Ok, Applejack. It's almost night, so try to get yourself washed up and in bed soon, ok?"
  180. She replied readily. "Yes, Pa. I will."
  182. "Ok. And think about what I said, too." He crossed in front of her to pick up the paddle from where he had left in on her bed. "I love you, Sugarcube."
  184. I love you too." Applejack said back, looking up at her daddy. However, she quickly turned away when she found herself looking at the paddle that was currently placed in his mouth again.
  186. Slowly, he closed the door. And once he did, the first thing Applejack did was slide herself off of her bed, doing so as carefully as possible.
  188. "Ow, owwwoww" She groaned to herself, clenching her teeth with the terrible sting that came from the marks on her butt. When it came to the Apple family, the old phrase "spanked so hard you can't sit for a week" wasn't an exaggeration.
  190. She walked slowly over to her big mirror on the other side of her room, and once she was there she turned herself around to take a closer look at what the paddle had done to her bottom.
  192. She expected it to look bad, but she's never seen her rear end in this bad of shape before. The whole entire curve of her buttocks was painted almost wine red, and on top of that she also saw blue oval shaped bruises right in the middle of both of her bottom cheeks. Worst of all, she could see the little blisters and welts on the base of her butt close to where it met her thighs.
  194. No doubt about it. This was the worst spanking she had ever gotten, Applejack thought with a sad sense of awe. She carefully her hoof over the damage while she watched herself in the mirror, hissing whenever it touched an especially sensitive spot.
  196. The wisdom her daddy had said only minutes before came back to her. "There's one thing you should never, ever do. And that's lie."
  198. Applejack needed to only look at the mirror to know what would happen next time. She sniffled.
  200. "I won't lie again, Pa. I won't. I promise."
  202. The End
  204. (I think I will also make a sequel later. Applejack's story isn't over yet!)

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