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Old Fashioned Wife 3: Pinkie's Hearthswarming Eve by Anon

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-08 03:02:32
Updated: 2022-03-20 18:01:06
Expiry: Never

  1. Old Fashioned Wife 3: Pinkie's Hearthswarming Eve by Anon
  3. (05/09/2020 - 19/01/2021)
  6. ---
  8. Pinkie's Hearthswarming Eve (Old Fashioned Wife 3)
  10. >The cold wind blew hard against the house, but inside, by the crackling fireplace, it was warm.
  11. >Two stockings, already stuffed to the brim with goodies, hung silhouetted in front of the flames
  12. >And on each one, hand-sewn names in red thread stretched across the top:
  13. >”Anon” and “Pinkie”
  15. >It was Hearthswarming Eve, and the tree was glittering gloriously by the window, framed by the glass which was frosted around the edges
  16. >Adorned with gold and silver ornaments, covered in tinsel, and strung up with abundant pastel-colored lights, it brightened the room almost as much as the fire did.
  17. >And underneath the tree, a whole assortment of little presents with the same two names on each one: “Pinkie” and “Anon”
  18. >You had never been much for shopping, but you had to say that your wife’s enthusiasm for getting gifts was contagious
  19. >And pretty soon after she had come prancing into the house with a short stack of wrapped up gifts on her back, so obviously excited to watch you open them up in a few days… you decided to up your game
  20. >and pretty soon, you were the one waltzing into the house with presents strapped to your back and a silly grin on your face
  21. >It was what she deserved, after all!
  23. >Still, you made sure to tell her not to spend TOO much of her money on gifts
  24. >Pinkie Pie sometimes had a habit of getting a little carried away with her funds, something which you had… talked to her about more than once
  25. >and it was your job to rein her in.
  26. >So, you gave her a budget to work with, something which she had accepted and vowed not to go over on
  27. >and while the seeming abundance of gifts piled up under the tree DID admittedly make you just a liiitle bit suspicious about how much money she had spent… you still believed Pinkie had followed your guidelines for her unless proven otherwise!
  29. >You take a sip from your cup of hot cocoa, and sigh with a smile.
  30. >This was the life.
  31. >Such a peaceful night was only made more enjoyable by the sound of your wife’s humming in the kitchen, the sounds of her hooves gently clip clopping on the hard tile floor as she pranced back and forth in her chef’s apron
  32. >surely dancing a little bit to the upbeat music which played from the record player in the living room
  33. >You couldn’t see her from where you were seated, but you could fill in the picture in for yourself based on sound alone. You smile.
  34. >The way Pinkie hopped back and forth between the pans, the counter, and the oven with such a pep in her step
  35. >The way her tail and rump always swayed to the rhythm of the music
  36. >the way she seemed to smile so naturally…
  38. >You hear Pinkie’s voice call out over the music
  39. >”Ok, dinner’s ready, Anon!”
  40. --------
  41. >It was your third Hearthswarming together as a married couple, but already, you had developed some traditions
  42. >One of which was the delicious veggie quiche the Pinkie was sooo good at baking, every Hearthswarming Eve
  43. >you had no idea how she managed to make it so amazing, but she insisted on it being a secret recipe with a wink and a bright smile
  44. >and despite your… well, your “marriage arrangement” being the way it was for the past three years, you decided to just let her have this one
  45. >It wouldn’t be as special if you could just make it whenever, after all!
  47. >And, as it was also tradition for you to do, you insisted on doing all of the dishes after supper was over.
  48. >Even though Pinkie always tried to do them, even insisting that she could take care of it since she was your wife… you weren’t gonna have it.
  49. >She had gone through all the trouble to make you a delicious meal, and it was the least you could do to clean up the kitchen afterwards
  50. >you liked doing that for her, and even though it always seemed to… confuse her somewhat that you, her husband, would do it, you knew she always appreciated the gesture
  51. >she had told you as much!
  53. >And so, you began to scrub the pans, the measuring spoons, and the plates thoroughly
  54. >Pinkie gives you a gentle nuzzle and rubs the side of her face on your neck lovingly, then gives you a smooch on the cheek
  56. “Thanks, Nonnie,” she coos into your ear before she walks out of the room, leaving the kitchen in your capable hooves.
  57. >you smile widely, and go back to vigorously scrubbing the pans and plates with renewed focus.
  59. >But then, you notice something out of the corner of your eye as you start to wipe down the counters and table
  60. >Pinkie walks across the doorway… with something in her mouth
  61. >walking from the direction of your bedroom, it looks like
  62. >you don't see what it is, but she makes her way to the living room…
  64. >Huh.
  65. >maybe a surprise gift she hadn't wrapped yet?
  66. >You weren't sure, but since you were almost done cleaning all of the kitchen surfaces you suppose you were about to find out!
  68. >so, you finish what you started, wring out the damp cloth, and toss it over the sink faucet before you enter the living room
  70. >But what you see is NOT what you expected.
  72. >At first you don't notice it. The thing you do notice first, however, was the expression on your wife Pinkie's face.
  73. >there was still a little smile on her lips… but her eyes glistened
  74. >and the way her ears drooped just a little bit also caught you off guard
  75. >the way she looked up at you, but her eyes flickered between you and the floor
  76. >and…
  78. >Then you notice it.
  79. >A hairbrush. THE hairbrush, laying on the sofa cushion beside her.
  80. >It takes a moment to register what you are seeing in front of you, and you can't hide a look of confusion on your face
  82. "Uhh… Pinkie? Are you okay?"
  84. >Pinkie's ears flick, and her tail swishes nervously
  85. >there is still a smile on her face, but this time, it's… sad.
  86. >she shuffles her hooves a little bit, and she squirms just a little bit in her seat
  88. >you almost repeat your question
  89. >but before you do, Pinkie Pie answers you with a little sigh
  91. >"Nonnie, it's… it's Friday. The last Friday of the month…"
  93. >Pinkie looks up at you with slightly glistening eyes.
  94. >you look back down at her, and when your eyes meet, the realization truly hits you.
  96. >Indeed, it was Friday. The last Friday of the month, this month… was Hearthswarming Eve.
  97. >Your eyes widen, and you feel your heart skip a beat.
  99. >But lamely, the only thing you can manage to do is say, with a waver to your voice:
  101. "Oh."
  103. >Shit.
  104. >This had been such a hectic week before your holiday breaks… and you'd completely forgotten.
  105. >or perhaps, you just didn't want to remember on a night like tonight...
  106. >Pinkie Pie still sadly smiles up at you
  107. >you can practically smell the nervousness now in the room, and you feel your stomach knotting up
  109. >It had been almost 3 years since the two of you had officially started the domestic discipline lifestyle.
  110. >Almost three years since you had given Pinkie Pie, your wife, her first spanking for nearly burning the house down leaving the oven on.
  111. >you can still remember how lost you felt when you had her over your knee that first night
  112. >how foreign such an idea as "wife spanking" was to you
  113. >and even more surprising, how NOT foreign the idea was to Pinkie
  114. >but somehow, over the last few years, you had managed to find yourself fully entrenched in such a culture only three years later
  115. >after, of course, so much time with just the two of you speaking with one another about the dynamics of your relationship
  116. >and over time… well, now you weren't so lost anymore
  117. >and neither was she.
  119. >at first, it was quite an adjustment to be honest, for both of you
  120. >but at the end of it all, here you were three years later
  121. >and here Pinkie was, sitting contritely in front of you with the instrument of her punishment on the sofa
  122. >and despite the special day it was, a peaceful Hearthswarming Eve
  123. >it was nonetheless maintenance day.
  125. >You don't say anything at first, and just think to yourself for a moment.
  126. >You hadn't honestly remembered what day of the week it was. But even if you had…
  128. "Pinkie Pie, sweetheart, it's Hearthswarming Eve. I know it's the schedule, but I don't want to ruin the night ok? So, are you sure?"
  130. >Pinkie maybe hesitated for a moment at your question
  131. >but with the sad, but somehow understanding smile still on her face, she slowly nods her head
  132. >and with her nose, she nudges the hairbrush toward you, ears pinned down
  134. >"Yes, Anon… it's okay. B-besides, it's only 6:30, s-soo we can still have a good night! Once w-we take care of my maintenace spanking first…"
  136. >Wow.
  137. >With your stomach tying itself in knots with guilt… you still are amazed by your wife's bravery.
  138. >you give her a ghost of a smile, and close your eyes with a heavy sigh.
  140. >You knew. You knew what her answer would be…
  142. >Well. It was time, you guess.
  143. >you really didn't want to do this, especially not tonight
  144. >but your wife had made sure you remembered your arrangement anyway… and you were going to be a stallion of your word and uphold your agreement
  145. >be the stallion she expected you to be
  146. >even if it was so unpleasant…
  148. >you sigh one more time, but you decide to steel your resolve.
  149. >You nod your head once, resolutely, and then you take a seat on the couch
  150. >pick up the wooden hairbrush
  151. >and you take a deep breath.
  153. "Okay, Pinkie. Let's get this done, ok?"
  154. >you place a pillow on your right thigh, and pat your lap.
  155. >her eyes well up with tears, but she bravely blinks them away
  156. >and, with a little sniffle and a deep exhale, Pinkie climbs over your lap.
  158. >"Y-yes, Anon…"
  160. >it had been 3 years
  161. >and while it was true that you had felt so clueless to start with the first time you spanked Pinkie
  162. >by now, almost 3 years later, the sight of your wife laying down over your knees had now become a familiar sight
  163. >one year of developing a maintenance spanking schedule, once per month, had ensured that!
  165. >Pinkie needs only a little bit of assistance getting into position
  166. >you gently press down on her croup, causing her to land with a little thump over your lap
  167. >her butt lands right on top of the pillow on your thigh, and sufficiently props it up so that it arches up into the air a little bit higher than the rest of her body
  168. >moving quickly, with the motivation to just get this whole thing over with, you take hold of her tail which was already obediently lifted and off to the side
  169. >pinning it onto her back with your holding hoof
  170. >Pinkie holds back a little squeak, and her head lowers into her hooves
  172. >Well. Here she was.
  173. >In the familiar spanking position over your knees, bum propped up and waiting for the paddling to start.
  174. >you bite your lip, bracing yourself mentally for what you're about to do, and then, you pick up the hairbrush
  175. >resting the cool wood onto her bottom and giving it a couple of taps to aim
  176. >Pinkie Pie's bottom clenches for just a split second in reflex, but then quickly relaxes once again
  177. >submitting fully to the correction she is about to receive
  178. >you can't help smiling at that
  180. >good girl Pinkie. Good girl…
  181. "Ok, Pinkie. Let's just get this over with, and then we can have fun the rest of the n…"
  183. >"Anon! I-I…"
  184. >Pinkie calls out just as you were about to start, and the hoof holding the hairbrush freezes mid air
  185. >her eyes squeeze shut, and you fall silent
  186. >Pinkie sniffles, and buries her head in her hooves, and a little tear trickles down her cheek
  188. "Um… yes, Pinkie?"
  189. >more sniffling, and her bottom squirms just a little bit over your knee
  190. >She seems hesitant to speak at first, but you give her time…
  192. >"Anon, I… I spent over budget. On the gifts… It was an accident, b-but…"
  194. >oh. Oh no.
  195. >once the admission leaves her mouth, a deep sigh of guilt escapes her
  196. >she squeaks in her hooves, and her body tries to curl up over your lap
  197. >but the deed was done.
  199. >your heart sinks.
  200. >at first, you just let the admission of guilt sit heavy on the air
  201. >this was NOT the bombshell you were expecting from her
  202. >you feel an ache in your chest as Pinkie cringes, knowing what she had just admitted to
  203. >what it meant…
  205. >you frown heavily, and shake your head.
  206. >Pinkie waits for your reply with held breath
  207. >and perhaps instinctively, she scoots forward on your lap
  208. >and sticks her rump up higher in the air
  209. >seemingly further demonstrating her contriteness toward you..
  211. >you set the hairbrush down.
  212. >then, you lay your hoof down onto her behind instead, and take a deep breath.
  213. >you take a minute to gather your thoughts and figure out what you are going to do, until a plan generates in your mind
  214. >meanwhile, Pinkie Pie lies still over your lap, trying to hide sniffs and breathing softly
  216. >You speak down at her with a firm but calm voice.
  218. "Pinkie… I'm happy you were honest with me. But... I am very disappointed. How… how many bits over budget?"
  220. >You hold your breath and await her reply
  221. >bracing yourself for what she is about to say
  222. >bracing yourself for the possibility that you may need to do some gift returns tomorrow…
  224. >Pinkie says in a near whisper, squeezing her eyes shut like she was waiting for rebuke
  225. >"T-twelve bits, Anon."
  227. >Oh.
  228. >You feel the tension leave your shoulders, and you exhale for the first time in a few seconds
  229. >and a ghost of a smile finds its way onto your lips
  230. >but it quickly disappears, and your mind once again returns to the situation at hand
  231. >you nod your head, and you reply in a calm tone of voice
  233. "Oh. Well… once again, I'm glad you were honest with me. It's better to tell me now than for me to find out later, right?"
  235. >"Yes sir," Pinkie is quick to reply, her voice sounding timid and filled with regret
  236. >you smile and nod your head in approval
  237. "Good. Good…"
  239. >You try to keep a neutral tone when you
  240. speak
  241. >try not to clue her into what you were thinking too much
  242. >but to tell the truth, you are relieved.
  243. >Twelve bits wasn't nothing, but it certainly wasn't going to break the bank, either!
  244. >it was nothing like the time last year when she had bought her own parade float without your permission in the heat of the moment, right?
  245. >Or the time she had spent all her week salary on special edible cupcake glitter from Saddle Arabia! That sure had been something!
  246. >Or the time she…
  248. >But as you begin to reminisce, it hits you.
  249. >The incidents… you had just thought of three of them
  250. >all within the past year.
  251. >Well, the parade float incident had been maybe a year and a half, and THAT one was actually really bad
  252. >and as a consequence, well…
  253. >you had given her a pretty thorough spanking for it
  254. >aaaand for the other incident with the sprinkles last November, which hadn't been so bad by comparison, but you had given her one then, too…
  256. >And now, here your wayward wife was, on Hearthswarming Eve, admitting to her spending indiscretions once again.
  257. >Yet another instance.
  258. >And even though it wasn't so much this time… it was the principle of it
  259. >The pattern of behavior…
  261. >while you were thinking to yourself, the room lay silent save the occasional crackle of the logs in the fireplace
  262. >and Pinkie Pie was still awaiting your sentence with her body tensed and nervous as could be
  264. >The feeling of relief you had before is now gone.
  265. >instead, the understanding of what you'll have to do is sinking in
  266. >and damn, it sucks.
  268. >you swallow, take a long, deep breath through your nose
  269. >you break the silence
  271. "Pinkie Pie, sweetheart… I know twelve bits isn't so much. It's not going to break the bank. But Pinkie, I asked you to be careful and gave you a budget for Hearthswarming presents. I told you it was a strict budget, didn't I?"
  273. >the scolding you're giving her makes her ears wilt
  274. >You aren't raising your voice, but you know you don't need to
  275. >Pinkie nods her head and sniffles
  276. >"Yes, sir…"
  278. >there's that word again, "sir"
  279. >normally it's just Anon, or affectionately, Nonnie
  280. >but when she calls you sir, it's because she knows she's in big trouble
  281. >you continue
  283. "And I understand it was a mistake, and I believe you. But you still weren't careful. And Pinkie, it isn't the first time… and it isn't the first time I've punished you for it, either."
  285. >Pinkie's whole body cringes over your lap, and you can see her bottom cheeks clench fearfully over your knee
  286. >but she nods again, voice quavering
  287. >"Yes sir, I-I know…"
  289. >you know where her mind was going the second you pointed out to her that this wasn't the first time you had punished her for the same thing
  290. >You remembered that day, too.
  292. >It had been on that fateful day, over two years ago
  293. >Pinkie had left the oven on again, and burned yet another thing to the point of smoking and causing fire alarms to go off
  294. >risked burning down the house
  295. >and only five months prior… she had been given her first spanking ever by you for exactly the same thing.
  297. >You remembered then that you were still new to this whole lifestyle of domestic discipline
  298. >but you remembered what Pinkie had told you once it had happened again
  299. >she had given you the hairbrush… the same one you now held in your hoof… and told you what needed to be done as her husband and head of household
  300. >a "transformational spanking" she had called it...
  302. >to this day, it was the longest, hardest, and most painful spanking she had ever gotten from you, by far.
  303. >her butt had been so red that Pinkie had needed to wear long skirts and dresses for her job at the bakery for almost two weeks after that one
  304. >and she had a lot of trouble sitting for several days...
  306. >since then, your wife's bottom had become acquainted with the hairbrush a few more times
  307. >and with the introduction of maintenance spankings once per month back in February, it had become an even more frequent occurrence to have Pinkie's behind turning red over your lap
  308. >but the maintenance spankings were less severe than normal punishments, and as you had learned, were meant for maintaining good behavior rather than reacting to bad deeds
  309. >and up until now, it had been working quite well…
  311. >but you knew that, despite all that, this was different.
  312. >there was no need for a "transformational spanking" this time around
  313. >twelve bits was not the same as almost burning down the house for the second time
  314. >it wasn't dangerous and things were still okay afterward
  316. >but still, something nonetheless had to be done
  317. >something more than a maintenance spanking for tonight was still needed
  318. >and it still had to be very memorable to ensure this didn't happen yet again...
  320. >That's it. You've got it.
  321. >A memory comes back to you that gives you the idea you needed.
  322. >But one thing was for sure… Pinkie wasn't going to like it.
  324. >Pinkie was still waiting patiently in punishment position
  325. >a little bit of nervous sweat formed between her underside and your lap, and she tried not to squirm too much on your knees
  326. >it must be agony to wait for a spanking when you're in such a helpless position…
  328. >alright. No more keeping her waiting.
  329. >you knew what you were going to do, and you were going to stick to your plan.
  330. >you keep the hairbrush by your side, preparing to use it in a bit, and lay your right hoof over her bottom.
  331. >you give it a couple of pats, feeling the muscles twitch in fearful reflex, and you speak down to her with a gentle but firm tone of voice.
  333. "Ok, Pinkie. I know it's Hearthswarming Eve, and I'm sorry, but… I'm going to give you a full spanking tonight."
  335. >you feel her buns clench under your hoof
  336. >Pinkie shudders, and her head slumps forward onto the couch cushions as a little whimper escapes her
  337. >but she nods her head with understanding, and bravely, she presses her back legs together and relaxes her bottom
  338. >invariably sticking it up a little bit in the air
  339. >"Yes sir… I d-deserve it, sir…"
  341. >But that wasn't all.
  342. >there was still more to your plan…
  343. >you give her bottom another couple of pats, just a little bit harder this time and enough to create a little smacking sound with each one
  344. >Pinkie gasps, but she obediently doesn't move or wiggle her rump
  346. "And Pinkie, when we're done here, we'll go to my room… and I'm going to spank you with my belt. 12 licks, one for each bit over budget. Got it?"
  348. >You knew how she was going to react.
  349. >and sure enough, the second you had said the very word "belt", all of a sudden Pinkie Pie's eyes shot open and her ears flattened all the way on her head
  350. >the gasp that escapes her tells you all you need to know about what she thinks of this plan
  351. >she tightens up on your lap, and without seemingly any control her hindleg does a little kick
  352. >Pinkie whimpers again, and you know that you've gotten her attention.
  354. >Pinkie HATED the belt.
  355. >As amazing as she was at keeping herself still over your lap for punishment, you had given her a few licks with the belt before on your vacation two summers ago for mouthing off to you and being disrespectful since your hairbrush had been at home
  356. >she had been in an especially bad mood that day for some reason, but you had taken charge pretty quickly with what you thought would be a quick, easy, and not very severe correction for your wife
  357. >just a hoof full of spanks and back on track...
  359. >but to your surprise, she had taken those much, much worse than you had thought she would.
  360. >she tried to stay bent over the bed, but the way she had stamped her hooves and jerked her butt away from your licks had been very different from when she was being paddled over your knee
  361. >and after it was over, and Pinkie was a very tearful and sorry little mare, she had told you that the belt had been the "worst thing ever".
  363. >you hadn't used it since… until tonight.
  364. >because tonight, you were determined to make the last time you ever needed to spank her for money issues again.
  366. >Pinkie buries her face in the cushion between her hooves again, and gives a little whine
  367. >she knows there's no escape. You're giving her those belt strokes tonight and she knows she has no choice in the matter.
  368. >one more time, she slowly nods her head
  369. >"Yes sir… I'm sorry, Nonnie…yow!"
  371. >you give a sharp smack to her pushed up behind, making her yelp
  372. >you then follow it with another spank to the other side, making her hips jump a little in surprise
  373. >you frown
  375. "I know you're sorry, sweetie. But I still need to punish you tonight. Now… I'm going to give you your warmup before we begin the real spanking, ok? Here comes…"
  377. >Pinkie squeaks, but doesn't say any more as you raise you hoof high, eyeing her properly positioned butt
  378. >and then, you deliver the first of what will be many, many more spanks to come with a sharp, stinging SMACK!
  380. >"Eep!"
  382. >Pinkie yips as your hoof slaps her right buttock with good force
  383. >you know it's only the warmup, but you still need to spank with enough force to at least make her react
  384. >when she gives that little involuntary yelp, you know it's the right strength
  385. >Alright. It's time to begin…
  387. >Raised hoof, spank. Raised hoof, spank. Spank, spank, spank, spank…
  389. >Pinkie gasps with the sting now being introduced by your hoof
  390. >she makes little noises and the occasional whimper when you spank lower on her cheeks
  391. >but she stays very still in place over your knee, simple absorbing the slaps to her rear obediently
  393. >while this was only a warmup, it still needed to be hard enough to turn her bottom a little darker shade of pink
  394. >As you had learned the hard way, and from a talk with Pinkie Pie, a good warmup was absolutely necessary when you needed to give her a longer or harder punishment
  395. >you remember how awful you had felt when you had noticed your wife's bum the day after a punishment had a couple of little blue bruises right in the center of each cheek
  396. >that had been two years ago, and you remember wanting to call off this whole domestic discipline arrangement between you two because of how disgusted you felt
  397. >but despite the bruises on her rump, Pinkie had forgiven you…
  398. >and shown you how to avoid them in the future.
  400. >And now, here you were, open hoof spanking your wife's bottom before she received her main course of discipline with the hairbrush
  401. >It had been at least a year since you had even needed to give her a warmup spanking, especially since you had started her maintenance spankings
  402. >those were still enough to turn her bottom bright red and get her to cry, but they were much more brief punishments
  403. >you knew that Pinkie understood what she was in for the moment you started hoof spanking her.
  404. >she knew that it could only mean one thing: that she was not going to be leaving your lap for quite a while…
  406. >Only, that wasn't fully true this time.
  407. >you were going to give her a dose of the hairbrush, sure, but…
  408. >with the belt coming afterwards, you figure that there's no need for a very prolonged session over your knees
  409. >only a couple of minutes maybe, and you'd let the belt take care of the rest…
  411. >Pinkie's little squeaks turn into gentle sniffles and exclamations of "ouch" and "ow"
  412. >you pay close attention to the color of her butt, which is turning darker pink already
  413. >you nod to yourself
  415. >Good. Almost there…
  416. >you deliver a short scattering of smacks to her undercurves, close to where her butt and thighs meet
  417. >Pinkie's head lifts up off the sofa in reflex, and she exclaims her displeasure with louder squeals
  418. >"Aie! Oww, ow! Ow!"
  419. >her bottom does a slight little wiggle
  420. >Then, you stop the warmup, and rest your hoof on top of her butt.
  422. >Pinkie Pie breathes more heavily than she did at the start
  423. >Once she feels the smacking stop, though, you hear just the faintest little whine from her throat
  424. >and she scrunches up her face, burying it in her hooves
  426. >She knows that the warmup is over, and that her real spanking is about to begin.
  427. >You give her warm rear end another pat with your tingling hoof, and speak down to her with a soft tone
  429. "Alright, Pinkie. Warmup is over, ok? Are you ready?"
  431. >you pick up the hairbrush and rest it on her rump
  432. >Pinkie takes a moment to respond, but after a few seconds she nods her head and fixes the slight deviations in her position over your knee from when you were warming her up
  433. >lowering her head, pressing her back legs together all the way, raising her hips, and sticking her bottom up
  434. >"Yes, s-sir…"
  436. >You admire her courage.
  437. >You tap her flanks with the brush, and raise it up in the air
  438. "Good. Here comes…"
  440. >"Ssmack!" goes the brush, delivering the first of many swats to her posterior with a duller, but louder sound that your previous hoof swats
  441. >Pinkie's left buttock jiggles slighty with the force of the spank, and a red oval appears on her butt where the brush had landed
  442. >A little "YIP!" of pain escapes her, and Pinkie's hindleg does a very faint little wiggle
  444. >Good. That was the right strength.
  445. >You raise the brush again, focusing on the hiney on your lap, and begin her real spanking with a steady, predictable rhythm
  446. >Ssmack, ssmack, ssmack, ssmack…
  448. >Pinkie Pie was always a pretty vocal pony
  449. >That applied to her in any situation. A loud talker, a loud partier, a loud crier…
  450. >and being spanked was certainly no different.
  451. >whether it was your hoof, the hairbrush, or something else, Pinkie Pie never hid her tears nor her sobs
  452. >she was a steady crier from start to finish while you worked on her butt, every time
  453. >but at the same time, she never screamed like a banshee or carried on and on, either
  454. >There was always a certain… "sincerity" in her tears when you had to punish her
  455. >no embellishments, just a poor pony dealing with a painful behind and trying her best to submit to her hubby's discipline...
  457. >A good minute of steady hairbrush paddling to her reddening tush ticks by
  458. >Pinkie cries into her hooves and tears spill out onto the couch cushions
  459. >her butt lightly sways while you continue to flatten each cheek back and forth, turning them from warm pink to hot red
  460. >her burning bum still sticks up, though, remaining in position
  461. >her back legs do a little bit of wiggling and the occasional kick, but they don't get in your way either
  463. >You speed up the swats a little bit, dialing up the intensity as you begin breaking your pattern
  464. >switching rapidly from high on her butt to low, just above the thighs
  465. >and changing your back and forth pattern from left to right to sometimes spanking her more than once on one side before changing to the other
  466. >Pinkie Pie's cries waver a bit at the sudden change, and her hips bounce slightly on your knee
  467. >You also notice her back hooves begin to curl and rub together
  468. >You know it means that the pain level has definitely just increased for her, and now you have to maintain it for a little bit to drive the lesson home
  469. >so that's what you do, whapping her bare butt with forceful, unpredictably patterned spanks from the wooden hairbrush
  470. >while Pinkie valiantly continues to present her bottom for more of your harsh, painful treatment…
  472. >But then, just as the new rhythm was about set in… you stop.
  473. >The brush delivers two more good thwacks to each cheek, and then, you drop it onto the couch.
  475. OK, now we move onto the new stuff.
  477. Pinkie's Hearthswarming Eve (Old Fashioned Wife 3) Continued...
  479. >Pinkie Pie continues gently sobbing and lying still over your knees while you take a deep breath
  480. >It seems to register in her brain that you have actually just paused the spanking, and her eyes widen and her tail does a little twitch
  481. >Pinkie’s ears fold back on her head, and with a little stammer she turns her head around to look back at you over her shoulder
  483. >”Nonnie…?”
  485. >She says your name in a questioning manner, sniffling and lightly squirming a bit over your knees
  486. >you sigh, knowing what she means without you having to really say a word
  488. >It was the way she said your name, and the dread in her meek voice
  489. >The unspoken question: “Is it time for the belt now?”
  490. >And unfortunately, the answer was… yes. Yes, it was time.
  492. >You smile sadly down at her, and nod your head.
  493. >Pinkie Pie’s ears droop, and doesn’t quite manage to hide a whine of fear in her throat
  494. >With your hoof, you give her bottom a light couple of pats, and you let go of your holding hoof over her back and tail
  496. “We’re done with the brush, okay? But now Pinkie, I’m gonna need you to climb on off and come with me, ok? We’re gonna… we’re gonna take care of the rest of this in the bedroom.”
  498. >Pinkie Pie’s eyes shut, and tears trickle down her cheeks
  499. >but bravely, and despite the obvious fear in her expression as she gingerly crawls off of your lap, your wife nods her head and downcasts her eyes submissively
  500. >You smile for just a second, but that quickly fades
  501. >You aren’t looking forward to this next step, either…
  503. >”Yes, sirrr… ow…”
  505. >Pinkie Pie’s back legs do a little fidget behind her, and her tail swishes over her bum for a moment before she goes back to flagging it high
  506. >reflexively getting just a moment of relief in the form of a puff of cool air on her hot cheeks before she corrects herself
  507. >she knows it isn’t allowed, but you aren’t about to come down onto her just for having a reflex either!
  508. >You nod your head back to her, and cock your head to the side to point down the hallway
  509. >Pinkie understands, and she follows you down the hall with a sniffle and an awkward shuffle in her step
  510. >surely experiencing new tingling and stinging in her rump as she walked
  512. >And unfortunately for her, there was still a lot of tingling and stinging to come…
  514. ------------------------
  516. >When the two of you walk into the room, Pinkie’s legs are starting to shake
  517. >you can see new tears forming in her deep and expressive eyes
  518. >Clearly, she’s very afraid of the belt.
  519. >It’s really pretty heartbreaking to watch…
  521. >But you can’t back down now.
  522. >You have a job to do, and even though it’s gonna be very unpleasant, you need to follow through.
  524. >You take a deep breath, and then, you point at the foot of the bed with your hoof
  525. >You pat the spot on the blanket, and give your poor wife a sympathetic frown.
  527. “Ok, Pinkie. Come on over here, ok? Come on over and… just put your hooves up on the bed.”
  529. >Pinkie takes a shivering breath, gulping down some air and trying not to sob
  530. >But reluctantly, she nods her head and slowly drags her hooves over to the bed with an obedient “yes, sir”
  531. >You watch her as she puts both of her front hooves up onto the mattress, and without needing to be told, she turns her lower half to face toward you
  533. >Pinkie Pie’s back legs do a little fidget behind her, and her tail swishes over her bum for a moment before she goes back to flagging it high
  534. >reflexively getting just a moment of relief in the form of a puff of cool air on her hot cheeks before she corrects herself
  535. >she knows it isn’t allowed, but you aren’t about to come down onto her just for having a reflex either!
  536. >You nod your head back to her, and cock your head to the side to point down the hallway
  537. >Pinkie understands, and she follows you down the hall with a sniffle and an awkward shuffle in her step
  538. >surely experiencing new tingling and stinging in her rump as she walked
  540. >And unfortunately for her, there was still a lot of tingling and stinging to come…
  542. ------------------------
  544. >When the two of you walk into the room, Pinkie’s legs are starting to shake
  545. >you can see new tears forming in her deep and expressive eyes
  546. >Clearly, she’s very afraid of the belt.
  547. >It’s really pretty heartbreaking to watch…
  549. >But you can’t back down now.
  550. >You have a job to do, and even though it’s gonna be very unpleasant, you need to follow through.
  552. >You take a deep breath, and then, you point at the foot of the bed with your hoof
  553. >You pat the spot on the blanket, and give your poor wife a sympathetic frown.
  555. “Ok, Pinkie. Come on over here, ok? Come on over and… just put your hooves up on the bed.”
  557. >Pinkie takes a shivering breath, gulping down some air and trying not to sob
  558. >But reluctantly, she nods her head and slowly drags her hooves over to the bed with an obedient “yes, sir”
  559. >You watch her as she puts both of her front hooves up onto the mattress, and without needing to be told, she turns her lower half to face toward you
  561. >The position leaves her up on her hind hooves and her body supported by her front legs
  562. >Her rear end sticks out behind her, jutting out and in position
  563. >She sniffles, but after just a bit of squirming, she grows still and spreads her back legs to shoulder width, clearly bracing herself.
  565. >She doesn’t say a word, but you can see her shivering.
  566. >You purse your lips, and prepare yourself mentally for what’s next.
  568. “Good, Pinkie. I’m going to get the… the belt. Ok?”
  570. >You don’t wait for a reply. None is forthcoming, anyway.
  571. >Pinkie just lightly nods her head, and stares straight ahead of herself with her back legs visibly shaking
  572. >You make your way over to the closet, and when you open it up, you see it hanging there
  574. >The belt.
  575. >It’s a rather thick, yet flexible, faux leather material
  576. >You don’t wear it too often unless you have to dress up for a special occasion…
  577. >And to tell the truth, you’ve probably worn it only a few more times than you’ve used it for… well, OTHER applications.
  579. >You pick it up, the clinking of the buckle making Pinkie’s ears pin down
  580. >The sight makes you feel so bad.
  581. >Damn, you really underestimated just how much this poor pink pony HATES this implement…
  582. >But once again, you can’t go back now.
  584. >You take up position behind Pinkie, folded belt in hoof
  585. >She straightens out her back legs, submissively lifts her tail away from her butt, and with a shuddering sigh she bravely closes her eyes
  587. >But as you get ready to raise the belt, you realize something…
  588. >Pinkie’s current position would be perfectly fine for something like a paddle or a hairbrush
  589. >But with the belt, a flexible tool, the slash you’d have to make… it’s too horizontal.
  590. >You realize with a grimace that the chances of you swinging and then MISSING her butt in this position are quite high
  591. >But instead if you had her…
  593. >Oh boy. Pinkie wasn’t going to like this one bit.
  595. “Um… Pinkie, hon? I’m actually gonna need you to… get your bottom up higher. I’m afraid I might miss where I need to aim and hit you somewhere else in this position, and I do NOT want to do that, so…”
  597. >Pinkie takes a moment to let her situation sink in
  598. >Her eyes open up, as if she was coming out of a deep sleep, and she turns her head around to look at you from over her shoulder.
  599. >You don’t want to tell her explicitly what to do, because for some reason it feels so… so…
  600. >Well you can’t put the word on it. But it doesn’t feel good, you suppose?
  602. >But Pinkie gulps, knowing what you are asking anyway.
  604. >She nods her head, and practically sobs out, “Yes, sir…”
  605. >and, to your reluctant approval, scoots herself forward a bit and lowers her front half all the way down to the bed
  606. >Folding her front hooves underneath her, and laying the side of her head down on the top of the bed with a whimper
  608. >But her back legs stay straight, and her newfound position suddenly leaves her in her most vulnerable, and quite frankly, most submissive position you’ve ever seen her in.
  609. >Her bottom sticks STRAIGHT up in the air, and you can see her wince as the red, already spanked skin of her buttocks stretches painfully taut
  610. >Her hindlegs rigid, slightly spread apart
  611. >And lastly, her tail remains out of the way, obediently exposing her still sore red butt for the belting it’s earned.
  613. >Pinkie hides her blushing face in her hooves, and you hear a little whimper escape her.
  614. >You think you understand what she’s feeling…
  615. >it was true the two of you had sex quite often, and you were, ahem, quite familiar with each other’s bodies by this point
  616. >but in this context, with her position now leaving everything visible and on display, it didn’t matter that you’d seen her lovely mare bits so many times before
  617. >in this context, with your poor wife about to receive such a big punishment, things felt VERY different.
  619. >But ignoring her embarrassment, she grows still once more in her new position, save for the gentle quaking of her hooves
  620. >You can’t help but admire your wife’s bravery…
  622. “Good, Pinkie. Good. Now…”
  624. >No more prolonging this.
  625. >It is time.
  626. >You hold in a breath, and gently lay the length of the belt across her prominently presented butt to aim
  628. “Just stay in this position, ok? We’ll do 12 licks, and then it will all be over. Same rules as always, no reaching back or trying to cover your bottom. Understand?”
  630. >Pinkie gives a shuddering sigh, and a blink sends tears streaming silently down her cheeks.
  631. >She nods, and squeezes her eyes shut with a faint whisper.
  633. >“Yes, Nonnie…”
  635. >You nod.
  636. “Good girl.”
  637. >then you raise the belt, and Pinkie whimpers with fear
  638. >Her dock twitches and her tail flicks, making you pause, but she still obediently prevents her tail from swishing over
  640. >you take a deep breath, and swing the belt
  641. >it hisses through the air
  643. >ssssTHWACKK!!!!
  645. >The faux leather lands viciously across her bubbly, bare cheeks, rippling the skin
  646. >the sound is like a firecracker, and your ears actually twitch in reflex
  647. >you follow through with the swing, slashing the belt all the way across her butt
  649. >At first, Pinkie just gasps
  650. >Her head shoots up from where she had buried it in her hooves, and her mouth gapes open
  651. >But you don’t hear anything come out of her mouth at first
  652. >at least, until a couple of seconds pass, and then…
  654. >“OooooOOOOWWWWW! OOWWWWWWOWOWOW, AHahahhuuuhhh…”
  656. >Pinkie’s shrill squeal cuts through the air!
  657. >She cries out to the heavens, her voice cracking mid scream
  658. >Her hind hooves, normally so still and cooperative, actually begin to stamp on the floor already with just the first lick
  659. >you freeze
  660. >the belt held tightly in your hoof, you watch the DEEPLY red, almost crimson stripe begin to form across her buttocks
  661. >Which now twitched and quivered after only the first spank
  663. >alright… you maybe spanked her a little TOO hard with that one, there…
  664. >you feel like kicking yourself as you see Pinkie’s poor bottom squirm slightly from side to side and her taking turns putting weight on her left and right hindlegs
  665. >The next one had to be maybe just a liiiittle less harsh…
  667. >You wait a moment for Pinkie’s bottom to stop wiggling
  668. >It does come a few seconds later, and through her tears she straightens her back legs again, and raises her rear end for the next spank.
  670. >Her sobs continue as you raise the belt again
  671. >swinging it down onto the spot just below, lashing her already sore red skin a second time
  673. >ssTHWACK!
  675. >“AHH! AHAAAAAAAHOOOWWW, AH, AH, Aowwowoww…”
  677. >Another crimson stripe, directly above her first spank, begins to form
  678. >Pinkie’s head shoots up again with another loud howl, and her back hooves once again begin to stamp, wiggle, and shift all around
  679. >Her butt dances a little circle around in the air, and her hooves kick the side of the bed with agonized thumps
  681. >You pause again, the belt draped over your shoulder
  682. >The sounds of your wife’s painful hollering make your stomach ache
  683. >Not even a full session with the hairbrush over your knee had ever made her react this way before…
  685. >You wait about 10 seconds, watching Pinkie’s burning butt shake and bounce for a bit, before you decide that she’s had enough time to recover
  686. >you speak firmly, but do not raise your voice.
  688. “Okay Pinkie, butt up. Up in the air, hon…”
  690. >Pinkie whines through a fit of sobs, and she hides her face in her hooves when she hears your command
  691. >But as always, when she hears you tell her to do something, Pinkie does it.
  692. >Her whole body tensed up, Pinkie wills herself to be still
  693. >and painfully, she arches her back and thrusts her bottom up in the air again…
  695. >“Y-Y-Yes sssirrr…”
  697. >You nod your head, trying to focus on the task at hand
  698. >rather than the awful sounds of your poor Pinkie bawling and whining in pain
  699. >you raise the belt…
  701. >you space the spanks out over time, giving Pinkie at least 20-30 seconds between thwacks
  702. >And after every single one of them, Pinkie’s howling and bawling only gets louder and less controlled
  703. >Crimson stripes of pure, blistering, flaming agony now criss cross her bare buns
  704. >which bounce and shake desperately in the air like you’ve never seen before
  706. >But after each lick… after the seconds tick on by… Pinkie’s back hooves eventually stop stamping, kicking, and wiggling in the air like she was trying to shake the sting out
  707. >And in total submission to you, again and again, weeping Pinkie arches her back, locks her legs, and once more presents her thoroughly punished butt for the next, fiery spank.
  709. >you grimace, but plan for the next spank
  710. >Stay strong, Pinkie, stay strong...
  712. >You swing the belt, now delivering stroke number 8 right across her lower buns
  713. >it thwacks mercilessly across the blazing, cherry red skin on that sensitive sit spot, and Pinkie’s cries actually change their tune
  714. >Pinkie’s hind legs bend and snap, and her plump posterior bounces up and down in a display which leaves nothing unseen
  715. >but then…
  719. >And then… something happens which had never happened before.
  720. >Pinkie Pie, mid-bounce, loses her stability when her sweating hind hooves land diagonally on the floor
  721. >and she slips, falling to the side, and her body lands on the bed with a creak and a thump
  723. >Your heart stops, and the belt freezes over your shoulder
  724. >and Pinkie Pie… Pinkie Pie’s hind legs splay out in the air
  725. >hoofy kicks flail all around, almost hitting you where you are standing
  726. >but most of all…
  728. >Her front hooves reach back, taking a hold of her tormented butt cheeks
  729. >Covering them up while she weeps brokenly
  731. >Ohhhh SHIT.
  733. >You lower the belt and let it flop to the floor.
  734. >You can’t do anything right now but stare in shock as Pinkie continues to writhe around, owing and kicking and bawling to the heavens
  736. >Pinkie doesn’t appear to realize what she just did at first
  737. >but as you watch her, her hoofy kicking starts to slow down
  738. >and in shock you just watch as she starts gasping, and suddenly her front hooves let go of her butt
  739. >She looks up from the bed, and you see her face
  740. >a face of realization
  742. >She is terrified.
  743. >Pinkie’s eyes are wide as dinner plates, and tears spill out of them like twin rivers
  744. >you don’t think you’ve ever seen your wife look this scared before
  745. >she knows now, surely, what she just did and what it means…
  747. >Long ago you had both agreed that reaching back was not allowed at all.
  748. >And doing so… meant an extra spanking at the end of the day.
  749. >Reaching back was something considered to be, and quoting Pinkie’s old-fashioned father, “an unacceptable act of disobedience and an unwillingness of a wife to submit to her husband’s discipline”
  750. >You knew it, and she knew it
  751. >In fact, those consequences were what she told you to start with a long time ago, and what she even said she expected!
  753. >But now… you realize that this is literally the first time EVER that Pinkie has ever done something like this
  754. >Maybe once, Pinkie had come close to reaching back during an especially severe hairbrush paddling when you saw her hoof start to flinch back, but she never made it all the way
  755. >a simple barking of her name and a “No!” had made her whimper and put her hoof back where it belonged, away from her tush that was still in the process of being thwacked
  756. >but never anything like this… and especially never anything like totally trying to escape the spanking!
  758. >While you’re standing there, thinking all of these things, Pinkie’s voice comes out through her crying
  759. >She stammers in a way that’s not easy to understand due to her sobs
  761. >”Ohhh nooo Nonnie, nooo… I’m-m s-sorry, I’m sorry N-Nonnie, p-p-please…Owhttp://www...”
  763. >Pinkie sniffles, not even daring to look up at you
  764. >Her ears are all droopy
  765. >and her crying now is starting to sound less “bawly”, and much, much more “sorry”
  766. >She sounds so defeated, knowing that what she just did is going to mean much, MUCH more pain in her bottom tonight…
  768. >But looking at her, you hearken back to the statement of her father
  769. >particularly the words “disobedient” and “unwilling to submit”
  770. >and you go over those words over and over again, while contrasting them with the pony lying before you on the bed
  772. >You didn’t see anything like that.
  773. >You didn’t see “disobedience” or “unwillingess to submit” anywhere on your precious wife’s face
  774. >But what you did see, over anything else, was pure fear, and a look in her eyes that you never saw before…
  776. >She reached her limit.
  777. >There was no other explanation for what she just did.
  778. >Pinkie was precious, perfect, wonderful and kind
  779. >Sure, she may need some discipline sometimes
  780. >even some HARSH discipline sometimes
  781. >but one thing you were always sure about
  782. >Pinkie Pie was a good mare, and she would never, ever intentionally disobey you like this.
  784. >Pinkie, though, isn’t aware of what you’re thinking right now.
  785. >Instead, she is beginning to shake and quiver in fear
  786. >Her mane is actually starting to deflate a little, too
  787. >She rolls over, and crawls off the bed, stepping back down to the carpeted floor
  788. >But immediately after she does it, Pinkie gets low to the ground, groveling in front of you in a desperate display
  789. >tucking her tail in between her legs, and hiding her face between her admittedly adorable hooves
  791. >”N-Nonnie, I-I’m sorry...I’m so sorry, I didn’t m-mean to, it j-just, it hurts, i-it huuUURTS!”
  792. >Pinkie’s stammering apology quickly devolves into another heart rending wail of misery
  793. >Oh my goodness, the fountain of tears coming out of her eyes is just horrible
  794. >the pain and fear in her voice is so obvious
  796. >This was such a mistake.
  797. >You never should have done this.
  798. >not even 12 licks, which you thought was lenient… the way your dear Pinks just reacted, you may as well have been torturing her
  800. >Fuck this. You don’t want to do this anymore.
  801. >Especially not TONIGHT.
  802. >You look down at the belt in your hand in disgust , and toss it down to the floor
  803. >it lands with a thud and a clink of the buckle
  804. >tumbling to a spot close to Pinkie.
  806. >But it doesn’t matter that you have such a look of disgust or that you have tears actually coming to your eyes
  807. >because Pinkie doesn’t see it.
  808. >She does see the belt, though.
  809. >Her teary eyes blink, and she sees the horrible strip of leather close to her face
  810. >And a broken sob escapes her
  812. >You want to say something, but honestly… you’re a little choked up right now
  813. >the words aren’t coming to you very well
  814. >And from the looks of it, Pinkie is in the same boat right now, too
  815. >But unfortunately, it’s not in the way you would have hoped
  816. >or even expected…
  818. >Pinkie forces herself to get up
  819. >She practically staggers to her hooves, and winces with pain
  820. >it seems just from the very act of moving her whipped up butt is enough to make her tears flow
  821. >but when she grabs the belt in her mouth, the faux leather still surely warm from its repeated contact with her flanks, and walks it toward you, your stomach sinks so, so low.
  823. >She drops it in front of your hooves
  824. >and instantly drops to her belly
  825. >lying prone, bunching her hooves under her head, but impossibly…
  826. >she flicks her tail off to the side, and moans pitifully
  827. >But her gesture is impossible not to understand
  829. >The hurt in her red and teary eyes when she looks up at you has something else there, too
  830. >Acceptance, and most of all… submissiveness.
  831. >she doesn’t even have to say another word for you to know what she’s asking for
  833. >you hesitate to do anything at first.
  834. >But Pinkie waits there in front of you, doing everything short of basically kissing your hooves to show her contriteness toward you
  835. >And somehow, impossibly… you realize you are reaching to pick up the belt again.
  836. >through your own teary eyes you just silently walk around until you are standing by her side
  837. >Pinkie’s eyes sort of half follow you there, but when she sees the belt in your hoof again, she flinches and looks away
  838. >but not without flicking her poofy, pretty pink tail away from her butt, flagging it high and off to the side
  840. >She’s basically crouched down in front of you, now
  841. >Her hindlegs trapped underneath her, but supporting her body with her bum raised just a little bit
  842. >her absolutely scarlet red bum, where the numerous red stripes of agony are so very visible
  843. >you feel a little sick just looking at it
  845. >Pinkie sniffles, and her bottom squirms
  846. >But she presents it to you, baring her butt for your consideration
  847. >she even sticks it up in the air a little bit, arching her back
  848. >She looks over her shoulder at you, teary eyes fixing on you
  850. >”S-s-start ov-ver, Nonnie…”

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