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Taste of the Farm by Zad

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 20:01:10
Updated: 2022-03-11 20:51:37
Expiry: Never

  1. Taste of the Farm by Zad
  2. (Applejack / Diamond Tiara)
  3. F/f, otk, paddle, semi-consensual
  5. (13/04/2016)
  8. ---
  10. Diamond Tiara walked down the path to the Apple Farm, dragging her hooves when she saw the gate to the farm in front of her.
  12. She reflected on the conversation she had with Apple Bloom yesterday during recess. Not very long ago, she would have resorted to teasing the other filly about the dark red marks everypony could see on her backside.
  14. “Spanked Flank!” It was her second favorite thing to call Apple Bloom whenever she would come to school with clear evidence of the spanking she had gotten the day before. Other fillies and colts would show up to school with red flanks every once in a while, too, but they weren’t even close to being as red as Apple Bloom’s whenever she got it. The Apples really took punishment seriously.
  16. But things were different, now. Yesterday, instead of teasing the farm filly about her red, cutie-marked rear, Diamond Tiara got the courage to ask her about it. Not to rub it in, but because deep down, when she saw just how red it looked, she got to wondering… what happened?
  18. She could remember it all clearly.
  20. (Yesterday, recess time)
  22. “Soo… are you doing ok?”
  24. Apple Bloom looked at her in surprise. “Huh? Wha… oh. You mean my flank.”
  26. Diamond Tiara smiled nervously, aware that the painful memories of how she would have harassed the other pony before were still there. She was happy when Apple Bloom didn’t bring that up. She winced when they walked side by side together.
  28. “It hurts a lot, still. Feels hot and it hurts when I sit down, but I’m fine.” She replied with a calm tone.
  30. That surprised Diamond Tiara, hearing her sound so at ease about it. She looked again at her rump and felt pain herself from sympathy.
  32. “I’m sorry, I know it might not be polite to ask but… what happened? Other fillies come to school with marks, but they never have flanks that look like… that.”
  34. Apple Bloom kicked a red ball, which was not even as red as her rump, over to a couple of other fillies playing. “Yeah, I know. Guess it’s just how we Apples do it down on the farm. And what I did… do you remember that history quiz we got yesterday? Miss Cheerilee caught me cheating on it. I tried to hide the note home from my big sister, but I was feeling so guilty about it all that I told her late last night. So, she got the paddle and took me to the barn, and…”
  36. Apple Bloom pointed at her rump. Diamond Tiara raised her eyebrows in shock, and gasped.
  38. “Wait, so you… told Applejack anyway? But why? If I knew I was going to have a flank that looked like that if I did, I don’t think I would have told anypony!”
  40. Apple Bloom smiled, and she shook her head. “I know, it sounds stupid and all. But I just felt so guilty, and I couldn’t sleep or think about anything else other than what she would do if she found out. So, I told her. And even though my flank’s on fire, I feel a lot better now that I paid the consequences. I know it sounds crazy and all, but…”
  42. She didn’t finish the sentence. Diamond Tiara, however, was listening closely.
  44. Apple Bloom felt... better? Even after being spanked beet red with a paddle? Diamond Tiara didn’t understand how that was possible.
  46. “What do you mean that you feel… better? Didn’t it hurt, though?”
  48. Apple Bloom nodded very enthusiastically. “Oh, yeah! It hurt like crazy. After all that guilt I felt, though, I don’t think anything else could hurt worse. I didn’t have to worry about that anymore once the spanking was over, you know?”
  50. Diamond Tiara smiled, but it was from how nervous she was. She shook her head, “No, I don’t know… I’ve never been spanked before, actually.”
  52. Apple Bloom seemed to have a lightbulb go off above her head once Diamond admitted her lack of experience. “Ohhh. Really? Well, that explains it. No wonder you’re so confused. I must sound super crazy, then!” She laughed.
  54. Diamond Tiara didn’t know how to respond at first. She walked beside Apple Bloom quietly, thinking of everything she was being told so casually by a former victim of her bullying.
  56. It was like in that second, all of the times she made fun of Apple Bloom for her red rear end were coming back to haunt her. Made fun of her pain, thought of it all as nothing more than some foalish misbehavior that led to her getting her rump tanned.
  58. But instead of that, she got a brave filly telling her why she would rather take a spanking, even an Apple Family spanking, over living with guilt.
  60. Diamond Tiara actually felt a tear coming on. She sniffed and wiped it away. Apple Bloom heard this and turned around.
  62. “Are you ok?”
  64. Diamond Tiara wiped her eyes and turned her face away, so that Apple Bloom wouldn’t see she was trying not to cry. “Yeah, I’m f-fine… I just feel so sorry that I always teased you and made fun of you for… I’m sorry. I didn’t understand. I didn’t understand anything.”
  66. Apple Bloom stopped in the middle of the play yard. Diamond Tiara almost didn’t see it, now that her eyes were blinded by tears, but she did notice it out of the corner of her field of vision. She turned around with her tail tucked in between her legs.
  68. Right then, Apple Bloom could have chosen to tear her heart out. Hurt Diamond just like she had been hurt.
  70. But then, Apple Bloom did something that she would never forget. She walked over, and tenderly, gave Diamond Tiara a big, “I forgive you” hug.
  72. The other colts and fillies looked her way with confusion. It wasn’t a common thing for her to cry.
  74. (The present)
  76. The hug didn’t make Diamond Tiara feel any better. Actually, it made her feel more guilty than before. She didn’t deserve that, now after how she had treated Apple Bloom for so long!
  78. That’s why she was here right now, with her saddlebag on her back. Diamond couldn’t even believe what she was doing. She couldn’t believe what she had planned to say when she got to Apple Bloom’s house, what she planned to ask. In some ways she thought it was one of the dumbest, even the craziest, ideas she had ever thought of.
  80. At the same time, though, she was also curious. To make it even worse, this time in her life was filled with more guilt than she had ever felt before. All of the ponies she had mistreated, hurt, and bullied, even her own best friend, all weighed heavy on her heart.
  82. Unlike most other fillies and colts in Ponyville, Diamond Tiara had never been spanked before. Her daddy, Filthy Rich, would never even have dreamed of it. Her mother would rather stick to yelling at her. She had never faced any kind of true discipline before, and she didn’t think she would ever want to.
  84. Yet that was what Diamond Tiara wanted, right now. Maybe there was a way to get rid of that guilt, after all. Maybe there was a way to face the consequences for how she had behaved, to feel pain for all of the pain she had caused.
  86. Diamond Tiara walked under the arch that said “Welcome to Sweet Apple Acres!” on it. It was way too cheerful. She looked around to see if anypony was outside, but nopony was.
  88. She walked to the door, and after she took a deep breath, she knocked.
  90. It took a while before she heard the door open. Feeling terrified, she looked to see who it was.
  92. She turned pale in the face when she saw Applejack, Apple Bloom’s big sister, standing in the doorway. Seeing Diamond Tiara of all ponies standing there, she looked very surprised.
  94. “Oh! I did not expect to see you there, honest. What brings you on by, Diamond Tiara?”
  96. Applejack was trying not to sound rude, but unlike Apple Bloom, she had not been able to spend as much time with her to know she had turned over a new leaf. In fact, she would not be surprised if all of the memories she still had of her were bad ones. There was just a tiny bit of displeasure in Applejack’s voice when she said her name, but Diamond noticed it.
  98. She whimpered quietly. “H-Hi, Applejack. I know I must be the last pony you would have ever expected to knock on your door, but… I need to talk with you. It’s something really, really important.”
  100. Diamond Tiara made sure that she was not sounding pushy at all. The last thing she wanted was to sound too insistent and have Applejack resent her more than she already probably did.
  102. Lucky for her, Applejack took her seriously. She opened up the door to let her inside. “Come on in.”
  104. Diamond Tiara gulped, walking into the room with hooves trembling. She waited for Applejack to close the door. The older farm mare looked at her intensely.
  106. Diamond felt like she was being put on the spot by Applejack. Already nervous, having the older sister of the pony she had wronged so many times looking down at her made it so much worse. She began to speak, softly.
  108. “I’m sorry I came kind of late, but… I have this note to give you, for you to read now. It’s signed by my dad, and it has his seal on it, too. It’s… about me.”
  110. Diamond pulled a letter, folded in half and sealed with her father’s symbol on the wax. Applejack seemed confused by this, but she went along with it, taking the letter and opening it in her hooves.
  112. The next minute was one of the longest minutes Diamond Tiara ever experienced. Applejack read the letter from beginning to end while sweat trickled down Diamond’s face. She watched Applejack’s eyebrows look like they were about to fly off of her head as she neared the end of the letter.
  114. Finally, the farm pony folded the letter back in half. She looked at Diamond with bewilderment, and said, “I… honestly can’t believe what I just read. You want me to…”
  116. Diamond Tiara nodded, feeling nauseous. Images of Apple Bloom’s crimson red flank had to be buried in her mind in order for her to control herself. “Yes, yes I do. I wrote it all myself, and I talked with my father about it. He said… it was up to you whether or not you wanted to. However you want to do it.”
  118. Diamond was selling her life over to Applejack’s hooves. That’s what it felt like.
  120. Applejack set the letter down on the table next to the couch, leaving it open. She shook her head, but slowly, not to say no, but as a precaution. “Diamond… spankings in the Apple family ain’t no picnic. You have got to be totally sure that this is what you want.”
  122. Diamond wanted to scream bloody murder and run out of the house as soon as the “spank” word was said. But, just like Apple Bloom had said, her fear of pain was less than the weight of guilt she felt on her heart.
  124. She nodded her head, and said, “I’m totally sure. I’ve been so horrible, to everypony, but… especially Apple Bloom.”
  126. Applejack looked into Diamond Tiara’s eyes. The filly stared back up at her, and she did not look away despite the fact that they were filling up with tears.
  128. When Applejack saw no going back in Diamond Tiara’s eyes, she sighed, and walked over to another small table on the other side of the sofa. She opened the drawer of the table, and the item that she pulled out of the drawer made Diamond Tiara’s blood chill to ice.
  130. It was an oval shaped wooden paddle, not too large but bigger than Applejack’s hoof. Diamond Tiara felt so much fear once she saw the implement that it felt like somepony had dumped a bucket of ice water over her head. Applejack closed the drawer, and looked at Diamond Tiara.
  132. “If I’m going to do this, then I need to be fair.... so I’m going to spank you just like I’d spank Apple Bloom.”
  134. There it was, at last. No going easy on her. Diamond Tiara was going to learn some real respect for what she had never had to experience before.
  136. “Yes, m-ma’am.” She said.
  138. Applejack walked to the door. Diamond Tiara looked frantically all around the room, upstairs, everywhere, not for an escape route but to see if anypony else was even around right now. Nopony seemed to be.
  140. She was surprised for a moment when Applejack opened the door, paddle in her hoof, but then she remembered another one of the details from Apple Bloom’s story…
  142. “Come with me, Diamond Tiara. We’re going to the barn.”
  144. Diamond Tiara fought panic while she followed behind Applejack, who held the paddle in her mouth. She could see it from behind, and she could already picture it smacking her rear…
  146. She hadn’t even been spanked yet, but she was already almost crying. The barn was right in front of her. The time was almost here.
  148. Applejack opened the big door and turned around. She pointed inside. “Come in, Diamond.”
  150. Diamond Tiara nodded her head, because she couldn’t talk without sobbing. She walked inside, out of the sun and into the dark barn.
  152. Applejack closed the door. Diamond Tiara faced Applejack with her tail tucked against her rump, not that it would help her. She did not know what to expect, but she braced herself for Applejack to grab her and put the paddle to work.
  154. It did not go like that, however. Diamond Tiara closed her eyes and cringed when Applejack stepped forward, but when she felt her walk on past she opened her eyes and looked where Applejack had gone.
  156. She saw that the farm pony was dragging over a hay bale to the middle of the barn, the paddle laying on top of the hay. When she got it to the middle, she spoke to Diamond Tiara.
  158. “Ok. I know you probably don’t know how things are done around here, so I’ll walk you through it.” Applejack said, calmly. Diamond Tiara had trouble listening through the amount of fear she was experiencing, but she forced herself to listen to the directions.
  160. “I’m going to put you over my knee. You’re allowed to cry, scream, or do whatever you want to do, just no cussing. No reaching back or trying to block your rump with your hoof, either. I’ll have to give you extra if you do any of these things. Do you understand, Diamond Tiara?”
  162. The directions Applejack was giving out were really driving the point home, a point which she knew already but just didn’t really grasp until now. This was a serious punishment, and once it started there was no getting away from it until Applejack said so.
  164. That didn’t matter, though. If Diamond Tiara left, she would never be able to live it down with Applejack again, surely. She had committed, and it was time to face her punishment.
  166. Diamond nodded, and stuttered. “Y---yees, I do…”
  168. Applejack sat down on the hay bale and picked up the paddle. She patted her lap. “Ok, then. I think we’ve talked long enough, now. Come on over here, Diamond.”
  170. Diamond Tiara could not take her eyes off the paddle she held in her hoof. It was time, but she couldn’t have felt more afraid.
  172. She dragged her hooves as she walked. Once she was in arm’s reach Applejack picked her up. Diamond Tiara let herself be placed over Applejack’s lap, with her head on the hay on one side and her back hooves on the other. Her tail was pinned to her back, leaving her bottom exposed.
  174. Now, Diamond Tiara was completely at Applejack’s mercy. If she had second thoughts, it was already too late. She sniffled and closed her eyes.
  176. Applejack looked down at the filly on her lap. Now that she was here, Applejack couldn’t fully believe what she was seeing.
  178. It was not a secret that Applejack never liked Diamond Tiara. In fact, there were times when Applejack had confided in Granny Smith that the Diamond could really use a dose of Apple discipline in her life. She never in her wildest dreams would have thought that she would have Diamond Tiara over her lap right this minute, waiting to be given a spanking for how badly she had treated her little sister Apple Bloom, and with Filthy Rich’s permission to do as she saw fit. It didn’t seem like it was real.
  180. But still, Applejack did not feel any sense of pleasure from what she was about to do. Instead, it just felt like justice, for her sister, for Granny Smith, for Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo and everypony else she had done wrong to.
  182. She picked up the paddle, and aimed it at the rump on her lap.
  184. Diamond Tiara felt like she was about to have a heart attack when she felt the cool wood on her bottom, and she clenched her rump cheeks to brace herself. This made Applejack tsk tsk down at her.
  186. “Honey, it will be better if you don’t clench your bottom. It’ll actually hurt more, not less.”
  188. Diamond Tiara sobbed, but she followed directions because she was afraid that she would be spanked even harder if she kept her cheeks tight. Applejack whispered, “Good girl, Diamond. I’m going to start now. It’s going to be long, and it’s going to hurt something terrible, but I promise you’ll get through it.”
  190. Diamond Tiara held her breath as the paddle came off of her butt. She waited for the pain to come, for the smack to come down…
  192. She did not wait for more than a second. Applejack swung the paddle down, and it smacked down hard across the very middle of her exposed rump with a loud, terrible thwack!
  194. Diamond Tiara’s eyes shot open, and she felt the intense, blazing pain ignite on her butt. Shock kept her from crying out right away, but once she could breathe again, she screamed.
  196. “Ah! AaaaAAAAH!”
  198. The pain, just from that one spank, burned like the dickens. Before she could even register that spank, though, Applejack thwacked the paddle down again, this time lower on her butt.
  200. Whack! “Ahh! Oh, ohgosh, AAA!”
  202. Diamond Tiara’s eyes flooded the hale bale with tears. A third spank, then fourth, and then number five followed, spanking both sides of her bottom mercilessly. She was already bawling.
  204. She couldn’t believe it. She couldn’t believe the pain she was experiencing. It was worse than any pain she had ever felt in her entire life. This was what she had signed up for.
  206. This was what Apple Bloom went through, and what she had made fun of the filly for. And now, she was getting what she deserved.
  208. Applejack spanked just as hard, and just as fast as she would normally do. Diamond Tiara bucked her hips over her knee, unaware she was even doing it, but Applejack held her down firmly and kept spanking. Diamond kicked her back hooves like a crazy pony, hoofy kicks breaking the hay off from the bale, but Applejack was careful to only spank her right on the curve of her butt.
  210. Whack! “AAAAAA noohohoo! Whack! Whack! Whack! “WAAAAHH!” Diamond Tiara was less than a minute into her spanking, but she was already desperate. She was struggling so much now that Applejack has to say something to her in between the cracks of the paddle.
  212. “You’re moving around too much, Diamond Tiara! Try to stay still!” She spanked the paddle low on the filly’s right cheek. Diamond Tiara wiggled her flank to the left, where Applejack spanked her on the same spot on the left cheek. She was focused and following the movements of Diamond’s bottom around, spanking her whenever she had the opening.
  214. Diamond bawled out, feeling like her rump was being set on fire. “Aaah! I, I CAAAN’T! AAAhahoww!”
  216. She continued to kick her back hooves and wiggle her hips, even though Applejack was doing her best to hold her down. She still got some spanks in, but it was becoming too much for her to handle. One mess up and she could spank the paddle somewhere it could injure Diamond.
  218. Applejack realized that she had to do it. She had to pin Diamond’s legs down.
  220. She stopped the spanking for a brief period. Diamond Tiara felt the pause in the spanking, and for a second she sobbed with relief. Applejack must have realized that she couldn’t take it, that she couldn’t…
  222. Then, she felt Applejack put her right leg on top of hers. In a second, Diamond realized that her back hoofsies were pinned down to the scratchy hay. She tried to kick, but she couldn’t.
  224. Then, the paddle swung back down, and smacked her on the butt yet again. Diamond’s relieved sobs turned into moans and wails of despair and agony.
  226. This spanking was not over.
  228. Diamond’s bottom was turning dark pink in color, and down by the bottom of her butt it was the darkest. The guilty filly tried to move her bottom, kick her little hooves or crawl away from Applejack’s lap, but she was helpless. There was nothing in between her burning rump and the wooden paddle, and it continued to thwack and crack and whack her to tears.
  230. “Owwowoowowoooo! I’m sorryyy! OWW!” Diamond cried miserably. She could feel the pain on the exact spot of her rear end where the paddle landed, and the oval would burn and blaze like an inferno on her skin.
  232. To Applejack, though, this meant that she was doing it right, not wrong. She kept on spanking as she replied to Diamond Tiara, with a controlled voice.
  234. “Apple Bloom would have a long time to go, yet. So I’m sorry Diamond, but you have a long time to go, too.”
  236. Applejack spanked the paddle down onto her butt over and over again, and Diamond continued to wail, weep, and cry her eyes and heart out.
  238. The spanking was still not even close to being over.
  240. The sun was going down in the sky, and Apple Bloom was doing her homework. She had a pillow under her red rump where she was sitting to make it more comfortable for her, which was a luxury she didn’t have when she was at school.
  242. She was feeling thirsty, so she carefully scooted her bottom off the chair and went downstairs. She was also feeling pretty hungry, which reminded her that dinner was coming soon. It was weird doing homework so early when she got back from school, but that was one of the things Applejack had told her she should do ever since the cheating incident.
  244. Speaking of Applejack, where was she? Nopony was in the house. Big McIntosh was probably still working, but Applejack was usually in first to make dinner. But she wasn’t here.
  246. Apple Bloom called her big sister’s name. “Hello? Applejack? Are you there?”
  248. She walked from the steps to the kitchen, but she didn’t see Applejack there. There was nothing on the stove or in the oven, either. Apple Bloom made a confused face as she looked around the room.
  250. Applejack must have been working later, tonight. It was getting close to the fall harvest, so that must be where she was…
  252. That was when Apple Bloom noticed the piece of paper, red wax on the top and bottom of it, laying open on the table by the sofa. That was definitely not there, before.
  254. Apple Bloom walked quickly over to it and picked it up. It was a letter, written in fancy looking cursive. Actually, she felt like she recognized the hoofwriting from somewhere. But where? Apple Bloom began to read the letter.
  256. Ten seconds ticked by before her eyes grew two sizes bigger. She kept reading.
  258. By the time she got to the end, her jaw had dropped and her face was frozen in shock. The letter fell out of her hoof to the floor.
  260. Apple Bloom went running, out of the house and to the barn where she knew her sister, and her former worst enemy, must be.
  262. In the big red barn, the sounds of the paddle whacking and Diamond’s wails still echoed off the walls.
  264. Diamond Tiara was reduced to weeping and wailing mess, forced to take the punishment she had volunteered for until the big sister of the pony she had wronged said it was over. Her entire butt burned like the inside of an oven, and the pain was simply the worst she had ever had to endure.
  266. The hay bale was damp under her head from all of her tears, and her throat ached from crying so hard. Her bottom wiggled and jerked a small amount in all directions, but Applejack always found her target, spanking from the lowest part of her bottom right above her thighs to the place right below the dock. Her whole rear end was a glowing shade of angry red, but that wasn’t enough yet.
  268. “Owwwoww! Huuuuhuuhoow, waaaahhhaaa!” Diamond’s cries of agony did not stop. Her tiara had fallen to the ground, and it was shiny from being covered in her tears, which kept coming and coming with each new crack of Applejack’s merciless paddle.
  270. In so much pain, Diamond Tiara thought about all of the times she ever made fun of Apple Bloom for having this very same thing happen to her. Making fun of her misfortune without any understanding of how much it truly hurt.
  272. Now, she knew. All of her guilt was bubbling up to her eyes and falling away in her tears. Diamond Tiara was breaking down.
  274. She was fighting less than before, now that she was so exhausted from the spanking, but she still cried just as loudly as before. She would have tried to block her bottom with her hoof, but she had already tried it two minutes ago. Applejack telling her that she had some extra coming to her for her disobedience was the worst news she could have imagined.
  276. But Diamond Tiara knew she deserved every whack. She treated other ponies so horribly, used them, bullied them, manipulated them, even blackmailed them. She would have given anything to escape the agony, but at the same time she also knew that this punishment was the price to pay for her sins.
  278. Diamond Tiara had not understood what Apple Bloom meant before, why she would confess and take such a horrible punishment just to get rid of her guilt. Crying her eyes out under a butt blistering paddling, it didn’t seem so silly, now. Diamond cried out her apologies in her mind.
  280. >I’m sorry, Apple Bloom!
  282. Whack!
  284. >I’m sorry, Silver Spoon!
  286. Whack!
  288. >I’m sorry, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo!
  290. Whack!
  292. >I’m sorry, Pip! I’m sorry, Miss Cheerilee! I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry!
  294. Whack! Whack! Whack!
  296. “WAAAAAHHH!!” Diamond Tiara snapped, breaking the dam and releasing the river of tears. Her entire world was the blistering agony in her rump, the paddle that flattened her bottom cheeks with each whack. She weeped her heart out as she released all of her guilt, blubbering and gasping for air.
  298. Only a few more seconds passed until Applejack was now on the last spot of Diamond Tiara’s rear that needed attention. The sit spots, red but not nearly punished enough. Applejack breathed deep in and out, tapped the tender spots on both bottom cheeks, and raised the paddle for the finale.
  300. (outside)
  302. Apple Bloom did not get to the barn in time. By the time she was almost there, she could hear the cries and howls of pain through the big barn door.
  304. She almost barged in, but before she could grab the door, she had second thoughts. She was afraid she would get into trouble if she did, even though she couldn’t think of anything specific why. Another part of her didn’t want to see Diamond Tiara, even though she had been so bad to her for so long, being punished. It made her sad when anypony else was in pain.
  306. Like all ponies, however, there is always that morbid curiosity that can get somepony to look at something they might not have wanted to see. That was why Apple Bloom was watching everything happening through a small hole in the barn wall.
  308. She didn’t believe what she was seeing. Was this a dream? It had to be, since Diamond Tiara was right now getting a spanking... from her sister Applejack... something she admitted had never happened to her before. With the paddle, too!
  310. But it wasn’t. This whole thing was real. The angle Apple Bloom watched at through the wall gave her a clear view of Diamond Tiara’s flanks and rump. She noticed with a pang of sympathy that Applejack had her back legs pinned and her bottom bent over one knee, meaning that there was no movement Diamond Tiara could do to delay the spanks from being delivered.
  312. Apple Bloom watched Applejack swing the paddle down with laser focused eyes on her target, which was Diamond Tiara’s now crimson red flank. The paddle spanked hard every time, hard enough to cause her bottom cheeks to ripple a tiny amount when it landed.
  314. Apple Bloom watched while the minutes ticked by. Eventually she had to look away. Watching it go on made her feel like her tummy was sinking. Her loud wailing and weeping with all of the whacks and cracks on her rump made Apple Bloom’s heart ache, even for her former worst enemy.
  316. Then all of a sudden, she stopped hearing the spanks coming down. The stopped for a few second completely, and Apple Bloom’s face cheered up for a second with her thinking that now the spanking was over. She looked through the hole again.
  318. Diamond Tiara’s poor, blistered flank was still bent in the same vulnerable position over Applejack’s knee. Applejack’s eyes were closed for a second, and Apple Bloom got a glimpse of the other side of what happened during her own spanking. How Applejack looked, she could tell that she was not taking pleasure in what she was doing.
  320. And she still wasn’t taking pleasure when she tapped the filly’s rump right on the sit spots with the paddle, aiming before she raised the paddle for the final, most horrible part of the whole spanking.
  322. The paddle whacked the right cheek right where the thighs ended and her bottom began, and the sobbing and exhausted Diamond Tiara began to cry loudly again. The paddle whacked the left cheek on the same place, which made Diamond weep in agony.
  324. Apple Bloom couldn’t take it anymore. She looked away, and now the only thing in her mind was on how much she would make sure to comfort Diamond Tiara at school tomorrow. It was the most she could do.
  326. She sat on the ground next to the barn for a long time, listening to Diamond Tiara’s crying continue while she let the magnitude of what she just witnessed sink into her brain. In her own way, and using Apple Bloom’s own advice, Diamond Tiara had paid the price of her guilt and wrongs in full.
  328. Now, things were going to be different between them.
  330. (inside the barn)
  332. Diamond Tiara’s only comfort was Applejack’s hoof gently petting the back of her head while she cried from the worst punishment she had ever suffered through.
  334. Her whole rump, top to bottom, was wine red. She could have cooked an egg on her butt it felt so hot, and the blisters on her cheeks stung like white hot needles being poked into the skin.
  336. But she was also crying for another reason. The pain in her rear was terrible, but now, the pain of her guilt had been washed away in a fountain of tears. She was free.
  338. Applejack finally unpinned her back legs, which Diamond Tiara weakly wiggled and kicked as if it would help her relieve the fire in her butt.
  340. “Ok, Diamond. I gave you exactly what you asked for, a spanking just as hard as my sister got last night. You took it like a trooper, young filly. I know you were feeling guilty about everything you’ve done, but after today, everypony will be able to see on your tush that you’ve paid your dues for the things you’ve done.”
  342. Diamond Tiara sniffled and sobbed while her rump wiggled. When she heard that Applejack said her bad deeds had been paid for, she began to weep all over again from relief. Applejack sadly smiled, and reached under Diamond Tiara’s tummy to pick her up.
  344. “After today, there isn’t gonna be anything more bad feelings from me to you, Diamond. Not from me, not from any of the Apples. You’ve earned our respect, Diamond Tiara, 100%.”
  346. She hugged little Diamond Tiara around her back, without touching her recent spankee’s flanks, of course. Diamond was too surprised by this to react right away, but when it finally hit her what Applejack said to her, she broke down into a river of tears.
  348. Applejack rocked her back and forth like a baby, comforting the little filly while she bawled on her shoulder.
  350. “From now on, Diamond Tiara, consider yourself a part of our family.”
  352. The End
  354. (Epilogue is coming later)

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