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Apple Family Tradition by Zad

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 19:53:29
Updated: 2022-01-05 19:56:26
Expiry: Never

  1. Apple Family Tradition by Zad
  2. (Applejack / Apple Bloom)
  3. F/f, paddle, otk, bruises, non-consensual
  5. ---
  7. Applejack awoke to somepony knocking on her door. She wiped the sleep out of her eyes and sat up. A look at the clock made her grunt.
  9. “2:25? Shucks, it’s late to be getting knocks right now.” She said under her breath. She yawned. “Who is it?”
  11. The voice on the other side of her door was quiet, female, and higher pitched than hers, but it still had the familiar Apple Family accent. “Apple Bloom. S-Sorry, I know it’s late…”
  13. “Apple Bloom? Huh? Well, come on in. What is it?” Applejack called out. Once her little sister was involved, it did not matter how late it was. Apple Bloom opened the door and walked in, closing the door quickly. Applejack flipped on the lamp by her bed.
  15. “He-hey, Applejack… I couldn’t, I mean, I can’t sleep. Cu-cuz I have to… tell you something.”
  17. Applejack looked down at the little filly with confusion. She pulled the blanket off and sat on the bed. The way Apple Bloom was talking, she got the feeling that something wasn’t good. “Um, what is it? What do you mean, you can’t sleep?”
  19. She was not sharp in the tongue, but when she asked the question the tears started flowing down Apple Bloom’s cheeks like water. She was too ashamed to look up at Applejack.
  21. “Today, at school, I… cheated. There was a quiz today in history, but I didn’t study cuz I-I-I forgot about it. So I tried looking over at Twist’s paper, bu-but Miss Cheerilee caught me.”
  23. As she spilled the beans, Applejack was feeling more awake. Her eyes were big with worry, but she had a lot of questions she had to ask.
  25. “Why didn’t you tell... did Miss Cheerilee send back a note?”
  27. Sure enough, little Apple Bloom responded with a nod yes. “Yeah, she did, bu-but… I hid it in my saddlebag, a-and I was going to try to fake Granny’s signature…”
  29. Now she was crying. It was hard for Applejack to let what Apple Bloom was saying sink in, but what her sister was admitting to her right now meant only one thing could happen next. It didn’t happen very much at all, but when it did, it was never fun for either of them.
  31. They were both Apples, raised the Apple family way. They both knew what had to happen, now. She took a deep breath and let Apple Bloom sob by the door for a little bit.
  33. It was a hard thing for her to say, but like her father before her, she felt the weight of duty heavy on her shoulders. She looked down at the miserable filly on the floor. “Apple Bloom, I’m… gonna have to give you a spanking, hon. You understand?”
  35. Apple Bloom winced when she heard the “spank” word be used. She did seem to know that she deserved it, though, because she did nod her head again. “I do, big sis. I’m sorry.”
  37. She sniffed, grabbing her red tail and playing with the hair fearfully. What was coming up soon was going to hurt a lot, but Applejack’s little sister was so accepting of her deserved punishment. She always was. It was something they both had in common.
  39. Applejack sighed deeply and stepped down to the floor. Apple Bloom had been sitting before, but now she stood up on all four hooves, watching her big sister with fear in her eyes. Applejack shook her head.
  41. “I know you’re sorry, but that don’t change what I gotta do. You lied, Apple Bloom, twice if you think about it. Cheating on a test, then not showing us the note? Well, I’m glad you decided to tell me now, because you’d better believe we would’ve found out eventually, anyway.”
  43. Apple Bloom’s ears flopped like a sad dog. She fearfully nodded. “I know… I’m sorry, Applejack.”
  45. Applejack took Apple Bloom’s hoof, holding it softly, and pulled her toward the door. Apple Bloom followed her without any resistance, sniffling and shedding tears already. Applejack opened the door. “Shh. We’ll wake up Granny Smith and Big Mac if I spank you in my room. I’m gonna take you to the barn, and… I’m gonna get the paddle from the drawer in the table downstairs, hon.”
  47. Apple Bloom willingly and guiltily followed her big sister’s lead while she took her downstairs, shivering. She hated, hated the paddle. It stung and hurt so bad, and Applejack was so strong..
  49. At least she was lucky she was getting this before Saturday morning. Maybe the redness would fade away before school on Monday, she thought… No, it took longer than that for the marks to fade away.
  51. Apple Bloom sniffled.
  53. The barn at night was cool. Applejack had the Apple family’s wooden, oval paddle held in her mouth and her little sister held firmly in her hoof. When the barn door shut behind them, Applejack let go of Apple Bloom for a second to drag over a hay bale to the area near the middle of the barn. Since it was still dark, she lit a lantern and hung it on a secure hook on one of the wooden beams, right by the bale of hay she dragged over.
  55. “Ok, Apple Bloom.” She dropped the paddle on the hay and sat down on top of it. She had to take another deep breath while the lantern light flickered eerily all around the barn. “Come over here.”
  57. Apple Bloom shakily walked over to Applejack, her tail pressed hard against her rump. She climbed onto the hay and lay down on top of Applejack’s lap. She whimpered and cried softly while Applejack readjusted her over her knees, pulling her in all the way to her waist and shuffling her back and forth until her tummy was comfortably over her knees and her bottom was in a vulnerable position.
  59. Applejack swept her sister’s tail away and pressed it down onto the small of her back. Her left hoof pinned Apple Bloom down while her right one picked up the paddle. The flickering lantern light made it easier to see what she was doing, and it also reflected off of the big teardrops that were falling down from Apple Bloom’s face.
  61. “Ok, Apple Bloom. I’m gonna start, now, hun.” She tapped the paddle against the filly’s bottom a few times to aim, and lifted it high above her head. Apple Bloom sobbed when she felt the wood leave her skin. She shut her eyes and braced for impact.
  63. “Ok” was all she could say. The spanking was now definite, and now it was only a matter of time before she would feel the pain.
  65. Applejack felt Apple Bloom’s shivers on her lap. She breathed in, gripped the paddle hard in her hoof, and swung it down with a hard spank, whacking the center of Apple Bloom’s rump.
  67. “Aaah! Oww, oww!”
  69. Apple Bloom’s right hoof kicked as the paddle began to smack down, sizzling her bottom on both sides. Her yellow butt showed the ovals of pink and red where the paddle had whacked her. Stinging pain exploded on both cheeks with each spank, followed by an intense burn like a lit candle being held above her skin. She gasped and cried out as the paddle steadily whacked away.
  71. Applejack started strong, and she was only just beginning, still. She swung the paddle down a few times in the same place, then switched to the other side, spanking her left and right cheek in a steady rhythm all up and down her butt. Apple Bloom’s back hooves kicked and pounded the hay bale she was lying on, and Applejack had to push her little sister down harder on her lap to pin her down and keep her bottom in place while the paddle did its work.
  73. “Owww, owwowww, Applejack! I’m sorry! OWW!” Apple Bloom wailed. The pain and heat was really building now as Applejack kept spanking. She tried to wiggle her tail end away from the merciless paddle, but the wooden tool never stopped tanning her yellow hide deep crimson red.
  75. Apple Bloom, in desperation, tried to crawl forward over Applejack’s lap with her front hooves, but Applejack was quick to react and forced her back into place. Apple Bloom, her escape thwarted, gave a pained sob and bucked her hips away from Applejack.
  77. The paddle stopped just in time. If it had spanked down, it would have hit Apple Bloom high up, on the dock of her tail. Applejack felt her heart stop beating.
  79. She breathed heavily through her mouth, gripping the paddle more tightly. In order to keep her spanks where they needed to be, she was going to need to do something that she herself had hated as a filly more than anything else.
  81. Applejack didn’t speak, she just moved. She adjusted her seat on the hay bale and slid her right back leg out from under Apple Bloom, and set it down over the little yellow filly’s back legs. She grasped Apple Bloom tightly with her other hoof next, and pulled her more forward over her lap until her bottom was bent over her other thigh, and once she did this, Applejack closed her legs firmly.
  83. Her right leg pinned Apple Bloom’s back hooves down completely, and also, acted like a clamp to keep her butt right where it needed to stay. Now that struggling would be totally useless, Applejack could focus completely on the spanking.
  85. The paddle went back to whacking her now red tush, and Apple Bloom, robbed of a chance at even a second long break, began to cry nonstop. Her bottom wiggled up, down, and side to side, but it gave Applejack no trouble. The sound of the spanking and her miserable wails filled the barn.
  87. “Naah! Noo, owww! OWW! AHHHH!”
  89. The middle of each bottom cheek was turning violet as the spanking went on. Applejack even noticed something else forming on the skin. A few little blisters came to the surface of Apple Bloom’s rump close to her tail, which meant that she needed to spank more on the lower half of her butt.
  91. Apple Bloom felt the change of target to the underside of her cheeks, and it made her rear end try desperately to get away, but the paddle continued to thwack her crimson. She gasped and cried her little heart out, while also covering her face with her hooves.
  93. Applejack watched both sides of Apple Bloom’s bottom closely. The paddle went from high to low, setting the red skin on fire right above the filly’s thighs. Applejack felt her trying to get away by trying and failing to kick her back hooves, but they could only flex and wiggle helplessly while the paddle spanked her rump.
  95. After the lantern light started to fade and dim, Applejack noticed the paddle had brought up a patch of blisters on each side of her butt. It was right where the last part of the spanking had been focused on the most, and it was a sign that the spanking had gone on for as long as it needed to.
  97. Two more whack ended the long punishment, and Applejack put the now hot paddle down. Apple Bloom weeped and rubbed her hooves over her face and hair, obviously in so much pain that she had to fidget just to get her mind off of the fire in her rear.
  99. “Owww, Applej-jack! Aaaowww…”
  101. Applejack heard the cries of the little pony on her lap, and she felt the pain in her heart. She knew Apple Bloom was going to be fine, but it didn’t make the spanking feel any easier for either of them.
  103. Heavily breathing, she spoke softly down to Apple Bloom. “Your spanking’s over now, hon. It’s ok.”
  105. She spoke like a mother to her little foal. Apple Bloom did not cry any less, her seat still on fire from the severe spanking she had gotten. Her bottom was dotted with lots of little blisters, which sat on top of scarlet skin that burned to the touch. Blue oval bruises stuck out in the center of her bottom cheeks.
  107. Applejack remembered how her rump had looked when her Pa was done with spanking her, when she looked in the mirror in her room and stared at her rear end. The picture in front of her was almost the same. Just like her Pa would’ve done.
  109. But one thing Applejack did was different. It was a thing that her Pa did not allow her to do when she was a filly, but she could never do to her sis. She unpinned the little pony’s legs and let her tail go, and with her strong hooves, she picked up Apple Bloom and put her down gently on her tummy on the hay bale.
  111. Apple Bloom reached back with her hooves and grabbed her bottom, rolling onto her side while she coughed and cried. Applejack put her hoof in a comforting way on Apple Bloom’s shoulders, rubbing her up and down her shoulder blades.
  113. “Owww, aaoow, ohh oww” Apple Bloom whimpered and whined. Applejack shushed her softly, trying to calm her down, but after the blistering she had given her Applejack didn’t blame Apple Bloom for not being calm. The spanking tonight had been more severe than ever before, but it wasn’t for no reason.
  115. Though she tried to keep her emotions buried while she did something like this, Applejack was not tough enough to avoid shedding a tear or two. The words of her Pa never left her mind, and she could hear them again, now.
  117. “There’s one thing you should never, ever do. And that’s lie.”

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