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Brotherly Love by Zad

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 19:53:03
Updated: 2022-03-11 20:39:53
Expiry: Never

  1. Brotherly Love by Zad
  2. (Big Mac / Applejack)
  3. M/F, switch, bent over, semi-consensual
  5. (13/02/2016)
  8. ---
  10. Applejack lay on her bed with her forelegs tucked into her chest. In front of her was a book, spread open to the most recently written page. The words were written in pencil, with messy handwriting. Because it was her own handwriting, though, Applejack could read it just fine.
  12. It was her latest friendship lesson. Applejack read it repeatedly, sighing to herself.
  14. Supposedly, it was all over, now. The Flim Flam Brothers Cure-All tonic was proven a hoax, Granny Smith had avoided certain death-by-high dive, and she had forced her hoof to run those scam artists out of town.
  16. But she still couldn’t shake the burden of guilt from her back. And even for a back as strong as hers, used to plowing fields, picking up full apple buckets on your shoulders and hauling full carts all on her own, the guilt weighed heavier than every one of those things combined.
  18. Everything ended fine, but she knew better than anypony that her lie could have ended with her losing somepony she loved. Not to even include all of the other ponies with conditions that needed treatment who could have been hurt or worse. The sheer number of possibilities were something that made her feel awful. For some ponies, it was going to be a little while before they could trust her again.
  20. All of these guilty thoughts came to a swirling storm of sad feelings in her heart. One quote, made by a voice in her head who she had not heard in many years, rang out like a bell in her ears:
  22. “There’s one thing you should never, ever do. And that’s lie.”
  24. Applejack sniffed and wiped her eyes. Her father’s voice sounded like it was in the room right there with her. Making it worse was that whenever the words came to her mind, she also felt a accompanying sting of phantom pain in her rear as the recollection of that night with her Pa came back to haunt her.
  26. And right now, as it was, Applejack felt so horrible that she found herself wishing that the pain was real.
  28. The consequences for her after letting herself become an accomplice to a crime had been nothing, not even a slap on her hoof. She deserved to suffer way worse for what she did, and for what could have happened.
  30. But her Pa wasn’t here anymore. Pa wasn’t here to make her reap what she sowed. Everypony shrugged off her role in the matter, even Granny Smith. They told her not to worry, that they were not angry with her. Nopony else was going to hold her responsible for her lies.
  32. Unless…
  34. An idea, a shadow of a thought begat of a desperation for repentance grew like a fire in her mind. The idea was not normal at all, not by anypony’s standards. For one, she was practically a grown mare now, and two, asking something like this from her big brother was a lot to ask to say the least. The idea itself made her uncomfortable, and she was sure the feeling was going to be the same for him, too.
  36. She did not know how he would react. Applejack was sure he would say no. But she didn’t want him to. Granny Smith was too weak, and she would never ask Apple Bloom. Big Mac was the only pony left who could do it.
  38. It was crazy, awkward and silly. But the guilt made her decide to do it anyway. She closed the journal, took a steady breath to calm her nerves, and left her room.
  40. She was going to do it. Applejack was going to ask Big McIntosh, her own brother, to spank her.
  42. Big McIntosh was in his room. Applejack could see his light on under the door.
  44. She closed her eyes, gulped, and knocked on the door.
  46. “Eeyup?” Big McIntosh inquired. Applejack lowered her shivering leg and answered.
  48. “Hiya, Big Mac. Can I come in? I gotta… ask ya something. It’s important.”
  50. The doorknob turned and it opened up. Her big brother looked out at her with a face full of concern. Applejack gulped again.
  52. “Eeyup.” He waited for her question. But she didn’t want to ask it right here, in the hallway where her little sister or Granny might hear. She pointed inside.
  54. “Oh, uhh, soo….. can I come in first? I wanted to ask you in private...”
  56. He looked even more worried now than before. The sweat on her head was noticeable, and she could feel it trickling down her neck. Big McIntosh stepped in his room to let her in.
  58. She had made the decision already, so she went in. Already she felt stupid about this, having second thoughts, but her gut still wanted… no, needed to ask him anyway.
  60. Big Mac closed the door. Then, he asked, “Applejack, what is it?”
  62. That was four words in a row. Applejack knew he must be taking her very seriously already. She gulped a third time. “Hey, brother, I-I uhh, wanted to ask you something. It’s kinda, I mean...I understand if you want to say no.”
  64. Big Mac looked down at her with a face that screamed confusion. He listened to his sister closely, unblinkingly. Applejack looked down at the floor.
  66. “I’ve been thinking by myself, you know, about today and the tonic, and it’s hitting me that, that I… Granny Smith could’ve gotten killed. Not only that, but a whole lot of other ponies out there were going to try it out, aa-aaand if they though it really worked, then… it would’ve been because I lied to them. Cause I endorsed a thing that I knew was fake. Ponies could’ve gotten hurt or worse, and…” Applejack let the sentence hang. She wanted to get it over with and ask right now, but she also felt like she should tell Big Mac her reasons, too.
  68. Big McIntosh was standing across from her, not taking his eyes off of her. She looked up at him and saw the sympathy and understanding in his cool and calm eyes. Applejack felt very nervous, but she also felt something she didn’t know what to think about: safety under his gaze.
  70. He reached out his leg to her, stepped into her space and hugged her. A pair of tears rolled down her face. She let herself be hugged. He talked quietly to her while she stood there.
  72. “You ain’t them.”
  74. For her, “them” did not need to be specified. Applejack knew who he was talking about. She shook her head. “I know, big bro, I know! But if ya ask me that just makes it worse, c-cause I should know better. Pa, he taught me better…”
  76. “Everypony makes mistakes.”
  78. “I know, I know, ok? But lying ain’t… that ain’t a mistake I should’ve ever made. And it was a really big one, Mac. Lives coulda been on the line cause of me.”
  80. “Cause of them.”
  82. “But cause of me, too! Lots of ponies didn’t trust the Flim Flam Brothers until I said they could! And while they got run out of town, I didn’t…… get punished at all. I feel so horrible about it, Big Mac.”
  84. It was like Applejack could feel the tension between her and Big McIntosh. He was trying to persuade her to think everything was a-ok, but she already gave herself these little talking points and shot them down before now.The situation felt so intense that Applejack decided to stop beating around the bush.
  86. “And that’s why I-I, I came here to ask you… if you could sp--- punish me.”
  88. Applejack could not get the dirty sounding word out. But Big McIntosh was not a stupid stallion. He seemed to know what she meant. He let go of her and took a hesitant step away from her, a wide eyed expression meeting her.
  90. “You” His face was blank in shock, “mean that.”
  92. “That” did not need to be specified either. He was not asking a question, just trying to let what she was asking him sink in. She nodded. A blush of heat was rising in her cheeks.
  94. “Yeah. That’s the way Pa taught me, and you’re the only pony here that could, I mean, cause Granny Smith can’t, a-and you’re the… only pony who can spank me. It’d....I know it’s weird, but I think it would make me feel so much better.”
  96. She finally got out the word, and once she did it felt like a little weight from guilt had fallen off of her shoulders. Applejack closed her eyes and, now, she waited.
  98. And waited. She opened her eyes, and she saw her brother looking away from her.
  100. She noticed his face. It looked a lot like his “thinking face” with his mouth pressed closed, and his eyebrows lowered down to his eyes. Applejack knew then that the impossible just happened.
  102. Big McIntosh was considering it. Actually considering it. Applejack’s heart beat harder than a drum.
  104. “You’d… feel better?” He asked. The answer to the question had so much heavy weight behind it that she had to take a deep breath before she could talk.
  106. “I would, Big McIntosh. I know it’s crazy and I’m trying to forgive myself for everything I’ve done, but until I get punished for what I did, the way Pa would of, I-I d-don’t think I can. Please, Big Mac.” Her hooves and legs shook like leaves.
  108. Big McIntosh listened carefully to everything she said. He looked his little sister right in the eye, and she did the same to him. He saw all of the guilt in her eyes. She was hoping he would say “yes.” Her face looked up at him with need, wanting badly to repent.
  110. Applejack could feel Big Mac’s answer coming before he gave it. Somehow even though all of the odds were not in her favor, she knew it before he said it. Big McIntosh nodded his head a single time and sighed like he was giving in.
  112. “Ok. I will. But… not here.”
  114. Applejack had never felt this way before. Part of her was so happy that Big McIntosh was going to do this. The other part of her was scared beyond reason.
  116. It had been years since her last spanking. She practically forgot what they felt like. All she knew was that they hurt, a lot. Big McIntosh was every bit as strong as her Pa was, too.
  118. They were going to do it in the orchard. They had to be as far away from the house as possible so nopony would hear them. The sun was setting, however, and they needed to do this before all of the daylight was gone.
  120. But while they were almost out of the house’s view, Applejack had a thought race through her head that made her even more nervous. When she was ever spanked when she was a filly, the marks on her butt stayed there for a long time. The rest of the family could tell what happened even if they weren’t at home when it happened.
  122. She didn’t think that part through. Applejack thought of going back on everything for a minute. However, she herself had punished Apple Bloom before, and right now Big McIntosh was going to do the same thing to her. It didn’t matter if her family knew afterwards.
  124. Still, it would be embarrassing, though that didn’t matter. She needed to be punished to have any kind of peace in her mind.
  126. Big McIntosh stopped at a tree and turned around. “Here?” He gulped.
  128. Applejack looked at the tree, at its branches. They were low and came down enough to be bitten off. She breathed rapidly. She only ever got spanked with a switch one time, and that was when her daddy spanked her outside when she disobeyed him and almost got hurt. That time she had to put her front hooves on a treetrunk and not move while he gave her lick after awful lick. It stung worse than anything, and it was about to happen to her again.
  130. She felt faint, but she nodded her head. “Uh huh, I’ll--- you get it and I’ll wait.” Applejack sniffed. Big McIntosh didn’t nod or say anything, but he seemed to understand. “Thank you Big Mac. So much….”
  132. “Eeyup.” He said. When Applejack looked at him, she saw the same uncomfortable feelings she herself felt now that it was about to happen. She observed it in the way he looked away from here and dug a hole in the dirt with his big hoof.
  134. Applejack saw his nervousness, and she knew what she had to do. She couldn’t give her big brother any problems or try to do anything to make it harder for him. No matter what happened, she was not going to move a muscle in her body, and she was going to take the punishment she asked for no matter how much it hurt. She owed him that.
  136. He stood on his hind legs to reach a good branch to use. Applejack breathed hard to stop sobs from coming out and walked over to the tree while he was busy. She put her right hoof on the trunk, and then her left hoof, and spread her rear legs apart in a V to keep her balance. Then, she took off her cowgirl hat and put it down gently on the ground. Her cutie marked rump jutted out behind her.
  138. She was ready. Applejack was a mare now, but she still cried silently.
  140. Big McIntosh snapped a solid branch off the tree. Applejack flinched and closed her eyes while he tore off all the leaves and twigs. She couldn’t see him with her current position, but he was working fast. She swung her tail away from her butt and dug her hooves in, readying herself for when he would start.
  142. Big Mac bit off the last twig and leaf from the branch he had ripped off of the tree. The branch that was left was several hoof lengths long and a little thicker than a cord. He picked the switch up in his giant, shaking hoof and gave it a swing to test it. He held in his breath when the switch hissed through the air like a snake.
  144. Applejack heard the sound and expected the pain, but she realized soon after that it was a test swing. She looked over her twitching shoulder behind and to the left of her, and she saw him holding the switch. She looked away quickly. It looked as bad as it sounded. She started sweating.
  146. What had she gotten herself into?
  148. Big McIntosh walked up next to her. The switch was held in his hoof. Applejack shivered from fear but also embarrassment. She did not know how much he could see back there now that her tail was not blocking anything.
  150. Big Mac looked at his sister from the side. He felt more awkward than he had ever been before in his whole life, but he ignored all of that. They were outside, all the way out here, and he was going to do what he promised. He steadied his hoof and rested the switch across her bottom. Applejack flexed her glutes in reflex.
  152. “Applejack?”
  154. He was asking her if she was ready. The orange farm mare stuck her head between her front legs and nodded. “Yeahhh, I’m ready. I-I’m-m ready…”
  156. She felt the switch come off. Applejack mentally braced herself not to move or struggle at all, promising herself to give her brother the easiest time she could.
  158. The switch whistled down through the air.
  160. SWIT!
  162. "Gaah!"
  164. Applejack cried out when the switch landed in a stinging stripe across her butt. The wood felt like it cut into her skin, and the pain was enough to take her breath away. "Aa, ach..."
  166. That was only the first spank. The second one landed. SWIT!
  168. "GAH!" Her second cry was louder than the last. Applejack's back legs were already shaking with just the first two spanks, and she had to resist the urge to try and move her flank away. A third and a fourth came down, and the pain was already so bad that she felt scared.
  170. But she held on and did not move. The switch kept spanking.
  172. Big McIntosh only saw her flank from the side. If he would have looked, he would have seen the violet red stripes that sliced all the way across her behind. He focused all of his attention on the switch he was swinging and the target he was swinging at, Applejack's rear. He wanted not to hit anywhere else on her, no matter what.
  174. Big McIntosh, focused so hard on this one thing, sadly did not notice his own strength.
  176. Applejack stopped trying to count the switch spanks after nine. The pain went worse than stinging. Her guilt was the only thing that kept her from trying to get away. She felt her front hooves slipping from the treetrunk, and she had to lean forward to get enough strength to brace herself.
  178. The switch bent all the way around both her buttocks every time it spanked her. The pain didn't fade from any of the strikes, only adding more new stripes of excruciating pain every time it hit her rump. No spot got to rest from the pain.
  180. The treetrunk's bark was abrasive against Applejack's hooves. She had to lean in farther to brace herself well enough to keep her incinerated rear end from wiggling away, her tail from trying to shield her butt or her legs from bucking out in agony.
  182. "AHHH! ACH, AGHAA!" Applejack tried up til now to take the switch with some dignity and not cry too hard, but it hurt too much. Eventually the only way she could brace herself was fully hugging the tree. Applejack weeped and held her butt in harms way while the bark scraped her front legs and face.
  184. Applejack's whole bottom was marked by the whippy stick. Each new spank hit a place it already hit before. The pain was so terrible that Applejack slipped down the tree trunk part way so that she was grabbing around the bottom of the treetrunk.
  186. But, her back legs stayed parted and straight. Her butt stuck out and stayed where it was. Applejack promised herself, before the first lick, not to move away from the punishment.
  188. This time she was going to be a pony of her word.
  190. Sunset was turning into night. Big McIntosh's hoof tingled from the vibrations that came up the switch. He heard Applejack's crying from where he stood, and he felt ill. He wanted to stop.
  192. But for some reason he thought Applejack would tell him when he needed to stop. She told him not to hold back, and she was not moving from where she was.
  194. Because of this he delivered what he thought were even hoofed spanks down onto her butt, and even though he felt horrible, he trusted Applejack. He stood where her rump was visible from the side, one reason to give Applejack's other parts on her some privacy, but he also didn't want to look at the results of the switch on her. He was also sure he would get nauseous if he did.
  196. If he had looked, he would have stopped. Applejack's bottom was not only red, but purple and blue. The middle of each cheek was shiny where the switch whipped it the hardest.
  198. But unbelievably, from the strength of her spirit Applejack did not move.
  200. No matter what, Applejack promised. She promised Big McIntosh, and to her that promise meant all of the honor she had left.
  202. Sunset was fading. Applejack's face was covered in marks from bark of the tree she held on to. She could not feel any more of the switch marks by themselves, and only broken weeping cries came out with the new SWITS of the switch on her beaten butt.
  204. Every day since she agreed to lie for Flim and Flam raced back into her memory. The high dive, and her barely lassoing Granny Smith in time, and the faces of all of the ponies who she lied to all came back to her.
  206. Applejack broke. She shook and shivered like a leaf, and she wailed from sorrow and sheer unimaginable agony.
  208. Big McIntosh stopped suddenly when he heard Applejack snap. The feeling in the back of his mind that something was wrong, was confirmed.
  210. He dropped the switch from his hoof, which was trembling. He looked down at her and saw how she was pressing against the apple tree, and his heart skipped a beat.
  212. He stepped around Applejack until her full rear was in view. His heart stopped beating.
  214. "Applejack... Applejack! Little sis!"
  216. She was sobbing without end. He looked at the damage his strong hoof caused for only one, single second before he raced over to her. His moist eyes flooded with tears.
  218. "Uhhnnhh, aahuhuaau, M-Ma-ac, Mahaac!" She cried his name when she heard his voice. "aauhh, I'm s-sorry, ahhoww I'm ss----"
  220. Big McIntosh grabbed her shoulders and pulled her off of the tree, crying with Applejack.
  222. "I'm sorry, Applejack, I'm sorry! "He dragged her over to him and laid up against the tree with her. Applejack rubbed her face into his chest and bawled, heaved and choked while he held her. The two ponies, brother and sister, cried and cried as they laid there under the tree.
  224. The sun went down.
  226. When Big McIntosh woke up, the sun was just starting to come back up.
  228. Applejack was fast asleep next to him. After the long and horrible beating her butt had taken from the switch, she fell into a deep sleep.
  230. Big McIntosh hugged her tighter. Applejack's breath was hot on his chest. She slept in peace, now that she was finally free of guilt.
  232. But Big McIntosh began to cry all over again. "I'm sorry, Applejack" he whispered. "I didn't mean to do it so hard....."
  234. Applejack did not hear him. She continued to sleep, comforted by her big brother's strong hooves.
  236. THE END
  237. Or is it?

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