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The Worst Deal Ever by Zad

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 20:01:30
Updated: 2022-03-11 20:52:49
Expiry: Never

  1. The Worst Deal Ever by Zad
  2. (Dad / Big Mac)
  3. M/m, over haybale, belt, non-consensual, unfinished
  5. (24/06/2016)
  8. ---
  10. Big McIntosh looked down harshly at his little sister. Applejack stared at her hooves, sniffling.
  12. “Pa specifically said not to buck those apples yet, sis!”
  14. “I know! I’m sorry, I just thought that if, you know… I did more than he said, went above and beyond it all, he’d be happy…
  16. Big Mac slapped his forehead. He shook his head. “Not when they’re still crab apples, sis! Now they ain’t gonna ripen right, all… gosh, how many barrels full did you do?”
  18. Little Applejack wiped her eyes. “I don’t know. A lot…”
  20. Big McIntosh realized that it was more than two dozen buckets full. That was a sizable amount of crop that was now unusable, thanks to his little sister disobeying their father’s orders. He put his hoof on a nearby tree, and took a deep breath. Applejack stared up at him.
  22. “A-Are you gonna tell?”
  24. Big Mac looked down at her. Her eyes were big and filling up with tears, and the look made his heart ache. He still had the duty, as head sibling, to nod his head at her. “I am. I have to, sis. That’s a lot of bits we ain’t gonna get this season.”
  26. Applejack gasped, and began to sniffle and cry for real. “A lot of bits? I didn’t know… B-But… Pa’ll whoop me for sure! And I already got spanked two days ago... He’ll give me a hiding so bad I won’t be able to sit for a month!”
  28. The poor filly sounded desperate. She looked back at her bottom as she spoke, and reached back to rub it with her hoof. It was still very red from when their Pa had given her a spanking with the family’s paddle two days before, and it had been a pretty thorough rump warming. Big McIntosh felt a little pain of his own when he watched her start crying.
  30. Deliberate disobedience, even when well intentioned, was a punishable offense. This punishment, based on how many barrels Applejack had filled with unripe apples, was going to almost undoubtedly be a licking, and a hard one at that. An accidental few trees, their Pa would totally understand, but when several hundreds of bits were now down the drain due to somepony purposefully disobeying, their rump was going to pay the price.
  32. “Ohh, why didn’t I just do what Pa said?” She lamented loudly. “I’m gonna get a belt to my behind, and it’s all gonna be my fault!”
  34. Big McIntosh was trying to avoid feeling emotions too badly, trying to tell himself that Applejack was going to be alright and that she would get a punishment she had earned, but he couldn’t stop his heart from hurting when she sniffled and wiped her eyes. Her bottom was still sore from her last spanking, and the thought of getting another one on top of it all was something Big McIntosh was finding hard to bear thinking about.
  36. “I’m sure he’ll go easier on you, since you know, your rear end’s still sore and red…” He said with a point to her backside. He talked with less harshness than before at her as he was trying to calm her down. “Still, you did a pretty bad thing, little sis. But he won’t go as hard, I’m sure!”
  38. “I know, I know. I’m sorry, big brother.” Applejack said. “I didn’t mean to do something bad… can’t we just not tell him? I don’t wanna get another spanking...”
  40. “He’s gonna find out, Applejack. He does inventory of all our stock every Saturday, which is today. You bucked a lot of barrels full. He probably already knows!”
  42. “But I… but… my rump still hurts! Another spanking, I just can’t…” Applejack sniffled some more. The little filly’s tail was pressed tight on her behind like a shield.
  44. Big McIntosh’s heart was breaking. He knew he reality of the situation, and he knew their daddy was going to be very upset with her when he found out she deliberately disobeyed him. But if this situation had been two days ago, Big Mac would have ultimately had to let his little sister face the punishment for her actions.
  46. But her already red tush made things different. Applejack was obviously very scared of the idea of getting spanked twice in three days, but it was a virtual inevitability when their father found out. Big Mac kept telling himself the punishment wouldn’t be as severe, but he knew it would still be hard enough for her.
  48. Suddenly, his sister said something. Big McIntosh’s eyes popped open when he heard her ask the question.
  50. “C-Can’t you just… tell him you did it? He wouldn’t whoop you, would he? You’re too old!”
  52. Applejack’s voice was filled with hope all of a sudden, when the idea she had popped in her mind. Big McIntosh whirled his head around and looked at her with big, wide eyes filled with surprise.
  54. Right before he was about to speak, though, the idea started to sink in. The genius of it all… He was almost 16, and he hadn’t been spanked since he was a young colt. He had been well behaved since then, of course, but he had tripped up and made mistakes a few times, even one time where he made a pretty bad mistake only a year ago. His Pa hadn’t whooped him, but given him a lot of a extra chores to do, instead…
  56. The genius of the idea was that it was so simple. Big McIntosh sighed, still thinking about it.
  58. “Applejack… you did something real bad, today. I don’t want you to get a whooping any more than you do, but I feel guilty about doing something like that…”
  60. But Applejack was ready. She shook her head, and perked up brightly. “Oh, but I’’ll still be punished! I’ll just do all the chores or anything else Pa makes you do… and I’ll even give you all my allowance the next six months! I’ll do it, Big Mac! Pleeaase! I don’t want a spanking!”
  62. Applejack’s puppy eyes and her pleading tone of voice were getting to him. Big McIntosh heard the “spank” word get used again, and it made his stomach feel rumbly and irritated just thinking about his little sister getting it good from dad all over again this week. And he had to admit, her plan… made a lot of sense.
  64. If she was doing the chores, as well, then what did it matter, either? Everyone wins!
  66. Big Mac sighed. He nodded his head at her. “Ok. Ok, Applejack, I’ll do it. But if you go back on your word, I’m gonna tell Pa everything, you understand?” He said with a harsh voice.
  68. Applejack looked a little nervous, but she was still smiling when she nodded her head. “I understand, big bro! Thank you, thank you! I owe you my life!”
  70. She was exaggerating, but in her little filly brain, not by a lot. Big McIntosh felt his heart melt when she jumped up and gave him a hug, her back legs kicking in the air as she hung from his neck. He chuckled.
  72. “Yeah, yeah. But you’re doing all of the chores. I MEAN it.”
  74. “Sure thing, Big Mac!”
  76. The brother and sister went their separate ways, with Big Mac heading to the barn where his father likely was, taking inventory and recording all the apple types and barrel amounts they had on stock. He did that at the end of every week, and today was Saturday, which meant he was there.
  78. Big Mac was nervous. He knew his father was going to read him the riot act, give him all sorts of chores to make up for it all, but he was happy knowing his sister, as bad as all of that extra work would be for her, wasn’t going to be spanked again.
  80. He opened the barn door after he took a deep breath, and saw his father standing there.
  82. What he didn’t expect, however, was his father to be staring right at the door, clipboard in his hoof. And in his other hoof… a thick leather belt, folded up.
  84. Big McIntosh froze in the doorway. His father raised his eyebrows.
  86. “Hello, McIntosh.” He was the only member of the family who didn’t call him “Big” McIntosh, likely because he was the colt’s father. He pointed at the clipboard with his nose. “You come here to explain something to me?”
  88. Big McIntosh’s heart practically stopped. His eyes were glued to the belt in his father’s hoof.
  90. Just like that, the brilliant master plan was all in the toilet. Still, he was so frozen with shock that the only thing he could do was, stupidly, nod his head and say, “Ee… Eeyup. I did.”
  92. He was sweating. His father dropped the clipboard on the ground face up, and pointed at a big group of red X’s and lines on the paper. His other hoof, however, still grasped that belt.
  94. “That something wouldn’t have to do with the 45 buckets of Golden Delicious apples that were bucked as crab apples, would it? Mind explaining that to me, son?”
  96. He sounded very angry. His anger was always controlled, however, but when the belt was in his hand it was still scary. Big McIntosh almost cracked right then, told him all about how Applejack had done that and how it was all her fault.
  98. But with the way things looked now, he honestly didn’t think his father would even believe him. What if he just took it as trying to get out of responsibility, push a punishment onto his innocent little sister to take the fall? That would not go over well, at all.
  100. He had just walked himself into a corner, and now there was no way out that didn’t involve that belt across his rump.
  102. His short tail tucked in between his legs and a silent curse shouted in his mind, he said, “Y-yes, Pa. It would… it was my fault.”
  104. His father nodded his head, knowingly. As if he had expected it all along. That hurt.
  106. He sighed at his son. “Alright. Son… I specifically told the both of you NOT to buck the trees past the thirtieth line, right? I showed it to you, very, very clearly. I told you we didn’t need to do those today. And now, we have hundreds of bits worth of apples that we will never be able to sell in market… a big blow to the farm this season. Why on earth would you disobey me like that, Mac?”
  108. Every part inside of Big McIntosh was regretting going through with this idea. He wanted to shout back that he didn’t disobey, that it wasn’t his fault, but he kept his mouth shut. His eyes were stinging from the rebuke.
  110. “I don’t know, Pa. I wasn’t thinking. I’m sorry.”
  112. “I hope you are. One or two, heck, even a few, I’d understand. Everypony makes mistakes. But you went in their deliberately, carelessly. That’s absolutely unacceptable, son. And they weren’t even all in one row, but you went deep into the other end where those unripe apples were. I raised you better than to be that careless, disobedient. And now, the whole farm is gonna pay the price for it.”
  114. He gripped the belt more tight, and looked his son eye to eye. Big McIntosh felt horrible, so unjustly treated that he was already crying. Pa pointed at a bale of hay in the back of the barn.
  116. “Son, I ain’t done this to you in a very long time, but… I’m gonna need you to bend over that hay bale right there.”
  118. (meanwhile)
  120. Applejack was finished washing her hooves, and as the sun was going down in the sky, she knew dinner was going to be ready soon. She galloped downstairs and walked to the kitchen, where her mother was preparing dinner. The delicious smell of fried apples came from one of the pans, and it made Applejack’s mouth water.
  122. “Hi, mom!” Applejack said cheerily. Her mother and grandmother smiled at her.
  124. “Hello, my sweet. How was work?” Asked her mom. She moved the pan filled with hot apples around, mixing them with syrup. The batter for pancakes was in another bowl, and when Applejack saw that they were having breakfast for dinner, she smiled from ear to ear.
  126. “Oh, work? It was… fine.” Applejack tried to play it cool, doing her best not to remember anything that had happened only twenty minutes or so before. She quickly changed the subject. “Pancakes for dinner, my favorite!”
  128. Her mother chuckled, and sprinkled some cinnamon in with the pan of apple slices frying in some delicious sugary syrup. “Ohhh yes, I know! I’m making some of my famous fried apple topping for them, too! I thought you and your brother deserved a special treat for all of your hard work this weekend, the beginning of harvest.”
  130. Applejack felt a pang of guilt in her tummy, as well as a pinch in her still sore rear, at seeing the delicious meal cooking in front of her. Her mother did not notice anything odd, however.
  132. “So, where is your brother? Did he finish his duties yet, Applejack?” She asked, heating up another burner on the stove. A big cast iron skillet laid off to the side, ready to be used for pancakes.
  134. Applejack suddenly felt her stomach, formerly rumbling with appetite, shrivel up inside of her. Once her brother was mentioned, she realized quickly that he still wasn’t here.
  136. She stood there silently, looking all around, but he was nowhere. Her mouth opened and closed, but no sound came out. Her mother, this time, noticed her daughter’s reaction, and looked down at her worriedly.
  138. “Is something wrong, sweetheart?”
  140. Applejack couldn’t answer, and instead she shook her head silently. All she got out was a brief, “N-no…”
  142. Then, she walked out of the room, to the front door. Her mother looked away from what she was doing on the burners.
  144. She called out after her. “Wait, honey! What’s wrong, where are you going, dear?”
  146. Applejack seemed like she was in a daze, and on her reddened rear end, she felt a pinch of pain. She said back, rather unconvincingly “I’m just going back outside. I forgot to do something…”
  148. She closed the front door, leaving behind her very confused and worried mother.
  150. Big McIntosh bent over the bale just as he was told, and it felt like he was stretching out his neck for an executioner’s sword. His father’s big belt clinked behind him as he adjusted the leather strap through the buckle. Big McIntosh’s toned rump jutted out behind him, presented for its very undeserved punishment.
  152. He closed his eyes and took deep breaths while his father finished up the last bits of his lecture. “What you did has serious consequences, McIntosh, my son. Deliberately didn’t follow my instructions... and it’s gonna cost us all a good deal of money. I’m sorry, but I’m gonna have to give you a licking tonight, son.”
  154. Big McIntosh’s head was swimming. He couldn’t believe how unlucky he was, but at the same time, the very fact he had even tried to do this whole scheme had been rotten from the start. He should have known better than to give in, and now, he was going to pay for it.
  156. “Yes, Pa.” The strap rested across his twitching bottom. He closed his mouth and shut his eyes tight, waiting for the first stripe to his waiting rump to come. It came off his skin, and Big McIntosh shut his eyes tight…
  158. Swishhh, THWACK!
  160. “Uh! Ah, uh…” Big Mac grunted. The belt struck his rear right across the center of his cheeks, lashing the skin hard. A fiery stripe of blazing pain surfaced, but he held in his breath stoically, despite a pair of tears already coming up to his eyes.
  162. Swishh, THWACKK!
  164. “Ah!” Big Mac’s head reared up with the second lick. The third swish, and then the third of many, many more licks to come lashed his clenching bottom, drawing out another grunt of pain. His back hoof lifted up from the ground, and did a little wave in a circle before he switched sides and did the same thing to the other.
  166. Swishhh, THWACK! Swish, THWACK! Swish, THWACCKK!
  168. “Ah, uhhh… Ahh… AAah!” Big McIntosh was beginning to break his composure. The belting was only just beginning for him, but already his butt was lined with thick, crimson red stripes that stood out from his already red coat.
  170. The belt swiped across his rump every few seconds, bringing hot flames to the skin’s surface. Big Mac was trying so hard not to fall apart, but the spanking really, really hurt, and soon the tears were trickling out of his eyes and into his open mouth. He twitched his backside left to right, trying to fan cooler air onto his flaming hot skin, but the belt continued to flatten his cheeks as it swatted across his bottom.
  172. He grunted, cried out, and continued to sob softly while the belt tanned his rump to a furious, fiery red glow...
  174. And then, just as he was coming apart, there was a loud sound from behind them that caused his father’s hoof to stop before the belt could come down once again. It was the sound of the barn door opening up.
  176. End of Part 1
  177. ---
  178. The Worst Deal Ever Part 2
  180. A young, raised voice put a stop to the punishment.
  182. “No, Pa! Don’t, stop!”
  184. Applejack busted the door open and ran into the barn. Her Pa’s belting hoof froze above his head, and his head whirled around.
  186. Big Mac’s head turned, too. He widened his eyes when he saw his little sister, Applejack, standing there in the doorway. Tears were in her eyes, and she stared at him with a silent, guilty sorry.
  188. Pa’s hoof, which held the belt, lowered down. He looked at her with confusion and worry, and Applejack shivered as she looked up at him. Big McIntosh held position over the hay bale, with his bottom still in harm’s way, but he watched them both.
  190. “Applejack? What are you doing here, love? You should just leave, honey.” Pa said. He looked back and forth between his two children, wondering how and why Applejack was here. She sniffled, and with tears coming down her face, she shook her head.
  192. “Please, please don’t spank Big Mac anymore, daddy. He didn’t do anything wrong…” She said as she hung her head in shame. “It was me. I did it. All the buckets of apples, those were all my fault. I bucked them!”
  194. Applejack was in a great deal of distress from the admission of her guilt. But nothing was worse than seeing her big brother, an innocent pony, taking the belting that was meant for her bottom. And it was all her fault!
  196. Pa’s face went from confused and worried, to shocked. His hoof dropped the belt, and he turned to look at Big McIntosh.
  198. “Son… is this true?”
  200. He asked like he already knew what the answer was going to be. And besides, Big McIntosh had already told one lie today. He wasn’t going to tell another one. He nodded his head, twice, tears trickling out of his eyes from the pain in his rear end.
  202. “Yes, Pa."
  204. His father placed a hoof over his mouth with shock. He looked back over to Applejack, who was cringing and waiting for him to start laying into her, both verbally and with the belt. There was no doubt he was going to be furious with her.
  206. But Applejack’s Pa wasn’t quite like that. He may get angry, but he almost never flew off the handle. And whenever he punished them, he made sure he was calm, first. However, right now, he was still pretty pissed off.
  208. Pa looked at both of them, his eyes narrowed. “McIntosh? Why on earth did you… not say anything? Why did you… son, explain yourself.”
  210. Big McIntosh wasn’t sure if he should still remain bent over, but he decided to slowly get up and turn around to face his father. He winced with the stinging belt marks stretching across his butt as he moved.
  212. He made eye contact with Applejack. She looked back at him with the most forlorn, fearful expression he’d ever seen. But he had to tell the truth. Applejack had already told part of it, but now, it was his job to tell the rest. There wasn’t any going back.
  214. He sighed, wiped his eyes, and started talking. “W-When Applejack bucked all those apples… she got scared of getting a spanking, so she asked me. To, you know, tell you it was me, because… she thought you would give me extra chores as punishment instead of s-spanking me, and then she was going to do them instead of me as punishment, but… you spanked me instead.”
  216. As the explanation dragged on, Mac’s father’s face changed to an expression of disappointment. He shook his head, and turned to his daughter. Applejack hugged her tail, while her other hoof rubbed her sore rear. He spoke clearly and sadly.
  218. “So, this was your idea, Applejack? To lie about this?”
  220. The poor filly heard the word “lie” and instantly teared up. She knew what that word meant for her bottom. But she knew better than to lie again, so she nodded her head sadly.
  222. “Yes, daddy. It was my idea. I’m so sorry for lying…” She said. Her eyes were focused on the belt, and her hoof rubbed her rump with a small effort to try and soothe the pain before it was surely going to flare back up soon. Pa smiled sadly, and looked away from her, back at his son.
  224. Big McIntosh felt a pain in his heart when he heard what his dad said next. “I know you are, Applejack. I’m sorry, too.” He said, shaking his head. “I’m very, very disappointed in you. Only two days ago, I spanked you for cheating on your school quiz, and now, you try to get your brother to weasel you out of a deserved punishment?”
  226. Applejack sobbed, and nodded her head silently. She accepted her father’s scolding with quietness, knowing she was doomed. Her father looked very upset with her.
  228. “And now, he gets a belting from me, even though he didn’t do anything wrong? Well, actually, he did do something wrong. He went along with your plan.” He said with a frown at Big McIntosh. “But he has already suffered a punishment for that. But you haven’t been punished yet. And what you did, love… it’s much worse.”
  230. Applejack whimpered. She knew she was in for a hell of a spanking, and all of the cues were pointing to the fact that it was going to be any second now.
  232. Pa picked up the belt, and Applejack winced, preparing herself for when he would tell her to bend over the bale of hay just like her brother had. But instead, he hung up the belt on the wall. Then, he said something that made her heart stop.
  234. “Applejack… cut me a switch and bring it upstairs to my room.”
  236. Over an hour later, the sun was starting to go down, and Applejack was sitting next to the switch she had gotten from the orchard.
  238. The switch was a just a bit longer than her leg, and thin and whippy, but it was sturdy enough to withstand a whip to the treetrunk she had gotten it from. She was already crying, knowing full well that she wasn’t going to sit down for a long, long time after this.
  240. But that was all that she deserved after what happened to her big brother. Big McIntosh had taken a belting, all because of her, and she felt horrible about it. Even in her young filly brain, she knew she deserved everything that her poor bottom was going to suffer.
  242. She would have thought even more, about how her poor spanked cheeks were going to handle more spanks only two days later, or how long she was going to have to stay bent over her daddy’s lap while he laced her bottom, but the sound of hoofsteps broke her concentration.
  244. She whimpered when the bedroom door opened, and her father stood there. His expression was saddened when he saw her sitting there, curled up with her tail held in front of her like a protecting shield.
  246. He shook his head, and said, “Ok, Applejack. Before we begin, we need to talk, sweetheart.”
  248. Pa walked over to the switch that was laying on the bed. He picked it up and put it aside before sitting down next to Applejack, who was crying already.
  250. Her father spoke solemnly down to her, hugging her to his chest. She snuggled up next to him, cherishing the moments prior to her awful spanking and trying to hold onto them. “Applejack… you know why this has to happen, honey?”
  252. She nodded her head, cuddling in deeper to him for safety. “Uh huh… b-because I bucked all the apples into the buckets even when you said not to, a-and I tried to lie about it, and Big Mac got s-s-spanked because of me…”
  254. Her father nodded his head at her. “Yes, sweetheart. You knew what you were going to do was wrong, but you did it anyway. And yet you still lied about it. I’m sorry, but tonight’s punishment is going to have to be severe. You were already punished two days ago for dishonesty when you tried to cheat on your test at school, and now, you try to lie your way out of consequences? Consequences you deserved?”
  256. Applejack had words on the tip of her tongue. However, she was hesitant to say them, afraid of getting in even worse trouble.
  258. But for some reason, she didn’t stop herself. Not in time, anyway. “But Pa… I was gonna take BIg Mac’s chores as punishment. I-I just was afraid of getting s-spanked on my rump again, since it’s still sore… s-so I, I came up with the plan, a-and I… I’m sorry, daddy!”
  260. Applejack began to sob and cry for real, and the switch hadn’t even been applied to her rear yet. Her Pa squeezed her around her shoulders, and nuzzled her on the top of her head.
  262. “I know you are, Applejack. But lately, it just seems that your dishonesty is getting worse and worse. I may have spanked you two nights ago, but I didn’t do it as hard as I should have. Your bottom may be still sore, but what I said… it obviously didn’t get through to you. So tonight, it will. I’m going to make sure of it.”
  264. He let go of Applejack and slid his body down the edge of the bed, over to the place where he put the switch. He picked up the whippy little stick, while Applejack played with her tail in her hooves, sniffling and wiping her eyes with it. Her father picked up the pillow on her bed, and put it down on his lap. Then, he put the switch down and patted the pillow on his lap.
  266. “Come here, Applejack.”
  268. The little orange filly felt scared out of her wits, but she knew better than to disobey her daddy. She shivered in fear, and crawled over to him.
  270. He did the rest, picking her up. He put her down over his knees, and scooched her hips and bottom over the fluffy pillow. It pushed Applejack’s reddened butt up into the air. Finally, and causing her to whimper, he slipped her back legs in between his, pinning them down so that she couldn’t kick her hooves or move her bottom more than an inch or two any direction.
  272. He normally would have waited to do that final step in positioning, but he knew that the switch was the ultimate punishment for a disobedient, dishonest filly, and he knew that she was going to struggle.
  274. He picked up the switch, and laid it down over her rump. Applejack felt the cold wood on her sore butt, and closed her eyes, causing tears to fall down.
  276. The switch tapped her rear twice, and then, he raised it up above his head, and swung it down with a hard, whippy THWICK across her bottom.
  278. The deep, searing sting that the switch left behind made Applejack’s whole bottom jerk to the side, as much as her dad’s restraining leg would allow it to, and a pitiful cry of agony left Applejack’s mouth. “OWW! OW, ohh, oww!”
  280. The second lick came down just as hard, lashing all the way across her already red cheeks, right beneath the first swat. Applejack’s front hooves grabbed onto her Pa’s leg hard, and she let out another sad, pained cry.
  282. The next ten swats were delivered only a few seconds apart from each other, leaving Applejack with no breaks in between the searing heat of each new spank on her poor rear. She sobbed, choked, and wailed, but her father was dead set on seeing this punishment all the way through. Pa could feel her back hooves trying to kick out, and her hips wiggling back and forth desperately on his left leg as her butt tried to get away from the switch.
  284. But it stayed right in place anyway, jutting out and a perfect target, forced to accept each new swat of the switch he gave her. He moved his punishing strokes from up to down, placing each burning violet red stripe across her sore cheeks right below the previous one, until he got all the way down to her thighs. Then, he retraced his spanks back up her rump, whipping across spots that had already been spanked by the switch.
  286. Applejack clenched and unclenched her bottom, but it did no good against the thin and whippy switch. She also tried to moved her hips, but her thighs were too firmly trapped to move her rump away from the spanks, which never stopped coming down once every couple of seconds, lacing her tender cheeks all the way across and never giving either side of her butt a break. Her head shook wildly, making her ponytail swat her Pa’s hoof which pressed her body down on his lap.
  288. “AAAoow! Owww! AAAAHHH!” Applejack howled. Her red rear was beginning to slowly turn crimson violet, but the apple wood switch never stopped thwacking her poor tush to an even darker color up and down the curves of her backside.
  290. She knew she earned every lick, but that didn’t stop her from begging. “AAHH! DADDYYYY!”
  292. Daddy could feel her back hooves sliding up and down the bottom of his leg, trying to kick from where they were trapped. He thwacked the switch down across her thighs three times, and Applejack let out a painful wail of agony. He knew just how hard to hit so that the switch would not break the skin of his daughter’s bottom, but also hard enough to leave individual stripes behind. He concentrated on the place where her bottom jutted up and out the most, the place that would make it hard for her to sit down after this spanking was finally over.
  294. After another minute of this, little blisters were beginning to form on her rump. In other families, a spanking would never get to this point, but in the Apple Family, it simply meant that the spanking had been hard enough.
  296. And sometimes, it didn’t mean a stop to the punishment, either. In Applejack’s case tonight, she had lied and disobeyed severely, and her brother had paid an unfair price for it.
  298. There was still some time to go for her, yet. But not with the switch. And not today.
  300. One more spank, right on top of her blisters, and finally, Pa stopped.
  302. Applejack’s face was covered by tears, and puddles had formed below both of her eyes on the bed. She still squirmed as much as her dad’s firm grasp on her would let her since her bottom still felt like it was being held to a fire, but he didn’t let go of her tail, or let her reach back and rub. She could only whimper and cry while he kept her rump up in its vulnerable position.
  304. Dad dropped the switch onto the bed, and let his daughter cry. Her tail tried to move, her dock twitching, but he didn’t let it escape. He waited quite a few minutes until Applejack’s loud crying became sniffles and choked cries. Then, he started to talk.
  306. “Applejack. Honey, we already have gone over everything, why you got this punishment tonight, and why what you did was wrong. But sweetie, we’ve done this before...twice.”
  308. Applejack nodded her head. Her teary, bloodshot eyes blinked out more tears. Her bottom was stinging like crazy, and that was on top of the soreness from her spanking two days ago! It was agony, but at the same time, she knew she deserved it. And when she heard her Pa talking, it was making the guilt bubble up in her tummy.
  310. “I knowww… I’m so-sorry, Pa. I know I was, I mean… I’ve been really, really bad…”
  312. He paused, like he was bracing himself. And sure enough, he was. He had been mulling over this option for a long time, but he had previously decided that it wasn’t necessary. Until today, that is, when Applejack had not only disobeyed, but lied. And his poor son had paid a price for it…
  314. Now, despite the fact that he didn’t want to do it, he thought it was the best remaining option. He sighed, and finally let go of Applejack’s tail and hoof.
  316. The sorry filly immediately went back to rub her stinging, marked up butt. He still kept her legs pinned, but finally being allowed to rub the sting out of her blistered cheeks felt like heaven. He smiled, sadly.
  318. “Applejack, sweetheart, I’ve been thinking for a while now… and I know you’re not going to like it. But after today, after what happened to McIntosh, I know that it will be good for you. Honey…”
  320. He picked her up, and turned her around so that she was sitting, painfully, on his lap and facing him. Applejack’s eyes were big with worry at the words he was saying, but she was quiet.
  322. He looked her eye to eye with a sad expression on his face. “Starting this Sunday, until the end of harvest… every Sunday, you’re going to get a spanking.”
  324. End of Part 2
  325. ---
  326. Part 3
  328. Harvest season was a long one for apples. Which meant, unfortunately, there were a lot of Sundays. It made it even worse that there were so many different types of apples, all ripening at different times of the season.
  330. Maybe the only upside to Applejack’s unfortunate arrangement with her father was that now that it was fall season and getting colder, her bottom kept her pretty warm for a couple of days after.
  332. Applejack sighed, and blinked her eyes to stop from crying as she walked downstairs to the living room sofa. The sun was going down outside, and the time had come.
  334. A spanking before bedtime, every Sunday for the rest of harvest. That was the consequence she had to face. This being the sixth Sunday since then, Applejack though she would have gotten used to it, maybe, but she had not. Her tender rump was still a faded red from last week’s, along with all of the weeks before that adding up.
  336. Other fillies at school had shown up with red rumps before, it was true, but she held the undisputed title as “most spanked filly” out of all of them. Nopony teased her about it anymore, as they knew she was a farm girl and spankings were a pretty big part of farm life. Still, sitting down at her desk hurt those Monday mornings… and all those other mornings, too.
  338. Applejack felt her tummy ache when she walk downstairs and saw her father and mother there, like they always were. Her daddy held the belt in his hooves, while her mother smiled one of her sad smiles at her.
  340. She walked down the last step, and stood at the bottom, looking down at the floor. Her tail pressed tight against her rump. Her Pa got up from the sofa while her Ma still sat there.
  342. When he patted the arm of the sofa, Applejack felt her stomach drop. It was the same thing as usual, but it still filled her with dread knowing what was coming. She walked over to him silently, dragging her hooves. She had begged before, but her daddy was a pony of his word, and he’d given his word to give her a spanking every Sunday. That wasn’t going to change.
  344. Her daddy spoke softly. “Good girl, sugarcube. Come on, let’s get this done.”
  346. Applejack sniffled. She nodded and stepped to the side of the sofa. Then, with her father’s hoof giving her a little help beneath her rump, she hopped up and over the arm of the sofa.
  348. Her mother was waiting for her there. She reached over and held onto Applejack’s front hooves. Her grip was tight on them, making sure that they wouldn’t be going anywhere. She pulled Applejack forward just a bit, until her bottom was bent all the way over the arm of the sofa, jutting up and in the position it needed to be.
  350. Now that Applejack was in place, the poor filly whimpered. Her mother gently shhed her, and gave her a little kiss on the head. She still held onto her daughter tight. “It’ll be just like all the other ones, sweetie. I know it hurts a lot, and that your bottom is going to be very red when it’s all over, but you’ll get through it just like all the other times.”
  352. Applejack nodded her head, breathing heavily while her daddy folded the belt in half behind her. Obediently, she raised her tail and moved it away, leaving her rump exposed. Once he finished, he laid the thick belt across his daughter’s round bottom cheeks, which were quivering.
  354. Her mother held on hard to her little girl’s hooves. Applejack stuck her nose in the sofa and closed her eyes, waiting for her bottom to be set on fire by her daddy’s belt. He raised it up.
  355. The air made a loud swish when it flew down, swatting down right across the filly’s rump hard enough to make her skin ripple. THHHWACK!
  357. “OOOOWW!” Applejack cried out. Tears leaked down onto the sofa, and she gave a little kick with her back hoof in the air. Her Pa was standing off to the side, so he did not have to worry about her hitting him by accident. The whip of the belt left behind an angry red stripe across her cheeks, which stung like no tomorrow.
  359. He raised it again, and delivered the second whip just as hard. THWACKK!
  361. “Aaaahh! Ahow!” Applejack clenched her bottom and lifted up her body, bucking her hips. But her mother was there to hold onto her, and she gently tugged her back down, keeping her bent over the sofa arm. Applejack sobbed.
  363. The next line of lashes on her butt tanned her hide bright pink in no time. Applejack yelped and squealed with each one, already breaking down even though her punishment was just starting. When he gave her a licking with his belt, he never just slapped it down onto her rump flatly, but followed through with the lick, lashing it all the way across her bottom. It absolutely set her butt on fire.
  365. Applejack cried and crossed and uncrossed her hooves, kicking them up and down constantly while the steady snapping and thwacking sounds went on. Her bottom wriggled around, but it did nothing to throw off her Pa’s aim. It stayed bent over at a sharp angle, a safely presented target.
  367. The leather thwacked her right on top of her thighs, two times back to back, which made Applejack cry out even more loudly than usual. “Ah! AHH! NOO, DADDY!” THWACK! “WAAH!”
  369. That’s when she did something that she would quickly regret. Her dock twitched, and desperately, she swished her tail back over her bottom for protection.
  371. Her Pa’s arm froze, belt held tightly. He saw the tail obstructing his access to her rear, and he spoke down at her with a stern voice. “Applejack! You move your tail right now, y’hear?”
  373. Applejack whimpered pitifully. Her mother, speaking softer than her husband, also echoed his command. She squeezed her hooves. “Applejack! You do what your father says, young lady. Come on, hun!”
  375. But shockingly, even though she heard her father AND her mother loud and clear… she hesitated. Quite a bit. And when she went to move it, it was only partway, with a small part of it curled up over her right buttock.
  377. Big mistake.
  379. Applejack had shown herself capable of taking a spanking like this without this sort of disobedience many times before, already. To do it now, meant that her father was going to have to do something that he didn’t want to do.
  381. He sighed, and stepped over to his daughter’s curved rump. “Young lady, you know better. I’m very disappointed in you.”
  383. He grabbed her tail, close to her dock, and Applejack’s eyes widened in a panic. She shook her head, and began to struggle. “No, no daddy, wait! Please, I’m sorry, I won’t block! I’ll move my tail, all the way! Please!”
  385. But her father was hearing none of it. He gave her tail a sharp tug, and with a little yelp from his daughter, he lifted her already reddened rump into the air, bending her butt at an even sharper angle. The spanked red skin stretched painfully, but that was the least of Applejack’s new problems.
  387. “Ouch! Dad, no! I’ll be good, I’ll be good!”
  389. He raised the belt, forcing himself not to listen to her begging. She had earned this. Nothing blocking him now, he brought Applejack’s spanking into full swing.
  393. “AAAHH! NOO, OWWOWW!”
  395. Applejack’s hoofy kicks thumped the sofa arm like a drum, her wiggling bottom jerking helplessly, hopelessly back and forth and around and around in circles. But her daddy held on tight, speeding up his spanks to a truly blistering pace, never missing her butt now that he had full control over where it went. When she bucked her hips away, he only had to tug on her tail and moved her bottom back to position. When she tried to use her mother’s hold on her hooves to escape forward, he pulled her right back, not letting her rump go anywhere to escape the punishment.
  397. For at least two minutes, this went on. Applejack’s mother could feel her little filly’s tears soaking the pillows, and it made her feel tears coming up herself. She didn’t like seeing her daughter suffer, but she knew it was a punishment she had earned. So, she would keep Applejack still, held in place.
  399. By now, Applejack’s butt was past beet red, crimson all up and down her cheeks. The belt had set every square inch of her rump ablaze. Applejack’s legs kicked and crisscrossed, and her Ma could feel her trying to pull her hooves away to cover her bottom. She held onto those hooves tight. The loud, crisp thwacks of leather on skin kept on.
  401. “Aaaahaaa! Daad, ooowww! OWW!” Applejack felt the painful tug on her tail pulling her butt back into place after it tried to get away. It dangled in the air, held up by her father’s strong hoof. The belt slashed viciously across the middle of her cheeks, once, twice, then three times, then four…
  403. The cries and wails of terrible pain echoed around the house, accompanied every few second by the whacks of the belt. Even though it did her no good, Applejack always squirmed, bawling. Normally, her maintenance spankings would have ended by now, but thanks to her stunt tonight, her already full punishment had gotten a good bit longer. Pa was very serious about not reaching back or blocking with the hoof or tail. She knew better, much better.
  405. Her Pa breathed hard, still gripping his little filly’s tail and pulling up on it. Her butt was fire engine red, and thanks to the added length on top of her usual spanking, the skin right on the base of her poor rump was beginning to turn white with blisters.
  407. He looked with a wince at the marks on his little girl’s rear end. Now, it was time for the finale. He let Applejack’s tail go, and her bottom thumped onto the sofa arm.
  409. “Ok, Applejack. Can you hear me?” He asked her. Applejack sobbed, but she nodded her head.
  411. “Aaaahh, oww, y-yes, Daaaad!” She said with a lot of sobs. Pa readjusted the belt in his hoof.
  413. “Ok, Applejack. We’re almost done, but you have two choices how this is gonna go, ya hear?” He said.
  415. Applejack’s cries didn’t stop, especially when she heard that she wasn’t done. Her bottom was on fire, and it took everything she had to not try to rub her poor burning butt with her tail. But she stayed strong and was listening to him. He continued.
  417. “Either you are gonna take ten licks, without anypony holding onto you or keeping you from blocking your butt, or… you’re gonna take twenty licks, just like all the ones I just gave you.”
  419. To be continued later...

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