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Wrong Recipient by Zad

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 20:01:54
Updated: 2022-03-11 21:15:43
Expiry: Never

  1. Wrong Recipient by Zad
  2. (Magnum / Rarity)
  3. unf
  5. (15/01/2017 - 28/01/2017)
  8. ---
  10. Rarity stared down at her phone screen, eyes bugging out. In front of her was a message sitting on the left side of the conversation box. She was blushing hard enough to feel the warmth on her face, radiating off. She looked back and forth between her phone, and her clothes. Phone, clothes, phone clothes.
  12. “If u send me one, I’ll send you one!” The message read.
  14. Rarity set the glowing phone down on her bed. She sat cross-legged on top of her blanket, the winter light from the outside dimming and her laptop sitting on the other side of the bed. She felt a tingly sensation washing through her as she contemplated the text.
  16. She looked back down at her clothes, her blue skirt and white camisole, clothes she wore for comfort at home. Her heart beat so hard she felt it in her chest. She felt a cold sweat on her palms as she thought about what she just read.
  18. Derrick was maybe the hottest boy in school, at least top ten that she could think of. She had gotten used to watching him from afar, especially on the football field. She’d gone to every game, even once all by herself. It had drawn suspicion from her friends, of course, especially since they knew she wasn’t the kind of girl to really be interested in sports. Rainbow Dash thought maybe Rarity was just making a turnaround, being less prissy, but Applejack could tell something was off.
  20. Luckily, Rarity was able to deflect all of the questions Applejack had thrown her way, and still none of them knew exactly why she insisted on going to every football game. And she would still insist on seeing Derrick in every football game next semester, too, now that it was winter break for the next two weeks.
  22. She loved watching him. Derrick was so fast and strong, one of the lead receivers in the whole state. Sometimes, she wished that all of those bulky, unseemly pads weren’t there… or the jersey. Or the pants…
  24. She’d planned her interactions with him carefully. This one text was the result of almost two weeks of work, subtle flirting and flattery. But now, she didn’t know if the message she was reading right now was a sign of success, or another sign entirely.
  26. He was charming, strong, confident, and popular, and her crush of almost a whole year, and right now, she had a chance to actually see him without those pads... It was too good to be true...
  28. And all it took was her to send him her picture first. That’s it, right? Just slip off that little camisole, and slide the skirt off…
  30. But she wasn’t that kind of girl, was she? Did a lady really act like this, send nude pictures to a boy over the phone? And never mind what her dad would do to her if HE found out. She wouldn’t be able to sit down for a month.
  32. But he wouldn’t find out. He couldn’t find out, right? She just had to send it to him. It wasn’t like her dad would see it. She knew how to keep a secret. He would never find out…
  34. Her phone dinged. It startled her out of her thoughts, and when she picked it up to see who it was, her throat went dry. It was her dad, Magnum Belle. She opened his text message, and read it silently to herself, feeling sweat on her face and head.
  36. “Hey, sweetheart! Stopping at the gym. After, I’m going to get some Chinese takeout since your mother is not home to cook this evening. What do you want?”
  38. Ooh, Chinese! That sounded great, Rarity had to say. She smiled, and momentarily pushing the thought of Derrick out of her mind, she replied to his text.
  40. “Hi dad! Sounds great. Is Kung Pao Chicken ok? Love you!”
  42. She hit send and waited. She didn’t have to wait long. Her father was a quick texter.
  44. “You betcha! Love you, see you soon!”
  46. After she read the message, Rarity closed the box, and took a deep breath.
  48. It seemed wrong, talking so casually with her father right now. He had no idea… and if he did…
  50. But he was going to be gone for another whole hour. Sure, the gym was less than five minutes away, but he worked out a long time, almost an hour. The tingling, tantalizing thought of what she was already considering doing just got that much better now that she knew her father wasn’t going to be home for a while…
  52. Her finger slipped into the waistband of her skirt. She still moved slowly, her conscience still making her hesitate. Fear of the consequences, combined with a lingering shyness about her body fought against what she was about to do.
  54. But she pushed those objections aside. She took a deep breath, and with a blushing face, she pulled her skirt down to her ankles, and then all the way off, leaving it on the floor.
  56. Next, she grabbed the strap of her camisole, and pulled it off her shoulders. Then the other side. And finally, with a shiver, she pulled it off her body, peeling the fabric back and putting the crumpled up camisole on the bed behind her.
  58. Now, she was sitting there in only her bra and panties. The air made her shiver as it touched her bare skin on her legs and belly. Rarity took another breath, fighting away the barrage of her conscience.
  60. “Come on, Rarity. It’s no big deal, teens do this all the time, right? Daddy’s not going to find out. Do it, and then Derrick will show you himself, too! It’s so easy, simple… oh goodness, this is really happening...”
  62. Rarity shivered as she took off her bra, letting it fall to the floor. Her small breasts hung freely, exposed to the cool air. But her panties, that made her hesitate for a moment.
  64. >This is wrong, so very very wrong…
  66. But she didn’t listen to the little voice in her head. Heart pumping, Rarity straightened out her legs, and then, she peeled her slightly moist panties down to her ankles, pulling them off her feet and dropping them on the floor. The air fell onto her privates, and it made her shiver.
  68. She was totally naked. Rarity felt a shiver up her spine, but her stomach flipped with anxious excitement. Just one camera button, pasting into a message, and one send button was all that stood between her, and the sight she had fantasized about for so long. Shaking, she held out her arm, phone in hand. Turning on the camera app, she saw her naked body pop up on the screen.
  70. Sometimes she liked to look at herself in the mirror without clothes on, noting her curves and keeping a close eye on her appearance. But doing it on her phone felt so much more… naughty, even without actually taking the photo. She did look good, she had to say. But one thing she wished she had more of, though, was a bigger chest, like Pinkie Pie’s. Now, thoughts began drifting through her mind. What if her boobs were too small? What if he didn’t like what he saw?
  72. No, no. He would like what he saw. She knew she was pretty, and she had used her beauty more than once to get what she wanted. Goodness, she was doing it right now!
  74. Rarity took one last deep breath, thumb hovering over the white button on the bottom center of the screen. Sitting with her legs crossed and opened, her whole body was in focus, including her face, which she noticed wasn’t smiling. Rarity fixed that, but only with a saucy kind of smile, eyes closed part way. It was a flirty look, and seeing it in the camera lens, she liked it. He would, too.
  76. She pressed the button, and the screen-shutter effect blinked. The photo showed up in the bottom left corner, and just like that, her first nude pic ever was taken. The thrill washed over her like a cold Icelandic ocean wave.
  78. Now, all she had to do was send it to Derrick. She uncrossed her legs, and scooted her bare butt to the edge of her bed with her phone in both of her hands. Breathing hot air through her mouth, eyes big and wide, she opened the photo and took a look at it. She blushed.
  80. She didn’t think it could have looked better. Flirtatious, saucy and sexy. She was especially proud of her facial expression, appearing confident and grown up, maybe even model-like.
  82. Smiling, face red, she copied the message, opened her text message conversation, and pasted the photo into the message box. Heart beating almost out of her chest, she clicked send.
  84. And in that instant, Rarity gasped, and dropped her phone.
  86. The top of the message screen read “Dad”.
  88. Rarity’s heart wasn’t thumping anymore. Her blushing face went completely pale, and her mouth began moving as she spoke out loud, fingers scrambling on her phone. “Oh, nooo… OH NOOOO! OH GOSH, how do I delete, how do I…”
  90. The little checkmark showed up below the lewd picture: “Seen at 5:14 pm…”
  92. Rarity froze, staring at the screen. Goosebumps went up all over her body, chest, legs, arms, everywhere. Her hand trembled as it held the phone, and her eyes welled up with tears.
  94. She was dead. She held her hand over her mouth, staring at that check mark indicating her dad had seen what she had sent. It was unfathomable how terrible she felt, and her stomach turned to the point where she felt she might throw up.
  96. Then, the name “Dad” flashed up on the screen, and her phone vibrated in her hand. Rarity gasped, and the phone nearly fell out of her hand.
  98. He was calling her.
  100. Rarity’s feet lay on the carpet of her room beside her bed. Her big and index toes pinched the fabric of her shed panties between them as she tried to fight panic. Tears fell like water from her eyes.
  102. She couldn’t put it off. She couldn’t run away from this. He was on his way back right now, probably. There wasn’t any escape.
  104. With her hand grabbing her opposite elbow, hunched over like she was covering her naked body out of shame, she pressed the green answer button, and held the phone up to her ear.
  106. “H-hi… hi daddy…”
  108. Rarity grinded her teeth together, tensing up. But the shouting didn’t start like she thought it would. Instead, all she heard was unnerving silence for the next few seconds. But then, she heard her dad’s voice from the other end.
  110. “I’m almost home, Rarity. Listen to me carefully: did you send that to anyone else?”
  112. “That” did not need to be explained. Rarity, hearing her father’s unexpectedly calm, but glaring voice, terrified her. She shook her head, even though he couldn’t see it.
  114. “No, n-n-no, I didn’t, I di…”
  116. “You didn’t?”
  118. He raised his voice. To her, the best way she could describe the way he said it was… scared. Rarity tried to keep her composure, but when her dad’s voice was raised, it made the waterworks flow.
  120. “No, daddy, I promise! I promise, it was a mistake, I-I didn’t mean, I’m sorry…”
  122. For a moment or two, there was nothing but a quiet, staticky hum on her phone speaker as she fought back sobs. But it couldn’t stay like that. Magnum’s voice was low, threatening, something that was incredibly uncommon for him.
  124. “You’re damn right it was a mistake, Rarity. Listen to me, and listen well. You will delete that photo off of your phone as soon as I hang up. Then, you will go to your room and wait for me there, WITH a shirt on. But don’t even bother putting on a skirt.”
  126. Rarity’s already pale face turned bleach white with his last sentence. She knew what it meant.
  128. Lip quivering, she replied with a whimper, “Yes, daddy. I’m-m sorry, so so sorry…”
  130. Her father sighed into the phone microphone. “You will be, Rarity. I’m sorry, too.”
  132. The phone ‘blooped’ as her father hung up.
  134. Rarity didn’t know if she was imagining things, but she could have sworn that a burst of arctic air rushed into her room at that very moment. She shivered, huddling up as her heart sank into her stomach.
  136. Not even five minutes passed before Rarity heard the sound of the garage door opening below her room. She had her camisole back on, but there was nothing else on below the waist. There wouldn’t be any point, since she knew whatever she put on was just going to come back off anyway. She tried to save her tears for later, but some still leaked out.
  138. The door opened downstairs. Rarity tried to ball herself up, closing her legs tightly together to cover up her privates. The shame she felt at this moment was unlike anything she had ever experienced before, and the thought of her dad seeing her like THAT made her want to shrivel up and die.
  140. His heavy feet pounded up the stairs, and down the hallway to her room. Rarity held her breath, staring at her door where she sat across from.
  142. Her dad turned the knob, and her door swung open, revealing his wide, intimidating frame. Rarity shrank, and tried her best to sink into the bed.
  144. Magnum looked down at his daughter with grave eyes, his usual straw hat missing from his head. His big mustache overlapped his upper lip, and its curling shape downward only accentuated the deep frown on his face. Rarity could feel his eyes fixing her to the spot.
  145. He stepped into the room and closed the door. Rarity didn’t know what to say, or if she should even say anything at all. But the mystery of what to do with the silence went away as soon as her father extended his open hand out to her.
  147. “Give me your phone, Rarity. Let me see that you deleted that picture.”
  149. Rarity flinched, but she heard him loud and clear. She picked up her phone, typed in her passcode, and handed it to him with a shaky hand. Magnum tapped the photo app on her screen, and when he saw that there was indeed no picture left on her phone, he nodded his head.
  151. But he didn’t hand it back to her. Instead, he put the phone into his pocket. Rarity’s eyes widened, and her mouth opened up as a word tried to come out. “What… dad, what are…”
  153. “Oh please, Rarity. You aren’t getting your phone back until the end of the school year.”
  155. Rarity’s lip buttoned right up at that. She averted her eyes in shame, and didn’t dare speak up again. Quite frankly, she should have expected to lose her phone privileges. It only made sense.
  157. Besides, she had more pressing things to worry about now…
  159. Magnum stepped forward, towering over her. Rarity looked meekly up at him. He shook his head, and his eyes glistened.
  161. “Rarity… what in the world were you THINKING?” He said, voice close to a shout. “Who were you planning on sending that too? Tell me, Rarity Belle!”
  163. Rarity cringed, hearing her father’s voice being raised at her at last, and using her full name, no less. Nervously her feet rubbed together as she stammered out her answer.
  165. “D-Derrick. Derrick Oiler, from school. He asked me to sss… send him a picture of me n… nude. He said he would send one back if I did.”
  167. Her father looked visibly pained. He held his head in his hand and shook it back and forth. She noticed, with a sharp pain in her heart, that there were tears going down his face. Seeing how much he was broken up over this… seeing it was starting to kill her inside.
  169. Magnum inhaled, and exhaled deeply to get his breath under control. He looked distantly over at the wall.
  171. “Rarity, do you have any idea, and I mean ANY idea, how bad this could have been? What if he never sent you one back, and instead kept the photo to share with the whole school? What if he posted your photo online? Can you imagine what would happen if that photo of you spread around the web? Your life could have been ruined, Rarity! Ruined!”
  173. Rarity’s eyes stung from the rebuke. But she started to cry as the truth of his words began to sink into her teenaged brain. Hell, she hadn’t even thought about those consequences…
  175. “I’m sorry, daddy, I didn’t… I’m so sorry, I never thought about that! Derrick is just such a nice boy, a-and I just wasn’t think---”
  177. “No, Rarity. Derrick is NOT a nice boy. Any boy that demands nude photos of you is a boy you want to stay far, far away from. Do you understand me, Rarity? Oh, gosh…”
  179. Magnum suddenly sobbed, sucking in air through a clogged nose. Rarity heard the emotion in his voice, and when she did, she felt like a hammer had driven a nail through her heart. Her father barely ever cried.
  181. But he recovered quickly, wiping his eyes. He looked back at her again, with those same piercing eyes. They were still teary, but nothing more fell from them.
  183. “Rarity… none of what is going to happen to you tonight is going to even come close to what could have happened. Knowing that the picture didn’t make it to him, I’m more relieved than I’ve ever been in my whole life. But think about this too, hun. When I opened that message from you inside the gym… what if someone else had seen it? Can you imagine, Rarity?”
  185. The second bombshell dropped into the room. Rarity was stunned into silence just thinking about it. Imagery flooded her mind: she could picture the police sirens, her dad being led away in cuffs into the back of a cop car.
  187. She squeaked, and whimpered barely audibly, “I’m so sorry, father…”
  189. Magnum could tell just from the look on her face that she understood. He shook his head.
  191. “Rarity, what you did tonight was so serious. You could have destroyed your entire life, forever. Everything could have been lost… even your own father. Hun, I love you, but tonight, you’re in for the worst punishment a teenage girl in this city’s ever gotten.”
  193. And then, the third and final bombshell fell, blowing what remained of the rubble into ashes. Rarity gulped, but her mouth was suddenly so dry that there was nothing there to swallow. Terror gripped her chest, and her lungs spazzed with panicky breaths.
  195. She knew it was coming, but it nonetheless petrified her into silence.
  197. Her father walked over to her dresser, and after opening one of the drawers, she saw him pull it out. Her hairbrush.
  199. He pointed to her, and then to the floor in front of her.
  201. “Stand up.”
  203. Rarity stared in fear at the hairbrush in his hand. She gulped, feeling weak at the knees, but she did what he said and stood up. Shaking, she still pressed her thighs together, hiding her privates from him and blushing with embarrassment.
  205. When she was little, it hadn’t felt so embarrassing when her father had pulled her pants down to spank her. Being much younger since the last time, when she was only ten, the humiliation at being seen naked from the waist down by her father wasn’t really there. Now, she was 15 and it was much, much worse.
  207. But Magnum actually said something that made Rarity breathe a small sigh of relief. “Nothing down there is anything I haven’t seen before, Rarity. But I’m not looking down there, either.”
  209. Rarity sniffed, still shivering from the feeling of her bare bottom leaving the warmth of the blanket and being exposed to the air. But somehow, that gave her just a little bit of comfort. She nodded her head, saying “Yes, Daddy…”
  211. But then, her fear began forming words in her head as her thoughts ran around, looking for some way, ANY way, to get out of what she was going to experience. Pretty soon, they started to come out. “Father, is there any w-way I could... not be spanked? I-I-I could do community service, or be grounded for the rest of the school year, or...”
  213. “No, Rarity. There is no way this is ending tonight without you being spanked. And how dare you try to get out of this, Rare! You know I would never ground you for that long, anyway. I don’t want to keep you away from your friends, you know that. And as for community service, I’ll leave that for you to decide.”
  215. The ‘how dare you’ made Rarity squeak. She didn’t even know why she spoke up, and now that she had she wanted to kick herself for being so stupid and selfish.
  217. But luckily her father didn’t harp on it. Magnum walked to her bed, and grabbed her pillow, setting it down close to the side where she had just been sitting. He sat down in front of it, and off to the right side so that it was over his left shoulder. Then, he spoke to his daughter, whose back and rump were now facing him. “Ok, Rarity. Come here.”
  219. Those simple words made Rarity’s heart leap. She shivered, and started to sweat with terror. But she felt so guilty, and when her father told her to do something, she was not the disobedient type. So, still keeping her legs closed, she turned around, nodding her head at him.
  221. “Yes, f-father.” She stepped forward and held out her arms for him to grab, which were trembling. Magnum set the hairbrush down on his right thigh, and took hold her hands gently, pulling her toward him.
  223. Rarity almost resisted at the last second, almost began to scream and beg for her father not to roast her bottom into next month, but she held the panic back at the last moment, and simply allowed herself to be put over his left knee. She started to cry already.
  225. Magnum put his large hands around her waist, and positioned her all the way over his left knee, her hips bent over his leg. As soon as he did that, he instantly closed his legs around hers, sealing Rarity’s fate. Basically all ability for her to struggle effectively was eliminated now, her butt and upper thighs framed and pinned in place.
  227. Rarity felt all of it, and it was beginning to occur to her just how helpless she now was. She was going to get her rump torched, and there was no getting away. She kicked her hanging feet lightly, which were stuck underneath her daddy’s lap. Not even her toes were able to touch her carpet, so there was no way for her to brace herself against the spanks with her legs. She whimpered.
  229. Noticing the pillow by her head and in her reach, Rarity grabbed it and pulled it toward her, pressing her teary face into it. Magnum nodded his head, looking over his shoulder at her.
  231. “Cry as much as ya want to in that pillow, hun. No shame in it, ok?”
  233. Rarity heard him, but she was starting to breathe heavy. Then, as fear took hold of her, she felt more stupid words come up to her tongue, and before she could stop herself, they escaped. “Daddy, please… not too hard, I’ve learned my lesson, I have…”
  235. Rarity already regretted the words as soon as they left her, but when she heard her dad’s strict voice answer her sharply, she regretted them even more.
  237. “No Rarity, you obviously haven’t. Again, shame on you, hun! After what you did... You know, before I came home, I thought of giving you a whipping with the belt on my waist. But I decided not to because you sounded sorry, truly sorry, to me. But now, I’m starting to think that ain’t the case.”
  239. Rarity’s eyes bugged out, and she gasped. The belt? That had been a threat only used once before by her father, years ago. Her friend Applejack, both as a girl and even close to her current age, had been spanked plenty of times before, but only once with a belt. It had been the worst one ever, she’d told Rarity.
  241. Rarity barely muttered under her breath, not sure if she should apologize, or just accept what he was about to say and not risk making things even worse for her. But the former won out. “Oh no, I’m so sorry, I’m sorry daddy…”
  243. “Hun, this is your last warning. You can cry and scream all you need to, but don’t try to bargain with me again, or you WILL get my belt. And you don’t want that.”
  245. No, she did not. That shut her up right away. For just a moment, Rarity thought how lucky she was that her two outbursts, trying childishly to escape her punishment, hadn’t resulted in a worse punishment, let alone the belt. But she didn’t have long to think, because she felt the cold wood on the hairbrush rest onto the bare skin of her butt. She clenched her buttocks at the touch, but as he pressed the brush down, it forced her cheeks to relax. Magnum used his other arm to press her body down, set on the middle of her back.
  247. All of this immobilization was a two edged sword for Rarity: she couldn’t struggle barely at all, but at the same time, she was oddly…
  249. “Rarity, is how you’re laying comfortable? Do you need me to adjust?”
  251. This was an unexpected question from him. But as horrible as Rarity felt otherwise right now, she had to say yes.
  253. She sniffled, clutching the pillow and pushing her nose into it.
  255. “Y-Yes, father, I am…I’m comfortable...”
  257. Magnum squeezed his legs even more tightly together, robbing Rarity of every bit of mobility he could. The brush stayed on her butt, pressing down so that not even that could move, either. Rarity crossed her feet and flexed her toes while she waited teary eyed for the spanking to begin.
  259. Magnum nodded his head at her, even though she couldn’t see him. “Good. Now, this is going to be long, and mark my words Rare, you won’t be sitting down comfortably for a looong time after this. But I promise you’ll get through it.” He tapped her butt with the brush twice, and raised it high. “I love you, Rarity.”
  261. Rarity felt the wood leave her bottom, making her squeak and stuff her face into the pillow.
  263. But she said back to him, voice genuinely remorseful, “I love you too, daddy. I love you too.”
  265. Magnum’s big, muscular arm swung the brush down, hard.
  267. The wooden implement thwacked down right in the middle of Rarity’s rounded bottom, flattening the middle of both toned cheeks.
  269. THWACK!
  271. The single instant that it took Rarity to register the pain seemed to last a lot longer. But when it did, her jaw fell, and her big, shiny eyes bulged as a shaking, howling moan filled the room.
  273. “Ah, AAAHH! Ooow, ohh…”
  275. Magnum could already see a pink oval coming up on his daughter’s pale white bottom. He felt her legs kick out in reflex beneath him, toes brushing his pant leg. He put on a stiff upper lip, biting the hair of his moustache, and raised the hairbrush back up. THWACK!
  277. “Gyaah! AAH!” Rarity instinctively tries to push herself up from the bed as the second hard spank, but her father’s hand on her back pressed her back down right away. Rarity bunched up the pillow and squealed into it, and already, the tears were flowing.
  281. Rarity cried out to the heavens as the scorching smacks of the hairbrush scattered over both sides of her butt, spanking left and right and back again, up and down both of her cheeks. Her father took enough time to wind his arm back up high before delivering each spank, the hairbrush whacking hard enough to really flatten each buttock every time. Rarity wailed, crying barely muffled by the pillow she hugged close.
  283. “WAAAAAHH! AAOOWWW!” The spanks were unbearable, her butt feeling like it was being burned with a torch only a minute in. She tried to buck her hips, jerk her tush away, but the most she could manage from her position was just a constant wiggle of her rump. Her bare feet and calves rubbed together, kicking out in midair, crossing together, and rubbing each other up and down in a futile attempt to deal with the pain.
  285. Magnum felt all of her struggling, or at least her efforts, and he knew with solemn satisfaction that his spanking was being effective. She was 15, and because of this, he needed an even firmer hand to get the point across. He kept his legs clamped, her body pinned, and her poor rear end in the line of fire, forcing his poor daughter to be stationary while he went to work on her bum.
  287. Rarity’s chest heaved with loud sobs, the hairbrush continuing to paddle her while she tried to twist, kick, buck, and crawl away from her punishment. But the teenager was helpless, her father too strong. A quick three spanks on her right cheek, all on the same spot, made her voice crack with a yowl of pain, and her thighs and cheeks wriggle desperately.
  289. In her childhood, Rarity had received only enough spankings to count on two hands. The threat of one was usually enough to get her to be a good girl again. But in those times where she did get a spanking, they were always long and strictly delivered. Not as bad as Applejack, perhaps, but she could remember every one of them, and her sister Sweetie Belle, too.
  291. And her mother never did them herself, oh no. She ALWAYS waited for daddy to come home.
  293. Still hopelessly wriggling, Rarity’s butt was turning a very dark shade of red, and the blazing heat from the surface of her skin made her father’s pinning leg feel warm through his jeans. But there was, sadly for Rarity, much more spanking to go. She weeped, wailed, kicked, and sobbed to the ceiling, but the unrelenting thwacks of wood meeting her bare butt filled the room anyway.
  295. “Ahh, OH OWW! OW OW OW! NYAAA, Daddy, it HUUURTS!”
  297. Daddy was less than impressed. He simply focused on her thighs and the base of her butt, and delivered at least a dozen solid thwacks, one after another onto each one, making Rarity’s cries reach their loudest peak yet. She once again tried to crawl forward, push herself up, but he quickly made that effort futile with a simple press of his hand down on her lower back. She whined and bucked her hips yet again, but sadly for her, it did nothing but slightly raise her bottom up higher, making it an even more accessible spanking target. Nothing the poor teenager did helped the raging fire from blazing on her butt, growing hotter every passing moment.
  299. On the middle of her paddled crimson bottom cheeks, her daddy could now see small, bluish bruises showing up. But it wasn’t worrisome to him. Both Rarity and Sweetie had gotten their bottoms harshly spanked before, and besides, some welts like that were necessary for the pain of the spanking to last, so he kept on going.
  301. Gasping and blubbering, Rarity shifted her butt as far to the right as it could go when he repeatedly paddled up and down her left buttcheek, but when it couldn’t go any further than an inch, her bottom just wiggled erratically in every direction, trying but failing to shake off the searing pain. Then, he repeated the same process on the right cheek, drawing a wail of suffering and pain from his daughter’s lungs.
  303. “OOOOOWWWWW!!”
  307. Magnum knew his daughter was a bit of a drama queen. But this time around, he was pretty sure her tears were not exaggerated. He had reached the stage of the spanking where the swinging of the hairbrush was just a mindless rhythm, a whack to the left and then a whack to the right, again and again. When he told Rarity that she was in for the worst punishment any teenager in this city had ever gotten, that meant he wasn’t planning on letting her up until she had taken everything she possibly could.
  309. Rarity’s kicking was absolutely frantic. Her toes collided with the back of Magnum’s calves, causing him to grunt and briefly adjust his position sitting down, extending his legs out. Every time she kicked, her thighs and buttocks clenched and flexed under the brush. She squealed and screamed and cried, and let out a wail of agony into her pillow.
  311. Then, downstairs, the front door opened up. Magnum’s hairbrush halted in the air beside his head. Over his knee, Rarity continued to weep, not hearing the door at all.
  313. A voice from downstairs reached their ears. It was a familiar, girly voice, calling out in a jovial tone.
  315. “Hey, I’m home! Volleyball practice ended early!"
  317. Oh, NO. It was Sweetie Belle! While Rarity did not hear the door, she heard her middle school sister’s squeaky voice from downstairs, and gasped. Suddenly, newfound embarrassment and fear made her tense her abdomen to stop herself from heaving air and crying too loud, desperately trying to push away the pain. She moaned pitifully into the pillow.
  319. Sweetie’s footsteps moved up the stairs, faintly audible through Rarity’s closed door. “Hello? Hey, Rarity, you there?”
  321. Rarity’s father sighed. He raised his voice to break through her door. “Rarity is here, Sweetie, but right now she’s getting a spanking. Could you go downstairs for a little while, hun?”
  323. It may have only been her sister, but Rarity still felt so embarrassed, moaning out of shame into her pillow. Sweetie Belle paused, footsteps stopping, but they soon turned right around, heading back downstairs.
  325. “Yes, dad!” Sweetie replied back. She wasted no time doing what her father asked, scampering away in a hurry.
  327. As soon as she was gone, Rarity finally allowed herself to cry again, not trying to hold back. She braced herself, fully expecting the hairbrush to go right back to spanking her blazing red bottom cheeks. But when many seconds of nothing came, Rarity lifted her face out of the pillow, and tried to look over her shoulder.
  329. “D-Daddy…?”
  331. “Stay still, Rarity. Don’t move.”
  333. Then, she felt her father’s legs open up, unpinning her thighs. Rarity’s mouth opened in shock, but just before she was about to squirm her flaming butt all around, she remembered to obey him, not moving despite the horrible pain in her tush. Magnum lifted her much smaller frame up and put her belly down on the bed. Then he got to his feet.
  335. “Rarity, stand up.”
  337. Whimpering and holding the now wet pillow against her head, Rarity heard the order and immediately became confused. What was her father doing? He wasn’t stopping, was he? Was her horrible evening finally done? Goodness, she thought, Sweetie Belle may have cut this awful, ghastly ordeal short! She would have to thank Sweetie personally for this one!
  339. Rarity, sniffling and shaking, slowly stood up. She still held the pillow, but now that she was standing, the teenager used it to cover the place between her legs. She turned her mascara streaked face around to look at her father, eyes big and frightened.
  341. “Dad, father… is it, are you…”
  343. She stopped right away. Frowning deeply, her father looked back at her. Rarity wasn’t looking at him, though, but what was in his hand. Her heart stopped, and she sobbed.
  345. Magnum pointed to the bed with the doubled over belt held in his fist. “You were in for a lot more with that brush, but… we’re doing this instead. I don’t want any more prolonging this. Let’s just get this done, Rare.” He sighed. “Keep your legs straight, and bend over the bed.”
  347. Rarity gasped, looking at the big belt in her father’s hand. Despite Magnum’s clear direction, Rarity was in disbelief, and a whole new wave of fear washed over her.
  349. “But… but father! You said… you said…”
  351. Magnum cut her off, but with a surprisingly calm and level voice. “I know what I said. But listen, Rare…”
  353. He shook his head. Rarity thought for a second, fear gripping her heart, that she had spoken out of turn and would incur his wrath. But luckily, that’s not what she got.
  355. Magnum sighed. “Ok, Rarity. There are two options I’m going to give you right now. Either you go back over my knee and I wear out your bottom with the hairbrush, or you bend over and I wear out your bottom with my belt just the same, but in only half the time.”
  357. He waited for her response, crossing his arms over his chest with belt in hand. Rarity heard her two options, and to her dismay, neither of them sounded very fun at all. She sobbed, mulling through her choices while imagining herself in each predicament, while also fighting the urge to reach back and massage her spanked rear end.
  359. The fear of the belt gave her pause. She recalled when Applejack told her about the time she got caught pilfering liquor from a friend’s mother’s refrigerator, and how Granny had given her the belt. Applejack told her how absolutely awful it was, like a switch and a paddle put into one tool. “The worst spankin’ I ever got,” she told Rarity.
  361. But still, being pinned completely, the hairbrush roasting her poor derriere, feet wiggling helplessly… she couldn’t willingly choose it. Rarity’s fear of the unknown didn’t overcome her desire to maybe take a chance with the belt and hope against hope that it wasn’t as bad as being taken back over her father’s knee.
  363. She made her decision. Voice like a squeak, Rarity barely got out her choice. “The b--belt, daddy. I’ll take the belt.”
  365. Magnum nodded his head in approval, but only faintly. He sighed, and pointed back to the bed. “Ok, Rare. We’ll do the belt. Now, like I said, keep your back legs straight and put your elbows on the bed, ok?”
  367. He pointed to the spot in front of her. Rarity, trying her hardest to be an obedient daughter for her daddy, nodded her head while she stared fearfully down at the bed. The mattress was actually below her waist level, and as Rarity put her pillow down on the bed and began to bend over and rest her elbows onto it, she suddenly realized how raised up her bottom now was. The spanked skin stretching out also reignited the horrible fire in her bum, making her gasp from the sting.
  369. She held in a whimper of embarrassment and fear, but nonetheless did what her father instructed her to do, pressing together and straightening out her bare legs. Her loosely fitting camisole slid down her belly, baring most of her back and her belly button. The new area of bare skin exposed to the air made her shiver.
  371. Magnum simply waited for her to do as she was told, keeping his face neutral while having to steel himself within. Rarity was sniffling and sobbing and “oww” ing all the while, but she wasn’t done yet. There was still this order of business left.
  373. Once she was in position, he stepped up next to her, readying his belt. Rarity heard him, and her knees bent slightly, like she was bracing herself. Magnum frowned ruefully.
  375. “Alright, Raribear.” He almost whispered her pet name he had for her, voice sounding pained. “I want you to be in that position for when I’m giving you your licks, but if you gotta move around some in between, you can. But no reaching back, and no flopping down on the bed, either, ok? And when I tell you that you gotta get back into position for the next lick, then that’s what you gotta do. You understand all of that, Rare?”
  377. He spoke slowly and clearly for her, not wanting her to miss any details. Rarity, even though she was in pain and was anticipating even more of it in a moment, was still a good listener. But she wasn’t stupid. She could tell by what he was saying that her being allowed to “move around some” meant that what she was about to experience was going to be very, very painful.
  379. But she had no choice, either way. Sighing, she replied, “Yes, daddy, I do-oo…”
  381. Magnum heard the little crack in her voice, and he felt it in his heart. But he pushed his feelings aside, focusing fully on his promised task to her to give her the rest of her “worst spanking ever.”
  383. Rarity obediently remained in position. Her taut buttocks twitched as he laid the leather belt across them to aim. Then, he raised the belt up high.
  385. He swung.
  387. SHHWHAP!
  389. In an instant, the thick leather belt slashed all the way across Rarity’s presented buttocks. The impact, even in her bottom’s taut state from bending over so sharply, left momentary visible ripples on the skin.
  391. Rarity felt the unbelievable, horrific sting immediately, and her mouth opened up wide, but the agonized cry took a moment to come out. It was like the shock of the pain just delivered made her brain take an extra moment to comprehend it, but once that moment was up, Rarity’s scream echoed around the house.
  395. In reflex from the pain, Rarity’s legs bent at the knees, lowering her butt toward the floor, and her left foot lifted off of the ground. She automatically angled her bottom away from her father and the awful belt in his hand, sobbing while her feet crossed behind her and her hands squeezed the pillow like a vice. “Ahh, oh no, owww! Oww!”
  397. The stripe of searing, unrelenting heat was unlike anything she had ever felt. Not even the hairbrush felt anywhere near this bad. Right away, Rarity had a wave of regret pass over her, and in a gasp of desperation, she pleaded for mercy.
  399. “Oh, father, PLEASE no, I change my mind! Oww, oh, spank me with the hairbrush instead, daddy!” She said while looking with begging eyes at him, face still lying on the pillow.
  401. But Magnum shook his head down at her. He closed his eyes, and tightened his grip on the belt. “No, Rare. You made your choice, and now you’re gonna take this belting.”
  403. That was that. No anger in his voice, just telling it like it was. Rarity moaned pitifully, muttering “please” and “daddy” under her breath. Her father forced himself not to listen and commit to the rest of her punishment.
  405. When Rarity’s bottom waving and flexing of her legs lessened, he sighed, and raised his belt. “Alright, Rare. Back into position. Time for the next lick.”
  407. This declaration made a loud whine of protest come from his daughter’s mouth. She hesitated, but Magnum gave her some time to obey him, knowing she was in pain.
  409. Rarity sobbed into her pillow, the seconds going by so fast before it was time for the next stroke of the belt. Every part of her wanted to simply bolt from the room, hands over her butt, but she knew better. Even though she was so afraid, she did obey her father, and straightened out her legs. Her bottom stuck high up in the air again, and her father took aim while she gasped and sobbed.
  411. SHHWHAP!
  413. “OOOOOWW! AAAOW! Ah, ahh!”
  415. Squealing, Rarity once again bent at the knees as the belt whipped the lower half of her bottom, and her tummy slid across the bed as she pulled her rear end away from the source of the pain. Her legs danced in place, crisscrossing, kicking backward, and raising and lowering as she tried to relieve the sting from her rump. She couldn’t help but wave her bottom drunkenly all around, the crimson red stripes of pure pain driving her to howls.
  417. “Ahhaaa, oohhohohh…”
  419. Magnum waited perhaps another ten seconds, and then raised the belt again. “Next lick, hun. Get that bottom up.”

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