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Sweetie Belle caught red hoofed by Anon

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-08 03:04:42
Updated: 2023-03-27 15:05:52
Expiry: Never

  1. Sweetie Belle caught red hoofed by Anon
  3. (17/05/2021 - 22/03/2023)
  6. ---
  8. >Sweetie, cought red hoofed, can take as much cookies as she wants with the caviot that she gets two smacks on each buttcheek with the spatula for each one.
  9. >Guesstimating how many cookies are in there, it looks like about 10. That means 100 spanks.
  10. >Make her do the the math for extra pre-spanking stress.
  12. ...
  14. >"Ok Sweetie Belle. Did you enjoy your cookies?"
  16. >The little filly looks up at you while she lays on her back
  17. >hoof clutching her belly
  18. >she groans
  19. >"Y-Yes, Anon... but now my tummy hurts"
  21. >You smirk.
  22. >"Oh does it now? Well, I know what'll make your tummy hurt less."
  24. >Sweetie Belle's ears perk up
  25. >she looks back up at you, and her eyes narrowed suspiciously
  26. >"R-Really? Wh-what?"
  28. >You smirk again.
  29. >Then, you reveal the spatula you've been holding behind your back, and pat it against your palm.
  30. >Sweetie Belle's face instantly turns red, and she whimpers under her breath.
  31. >You nod your head knowingly.
  33. >"The pain in your little rear end will help you to forget aaaaall about your aching tummy, hmm?"
  35. >Sweetie Belle remains frozen on the bed
  36. >She looks up at you with fear in her eyes
  37. >as well as knowingness... she definitely still remembers the little "deal" you both made
  38. >she shakes her head
  39. >"n-nuh uh..."
  41. >"Yuh HUH. And how many spanks did we say you'd get for each cookie?"
  43. >Sweetie Belle's eyes are tearing up
  44. >She hides her cute little face in her hooves
  45. >"F-f-five spanks."
  47. >"Five for EACH side, Sweetie. You remember?"
  48. >Sweetie whimpers again, and tears well up in her eyes
  49. >She seemingly is only starting to realize just how doomed her little butt now is...
  51. >Now it's time for a math lesson.
  52. >you tap your palm again, and sit down on the side of the bed next to her
  53. >Sweetie Belle continues to hide her face and squeaks when she sees that you're so close to her now
  55. >"And how many cookies did you eat, Sweetie Belle?"
  57. >You of course know the answer, but you give her some time to guess
  58. >as well as some time to see how honest she'll be...
  59. >sure enough...
  60. >"S-Six cookies?"
  62. >Sweetie Belle's guess is QUTTE far off.
  63. >You tsk tsk at her, and shake your head, clutching the spatula more tightly in your hand
  64. >"Hmm. Six? Are you sure? Because for every cookie you are off, I'm going to give you another five spanks for each side, Sweetie. And yes, I DO know how many cookies you've had, young lady."
  66. >oh man, now THAT gets Sweetie's attention.
  67. >She gasps, and her eyes peek out from under her hooves up at you
  68. >You stare down at her with a no nonsense expression, and raise your eyebrow expectantly
  69. >"Well?"
  71. >Sweetie Belle takes a second to answer, but she sniffles and fidgets her little back legs around nervously
  72. >"Ummm... I g-guess I ate... t-twelve?"
  74. >Closer, for sure. But still no.
  75. >You shake your head again, and Sweetie blanches
  76. >"Mm mm. Sixteen, Sweetie Belle. So... you weren't counting, hm?"
  78. >It was actually fourteen, but you don't tell her that.
  79. >You're going to consider the extra 40 spanks she's getting her penalty for lying to you. >Hearing such a big number, Sweetie Belle whines and whimpers in fear, and she scoots a little bit away from you
  80. >her fluffy little tail tucks in between her legs, covering her soon to be spanked cheeks protectively
  82. >"S-ss...s-sixteen??"
  83. >Sweetie's voice does one of its classic "Sweetie squeaks" as her voice rises
  84. >You nod your head gravely.
  85. >"'Fraid so, young filly. And you knew very well that you didn't eat only six cookies before, too. Didn't you?"
  87. >You scooch a little closer to Sweetie Belle, lowering your voice dangerously.
  88. >Sweetie Belle begins to shiver, and she takes a second to truthfully nod her head
  89. >"Y-yes, Anon... I'm s-sorry..."
  91. >"So you lied to me, Sweetie Belle?"
  93. >The moment the word "lie" leaves your lips, the tears start to flow
  94. >You know that all of Sweetie Belle's worst spankings have been for lying, something which her family considers to be a very serious offense
  95. >her parents had told you as much before you were left to foalsit Sweetie Belle for a whole week
  96. >And today was only Day 2...
  98. >Sweetie Belle shakes her head, and her hoof instinctively reaches back to her bottom
  99. >"N-no, please, I didn't mean to! I'm sorry Anon, I'm sorry I lied! I won't do it again!"
  101. >Gosh, "Sweetie" really is aptly named.
  102. >She knows her butt is in jeopardy, and she looks very scared now
  103. >You don't raise your voice or offer much of a facial expression to her
  104. >in fact, you don't even answer her pleas, and instead continue to hammer home how screwed she is
  106. >"So Sweetie Belle, answer this question. It's a math question, ok? If you're going to get five spanks on each side of your tush for every cookie you ate, plus five more spanks on each side for every cookie you were many spanks are you getting?"
  108. >Ok, this was getting pretty mean, now.
  109. >Sweetie Belle HATES math. She's borderline learning disabled with math, actually
  110. >And you honestly suspect that's why she went and decided to just eat all the cookies in the jar like she did, too
  111. >little fatty...
  113. >Sweetie Belle takes a good long time to even focus on the math you've just presented her
  114. >She's probably so worried about the good long spanking she's sure to get in a minute to properly focus
  115. >her eyes blinking out more tears and her whimpering getting louder and more pathetic
  116. >But you wait patiently...
  118. >Eventually, through her whines, Sweetie Belle sniffles out her answer, her lip quivering in fear
  120. >"F-five plus five is t-ten... a-and sixteen cookies i-is... it's... one hundred sixty, p-plus... t-two hundred?!?"
  122. >Sweetie Belle arrives at the final, correct answer.
  123. >you're honestly kind of proud of her for that, especially since she sucks so hard at math!
  124. >But unfortunately, the final figure... it's real big.
  125. >Sweetie's squeaking little voice cracks, and she instantly devolves into crying
  126. >You watch her as she enters "begging mode" with her big, watery eyes looking up at you imploringly
  127. >"P-please, Anon, not so m-many! I've never had a spanking that hard before, not even close! P-please no Anon, I'll be good!"
  129. >Sweetie Belle earnestly pleads for her poor, poor butt
  130. >She's breathing pretty hard, almost panicking
  131. >And while you aren't normally swayed by her "begging face" despite how cute it is... the words she just spoke actually do get your attention, though.
  132. >'Not even close...'
  134. >ok, now you're curious.
  135. >You've seen some fillies and colts in Equestria getting their bottoms LIT UP before
  136. >spanked and spanked for a good long while until tanned to dark red...
  137. >but you now that not every parent spanks the same number of times, either
  138. >You begin to wonder how hard Sweetie gets it... so screw it. You'll ask.
  140. >"Ok, Sweetie... tell me. How many times do you parents spank you when you've been naughty, young filly?"
  142. >Sweetie Belle continues to softly cry and sniffle and wipe her eyes in her little hooves
  143. >while her tail swishes around nervously
  144. >Her face turns bright red at the question, though, seemingly embarrassed by you asking her such a personal question and she starts to stammer
  146. >"T-Two spanks for every year old I am. I'm s-seven..."
  147. >ohhh boy. Well, that explains why she's panicking THIS much, then...
  148. >Poor little filly's only ever gotten 14 spanks in TOTAL, at most, before.
  149. >And now, you were about to give her TWO HUNDRED...
  150. >And now, you won't lie, but you actually do feel a little bad as you begin to understand the situation.
  152. >But still... you made the commitment.
  153. >You can't go back on your word, can you? >That's like the cardinal sin of any parent or guardian!
  154. >And besides, even though Sweetie Belle is going to be puuuuunished here in a minute, the fact remains that a filly's butt is more than capable of taking a good, hard, long spanking
  155. >especially SWEETIE'S slightly chubby little bubble butt, for Celestia's sake...
  157. >Hmm...
  159. >in your mind though, you start to develop a plan.
  160. >You know damn well that you need to follow through on your threat, and it looks like Sweetie Belle is owed her 200 spanks
  161. >but still, you also didn't want to end up giving the little filly a full blown panic attack, either...
  162. >she was already breathing hard and her eyes were leaking tears
  164. >So, you unveil your master plan to her, tapping your hand with the spatula again a you speak
  165. >".....alright, Sweetie Belle. Here's how we're going to do this. Young filly, you're gonna get all 200 spanks for being a glutton and eating all the cookies without permission. But..."
  166. >Sweetie Belle already starts to plead under her breath with you the instant you declared she was getting ALL 200 spanks
  167. >but when you say "but", she does luckily pipe down just the littlest bit
  168. >and her eyes look up at you with tears streaming down her cheeks
  169. >You keep going
  171. >"But... it's up to you when we get them done. So here's the deal. I know you hate math, right?"
  172. >Sweetie Belle whines, but she does nod her little head
  173. >She's still listening!
  174. >You smile, and chance laying your hand down on her head
  175. >Sweetie actually doesn't flinch away, either... she must be truly feeling guilty, you guess!
  177. >"For the next five days, you're going to pick when you are gonna get your spankings, AND how many spanks you're going to get. BUT, young lady, when you do decide to get your spankings done? It's a minimum of 30 spanks each time, missy. Do you understand?"
  179. >Sweetie Belle keeps on sniffling and quietly sobbing, but from her expression, she is listening to you
  180. >she takes a while... but she does nod her head
  181. >"uh huh... S-so I c-can't do less than 30 s...spanks?"
  182. >Poor little filly is still stammering.
  183. >You imagine that even the prospect of THIRTY spanks at once is pretty daunting to a filly who hasn't had more than fourteen!
  184. >It's almost like Sweetie is getting a *super* spanking every day of the week
  185. >plus another 20 spanks, too...
  187. >"That's correct, young lady. And if you haven't gotten all of your spankings done by the end of the week... then whatever you have left, you're gonna get them all at once on Saturday. Got it, missy?"
  189. >Sweetie Belle gasps, and her tail once again tucks in against her doomed behind
  190. >Her lip quivers, and she squeaks tearfully
  191. >"Y-Yes, Anon... I'm so s-sorry..."
  193. >"So Sweetie Belle, it's up to YOU to do the math and keep track of how many spanks you have left. Ok, young lady?
  195. >So this was quite a series of bombshells, wasn't it?
  196. >Sweetie Belle sure seems to think so...
  197. >She seems almost beside herself right now, actually... spankings AND math?
  198. >this was surely going to be the worst punishment ever!
  200. >But nonetheless, Sweetie Belle listens
  201. >and after some more pitiful (but admittedly, very cute) whimpering, she does obediently nod her head in affirmation
  202. >"Y-yes, Anon. B-But... th-that's... sooo many spankings..."
  204. >"Yes, it is."
  205. >You don't let up on her, really hammering home just how doomed her naughty little tushy is
  206. >"This week, I'm sure your little bare behind is gonna be nice and red and sore almost the whole time, Sweetie Belle. But those are the consequences pay for being so greedy, disobedient, and dishonest, young filly. Do you understand?"
  208. >Sweetie Belle's hind legs fidget some more on the bed
  209. >you even notice her little bumcheeks clench instinctively when you say "red and sore"
  210. >but she doesn't dare try to argue with you, either.
  211. >She may have been very naughty today, but you know she's a good filly at heart deep down
  212. >And she doesn't want to make you mad or disappoint you
  213. >"Yes, A-An-non. I understand... I'm so sorry I was such a bad filly today..."
  215. >Aww.
  216. >Well that tugs at your heartstrings a little bit, not gonna lie
  217. >Not enough to not spank her, of course... but still.
  218. >'Sweetie' truly was a great name for such a sweet filly
  219. >Even if she is a little fatty who eats WAYYY too many cookies sometimes!
  220. >You nod, and pet her head a little bit
  222. >"I forgive you, Sweetie. But you still need to face the consequences for acting like such a bad filly today. So..."
  224. >You stop petting her head, and once again make the spatula visible in your hand.
  225. >Sweetie Belle squeaks and shuts her eyes, but she doesn't retreat either
  226. >You ask her the ultimate question...
  228. >"Are you going to take your first spanking today, young lady?"
  230. >Little Sweetie Belle thinks for a minute
  231. >her miserably downcast eyes welling up with tears
  232. >the question of how many spanks she wants today you just asked her looks like it's trapped her into a bit of a corner
  233. >but you wait, tapping the spatula against your palm
  235. >Eventually though, Sweetie looks up at you
  236. >she stammers a little and clutches her slightly bulging tummy
  238. >"I-I-I…. my tummy is still hurting from the cookies. C-can we, can I d-do it later?"
  239. >Sweetie whines, and looks away from you again in shame
  241. >you smirk, shaking your head mirthfully
  242. >No surprise there!
  243. >You expected Sweetie to try and wait….
  244. >tummy pain PLUS butt pain is not a good combination, after all!
  245. >you nod down at the cringing little filly
  247. >"Of course, Sweetie. We can do it later… tonight, before you go to bed. You think about it and decide how many spanks, and you come up here to your bedroom at 8 o'clock on the dot and we'll take care of your first spanking. Okay?"
  249. >More naughty whimpers from the poor, doomed little filly
  250. >but she nods in the affirmative
  251. >"Y-Yes Anon…"
  253. >"And remember Sweetie Belle, the more spanks you put off? The more spanks you're gonna get aaaall at once on Saturday. And rest assured young lady, you will be getting every single remaining spank AT ONCE. No breaks, just spanks. Got it, missy?"
  255. >Ok, now you're just being a meanie
  256. >But you can't help it
  257. >It's too much fun to hammer home just how doomed Sweetie's tushy now is!
  258. >She whimpers and wipes her big, shiny eyes
  259. >her tail instinctively swishing protectively over her bottom
  260. >Yes, Anon… *sob*"
  262. >Good.
  263. >You nod your head, and stand up
  264. >Spatula still in your hand
  265. >"Good girl, Sweetie. 8 o'clock, this room. And not a minute later, understood?"
  267. >The clock feels long to you
  268. >but to Sweetie Belle, you can't imagine it could ever feel long enough…
  269. >8 o'clock, sure enough… Sweetie Belle treads into the room
  270. >ears pinned back, tail scrunched up, and eyes teary
  271. >She sees you sitting there on her bed and blanches in fear
  272. >well… blanches as white as an ALREADY white filly can!
  274. >You make eye contact with the poor little thing, and her shimmering eyes silently plead with you
  275. >But you don't waver.
  276. >You tap your lap.
  278. >"Good girl, Sweetie. Right on time. So… have you decided how many spanks you are getting tonight, young lady?"
  280. >Sweetie Belle's eyes seem to spill out tears the moment you ask her this question
  281. >She waits a second, opening and closing her mouth but sobbing before she can get the words out
  282. >You wait patiently… and expectantly.
  284. >Finally, Sweetie Belle answers.
  285. >"F-F-Fifty…"
  287. >Oh.
  288. >Wow.
  289. >You did not expect that one!
  290. >You thought for sure the poor thing would say 30…
  291. >But you can't complain.
  292. >You had originally planned on lighting up Sweetie's little "Belle Bottom" to an inferno today, after all…
  294. >You take the time to compliment her on her choice
  295. >"Good girl, Sweetie. I am proud of you for deciding to be a big filly and take extra spankings today. Fifty it is. Now…"
  297. >You tap your lap again, making Sweetie wince fearfully
  298. >".....come on over here, missy. It's time to give you your spanking."
  300. >Eventually, Sweetie Belle does indeed do what she is told
  301. >She takes forever to get to you, but when she does, the cute little dear actually clambers up onto the bed with little assistance from you
  302. >and with a sob, quaking Sweetie Belle gingerly climbs onto your lap…
  303. >and with a little squeak, you push her down and lie the filly right down across your knees
  305. >Her tummy, so sore earlier from cookies, now rests comfortably over your knees
  306. >Her fore hooves, nervously hiding her face
  307. >Her back hooves, stretching out behind her
  308. >and most importantly… her little white bubble butt, now centered over your right thigh
  309. >Sticking up ever so slightly by her bent over position and the hand you now have place on the middle of her back
  310. >forcing her to arch her behind up in the air
  312. >Next, you grab her tail and pin it to her back, exposing her butt and baring it fully for her spanking
  313. >Sweetie Belle squirms lightly and gives her back hooves a couple of little "hoofy kicks"
  314. >You are sure there will be MUCH more kicking in the near future, but the way her little pony legs bend you can see it will be no trouble for you during the punishment
  315. >And a miserable whine escapes her…
  317. >Everything is perfect, now.
  318. >Sweetie Belle is totally pinned down, her snow white bottom is now completely helpless
  319. >and this little filly isn't going anywhere until her bottom has paid the price.
  321. >Alright. It's time to begin.
  322. >You grab your spatula, and rest it on Sweetie's presented butt to aim.
  323. >The instant Sweetie feels the cold wood on her exposed behind, she cringes and shuts her eyes tight with a cute little whimper of fear
  324. >Aww… you must admit, you felt a little bad, but you also know that she deserves this.
  326. >Even just with a couple of little taps to aim, you can faintly see the skin of her slightly chubby little buns ripple
  327. >Sweetie squeaks again, and she gives another slight kick of her hoof
  328. >It is so fucking adorable, you can't even…
  330. >"Okay, Sweetie. No reaching back to block, okay? I am going to start n-"
  332. >"W-WAIT! N-nooo Mister Anon, p-please… I'm s-scared… p-please, I'm sorry, n-no spanking, I changed my mind!"
  334. >Oh wow.
  335. >Now THIS was abrupt.
  336. >Sweetie Belle all of a sudden tenses up on your lap, and she starts her hooves a'kickin
  337. >And she totally loses her nerve, and before the first spank can even be delivered, you feel her start to squirm
  338. >"Pleaaaase Mister Anon, I'm sorry! I was a bad girl, but I'll be good, I promise! N-no spanking, p-please…"
  339. >Her butt tries to pull away from you… a futile effort, but suddenly your left arm is having to press down on her body reaaaal tight
  340. >You take a second to figure out what to do…and you do it.
  342. "SWEETIE BELLE! That is ENOUGH, young filly!"
  343. >Your voice raises to a near shout, and almost instantly, the room is silenced.
  344. >Sweetie Belle, who was just starting to squirm only seconds before, freezes in place
  345. >You can literally feel the fight leave her body as soon as your voice cuts through the air.
  346. >You took a gamble… and it paid off.
  348. >Sweetie Belle, now silenced, tearfully moans and shivers as she stops her squirming
  349. >Stops trying to kick her hooves
  350. >and most importantly… stops trying to pull her butt away from your lap.
  351. >With a squeak and a low whine, Sweetie Belle plops her hips back down onto your right thigh
  352. >and her naughty butt is once again centered, arched up, and ready to be punished.
  353. >S-sorry Mister Anon… I'll be g-good, *sob*"
  355. >Your heart does melt a little bit, you have to admit.
  356. >Sweetie Belle is still a very naughty filly… but she is still aptly named, too.
  357. >You nod approvingly.
  358. >"Good girl, Sweetie. Now… here it comes."
  360. >You raise the spatula.
  361. >Sweetie Belle's ears pin down, she cringes, and her quivering bare buns clench
  362. >You take a deep breath, and swing the wooden implement down.
  364. >THWACK!
  366. >The skin ripples, and the spatula flattens her tender tushy
  367. >Sweetie Belle takes a moment to register the shock
  368. >But when she does….
  370. >".....ooooOOOOOWW! OWWW!"
  371. >Sweetie Belle's shaky voice rises to a crescendo
  372. >Her back arches, as if she is trying to pull herself away from the searing hot spot of pain now blossoming on her bottom
  373. >and her butt, bent over your thigh… grows a nice, pink spot on it as it unintentionally sticks up higher
  374. >You smirk.
  376. >Let's get this spanking started.
  378. >"Owww, ow ow ow… *THWACK* YOW! OWW! OW, ow, owww… *THWACK* OWWW NOOO! OW OW OWIEEE oww…. *THWACK* OWOWOWWWW Anon I'm sssSORRYYYY! *THWACK* AAAOOWWW!"
  380. >Oh my goodness
  381. >only the first five spanks… and Sweetie Belle is simply carrying *on*!
  382. >Her butt bounces over your knee, wriggling under your holding hand, but it has nowhere to go
  383. >your spatula smacks viciously down onto her presented buttocks, leaving light pink marks that you can practically see the steam come off of!
  385. >Sweetie Belle's howling mixes more and more with shuddering sobs of anguish
  386. >but you don't show her naughty behind any mercy.
  387. >Once smack 15 passes by, it occurs to you that you have just spanked Sweetie Belle the hardest she had EVER been spanked before…
  389. >And she still has THIRTY FIVE spanks to go.
  391. >"...buuuhuuuuhaaaoowww *THWACK* NyyyOOWWW! *THWACK* AH, nnoooo owwww *THWACK* OWWW SORRYSORRYSORRYYYY!!! *THWACK* AAHhhooowwww! *THWACK* OWWWW begood I'llbegoo---*THWACK* AHHH OWW I'LLB'GOO*THWACK*OOoowww!"
  393. >Sweetie Belle's bubble butt shakes and squirms, and wriggles all around
  394. >in circles… up and down… side to side, figure 8s…
  395. >Her tail dock twitches, her back hoofies kick kick KICK adorably and hopelessly
  396. >But you have her pinned down right where you want her.
  397. >As smack after steaming smack continues to paint her tushy red
  398. >Sweetie Belle howls and begs, sobs and shrieks… but each hollered out plea for mercy or promise to be good is punctuated by yet another hard THWACK!
  400. >"PLEAAAAASE Mister, M-Mister Anoooon! *THWACK* YOOOWWW I'M SORRYYY! *THWACK* IT HUUUUUuuuuuurts!"
  402. >You shake your head at this new declaration, rolling your eyes
  403. >you deliver another THWACK, drawing yet more sorry squeals from the naughty filly struggling over your lap
  404. >"Well I sure hope so, young lady! I intend to make this a spanking you will never forget!"
  406. >Her butt continues to bounce and wobble on your thigh and you continue to toast her bare buns
  407. >it is so cute how no matter how much she kicks her back hoofies with sheer desperation
  408. >the way her horsie legs bend makes it impossible for her to really get any leverage against you
  409. >they drum and drum her mattress, scissor kick, even swim kick… but her exposed and properly positioned butt remains in place, arched up and ready for more punishment.
  412. >You are now on spank #44.
  413. >Sweetie Belle's struggling continues, but she is increasingly breathless
  414. >the poor thing is simply sweating now with such exertion, too…
  415. >crying your eyes out and shaking your bubble butt under smacks of the spatula is quite the workout for a little filly!
  416. >Sweetie's also devolved into what you call the "spanking babble" stage of the punishment
  417. >where English is too much to mentally process… so gasping, breathless gibberish is what comes out instead
  419. >Only a little more to go, Sweetie Belle...
  425. >Sweetie wails when you deliver three sharp, stinging smacks to her sit spots, left right and middle, in rapid succession
  426. >She violently shakes her behind side to side after the brief onslaught
  427. >but you pin her down harder and watch with a smirk as she bounces her bottom desperately, hips wriggling, shaking…
  429. >Ooo, that one was good.
  430. >That seemed to get quite the reaction out of your naughty little filly!
  431. >Hmm…
  433. >you rest the spatula on the middle of her rump one more time… 3 more to go.
  434. >And you know just how you’re gonna give them to her, now!
  435. >Sweetie whines and whimpers pathetically
  436. >but you won’t let that dissuade you from the finale
  438. >you tap the little filly’s cheeks two more times, relishing the moment for a second, and then you raise your hand all the way up…
  439. >then, you swing the spatula down as hard as you can
  440. >delivering one, two, then three THWACKS in rapid sequence on the same spot on the center of her plump butt
  442. >the reaction from the filly on your lap is *fierce*
  443. >howls, wails, and bawled out gibberish
  444. >sobbing, desperately struggling, bottom wiggling, and hoofy kicking
  445. >she whines and whimpers, and looks over her shoulder
  446. >teary eyed, she begs and sobs
  448. >”ANOOON! Pleeeaaaase, no more spanking, pleaaaase, waahuhhhuhuhhhh… how many mo-ho-hoooore!? WAAHHH!”
  450. >More adorable little hoofy kicks, and her tears spill onto the blanket next to your lap
  451. >She’s sobbing so hard now…
  452. >But she’s all done with her spanks for tonight!
  453. >Lucky filly…
  455. >But only… it occurs to you.
  456. >she’s all done…
  457. >but she just asked you how many more she has.
  458. >Which means… she doesn’t know. She hasn’t been counting.
  459. >And that means…
  461. >You smile inwardly, and look down at the cute little spanked tushy of the wriggling little filly on your knees
  462. >MY goodness, it is redder than a beet!
  463. >so hot and red, and well punished…
  464. >but…
  466. >you can’t pass this opportunity up.
  467. >And besides, looking at Sweetie’s red, round, and rippling cheeks… you are certain that this filly’s bubble butt can take MUCH more spanking yet
  468. >heck, you could probably spank this little filly 200 MORE times and still not bruise her behind…
  470. >But no. Can’t blow it too early.
  471. >So, you settle on a number that won’t raise suspicion…
  473. >“Five more, missy.”
  475. >Sweetie hears this, and the anguished moan that leaves her makes your heart jump
  476. >She heaves, and two huge tears fall from her eyes and stain the blanket
  477. >But her bottom, already so red and so sore… as the seconds pass it eventually stops wiggling
  478. >And with a hard sob, her butt rests back in its bent over, arched up position
  479. >ready for more of the spatula…
  481. >You pat her behind lightly with it
  482. >Sweetie cringes and her hooves tighten up, grabbing your leg even harder
  483. >But her rump actually doesn’t wiggle this time… it simply stays still
  484. >beet red bare buns facing up, waiting to be toasted, five…
  486. >*THWACK*
  487. >”OWWWW”
  488. >more…
  489. >*THWACK*
  490. >”AAAOOOWW!!”
  491. >times!
  493. >AAAAAHAAOWWWWW, OW OW OWWW bwuhhhuhhuhhhh…”
  495. >something you’ve just learned about spanking this sweet little filly’s naughty behind…
  496. >It’s NEVER enough.
  497. >you already gave yourself five more spanks than agreed, without her knowledge…
  498. >But your right hand still twitches eagerly
  499. >hell, you still probably have enough juice in your hand for another 1000 spanks!
  501. >But no. You couldn’t keep going now
  502. >Sweetie would know
  503. >and Sweetie wouldn’t be so willing to agree to your terms after that…
  504. >Besides, you have to admit…
  505. >the idea of Sweetie having to pick the rest of her spankings the rest of this week only seems so delightfully cruel if it actually has SOME weight to it…
  507. >So… reluctantly, you drop the spatula down and release the filly’s back from your lap.
  509. “Ok, Sweetie Belle, we’re all done.”
  511. >The reaction of the little filly is almost immediate
  512. >right away, with a whoop and a holler, the naughty filly rolls off your lap and reaches back
  513. >still sobbing all the way, she grabs her red spanked bumcheeks
  514. >And rubs, rubs, rubs…
  516. >you watch with barely hidden amusement at the filly’s antics
  517. >Sweetie rolls side to side, massaging her butt furiously
  518. >But eventually, after a minute passes, she rests with her face down and butt facing straight up in the air, hooves rubbing up and down
  519. >pressing into her red spanked skin, so it briefly turns white like she’s pressing on sunburn…
  521. >”Owwwww…”
  522. >She moans painfully
  523. >cute hoofies drum on the carpet
  524. >her spanked cherry red buttocks jiggle slightly with each stamp of her hooves
  525. >you shake your head, sighing
  527. >”Ok Sweetie Belle. That’s all your spankings for tonight. You still have four more days to get the rest of your spanks done… and how many spanks do you have left, missy?”
  529. >You ask her the math question in the midst of her rubbing and “oww”ing and hoofy kicking…
  530. >Sweetie Belle barely even registers the question at first
  531. >But you let it linger in the air
  532. >But eventually, you see Sweetie Bell’s little face look back at you
  533. >Eyes red, bloodshot, and her white (face) cheeks stained red with tears
  534. >She stammers out the answer
  536. >”One h-hundred n’ fff…fifty.”
  537. >She blanches so hard at the remainder that her cheeks almost turn white through all the tearstains
  538. >You nod your head solemnly, and your right hand fingers the handle of the spatula beside you
  539. >like it has a mind of its own…
  541. >”Good girl, Sweetie Belle. Yes, you have 150 spanks left. And remember, whatever spanks you don’t get done tomorrow, Thursday, and Friday? You get all the rest on Saturday. All at once.”
  543. >It only now just REALLY occurs to you as you do your own math…
  544. >That meant that Sweetie really only had three days left to choose
  545. >And even after doing 50 spankings tonight… well, 55, but who’s counting
  546. >That meant even if she took 30 spankings every single day… she still has SIXTY left on Saturday.
  547. >And looking at how puuuunished this filly’s behind looks?
  548. >Oh man… you highly doubt she’ll be eager to even just do 30 every day…
  550. >Sweetie’s eyes dribble out more tears
  551. >She nods obediently, and looks away from you
  552. >The filly plops onto her side, her hooves still grasping at her bumcheeks
  553. >And she looks away fearfully
  555. >”Y-Yes, Anon…”
  557. >Aww. She really is a cutie pie…
  558. >You know what? Why not.
  559. >you decide to throw this filly a little bit of a bone.
  560. >after all, you have been pretty mean to her…
  561. >Sweetie deserves some cuddles
  563. >You reach out your hand
  564. >beckon to her while she lies on the bedroom floor
  565. >”C’mere Sweetie. You look like you need a hug. C’mon… theeere’s a good girl.”
  567. >Sweetie takes a second to realize your gesture
  568. >But she sniffles and slowly creeps toward you through tears
  569. >You continue to beckon her over
  570. >And eventually… Sweetie Belle listens, and gets close enough for you to reach
  572. >Gently, you reach underneath her, and pick her right up
  573. >But this time, instead of laying her face down on your lap, you lay her the opposite way
  574. >Tummy up, back on your thighs
  575. >And her adorable little hooves and face bunched up against your chest
  577. >She whines into your chest, and then gives you the sweetest hug back with her stubby little fore legs…
  578. >”I’m s-sorry, Anon…”
  580. >Awwww.
  581. >You give her a nice warm hug back, and nuzzle her cute little head
  582. >and then your right hand reaches down and around to cup her behind, holding her like a baby
  583. >She winces with the contact to her sore butt, but she does eventually relax
  585. >”I know, Sweetie. Good girl.”
  587. >Pretty soon, Sweetie Belle falls asleep in your snuggling arms
  588. >You lay her down in her own bed, and then close her bedroom door shut with her gently snoring
  589. >My goodness, a spanking really is quite the workout for a naughty filly…
  591. >and she has pleeenty of exercise to go this week.
  593. >The next day goes pretty normal, relatively speaking
  594. >well... normal for you, at least...
  595. >For a filly with a red spanked behind that is still glowing like a lightbulb? Maybe not so normal after all...
  597. >Sweetie is her usual sweet self
  598. >but when her friends come over to ask if she can play...
  600. >You can tell Sweetie is super embarassed
  601. >you watch through a slit in the blinds as they talk, and you can hear their voices well
  602. >Apple Bloom, the yellow one, is the first to make a remark when Sweetie steps outside
  604. >"Yow! That looks like it *hurts*!"
  605. >Scootaloo, the orange filly, is next to step around Sweetie Belle, who's now blushing on both ends
  606. >she gives a low whistle
  608. >"Phew... yeah, Sweetie. That looks like Anon spanked you REAL hard..."
  610. >"Y-Yeah... Anon spanks real hard....."
  611. >Sweetie Belle tucks her tail between her legs
  612. >Apple Bloom grimaces, pointing at her friends well-roasted behind with her hoof
  614. >"Yikes, it sure looks like it... I ain't gotten whooped that bad since I cheated on my quiz in Miss Cheerilee's class and lied about it..."
  616. >Sweetie Belle sniffs, wiping her eyes
  617. >"Y-Yeah, I remember that... Anon spanks a lot worse than my Mom and Dad, too. I stole and lied to him yesterday, s-so he spanked me with the spatula..."
  619. >"Oh no! The spatula sounds horrible! So then he doesn't just use his hoof... umm, hand to spank like your parents?"
  620. >Scootaloo asks
  621. >Sweetie Belle shakes her head
  622. "No... and he spanks a whole bunch more times too."
  624. >Apple Bloom pipes in now
  625. >she shakes her head
  626. "Y-yeah, it sure looks like it... don't your parents only spank like two times for every year old y'are? I know that's a lot less than what it looks like Anon did... or what Applejack does t'me..."
  628. >"Or what Rainbow Dash does to me!"
  630. >Sweetie blushes again, and turns her behind around to face away from her two nosy friends
  631. >but in the process, she ends up showing her behind directly to you, watching from the window
  632. >and you get to gaze upon your handiwork as Sweetie squeaks in indignation
  634. "Guuuys, stop looking at my flanks! I know he spanks a lot worse than my parents, and that so do Applejack and Rainbow... it still hurts plenty when they spank too, okay?"
  636. >Sweetie Belle looks down at the ground in shame
  637. >you watch her friend's facial expressions change to ones of pure sympathy
  638. >they stop chatting, and instead give their friend a much needed hug
  640. >"Aw, sorry Sweetie... I ain't meant to make you feel bad. Sorry..."
  641. >"Yeah, sorry... I guess we just got a little jealous..."
  643. >Sweetie Belle sniffles and wipes her nose
  644. >She nods her head, snuggled against her friends
  645. >who thankfully still keep Sweetie's backside uncovered for your viewing pleasure
  647. >"I-It's okay... I get it. You guys always got spanked worse than me..."
  649. >"It's alright Sweetie Belle. It ain't your fault. But just remind us never to get on Anon's bad side... he seems real strict."
  651. >"Yeah, if I ever get him as a foalsitter I'll have to be on my best behavior for sure!"
  653. >you grin
  654. >hearing the fillies be so intimidated by Sweetie's behind... feels good man
  656. >the trio eventually leave the premises
  657. >and on their way out, they all face away from you...
  658. >and you get a few uninterrupted seconds of getting to compare filly behinds, side by side.
  660. >But even though the idea of showing your "bad side" to Apple Bloom or Scootaloo is very enticing...
  661. >you have to admit
  662. >only one of them has the bubbliest tush of all
  664. >and it's one you get to spank a whole lot more real soon...
  666. >only you didn’t realize just HOW soon.
  668. >You watch as the sun goes down…
  669. >and down…
  670. >And down…
  671. >and when you check the clock…
  673. >No way.
  674. >No. WAY.
  675. >You set a curfew for Sweetie Belle to be back by dinnertime, 6 pm sharp
  676. >And lookie here… it’s 7 o’clock by the time you see the trio of fillies running back toward Sweetie’s parent’s house
  678. >You have to admit for a second… you did also genuinely worry for Sweetie Belle for a minute there
  679. >But when you see her and her little friends galloping up the grass toward the house, you smile wide for just a second
  680. >But you quickly hide that, and instead
  681. >you adopt your “strict face”
  683. >You open the door just before the trio of naughty fillies can knock
  684. >They all leave scars in the grass as they skid to a halt
  685. >they’ve clearly been running a long time now
  686. >sweaty, and breathing hard
  687. >And Sweetie right in the middle, her face downcast
  689. >”I… *gasp* I’m s-sorry, Mister Anon, *gasp* I, w-we lost track of t-time”
  691. “You’re late, Sweetie. Very late.”
  693. >You speak, cutting Sweetie off
  694. >your sternest tone you can muster
  695. >trying not to betray the excitement in your voice…
  697. >Sweetie Belle cringes, and shrinks backward
  698. >Her tail tucks between her legs…
  699. >as if her tail already knows what’s coming next.
  701. >Sweetie already had 150 spanks to go
  702. >But now, by some stroke of luck, you’re gonna be able to put your theory to the test
  703. >Your theory about the durability of Sweetie’s little tush!
  705. >”60 minutes late, to be exact. And do you know what happens to fillies who disobey and come home late?”
  707. >You watch Apple Bloom and Scootaloo give each other knowing glances
  708. >But Sweetie isn’t looking up
  709. >Instead, she breathes hard and nods her head slowly, forlornly
  711. >”Th-they g-get… s-spanked.”
  713. >”N-NO!”
  715. >All of a sudden, Apple Bloom jumps forward
  716. >You almost reel back in surprise when the yellow filly steps partway through the gap between you, and Sweetie Belle
  717. >A pair of teary, biiig eyes gaze up at you pleadingly
  718. >Very sweet, sensitive eyes…
  720. >”No, please don’t Mister Anon! I-It wasn’t her fault!”
  722. >”Yeah, it wasn’t!”
  724. >Scootaloo steps up next, piping up for her friend
  725. >Also gets between you and Sweetie
  726. >Her eyes are less teary… but her face is definitely just as forlorn
  727. >You look down at both of them with a shocked facial expression
  728. >”It wasn’t Sweetie’s fault. We all went rafting, and it was mine and Apple Bloom’s idea and Sweetie didn’t want to come because she was afraid she wouldn’t be back in time… b-but… we got lost, a-and…”
  730. “And that’s why she’s late! It’s all because of me an’ Scootaloo! Please, please don’t spank her!”
  732. >Aww, man…
  733. >The pair of big, expressive eyes look through your soul as Apple Bloom speaks
  734. >You even find yourself pausing for a second…
  736. >Wow, this filly is cute.
  737. >positively adorable
  738. >How could you possibly resist that sweet little face…?
  740. >”Yeah, please don’t! It wasn’t her fault! You should…”
  741. >Scootaloo looks down at the ground, cringes, and kicks her hoof in the grass
  742. >she pauses for a little while… then she looks up
  743. >over to Apple Bloom
  744. >The other filly makes eye contact
  745. >And they both seem to share the same thought, at the same time…
  747. >Then, Apple Bloom finishes the thought
  748. >with a whimper, and a bow of her head
  750. >”You oughta give us a spankin’ instead o’her.”
  752. >Your heart practically stops.
  753. >Your hair on your arms prickles
  754. >you take a second to process
  755. >And when you do…
  757. >Apple Bloom looks back up at you
  758. >Big teary eyes, expressive, selfless eyes…
  760. >You barely manage not to smile
  761. >but inside, you are giddy with glee
  762. >the luck fairies are clearly blessing you with a lifetime of good luck this week…
  764. >And how… how could you possibly resist that sweet little face?
  766. >you stare down at the trio of fillies with your “stern face” while you let their words sit in the air
  767. >But inside your brain, you’re giddy
  769. >The fact that Apple Bloom AND Scootaloo just actually suggested this possibility to you…
  770. >It means that this is something that must be normalized around here.
  771. >You knew the country bumpkins around here took spanking very seriously, and you’ve seen your share of reddened rumps around here
  772. >met only with nods of approval
  773. >But hearing THIS makes you practically jump with excitement
  775. >Inside your brain, the gears are turning
  776. >The three little ponies looks miserable and forlorn while you scheme…
  778. >But eventually, you come up with an idea
  779. >a terrible, horrible, no good very bad idea
  780. >that is WONDERFUL
  782. >You shake your head down at the three girls as they cringe and wait in silence…
  783. >Waiting for your verdict
  785. >”Hmmmm, I see… well, you are very brave for admitting this to me, young fillies. I appreciate your honesty.”
  787. >Apple Bloom very quickly nods her head once she hears the word “honesty”
  788. >She nods it very insistently, eyes getting wide
  789. >Her gaze back up at you is so. Fucking. Cute.
  791. >”Oh, oh yes Anon! My big sister Applejack always tells me, honesty is the best policy and the truth will set you free!”
  793. >Oh man.
  794. >What an absolute sweetheart.
  795. >Hell, you almost feel bad now about what you’re going to do…
  797. >You nod sagely
  798. >”Oh yes, young lady. That is very true… but unfortunately, you still have consequences you need to face for making poor little Sweetie Belle late. You, and Scootaloo both.”
  800. >You wait to see their reactions
  801. >Scootaloo gulps, and her tail, adorably, tucks between her legs
  802. >She looks away from you, trying to make herself small…
  803. >But Apple Bloom on the other hand… hoof…
  804. >The little yellow filly simply node sagely back
  805. >sniffles, and wipes her nose
  806. >But she swallows hard and looks back up at you, making piercing eye contact with her teary, big pupils
  808. >”Y-Yes, Mister Anon. I know… I-I deserve it…”
  810. >”NOO!”
  812. >Oh man, Sweetie Belle comes out of nowhere!
  813. >She jumps in between you, and her friends
  814. >Her biiiig eyes now staring up at you pleadingly
  815. >She shakes her head, holding her hoof up
  817. >”N-No Anon, p-please… don’t spank my friends! I don’t want my friends to get s-spanked because of me…”
  819. >Sweetie is crying already…
  820. >Such a sensitive little filly
  821. >Her friends immediately pipe in though
  822. >This time, it’s Scootaloo who holds her hoof up
  823. >Not at you, but at Sweetie Belle
  825. >”No, Sweetie! We made you do it… it was our fault, not yours.”
  827. >”Yeah! We are the ones who pressured you into rafting and got lost… we should’ve listened.”
  829. >You smile.
  830. >Nodding your head, you address all three fillies with an air of authority around you
  831. >”Yes, Sweetie. Your friends are right. It *was* their fault, not yours… but still. You shouldn’t have given into peer pressure.”
  833. >Sweetie Belle is still crying
  834. >But she nods her head obediently
  835. >While her two friends look up at you… with what you can only describe as determination in their eyes
  837. >Especially Apple Bloom…
  838. >She shakes her head, and her hooves quiver
  840. >”N-No, please Mister Anon… I’ll take it. Whatever spankin’ you were gonna give her, I’ll take it!”
  842. >”Yeah, m-me too! It’s not fair that Sweetie should be punished for what we did…”
  844. >You now have a bit of a conundrum on your hands…
  845. >One filly… with the most outrageously spankable behind you can possibly imagine, offering HER butt up for a spanking
  846. >And two fillies, with also VERY spankable behinds, both offering THEIR butts in sacrifice in her place…
  847. >And one Anon, who’s a right greedy little bastard!
  849. >You spin the web of schemes in your head
  850. >until eventually, you come up with a verdict
  851. >one that none of them is going to like…
  853. >”You all bring up valid points… very well. Here is what we shall do.”
  855. >You step forward
  856. >right away, the fillies cringe and pull away on instinct
  857. >well… except for Apple Bloom
  858. >Who actually bravely stands before you, tears and fear in her eyes
  859. >But hooves rooted in place
  860. >you regard her for a moment, taking a second to appreciate this filly’s bravery, before you continue
  862. >”Sweetie Belle has still been very naughty today… I only just spanked her, yet here she is. Giving into peer pressure. And so, she clearly needs another good spanking to teach her how to behave. BUT…”
  864. >you see Apple Bloom open her mouth like she’s about to protest, but you cut it off right away
  865. >Raising your voice
  866. >Bloomy wilts, and her ears flop down nervously
  867. >And meanwhile, Sweetie Belle’s head raises and she looks at you with a look of pure terror in her eyes…
  869. >Hnng.
  871. >”I WAS gonna give her a very looong spanking for being so naughty… but I’m willing to shorten her sentence by quite a bit, if you two choose to take some of her spanking instead.”
  873. >You proclaim the sentence with confidence
  874. >And authority
  875. >And barely contained excitement…
  877. >The three fillies all look at each other, side eyed
  878. >Big eyed
  879. >but as the seconds tick by… you can see their slow realization of their fate
  880. >You take it that your confident, strict tone worked very well…
  881. >Because Apple Bloom, seemingly the defacto leader of the group, eventually looks up at you, and nods her head
  882. >a mixture of assuredly… but also with lots of fear in her eyes
  884. >”O… Ok, Mister Anon.”
  886. >That’s it. They took the bait.
  887. >Fell into the trap you laid out…
  888. >You give just a faint little smile… one that they could think was just a glimmer of pride
  889. >Perhaps it is… but pride in your own idea more than anything.
  891. >”Good. Now… come on in. It’s time to get your spankings done.”
  893. >You’ve decided the living room is the best place to get this done
  894. >It has three open corners… all visible from the big couch in the fourth corner
  895. >Affording you a view of each filly, viewable all at once…
  897. >And that’s exactly what you do.
  898. >You order each filly to stand in the three corners
  899. >Scootaloo on the right, Apple Bloom on the left… and Sweetie, front and center
  900. >Have to make the best one the centerpiece, after all!
  902. >”Ok girls, you stand there with your noses in the corner. I will be right back. Don’t you move a muscle or say a word, got it?”
  904. >You watch as all 3 fillies nod their heads in their corners, silently
  905. >and their tails swish nervously, giving glimpses of their rear ends
  906. >unf…
  908. >You leave the room, making a beeline for the kitchen
  909. >You already know exactly what you’re looking for…
  911. >and there it is: the spatula.
  912. >The same rump warming spatula you just used last night on Sweetie’s tush, to GREAT effect
  913. >And now, the gods smile down upon you, and you get to test it out on two MORE filly behinds
  915. >when you walk back into the room, and sit down on the couch, you observe the trio of miscreants
  916. >All of them, noses planted firmly in the corner
  917. >butts facing out into the room
  918. >And tails flagging unconsciously as they swish back and forth with fear and nervousness
  920. >To be frank, you could stare for a long while at the three filly rumps in each corner
  921. >But every time you look at the one in the middle…
  922. >that delightful shade of red showing on both white, round cheeks
  923. >You now have only one goal in mind
  925. >to make all three pairs of cheeks match that lovely shade of crimson!
  927. >You pan right…
  928. >you’ll start with the pegasus filly
  929. >tapping your thigh with the spatula, you call out her name
  930. >sternly
  932. >”Scootaloo. Come here, young filly. You’re first.”
  934. >The little orange miscreant gasps when she hears her name being called
  935. >You see her do a little jump… and a teeny flutter of her wings
  936. >right away, you make note of those wings…
  937. >you’ll need to possibly hold her down extra hard if she gets those wings a-flapping!
  939. >But eventually, Scootaloo obeys
  940. >she slinks out of her corner, tail tucked between her legs, head low
  941. >eyes downcast
  942. >she slowly plods over to you, dragging her hooves
  944. >meanwhile. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle’s buttcheeks both clench with your proclamation
  945. >And both shuffle their hooves nervously
  946. >You smile inwardly, but keep up your stern façade with Scootaloo as she slowly makes it over to you on the couch
  948. >”Come on, Scootaloo. Over my knees. Theeere you go…”
  950. >Scootaloo quivers gently as she climbs over your knees
  951. >resting her tummy on your lap
  952. >extending her legs behind her, on the couch
  953. >resting her head on the other side of your lap… bunching her cute little hooves under her head and grasping the couch
  954. >and most importantly… bending her firm, bare orange behind over your right thigh
  955. >the angle sharp enough to stick her butt up into the air slightly, at an angle
  956. >exposing both her soon-to-be toasted buns for your… consideration
  958. >Aww.
  959. >Despite her fear, you can certainly tell
  960. >this filly sure did know what a spanking was
  961. >and she sure did have plenty of experience taking one, too!
  963. >You take a moment to relish the sight of the new bottom obediently perched on your lap
  964. >then, you place your hand on her back, pushing her down
  965. >but not before you grab ahold of her tail, pulling it up and out of the way with a little sharp tug just above her dock
  966. >You press the tail down in between her wings
  968. >And there it is; her filly bottom, fully bared and helpless
  969. >Sticking up in the air, bent over
  970. >pinned into place, framed for punishment
  972. >Scootaloo whimpers slightly, then kicks her back hoof reflexively
  973. >you smile and sigh sympathetically… poor helpless filly
  974. >those cute little back legs don’t bend back up at the knee like a human’s
  975. >So they can kick, kick, hoofy kick aaaaall they want
  976. >But their back hooves aren’t going to get in between your spatula, and her naughty, orange, and soon to be very red butt!
  978. >You swear, these little ponies were practically DESIGNED to be spanked…
  980. >You tap the spatula audibly on Scootaloo’s bottom
  981. >tap, tap, tapping to aim…
  982. >Scooty does a little butt wiggle, and another reflexive hoofy kick
  983. >But you press down hard, and it moves her hips back in place
  984. >bent over, butt arched up… ready to be paddled.
  986. >”Ok Scootaloo. Here comes…”
  988. >you lift the spatula up high
  989. >And just like usual… there’s the clench of the filly cheeks
  990. >bracing themselves for the oncoming onslaught
  991. >You wait for them to relax, then…
  993. >ThhhWAP!
  995. >the first spank is delivered to her soon to be very, very sorry rear end
  996. >Scootaloo’s butt does indeed jiggle upon the smack
  997. >but just as you suspected, Scooty’s smaller, but still very cute and round little flanks are more firm and well-toned than your darling Sweetie’s bigger, bubblier cheeks
  999. >that doesn’t stop the filly from jolting over your lap with the hard smack
  1000. >Both hind legs kick out, hooves splaying wide
  1001. >but best of all…
  1003. >”Eep!”
  1005. >Scootaloo yelps, jerking her head up
  1006. >rather a little yip of pain… but still gets your heart racing
  1007. >the spatula spank leaves behind the unmistakable red rectangle of burning hot pain on the middle of her behind
  1008. >And her hips do a faint little wiggle…
  1010. >Okay. It’s time to find your groove again!
  1011. >Raising the spatula high, you bring it back down again
  1012. >and again… and again…
  1013. >rhythmically, and methodically
  1015. >ThhhWAP! ThhhWAP! ThhhWAP! ThhhWAP! Thh…
  1017. >”Ow! Yowch! Ow! OW! Ah! AH!”
  1019. >But one thing you notice almost right away, is the sound Scootaloo makes
  1020. >They aren’t… well, as *dramatic* as Sweetie Belle’s plaintive wails for mercy
  1021. >They are much briefer, and more reactionary to each individual smack of the spatula
  1022. >And it becomes clear, as spank number 20 lands on Scootaloo’s naughty behind, that this little filly is used to far more spankings than Sweetie Belle is
  1024. >Make no mistake: this filly is kicking, squirming, and clearly suffering with each spank across her behind
  1025. >and her butt is indeed reddening very nicely…
  1026. >But you recall Sweetie Belle’s carrying on, and on, and ON, sobbing like crazy
  1027. >And you remember these fillies’ previous conversation
  1029. >”You guys always got spanked harder than me…”
  1031. >turns out, they were very right!
  1032. >Sooo… perhaps it was time to increase your plans
  1033. >after all, you couldn’t have these fillies thinking you were a pushover, now could you?
  1035. >So, you adjust your grip on the spatula
  1036. >flatten it out at a sharper, more vertical angle
  1037. >and then, swinging it up and down above the filly’s squirming, lightly bucking behind, you train it down repeatedly and repeatedly
  1038. >left, right, left, right, left, right
  1039. >alternating cheeks, but also moving up and down, side to side
  1040. >keeping your strength high, and feeling your eardrums practically shake with the sound of this nasty little tool smacking bare filly flanks
  1042. >Scootaloo takes a few moments to respond
  1043. >but when she does…
  1044. >”Ow, ow, OWW! OW, OWW, AOW, AHH, AHOW! Ow, OW! OWWW!”
  1046. >this change in pace results in Scootaloo’s renewed kicking
  1047. >And a change in tone from mere “ows” to true cries out, stringing all together
  1048. >And in your focus, you actually realize… you lost count of the spanks
  1049. >But you guess it’s close to 40 when Scootaloo starts to truly shake and jiggle her toned buttocks on your lap
  1050. >buttocks that are now rapidly turning bright, scorching red…
  1052. >”AHH! OWWWOWW! OWW, it huuuUUURTSOWWW!”
  1054. >Heheh, there it is
  1055. >The classic “it hurts” line mid-spanking
  1056. >It’s like every filly in the world needs to let you know that yes, indeed, spankings DO hurt their bottoms very much!
  1057. >you smile, and reward this declaration with four sharp spanks on her sit spots, rapid fire
  1058. >Scootaloo truly howls for the first time, and splays her hooves out wide
  1059. >kicking all around, this way and that
  1060. >but they only find empty air…
  1062. >”OW, owwwOWWW! OW, oh, OHHH OWW! AAAH!”
  1063. >Scootaloo’s tail dock twitches and her tail tugs under your grip
  1064. >But it’s not going anywhere so long as she’s pinned on your knees
  1065. >you recount starting at what you *think* is probably 40 spanks, and count until 60…
  1066. >Already, ten… well, five more spanks than you gave Sweetie’s little butt yesterday
  1067. >but Scootaloo still isn’t well spanked enough…
  1069. >her butt may be red, but Sweetie Belle’s behind was faaar redder by this point yesterday
  1070. >Well, maybe it was because of the snow white color of that naughty filly’s behind that made the red stand out more
  1071. >but it is as you feared… these other two fillies are probably used to good, long spankings
  1072. >and you aren’t going to fail to measure up!
  1074. >ThhhWAP! ThhhWAP! ThhhWAP! ThhWAP!
  1076. >70…75…80…85…
  1078. >”OW OWWW AAAH!”
  1079. >Scootaloo’s head bobs up and down
  1080. >Hair flipping this way and that
  1081. >her tears are flowing much more freely now
  1082. >And her hooves are shuffling, crisscrossing, and wildly flailing
  1083. >and in the process, Scootaloo is showing off basically *everything* she’s got
  1084. >under her tail, displaying to the open air, in between each bottom cheek
  1085. >as those now red cheeks continue to get smacked harshly by the spatula
  1087. >And briefly, you look up from the tushy you are torching
  1088. >over to the other two fillies who are up next
  1089. >still standing in their corners
  1090. >And even though you can’t see their faces, you can tell just by looking at them
  1091. >with their tails tucked firmly between their legs
  1092. >buns clenched instinctively
  1093. >and ears drooping back
  1094. >that the sounds of their friend being spanked HARD are taking their toll on their psyches…
  1096. >Good.
  1097. >These girls need to learn their lessons.
  1099. >ThhhWAP! ThhhWAP! ThhhWAP!
  1101. >95…100…105…110…
  1103. >Ok, now Scootaloo’s sobbing is starting to get desperate
  1104. >Breathless, reduced to blubbering
  1105. >Squeaking turns into weeping, turns into wailing
  1106. >Kicking legs turn into bucking, shaking hips
  1107. >mere red turns into glowing crimson on her formerly orange cheeks
  1108. >She gasps, wriggles, bucks, and sobs brokenly
  1110. >You hear these noises coming from her maw, and you take them as a sign to keep on spanking for just a little bit longer
  1111. >You need this filly’s butt to be cooked to a wonderful well-done heat
  1112. >dissuade her from misleading your sweet little Sweetie Belle…
  1114. >ThhhWAP! ThhhWAP! ThhhWAP!
  1116. >120…125…130…135…
  1119. >And there it is.
  1120. >The broken, miserable, strung together sobs of a well punished filly
  1121. >Scootaloo’s face is simply bathed in tears
  1122. >And the couch is now stained with them, too
  1123. >It occurs to you, as you deliver stroke 140 to her burning behind, that you really didn’t have Sweetie over your knees for all THAT long yesterday…
  1124. >Well, of course it was certainly longer than what that little filly was used to!
  1125. >But when you see the true shade of strawberry that Scootaloo’s small, round, toned butt is now sporting?
  1126. >You realize that you could spank Sweetie even longer than this…
  1127. >MUCH longer
  1128. >there is more “surface area” and more “give” to that little filly’s bubble behind
  1129. >and you’ve learned while living here that spanking a naughty filly or colt, even *very*hard, isn’t frowned upon around here so long as you don’t bruise their cheeks…
  1131. >And that was quite hard to do, you do say so yourself, as you deliver spank number 150 to Scootaloo’s blazing, wriggling, scorched butt
  1132. >A filly’s behind was practically designed to be spanked, based on how many times you have spanked, spanked, spanked away at even this filly’s much smaller, muscular and petite bottom without leaving any marks other than just a beautiful, blazing scarlet red!
  1134. >Your musing is cut short when you suddenly feel the movement of feathers under your holding hand
  1135. >Scootaloo’s wings start to buzz under your forearm while she wails, as the smack of the spatula keep on coming
  1136. >You press down harder, clamping down on her wings
  1137. >then, gritting your teeth, you deliver a sequence of harsh, stinging smacks rapid fire to both sit spots, back and forth
  1138. >over and over again
  1139. >punishing this resistance fiercely
  1140. >Scootaloo arches her back, squealing so loud it almost hurts your ears, in response to this onslaught
  1142. >But then… after a few seconds of tensing her whole body, Scootaloo gasps, heaves, and collapses
  1143. >draping herself completely over your knee
  1144. >head thumping into the blanket, tears streaming like rivers down her face…
  1145. >hind legs only feebly kicking and quivering
  1146. >and lastly: her now FLAMING red bottom, still bared, still vulnerable, and still arched up into the air
  1147. >plops down onto your right thigh
  1148. >ready for any more spanks you decide to give it
  1149. >no matter how much her bum burned like the fires of Tartarus itself
  1150. >still ready for more…
  1152. >ThhhWAP! ThhhWAP! ThhhWAP!
  1154. >160…165…aaaand 170.
  1156. >ThhhWAPPP!!
  1158. >”AAAAAOOWWWWW!”
  1160. >You decide to end on spank number 170, an extra HARD one.
  1161. >Why? Who knows…
  1162. >You guess it’s just because Scootaloo is only weeping, twitching her behind, and lightly drumming her hooves on the couch with each new spank
  1163. >eyes running with tears, but body nearly limp
  1164. >just exhausted from the spanking
  1165. >And also, Scootaloo is now positively *drenched* in sweat
  1166. >Her mane, body, wing spines, and even her legs and tail… all just drip sweat, now
  1168. >Well, it’s like you’ve been saying this whole time:
  1169. >Getting a spanking is quite the workout for a young filly!
  1170. >Even a filly with as fit and toned of flanks as Scootaloo…
  1172. >You give her a couple minutes to catch her breath
  1173. >But you continue to hold her down on your lap while she shakes her hips and squirms desperately
  1174. >you feel her hooves gripping tightly onto your pants, and on the couch cushion
  1175. >and her tail twitches and swishes uselessly under your hand
  1177. >But finally, as Scooty’s sobbing dies down, you decide it’s time to move on…
  1178. >You reach under Scootaloo, pick her up, and place her down on the floor
  1180. >Oh wow
  1181. >Right away, Scootaloo begins the classic “spanked filly war dance” all over the place
  1182. >hippity hopping, reaching back with both hooves, and ouching and owwing all over the place
  1183. >shaking what her momma gave her the whole while and revealing herself to your view as she ends up adopting the same position as Sweetie did yesterday
  1184. >face down, ass up, and hooves reaching back to her poor, puuuunished buttcheeks
  1185. >stamping her hooves with pain and anguish
  1187. >You observe with a lot of amusement this spectacle
  1188. >but after a few moments, you speak for the first time in probably at least a few minutes
  1189. >you’ve sorta lost track of time at this point…
  1191. >”Ok, Scootaloo. That’s enough of that for now, young filly. Go back to your corner and stick your nose in there, got it? I want to see that tail all the way up, missy. And NO rubbing allowed.”
  1193. >You direct Scootaloo cruelly through her sobbing and desperate gasps for relief
  1194. >she barely seems to hear you at all at first
  1195. >but you do patiently wait for the sobbing, sorry filly to finally comply with your orders
  1196. >until finally, with a forlorn and sad sob, Scootaloo slinks over back to her corner
  1197. >and like a good filly, she sticks her snotty nose back into it
  1199. >But she doesn’t follow the last of your instructions right away…
  1200. >so you bark them out at her again
  1201. >”Scootaloo, tail up. All the way, young lady!”
  1203. >Scootaloo moans and shakes with this command you give her
  1204. >But after a short period of shuffling her back legs, and dancing her bottom in a small figure 8 motion a few times… Scootaloo finally listens
  1205. >And slowly, she gets her sweaty, purple tail flagging up high in the air
  1206. >revealing the masterpiece of a spanking canvas you just created, viewable to all onlookers
  1207. >spanked red butt on full display
  1209. >you gaze upon her naughty, well punished flanks for a few seconds
  1210. >and then, you switch gazes between hers, and Sweetie Belle’s
  1211. >comparing colors… only to find that Sweetie Belle’s behind is still slightly darker in shade!
  1213. >You are actually surprised…
  1214. >Perhaps you went a little hard on Sweetie Belle with this whole “splitting up the spanking” routine
  1215. >but then, you remind yourself of the crucial fact; Sweetie isn’t used to *truly* hard spankings
  1216. >So, you suppose you have to temper your expectations for disciplining her, still…
  1217. >And perhaps, someone like you coming around is exactly what that naughty filly truly needs!
  1219. >but there is one filly where that isn’t the case.
  1220. >One filly who you are SURE is used to some pretty hard bottom tannings in her day…
  1221. >And she’s standing in this room right now, in the opposite corner
  1222. >Her legs squirming lightly, butt clenching, and her tail twitching fearfully in response to each one of her friend’s sobs of pain…
  1224. >You sit up on the couch, grip your spatula with your spanking hand… and you call her name.
  1226. >”Ok, Apple Bloom. You’re next, young filly. Come here.”
  1228. >When you call Apple Bloom's name, the reaction is a tad different than Scootaloo's was
  1229. >this time, you watch as the filly, with a nervous gulp, actually obeys you almost right away
  1230. >she turns around, and without wasting very much time
  1231. >she walks over to you on the couch
  1232. >she isn't fast walking by any means
  1233. >but you are rather surprised at her pace compared to Scootaloo, how basically had to drag her hooves over to you
  1234. >like they were weighted by balls and chains on each hoof...
  1236. >but Apple Bloom, despite the nervousness and fear very clear in her eyes
  1237. >she walks with more speed anyways
  1238. >you regard her when she stops right in front of you, head down
  1239. >not making eye contact...
  1241. >awww.
  1242. >There's something about this particular filly that just makes her so damn especially cute
  1243. >but still... she's got a good punishment to get through anyways
  1244. >and it's your solemn duty to give it to her!
  1246. >You pat your lap with the spatula
  1247. >and gesture to your knees
  1248. >looking gravely down at her
  1249. >"Ok, missy. Come on over."
  1251. >"Yes, M-Mister Anon..."
  1253. >But then, Apple Bloom does something else that surprises you...
  1254. >you reach out for her, preparing to pick her up, just like you did with Scootaloo
  1255. >but instead, Apple Bloom seems to not even see your arms reach out toward her
  1256. >and instead, she walks to the spot between the V shape you've made with your legs
  1257. >right between your left and right knees
  1258. >and then...
  1260. >Huh.
  1261. >You freeze for a second as Apple Bloom proceeds to adopt a position you've never done before
  1262. >she actually climbs up onto your *left* leg
  1263. >and you watch as Apple Bloom then lays down over your left thigh, diagonally
  1264. >and leaves her hind legs dangling, off the bed
  1265. >her upper body, resting on the bed
  1266. >and her butt, bent all the way over your left thigh
  1268. >and most shockingly of all, she even lifts up her tail on her own
  1269. >moves it away from her bottom, and flags it high up
  1270. >aaall by herself
  1271. >exposing her plump, but firm yellow bottom for punishment
  1272. >aaand everything else under a naughty filly's tail, too...0
  1274. >At first, you just stare down at the filly
  1275. >a little surprised at this newfound position
  1276. >at first, you aren't sure what exactly you're looking at?
  1277. >you've honestly only ever though of spankings over your knees as being... well, over your KNEES
  1278. >not just one knee...
  1279. >and you almost reach under Apple Bloom, pick her up, and set her down over your whole lap just like before...
  1281. >but then, it occurs to you.
  1282. >you look down... yep, there's Bloomy's butt, in place and "accessible"
  1283. >actually, it's bent over and sticking up in the air even more that usual, from the angle of being bent over only one thigh...
  1284. >and her hind legs are between yours...
  1285. >which means...
  1287. >wow. You can't believe you never thought of this one before!
  1288. >you can just adjust your right leg inward, close your legs, aaand...
  1290. >"Apple Bloom? Is this how you normally get spanked at home, young lady?"
  1292. >you actually have to ask now, out of curiosity
  1293. >Apple Bloom, who is so tense, so focused, and almost seems like she is in a different world, startles at your question
  1294. >but she stammers, and nods her head emphatically
  1295. >looking over her shoulder, back at you
  1297. >"Y-Yes, Mister Anon! It is... d-do you, I mean, did I...?"
  1299. >Awww.
  1300. >She's so nervous
  1301. >luckily you cut her off before she can stammer more
  1303. >"Shhh, you're okay, missy... I see. So, they pin your legs down, young filly?"
  1305. >Apple Bloom at first looks a little confused by the question
  1306. > but she nods once more
  1307. >aww, you can see her blushing...
  1309. >"Uh...uh huh... Applejack always tells me I kick n' move my legs an' my bottom too much durin' spankins... so she says she gotta make s-sure she keeps me still so she can spank me s-safe."
  1311. >This filly...
  1312. >aww.
  1313. >she is just precious.
  1314. >so good, she is...
  1315. >so obedient, cooperative, and so goddamn CUTE
  1316. >hnnng...
  1318. >But ok.
  1319. >You have a bottom, perched on your thigh and aimed high at the cieling, that is BEGGING to be spanked, now
  1320. >and it's about time you did that!
  1322. >"I see. Well then... we'll make sure you get the spanking you need, young filly. So..."
  1324. >You pick up that spatula, and clamp your right leg down on over Apple Bloom's hind legs
  1325. >pressing them down, and pinning them in place
  1326. >Apple Bloom's butt is now framed by your legs below, and your holding hand over her tail above
  1327. >and her cheeks are ready to be heated up to an inferno!
  1329. >she whimpers when you put your leg down over hers
  1330. >and whimpers some more when she feels the wood of the spatula rest onto her bare bottom
  1331. >but you actually notice that despite her fear, her bottom cheeks actually don't clench...
  1332. >but her legs do, going stiff and still against your pinning leg
  1333. >almost like she's trying her best NOT to resist
  1334. >and her bottom even raises just a tiny bit more...
  1335. >as if accepting and cooperating with its fate to be toasted by your spatula
  1337. >Hnnng
  1338. >this filly may be about to get a botttom roasting for the ages...
  1339. >but she is a very good girl.
  1341. >a shame it won't help her butt now.
  1342. >your mind is set and her butt's fate is sealed
  1343. >tap, tap, tap to aim...
  1345. >Raise... ThhhWAP!
  1347. >"Mm!"
  1349. >You deliver the same strength smack to the errant filly's naughty tush
  1350. >same as all the other ones you gave to poor Scootaloo...
  1351. >but Bloom's reaction is a little different to her first spank
  1352. >a little, subdued grunt of pain escapes her
  1353. >but it is made with her mouth *closed*
  1354. >and her bottom barely even twitches as a nice, pink rectangle appears on her left buttock...
  1356. >you bite your lip
  1357. >hmm...
  1358. >yep, this filly definitely is used to being spanked, if that reaction is anything to go by!
  1360. >You tap tap again, then raise the spatula back up…
  1362. >ThhhWAPPP!!
  1364. >”MM!”
  1366. >The second one is significantly stronger than the first
  1367. >in fact, the smacking noise makes you blink reflexively with how loud it is
  1368. >Hell, you even notice that Scootaloo AND Sweetie’s bottoms both flex with the sound
  1369. >And Scootaloo squirms uncomfortably in her corner, tail flicking nervously…
  1371. >But the sound that leaves Apple Bloom is only a little louder than the first little “meep” of pain…
  1372. >She does flinch just a little bit… but on your knee, her butt somehow remains still
  1373. >the strength of the smack was hard enough to really ripple the skin of her bigger, but still firm flanks
  1374. >and there’s another much pinker rectangle forming next to the first one…
  1375. >it has to burn like the dickens, and yet…
  1376. >Bloomy’s butt barely even squirms at all
  1377. >Stays perked up, perched on your thigh, and ready for more.
  1379. >MUCH more.
  1380. >Well, it seems you have your work cut out for you on this one!
  1381. >Fortunately… you like your job.
  1382. >You smirk, and raise the spatula up again…
  1384. >Let’s get this spanking going.
  1386. >ThhhWAPP! ThhhWAPP! ThhhWAPP! ThhhWAPPP!!!
  1388. >”Mm! Unh, mmph! Ah… Ah, oh! MM!”
  1390. >Spanks rain down on this filly’s behind
  1391. >You gradually increase the strength until the smacks really do echo a bit off the walls of the living room
  1392. >leaving behind lots, and lots of pink rectangles on her yellow bottom
  1393. >until they all start to melt together into one big mass of hot, steaming pink by swat number 25…
  1395. >But apart from some open mawed squeals of pain, Apple Bloom’s composure remains…
  1396. >not defiantly, like a filly who’s trying their best not to cry
  1397. >not at all… in fact, tears are running freely down her face
  1398. >And her sobs are gentle and sweet… but still there, for sure
  1399. >It seems as if Apple Bloom is accepting her punishment with a tremendous amount of maturity
  1400. >even as the spatula delivers smack after harsh ThhhWAPP!! to her rump cheeks… and spank number 40 comes and goes
  1402. >even her hind legs, which you have pinned in place, are only kicking a little bit under there
  1403. >her tail is obediently flagged high, dock not even twitching
  1404. >And her bottom remains relaxed… even as swats 59 and 60 spank down hard onto her sit spots
  1406. >”Mmnnnnoww! Ah, ah… bwuhhuhuhhhhh…”
  1408. >More sobbing, but not wailing or carrying on at all…
  1409. >some yelps, groans, and gasps of pain
  1410. >but mostly just remorseful, tearful weeps
  1411. >her demeanor itself is almost apologetic…
  1412. >and her bottom turns redder and redder under your viciously spanking arm and spatula…
  1414. >ThhhWAPP!!! ThhhWAPP!!! ThhhWAPP!!!
  1416. >80…85…90…95…
  1418. >110…115…120…125…
  1420. >140…145…150…155…
  1422. >”Waaahhaaahuhhh… owwaaaahhohowww… bwaaaahhhh!”
  1424. >It takes until stroke 160 before you finally start to see cracks in this filly’s rather stationary position on your knees
  1425. >finally, her now VERY red butt does start to wiggle…
  1426. >Well, as much as your right legs allows, but it wiggles indeed!
  1427. >And her hind legs finally start to crisscross and lightly kick with what is sure to be agonized pain, thumping under your pinning leg
  1428. >but even then, the struggles aren’t frantic
  1429. >And Bloom is still being a very, very good girl, taking her harsh punishment with tears of genuine remorse
  1431. >It occurs to you now… if Applejack think Bloomy kicks too much during a spanking, then how freaking hard does that farm mare spank!?
  1432. >Or how long…
  1434. >You can’t keep this filly here all night, though.
  1435. >you need to bring her to the same stage Scootaloo was: wailing, howling, desperate, and begging for mercy
  1436. >And as you deliver spank number 170… you ain’t there yet, chief
  1437. >But you also can’t obviously just spank Apple Bloom sooo much more than her friends… at least, not without justification
  1439. >Your brain gears turn…
  1440. >But then, an idea appears
  1441. >And you smile, feeling the filly cringe and weep with stroke number 175, smacking onto her reeed flanks
  1443. >then, you stop.
  1444. >For just a moment… but this ain’t over for Bloomy yet…
  1446. >You ask a question, resting the spatula onto the center of her lightly squirming butt
  1448. >”Now, Apple Bloom… you were the leader of the group today, weren’t you?”
  1450. >you wait through Bloomy’s weeps and sobs
  1451. >but you are sure she heard your question
  1452. >because her ears perked up from their depressed, floppy position on her head
  1453. >angled themselves toward you
  1454. >you smirk
  1456. >In her usual obedient attitude, Apple Bloom heaves out a good sob, and nods her cute little head
  1457. >”I-I… It was m-my idea, s-sir.”
  1459. >Sir?
  1460. >Hmm… you like it.
  1461. >you like it a LOT.
  1462. >you feel your heart swell with pride for a second, but then it’s back to business…
  1464. >”Yep… that’s what I thought, missy. So, this is what we’re going to do, young lady…”
  1466. >You actually release Apple Bloom, spreading your legs apart
  1467. >then, let go of her back and tail
  1468. >letting the well spanked filly slide backward, til her hooves touch the floor
  1469. >Apple Bloom moans, and with an adorable whine she reaches back to her butt with a hoof
  1470. >But quickly, you snatch a hold of her hoof and pull it back away
  1471. >Apple Bloom blanches, and she looks fearfully over her shoulder
  1472. >you tsk tsk down at her
  1474. >”No no, sweetheart. No rubbing yet, you hear? You punishment isn’t over.”
  1476. >Apple Bloom’s ears flop back on her head
  1477. >and as she slides further away from your lap, her big, expressive, and tearful eyes look up at you with confusion and forlorn sadness
  1478. >but you regard her stare with firmness and sternness, as usual
  1480. >”Oh no, Apple Bloom. Here’s what you need to do, young lady: I want you to go outside, to the backyard. Then, I want you to bring me a good switch.”
  1482. >Apple Bloom’s eyes widen when she hears the word “Switch”
  1483. >oh boy, do they widen!
  1484. >Tears instantly spill out and run down her face anew
  1485. >And for the first time since the spanking began… her adorable, fluffy red tail swishes back over her not quite as red little flanks
  1486. >shielding them instinctively
  1487. >And upon seeing that, it all clicks…
  1489. >The switch stings like the dickens
  1490. >Worse than possibly anything else out there
  1491. >You’ve been spanking this filly with a flat object this whole time…
  1492. >But her expression change when you declare her next fate, is incredible
  1494. >Apple Bloom freezes for a few seconds
  1495. >pure terror on her face
  1496. >And in their respective corners, you see Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle’s ears perk up, point high, and then… flop back down again
  1497. >with their heads drooping just like their ears…
  1498. >Awwww. Looks like EVERY filly in here knows how severe a switch truly is…
  1500. >But, true to form, Apple Bloom doesn’t protest
  1501. >She freezes for a while, sure… but no excuses, or pleas, or even puppy dog eyes get made in your direction
  1502. >Instead, she hangs her head… sobs… then nods her head
  1503. >”Y-Yes, sir…”
  1505. >Hnnng!
  1506. >There goes that “sir” again…
  1507. >you could really get used to that…
  1508. >you nod your head approvingly
  1510. >”Good. Good girl. Now… one last thing. Sweetie Belle! Come over here.”
  1512. >Both Sweetie Belle, AND Apple Bloom, both jump in startled reflex
  1513. >Sweetie Belle especially… she gasps, and her nose leaves her corner
  1514. >Apple Bloom looks over to her, eyes flowing with tears
  1515. >And when Sweetie Belle turns around, they meet eyes
  1516. >And then… Sweetie Belle’s eyes drift over to Apple Bloom’s bum…
  1518. >She already has white fur… but you could swear it turns to bleach white when she sees just how APPLE RED Apple Bloom’s naughty behind now is
  1519. >an involuntary whimper comes out of her
  1520. >and she shrinks low to the floor
  1522. >No no. No time to cower, Sweetie Belle.
  1523. >You point to the spot with one finger, in a very stern “come here” gesture
  1525. >”Sweetie Belle… you need to do as you’re told, young filly. Come here.”
  1527. >The naughty filly listens to you this time…
  1528. >And slowly, she slinks over to you
  1529. >leaving the safety of her corner…
  1530. >every step bringing her closer to doom
  1532. >she side eyes Apple Bloom, who looks back at her with most apologetic stare you have ever seen
  1533. >this poor little farm filly feels absolutely horrendous about this whole situation, you can tell…
  1534. >but she is scared silent, now
  1535. >awaiting the next cruel thing you have in store for her, and her friend…
  1537. >Sweetie eventually stands right before you
  1538. >shivering, tail swishing, hooves crossing demurely
  1539. >eyes downcast
  1540. >And tears already plopping down on the floor…
  1542. >poor, sweet little wimp...
  1543. >Your fingers tingle as they grip the spatula handle
  1544. >and your heart races excitedly
  1546. >”Listen here, both of you. Sweetie Belle, you’re gonna get over my knee. Apple Bloom is gonna go out and get her switch for the rest of HER butt tanning… and missy, I’m gonna paddle your behind until Apple Bloom gets back here, her switch in tow. Only then, will your spanking today be done and over with, and then Apple Bloom will… *switch* places with you and take the rest of her well deserved punishment. Understood?”

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