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Spur's heat by Anon

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-08 03:01:02
Updated: 2022-03-13 14:49:25
Expiry: Never

  1. Spur's heat by Anon
  3. (13/03/2020)
  6. ---
  8. Would you spank this teenage filly during her first heat?
  9. Depends, would she want it or is she that wierd type to who gets stress relief from spankings?
  11. >Spur accidentaly sets Bloofy free
  12. >he causes havoc in your hause
  13. >she feels super guilty
  14. >you tell her she will get a trip over your knee
  15. >she agrees, not really processing how it may end
  16. >you pull her over you knee and whap her for a solid minute
  17. >her squeaks and grunts definitely come from the stinging sensation, but after you finish, your hand is wet and she struggles to stay upstraight on wobbly legs
  18. >her face is glowing red, not daring to look at you or to say anything
  19. >her tail is still flagged, just like you asked her before the spanking
  20. >turns out she's been spanked a few times by her parents, but she was never spanked by someone so big and strong, compared to her
  21. >oh, and it was the first spanking when she was in heat
  23. >the next day Spur wanted nothing more, but to spend time with you
  24. >he tail constantly raised, cheeks blushing and averting her gaze away from you every time you caught her staring
  25. >with a cute, stammering voice she asks you if you can spank her like yesterday, but longer
  26. >what do?
  28. "You. Want *me* to spank you."
  29. >the brown filly... filly? A teenager mare? Looked at her forehooves with glowing cheeks and a shy smile
  30. >"Mhm... I was a naughty pony! I, uh... I didn't... I wasn't... I did something very, very bad and now you should punish me. Like, much more than yesterday, Bloofy was nothing compared to it!"
  31. >if it wasn't just her asking you openly to slap her butt to make her coochie feel good, you would melt from how cute she was
  32. "Uh huh. You were really that naughty? Maybe I should carry you to your parents, hmmm?"
  33. >oh, the panic on her face was priceless
  34. >"N-No! Not that bad! And, uh, besides that! I live in a rented house! Away from home, so
  35. no need to bother my parents!"
  36. >a rented house? Well, you guess that makes sense, renting a house in horseland is much straight-forward and easier than on Earth
  37. "Hmmm... I don't know, maybe just a timeout or a boop on your nose should be enough"
  38. >Spur panicked, hugging your leg
  40. >"No! Please! I deserve a spanking! I was a bad mare, and it feels so good-"
  41. >she stopped and scrunched in embarrassment
  42. >with a heavy sigh, you crouched down and grabbed her forelegs
  43. "Listen, Spur, I see what's going on, but I don't know if I can help your problem. There are shops with... toys to soothe the burning, why don't you go and grab one?"
  44. >she covered her eyes with hooves and mumbled
  45. >"I don't want toys, I... I want you to do this, you are so nice, so big and strong, and I felt so... secure when you punished me. Please, please Anon, it's really b-bad down there, and it feels great, and I won't tell anypony if you don't want-mmmmp"
  46. >you put a finger on her mouth to stop her flow, then put your foreleg against hers
  47. "Okay, I will do it, but let's not make a habit from it, okay?"
  48. >suddenly Spur wrapped her forelegs around your neck and hugged you close
  49. >"Oh, thank you, thank you! You are the best!"
  50. >a happy squee escaped her throat, then she let you go
  51. >small hearts and happiness shined in her big, cyan eyes as she gazed into yours
  52. >you chuckled, then picked her up to hold the girl in your arms
  53. "Now, since I agreed to do that, tell me how do you want to, uh... perform it..."
  54. >Spur clapped happily her hooves together
  55. >"Oh, um... M-Maybe, uh... it's... embarrassing to say it..."
  56. >you pulled her up, so her muzzle was next to your ear
  57. "Go ahead, I won't laugh"
  58. >after a while of hesitation, she whispered her small spanking fantasy into your ear
  59. >oh damn, even your D decided to set up a tent after she finished
  61. >9 PM
  62. >you were sitting in your favorite armchair, reading a newspaper
  63. >or at least you tried to read, since you couldn't focus
  64. >you were waiting for your daughter and she was already thirty minutes late
  65. >oh, she will better have a good excuse for it...
  66. >a dim light coming from a single bulb on a small table was getting brighter, as the contrast between the setting sun darkness outside grew with every minute
  67. >then, at 9:15, the front door opened silently
  68. >slow clip-clop of small hooves reverbed through the hall
  69. >you stayed still, not moving an inch, as a teenage filly sneaked into a living room
  70. >Spur had a slim, pretty dress on herself, flowing from her slender shoulders, through a small butt and down long, delicate legs
  71. >it was a gray-ish cyan, velvet like material, making the filly wearing it look very nice and decent
  72. >but looking decent and acting decent were two different things
  73. "Good evening, Spur."
  74. >in a silent house your voice boomed like a bullwhip, making the poor filly jump and gasp
  75. >"D-Dad?! What are you doing here that... um..."
  76. "Late? I wanted to ask you the same question."
  77. >even if your voice was calm and soothing, Spur knew she was in trouble
  78. >a lot of trouble
  79. "So, Spur, could you tell me what was the time you *promised* me you will be back home?"
  80. >Spur looked at you with an open mouth, not daring to make a single sound
  81. "I'm waiting for your answer."
  82. >Spur took a deep breath, then mumbled something
  83. "I didn't hear that, my dear."
  84. >after a long pause, she said quietly
  85. >"eight-thirty"
  86. "Eight thirty, that's right, and what time is it now?"
  87. >Spur looked at a clock on a wall
  88. >"Nine sixteen."
  89. "Nine sixteen, you say."
  90. >another long, uneasy pause, Spur started to look around nervously
  91. >"D-Dad, we forgot to check the time, we were nice! We were sitting in the park, talking and listening to music, I swear! I'm sorry I'm late, I'm s-"
  92. >you raised your hand, silencing the brown teenager
  94. >with a grunt you picked yourself up, then approached the frozen pony
  95. >she was certainly alarmed, but far from running away, she knew it would be a mistake
  96. >you sat on the floor next to her, looking calmly at the girl
  97. "Spur, hike up your dress."
  98. >Spur shivered in fear
  99. >"Dad, n-no"
  100. "Spur, please pull your dress up, I need to check something"
  101. >Spur didn't move an inch, so you gently grabbed the hem of her cyan dress and pulled up, until your hand reached her wings
  102. >silence fell between you two, you could hear her heart hammering and shallow breaths
  103. "Spur, where are your panties?"
  104. >without a warning, you reached between her buttcheeks
  105. >Spur squeaked and jumped away with burning cheeks, pulling her dress down
  106. >she looked at you in shock, as you looked at your wet, slimy fingers
  107. "I see. This is how you go "study" or go "to a park" with Sunny Dew
  108. >"Daddy, no! We just... we kind of... We just kissed and maybe... touched ourselves, but nothing more happened, I swear!"
  109. >you nodded your head slowly, like pondering if it was true or not
  110. "Just like you sweared you won't be late, and you be a decent filly. But what I see? My daughter decided to go full commando, have sex in public and get late almost an hour."
  111. >now her eyes began to tear up
  112. >"Daddy, we love each other and she is a very nice filly! And we kind of forgot to check the time, and we did not do anything indecent in pub-"
  113. >wait
  114. "She? You never told me Sunny Dew is a filly"
  115. >you were surprised, and Spur hung her head low
  116. >"I-I'm sorry daddy, I won't be seeing her... or mares, and I'll... I'll just-"
  117. >oh no, no, no, no, wait
  118. >Spur squeaked in fear as you gently wrapped your arms around her and pulled closer
  119. "Spur, my dear, I never said you can't meet colts or fillies, I'm happy you two are together. What pains me is you kept it a secret from me and lied tonight numerous times. Not even mentioning parading with a naked butt in public"
  121. >Spur accepted your hug and visibly relaxed, but still, she knew she's in trouble
  122. "You were late fourty five minutes, you will get fourty five spanks for that. You understand?"
  123. >years ago she would protest, stomp her hooves or even try to bribe you
  124. >she was rarely spanked, and she never get more than fifteen whaps, but this time she really messed up
  125. >silently, she nodded, her ears flat against her head
  126. >you gently pulled her away and turned around, holding her left foreleg
  127. "Tail up."
  128. >with a swift, single motion you grabbed her curly tail and pulled it up, exposing her butt, still covered with a delicate material of a dress
  129. >before she could make a move or say something, you raised your right hand and delivered five quick, hard smacks on the very center of her butt
  130. >every smack made the poor filly squeak and grunt
  131. >"Oww, Daaaddy!"
  132. "That, young missy, was for lying to me about going to the park to study."
  133. >Spur was twisting her hindlegs together, as her dress rubbed against the quickly reddening skin
  134. >you picked yourself up, then grabbed Spur's ear
  135. >"Ouch! Dad, it h-ow!"
  136. >you pulled you daughter towards the couch, where you ordered
  137. "Jump on a couch and lie on your back, belly up
  138. >oh, she knew what it means
  139. >"No, daddy, not like that! P-pull me over your kn-*SMACK* aah!"
  140. >you delivered another smack, that surprisingly made her immediately jump on a couch
  141. "No buts, now take a position and look me in the eyes"
  142. >with a whine, Spur lied down, her head against the back pillow, sticking two long, smooth hindlegs up
  143. >she looked at you with a miserable expression
  144. >you sat next to her, making the soft cushion to sink down a bit, then grabbed together both hindlegs
  145. >you had a perfect view on that little, freckled butt, as her cyan dress flowed down the couch, exposing everything what was covering before
  147. >you noticed her small, freckled flower was flushed, winking and slowly producting more wetness
  148. >with a raised hand, you calmly informed your daughter
  149. "This is for going bare butt in public places. Someone could hurt you and you would be completely exposed, inviting him"
  150. >Spur only grunted and squeaked, nodding frantically her head, accepting your words
  151. >your hand quickly traveled down, spanking the small butt and splashing juices on your pants and the floor
  152. >"Yaaaaow! D-Daaaddyy!"
  153. >but no "daddy" or "please" could stop you right now
  154. >four more spanks fell on the small, uncovvered buttocks, making the poor filly gasp and whine, not able to rub her fanny
  155. >a diaper position was also adding to the pain in her behind, stretching the delicate skin
  156. >you let her hooves go, allowing the brown filly to quickly reach her behind with hooves and wings to rub it
  157. "I allow you to rub your butt, but remember, it's not the end of your punishment. Now, take a shower and put this dress into a laundry basket. No supper for you tonight, and I expect you to be only in your pajama shirt, place your pants and panties on the bed, assume position and wait for me. You know the drill, a pillow under your belly, nose down, butt up, tail aside."
  158. >Spur, who was still busy with trying to make the sting go away, nodded, wincing
  159. "Good. Don't make a mess in a bathroom."
  160. >Spur knew she had to be quick, trying to avoid inevitable could end with more than thirty five spanks
  161. >trying to ignore the aching on her fanny, she quickly washed herself, focusing on her privates, then she headed to her bedroom
  162. >there, the young mare opened a drawer with clothes and picked up the most favorite pajamas- a white, fluffy shirt with blue and pink flowers, matching long pants and a pair of pink panties
  163. >quickly she put the shirt on then placed neatly her underwear and pants on fresh bedsheets
  165. >with a muffled squeak she jumped on a bed, quicky pulled her pillow to one side, then assumed position almost all fillies and colts hated - a spanking position
  166. >with a shuddering breath she pulled herself across the pillow, making her uncovered, brown butt stick up and face the door, like inviting anyone who passed the hall to come inside and punish her
  167. >she squeezed her eyes shut, waiting for you and her punishment that couldn't get stopped
  168. >ten minutes passed, her hindlegs dangling from the side of her bed, not a single sound could be heard in the whole house
  169. >then, after five more minutes, slow steps hammered downstairs
  170. >her dad was coming
  171. >Spur's heart almost stopped, the awful waiting in fear finally ended, but her next stop will be much worse
  172. >a door to Spur's bedroom slowly opened, and she heard your steps getting closer
  173. >you admired the sight in front of you, a naughty filly sticking her butt, red handprints already visible through fur, waiting for more to be painted
  174. >heavily you sat on a bed next to your daughter, then grabbed her cyan, curly tail and pulled it up
  175. >Spur gasped in horror, as the punishment was going to start so quickly
  176. "I see you washed yourself properly. Your pants are here and you prepared yourself. I'll take away five spanks for that"
  177. >Spur grunted and chocked in fear
  178. >"Thank you d-daddy"
  179. >to not wait any more longer, you delivered the first spank to her behind
  180. >"A-AAaah!"
  181. >three more followed, hitting the same spot, catching two buttheeks in the same time
  182. >then, from the fifth spank, your whaps started to oscilate around her whole behind
  183. >considering the fact her butt was small and she was a slim girl, the red handprints overlapped themselves
  184. >soon her whole butt was getting bright red, Spur wiggling, yelping and squeaking, but still not crying
  185. >when you reached twenty spanks, she was sobbing, tensing her butt and curling her hooves, but you ignored it
  187. >you ignored sounds she made, attempts to rub here fanny or the growing wetness between her legs, making the spanks to sound louder and wetter, as you prepared for the finale
  188. >the first of the last ten spanks echoed in the bedroom, followed by a loud squeal
  189. "Hold on, Spur, nine more"
  190. >*SMACK*
  191. >"AIIEEE!!Aaaoooww! Dadddy!"
  192. >*SMACK* *SMACK* *SMACK*!
  193. >you paused, looking down at her face
  194. >she opened her mouth in a silent scream, tears streaming down her face
  195. >after a short pause, you continued
  196. >*SMACK SMACK*
  197. >.......
  198. >"AAAaaaah! B-Biscuit! Biscuuaaaaawww"
  199. >damn, that was close
  200. >quickly you picked the crying girl and pulled her on your lap
  201. >you positioned her, so she was on her back, her head against your belly and the sore, dark red butt sticking up to not touch anything
  202. >with eyes closed she quickly pushed both of her small forelegs down, attacking her rapidly winking, drooling filly lips
  203. >she grunted in frustration, then whined
  204. >"S-Stupid, mmmMMMnn, so, close, no, no... please, so... mmmmm!..."
  205. >it looks like she was in trouble
  206. >she didn't ask you for that, but you knew her hard, small hooves were not enough to give her a sweet relief
  207. >so, ignoring the thought what she will say later, you pulled her forelegs away from her slit
  208. >"N-No, what are you doing! I was so- aaah!"
  209. >your right hand dove between her shivering legs, attacking a steaming hot, small pleasure pocket of a brown teenager
  210. >she shook violently, her eyes rolling back, her body jerking, as you rapidly fingered her
  211. >she was just a few inches from a peek, as you decided to go all in
  212. >with your second hand, you squeezed on of her abused buttcheeks, when you pinched her clit with your first hand
  214. >your ears pierced a hoofcurling squeal of pure pleasure
  215. >Spur coudln't control her muscles anymore, she humped like there is no tomorrow, a flush of sweet liquids washed your hands and pants, as the poor filly reached her orgasm
  216. >it lasted for two long minutes, Spur's squeaks turned into animalistic grunts and moans, riding blindly her pleasure
  217. >then, when the humps stopped and Spur only panted and shivered, you let go of her wet, spanked behind
  218. "You okay, girl?"
  219. >Spur had her eyes closed and it seemed like her senses were completely turned off, but soon a small, goofy smile appeared on her muzzle
  220. >with a chuckle you slowly picked her up from your lap, paying attention to not to touch her butt, and lied her down on a bed
  221. >you opened a bottle of soothing gel and gingerly massaged her red cheecks around, making the poor filly moan from overstimulation
  222. >as soon as the cooling feeling spread across her fanny, she calmed down and quickly fell asleep
  223. >you gingerly wiped her small slit, hindlegs and belly from juices, and pulled a blanket over her back and hooves
  224. >this night was the first night when she had to sleep on her belly
  225. >and she loved it
  227. >the next day
  228. >sun rays woke you up, you felt so relaxed in your bed
  229. >rather quickly you remember what happened yesterday and you chuckle to yourself
  230. >Spur is probably still asleep, since it's around 6 AM
  231. >your stretched your limbs and back, got up and headed to a bathroom
  232. >after a quick shower you decided to prepare a breakfast for you two
  233. >you place the softest, fluffiest pillow on one of the kitchen chairs, knowing it will be necessary for your small guest
  234. >you went upstairs and silently opened the door to your guest bedroom
  235. >daaaaaaw
  236. >Spur was snoring quietly, lying on her side, with that cute, little rump sticking out from under a blanket
  237. >quietly you approached her bed, staring at those two delicate semi-globes
  238. >slowly you sat down next to a dreaming filly, adoring the details of her backside
  239. >her skin not flushed red anymore, but definitely sensitive, those tiny cyan freckles painted all over her buttcheecks and privates, a little puckered hole near her tail dock, going smoothly into a slim slit and a round bulge, where her clit was hidden
  240. >you noticed a thin trickle of wetness shining on brown, velvet-like skin, going down from her privates, over her buttcheek and disappearing in white bedsheets
  241. >you checked her face, a calm, delicate smile adored her muzzle, a peaceful expression and a trickle of saliva soaking a pillow
  242. >her usualy curly cyan mane was all disheveled, making her look just pure adoraboners
  243. >it was time to wake her up, but maybe it would be fun to make it special for her
  244. >you leaned forward to grab a bottle of soothing gel, unscrewed the cap and poured a healthy amount on your hand
  245. >then, to not startle and wake her up, you slowly pushed your hand against her left buttcheek
  246. >Spur stirred in her sleep, but quickly calmed down as you began rubbing her fanny in circles, spreading a cool, refreshening feeling
  247. >you chuckled as she smiled, your hand slowly massaging her soft, small buns, avoiding privates
  249. >but even when you tried to stay away from these delicate lips and ponut, Spur wanted more, as she reacted to your touch
  250. >still sleeping, she slowly lifted her hindleg and rolled on back, giving you a perfect view on everything that was usualy hidden under her tail
  251. >with a smile you continued your massage, making the filly cutely grunt and whine is sleep
  252. >then, you playfully patted with a clean finger that adorable bulge on the top of her slit, the tiny round piece of her personal pocket of pleasure
  253. >that made the brown filly tense a little and frown, a louder grunt escaping her throat
  254. >*wink*
  255. >oh, hello there
  256. >you dragged gently your finger from the top of her clit, throught the thin, now glistening opening, ending on a little pucker, giving it a light push and rub
  257. >and that made Spur's eyes open a little
  258. "Good morning, sleepyhead."
  259. >Spur's eyes shot open, as she felt your hands touching her backside
  260. >"Wha-! Mmmn! A-Anon?!"
  261. >the brown filly tried to drop her hindlegs on the bed, in attempt to cover herself, but unfortunately she completely forgot about her butt
  262. >"Oh! Yooow! Ouch! Ouch!"
  263. >you grabbed both of her twisting, long hindlegs and pulled up, raising the abused fanny off the bedsheets
  264. >you chuckled, seeing the small pegasus cover her face in embarrassment, blushing hard and looking away, as again you had a perfect view on her honeypot
  265. "What's the matter? Suddenly so shy about your little booty?"
  266. >Spur mumbled something you couldn't understand
  267. >you slipped one hand under her back and wings, then pulled her up to your chest
  268. "I didn't hear that! Oh my, your face is glowing."
  269. >Spur pouted cutely, glaring at you from behind of her hooves
  270. >"I am all flustered and h-horny again! And it's your fault!"
  271. >with a chuckle you picked yourself up, carrying the teenager in your arms
  272. "And what about myself, hmm?"
  273. >you slowly carried her to a bathroom
  274. >Spur curiously looked at you, tilting her head
  275. >"What about you?"
  277. "I played a part of your fantasy, helped you with your heat problem and you fell asleep. Oh, poor me, blue balled and left to take care of myself."
  278. >you mocked the teenager, as you placed her in a sink
  279. >it was a human-sized sink, so even if it was way too small to call it a bathtub for ponies, she was small enough to fit
  280. >Spur scrunched her muzzle
  281. >"You know it's different for mares! A-And what are you doing?"
  282. "Washing your hooves, of course, breakfast is ready"
  283. >you turned on the tap with warm water and gave her a bar of soap
  284. >she looked at it quizzically, then back at your face
  285. >"You know I don't have to sit *in* a sink to wash my hooves, right?"
  286. >you laughed, as you grabbed another soap
  287. "Maybe, but it's on a perfect height for me to wash your spanked butt too. Lift your tail, please."
  288. >if Spur was blushing before, now she was glowing red
  289. >she dropped the soap, tried to say something, but only shy squeaks escaped her mouth
  290. >you smiled, leathering your hands and watching how she tries to figure out how to react to it
  291. >you didn't wait for what she wanted to say, as your soapy hand slipped quickly under her now flagging tail
  292. >Spur gasped loudly, shivering and trying to support her weight, as your palm ran across her soaking privates
  293. >"Y-You!- Anooon, that's emmm!-mmbarassing!"
  294. >you continued washing her backside, dragging gently your fingers across her rapidly winking filly lips, only to stop on her butthole, prodding it, like trying to slip inside your finger
  295. "I don't see you washing your hooves, darling... good fillies wash them, and bad get what? A...?"
  296. >Spur grunted, trying to balance on her flexing legs and curling hooves, as waves of pleasure tried to overtake her body
  297. >"Ghhmm! D-Daddy, please, I- I can't..."
  298. >Daddy? Oh,backk to her fantasy
  299. "What's the matter, Spur? Need another trip over my knee to teach you to be a clean filly? You should be ashamed, I didn't raise you that way."
  301. >your thumb pressed harder against her butthole, and the rest of your fingers danced on the winking opening, sometimes giving a boop on her clit
  302. >you made her pretty worked up, Spur was pushing her butt against your hand, eyes unfocused, mind screaming for the approaching orgasm
  303. >then, when she was very close, you slipped your hand away with no mercy
  304. "I'm very disappointed, Spur. You didn't wash your hoov-"
  305. >your voice drowned in a miserable whine of a brown pegasus
  306. >"Daddy nooo! Daddy, please, I was so- ack!"
  307. >you reacted quickly, grabbing both forehooves in left hand, pulling the filly up and giving a sharp smack on her leathered butt
  308. >Spur's back tensed, her wings opened with a loud *whap*!, and her hindlegs kicked violently
  309. >"NGHh! Aaaow! Nnn, please!"
  310. "No."
  311. >you grabbed her tail and aimed the tap nozzle at her snatch
  312. >oh, she didn't like it
  313. >"AiiEEEEE!"
  314. >you didn't use very cold water, but still, for a dazed mind of the brown filly, it was freezing cold, compared to her burning crotch
  315. "You had your chance. Give me your hooves."
  316. >Spur was trying to say something, but an intense, awful feeling of rejected orgasm wrecked her body and mind
  317. >silently, you washed both of these small hooves, teasing her by pressing softly against delicate frogs
  318. "You were very, very naughty this morning. Go to your room, put on your panties and pajama pants, then go downstairs and eat your breakfast. After that, I'll give your little butt a lesson it will remember for a long time."
  319. >Spur shivered, part from the fear, part from arousal, as she will get another fantasy spanking
  320. >you pulled the brown filly out of the sink, very delicately dried her off with a towel, trying not to tease her too much, then ordered her to go to her bedroom
  321. >you walked downstairs and started eating, then after a few minutes Spur joined you, not daring to look in your face
  323. >she looked adorable in full pajamas, but you also noticed she walked stiffly, as two layers of material rubbed against her sensitive fanny
  324. >"Finally. I hope you DIDN'T do anything *naughty* when you were in your bedroom, huh?"
  325. >Spur shyly raised her eyes, and your heart skipped a beat
  326. >she had little hearts in her eyes
  327. >"I would never do that, daddy..."
  328. >...oh boy
  329. >she jumped on a chair, slowly placed her butt on a soft cushion, then started silently eating
  330. >after a while, you whispered to her, breaking your acting
  331. >"How many?"
  332. >Spur jumped a little in surprise, hearing your calm voice
  333. >"Umm... I don't k-know, it kind of stings right now..."
  334. >you couldn't stop yourself from smiling at her innocence and her own shy smile
  335. "Five?"
  336. >Spur stopped eating, then glanced at you with almost unamused expression
  337. >"I am not a small filly anymore, Anon"
  338. "With a hairbrush"
  339. >Spur's eyes opened wide in shock
  340. >"A b-brush?"
  341. >oh, that sweet blush on her cheeks
  342. "Naughty girls get a brush on their butts."
  343. >Spur dropped her sandwich on a plate, her hindlegs twisting together
  344. >"O-Oh my gosh..."
  345. >you finished eating, picked up the plate and placed it in a sink
  346. "I'm ready when you are ready. But you know, when I mentioned me being left alone after you fell asleep, was actually true. How about-"
  347. >"W-With pleasure, Anon. Can we... shower together after you... finish?"
  348. >you smirked and nodded
  349. "Sounds promising."
  351. to be continued...
  353. >she was back from her bedroom, wearing that cute pajamas of her
  354. >Spur had a very guilty look on her face, looking down at her hooves and slowly stepping closer to the couch
  355. >you were waiting here, with a raised eyebrow, impatiently tapping your foot on a floor
  356. "I thought you forgot about your punishment, young lady. Why did it take you so long, hmmm?"
  357. >not daring to look up, Spur muttered quietly
  358. >"Putting my panties on butt hurts, I'm sorry daddy..."
  359. "Hmmmm... if you weren't such a bad filly, your bum wouldn't sting so much right now."
  360. >Spur shuddered and you heard a very faint, wet noise
  361. >I-I know daddy, I deserve a spanking for not listening to you."
  362. >oh, now she feels guilty
  363. "You bet you deserve it."
  364. >you leaned down and picked her up, her pajamas so fluffy and warm under your touch, but the filly wearing it was just hot
  365. >you placed the brown pegasus on your lap, eyeing her lean, small body
  366. "Spur, your behaviour today and yesterday was very bad, I truly hoped a hand spanking would make you think twice before acting like a brat"
  367. >Spur lowered her head, like trying to disappear
  368. "You won't like this. A hand spanking is not enough for you anymore. Today, I will use your brush."
  369. >that was the moment when Spur looked up in your eyes
  370. >she was shocked
  371. >"D-Daddy, no. Not the brush, please!"
  372. >you put a finger on her trembling lips, then replied
  373. "Spur, you know what happens when you try to say 'no' to your punishment. Go fetch your hairbrush, I give you two minutes. Ten seconds of delay, it will be five spanks on your butt."
  374. >Spur gasped
  375. >you knew she wanted to beg you, to hug the idea out of your head, but she knew better
  376. >saying 'no' to a well deserved spanking means more spanking
  377. >without a word, you put the girl down and she quickly rushed to her bedroom
  378. >you heard her whine and sob in terror, as she was sentenced to bring a tool of her doom
  379. >you looked at the clock, waiting patiently for the brown filly
  381. >when it was just fifteen seconds to the end of the time, you shouted
  382. "Spur, time is almost up! Remember, Five more spanks for every ten seconds!"
  383. >you heard a muffled squeak upstairs, then the terrified teenager quickly ran down, with a hairbrush in her mouth
  384. "Come here, quickly. I don't have the whole day."
  385. >another miserable whine and she was back in front of you
  386. >you didn't wait, as you picked her up and placed in the most dreaded position that foals could imagine
  387. >over the knee, butt up, nose down
  388. >you heard her panting and grunting, as you secured her hindlegs from bucking, by putting them between your legs
  389. >after a second of hesitation, you pulled a cushion closer and pushed it under her chest and head
  390. >"T-t-hank y-you daddy..."
  391. >you didn't respond, admiring the view in front of you
  392. >a cute, small butt sticking up, still covered with these pink, plush pajama pants, outlines of her panties slightly visible under the soft material
  393. >wth a heavy sigh, you grabbed her hairbrush, a pretty piece of maple wood, quite plain, yet elegant
  394. >it was actually a relatively small brush, perfect for her little hoof, but still - a nasty weapon of butt destruction
  395. >you put it in your hand, then placed the flat part against her clothed buttcheeks
  396. >Spur tensed in fear, then sobbed
  397. "Just a small taste of your punishment, young lady"
  398. >before the brown teenager could say anything, you took a swing and the brush smacked her butt with a muffled *WHAP*
  399. >"AAAaAAWW! AOW! D-Daddy, it stings! OW!"
  400. >poor filly wiggled in your grasp, like trying to make the sting go away just by moving her body
  402. "You will get five spanks for not washing your hooves and not listening to me. I should give you much more, but maybe you can consider it as a warning. If I see you being this naughty again, you will get much more, with the hairbrush. And if you think you are immune to spankings outside, then let me set a new rule. You act badly outside, then I pull your panties down right where you are standing and you get your punishment immediately, in front of ponies."
  403. >Spur gasped and whined in despair, but it was already decided
  404. >your fingers slipped under the waistband of her pajama pants, then with a light tug, you pulled the soft material down
  405. >you pulled just enough, to expose those two delicate semi-globes and nothing more. You would never want to hit her thighs
  406. >wow, what a sight it was
  407. >that cute, innocent butt sticking out, decorated with matching light pink panties, something naughty moving under the material, pulsing and making wet sounds
  408. >you smiled deviously, as your hand traveled up and grabbed the thin part of panties
  409. >with a squeeze and tug, you gave Spur a wedgie, making the poor filly to shout and squeak, and the material to dig between her buttcheeks
  410. >Spur was panting, not able to form words anymore, and you didn't even start the real spanking
  411. >you noticed, however, growing wetness where her pantsu touched her privates
  412. >it gave you an idea, but that would be for later
  413. >understanding it's no use to talk to her, as she was already overwhelmed by the whole situation, you delicately pushed the brush against the brown-furred behind
  414. >Spur tensed, knowing what's coming next
  415. >with a quick swing, you delivered the first, loud *CLAP*
  416. >"EEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeee!"
  417. >your ears!
  419. To be continued
  421. >Spur trashed under your arm, trying to escape and rub her fanny, but you held her firmly
  422. >you waited long thirty seconds, observing how that small clit under her panties tried to get out, winking wildly and stretching the thin piece of cloth
  423. "Do you like brush spanking, Spur?"
  424. >Spur sobbed and grunted, then she shook her head
  425. >without a warning, another loud *WHACK* landed on her bum, making the poor filly squeal
  426. >immediately, as you delivered the spank, you pulled her panties up, making them dig in delicate flesh, stretching over her naughty bits
  427. >Spur was crying, but between shaky sobs, she moaned and whined, definitely not like a filly getting punished
  428. >a small wet spot on her panties doubled its size, spreading slowly with every wink
  429. "I hope this will teach you a lesson."
  430. >*CRACK*
  431. >Spur couldn't scream anymore, pain on her behind so intense, she had just her mouth open and eyes closed
  432. >maybe it's a bit too much for her
  433. >you paused for a long minute, observing the shivering teenager as she was overwhelmed by the awful sting
  434. "Two more to go, Spur."
  435. >then, you whispered to her ear
  436. "You okay?"
  437. >Spur didn't respond at first, she took a few shuddering breaths, before she stuttered a single word
  438. >"B-Biss-c-cuit, mnnn!-"
  439. >her body tensed, her back arched, eyes rolled back as she came violently
  440. >you've never seen such a thing
  441. >you dropped the brush and wanted to pick her up, but something caught your attention
  442. >the wet spot on her panties was replaced by pulsing streams of clear liquid, flowing down and soaking her pajama pants
  443. >but then, the pulsing became a steady flow, and you knew she was not only cumming
  444. >oh crap
  445. >your hand quickly clamped over her crotch, making the poor teenager chocke and wail, humping furiously, then you sprinted to the bathroom
  446. >you put her limp body in a tub, placing her genlty on a belly
  448. >she had her forelegs curled under a chest, hindlegs splayed wide apart and twitching, wings limply lying and shivering, and a thin trickle flowing down the drain
  449. >with a delicate tug you pulled her soaked pants down, then carefully removed her panties
  450. >damn, her butt was glowing red
  451. >after you undressed her, your fingers gently massaged her flushed filly lips, still winking wildly and leaking
  452. >after two long minutes Spur relaxed her body, her orgasm died down, allowing her to think straight
  453. >"Ooo..oow..."
  454. >this will need a big jar of soothing gel
  455. >you grabbed a shower head, then turned on lukewarm water
  456. >you gently moved the head around her back, watching, as her muscles visibly relax under the flow
  457. >then, you moved it straight to her abused rear, making the filly moan and gasp
  458. >after you gently washed her wet crotch, she regained enough energy to carefuly roll on her back
  459. >you quickly grabbed her hindlegs and pulled up, so she would not collapse straight on her butt
  460. >she was smiling in afterglow
  461. >"That--"
  462. >you chuckled, seeing this little weirdo so satisfied after something, that would make a normal filly cry with no end
  463. "I aim to please. And I see, I overpleased you this time."
  464. >she didn't get it at first, then she looked away, blushing furiously
  465. >"I-I'm sorry, I couldn't hold it... I'll clean it, I promise..."
  466. >you laughed, scratching her chest fluff
  467. "Don't worry about that, it's okay, I'll clean it. And... well, that was hot."
  468. >she scrunched her muzzle and frowned
  469. >"You are a w-weirdo..."
  470. >you grinned, tousling her curly mane
  471. "Teach me more, my kinky master."
  472. >she smiled from behind of her hooves, enjoying your fingers scratching behind her ears
  473. "I think you should take a break from paddling your butt, it looks like two ripe apples right now"
  474. >with a wince, she gently touched her buttcheeks with the tips of feathers
  475. >"Y-yeah, maybe a day or two..."
  476. >day or two?
  478. "You know there are other ways to have fun, right? You'll destroy your poor behind"
  479. >Spur waved her forelegs
  480. >"But it's fun! And, w-well, it's not just being s-spanked, but, you know..."
  481. >gently, you put her hindlegs down to a side
  482. "Having a big, strong daddy to correct your behavior?"
  483. >Spur giggled
  484. >"Y-yeah... I suppose we can continue this without slapping my butt for a while... um... about that, we can take a shower together..."
  485. >with a huge grin, you began to undress
  486. >carefully, Spur pulled herself up, wanting to see your quick strip tease
  488. Continue with a lewd scene? May contain some spanked butt teasing.
  490. >it was funny to see her peek curiously at you, like looking at kittens being born
  491. >when your boxers dropped, she tilted slightly her head, focused on your crotch
  492. >you didn't give her time to admire your manhood, jumping in a tub, making the brown teenager move to one end to give you some space
  493. >you sat down with legs spread as wide as the tub allowed
  494. >Spur was purely adorable, looking straight at your dick with no shame, with pure innocence in eyes, leaning down to see it from a different angle
  495. "So, Spur, little fillies have vaginas and colts have penises, they look a bit different, as you can see"
  496. >you chuckled, when Spur scrunched her nose and glanced up at your face
  497. >"I know the difference between stallions and mares, I'm not a little filly! It's just... your... thingy looks different."
  498. >Thingy? Different? This girl is so precious
  499. "Do you like the view?"
  500. >Spur moved closer, still watching your crotch like it was a piece of an art
  501. >"Um... My friends have bigger willies, to be honest."
  502. >...Ouch
  503. "Spur, I thought you said you don't want a spanking for a few days, but you are working right now for a paddling"
  504. >Spur looked up, clearly confused, then she realized what she's just said
  505. >"Sorry! Sorry! I... I didn't mean it like that! Your willy looks just a bit different, no offence!"
  506. >but you didn't buy it, even if she was sincere about being sorry
  507. >quickly you grabbed her under her forelegs and lifted up, making the poor girl squeak and shield her butt with a tail
  508. >calmly you spun her around and put against your chest
  509. >Spur, who's been turned around so quickly, didn't know what you planned to do, shuddered as you whispered to her ear
  510. "You won't get a spanking for your remark today, but don't you worry, I've put it on your tab, it won't go away. Next time we'll go to a park, I'll bring a brush with us."
  512. >Spur gasped, as something pocked against her crotch, first prodding that small butthole, then sliding across the winking filly lips
  513. >"Ah! A-Anon, mayme we can slow down, I've never... I mean, it's my... I'm not used..."
  514. >oh?
  515. >your hug loosened a bit and you glanced at a panicked face
  516. "Your first time? I thought fillies your age rut in bushes if there's a chance."
  517. >Spur moaned, when something rubbed straight agains her clit, then stuttered
  518. >"I've n-never!- I mean, with somepony, just some, oooh... s-some tsmall toys and touching, b-but never with..."
  519. >you chuckled, then lied down in a tub, releasing the brown teenager from your grasp
  520. "Don't worry, girl, I'm just teasing you. You can look around if you want, I'm not going to laugh."
  521. >Spur sat on your stomach, startled from being released, then she realized she had your cock standing up just in front of her, like a flagpole
  522. >the brown-furred teenager froze, hypnotized by your piece of meat, then slowly she stood up to have a better view
  523. >about the view, your eyes were greeted with her delicate, reddened backide, tail flagged and naughty bits unobscured, winking to you
  524. >"C-Can I touch it?"
  525. >you smiled, then gently rubbed her hip with your hand
  526. "If you let me touch you as well. By the way, be gentle, some parts are sensitive."
  527. >Spur glanced back at you, like trying to say she's aware of that, but as she met your smiling face, she just nodded and focused back at her new task
  529. >your dick twitched, as she gave it a curious nudge with her muzzle, then you tensed when her lips left a small kiss on the tip
  530. >she probably had no idea what to do, or maybe she was having fun finding out what she can do, but for you it was simply awesome
  531. >steady winks of her fillyhood invited to be touched and rubbed, so your hands quickly found their way to her buttocks
  532. >Spur gasped and tensed, when you gently grabbed these small semi-globes and pulled aside, revealing pink, moisty inside of her tight cavern
  533. >you grew concerned, noticing how small was her pleasure hole, actually still a bit smaller than you would expect to see under an adult mare's tail
  534. >she was definitely not a filly anymore, she would stretch out with no problem, but still you felt uneasy to invade such a small opening
  535. >maybe you could both help each other in other ways
  536. >with a groan you reacted to Spur's another attempt to pleasure you
  537. >she opened her maw and started sucking your head, and maybe three inches of your dick
  538. >you found it hard to focus - when she was inexperienced and clumsy, she definitely won your heart with how innocently eager she was to make you feel good, as much as you made her
  539. >when she tried to ignore your ministrations, you also tried to pay attention only to her cute little bum
  540. >your thumbs gently massaged her privates, rubbing these thin lips together, parting them and even slipping a knuckle inside to wiggle around
  541. >Spur's muffled moans were a music to your ears, every rub against that flushed clit making her grunt and whine, every push of your finger inside causing the tight tunnel to clamp down
  542. >after a few minutes of teasing each other, you found yourself getting close, and her filly place also quickened the winking, like it was planning to burst
  543. >with a mischievous grin, you decided to win this race
  544. >your pace quickened, pumping fingers in and out, making the poor filly gasp
  546. >Spur realized what you were trying to do, and she also started bobbing her head up and down, sucking sloppily
  547. >then, on of your thumbs moved slowly up, to the tight, round entrance under Spur's tail dock
  548. >her eyes shot open and she froze, feeling something pressing hard against the most forbidden place under her tail
  549. >she pulled her head up, releasing your wet dick to the unpleasant, cold air, but you ignored that
  550. >your thumb, covered in her love juices, pressed hard
  551. >Spur shouted and shook violently, as it entered her butthole with a popping sound
  552. >immediately, a spray of sweet juices rained down your chest and face, as the brown filly standing on your chest shouted in bliss, then collapsed, twitching under your still pumping fingers
  553. >at this point your junk screamed for attention, so you quickly grabbed the shivering girl on top of you, repositioned her, so again her back pressed against your chest
  554. >Spur's eyes were unfocused and mouth drooling, so you assumed she would not understand any commands, even if she wanted to
  555. >you grabbed her hindlegs together, then your dick quickly found its way between these small thighs
  556. >Spur's eyes fell down, as your manhood ground between these lean, long legs and her pussy, groaning softly from the additional stimulation
  557. >with every second you humped more erracically, holding this young mare like the most precious thing on the world, slapping these abused backside with your hips, adding squeaks to her moans
  558. >when you were very close, you hugged Spur with both arms, releasing these delicate legs, hoping she would stay like that
  559. >to your relief, she held her hips together, providing perfect friction of her slim body and velvet-like fur
  560. >your mind went blank, a grunt escaped your throat, body tensed, as the awaited orgasm hit you hard
  561. >you just held her close, feeling your dick firing spurts of baby batter, probably all over the poor filly
  563. >your eyes were closed, mind drinking greedily from the huge release, painting the punished girl with your seed
  564. >it felt like it lasted for ten minutes, but it was probably twenty seconds, as you released your muscles and your dick pumped the last drops
  565. >you relaxed, letting Spur rest against your chest without hugging her for dear life
  566. >your eyes opened, and the first sight that greeted you was her curly, cyan mane
  567. >you burried your face in it, inhaling the faint smell of shampoo, her love juices and sweat
  568. >like a drunk man you struggled to focus on her little body, then a shock of the sight made you definitely more sober
  569. >her face, mane, chest and belly were coated with white liquid, slowly dribbling down, washing around these tiny nipples, travelling across her mound, straight to her crotch
  570. >her eyes were closed, but not tightly, like when she came, but more peacefully
  571. >she looked like she fell asleep, with that cute smile and burning blush on the whole face, but small twitches and droplets of her own arousal, that dripped from her fillyhood assured you she was still awake
  572. >as much as you loved how she looked like, you didn't really want to have a taste of your own seed, so you chose the clean spot on her right cheek to give her a loving kiss
  573. >Spur hummed in pleasure, your hands delicately rubbed around, spreading your gift all around her body
  574. >there was nothing more to say, so you turned on warm water and began to slowly wash your little mare
  575. >refreshing droplets hit your bodies, managing to wake you up enough to think straight again, but without removing the relaxing afterglow
  576. >lovingly, you rubbed around her spanked buttocks, making the filly squeak and giggle weakly
  577. >your whisper was coarse, but filled with adoration
  578. "I didn't know your butt fun meant more than having your fanny spanked"
  580. >if Spur wanted to get annoyed from your unorthodox way of giving her an orgasm, she either didn't have energy to show that, or she just discovered another way to please herself
  581. >"Just... just wash me slowly... and let's stay like that for a while, okay?"
  582. >you rolled her over, so her belly was resting against your chest
  583. "Of course, Spur."
  584. >it was a magical way to start a day
  586. Well, it turned out to be a bit longer on a lewd part than I planned. If it's acceptable, I can write another thing, happening a few days later. Anon promised Spur a trip over his knee in a park, after all
  588. >a week passed since your last fun time
  589. >Spur visited your house every day, spending time with you, learning how to cook, reading books or just cuddling
  590. >you had a long talk with her regarding lewd stuff between you two
  591. >as much as she loved her fantasies and your hands turning her into a miserable pile of moaning pony, you've set some rules to control her urges
  592. >you knew she was in heat, and the itch was more intense than in any other season, but getting her butt spanked every day until she collapses unconscious was a bit unhealthy
  593. >so, you two limited lewd acts to minimum, letting her bum heal from the last brushing, and pleasuring the young mare only with your fingers, max one time per day
  594. >at first, Spur protested and whined, but no means no - either she will accept new rules, or there will be to kitty tickling
  595. >it was a nice, warm Sunday, you two walked outside to not to waste such a beautiful day on sitting on a couch
  596. >Spur flexed her wings, spreading them wide and catching sweet, warm breeze in feathers
  597. >she put on a modest, white shirt, a purple, light skirt reaching almost to her hooves, and a fitting beret
  598. >it was not unusual to see ponies wear clothes at this part of the year, as some would decide to cover herself from stallions' eyes, or to simply feel pretty
  599. >heavenly feeling of nature waking up after a winter brought a wide smile on her face, and you couldn't stop yourself from smiling as well
  600. >you bought yourself and her vanilla ice cream, then you two headed to the nearby pond
  601. >many ponies sat on grass or blankets, having their first picnic in this year, since the weather was more than welcoming to spend time outside
  602. >you two lied down on grass, Spur cutely smiling and finishing her ice cream
  603. >you looked down at a happy pony, pondering how much of an adult mare she was, and how many filly traits she still had
  605. >she surprised you as a responsible and mature girl who learned pretty quickly different things, but her cute, freckled face, a delicate voice and long legs told you there is still a year or two, until she will look like a regular mare
  606. >you smiled down at her, as she finished the crunchy cone of her ice cream, innocently spreading her legs wide, since her clothes covered all her special parts
  607. "You have something on your nose. Here, let me help you"
  608. >her eyes opened, curiously squinting to see what was on her nose
  609. >your finger gently scooped a drop of melted cream, then you put it in your mouth
  610. >Spur frowned slightly, not knowing if she should protest or laugh from stealing her last drop of ice cream, finally choosing to giggle and wave her forelegs around
  611. >"Hey! That was mine! What a brute steals sweet cream from an innocent lady!"
  612. >you chuckled, rubbing gently her tummy
  613. "Don't worry, I can give you some of my cream if you want."
  614. >at first Spur wanted to continue this playful bicker, then she stopped, confused
  615. >you looked away, with an innocent smile, observing other ponies eating lunch
  616. >Spur opened her mouth several times, trying to say something, then she also looked away, with glowing red face
  617. >you two spent almost an hour sitting there, enjoying the peaceful afternoon silently
  618. "How about we will go somewhere else? I heard cherry trees started blooming two days ago, let's see them"
  619. >Spur muttered a silent "mhmm", then slowly you two picked yourself up
  620. >after a short walk you reached an edge of Ponyville Park, that was not really marked with any sign or fence, but there was much more trees, alleys and bushes
  621. >you walked slowly, enjoying the view and your company, and Spur looked around to see if there are any pink colored trees in her sight
  622. >"Um... I don't see cherry trees here, maybe we should go there!"
  623. >she pointed her small hoof in a direction of a wide path, that climbed up the small hill
  625. "Yeah, I believe there were some cherry trees on the south, we can go there"
  626. >after a few minutes of walk, you saw them
  627. >flowers were not completely open yet, but the sight was still very beautiful
  628. >several hills, with ponies sitting around, covered only with blooming trees
  629. >Spur gasped in awe and slowed down to appreciate the sight
  630. >then, a pair of ponies passed you, a young mare and a stallion, both giggling and blushing
  631. >what you noticed was a long penis slapping underneath stallion's belly, flexing and dripping clear liquid on the alley
  632. >with a sly smile, the mare quickly pulled him in the nearby bushes, immediately being followed by wet sounds of kissing and groaning
  633. >Spur froze as she saw that scene, her nostrils opened a few times, her tail slowly raising
  634. "Let's go, Spur, give them some privacy"
  635. >she followed you without a word, but she turned her head back to the bushes a few times
  636. >you smirked awfully, as Spur was getting flustered from the young pair making out basically in public, but she shook her head to get rid of that image
  637. >"Um... M-Maybe let's go faster..."
  638. >your pace quickened, but then another scene emerged from behind of a big tree that made her stop completely
  639. >a unicorn mare had her dress hiked up, legs spread wide and tail moved to the side
  640. >a young stallion had his muzzle buried in her crotch, licking every inch of her privates, tasting the dripping liquid coming from her winking slit
  641. >Spur's jaw dropped, eyes opened wide, her body not daring to move
  642. >you observed her tail going slowly up, but the skirt was covering everything
  643. >then, without any warning, the stallion mounted the mare, his length prodding frantically between her haunches, trying to find the opening
  644. >Spur sat down and covered her face with hooves, seeing almost every detail of the intercourse
  645. >you crouched down next to a filly, putting your hands on her shoulders
  647. "It's such a lovely day for them to have some fun, you know? It's so relieving to finally go outside and do it like it should be done"
  648. >Spur's breathing quickened, you could hear her heart hammering, as the stallion prodded his dick against unicorn’s butthole
  649. >the mare whined, then quickly used her magic to reposition his tip
  650. >a giddy neigh escaped their mouths, as finally the stallion slipped his whole dick inside of her with a single thrust
  651. >Spur wanted to look away, but she couldn't; she felt dizzy from the sight, from your hands massaging her back, from the sweet, heavy smell in the air...
  652. >with a loud squeak, she jumped and sprinted away from you
  653. "Spur!"
  654. >the filly was blindly galloping down the alley, until she disappeared behind a small hill
  655. >a pair of ponies, startled from the sudden sound, stopped their fun session
  656. >with a sad whine the stallion pulled out from the mare, then a few weak spurts of his seed painted the grass beneath them
  657. >the mare was very not happy
  658. >"R-Really now!"
  659. >she trotted to you with a frown
  660. >"My husband and I wanted to make a baby today and your daughter ruined the moment! He didn't finish inside of me! I expect an apology!"
  661. >you sighed sadly, then apologized to them
  662. "I'm sorry for that, guys, I'll better go and grab her before she gets lost"
  663. >with a cute, but offended "hmph!", the mare turned away and joined her husband
  664. >he was not angry, but pretty sad
  665. >you picked yourself up and jogged down the alley
  666. >after a few minutes of searching you caught something cyan in the corner of your eye
  667. >Spur was sitting under a tree, panting and grunting
  668. >you quickly walked up to her, then you saw she was pushing her clothed butt against a tree root
  669. "I think we should punish a naughty filly, what do you think?"
  670. >that simple question made the brown pegasus freeze, then look at you in shock
  671. >"A-Anon, I'm s-sorry, but-"
  672. >you cleared your throat, looking down at a blushing filly with a frown
  674. >young lady, these gentleponies tried to make a foal and you interrupted them, effectively ruining their plans for today. You were very naughty and I expect YOU to go back to them and apologize.
  675. >Spur's eyes opened wide and her pupils shrank
  676. >"A-Apologize? Um... I-I don't think it's a good idea, it m-makes my head all-"
  677. "Spur, no buts! You are my daughter and I won't allow such a behavior! Now, get up and walk back to these ponies, right now!"
  678. >Spur shivered, as she realized something
  679. >you two were in a park and you promised her something the last time you abused her butt
  680. >"A-Anon, I thought you were... m-maybe we should go home and-"
  681. >but you didn't plan to stop your acting
  682. >it was too late for her
  683. "Spur, I count to three, if you don't go back right now, you'll regret that"
  684. >the brown mare shook with fear
  685. >you were not joking and she was not sure if it turned her on right now
  686. "One."
  687. >she shook her head, not knowing how to react
  688. "Two."
  689. >"Daddy, please! I-I can't!-"
  690. >oh, so she decided to go with her fantasy
  691. "Three."
  692. >your hand darted down and grabbed her ear
  693. >Spur squeaked in dread, as you pulled her up and started leading back to the alley
  694. >"Ow! Oooow! D-Daddy, please! Ouch! It h-hurts!"
  695. >of course, you didn't pull her hard, like some parent would do with their foals, but that tugging was definitely uncomfortable for her
  696. >you stopped just next to the alley, standing on grass
  697. "Pull your skirt up and stick your butt up, right now!"
  698. >Spur squeaked again, then backed up slowly
  699. >"D-Daddy, not here! Let's go home and do it there, not here! Somepony will-"
  700. >your hand quickly grabbed her tail and the other one delivered a sharp smack in the center of her butt
  701. >"AIEE!"
  702. "No discussion! Skirt up, Spur!"
  703. >but Spur was too shocked to comply
  704. >with an angry growl, you leaned down, grabbed her midsection, placed over your knee, then pulled the skirt up
  705. >"EEEE! Daddy, no!"
  706. >you were deaf to her pleading
  708. >your eyes met with her backside, now completely healed, shiny fur glistening in sun
  709. >to your surprise, she had light-blue panties covering her modesty
  710. >of course, they were already drenched
  711. "You naughty girl! You already ruined your underwear, a fresh pair! That's it, you won't leave my knee until your whole bum is as pink as these trees!"
  712. >Spur wailed and kicked her legs, as your hand quickly slipped under the elastic band of her pants, to remove her last defence
  713. >with a quick tug, the underwear slid down, painting her legs with wetness of her juices
  714. >after they passed her hooves, everything between those brown buttcheeks were completely unobscured, presented to everyone who walked by
  715. >"D-Daddy! No! C-Cover my kitty, please!"
  716. "Oh, I'll cover it and your fanny, with my hand!"
  717. >!!!
  718. >Spur wiggled and kicked her legs, making it very hard to aim
  719. >you delivered maybe three spanks, then it was literally impossible to continue
  720. "Spur! If you don't stop, I'll use your manebrush!"
  721. >but Spur didn't even hear you, her mind turned into a storm, hormones driving senses crazy, kicking and yelping to cover herself, but also to scratch that burning itch
  722. >suddenly you lost balance and fell on side, releasing the filly
  723. >seeing an opportunity to do something, anything, she darted away from you, bare butt, to get back behind the bushes
  724. >with a surprised yelp she stopped, a cloud of green magic holding her tail
  725. >"There, let me help you."
  726. >a stern voice of a mare you met before came from the alley
  727. >she quickly trotted up to you, pulling in the same time the brown filly back
  728. >"I see you took my words to your heart and wanted to correct your daughter's behavior, so I will lend you a horn here"
  729. >Spur squealed, as her butt was again pulled over your knee, but this time she couldn’t kick or wiggle
  730. >green magic held her legs and wings down, giving you an opportunity to spank her properly
  731. >but you were conflicted about the intrusion
  733. "I understand you want to help, but I can handle her. She would eventually find a way back on my lap, with an additional dozen of spanks for running away."
  734. >mare's expression softened, then she sat down on grass
  735. >her husband was several meters away, looking a bit uneasy at the whole scene
  736. >"Fine. But still, I will keep legs down, so you can continue."
  737. >thinking for a few seconds, you decided it's a great addition to her punishment
  738. >you grabbed her skirt and pulled it up again, revealing wet, shivering buttcheeks
  739. >"…I see you are in heat as well, young miss. But it's not a reason to ruin my mating, you should know that!"
  740. >Spur grunted and whined, not being able to properly cover herself anymore, knowing that other ponies were watching
  741. >"P-Please, daddy! Please not in front of- *SMACK* OOOW!"
  742. "I'm sorry Spur, but you've earned it."
  743. >then, your hand began to smack these young buttcheeks, giving satisfying, wet smacks and making Spur cry and squeak
  744. >a rain of relentless, firm slaps danced around her poor fanny, turning quickly her skin a light shade of pink
  745. >a young family trotted down the alley, looking down curiously at the scene
  746. >parents smiled knowingly, but young filly and her older brother looked in fear at the punishment
  747. >when Spur noticed their faces, looking back at her with dread and pity, she sobbed louder in shame
  748. >for the next thirty seconds you worked all around her buttocks, painting it vivid pink
  749. >first signs of her incoming release showed up, as her narrow slit winked faster and faster
  750. >the mare ignored it at first, assuming it was just the effect of her heat, but when Spur's wailing turned into muffled grunts and moans, she stuttered, confused
  751. >"Um... mister, uh, I think you should stop, she's, um-"
  752. >but you didn't plan to stop, not now
  753. "My daughter will get the punishment on her fanny like a big girl, no stopping now!"
  754. >you paused for a few seconds, then reached to a pocket
  756. >a few seconds of relief made Spur think it was the end, but when a hard, cold surface gently rubbed across her fanny, she froze, then squealed in fear
  757. "NO! Daddy, no, please! Not the brush! N-Not the-OOOOOW!"
  758. >the first whack sent small droplets of Spur's arousal around
  759. >the mare that was holding down the filly, up to this point looked curiously on how you punished Spur
  760. >but the more she was showing some very strange signs from being spanked, the more the mare wanted you to stop
  761. >when a few sweet, strong smelling droplets landed on her muzzle, chest and fur, her eyes darted at Spur's fillyhood in shock
  762. >"M-Mister, y-you should stop, she's going to... she will-"
  763. *WHACK*
  764. >"YOOOOOW...MMnnnnnnmmm!"
  765. >your calm, sly voice reached both mares
  766. "Just two more, young missy, then you will get a few spanks straight on your pussy for wetting your panties..."
  767. >the mare gasped in shock; her magic disappeared from Spur's legs
  768. >but Spur was not kicking her legs anymore
  769. >*WHACK*
  770. >Spur didn't scream this time, but shook violently in your grasp, her back tensed, tail trashed, then a spurt of liquid shot out of her opened lips
  771. >you pressed down a brush against her burning skin, grinding up and down, rubbing her delicate parts as well
  772. >the whole scene was suddenly silent, only the squirts of Spur's love liquids splashed against the fresh grass
  773. >then, a pitter-patter of uniform stream reached your ears
  774. >Spur's body went limp, her hindlegs dangling, eyes tightly closed, ears pinned to her head
  775. >you leaned down and saw an arc of almost transparent liquid, coming out of her small slit and raining on grass
  776. >you looked up at a mare, only to find her face being a frozen mask of pure shock
  777. >her cheeks flushed red, eyes glued to Spur's backside, completely speechless
  778. >you chuckled and gently rubbed Spur's back
  780. "Sometimes she's doing that when I spank her a bit too hard. That's okay, she won't be punished for this one..."
  781. >you didn't finish, as a snort and animalistic neigh came from your right side
  782. >the mare's husband quickly trotted up to her bewildered wife, bit down on her tail and pulled hard
  783. >"W-What are you!-"
  784. >you noticed his eyes and you knew what's going to happen
  785. >the mare didn't have a good opportunity to protest, as she was forcibly dragged away, to the nearby bushes
  786. >soon, you heard a loud yelp and a moan, then loud, angry grunts and wet slapping
  787. >maybe it was your imagination, but you were quite sure that after a long you heard a hissing pumps of his seed, surely filling the mare’s needy womb
  788. >Spur slowly came back to life, her long legs trembling, butt dripping from a mix of liquids
  789. >"I...I... ooow... I hate… love.... you..."
  790. >you smiled at her freckled, tired face, then you pulled a small bag of wet wipes from another pocket
  791. >without a word, you gingerly cleaned her whole bum, paying extra attention to flushed privates
  792. >silently you picked her up, then her panties and carried her the rest of the day
  793. >you tried not to touch her butt, or at least not too much
  794. "What should I do with my naughty mare if she acts so badly the next time?"
  795. >with hearts in her eyes, she looked up at you
  796. >"I-I don't know, but I'll be extra naughty next time..."
  797. >that was a lovely day in horseland
  799. Just a bit more lewd than I planned.

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