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Heat of the Moment by Zad

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 19:52:13
Updated: 2022-03-11 20:42:33
Expiry: Never

  1. Heat of the Moment by Zad
  2. (Rainbow / Scootaloo)
  3. F/f, over shoulder, hoof, non-consensual
  5. (22/04/2016)
  8. ---
  10. Rainbow Dash shouted words of encouragement to her little filly sister from the sideline.
  12. “Try it again, Scootaloo! You almost got it!”
  14. After today, there were only two days left until the Sisterhooves Social. There were plenty of routines left for Rainbow Dash and her honorary sister Scootaloo to go through until then if they wanted to win the trophy, but time was running out.
  16. Scootaloo, the athletic filly that she was, was still having a lot of trouble with the tire steps. She couldn’t get more than two thirds of the way before she inevitably stepped on the sides, lost her balance, and fell head over tail on the ground.
  18. “Uhhggh! Why can’t I do this faster without flipping over! Aagh!” Scootaloo growled and groaned.
  20. The first few mistakes, Scootaloo had taken it in stride. But now, after the ninth time, she was starting to burn down her temper’s fuse. Rainbow Dash saw it happening, and held up her hoof.
  22. “Ok, ok, Scootaloo. How about we just take a break for a minute?”
  24. “No!” Scootaloo shouted back, kicking the tire in front of her. “I’m gonna do this until I get it right!”
  26. She stepped into the first tire, and started again. She stomped into each one hard, bending her front knees all the way up to her chest every time she stamped her hooves down.
  28. Rainbow Dash groaned herself when she saw Scootaloo’s angry stomps. “Scoot, remember! The more you stomp, the heavier you are on your hooves and the harder it will be to make it to the end!”
  30. Scootaloo wasn’t hearing her. Inevitably, she ended up stepping on the edge of one of the tires, and it flipped up and made her trip. She flopped forward and somersaulted with a surprised yell.
  32. Rainbow Dash had seen Scootaloo angry before, but what she saw then really shocked her. Scootaloo scrambled around until she was standing up, and she began to throw a tantrum in blind rage. She attacked one of the tires and began kicking it over and over again, screaming her high pitched screams of frustration.
  34. “Stupid, stupid, shi---”
  36. Rainbow Dash’s eyes popped out of her head as Scootaloo began to swear her head off, cussing and using words she had never heard the filly use before in her entire life. She realized that she had to do something to calm Scootaloo down, and fast.
  38. “Hold on, wait, Scootaloo! Calm down, chill out!” Rainbow ran forward and tried to grab the filly around the shoulders, but Scootaloo was going crazy. It had been a long day, and all of her frustrations were reaching a boiling point. The angry filly grabbed hold of the tire and dragged it away from the lineup, and with a surprising amount of strength she threw the tire away.
  40. She ran to the setup of tires to grab another one with her face red with seething anger, but Rainbow Dash got there first. She tried to grab Scootaloo and calm her down, stop her from destroying the whole course which was already in shambles due to her tantrum. “Scootaloo, come on, calm down! You’re ruining the whole course!”
  42. She wrapped her leg around Scootaloo’s front, and tried to pull her away, but then, Scootaloo did something that shocked Rainbow. With her eyes half shut, Scootaloo grabbed Rainbow’s hoof, and…
  44. “OW!” Rainbow Dash dropped Scootaloo when she felt the filly’s teeth bite down into her hoof. When she glanced down at her hoof, she could see the pink bite marks where Scootaloo’s teeth had been.
  46. The next second was a blur. A lot happened all at the same time. As Rainbow Dash looked at her bitten hoof, she saw Scootaloo, who was still completely irrational and full of tired rage, turn around and run back to the tires.
  48. There was a second frozen in time. Rainbow Dash couldn’t have explained what she felt exactly, because it wasn’t anger, and it wasn’t shock. Instead, it was almost like some kind of instinct took over inside of her, like the kind a mother would feel to her foal.
  50. And it said, very firmly, “That’s enough!”
  52. She did not know what made her do it, but Rainbow Dash was automatic. She ran over, and with her vastly superior strength she picked Scootaloo up with her bitten hoof, reaching underneath the filly’s belly. Scootaloo barely even understood what was happening to her as Rainbow Dash yanked her back into her chest, and in a smooth motion she turned the filly around.
  54. Scootaloo was suddenly pinned down to Rainbow’s chest, with her front hooves and head bent over Rainbow Dash’s shoulder while the rest of her body dangled down to the ground. She grunted and kicked her back legs, still trying to flail around. But in a second’s time, she realized all of a sudden that Rainbow’s wing had been wrapped tightly around her back legs, keeping her from kicking or struggling beyond a little wiggling around.
  56. There was still one area of Scootaloo’s body that was uncovered, though. Without a second to hesitate, Rainbow Dash brought her unbitten, free hoof up above her head, and began to deliver a quick flurry of harsh, stinging smacks on Scootaloo’s blank, orange rump.
  58. Scootaloo didn’t understand what was actually happening to her until the sixth or seventh spank. When the pain and heat began to register, it was amazing how instantly all of her anger and rage were forgotten. She panicked and began to kick out all of her hooves, but Rainbow Dash was too strong for her to escape the grasp of both her hooves and wings.
  60. “Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow! Ow, w-w-wait OW Rain… ow, ow!”
  62. The position was a little awkward, but the combined strength of her wings and legs kept Scootaloo pressed tight onto her while her other hoof rapidly smacked Scootaloo’s butt bright pink.
  64. At first, Rainbow couldn’t believe what she was doing, but as the seconds ticked by, she began to grow in confidence. She fell into a groove, spanking each side repeatedly over and over again. Her hoof tingled from the force of her smacks.
  66. Tears were springing to Scootaloo’s eyes, as the magnitude of what was happening to her sank into her brain. Rainbow Dash, her big sister figure, was spanking her, right on the spot. Her cheeks, the ones not wriggling under Rainbow’s firm hoof, blushed bright red with embarrassment as the stinging get worse and worse. She crossed and uncrossed her dangling back hooves, which were held in place very firmly by Rainbow’s wing. Now that she was helpless to move from the awkward and uncomfortable position she was in, Scootaloo began to cry for real.
  68. Rainbow Dash heard the filly sobbing over her shoulder, over the sounds of her hoof whacking Scootaloo’s tush. Once she heard that, Rainbow Dash knew she had gone far enough for the spanking to do what it needed to do.
  70. She smacked Scootaloo’s now pink rear end two more times, and then, she let her tingling, smarting hoof fall.
  72. The spanking may have stopped, but Scootaloo’s bottom was still stinging like mad. She sobbed and sniffled while Rainbow Dash unpinned her, letting her slide down her belly into a more close, intimate hug. Scootaloo curled her head into her chest and closed her eyes while the tears fell. Her heated rump glowed pink from the hard but quick hoof spanking, which left quite the impression in such a short time period.
  74. Rainbow Dash was also processing what she had just done. It was like she had been on autopilot when it happened, and now, she had a sobbing and sore Scootaloo on her hooves. There there was one thing that was for sure, though, and that was that now, Scootaloo was calm as can be.
  76. Rainbow Dash eventually picked up Scootaloo and put her down on the ground, gently. Scootaloo didn’t look up at Rainbow Dash, turning her blushing face away, looking back at her burning rump. She rubbed it with her hoof with a tear going down her face.
  78. Rainbow saw how embarrassed Scootaloo looked, and a big part of her felt bad. She sighed, and began to break the silence. “Hey, listen, Scoots… I don’t know what came over me, but…”
  80. “No, no no… I’m sorry, Rainbow Dash.” Scootaloo interrupted her, sniffling and snorting. She wiped her eyes. “I’m really sorry I bit you, and wrecked the course, and cussing, and everything... I d----shouldn’t have done that. I’m really, really sorry, Rainbow.”
  82. Scootaloo’s hoof massaged her tanned filly flank. Rainbow Dash stared at her, a filly who used to be throwing a tantrum to be heard all around Equestria, now meek and apologizing to her. She was breathless and speechless for a minute, but she eventually said something.
  84. “Sooo, you aren’t mad at me, Scoot? For, you know, spanking you?”
  86. Scootaloo wiped some runoff from her nose. She replied meekly, and the blush started to come back. “Uh uh... I’m not mad. I deserved it for biting you... I’m sorry.” She sniffed.
  88. Rainbow Dash had been feeling plenty of fear and doubt for what she had just done. Never in her life had she ever spanked anypony before. In fact, her only experience with it came from her own mommy and daddy when she was a bad filly, and somehow, that experience translated over to her. Somehow.
  90. If she had to judge, based on Scootaloo’s new and improved attitude, as well as the prominent pink color her hoof had turned the poor filly’s bottom cheeks, she had done a better job than she would have ever thought was possible. Rainbow Dash did not linger on the thought for very long, though.
  92. “Oh. Well. Ok then... I forgive you, Scoots. Just try not to fly off the handle so much next time, ok? I don’t want to have to do that again, ok?”
  94. Rainbow Dash spoke gravely. She was not bluffing. While she hoped it would never happen again, something happened to the both of them that day, like they had gone from being mere sisters to something a little… more. Something a little bit closer.
  96. Scootaloo glumly nodded her head in agreement. “Ok… I won’t, Rainbow. I promise.”
  98. While she spoke Rainbow walked to the tire that Scootaloo had savagely thrown aside during her tantrum, and casually rolled it over to the course, where the other tires were still grouped. Scootaloo watched her close, one hoof still on her sore butt.
  100. “Well, good. I’ll hold you to that, ok?” Rainbow said. Scootaloo nodded obediently.
  102. Rainbow Dash rearranged the tires into two long rows again, making sure they were lined up straight. She then looked at Scootaloo, pointing to the course with a little smile on her face.
  104. “So… you want to try this again? Without throwing a fit this time?”
  106. Scootaloo noticed the smile on Rainbow’s face. It was a kind, playful type of smile that warmed the cool evening air. It let her know that everything was ok between them, now.
  108. She smiled back, in spite of her spanked tail, and nodded.
  110. “Uh huh.” Scootaloo scuffed the dirt with her hoof. She walked to the beginning of the line, feeling a little bit of pain from moving her rump, but she showed her teeth, gritted in determination. “I’m ready.”
  112. The End

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