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Random short stories by Anon

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-08 03:06:38
Updated: 2024-12-15 11:11:32
Expiry: Never

  1. Anon
  4. >You gonna tell us what just happened, newbie?
  5. >I'm so sorry.
  6. >I should hope so. You changed the routine without consulting me and put other ponies at risk. I've drummed flyers out of the 'Bolts for less.
  7. >I know, and I'm ready for whatever punishment you want.
  8. >If you weren't such a good flyer I'd send your sorry flank home right now. Meet me in my office at oh six hundred hours for your paddling.
  10. ...
  12. Memories of her father are going to bubble to the surface, and Rainbow Dash is going to mutter and quake, closing her back legs tightly as she desperately attempts to talk her way out of it. But her punished fate is sealed, and when that paddle strikes her perky blue behind she's going to erupt into a geyser of tears. Spitfire, completely shocked, will have lost control at that point; her harsh words will fall on deaf ears, and she'll have to call in several female squad members to mop up the mess sprawled on her office floor. Fluttershy will most likely have to be contacted and summoned, having witnessed a similar event back in flight camp and having experience with an emotionally wretched Dash before. Oh yes, there will be kicking, screaming, crying, and apologizing—so much apologizing, addressed to one "Daddy" as it spills irrepressibly, tinged with fear, from Dash's mouth. She won't be kicked from the team, not immediately—she's got value yet, and Spitfire won't stand to have any record of this incident on her hooves. But she will mandate psychiatric counseling for Rainbow Dash in Canterlot's finest medical health institutions, because there absolutely, positively CANNOT and WILL NOT be any such episodes or incidents in the team's future. The paddle will most likely be retired from the program.
  14. @@@
  16. Anon
  19. Idea:
  21. >Twilights School of friendship.
  23. >Recently, there has been an incident with a prank gone wrong.
  24. >Through thorough investigation Twilight and co. discovered that somehow every single student at the school was involved with the prank in a negative way.
  26. >Twilight already had some ideas on how to punish the perpetrator, but did not expect the crime to be such a large scale operation.
  27. >She thought long and hard with her friends before desciding what to do.
  29. >School essembly.
  30. >Everycreature was gathered.
  31. >Twilight spoke.
  33. As we all know by now, a horrible and destructive "prank" has taken place within the walls of our establishment.
  34. After careful investigation, we have discovered that the perpitrator was literally all of you.
  35. Needless to say, we are very dissapointed, and after a long debate, we have descided on the methon in which we will deal with this revelation.
  36. Starting tomorrow, we will select one student at random. Said student will be escorted to my office, then we will subject said student to corporal punishment.
  37. I had hoped that I would never had to resort to such measures, let alone on so many of my pupils, but I believe this is the best and most fair way to handle this.
  38. I can assure you, you will all be getting your turn soon enough.
  39. Dismissed!
  41. @@@
  43. Anon
  46. >Silver Spoon invades your privacy several times
  47. >sometimes under the shower, when you sleep or just sit, she sneaks up to you, stares at your butt or crotch, gropes, then quickly runs away
  48. >after the 8th time telling her to stop, you lose your patience and decide to whoop her butt
  49. >pic related, this is her look after you give her a spanking
  50. >what do
  52. @@@
  54. Anon
  57. Crystal Prep is hiring.
  58. Since Principal Cinch departed the parents and school board have felt new Principal Cadance is not strict enough with the students. She will remain in charge but a Dean of Discipline will be hired. Duties will include uniform inspections (checking for excessively short skirts and non-regulation underwear) and administering corporal punishment when referred by the teachers. Crystal Prep Academy will provide all necessary tools.
  60. But just as you're about to accept you get an e-mail from Principal Celestia. Canterlot High is hiring for the a similar position. You can't work at both schools. Pay is pretty much the same for both jobs.
  62. Which do you choose.
  64. @@@
  66. Anon
  69. >Fluttershy becomes a crusader for freeing creatures unjustly kept in Tartarus
  70. >most of them need a high security nature preserve, not a cage
  71. >she begs the mane 6 to help and they eventually agree
  72. >the plan is to capture the least dangerous creature and bring them to Luna
  73. >show a reformed villain the goodness of this creature
  74. >she takes an unexpectedly harsh tone
  75. >summons Celestia immediately
  76. >Celestia panics and teleports it back to Tartarus, re-caging it
  77. >in a blink she's back with the mane 6 and Luna at her castle
  78. >"Ignorant fillies... you know not what this creature is capable of!"
  79. ...
  81. >"Your hearts were in the right place, but this is normally a very serious crime."
  82. >Luna makes a point:
  83. >"Convicting them could lead to copycat break-ins."
  84. >"Hmm, yes. It is best to keep this between us. Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, you three are grounded. Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, and Rarity, I will spank you. Luna, arrange to contact their friends in Ponyville so they do not worry."
  86. >"How come we get grounded but they get spanked? And why are you treating us like foals? We're in our twenties!"
  87. >"You three are very active ponies. Sitting in an empty room and thinking about what you have done while the day wastes away will be a more effective punishment. And twenty years to a being of over a thousand is still just a filly."
  88. >"Princess Celestia, we screwed up, but surely a grounding will work just as well on us as them..."
  89. >"I think not, my little ponies. A grounding is hardly any punishment to Twilight. And Rarity, you sit on your haunches for your job. Finding it difficult to sit for the same length of time as your friends' grounding will be quite effective. Fluttershy instigated this whole affair and deserves a harsh reprimand."
  91. @@@
  93. Anon
  96. >Apple Bloom get's a spankin' for skipping chores (typical)
  97. >Now she has to spend her Saturday working with a sore rear
  98. >Bloomy finishes her chores with a few hours of sunlight left
  99. >But the whooping and the hard labor wore her out
  100. >She finds a nice patch of grass and lies down
  102. >On Moonday she learns that Button came by to ask her about homework but saw her napping and left her alone
  103. >"What did you get spanked for, AB?"
  104. >"I didn't get spanked fer nothin'!"
  105. >"Careful AB, doesn't your granny wash you out with soap when you lie?"
  107. @@@
  109. Anon
  112. Setup:
  113. A school-filly (or could be a colt if you prefer) comes from a family that does not use spanking. She's aware of the practice, she knows her classmates certainly get it but she herself has never been spanked.
  115. One day she's caught up in some mischief at school. All the guilty foals are marched to the Principal's office where they are informed that this means a paddling.
  116. The character filly feels bad for her friends breathes a sigh of relief. She knows her parents signed the 'opt-out' letter so she'll get a few days of detention instead of a butt beating.
  118. But of course, there's a mix-up.
  119. The elderly school clerk is checking permission letters. She's been doing this for decades...all foals' names sound the same these days. She accidentally checks the permission letter for a student who's name is similar.
  121. When it's her turn the lucky filly (or so she thought) gets called up for her paddling. She's confused;
  122. >"But my parents signed the letter that says you can't spank me."
  123. The Principal thinks she's lying to get out of it. She's heard all this nonsense before, foals will say anything to get out of a paddling.
  124. Crying and protesting, the filly is forced into position against her will, still convinced the paperwork will save her. She's already witnessed two of her classmates get she's terrified.
  125. But today is not her lucky day...
  127. ...
  129. Unf. In any legal system with paddling the school would be free to do as it pleases. IRL permission slips are just a courtesy. Schools act as parents, and parents can spank, so this filly is doomed.
  131. She wouldn't be evil enough to gloat, but maybe somepony like Diamond Tiara would. That would make for a rude and enjoyable awakening.
  133. >her parents find out about it
  134. >but they never thought their angel could do something like that
  135. >clearly she needs stricter discipline
  136. >they approve the paddling form
  137. >ask the discipliner to come to their house with the school paddle and demonstrate how it's done
  138. >since SHE'S the naughty one, she has to hoof deliver a request to the local woodsmith to make the paddle that will be used on her little flanks going forward
  139. >when she picks up the finished product the woodworker doesn't even charge
  140. >"A foal finally getting some discipline is its own reward."
  141. >She blushes deep red
  142. >What a jerk!
  143. >But she hurries back home
  144. >She doesn't want to give her parents a reason to test out their new tushie torture device
  146. @@@
  148. Anon
  151. How about this idea:
  153. >Twilight's parents wanted to leave for an important meeting
  154. >but then, Twilight exploded her bedroom
  155. >for the 4th time in a month
  156. >they repainted it week earlier
  157. >it's ruined again
  158. >Twilight is covered with soot and a bit dizzy, andgives a sheepish smile to her angry parents
  159. >they don't have time to deal with her
  160. >they promised her a spanking if she detonate something again
  161. >not like they prevent her from learning chemistry, but her room it's not a proper place to mix dangerous ingredients
  162. >they hear Shining Armor is back from school
  163. >they ask BBBF to help Twilight clean the room up and then give her a spanking with her paddle
  164. >they'll check if her rump is pink enough later
  165. >before Shiny can protest, they teleported away to the meeting
  166. >Twilight looks at her big brother with a mix of fear and curiosity
  167. >would he pull her over the knee and clap her butt?
  169. >Shining tends to overhear Twily's spanking.
  170. >Sometimes he watches them in secret.
  171. >Turns him on like crazy.
  172. >When asked to spank Twilight he gets both excited and nervous.
  173. >How is he going to keep his dick in check with his sister over on his lap?
  175. Twilight feels dread for the incoming spanking from her big brother and his heavy hoof, but also she feels relieved she'll get a good rubbing under the tail from him after the deed is done. Also, her parents don't nuzzle and cuddle her after a session of butt tanning.
  177. >Shining poking Twilight with his hard dick during a spanking and making her curious after it
  178. >Shining accidently slipping his hoof between her cheecks when he rubbed the sore butt and discovering, she is wet and winking
  179. >Twilight spreading her legs apart during a spanking, making it visible for Shiny she's winking
  180. >Twilight pushing her butt against his hoof during a rubbing
  181. >Shining asking Twilight if she wants to learn how to get rid of the pain
  182. >Twilight asking Shining to rub her slit because it always helps her relieve the stress and pain
  183. >something else?
  185. @@@
  187. Anon
  190. >Colt learns that masturbation makes pain after spanking lesson.
  191. >Starts to masturbate after every spanking.
  192. >Gets in trouble.
  193. >Mom is coming to spank him soon.
  194. >Colt starts thinking.
  195. >If masturbation makes the pain go away after spanking, wouldn't it help if done before it?
  196. >Desperate race to ejaculate before mom comes begins.
  198. @@@
  200. Anon
  203. I kinda wonder how else changeling shapeshifting could be utalized for spankings.
  205. >Pony and changeling teach a school.
  206. >Naughty kids get paddled.
  207. >Changeling turns into paddle, pony holds it.
  208. >Changeling guides pony hooves for the best inpact.
  209. >Teamwork ftw.
  211. @@@
  213. Anon
  216. Good test
  217. Bad test
  219. It brightens my dick to imagine this scenario. Twilight Velvet and Night Light sign a note from Shining Armor's teacher. They write their own response for Shining to bring to school too.
  221. Shining stands at the front of the classroom to give his teacher the correspondence. Teacher skims the note, briefly smirks, and tells the colt to ask questions early and often if he's having trouble. The conversation ends, and Shining turns to head to his desk.
  223. The teacher smirks again, recalling the note.
  225. >"This will not happen again. We will be lighting up his haunches every Friday night until we are satisfied that he is up to speed in your class."
  227. Yes, it looks like Shining Armor's parents reintroduced him to the belt, and they will grow much more familiar in the coming weeks.
  229. @@@
  231. Anon
  234. I'd love to see teen punk Starlight get it.
  235. She's aloof, blowing bubbles with her gum and rolling her eyes as her Dad chews her out for some obnoxious thing she did at school. She's smarter, and better at magic than any of her teachers but that doesn't give her the right to disrespect them.
  236. >"Ugh, Firelight, are you DONE yet?"
  237. He's lectured her a thousand times.
  238. He's tried grounding her...she just sneaks out.
  239. Alright, it's time.
  240. >"Oww! Dad, what the...? Let go! Where are we going?"
  241. Firelight uses his magic and grasps her ear, pulling her into her own bedroom.
  242. >"Hey! This is MY room! You can't just come in here!"
  243. Indignation turns to worry as he sits down on the bed and pulls her across his lap.
  244. >"Okay, okay, Dad...I get the point, I won't mouth off to my teacher again."
  245. It's way past that point, young filly...
  246. >"Seriously Dad, you don't need to do this. I'm sorry."
  247. He reaches into the drawer next to her bed, where she keeps her hairbrush.
  248. A big flat wooden one. It was her mother's.
  249. >"Ohhh, Daddy, please, no, not that, I'm really really sorry!
  250. >"Please please Pleeeaaaseee give your Pumpky Wumpkins another chance?"
  252. @@@
  254. Anon
  257. Idea:
  259. >It's the future.
  260. >Pinkie has a kid.
  261. >Time for the first spanking.
  262. >Pinkie spanks her kid.
  263. >Later throws "Very First Spanking" party.
  264. >Surprisingly large amount of ponies show up.
  265. >Pinkie talks all about the spanking.
  266. >Very mortifiing.
  267. >Atleast the food is good (spanking themed food).
  269. @@@
  271. Anon
  274. Also heres an idea:
  275. >Colt/filly wets pull up.
  276. >Doesn't want spanking so hides it.
  277. >Other kids keep suggesting him to just tell the teacher, but he doesn't.
  278. >Teacher plays along, giving him time to tell her the truth.
  279. >Occasionally asks if he needs to potty as a reminder.
  280. >Colt/filly tries hiding wet pull up for most of the school day.
  281. >It is very nerve wracking.
  282. >Teacher eventually"finds out".
  283. >Since colt/filly tried hiding it he/she gets the paddle.
  284. >Also a frownie face.
  285. >Turns out this is his/her third frownie face.
  286. >Gets paddled twice.
  287. >Nothing like this has happened before so entire class watches.
  288. >Corner time is especially uncomfortable.
  289. >Parents are also upset.
  290. >Do they punish colt/filly further?
  292. @@@
  294. Anon
  297. >A warning swat on the rump
  298. >"Moooom! Everypony can see! Don't smack me!"
  299. >"Everypony saw a brat mouthing off, so everypony gets to see a brat getting a swat. Do you want everypony to see the brat getting her attitude adjusted too?"
  300. ...
  301. >filly can't find a comfortable seating position
  302. >"Ugh! These stadium seats are so uncomfortable!"
  303. >"Wind Spirit, they wouldn't feel so bad on your bottom if your mother didn't have to spank you."
  304. >the fans surrounding the family snicker
  306. @@@
  308. Anon
  311. >You tsk tsk with disapproval
  313. >you tap your paddle against the pair of round pink rumpcheeks in front of you
  315. >"That's not in the air, Pinkie. Come on, get em up!"
  317. >Pinkie Pie squeaks and gives a little shrill whine
  319. >But she knows what she needs to do
  321. >With a pained whine, Pinkie Pie plants her fore hooves on the ottoman, and arches her back with her hind hooves pressed together
  323. >sticks that plump round bum straight out and up at the cieling
  325. >exposed and bared before you, her buttcheeks are now practically begging for firm hard strokes of the paddle
  327. >you nod your head, tapping her trembling rump with the paddle to aim
  329. >"Good girl, Pinkie. Now stay still, take your licks and don't reach back or we'll start all over."
  331. @@@
  333. Anon
  336. >Apple Bloom got roped into posing for a charity calendar
  337. >Or ribboned, in this case
  338. >You can tell in the photo she is embarrassed
  339. >What has been mostly airbrushed out, however, is her spanking
  340. >Bloomy really did not want to be in a photo that day...
  341. >She had cold hooves
  342. >So Granny Smith took the liberty of giving her a warm rump
  343. >Balanced out the temperatures
  344. >And suddenly, Apple Bloom was willing to pose for the picture after all
  346. @@@
  348. Anon
  351. >Sweetie Belle stumbled into something she didn't expect
  352. >she just came over to ask if Apple Bloom could play
  353. >but instead, she heard the clamor from the family room of the Apple farm house
  354. >and the unmistakable rapping sound of wood against skin
  356. >Sweetie Belle peered in through the window, and she saw the whole thing unfolding
  357. >Granny Smith sitting on the couch, with a wooden spoon in one hoof and her other holding down her granddaughter
  358. >and the sight of the spoon delivering hard, crisp smacks to the squirming little reddened bum of what looked like a very naughty filly
  360. >Sweetie couldn't see her friend Apple Bloom's face, but her weepy eyed bawling left little to the imagination
  361. >the filly's hooves kicked uselessly in the air, while Granny trained the spoon onto her seat
  362. >Sweetie watched with horrified fascination through the window, unnoticed by the spanker and spankee pair
  363. >her view of Apple Bloom's now red butt was unblocked, and she saw every new smack paint little red circles all over her rear
  364. >Bloomy's bum was doing the classic wiggly dance of the well spanked filly on Granny's knees, and Sweetie watched each bare bumcheek ripple with each spank
  365. >Her buns clenched and unclenched, squirmed and bounced, but the spoon kept going, and going
  367. >Maybe when this was finally over, Sweetie thought grimly, the two of them could go take a cool dip in the pond!
  369. FIN
  371. ...
  373. Poor Sweetie Belle.
  374. Imagine her peering through the window, heartbroken at the pitiful cries of Apple Bloom. Her best friend is in agony and Sweetie is helpless to do anything about it.
  376. At the same time her own filly bits begin to feel all tingly and damp. Sweetie gives them a rub; her privates feel good when she does that.
  377. >"No, no! This is wrong, you can't do that while poor Bloomy is suffering!"
  378. Shame pushed Sweetie's hoof away from her soft, slippery crevice. That only made the itchy heat coming from it worse.
  380. >I'm the worst pony...the worst friend
  381. >Poor Apple Bloom is hurting and it's making me feel...good
  382. >It should be me getting a spanking...I'm a bad filly
  383. Sweetie Belle imagined herself humiliatingly draped over Granny Smith's lap.
  385. No...wait.
  386. Sweetie substituted Big MacIntosh in her mind
  387. >Much better
  388. While she indulged in her guilty fantasy Sweetie's hoof traveled back to her nether regions. This time she did not pull it back. Somehow it felt less pervy now that she was imagining herself being spanked.
  389. Spanked by a big, handsome farm colt. Her buns clenched with each spank Apple Bloom got.
  391. Sweetie had been standing on her hind legs to spy thru the window but now they got weak, just as her head got dizzy. Her hoof & little filly bits were dripping wet.
  393. Panting, Sweetie lay in the grass under the window and caught her breath. Inside Granny had finished, now she was comforting her sobbing grandfilly.
  395. One thing Sweetie Belle was sure of; both of them would need a cool dip in the pond after that!
  397. @@@
  399. Anon
  402. >I think the guardian gets tired of Cozy's outbursts and gives her a few whacks with his walking cane.
  404. Cozy then tries hiding it from Tirek and Chrysalis. Would make burying that pony under an avalanche all the more satisfying for her.
  406. Also some nice lines during the song:
  408. >Chrysalis: The ice your on is thin so watch what you say!
  410. >Tirek: For all this pain and torture I swear you'll pay!
  412. Cozy better watch out with these two.
  414. >Queen Chrysalis: Ha!
  415. >Stronger? Okay, I guess we'll downplay how bad you got your rear end handed to you
  417. Chryssy seamed very interested in Tireks ass for a moment.
  419. >Three villains bickering like children.
  420. >Grogar: I you act like children then I shall treat you like children!
  421. >Smack! Smack! Smack!
  423. @@@
  425. Anon
  428. Mouthsoaping afterwards?
  429. Well, there is a sink in the background.
  431. Overalls have an added advantage after the spanking. Jubilee should overtighten AJ's shoulder straps, pulling the seat tight and forcing it up her butt crack.
  432. She'll spend the rest of the day working in the cherry grove, rough denim chaffing against Applejack's sore cheeks, no protection from her polka-dot panties which are pulled into her butt-crack in a painful wedgie that tugs & cuts whenever she moves.
  434. Jubilee has put bent pins through the adjustment buckles of Applejack's straps...she'll know if the young hired hand has loosened them. AJ has been warned what happens if she does that. She wonders; what hurts more, an apple switch or a cherry wood paddle? She does not want to find out.
  436. @@@
  438. Anon
  440. Crazy Colt Idea's - small extra by Anon
  441. Original idea by Asdtroi8895 -
  444. >"A-Are you serious? You can't possibly be suggesting that we..."
  445. "He's not going to stop begging for us to do it."
  446. >"But still..."
  447. "I have a plan, I'm hoping that if I went a little bit harsher on the spanking, he'll regret the whole thing and hate it."
  448. >"What if he ends up enjoying it? Wouldn't we be... encouraging this by giving him what he wants?"
  449. "We'll... we just... we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. Maybe the recording will satisfy him? At the very least, it should be enough for him to never try to spy on his classmates again."
  450. >"I can't believe we're actually considering filming what's basically porn, staring our son, for him."
  451. "What else are we going to do? If we do nothing, he might end up spying on others again, we can't keep an eye on him every single second. Plus, he's just going to keep doing it to himself."
  452. >"He still thinks we don't know, heh."
  453. >Her sad laugher prompts you to give her a comforting hug.
  454. >Stroking her back with a hoof, you sigh and quietly say.
  455. "In hindsight, spanking him for spying on his classmates getting punished was real stupid of me."
  456. >"Don't blame yourself, we didn't know."
  457. "Mmm."
  458. >"This is so awkward and wrong. Do I really have to record the whole thing?"
  459. "It's what he wants."
  460. >"I still think that talking to him about this is the best way to go about it."
  461. "I do too, but how do we even approach this? I don't even know what to say to him. We can't just go and tell him his fetish is wrong, making him think his feelings and desires are wrong is the last thing I want to do."
  462. >"I agree, but still, this is just, I wish we could ask someone for advice. Ngh, being a parent is hard."
  464. @@@
  466. Anon
  469. This is awesome. The conservative outfits on both are delightful, but Pinkie's are the star. Her dress being hiked up without any obvious difficulty is hot. The striped socks strike me as too fancy for a fake-amish person to wear, but they are cute as hell.
  471. Pinkie's little pigtails and how she braces her right leg on the ground is fucking great. Her fat butt, divine.
  473. Minor nitpick, should Cloudy be spanking with her thumb bent like that? Even holding that position feels uncomfortable, let alone spanking with it. I think keeping the thumb alongside the rest of the hand is the most comfortable for a spanker.
  475. I would have appreciated some underwear on the floor, but it is by no means required. The red butt edit is much more important.>>32579885
  477. Let's not overlook the filename either. Some possible situations:
  479. >Cloudy spanks her just because she 'has gone a long time without a good spanking and has put on too many airs'
  481. >A rock amish friend of theirs ends up in humanized ponyville
  482. >writes back to Cloudy that Pinkie behaves like a gutter tramp, who has given up on Celestia
  483. >Pinkie is just bubbly
  484. >funhater takes this as flirtatious
  486. >Pinkie parties too hard and fails out of baking school at community college
  487. >She has nowhere left to go but back home
  488. >Cloudy welcomes her home
  489. >She loves her daughter
  490. >But she has to lay down some ground rules
  491. >Even though Pinkie is 19, she must submit to any punishment her parents decide
  492. >Including corporal punishments
  493. >A red, not pink, rear-end is guaranteed in her future
  494. >But mouth soaping is not off the table either
  495. >Don't like it? Leave.
  496. >She still has to do chores on the farm
  497. >Pinkie takes her medicine like a good girl
  498. >It steels her resolve to go back and try harder when she registers for classes next semester
  500. ...
  502. The Pie family has some great possible scenarios:
  503. >Be Anon.
  504. >Courting Pinkie Pie.
  505. >Go with her to visit her family on the rock farm, to get to meet her parents, and ultimately try to gain their approval.
  506. >They're polite, but they're a little slow to warm up to you. They're very picky about who their daughter's court and are possibly extra wary because you're the only human ever seen in Equestria.
  507. >They're not quite certain yet you're the best fit for their daughter
  508. >One night, Pinkie and Cloudy are doing the dishes, Igneous asks you to go out and help him chop wood, or some other similarly masculine activity.
  509. >On the way, he begins talking with you, not so subtly probing you about your long term intentions with his daughter and the mechanics of your relationship. You answer him honestly.
  510. >He casually asks you what your stance is on discipline.
  511. >You know what the correct answer is, and answer honestly. You tell him you believe in the effectiveness of a good spanking.
  512. >He lights up, suddenly feeling relieved.
  513. >"Thank Celestia Anon. I thought you might have been one of those 'modern types' of males that doesn't understand the importance of firm guidance."
  514. >You and him proceed to bond, talking about the importance of proper discipline, all the trouble your Pie's have gotten into and how you've dealt with the situation.
  516. @@@
  518. Anon
  521. Pinkie's butt is conditioned to years of strict hairbrush discipline from her father Igneous. Her pink party ass has lots more spanks it can take yet, lots more. Pinkie hasn't seen the light at the end of the tunnel for her heinie whacking, yet.
  523. >tfw Anon thinks his spanks are hard
  524. >tfw Anon is actually not spanking as hard as her daddy
  525. >tfw he's not actually spanking hard enough to make Pinkie's butt turn much redder
  526. >tfw Anon has been spanking Pinkie Pie this whole time and not making any "progress"
  527. >tfw Pinkie was looking over her shoulder to see how red her butt is
  528. >tfw because he's been spanking her twice as long as her daddy did and he doesn't realize it
  529. >tfw Pinkie doesn't say anything because she thinks Anon knows this and is spanking her this long on purpose
  530. >tfw Pinkie thinks Anon is turning her rump into a bruised up mess when it still isn't even red enough
  531. >tfw Pinkie still doesn't say anything because Anon is her husband and she thinks she has to take whatever punishment he gives her because he says so
  532. >tfw Pinkie thinks her punishment is fair even though it's the worst longest spanking ever
  534. >tfw this is a very bad situation
  536. >tfw Pinkie is sticking her behind up in the air and being so still because she thinks her struggling lengthened her spanking even more
  537. >tfw she is so cooperative because she thinks her spanking will finally end sooner if she totally obeys
  539. >tfw Anon actually takes her ability to keep so still and stick her ass in the air as reassurance that he hasn't spanked too long yet
  540. >tfw he keeps spanking
  541. >tfw Pinkie Pie is actually making her punishment worse when she thinks she's making it stop sooner
  543. Anon
  546. >after each day of rarity abusing her femininity over spike.
  547. >He goes to her room and steal one of her underweres
  548. >he's been Hoarding them.
  549. >little by little his secret stash grow bigger.
  550. >Hoarding is a bad dragon habit that have severe consequences.
  551. >Spike grew bigger.
  552. >as big as those teen dragons.
  553. >Which also made him lose control of his repressed anger.
  554. >he know that twilight was throwing her work at him.
  555. >he is aware of how Rarity mistreat him.
  556. >but he was repressing that. and dismiss it saying that they are his friends.
  557. >but not anymore.
  558. >he got big.
  559. >he is mad.
  560. >"Spike where are you . would you come down to the lab I have made quite a mess ."
  561. >Spike got pissed.
  562. >he stormed down there. and knocked the lab door open.
  563. >"Spike! what got into you why did you change .. ?"
  564. >"Spike Clean this mess.. Spike take a note "
  565. >"Clam down Spike"
  566. >"No more mr nice spike"
  567. >"spike you are scaring me"
  568. >Twilight slowly backed away as spike was furiously approaching her.
  570. @@@
  572. Anon
  575. >Derpy the mailmare knocked the door
  576. >she had to deliver a package to this pretty looking house
  577. >the door opened
  578. >"Hello! Here's your package safe an sound, ma'...."
  579. >it was her daughter, Dinky
  580. >"...ham?"
  581. >it was their house, she hadn't realized
  582. >though she suspected the adress felt familiar
  583. >Dinky looked nervous and embarassed, but this time of herself....
  584. >Derpy took a look at the package
  585. >it was meant to be taken by the... client in the office
  586. >she had delivered it by accident
  587. >or maybe they gave it to her because it was on her name....
  588. >she oponed it
  589. >Dinky gulped
  590. >a Daring Doo book signed by the author
  591. >sounds expensive
  592. >actually it would explain why the money seemed to dissapear so quickly
  593. >Dinky was on the verge of tears
  594. >"You have to ask permission for these things, Muffin."
  595. >"I'm... sorry..." Dinky was begining to cry, the buyer's remorse was apparent
  596. >"Hush, baby" said Derpy caressing her "you can keep it, but promise me this won't happen again"
  597. >"Re... Really? Oh THANK YOU!" *hugs* "It won't!"
  598. >"Good!" replied derpy smiling happily "now be a good girl and bring mommy the belt"
  600. ...
  602. Differentfag; just riffing off other Anon here;
  603. >"Alright honey, now raise your bottom up...and stop that crying, you had to know this was coming."
  604. "Y-y-yes [sob] Mommy."
  605. >"Alright, you're getting one stripe for every bit this costs over your allowance."
  606. "BUT THAT'S OVER 300 BITS!"
  607. >"Oh my...this is going to take a while. [Derpy thinks about it for a moment]
  608. >"Plus 3 more stripes for every minute you make me late on the remainder of my route."
  610. ...
  612. Alternatively
  613. >"Re... Really? Oh THANK YOU!" *hugs* "It won't!"
  614. >"Good. Now please unhug me, muffin, mommy has to order a package for herself"
  615. >"Really? What is it?"
  616. >"A paddle"
  617. >"...huh?...why?"
  618. >"For your punishment, of course! I can't just let you get away with it, now can I?"
  619. >"Bu... but..."
  620. >"Yes, butt, yours. I don't know how long it will take, though. No hurry though! And this time you can go receive it!"
  622. ...
  624. Another random anon
  625. >as Dinky was going upstairs to bring the belt.
  626. >Derpy went into the kitchen.
  627. >There she was shocked to see her Muffin plate was empty.
  628. >she labeled and sealed it close.
  629. >"DINKY!" she yelled
  631. ...
  633. yet another anon here
  634. >Derpy opened the package.
  635. >it's a fancy looking wooden hairbrush with Bank association sign on it.
  636. >Dinky was confused. this is not what she ordered.
  637. >"What is this ?"
  638. >there was a note inside.
  639. >Derpy read it out loud.
  640. >'We saw your little naughty filly buying expensive stuff using your credit card. she also forged your signature. We canceled her expensive order and we would like to present you with this sturdy wooden brush instead. you know what to do - signed The bank association.'
  641. >"I'm... sorry..." Dinky was beginning to cry in remorse.
  642. ... you know the rest
  644. Continuation
  645. >"aww aww aw"
  646. >"shame on you. "
  647. >"aww not so hard"
  648. >"going outside, buying stuff with stolen credit card."
  649. >"you are hurting me aww."
  650. >"how can I face other moms right now. you disappoint me Dinky. "
  651. >"aw I said I'm sorry."
  652. >"what were you thinking going outside with a messy mane like that. even the bank association had some pity on us and gave us a hairbrush."
  653. >"aww stop pulling hard. "
  654. >"sheesh, how can your mane be so jagged up. were u using the shampoo i gave you ?"
  656. I love the setup anon came up with. this crossed my mind while reading it so I decided just share it.
  658. @@@
  660. Anon
  663. >Celestia
  664. She's a hard one to write a set-up for.
  666. >the changling queen has just became stronger than celestia.
  667. >she managed to defeat her in a magical duel.
  668. >her canerlot invasion plan was a success.
  669. >only a mere 6 ponies escaped her grasp.
  670. >it didn't matter to her. Celestia was out of her way.
  671. >along with Cadance and shining armor.
  672. >to raise the moral of her troops.
  673. >she put celestia in a stocking in middle of the castle hall.
  674. >to further her humiliation she spanked her infront of everyone.
  676. Setup 2
  677. >after Twilight turned into an alicorn and no longer he student.
  678. >Celestia felt a bit nostalgic.
  679. >she walked inside her memory realm.
  680. >Twilight reminded celestia of herself when she was young.
  681. >she walked pass the memory painting on the wall.
  682. >one of them was ancient.
  683. >it was when celestia was young filly
  684. >she saw that memory frame. and smiled.
  685. >she touched it to relive that past memory.
  686. insert mischievous naughty filly scenario here.
  687. insert instant regret choosing that memory cause it ends up with spanking.
  688. She tried to change the event but Celestia had to relive that memory exactly as it played out and get her butt tanned. or the entire thing would reset,
  690. @@@
  692. Anon
  695. I have been imagining a scenario where discord is spanked by fluttershy and offer he is sent to the corner. With him living disharmony and disorder, I feel cornertime would be horrible for him. So when he starts to think about all of the things he could do with magic to escape he realizes that he actually does deserve the punishment so he remains in the corner for the designated amount of time. I think it would be cool to see a more submissive spankee role from discord whether his spanker be fluttershy, celestia or any of the other ponies. Thoughts?
  697. ...
  699. At every stage that Discord submits (unknown punishment, finding out it is spanking, corner time, end of punishment), he has to swallow more pride. Fluttershy makes it harder at every stage by playing up how humiliating it is.
  700. >I know you were naughty, Dissy, but this is how we punish naughty beings in Equestria... Yes, I know you're mad, but I still want your snooty touching that corner, with your booty where I can see it, mister... I know you think you're bigger than this, but that doesn't explain why a creature who is over a thousand years old can't play nice. Don't you stamp your hoof at me, or you can just stay there while I'm gone all weekend. Oh Angel...~ You wouldn't mind watching Discord in the corner this weekend while I'm on that spa trip with Rarity and Rainbow Dash, would you? That's better, Dissy... isn't it just easier to listen to Fluttershy? Good boy...
  701. She talks to him just like she talks to the animals that can't talk back
  703. I could imagine a two-parter where he escapes the first time, only to have Fluttershy insist on another punishment for the escape. Naturally, Discord isn't required to submit because he has such magical power. He just doesn't want to throw away all he has built with Fluttershy. The guilt of skipping the punishment could eat him up after leaving once.
  705. There is a story on fanfiction (not fimfiction) that mentions Discord getting spanked regularly. It also contains filly Twilight getting spanked by Celestia, and Discord making fun of her for it.
  707. @@@
  709. Anon
  712. >be Sweetie Belle wearing a fancy dress
  713. >spend a great day with Rarity
  714. >she is such a great sister
  715. >when you both come back home with her she gives you a sly smile
  716. >you blush but say nothing
  717. >suddenly you feel your velvet panties sliding down your legs under the dress
  718. >you don't react fast enough and they fall down on the ground
  719. >with a startled squeak you feel you tail being lifted by Rarity's magic
  720. >with a tug she leads you to your bedroom
  721. >with blushing face she picks you up and place on the bed
  722. >the dress quickly slides down your body and just a moment after that your sister is panting above you, looking at you like a horny predator
  723. >you cross your hindlegs but there is no chance of running away
  724. >Rarity lies on her back and pulls you on her belly
  725. >you can't move, but who would want to?
  726. > she hugs your close and inhales your sweet scent, gently wrapping one foreleg around the neck and the other one pins your hindlegs close to the body
  727. >you're already wet, but the next thing you feel makes you literally drool over your butthole and tail
  728. >Rarity used her magic to delicately massage your winking clit
  729. >a shuddering moan escaped your mouth as small waves of Rarity's magic worked around your naughty button
  731. @@@
  733. Anon
  736. >Rumble becomes an activist against spanking
  737. >Gets Discord to work nonconsensual spanking into an Ogres and Oubliettes game the mane 6 play
  738. >Anytime they take damage that get a spanking
  739. >It's scaled by how much damage is done
  740. >They get upset
  741. >"If you think it's unfair to be hurt when you make a mistake, how do you think little colts and fillies feel when you spank them?"
  743. just for the sake of the story. Nobody gives a shit about irl.
  745. Part 2:
  746. >Discord turns it into a road show
  747. >Tries to get it banned nationwide
  749. Part 3:
  750. >Discord begs Fluttershy to just spank him when he makes a mistake
  751. >The time outs are just unbearable for a being of chaos
  753. @@@
  755. Anon
  758. >no don't do it.
  759. >the filly hesitate a bit. then continued reaching for the jar.
  760. >I said NO.
  761. >Filly open the cookie jar and swiftly shoved a cookie in her mouth.
  762. >that's it young lady.
  763. >the mother dropped what knife on the counter then went toward the naughty filly.
  764. >she pulled the filly from her ears pulling her toward a stool.
  765. >she sat down on the stool then picked up the filly on her lap.
  766. >she flipped the filly making her lay across her lap.
  767. >she pulled moved her tail away exposing her butt.
  768. Spank Spank Spank Spank Spank
  769. Spank Spanky Spank Spanky Spank
  770. SPANKs Spank Spankity Spank Spank
  771. mother than took a wooden spoon and...
  772. Whap whap whap whap
  774. >no mom please no more spankies
  775. whap whap whatp
  776. >waah waah please stop
  777. Whap whap
  778. >i'm sorry mommy i won't to it again.
  779. >you should have stopped when I told you so.
  780. whap whap whap
  781. >bwahahaaa please stoop waaah.
  782. >mom then stopped.
  783. >the filly continued to weep.
  784. >she flipped her over and let her sit on her lap.
  785. >are you gonna be a good little faol and listen to your mom ?
  786. >sniff sniff... then the filly noded.
  787. >ok go stand in the corner next to the fridge over there. momy need to finish the dinner.
  788. >the filly went there and stood facing the corner. with her tail hiding her red bum.
  789. >mom continued cooking.
  791. @@@
  793. Anon
  796. >>applejack honesty teacher.
  798. A few weeks into the term...
  799. >AJ is teaching class
  800. >All her students know by now
  801. >Homework on time...don't speak out of turn
  802. >If not; doom for your butt
  804. >Apple horse halfway thru a lesson
  805. >Door bursts open
  806. "Applejack, where in taranation you been!?"
  807. >It's Granny Smith and she's pissed
  808. "Just 'cause ya got a second job at this fancy schoolhouse don't mean you can fergit about yer chores on the farm!"
  809. >Granny bends AJ over her own desk
  810. >Does not give time for the students to leave
  811. >Naughty fillies don't deserve privacy for their spankings
  812. >Granny reminds AJ how much an apple switch stings
  813. >Leaves her rump cris-crossed with red & pink stripes
  814. "Don't you go skippin' out on yer chores again!"
  815. >Granny stomps off
  816. >AJ is left, red faced and sniffling
  817. >Students don't know what to say
  818. >There's nothing else to do...Applejack just continues teaching her class
  820. @@@
  822. Anon
  825. >get a small buttplug
  826. >spank naughty filly good and hard
  827. >then stick plug in their butts
  828. >they have to wear the plug the whole rest of the day
  830. >but if it falls out, they get another full spanking
  831. >small size of buttplug means naughty filly has to really pucker their tailholes to keep it in for long periods
  832. >it gets tiring really fast
  833. >but they have to hold it in, or else
  834. >lots of squirming, sitting down hard on their spanked flanks to force the plug back inside their butts
  835. >and you just sit and watch it all unfold
  837. @@@
  839. Anon
  842. I want to horsewhip Rainbow Dash nonconsensually. I want to feel her tight little pony ass constrict around my rock-hard cock with every lash. I want her to look back over her shoulder at me through tearful eyes with a pleading expression, whimpering through her gag as I bring the whip down on her back as hard as I can, continuing to fuck her tight virgin asshole. I want to feel her body tremble as a trickle of urine runs down the inside of her hind legs from the pain. I want to whip her ass with every thrust as I fuck her harder and faster, quickly approaching orgasm. I want to yell out in intense pleasure as I cum inside, filling her colon with my seed, bringing the whip down on her one final time and drawing blood. I want to leave her chained up and quivering in misery, reminding her that I'll be back to use her like this again tomorrow and there's nothing she can do to stop me.
  844. @@@
  846. Anon
  849. >filly took a cookie from a cookie jar just before the dinner
  851. >filly is scared and tries to run
  852. >mother is is faster and catches her
  854. >mother beats the shit out of the filly, leaving her almost unconscious from the pain
  855. >"kek it's over sweetie, it hurt me more than you etc, give your momma a hug"
  857. @@@
  859. Anon
  863. at this point you have already drawn blood and are starting to worry
  864. >"I SAID HARDER"
  866. >you comply
  867. >"AGH, MORE, HARDER!"
  868. >you dont know how much more she can take
  869. >or how much more you can take for that matter
  870. >you swing the red stained paddle a couple more times
  871. >"HARDER"
  872. >you hesitate
  873. "Are you sur-"
  875. >you take a breath
  876. >you ready your self
  877. >you wind back
  878. >and you close your eyes
  879. >"HURRY U-"
  880. >you swing for the fences
  881. >*crack*
  882. >she lets out a loud blood curdling scream
  883. >you feel a warm liquid splatter your face
  884. >you open your eyes and see the mare, back arched and rear red
  886. >the scream trails off into a soft moan
  887. >she falls back into your chest, trembling
  888. >you wipe some of the liquid off your face and examine it
  889. >its thick, sticky, and mostly clear
  890. >she looks up at you
  891. >"I knew you had it in you"
  892. >"little bitch"
  894. @@@
  896. Anon
  899. Twilight Velvet: Oh no, please don't apologize, princess. We know what a handful little Twilight can be, and long ago we established a discipline schedule in our home for naughty fillies like her.
  901. Celestia: did?
  903. Night Light: Certainly. Five minutes with the hairbrush for talking back, a hundred whacks with the belt for not doing her chores.
  905. Twilight Velvet: And for a poor report card, we whip her with a switch until her bare flank is covered in red stripes.
  907. Celestia: I can see why Twilight is such a diligent student.
  909. Twilight Velvet: In fact I want to apologize to you, princess, for whatever it is that Twilight did that made you feel you had to turn her over your knee and spank her. If you don't mind, I'd like to give her a separate punishment for that incident, courtesy of mom and dad.
  911. Celestia: I think that's a splendid idea. As her teacher, I will stay and observe. Will you need anything in particular?
  913. Twilight Velvet: No, princess, I always carry my hairbrush in my purse. Been doing that since Twilight was just a foal. If you can call her in here right now, I'll get ready to blister her naughty little bottom for you.
  915. Celestia: Excellent. I'm so pleased we share the same approach to instruction and discipline. You can rest assured your daughter will receive the same attention as long as she remains in my care.
  917. Celestia: Ohhh TWIIIIIIILIGHT...
  919. Twilight Sparkle: But Mom, I'm 20 years old!
  921. Twilight Velvet: As long as you live under our roof, young mare...
  923. Sparkle: But I DON'T live under your roof anymore...I live in the Library in Ponyville!
  925. Night Light: Hey, don't you back-talk your mother. We're taxpayers...techinically that means that Library belongs to us and you're still living under our roof! Now obey your mother unless you want an additional spanking from me once she's done!
  927. Sparkle: Whhhhaaaahhhhh!
  929. @@@
  931. Anon
  934. > be anon
  935. > you where teleported to equestria and where thrilled
  936. > until you learned that everyone is , as squidward put it "BATSHIT FUCKING INSANE"
  937. > yfw the barbarically "punish" people with extreme spankings
  938. > if you walk to the market there is a public flogging happening
  939. > the poor bastard is bleeding
  940. > your dream is now a nightmare
  941. Being that you live as a thief
  942. > feelsbadman
  943. > you now live to exterminate this vile race
  944. > yfw
  946. @@@
  948. Anon
  951. "Ummm, Mr. Anonymous?
  952. Let's say a certain little pony...nopony in particular...did something bad, something you told her several times not to do.
  954. If that little pony admitted the bad thing she did and apologized and was really, REALLY sorry then she wouldn't be in trouble and wouldn't have to get a spanking, right?
  956. You know...just hypothetically speaking."
  958. "They would Twily, yes. They still disobeyed again, and despite being sorry, that filly is not just being punished for one mistake, but for all of the other times that filly wasn't sorry enough to stop herself from disobeying again.
  960. But after the spanking, that certain pony would have plenty of help and guidance from her daddy to avoid making the same mistake again. Her daddy would do his best to make sure that his filly doesn't have to get spanked for that same mistake, because he loves his filly and wants to give her the guidance she needs.
  962. Now Twily, do you have something you need to tell me?"
  964. @@@
  966. Anon
  969. >"Anon is the best spanker in the Ponyville! We can choose between being spanked by our parents or go visit Anon, get the spanking from him and show the red butt to mom and dad. Anon is the best, he always asks what we did wrong, he always listen! He knows who should get more times, but no one ever cried after being spanked on his lap. His hand is much better than a hoof!"
  970. >"And he always takes us to quiet places with no ponies around. Last week my mom took me over her knee in the middle of Ponyville, everyone could see my pussy... I saw some colts looking at my butt, I couldn't cover myself!"
  971. >"One day my mom was angry because she struggled with a cherry pie... she is not a baker, you know. I accidently spilled milk for my oatmeal, she shouted at me and she wanted to give me a spanking... I was so scaerd, I run away to Anon and I told him what happened and I need a spanking... but he carried me back to my house, he took my mom by her ear and dragged to the bedroom. I couldn't see what happened, because he closed the door, but I heard him spanking my mom! When they finidhed my mom was so embarrassed... she said she is sorry and she hugged me. Anon is my best friend!"
  973. @@@
  975. Anon
  978. This is a good fantasy only if I'm given 24 hours notice that my ass will be whipped raw. I'll spend that time in a jail with a view of the castle courtyard where I'll be whipped.
  980. Since I'm there a day early I'll get to witness today's whippings, knowing it will be my turn tomorrow. I will watch as nervous, weeping ponies...stallions & mares alike...are led out to the flogging frame. They are bent over and secured to the rack with leather straps.
  982. Ms. Harshwinny then arrives. An assistant marches one step behind, carrying the horsewhip. There's great ceremony, but finally Ms. Harshwhinny begins each punishment, thrashing the asses of those unlucky ponies with the full force of her arm. They scream & beg for mercy but no mercy comes.
  984. There is no limit to the number of lashes. Ms. Harshwhinny stops when she feels like it...usually when all the hair has been stripped off the rump & the first trickle of blood appears.
  986. Even if you don't want to watch you can not ignore the sounds coming from outside. The horrible crack of the whip on bare skin...the screams. Even after it's over they haunt you.
  988. You endure a sleepless night, anticipating tomorrow's punishment. You dream of escaping, or apologizing to Ms. Harshwhinny so convincingly that she forgives you.
  990. But that's just fantasy.
  991. The sun comes up. A Royal Guard calls your name, and leads you out of your cell.
  993. It's your turn.
  995. @@@
  997. Anon
  1000. I've got a proposal for you, Diamond Tiara.
  1001. You want to use unladylike language?
  1002. You don't want to eat your broccoli?
  1004. Let's agree to do this
  1005. >I pull you into the bathroom by your ear
  1006. >I wash your little mouth out with soap
  1007. >I sit down on the toilet and pull you across my lap
  1008. >I reach over to grab the wooden bath brush
  1009. >I paddle your little fanny until it's bright red
  1010. then...
  1011. >You sit down on the hard wooden chair
  1012. >And you eat your fucking broccoli
  1014. Oh, you don't like that arrangement? Tough; that's what we're doing.
  1016. @@@
  1018. Anon
  1021. This little shot of Sunset kicking (with her butt conveniently positioned upwards) from the latest short is so goddamn cute, I'm thinking Sunset is definitely a kicker now when she gets punished.
  1022. >be Sunset's duly-appointed guardian
  1023. >get a call from the principal, was caught fighting in the hallways with Miss Lulamoon
  1024. >she knows the rules, time to get this over with
  1025. >open up the door to her room and turn off the TV, cutting her off in the middle of one of her games
  1026. >as she already starts giving you attitude, bring up the call and the fight and watch the color drain from her face
  1027. >remind her a fight at school means a red bottom at home as she starts to go ballistic
  1028. >"What?! You can't do that, I'm not a little kid!"
  1029. >like you haven't heard that before
  1030. >tell her it doesn't matter how old for a spanking she thinks she is, she's getting one
  1031. >watch her go full meltdown as she starts crying into her couch, kicking her little back legs already as though her backside is already getting thrashed
  1032. >"It's not fair! I'm too old for this, you can't, you just can't! It's not faiiiiir!"
  1033. >unhook the belt
  1035. @@@
  1037. Anon
  1040. Dashie will always be Daddy's litte filly
  1042. >Scootaloo looking through Rainbow's scrapbook again
  1043. >flips to page that shows filly Rainbow Dash getting spanked with a big brush and crying her eyes out
  1044. >photo next to it is Dash standing in a corner with her red butt on display
  1045. >little ribbon next to her on the wall
  1046. >"Best filly at taking a spanking"
  1048. @@@
  1050. Anon
  1053. Windy, Rainbow Dash's old padle (on display in the trophy room). Before that she enthusiastically talks about Dashie's fillyhood spankings and how nostalgic it is to paddle a naughty child once again. Rainbow's there for the whole thing (with appropriate reactions). Not sure which one of us would be more embarrassed.
  1055. >SMACK!
  1056. >So nostalgic
  1057. >SMACK!
  1058. >Kicking already?
  1059. >SMACK!
  1060. >Dash used to struggle by this point as well
  1061. >SMACK!
  1062. >Isnt that right, Dashie?
  1063. >SMACK!
  1064. >Mom!
  1065. >Oh I remember how she would cry so loudly
  1066. >SMACK!
  1067. >She would be making a million promises
  1068. >SMACK!
  1069. >Of course, a champion like her
  1070. >SMACK!
  1071. >Could aleways use a bit of extra
  1072. >M-mom!
  1074. @@@
  1076. Anon
  1079. I want to finish giving Old Fashioned wife Pinkie her spanking. I want to pet her head and hug her tight while her bawling dies down, telling her how beautiful she is and how good she is. I want to surprise her with a deep kiss, one that makes her teary bloodshot eyes go wide before they flutter closed with a moan.
  1081. Then I want to lay Pinkie down on the bed, and hold her close while I gently and carefully massage her spanked red butt. I want to feel her squirm with a hiss from pain as I work my hoof over the flaming hot red skin of her bum, so hot to the touch. Pinkie will take a moment to find the treatment pleasant before getting that plump round rump up in the air again, just like she would if I were about to give her another spanking all over again.
  1083. One thing leads to another before I'm lying on top of Pinkie, on her back with her legs spread and moaning breathlessly with her hoofies kicking on either side of my torso. I cum inside her pussy again and again, hilting my cock deeply inside. Pinkie squeaks rhythmically when she eventually orgasms, and I time her pussy spasms with more thrusts to drag it out for over a minute until she's a gasping puddle of pony.
  1085. Pinkie may deserve all the spankings, but she also deserves all the loving afterwards, too.
  1087. @@@
  1089. Anon
  1092. >Igneous and Cloudy decide the want to have a family portrait
  1093. >A professional photographer is summoned from town
  1094. >Expensive...had to sell a lot of rocks to cover his on-site fee
  1095. >Whole family in their best outfits
  1096. >But the girls keep fucking it up
  1098. >Limestone is trying to boss everyone around
  1099. >Maud is messing with Lime, getting her all wound up
  1100. >Pinkie is being Pinkie, no explanation needed
  1101. >Shy Marble keeps wandering off and hiding
  1103. >Delays are going to cost money
  1104. >This photographer charges by the hour
  1105. >Igneous finally reaches the limit of his patience
  1106. "All four of thee! To the barn with you!"
  1107. >Heads hung low, the Pie sisters are marched off to the barn
  1108. >They know they dun fucked up
  1109. >Cloudy Quartz keeps the photographer entertained with polite conversation
  1110. >Meanwhile; a lot of begging, high pitched squeals and leathery smacks from the barn
  1111. >It's obvious from the sound that they all got their dresses pulled up, bloomers pulled down
  1112. >A little embarrassing for the photographer, but he's seen shit like this before
  1114. >Finally they return
  1115. >Sniffling, rubbing their eyes and behinds
  1116. >Igneous is still bucking up his belt
  1117. >Pinkie's dress is caught in her underwear. Cloudy fixes it.
  1119. >At last the family lines up for their portrait
  1120. >None of the girls causing trouble anymore
  1121. >Photographer is ready
  1122. "Okay now, smile, 3...2...1..."
  1123. >pic related
  1125. @@@
  1127. Anon
  1130. >a good girl who wouldn't dare text while driving.
  1131. Yeah, you're probably right but that could be handled with an easy setup;
  1132. >Fluttershy is driving her friends to the beach
  1133. >Or maybe the mall, I don't give a fuck, they're doing some teenage shit.
  1134. >Flutters being very careful and responsible
  1135. >Her friends...not so much
  1136. >Turning up the stereo
  1137. >Texting, taking selfies
  1138. >Pinkie reaches into the front seat to get Fluttershy in the shot too
  1139. >Sticking the phone right in the driver's line of sight
  1140. >Fluttershy is peeved
  1141. >Grabs the phone, yanks it out of her view
  1142. >But the momentary distraction was enough
  1143. >Flutters ran a red light
  1144. >Nothing bad happened
  1145. >But a camera caught her
  1147. 1 week later...
  1148. >Because she is a minor, the ticket is mailed to her legal guardians
  1149. >Now Mom & Dad are peeved
  1150. >The photo clearly shows a phone in her hand
  1151. >Fluttershy tearfully tries to explain
  1152. >But the evidence is undeniable
  1153. >It's paddlin' time
  1155. ...
  1157. >Fluttershy recounting the horror to her friends
  1158. >Thanks a lot, you guys. I got spanked and I didn't even do anything.
  1159. >We owe you one, Fluttershy!
  1160. >Yeah, next time we can take the fall for one of your animal mishaps.
  1161. >Like anyone will believe you. Every time you try to get me out of trouble it just gets us into more trouble...
  1163. @@@
  1165. Anon
  1168. Minutes later, Celestia receives the letter;
  1170. >Luna: Sister, thine student speaks of outright treason!
  1172. >Celestia: Yes, but the letter is clearly not from Twilight Sparkle.
  1174. >L: Verily? How knowst thou?
  1176. >C: Twilight's penmanship is MUCH worse than this.
  1178. ...
  1180. >Celestia spanks Twilight and Spike
  1181. >Twilight for not teaching that filly right and wrong
  1182. >Spike for sending the letter
  1184. ...
  1186. >Celestia then proceeds to make Anonfilly stand in a crowded area in Ponyville, head against wall.
  1188. >Of course after Twilight finishes spanking her.
  1190. >Leaves guards there to make sure she stays there.
  1192. >Ponies get to see spanked butt.
  1194. >Revolution thwarted.
  1196. ...
  1198. >pic
  1199. "Turn around, please."
  1200. >Celestia gives Rainbow and Pinkie one hoof-swat across the rump, each
  1201. "Please be more careful, my little ponies."
  1202. >The pain subsides quickly
  1203. >The marks remain, brightly lighting up their rear-ends even as Celestia sets the sun
  1204. >Stupid alicorn magic...
  1205. >It was an embarrassing walk to the train station
  1207. @@@
  1209. Anon
  1212. >" I'm sorry cutie, but you were a really really bad filly! I had to do this!"
  1213. >*sniff* " But I wanna eternal night! I wanna..." *sniff*
  1214. >Do I have to spank you once more? Do I? Or you gonna behave well? I give you the choice!"
  1215. >*sniff* " I....I ....I'll be good?" *sniff*
  1217. @@@
  1219. Anon
  1222. >making ponies walk/work faster
  1224. >you hire ponies in your small company
  1225. >they are efficent because magic and stuff
  1226. >however, after 2-3 hours they tend to slow down
  1227. >they give you pleading looks, like they're struggling and expecting you to do something with this
  1228. >one of them explains to you that ponies need a smack or ten every few hours to keep the pace
  1229. >the procedure is to ask a pony to walk with you to the special room, close the door, pull a pony over your knee, do the deed with your hand and lead them back to the main room
  1230. >the problem is they don't wear clothes and usualy during the Spring the 'speeding up' procedure can cause some mess you need to take care of too
  1232. @@@
  1234. Anon
  1237. >be anon
  1238. >you made it to equestria.
  1239. >you meet princess Twilight as the pony ambassador.
  1240. >you spank their her butt. and tell her this is how men greet the females.
  1241. >and you feel insulted if they don't raise their butts towards you to be greeted.
  1243. >as a sign of respect Twilight announced a dcree. Every mare should present her butt to you when they greets you.
  1244. >few weeks later. Stallions start doing the same.
  1246. @@@
  1248. Anon
  1251. >The CMCs all complain that their caretakers are the strictest
  1252. >Separately, RD/AJ/Rarity all say that their sisters / adopted sister are the hardest to look after
  1253. >One weekend, they decide to trade
  1254. >Much to the CMCs' horror, they all learn that the caretakers spank, just in different ways
  1255. >Rarity is classy
  1256. >AJ is no-nonsense
  1257. >RD is tough and formal with the spankee until the end of the punishment, then she's sweet and understanding
  1259. @@@
  1261. Anon
  1264. I want to tan Scootaloo's tush with a hairbrush while she cries and kicks her hooves. I want to redden from the very tops of her buttocks all the way down to her upper thighs in a thorough 20 minute long spanking session. I will give her tail a good tug after she tries to cover her filly flanks with it, stick her heated tushy in the air, and and thwack the hairbrush vigorously on her sit spots like I'm playing the drums with one arm.
  1266. Scootaloo will cry and when the redness turns darker and darker, she will beg. Oh please, please no more, I won't ride my scooter in the Everfree swamp again! But this is the third time, and strike 3 means you're out, Scoot!
  1268. After her punishment I will put her into the corner for 20 minutes, and warn her to stay still. But when I get back, tiptoeing into the room, I see her hoof massaging her bottom cheeks. Scoot is sniffling, and her butt is high in the air like she is trying to get the air to cool her glowing botty cheeks down. You clear your throat. Scootaloo jumps with a fearful whimper, knowing what this means for her poor flanks. You caught her disobeying again!
  1270. No no, no please Anon, I didn't mean it! She will say. You respond by pulling her by the ear, bend her over the armchair, and pick up the hairbrush. Then you tug on the sobbing orange filly's purple tail, lift her spanked red hind end up til her hips leave the chair arm, and you deliver the justice of a continuous, two minute long nonstop assault of hairbrush whacks on the middle of both her naughty, but still adorable butt cheeks. Scootaloo bawls kicks and shakes her little plot with the rippling spanks, and when it's over, you pick her up and stick her drippy nose back in the corner.
  1272. But it's not over yet. Poor Scootaloo, but her bedtime spanking for disobeying in corner time is still yet to come.
  1274. @@@
  1276. Anon
  1279. >drunk tank in Canterlot
  1280. >rich, blue-blooded ponies love to get their party on
  1281. >too many public drunks to send all the way through the court system
  1282. >much faster to have them sober up overnight
  1283. >in time for their court date the next morning
  1284. >some paperwork, a quick whipping, then they are free to go
  1286. @@@
  1288. Anon
  1291. At my school, students would read some announcements. It was always the suck-ups.
  1293. Diamond Tiara would read the paddling announcements with a hint of glee, undetectable by faculty.
  1295. Then one day, halfway through reading it, she reads out her own name.
  1297. >"The following students are to report to Principal Celestia's office..."
  1298. >"Juniper Montage..."
  1299. >"Snails..."
  1300. >"Diamond Tiara... WHAT? THAT CAN'T BE RIGHT--"
  1301. >Everyone listening laughs
  1302. >"Um, Sweetie Drops..."
  1304. @@@
  1306. Anon
  1309. >Ocellus has spanking fetish
  1310. >becomes most popular filly in school because she will take the punishments of all the schoolfillies
  1311. >everyone wins
  1313. ...
  1315. >Ocellus lifts her tail off the cloned rump of Silverstream
  1316. >Her friends find it hilarious, except Silverstream of course
  1317. >All too soon, Applejack finds her being lewd
  1318. >grabs her by the tail
  1319. >"This is completely inappropriate, missy! Don't you dare transform back yet..! We need tah 'deal' with you first..."
  1320. >Applejack drags Ocellus backwards, towards the school
  1321. >Ocellus expects a spanking to hurt much more on a hippogriff rump
  1323. @@@
  1325. Anon
  1328. Granny knows right where to send a naughty foal to find the best switches.
  1330. Bright Mac learned this.
  1331. MacIntosh learned this.
  1332. Applejack learned this.
  1333. Now it's your turn, Apple Bloom.
  1335. ...
  1337. >Family Appreciation Day
  1338. >Granny deviates into a monologue about where to send naughty foals to find the best switches
  1339. >Names all the foals she's sent to their doom
  1340. >"Bright Mac, Big McIntosh, ah course he was little enough back then fer a switch to teach'm a lesson,"
  1341. >the school foals laugh
  1342. >"... Apple Bloom's ma Pear Butter, Applejack, ..."
  1343. >Apple Bloom knows it's coming
  1344. >Head in hooves
  1345. >"and fin'ly Apple Bloom and her friends are just the right age for it."
  1346. >Diamond Tiara laughs
  1347. >"SPANKED-FLANK!"
  1348. >"Maybe I didn't switch Diamond Tiara hard enough the last time she was on the farm..."
  1349. >"I'll hafta bring it up next time I see Filthy Rich... speakin' of, in his younger days he got his little hiney spanked for a few of his business shenanigans"
  1350. >With a new and more deserving target, the class forgot about the Apple Bloom comment
  1352. @@@
  1354. Anon
  1357. Age 11
  1358. >Momhorse: Now go to your room, young stallion, and you better pray to Celestia your father doesn't decide to give you a warm-up when he gets home!
  1359. >Colt: *sniffle* I HATE getting spankings. When I get old enough I'm gonna leave and join the Royal Guard. No pony would ever dare spank them!
  1361. Age 18
  1364. >AM I UNDERSTOOD!?
  1365. >New Recruit: Awww, crap.
  1367. Age 20
  1368. >Royal Guard stallion: Great! I'm an adult, done with training, no pony is ever gonna smack my rump again!
  1369. >RainbowDash: *WHAP*
  1371. Age 32
  1372. >Member of Pone Team Six
  1373. >The toughest of the tough
  1374. >Their actions are off-the-books
  1375. >When they fuck up they answer directly to Celestia
  1377. >smack smack smack
  1379. @@@
  1381. Anon
  1384. Driving home from the optometrist...
  1386. >Mom: Twilight, I want you to look at this receipt. How much did your new glasses cost?
  1387. Twi: $129.
  1388. >Mom: A hundred and twenty-nine dollars. And when we get home how many spanks do you think you'll be getting with my hairbrush?
  1389. Twi: *gulp*
  1391. @@@
  1394. So, we all know the classic joke about Why Six was afraid of Seven. "Because Seven Ate Nine!"
  1396. But did anyone ever tell you WHY Seven ate Nine?
  1398. It's simple,'re supposed to have....Three Square meals every day.
  1400. ...
  1402. And for those of you who know the anti-punchline about Seven being a rapist, you're right!
  1404. Seven is a registered Six Offender
  1406. @@@
  1408. Anon
  1411. >Apple Bloom did a misbehave.
  1412. >Sent to her room.
  1413. "Think about what ye've dun, young filly.
  1414. "I'll be along shortly...with mah manebrush."
  1415. >Apple Bloom scurries upstairs to her room.
  1416. >A spanking from Granny is inevitable.
  1417. >There is no escape.
  1418. >How long does 'shortly' mean anyway?
  1420. @@@
  1422. Anon
  1425. When her friends (more embarrassed than she is) ask what happened she just shrugs it off.
  1426. >"Yeah, I was blasting the tunes pretty loud last night and blew off all my folks' warnings.
  1427. >"Finally my Dad got pissed and I got the belt.
  1428. >"I don't know what his problem is...he complained that it was too loud, but when he started whacking my butt I was making twice as much noise !
  1429. >"Anyway, shit happens...guess I better use headphones from now on."
  1431. @@@
  1433. Anon
  1436. >you take care of Silver Spoon this week
  1437. >one day after school she brings her latest test with D mark
  1438. >before you can say anything she rushes to her room and after a minute brings a hairbrush in her mouth
  1439. >with a flick of tail she presents her butt to you and her privates, spreads legs and looks at you with floppy ears and blushing
  1440. >what do
  1442. @@@
  1444. Anon
  1447. >Shop class in rural area
  1448. >Secondary school aged ponies (would anypony trust younger ponies with sharp tools?)
  1449. >Gruff teacher goes over expectations on day one
  1450. >Safety first
  1451. >If you don't take safety seriously you WILL get paddled in proportion to how serious the misbehavior is
  1452. >For most safety mistakes, that means your rump gets absolutely roasted
  1453. >"A red ass for a day is a lot better than losing a hoof for life."
  1454. >Many students get paddled at least once by the end of the course
  1455. >If not for safety, for traditional classroom violations
  1456. >Or one of his weirder rules:
  1457. >No magic and no wings without a doctor's note
  1458. >He's an earth pony
  1459. >They're better at some things but pegasuses and unicorns have much higher social standing
  1460. >Shop class is the great equalizer
  1461. >Unicorns do the worst in his class because they aren't used to using their hooves for so much
  1462. >Luckily it's not a required course
  1463. >It has a reputation for being 'the spanking class'
  1464. >shop and gym are the only classes unicorns have trouble in
  1466. >one of the assignments is to make a paddle
  1467. >he selects his favorite to add to his personal classroom rotation
  1468. >extra credit options are available
  1469. >5% if the student donates it to the school system
  1470. >10% if they donate it to their parents with a signed note proving it
  1471. >15% if they're the youngest in their family (because it would only ever be used on them)
  1473. >any craftspony should stand by their work
  1474. >he swats students once with the paddles they make to test its functionality
  1476. ...
  1478. >Shop class
  1479. It works in pony or EqG world.
  1481. >Dash & Applejack elect to take Shop because Home Economics is too sissy.
  1482. >They find out with horror about the paddle assignment.
  1483. >They frantically try to switch back to Home Ec.
  1484. >It's a futile gesture.
  1485. >The others, who stayed in Home Ec are now learning leatherwork.
  1486. >Using heavy-duty sewing machines
  1487. >Making a 3-ply spanking strap.
  1488. >There is no safe place...
  1490. @@@
  1492. Anon
  1495. "Please, Miss Chrysalis... you can't blame her for what the grown-ups did."
  1496. "Maybe so. But would any of you dare to take her place? On top of your already sore rears?"
  1497. >nervous gulping
  1498. "Ha! I thought so."
  1499. "Wait! I will."
  1500. >It took a bit for Gallus to find his nerve, but Ocellus is still grateful.
  1501. "Me too."
  1502. "And me."
  1503. >Soon all five come to Ocellus's defense
  1505. "You can't be serious. One semester at this school and those ponies have already infected your minds."
  1507. "Very well. I will divide Ocellus's punishment between you equally. Pretend I am Starlight Glimmer. (Pony hypocrites, what does it take for a villain like me to get a cushy job like hers? Maybe I was too nice...)"
  1509. "My punishment has some rules. If you ask or beg for me to stop, I will. Then I will start from the beginning on Ocellus's flanks. That means keep your outbursts to pitiful wailing, not specific requests for mercy. The same applies to blocking swats or trying to move out of the way. Corporal punishment is a form of love. Rejecting it is just impolite!"
  1511. "Are you foals, hatchlings, eaglets, and whatever else still naive enough to think you can survive a parasitic paddling? ... Interesting. Now bend over, and kindly hold up your tails if you are able."
  1513. @@@
  1515. Anon
  1518. >Dear diary,
  1520. >Today was just awful! I was late for school AGAIN, and you know what that means: a paddling from Vice Principal Luna. And if that wasn't bad enough, I yelled "Fuck!!" when Miss Cheerilee told me, and she dragged me by the ear, scolded me and spanked me in front of the whole class! UGH! So embarrassing...
  1521. >Today was also a work day, and of all people to come in, it just HAD to be the Dazzlings. They kept teasing me, telling me I got their orders wrong, "accidentally" spilling their drinks and asking for a refill, and tripping me over! I couldn't take it, and I snapped at them! And of course, my boss just happened to be walking by when that happened. You know what she did? She bent me over her lap, LIFTED UP MY DRESS, and spanked me with my own geta! I could hear the Dazzlings laughing their heads off, and I'm pretty sure one of them got their phone out. The worst part? I actually had to APOLOGIZE to them! Ugh!
  1522. >So, I decided to blow off some steam by doing some street art. Guess what happened? Someone came out of the building and caught me! Turns out, he's the owner of the shop! This place was ABANDONED yesterday. And for the fourth time today, I got ANOTHER spanking! Why does this keep happening?! He made me put my hands to the wall, pulled down my skirt AND MY PANTIES (!!), and beat my poor butt for I don't know how long, but it was long enough to attract a crowd! Then, he made me scrub all of it off, with my skirt and panties still down! On top of all that, I have to do community service, because apparently he called the police! Ugh, great, I can see the headline now: "Flanksy's flanks spanked!" I'm never gonna live this down...
  1523. >Sorry for getting tears on you, diary. My butt is blazing! I'm gonna have to sleep on my stomach tonight...
  1525. >-Red-haired and red-bottomed, Sunset Shimmer
  1527. @@@
  1529. Anon
  1532. >after the 10th spank Scootaloo started emptying her bladder, splashes of the golden arch suppressed by squeaky moans and grunts
  1533. >you look between her reddened buttcheeks and see the small, rapidly winking slit squirting golden nectar and clear liquid slowly oozing down between her crotch teats
  1535. @@@
  1537. Anon
  1540. >Report cards are distributed to everypony in Cheerilee's class
  1541. >C's and above can be carried by mouth or saddle bag
  1542. >Cheerilee keeps sticky tack for cards with a D or worse
  1543. >Pastes them right to the flank so parents don't have to lose any time between looking at the card and spanking the rump it is connected to
  1545. ...
  1547. >Public, negative reinforcement for the other ponies
  1548. >Full agreement among parents that bad news at school means spanked at home
  1549. >the tack and note are annoying and uncomfortable
  1550. >more incentive to come clean and take a spanking right when the first foal comes home
  1551. >none of this 'waiting until the end of the night' junk
  1552. >special solvent distributed on parents' night
  1553. >that gum does not come out of pony fur without it
  1554. >Cheerilee applies the note with a smack to get it to stick
  1555. >the first of many for the night
  1557. >it is effective even as a threat
  1558. >"Silver Spoon! That is the second time I've told you to turn around. Should I take this to mean your bottom is ready for a lesson?"
  1559. >she writes something and uses a magnet to attach it to the chalkboard
  1561. >"There. A note about your misbehavior. The next time you act up, I will stick this to your rump. I'm sure you won't mind explaining it to your father."
  1563. @@@
  1565. Anon
  1568. >backlog of corporal punishment
  1569. >ponies to be punished just wait anxiously, never knowing when they will be summoned by a sheriff
  1570. >the guilt
  1571. >thinking about the upcoming pain
  1572. >frantically rationalizing and thinking of ways out of it
  1573. >for convenience they can skip the wait... at a cost
  1574. >extra spanks to jump the line
  1576. >Clever pony manages to spin that to their advantage
  1577. >The backlog is so long it takes forever to wait
  1578. >Ponies actually suffering anxiety attacks
  1579. >Clever pony appeals sentence in court
  1580. >Points out anxiety attacks cause immense physical agony
  1581. >States that, combined with the backlog and the wait, they should be let off as they've already suffered the pain they were sentenced to
  1582. >Judge doesn't buy it, but the jury does
  1583. >Jury was made up of ponies who were also backlogged
  1585. @@@
  1587. Anon
  1590. >"Come along Rarity, there's no use in whining. You lost our bet and now it's time to take your medicine.
  1592. >"I've got a vintage razor strop that I found in found in a darling little antique shop. I can't wait to use it to whip your pretty white derrière absolutely raw...and right before the opening of Manehattan Fashion Week!"
  1594. @@@
  1596. Anon
  1599. The clock is ticking and this guy gets paid hourly. The girls' shenanigans keep holding things up.
  1600. Limestone is getting snippy and trying to order everyone around.
  1601. Maud thinks it's funny to get Limestone riled up.
  1602. Pinkie is being Pinkie.
  1603. Marble is being shy and hides at every opportunity.
  1605. Igneous finally loses patience. All 4 of them get their dresses pulled up for a bare bottom spanking right out in the rock field, right in front of the photographer. He only uses his hand, but it's rock hard from a lifetime of quarry work and he's strong enough to turn all of their butts the color of Pinkie's hair in just a few smacks.
  1607. Then the photo finally got taken, but nobody was in a good mood at this point.
  1609. @@@
  1611. Anon
  1614. >Bu-but mom you said you wouldn't punish me with spanking no more!
  1615. >April's Fools!
  1616. *puts in position*
  1617. >Noooo! I'm too old for this!
  1618. >Hahaha! That's a good one!
  1619. *smack smack smack*
  1621. @@@
  1623. Anon
  1626. >Reformed timberwolf teacher at the school of friendship
  1627. >Teaches wilderness survival, environmental science, that kind of thing
  1628. >Pretty chill teacher
  1629. >But if pushed, she will order a miscreant student to the front and thwip their hindquarters
  1630. >She has to be gentle due to the size difference
  1631. >With the right force, each swat leaves a nice sting and a painful pink welt, but no permanent damage
  1633. @@@
  1635. Anon
  1638. >Students at [Holmes County's] career and technical school have traditionally been responsible for designing and building the paddles that will be used on their peers (and, occasionally, on themselves).
  1640. >Pony just barely maintains a passing grade point average
  1641. >Need to pass shop class to graduate on time
  1642. >Has to make a quality paddle to pass
  1643. >Is also notoriously disobedient and gets spanked all the time
  1645. Teacher:
  1646. >You of all ponies should be especially concerned with the quality of the sanding. I'd bet my best lathe this paddle will make acquaintance with your rump by the time you graduate.
  1648. @@@
  1650. Anon
  1653. >Twilight is angry with Spike
  1654. "It's time for your spanking!"
  1655. >The others object...don't think Spike deserves it
  1656. >Nobody has the authority to overturn Twilight's sentence
  1657. >Spike looks to the others for rescue
  1658. "Won't anyone help me? Please?"
  1659. "Not even you, Rarity?"
  1660. >They feel bad about it, but no pony countermand's Twi's order
  1661. >They all watch, feeling awful as Spike gets his lizard butt paddled red & raw.
  1663. @@@
  1665. Anon
  1668. >Rarity spanks Fluttershy for her royal fuckup
  1669. >"The clothes make the pony; wear this."
  1670. >Fluttershy gets spanked in a schoolfilly uniform
  1671. >Short skirt which is lifted for the punishment, the works
  1672. >Fluttershy adopts the role instantly, begging and crying like a little filly
  1674. @@@
  1676. Anon
  1679. The filly or colt thinks the spanking is all over at last, you're rubbing your freshly burned up bumcheeks and crying with both pain and relief that you made it through the blistering.
  1681. But then, the filly's heart sinks when their mommy or daddy announces that they're getting a whole new spanking before bed that night. The filly's eyes widen with shock before they start to whine and plead with their mommy or daddy not to roast their bottoms yet again, but it's no use. Hours later, they're back in mommy and daddy's room, jammies pulled down and bunched up around their hindlegs, spanked bottom on display in the corner while their mommy and daddy retrieves the hairbrush once again.
  1683. @@@
  1685. Anon
  1688. Would be great if both parties transformed. Thorax into a bear or something with a lot of strength and he requires Ocellus to become a pony foal, because of their softer hide.
  1690. >After the punishment
  1691. >She has to change back, but only her front half
  1692. >Until the scars heal, Thorax requires her to keep her rump as a pony's
  1693. >Students can see how disciplined her cheeks are
  1694. >Plus the comedy of the half-transformation
  1695. It's one way to make friends.
  1697. @@@
  1699. Anon
  1702. >Diamond Tiara & Silver Spoon have a fight
  1703. >They both stomp away angrily
  1704. >Now the worry begins...
  1705. >Both know dirt on the other
  1706. >Information & evidence that could get them spanked
  1707. "Will she tell on me?"
  1708. "Better not...I'll tell on her."
  1709. "But what if she tells first?"
  1710. "Maybe I should tell first....?"
  1711. >Both fillies spend a night of terror worrying about what the other will do
  1712. >Should they betray their best friend first?
  1713. "What if she's already betrayed me!?"
  1715. @@@
  1717. Anon
  1720. >Come home after curfew
  1721. >It's late as fuck
  1722. >Father says he will deal with you in the morning
  1723. >Toss and turn, can't fall asleep
  1724. >Finally manage
  1725. >Celestia's sun creeps into your window
  1726. >Birdsong as you blink awake
  1727. >It's morning
  1728. shitshitshit
  1730. @@@
  1732. Anon
  1735. >pone is extra mean and naughty
  1736. >whoop pone's butt
  1737. >wrap the base of pones tail
  1738. >attach a bunch of nettle leaves to the tail
  1739. >pone is forced to keep the tail high up or nettles will make it worse
  1741. @@@
  1743. Anon
  1746. >She secretly got permission slips for the teachers
  1748. Twilight dutifully visits all her friends' parents to get the permission slips signed.
  1749. >Rainbow Dash's think it's funny and sign because they appreciate a good prank too.
  1750. >Fluttershy's parents are horrified at the idea of their adult daughter being spanked at work. They do, however, offer to sign a permission slip for Zephyr Breeze. Eventually they sign because Twilight is a Princess and they think she has the authority to lock them in the Canterlot dungeon.
  1751. >Rarity's parents think it's weird, but sign anyway because fuck it.
  1752. >Applejack's Granny Smith tells a long story about the last time she had to give AJ a whuppin' but falls asleep halfway thru and Twilight just puts her hoof-print on the form.
  1753. >Pinkie's parents are the only ones Twilight does not have to visit. They make the trip from their Rock Farm just so the permission slip can be signed a few hours sooner.
  1755. @@@
  1757. Anon
  1760. >Mr. Cake threatens a worse punishment if they don't do a good job
  1761. >Rarity fusses and complains even more because they've been working for an hour
  1762. >Carrot Cake has had enough of her shit
  1763. >Wallops her with the wooden spoon they use to make brownie batter
  1764. >"While you're cleaning the floor, maybe you can clean up your attitude."
  1766. @@@
  1768. Anon
  1771. >[gate creaking]
  1772. >[smack!]
  1773. >Rarity: Ow!
  1774. >Old Gardener: You keep those hooves to yourself, dearie! This place has been in my family for generations, and I'm not about to let some whippersnapper take the last good piece of it!
  1776. >gardener frustrated she has to use one of her branches instead
  1777. >"This could be used bringing this tree's beauty out."
  1778. >"Ow!"
  1779. >"I know there's beauty in this garden, but nopony but me can see it."
  1780. >"Ma'am, please!"
  1781. >"Instead I have to waste this branch on bringing a filly's naughtiness out."
  1782. >"I can help you!"
  1783. >"I know you need to learn some manners"
  1784. >"Yes but (ow!) let me explain myself!"
  1785. >"I want everyone to see on your flanks what I see in your heart."
  1787. @@@
  1789. Anon
  1792. True. If we want cute, non sexualized spankings we're going to have to draw them ourselves.
  1794. Rarity: Goodness, Coco! How many times have I told you to lock the cash drawer when you close the shop for the night?
  1796. Coco: I'm sorry! It won't happen again.
  1798. Rarity: Not if we get robbed! Can I trust you or do I need to find somepony else to run this shop?
  1800. Coco: Oh no, please Miss Rarity! I need this job. I can't go back to being an assistant or stitching stage costumes!
  1802. Rarity: Very well, but I need to make an impression on you somehow. Bring me the leather paddle.
  1804. Coco: Eek! Y-y-yes ma'am...
  1806. @@@
  1808. Anon
  1811. >Diamond Tiara, since you seem so keen on embarrassing other ponies, I am going to paddle you in front of the whole class!
  1813. >"You got WHAT in school?
  1814. >"How dare you embarrass your father & I in public like that!
  1815. >"We are going STRAIGHT home young filly, and you are getting a long, hard session with my hairbrush!"
  1817. ...
  1819. >"What did you do to make your mother this angry, Diamond Tiara?
  1820. >"You know when you upset her it makes problems for both of us.
  1821. >"And what did I say would happen the next time you caused this kind of trouble?
  1822. >"I think you are long overdue for a spanking with my belt, little filly."
  1824. @@@
  1826. Anon
  1829. Mom: Sunny, dear, where are you right now?
  1831. Sunny Flare: I'm at school, Mom, just like every day at this time.
  1833. Mom: Are you sure you aren't at the mall, cutting school?
  1835. Sunny: No, Mother, why would you say that?
  1837. Mom: You know we have GPS tracking on your phone...right?
  1839. Sunny: Eep!
  1841. @@@
  1843. Anon
  1846. Angry poner? Check. Cause of her strife is in the room? Check. Proper implement available for the job? Check. Pinkie's in for a spankin' just like mother used to give.
  1848. >Rarity frees her manebrush
  1849. >gives pinkie a warm up spanking
  1850. >"We. Are. Going to Zecora's!"
  1851. >leads her to the Everfree forest, swatting her along the way
  1853. >then Zecora spanked pinkie herself. she takes manes seriously.
  1854. ...
  1855. After the magical potion mix up. and Rarity went back to Zecora.
  1856. She tells Rarity that she know a cure but for that to work she needs high level of body endorphine. and the easiest and safest way to get an endorphin rush is to get her butt spanked.
  1857. so rarity hesitantly agreed and leaned her top on the table sticking her butt up.
  1859. >Surely that must be enough endorphins!
  1860. >Although the pain in rump is true, we are only halfway through.
  1862. @@@
  1864. Anon
  1867. >Her boss at her sushi restaurant
  1869. >owner of the restaurant is a super strict Japanese chef who doesn't tolerate any sass or dawdling whatsoever
  1870. >has a casual slipper he applies to the waitresses' bottoms when he finds their behavior or performance lacking
  1871. >while on her shift, Sunset Shimmer explodes at one of the Shadowbolts or Dazzlings who enter the restaurant explicitly to get a rise out of her while she's working
  1872. >Despite her pleas she spends her lunch-break on display in the corner with a bright red bottom for all the customers to see, because the chef prides himself on his customers seeing what he 'cooks'
  1874. >That sandal was part of the uniform.
  1875. >The uniform is company property.
  1876. >Sunset has a choice;
  1877. >Pay for it or accept other disciplinary action
  1878. >Sunset doesn't make much money
  1879. >Without parents in this world she needs every dime for her room & board
  1880. >So it's other disciplinary action...
  1882. @@@
  1884. Anon
  1887. >Spanker needed.
  1888. >ponies all over Equestria looking for a Pro. spanker.
  1889. >parents aren't doing it right. they always half assed the spanking.
  1890. >so they preferred to let someone else do it.
  1891. >same goes to schools. teachers just don't have time to administrate the spanking themselves.
  1892. >they hire someone to do it for them.
  1893. >some other adults also looking for some spicy action.
  1895. >Spankers get hired to administrate the spanking.
  1896. >he/she doesn't go over the lecture or other things.
  1897. >it's strictly spanking.
  1898. >the spanker come in , spank the client. then get paid.
  1900. >sometimes the papers get mixed up
  1901. >with no lecture there is little chance to verify the spankee and their crimes
  1902. >oh well
  1903. >they probably did something bad anyway
  1905. @@@
  1907. Anon
  1910. Lawn Order, one of Ponyville's younger judges, sat at his desk one day, signing writs of punishment for various misdeeds. A fine here, community service here, a referral to the parental figures here. It was all boring, day to day stuff. There was always another naughty pony, after all. So many badly behaved stallions and mares, thinking they could get away with breaking Celestia's laws.
  1912. Idly signing his name on one of the writs, the familiar flash of the sealing magic meeting his eyes, he spied something interesting.
  1914. Case #10568
  1915. Suspect: Lawn Order
  1916. Age: 22
  1917. Prior Convictions: 1, age 19, disorderly conduct.
  1918. Charges: Drunken Misconduct, Theft of Mare's Underthings, General Bad Comedy, Multiple charges of Horrible Puns.
  1920. Suspect has evaded capture, but recent evidence has allowed the guard to track and identify the one who conducted these foul deeds. One Lawn Order, currently a young judge in Ponyville. Recommend immediate arrest upon receipt of sealed writ.
  1922. Recommended Sentence: 30 Lashes of the Strap in Public, 30 Private paddlings to immediately follow, The next day 40 lashes with a wet noodle.
  1924. Immediately Lawn grabbed for the paper...not the wet noodle!!!...but it was too late. The spell had activated, and the paper flashed as it sent itself to the nearest guard captain in Ponyville.
  1926. Lawn had, quite literally, just signed the writ for his own arrest.
  1928. ...
  1930. >lawpony is duty bound to uphold the law to the best of his ability
  1931. >any other pony could plausibly stay at their house for a few days and wait for the writ to be served at their door
  1932. >but since he signed the writ and clearly knows it exists, he has to turn himself in
  1933. >it's not enough that he signed his own doom
  1934. >he practically has to ask a judge/police officer to be spanked
  1935. >immediately
  1937. @@@
  1939. Anon
  1942. >parents notice Sweetie Belle shifting in her seat
  1943. >pained expression when getting up or sitting down
  1944. >they know that look
  1945. >but they haven't spanked her lately
  1946. "Sweetie Belle, were you spanked at school?"
  1947. >only thing that makes sense
  1948. "No..."
  1949. >she's nervous as heck now
  1950. >mommy has to know, curse her
  1951. "Come here."
  1952. >Cookie lifts her daughter's skirt and surveys the damage, much to Sweetie's embarrassment and worry
  1953. "Your bottom is red, Sweetie. Who did this to you?"
  1954. >she darts a look to Rarity, who tries to stealth-shrug
  1955. >some help she was
  1956. "R-Rarity..."
  1957. "Is that true?"
  1958. >parenterrogation follows
  1959. "Rarity, you are not in charge of your sister's discipline. We are."
  1960. "I realize that now mother, it's just both of you were gone and..."
  1961. "That being said, she did deserve it. Just don't do it again!"
  1962. (SWAT)
  1963. >right on the seat of Rarity's purple skirt
  1964. "Yes ma'am."
  1966. @@@
  1968. Anon
  1971. Imagine Pinkie's whimpering face when she realizes it's spanking day, that day of the month where you remind her to be careful and mindful of the things she does by firing up that pink tushie over your knee with her big, barely used hairbrush.
  1973. Imagine the adorable squeals and hoofy kicks and little cries of pain while the hairbrush whacks her bottom hard enough to leave ripples on her skin every time it strikes.
  1975. Imagine those cries getting louder and more uncontrollable as you spank. And spank. And spank, and spank. All of the stupid and careless things for the whole month, all being disciplined with one long, hard rump roasting.
  1977. Imagine Pinkie cuddling up on your lap and snuggling with you on your bed while her tush is still red, almost sizzling hot. Sniffling and nuzzling you while whimpering little sorries and good girl promises.
  1979. And at the end of the day, Pinkie Pie is still a good girl.
  1981. @@@
  1983. Anon
  1986. So there is a new trend among fillies and teenage girls. It's about trimming a tail so short it matches the lenght of the dock. In result, their very short tails can't block the view of the private parts.
  1987. You're Anon, a human with a huge tent under your pants scrunching hard, since you're standing in a line to the grocery stand and just before you there is that yellow filly. It wouldn't be unusual if she isn't raising her short tail up and move to the side, spreading slightly her legs, peeking at you from behind her mane with a smile and blush.
  1988. What do?
  1990. ...
  1992. Tell her mother that her daughter is acting slutty, giving her all the details of what the filly is doing. Press ear to door of filly's house as her mother deep fries her daughter's butt.
  1994. Justice.
  1996. ...
  1998. Thought you were going a different way which is more boner to me:
  2000. Short tails are the style for teens and children, but it's a trade off. They know how obvious a damaged tush will look without a substantial tail covering it. They are in effect making a bet that they won't be naughty and get spanked in the near future.
  2002. A bet which they usually lose
  2004. Parents approve of the new taildo, in contrast to most teen trends, because they think all the little hellions running around will learn better manners if spankings are more obvious in public. For the short tail wearing fillies and colts? They also lose some rudimentary protection during a spanking, at least until the parent sweeps the tail out of the way. Finally, casual corrective warning swats hurt a little more and are easier to aim. Parents love it. They have to pretend to hate it so the youngins don't catch on.
  2006. @@@
  2008. Anon
  2011. PROTIP:
  2012. When sending your daughteru to a sleepover at a friend's house, make sure she brings her own hairbrush.
  2013. This will serve as a reminder that you expect her to be on her best behavior while a guest in someone else's home and that the 'host mom' has your full backing to use that hairbrush however she sees fit.
  2015. @@@
  2017. Anon
  2020. >gently pick her up
  2021. >carry the blushing and confused filly to the secluded area
  2022. >sit on the grass and give her a lecture that it's not nice for a small filly to parade with her crotch uncovered
  2023. >Noi scrunches, her face tomato red
  2024. >pull her over your knee and make sure to turn her buttcheek as red as her face
  2025. >release ultimately embarrassed filly after you finish tanning her tush
  2026. >see her run to the closest clothes stand
  2027. >soon she has a nice, long skirt to cover her shame
  2028. >go on a hunt for more indecent fillies
  2030. >2 days later you saw the same filly prancing up the street with her privates shown.
  2031. >she sees you and then she ...
  2032. Gasped and ran off
  2033. or
  2034. wiggled her butt at you
  2036. ...
  2038. >wiggled her butt at you
  2040. >it's time to treat her with your belt
  2041. >you discover she is enjoying it way too much
  2042. >even if tears are flowing from her eyes, she nuzzles you after the spanking and quietly moans
  2044. ...
  2046. >Gasped and ran off
  2047. Filly doesn't want the whacking.
  2049. >you chase after her
  2050. >finally manages to catch
  2051. >"Where is your skirt?"
  2052. >gasping and shivering filly doesn't look at you
  2053. >she sticks her rump up to you for a whacking
  2054. >she's wet
  2056. @@@
  2058. Anon
  2061. >they'll just send the parents a note.
  2062. >Daddy and Mommy will take care of it.
  2064. This is one of my top fetishes.
  2065. >Naughty filly (or EqG) being given the note of doom.
  2066. >Knowing she dun fucked up
  2067. >Begging teacher for just one more chance
  2068. >Then that dreadful walk home
  2069. >Note burning a hole in her saddlebag
  2070. How much trouble am I gonna be in?
  2071. >Pace getting slower the closer she gets to home
  2072. Maybe I ought to go hide out at a friend's house for a while...
  2073. >That'll just make things worse
  2074. >Finally gotta go inside
  2075. >Mom asks;
  2076. "So, how was school today, dear?"
  2077. >Gulp
  2078. >Give her the note with trembling hoof
  2079. >See her expression change from pleasant to terrifying
  2080. >You're doomed...
  2082. @@@
  2084. Anon
  2087. >Few moons ago. in Cloudsdale flight academy.
  2088. >there was a lonely shy Pegasus goes by the name Fluttershy.
  2089. >She was shunned by her peers for her weak wings.
  2090. >Fluttershy was always the main bulling target.
  2091. >They make her to carry their books.
  2092. >Force her to do their homework.
  2093. >sometimes they steal her launch money.
  2094. >that was her life until that day when a new transfer student came in.
  2095. >it was a griffon named Gilda.
  2096. >Griffons were very uncommon to attend that school.
  2097. >But their unique physique and their excellent ability to fly they made an exception for that race.
  2098. >Cause they are rare the young griffon tried to fit in.
  2099. >She noticed how other ponies were bulling that yellow pony.
  2100. >Desprate for attention she pulled out a stunt.
  2101. >she tried to befriend that pony.
  2102. >Fluttershy was amassed that someone actually was nice for her.
  2103. >The Pegasi students don't want to get in the griffon's way.
  2104. >Cause Griffons are known for their physique and kinda afraid to get into a fight with them.
  2105. >Seeing how that griffon was befriending Fluttershy.
  2106. >they all stopped bulling her.
  2107. >which was a good thing for her.
  2108. >see a random act of kindness made a young filly happy.
  2109. >her future seemed a bit brighter now.
  2110. >and they all lived happily ever after
  2111. >the end.
  2113. @@@
  2115. Anon
  2118. Derpy's paper
  2119. Princess Decree : Spanking is now Banned
  2121. Twilight thoughts ( what took you so long celestia)
  2123. Derpy, why is it written in crayon?
  2124. Derpy, are you sure this is real?
  2125. Derpy stahp.
  2127. ...
  2129. Violet "OH dear. I must stop right now. "
  2130. Twilight "it's the Princess's order you know"
  2131. Violet "something is fishy going on ... hmmm."
  2132. Twilight gulped
  2133. Violet "why would a royal decree be written in crayon .."
  2134. Twilight (sweating hard) "well you know the princess and her quirks"
  2135. Violet "DERPY! did twilight put you up to this ?"
  2136. Derpy "Eeep! aham I mean no. princess muffencakes oh I mean Princess celestia got me these papers and ordered me to pass them on"
  2137. Violet " the princess eh.."
  2138. Twilight gave a nervous grin.
  2139. Violet "well there is only one way to find out."
  2140. Twilight "you gonna ask the post office department. go ahead " ~yea little that she knows they are in on it~
  2141. Violet "no silly Twilight we gonna ask the princess herself."
  2142. Twilight "The Princess! oh no no nononono"
  2143. Violet "where do you think you are going Derpy ?"
  2144. Derpy "err I have other business to attend to so I'll be going bye"
  2145. Violet "not so fast!"
  2146. Casts levitation spell on her.
  2147. Violet "you are coming with us"
  2149. @@@
  2151. Anon
  2154. >RD: Daddy, I'm so sorry, I just got so angry! I'm sorry..."
  2156. >RD Dad: "Ah I see that you've dropped your tough filly act with me, Rainbow Dash. But it's a little too late now, young lady. You've been acting way too big for your britches, and I think it's time to remind you what happens to your bottom when you don't listen to anything your father has to say."
  2158. >RD: *sniff* "I'm really, really sorry, daddy. I'm not just saying that, I really am."
  2160. >RD Dad: "I know."
  2162. >RD: *sniff sniff* "Daddy? For the spanking, d-do you want me to get my manebrush?"
  2164. >RD Dad: "Rainbow, you are a growing young mare. I think you'd have to be over my knee all night if I just used my hoof."
  2166. >RD: *sobs* "Oh... Y-Yes, daddy... I'll get my brush."
  2168. >RD Dad: "Good."
  2170. @@@
  2172. Anon
  2175. Rainbow never got spanked, Applejack talks about how much they hurt. Rainbow laughs and says spankings are for foals, and Applejack gives her a challenge.
  2177. Spanking commences. So does crying.
  2179. ...
  2181. i could totally see this happening. while rarity watches in delight, twilight takes notes, fluttershy hides behind pinkie whos eating popcorn. then spike is sent to fetch the brush and the real show starts.
  2183. ...
  2185. Rainbow bets Applejack that she won't quit after ten minutes.
  2187. Applejack almost tells Rainbow, who doesn't know much of anything about spankings, that ten minutes is crazy, but at the last second, thinks "hey, free bet" and shakes hooves, smiling on the inside.
  2189. But after almost ten minutes, Rainbow is a broken, sobbing, red bottomed mess, but she never says stop. She is totally contrite.
  2191. Applejack, when the timer goes up, realizes that she somehow lost this bet. But Rainbow Dash hadn't even been thinking about the bet for many minutes. Instead, she thought about all of the terrible things she did in the past, and submitted to what she now saw as her punishment for those crimes as a form of repentance.
  2193. A playful truth or dare night somehow ends up being a heartfelt, tender moment between Rainbow and her five friends.
  2195. @@@
  2197. Anon
  2200. Which mare had to endure the longest, most endless spankings as a little filly? I put my vote on Ponk. First the hoof, then the big heavy hairbrush, then some corner time with her blazing butt wiggling painfully while Igneous gets the strap.
  2202. Then the strap paints stripes across her rumpcheeks while Pinkie bends over the bed, butt propped up on pillows. Then, more corner time while she stamps her hooves and shakes her tender red tushy.
  2204. Then, she has to go out and cut a switch, and meet Igneous at the silo. Tush still on fire, she finds a hickory tree and bites off a switch, and heads for the silo with tears in her eyes.
  2206. But stealing things from your parents and trying to make them into party items to sell to travelers is worthy of a different kind of punishment as well. Pinkie is told by Igneous to bend over the bench and stretch her hooves out in front of her.
  2208. Then, he whips her front hoofies with the switch, on the bottoms and sides, leaving little red lines all over while Pinkie squeals and sobs and begs and squirms. And finally, Igneous tells Pinkie to raise her magma hot red butt up in the air and keep her bottom still. He whips her rump with the switch up and down several times, welting up her bum while she cries to the heavens in sorrow and guilt.
  2210. He finishes her switching at last, and tells blubbering Pinkie to stand in front of him, turning around and facing her severely punished butt toward him.
  2212. She must stand there for an hour while he watches her closely. She's not allowed to rub her butt, with anything. She weeps and squirms her hooves around, shaking her punished posterior involuntarily and giving her father a bit of a show.
  2214. An hour later, Pinkie has been a good girl. Her father announces her punishment is over, and with a howl Pinkie begins the "dance of the spanked filly" all around the silo, squealing in relief and agony as she jumps, bucks, fans with her hooves, and rubs her roasted buttcheeks furiously.
  2216. @@@
  2218. Anon
  2221. >you are a human/pony
  2222. >the filly you take care of is trying to "experiment" with something dangerous for the umpteenth time, for example, trying to pull out the plasting protection from the AC socket to make some tests on different things with electricity
  2223. >earlier you asked her many times to not to do that because it's dangerous
  2224. >filly's curiosity is stronger than her and she does it again when you're not looking
  2225. >she was caught by you and you decide to give her a spanking
  2226. >no, waiting, no corner, no anger, no yelling, no articulation and ZOOMED WORDS, more like immediate "sigh, you know what's going to happen, filly, over my knee and tail up"
  2227. >it's not her first time to be pulled over your knee
  2228. >no tools, no crying, no bawling, no sawwy waah momma babbling, you swat her with your hand/hoof and hear grunting and whining
  2229. >you can change the position, decide how long she is going to get smacked, but of course not too long
  2230. >you can add lewd if you want, genitals can be mentioned and touched
  2231. >spanking fixes the problem, you rub her butt and carry around when her muzzle is burried under your arm
  2232. >buy her an electronic building kit
  2234. @@@
  2236. Anon
  2239. >be you as a pony
  2240. >wake up one morning on your couch
  2241. >you slept sitting in the Lyra position
  2242. >can't remember a thing
  2243. >there is something heavy on your lap
  2244. >it's a cute mare, sleeping
  2245. >hoove marks on her rear
  2246. >likely from some hours ago
  2247. >she wakes up
  2248. >"So you made up your mind at last?" she says, "Are you going to use it?"
  2249. >next to you is a hairbrush
  2250. What do?
  2252. >Play it safe and tease her by using the brush to brush her mane.
  2253. >Wait for her to signal you, and avert your attention toward her rump.
  2254. >you comply and slowly move the brush down toward her but.
  2255. >you take a firm grip on her tail and pull it up. Exposing her ponut.
  2256. >then start brushing her tail.
  2258. @@@
  2260. Anon
  2263. >Gilda
  2264. >Visiting her old best friend Rainbow Dash
  2265. >In the privacy of her house
  2266. >Setting her plan in motion
  2267. >"So hey, wanna try a game only the best griffons dare to play?" she asked in her usual tone, but her heart was racing
  2268. >"Sure!" replied Rainbow Dash "I may be no griffon but I AM best, so close enbough."
  2269. >"Cool. Most ponies just aren't though enough to take it, that's why I'm asking you."
  2270. >"Tell, how is it?"
  2271. >Gilda tried to speak, but only heavy breaths came from her beak, wich she covered up by clearing her throat
  2272. >"It's easy" she tried her best to sound casual about it "the challenger smacks the challenged's flanks for, say, a minute. If the challenged cries, the challenger wins, if not, the challenger loses."
  2273. >Rainbow Dash's smile had dissapeared, she was silent
  2274. >Oh shit, gotta add something
  2275. >"If the challenger loses, it has to do wathever the challenged tells her to do for the rest of... the day."
  2276. >"I see" said Rainbow Dash, thoughtful "That sounds..."
  2277. >"Like too much for you?" teased Gilda
  2278. >"No! Just unexpected."
  2279. >"I told you only though griffons could handle it."
  2280. >"Well, here is a though pony that can handle it too!"
  2282. >Despite all her anticipation, Gilda was still surprised to hear that, couldn't even hide it
  2283. >"You sure? I was..." She was starting to have second thoughts, if she ever found out there was no such game... "I wasn't being serious."
  2284. >"But I am. And I... Wait. I get it. I know what's going on here."
  2285. >...
  2286. >"You know I'm going to win!" Dash finally said "Don't worry, Gilda. I won't make you do anything too embarassing."
  2287. >"Hee hee... Sure."
  2288. >"So... how, exactly?" Asked Dash pointing at her rump with her eyes
  2289. >Gilda sat down and, still visibly shocked that it worked, and simply pointed at her lap
  2290. >Dash got closer, confused
  2291. >Gilda helped her lay across her lap, trembling
  2292. >"I think I saw something like this in a magazine once" said Dash "A mother and her foal, so how bad can it be?"
  2293. >Wait, she was never spanked before?
  2294. >"I can see the clock from here, Gilda, so no cheating"
  2295. >Gilda was breathing heavily again
  2296. >"Ready, set, g-... Wait... Someone is calling me from outside."
  2297. >Gilda quickly went outside to see, leaving Dash behind
  2298. >"...brand new day and we got a lot of pranking to- Ooh."
  2299. >It was a pink pony, full of weird party stuff
  2300. >Dash went to greet her
  2301. >"Morning, Pinks. Gilda, this is my gal pal, Pinkie Pie."
  2302. >Gotta play along for now
  2304. @@@
  2306. Anon
  2309. >spankee does something.
  2310. >spanker pulls the spankee.
  2311. spank spank spank
  2312. >oo oo
  2313. spank spank spank
  2314. >wah wah wah
  2315. >spankee start bawling
  2316. >spanking ends.
  2317. >Gives a hug.
  2318. >the end
  2320. ===
  2322. >spankee wants to be spanked.
  2323. >spanker spanks the spankee
  2324. Spank spank spank
  2325. >hnn nnn mnnn
  2326. spank spank spank
  2327. >ah harder owe owe
  2328. >spanker start fingering spankee
  2329. >spankee cums.
  2330. >the end
  2332. @@@
  2334. Anon
  2337. Imagine Sweetie Belle galloping home three hours after curfew. She forgot again, and her mom and dad are probably worried sick about her. Her fellow CMC offered to come with and try to take some of the blame, but Sweetie declined. She knows what is coming.
  2339. She opens the door, and her mother and father are standing in the living room. Sweetie flinches as they turn around to give her a shocked look, but it turns angry.
  2341. "Young missy, I was worried sick about you! What do you have to say for yourself?"
  2343. Sweetie's mom is quiet, and it's obvious she's been crying. Sweetie Belle knows she has no excuse, so she tells him the truth. "I forgot, daddy. I'm sorry, please don't spank me! I didn't mean it!"
  2345. Her daddy was already on it, though. Sweetie Belle had been promised a hard spanking if she broke curfew again. Her mother is still crying when she leaves the room.
  2347. Daddy goes into the kitchen, and comes out with a big wooden spoon. Sweetie Belle sobs with fear, knowing that spankings with an object in her family were only reserved for lengthy butt blisterings that everypony would be able to see on her bottom the next day.
  2349. "Sweetie, get over my lap. You earned this," he says while he pats his lap with the spoon.
  2351. Sweetie Belle cries while she drags her hooves, a very long spanking and a very hot red bottom in her future.
  2353. @@@
  2355. Anon
  2358. Dizzy tries to act innocently when you open her butt flap, but she is squealing inside with joy and dread, because you're going to tan her buttcheeks. Hopefully you won't notice her small flower winking rapidly and the wet spot on the fabric between her legs.
  2360. @@@
  2362. Anon
  2365. >"Don't get the wrong idea, Cadance, I understand you felt the need to give my daughter a spanking, but you musn't keep her misbehaviour a secret from me in exchange. Do you understand?"
  2366. >"Ye-yes Mrs. Velvet..."
  2367. >"Good girl. This will be over soon."
  2368. >*smack! smack! smack! ...*
  2370. @@@
  2372. Anon
  2375. stinplepony: oops i was naughty
  2376. furplepony: uh oh bad pony
  2377. stimplepony: no no dont spank me
  2378. furplepony: sorry you need to be spanked
  2379. stimplepony: but I don't want to be spanked
  2380. furplepony: but you have to
  2381. stimplepony:why
  2382. furplepony: because I said so
  2383. stimplepony: okay
  2384. *proceeds to spank*
  2386. @@@
  2388. Anon
  2390. Just occurred to me, I think Pink's reaction to learning about a filly getting spanked would be to prepare a party for her, knowing that she would be more receiving a the love and fun that comes with it after going through so much pain and sorrow, kind of like how one finds food more delicious after going through exercise.
  2392. ...
  2394. Aww, that's a cute story idea. Pinkie hops past a house, then hears a filly getting her rump walloped. Feeling sad for her, she prepares a little party for her and her friends after finding out who lives there.
  2396. Turns out the little filly getting her rump walloped has a pretty mean father. The little filly sees the party, and cries even louder and harder than when she was spanked. Her friends see now how hurt the little filly is on a daily basis. Her father spanks her for anything and everything, and her mother divorced him. She doesn't see her mother anymore.
  2398. Pinkie takes the filly under her hoof and teaches her how to bake after school so she doesn't have to be home so much. The filly gets reaally good, and one day she ends up getting her cutie mark in it, all thanks to Pinkie. Five years later, she's on her own in Fillydelphia, with her own highly successful bakery.
  2400. @@@
  2402. Anon
  2405. If Pink's parents ever heard from the Cakes that Pinkie was a hard employee to work with sometimes, even if they said so endearingly, Pinkie would probably take a long and unanticipated trip to her parent's room and show back up to work with a burned up tush when she got back.
  2407. ...
  2409. >Pinkie would probably take a long and unanticipated trip to her parent's room and show back up to work with a burned up tush when she got back.
  2411. >Pinkie's parents visit Ponyville
  2412. >they learn Pinkie can be hard to work with
  2413. >"disgracing the family name" as the Pies put it
  2414. >the Cakes didn't mean it like that
  2416. >Pinkie abruptly requests tomorrow off because there's "something she needs to do at home"
  2417. >Arrives back the day after with a still-red backside
  2418. >She's not embarrassed about it, explaining it to the Cakes, her friends, and any customer who asks when they see her bending over to get muffins out of the oven
  2419. >"My mommy spanked me because I was bad."
  2420. >"But you're a grown mare."
  2421. >"Mommy says..."
  2422. (Pinkie straighten outs her mane like her mother)
  2423. >'sometimes our bodies outgrow our brains, and a smack here and there can help align them'
  2424. >But everypony is embarrassed for her
  2426. Alternate story:
  2428. >Mrs. Pie asks Mrs. Cake for a wooden spoon right there on the spot
  2429. >Drags Pinkie to the eating area of Sugarcube Corner
  2430. >Pulls out a chair and spanks her right on the spot
  2431. >in front of two customers
  2432. >Coaxes Pinkie back to the kitchen where Mrs. Pie forces Pinkie to apologize for her carelessness
  2433. >Swats her tush when she starts to stumble and lose sincerity in the apology
  2435. >"Thank you. Your spoon did the job. Mrs. Cake. Pinkie was such a hoofful growing up. We found corporal punishment works best for her. Just tenderize her rump next time she's careless."
  2436. >Mrs. Cake doesn't know how to respond to what she just saw
  2437. >"Thanks, I'll... keep that in mind."
  2438. >But she is curious...
  2440. @@@
  2442. Anon
  2445. >be Dizzy's foalsitter
  2446. >she was a clumsy pony
  2447. >again
  2448. >her parents didn't have enough time to punish her because they had to go out
  2449. >get a task to spank her tush for being clumsy
  2450. >you know that Dizzy is enjoying her spankings a bit too much
  2451. >give her chores instead, no tv and internets for a few hours, only cleaning her room and the kitchen
  2452. >she sighs but she does what was asked for
  2453. >after 3 hours she finishes
  2454. >sit on the couch, pull her pajama pants down and set her across your lap
  2455. >spank and finger her until her butt is pink and she squirts sex juices on your hand
  2456. >give her a warm bath, tuck her in the bed to sleep
  2457. >her parents come back, they check their daughter's flushed butt
  2458. >be called a good foalsitter
  2460. ...
  2462. >be Dizzy's foalsitter
  2463. >invite your best friend, Minuette, to watch movies in your house with you and Dizzy
  2464. >bring popcorn, chips, and lemonade
  2465. >Dizzy was a good filly so you pull her across your lap and open her butt flap
  2466. >Minuette settles next to you, leaning against your side and idly scratching behind Dizzy's ears
  2467. >start watching a movie on ponyflix, gently rubbing Dizzy's back through her pajamas
  2468. >every few seconds you give her a smack or two with your second hand, then you rub her butt
  2469. >you watch the movie and chat a bit with Minuette, idly spanking your purring filly
  2470. >you even catch some naughty words coming from your friend straight into filly's ear
  2471. >both ponies fall asleep snuggled against you
  2472. >both of them have wet snatches
  2473. >you like that filly and your friend
  2475. @@@
  2477. Anon
  2480. "Dearest sister" started saying Princes Celestia, who laid across Princess Luna's lap. "There is a reason birthday spankings have been banned for us, and it's not out of respect. All the guests have fallen asleep at this point!"
  2481. Luna just continued spanking.
  2482. "How far are we, anyway?" Asked Celestia.
  2483. "I don't know." Replied Luna without stopping "I lost count hours ago."
  2485. Alternative ending:
  2486. "I thought you were counting. You always made me count on my birthdays."
  2488. @@@
  2490. Anon
  2493. "But hold on!" Cried little Rainbow Dash while being laid across her mother's lap "I passed the test!!"
  2494. "Yes" confirmed Rainbow Mom "by cheating."
  2495. "Bu-but nobody found out!"
  2496. "I did. I'll keep the secret because it was your last chance, but I'll also make extra sure you never do that againg. Expect a summer full of studying".
  2497. *SMACK SMACK SMACK...*
  2499. ...
  2501. Little RD is going to have a hard time adjusting to studying. I see more corrections for her in the future, and I'm not talking about test questions.
  2503. >Implying her mandatory study sessions aren't scheduled immediately after her weekly reminder spankings
  2504. >on a hard stool
  2506. Even better than weekly reminders: redness maintenance. RD must always have a red rump, and every time the redness begins to fade, she's given a good spanking again to return the redness back to normal. Harder spankings give her butt more redness, so she needs to be spanked less often, but they suck because they are harder spankings.
  2508. ...
  2510. >Rainbow Dash having to explain to everypony why her rump is red for an entire summer
  2511. >Having to lie to distant acquaintances because the truth could get her expelled from flight school
  2512. >Having to tell the truth to close friends
  2513. >Both of these requirements decided by her mother
  2514. >Her friends making fun of her for cheating on a test that wasn't that hard instead of just studying
  2516. ...
  2518. Imagine a sweaty and nervous Dash having to turn around and show her dad her flank so he can determine if it's still red enough. Imagine him picking her up and taking her to the "spanking chair" while she cries, realizing that her butt isn't red enough and needs more color to be added to it.
  2520. Imagine her blushing when she accidentally runs into a colt she has a crush on the next day, and he sees her steaming hot red rump. Imagine him wincing and asking her about it.
  2522. Imagine her telling him the embarrassing story after breaking down and realizing that there's no use lying.
  2524. Imagine him actually comforting her with a hug and letting her know that she didn't need to be embarrased. Imagine him asking her if she wants to go get some ice cream, and her saying yes with a teary eyed blush.
  2526. Imagine Dash giving him a smooch with a face redder than her rump while he walks her home. Imagine him smooching back.
  2528. Imagine that Rainbow still had the best summer ever, despite always, always, having a bright red flank, thanks to her brand new coltfriend.
  2530. THE END
  2532. @@@
  2534. Anon
  2537. "MOOOooooommm" whinned Shining Armor
  2538. "Don't MOOooom me big boy" replied Twilight Velvet in an exagerated but somewhat playful tone, holding her teenager son across the border of his bed "I know your hormones are on the rise, but you know better than to spy on your classmares while they change, especially when your mommy can find out".
  2539. With that said, she proceeded to unleash her hoof all over his big backside.
  2540. Shining Armor was actually stronger than her both physically and in magic (at least when it came to making protective shields), but he was too obedient and usually well behaved to fight back. She doubted it even hurt him at all, but it was humilliating, and that was more than enough.
  2541. Velvet smiled to herself during the whole procedure, her little boy was growing up, but right then she was treating him like an actual little boy again. His rump felt different though, almost like.......... her husband's...
  2543. @@@
  2545. Anon
  2548. >>Teenage Flurry Heart has no respect for nature.
  2549. >>She kicks a flower that has a bee collecting pollen in it.
  2550. >>It gets pissed and stings her in the butt.
  2551. >>Flurry Heart yelps, turns around quickly, and tries to zap the bee in revenge.
  2552. >>It misses the bee, but hits the hive behind it.
  2553. >>The swarm approaches, making the terrified Flurry Heart run.
  2554. >>She trips over a tangle of vines, planting her face to the dirt and her ass in the air. The vines are wrapped around her legs, rendering her immobile.
  2555. >>The bees brandish their stingers and form the shape of a paddle.
  2556. >>Flurry Heart begs for the bees not to do what they are about to do.
  2557. >>Seconds later, the forest is filled with screams and yelps, as the bees splash unto her buttocks, digging their stingers into her soft mounds.
  2558. >>Pic Related
  2560. ...
  2562. Different Anon here...
  2564. >Flurry Heart kicks the bee's nest
  2565. >Gets swarmed, runs for home
  2566. >Butt swollen by stings
  2568. >She finds Mama Cadance first
  2569. >Runs crying into her arms
  2570. >At first, Cadance is sympathetic
  2571. >But then Flurry explains what happened
  2572. "You did WHAT?"
  2573. >Cadance is pissed
  2574. "That's not the way we raised you."
  2575. "Go fetch the hairbrush this instant, young filly."
  2576. >Furry bawls and begs, saying her stung rear is too sore for a spankin'
  2577. >Cadance gives zero fucks
  2578. "Don't make me count to 3, young filly..."
  2582. @@@
  2584. Anon
  2587. >Flim-Flam open up the Fully Automated Filly Sitter Chamber 5000 for business in Ponyville
  2588. >Advertise this special facility of their own design, 100% machine operated, it'll take your foal off your hoof and provide them with amble care, interactivity, and if needed rosy red tushes to go home with while you take a day doing extra work or an afternoon to yourself
  2589. >Malfunctions on its first customer, grabs Rarity or AJ there to drop off their sisters and finds that its 'Naughtiness Detector' is borderline non-functional due to its sensitivity.
  2591. @@@
  2593. Anon
  2596. >Babs got into a fight with her brother again!
  2597. >take them both behind the house
  2598. >they cry and ask what's going on
  2599. >quickly cut off their forelegs with the hatchet
  2600. >both of them squeal in agony, trying to crawl away from you
  2601. >you catch them and hug, saying that the punishment is over and everything is okay, hush now kids
  2602. >leave them on the ground and go back to the house
  2603. >the blood loss and trauma is a fair reminder for them that it's not okay to fight with each other!
  2605. @@@
  2607. Anon
  2610. >"haha I, [pony name], am naughty and I did a thing!"
  2611. "Oh no, [pony name], you are naughty and did a thing!"
  2612. >"Oh no, you see me being naughty and doing a thing, mummuh!
  2613. "Yes, and you, [pony name], deserve a spanking with a belt, wooden spoon, hoof and any random thing I can hold."
  2614. >"Boo hoo."
  2615. "Over my knee, young lady!"
  2616. >"No mummuhnoI'llnotbenaughtyanymoreboohooblobloo."
  2617. "It will hurted more than me!"
  2618. "[pajamas] [fanny] [tanned] [butt] [spank] [slap] [wham] [thwack] [ow] [aw] [waaah] [wah] [boo] [sit spot] [whip] [whap]!"
  2619. >"No mumu no!"
  2620. "don't fight [pony name] you make it worser!
  2621. >whap whap
  2622. >"Boo hoo!"
  2623. >whap whap
  2624. >"Boo hoo!"
  2625. >whap whap
  2626. >"Boo hoo!"
  2627. "that's it you earned a spanking with a different tool!"
  2628. >slap slap
  2629. >"waaaaaah waaaaah."
  2630. >slap slap
  2631. >"waaaaaah waaaaah."
  2632. >slap slap
  2633. >"waaaaaah waaaaah."
  2634. "and the last one, there, there, you can hug me now and cry as much as you need, oh you poor thing it was a lesson for you and promise me you be good"
  2635. >"boooo. I be good mummu I learned a lesson and I deserved a spanking and I think you are the best mother on the world I love being slapped like a little foal when I am naughty and now I'll be a good citizen and son and daughter. Booohoo."
  2637. Now you can replace [pony name] with any character you want. Ultimate story for your fetish!
  2639. @@@
  2641. Anon
  2644. Story prompt:
  2645. Rainbow Dash is running to school. Honestly, you can use any girl...I just picked Dashie because I saw some comments on this cute pic of her and it got me thinking.
  2647. Anyway, she makes it to school just in time, but OH NO! She left her homework on her desk in her room.
  2648. >"Ms. Harshwhinny, I left my homework at..."
  2649. "A likely story, Miss Dash. That's your third missed homework notice."
  2650. >"Honest, Ms. Harshwhinny! I swear I did it!"
  2652. Rainbow Dash is not lying...she really did her homework.
  2653. "Alright, Miss Dash. You may use the telephone. Call your Mother or Father and they can bring it to school for you."
  2655. Uh-ho.
  2656. Dash's homework is in her bedroom.
  2657. Dash's bedroom is a disaster.
  2658. Dash promised Dad she had finished cleaning her room.
  2659. Now she's trapped.
  2660. "Miss Dash, we're waiting...?"
  2661. A third missed homework notice means a trip to Vice Principal Luna's office for whacks with the school paddle.
  2662. But if Mom or Dad sees her bedroom she's gonna get her hide tanned for lying.
  2664. Whatever can Dashie do to escape her terrible predicament?
  2665. Can a clever writer spin it so she gets BOTH spankings?
  2667. @@@
  2669. Anon
  2672. >Pinky spanking gummy
  2673. Nobody spanks Gummy.
  2674. Gummy doesn't even spank anypony.
  2675. Gummy DECIDES who gets spanked.
  2676. And Gummy does not change his mind.
  2677. You can can can promise to be good.
  2678. Gummy gives zero fucks.
  2679. You'll only make things worse for yourself.
  2680. Gummy is the ultimate authority in Equestria.
  2681. Only Gummy has the power.
  2683. All hail king Gummy.
  2685. @@@
  2687. Anon
  2690. >"Anon is the best spanker in the Ponyville! We can choose between being spanked by our parents or go visit Anon, get the spanking from him and show the red butt to mom and dad. Anon is the best, he always asks what we did wrong, he always listen! He knows who should get more times, but no one ever cried after being spanked on his lap. His hand is much better than a hoof!"
  2691. >"And he always takes us to quiet places with no ponies around. Last week my mom took me over her knee in the middle of Ponyville, everyone could see my pussy... I saw some colts looking at my butt, I couldn't cover myself!"
  2692. >"One day my mom was angry because she struggled with a cherry pie... she is not a baker, you know. I accidently spilled milk for my oatmeal, she shouted at me and she wanted to give me a spanking... I was so scaerd, I run away to Anon and I told him what happened and I need a spanking... but he carried me back to my house, he took my mom by her ear and dragged to the bedroom. I couldn't see what happened, because he closed the door, but I heard him spanking my mom! When they finidhed my mom was so embarrassed... she said she is sorry and she hugged me. Anon is my best friend!"
  2694. @@@
  2696. Anon
  2699. >a whole factory of ponies being sexually stimulated
  2700. That might be the Equestrian version of prison.
  2702. Minor crimes are punished by a brief but painful public horsewhipping but more serious criminals and repeat offenders are sent to the prison factory. There they are stimulated in painful & humiliating ways to harvest their sexual fluids for use as glue and industrial lubricant (since Equestria doesn't have a petrochemical industry).
  2704. Disobedient and uncooperative prisoners are punished harshly and even well behaved inmates suffer when production demands go up. The prison is corrupt; guards and administrators pad their salaries by over-harvesting from the prisoners and selling the surplus on the black market. Those who complain are birched or spanked with a cat-o-nine tails...and have extra time added to their sentence.
  2705. Escape attempts merit a personal session with the Warden and her cruelest guards.
  2707. The only way to get out is just to obey and do your time. Also, the food is terrible.
  2709. @@@
  2711. Anon
  2714. *Slap! Slap!*
  2715. "Ow! Oow! Bu-but Twilight! I needed your atention"
  2717. *Slap! Slap!*
  2719. @@@
  2721. Anon
  2724. Pic related
  2725. >Please Mr. Ferret, Twilight's been a naughty little pony. Won't you be a dear and fetch me my manebrush? Thank you~
  2727. @@@
  2729. Anon
  2732. Limestone Pie has been spanked by her dad so much as a foal that she's developed a fetish for butt-related pain. While digging around in crystal mines, she uncovers a subterranean nest of jewel wasps, wasps that are part insect and part gemstone that have sharp, non-venomous diamond stingers. Stinging Fetish ensues.
  2734. @@@
  2736. Anon
  2739. When the bass drops, the paddle drops.
  2741. Now I'm picturing an entire underground rave getting raided at 1am by irate parents...some grabbing their errant fillies & colts and dragging them home by their ears, others cut out that step by bringing their implements of rump destruction with them.
  2742. Since many of the youngsters are already high on X this is going to be an interesting experience for them.
  2743. >"But Moooooooom! It's not even a school night!"
  2745. @@@
  2747. Anon
  2750. >Being a breezie is not easy
  2751. >You are one of the weakest, most physically pathetic species in all of Equestria
  2752. >There is nothing you can do about it except being careful
  2753. >Today your son wasn't careful
  2754. >Today was the day an expedition of trained Breezies went to the outside world to collect the pollen, as it happens every year
  2755. >One of the few occasions when the portal opens
  2756. >Your son found life in the Breezie land boring, he was eager to explore
  2757. >He tried to escape through the portal
  2758. >It could have gotten him killed
  2759. >Not only was he too young to even train for it, but even the return of the trained ones wasn't certain
  2760. >Thankfully one of the scouts catched him before he went through it
  2761. >It could have been too late had he crossed alone, a simple wind could have taken him away forever
  2762. >You have to set him straight
  2763. >You take him by his hoof and fly him home without saying a word
  2764. >He doesn't say a word either, struggling not to cry, probably out of anger since he still desn't know what he almost got himself into
  2765. >You enter the house without letting him go, straight to a chair
  2766. >He panics, but by breezie standards you are way stronger than him
  2767. >You lay him across your lap, he starts struggling and begging
  2768. >You hold him with one hoof, you raise the other one
  2769. >You proceed to flap your free hoof near your son's rear end
  2770. >The wind produced by your hoof reaches his buttocks, hitting without mercy
  2771. >He cries like a baby
  2772. >Your hoof hurts so much from flapping you think it's going to fall off, but it's all worth it if your son learns his lesson.
  2774. @@@
  2776. Anon
  2779. ladies and gentle colts our annual spankathon is about to begin.
  2780. First we have the mares league. for those of you who are unfamiliar with the rules. its simple.
  2781. each of these lovely mares would bend over the fence we see over there on the field.
  2782. there their rears gonna receive a repeated smacks from our referee . they gonna keep at it until the contender yield or cry.
  2783. this year we have 6 contenders.
  2784. from ponyvile we have Mrs. cakes and applejack.
  2785. as you may know apple jack did get the 2nd place last year, she is a very known athletes she is hopping on doing better this year.
  2786. from manehattan we have Charity Sweetmint . this white unicorn did managed to get the 3rd place few years back. and now she has come back to compete again.
  2787. lets move to the next contestant we have from the crystal empire the princess herself . Princess Mi Amore Cadenza.
  2788. its kinda rare to see an alicorn that want to participate .
  2789. lastly we have the remarkable flyer . miss Rainbow Dash.
  2790. the competition gonna start in few min. we can see our contenders are warming up in the benches over there. Apple jack and her assistant her sister apple bloom is massaging her flank getting it ready for the long tenderizing.
  2791. oh the referees are getting in the field. the competition is gonna start.
  2792. the contenders are moving to the field also. they are getting in the position. but what is this .
  2793. it seems that Rainbow dash is missing. our field crew are investigating it, and he will give us an update on it soon.
  2794. in the meantime. the rest of the contestant are set in their position. you can see their friends and families are cheering them on.
  2795. what is this a yellow Pegasus are participating on in place of Rainbow dash. ..
  2796. I just received a note : the contested Rainbow dash got injured from her last race and could't compete. but her friend here . Fluttershy is gonna compete on her behalf.
  2797. now that everypony is set and ready.
  2799. the crowed went silent. waiting for the Referee to Start.
  2801. @@@
  2803. Anon
  2806. Every night before the sleep your little pet bat lays on the edge of her bed, waiting for you to come to her bedroom. Every night she receives a gift for being a good or a bad pet bat after the whole day. The good gift varies from a simple kiss and a hug, to… something more enjoyable for both parties. Bad gift, however, usually is waiting on the floor to be picked up and used, but sometimes she receives a *special* bad gift for being a very naughty pet. Fun thing, even if she was a good girl for the whole day sometimes she tries to convince you she was the naughtiest pony on the world…
  2808. @@@
  2810. Anon
  2813. Rarity's whines and whimpers as you paddle her tush, her red hot rear wriggling on your knees, the gasps and weepy sobs getting more and more desperate. Promising that she'll be a good girl, mascara flowing down her cheeks, squeaks and moans and loud wails punctuating every new sharp crack of the paddle against her flaming bare bottom. Little bucks of her hips off your lap are rewarded with immediate repositioning of her plump derriere, followed by faster, sharper, crisper thwacks of the paddle that make her choke, gasp, and sob pitifully. Half formed words leave her lips, incoherent and breathless, drowned out by the repeated pops and thwacks of the constant hard spanking to her suffering bare cheeks.
  2815. She asks with a choke and a broken wail when her punishment will end, but she hears no response. Hoofy kicks drum against the armchair, butt squirms uselessly back and forth, and her roasted red cheeks still ripple and bounce with every paddle whack.
  2817. The spanking still doesn't stop, and neither do Rarity's sobs, pleas, and cries for mercy.
  2819. @@@
  2821. Anon
  2824. >you are anon (pony).
  2825. >you were vising the summer sun celebration festival.
  2826. >you walked around the booths there.
  2827. >you see that booth (picture related).
  2829. >take the spanker entrance
  2830. >grab Dizzy
  2831. >spank her until she cums all over your legs
  2832. >continue spanking
  2833. >finish when she wets herself after the eleventh orgasm
  2835. That or
  2837. Take Pinkie with me
  2839. Bring 1000 bits
  2841. Not tell her what it is
  2843. Have her walk in the spankee booth
  2845. Twelve hours later...
  2847. @@@
  2849. Anon
  2852. >Dizzy's mom discovers that Dizzy is touching herself after every spanking
  2853. >she continues the "punishment" every time her daughter is just a little bit naughty, like eating coockies before the dinner
  2854. >Dizzy hyperventilates and stiffles moans every time her mom whoops her butt
  2855. >different positions, different places, a few times in the bushes almost in public
  2856. >they don't show any sings to each other that they know it's not a real punishment
  2858. @@@
  2860. Anon
  2863. *click, scroll, click*
  2864. "Sigh, all these underage little fillies posting their privates here for attention and being little sluts"
  2865. *scroll scroll*
  2866. "Even this one here, look at that text, what a little whor..."
  2867. *pause*
  2868. "Wait why does that nether region look so-Dizzy!"
  2869. --
  2870. >Dizzy's mom proceeds to punish her daughter
  2871. >the squeaks turn into moans and squeals
  2872. >naughty filly squirts marejuices all over mom's hoof
  2873. >shocked mare stops and looks down at the embarrassed filly
  2874. >she puts her back down on her bed and without a word leaves the room
  2875. >one hour later she sees a new post on 4bat
  2876. >a picture with very familiar rump, but now all red and with drooling privates
  2877. >maximum scrunch
  2879. @@@
  2881. Anon
  2884. while in middle of a spanking session.
  2885. Bonbon came in and caught you in the process.
  2886. she saw Lyra crying and you are hitting her...
  2887. whats gonna happen next ?
  2889. @@@
  2891. Anon
  2894. >be Dizzy's mom
  2895. >have your little girl pulled over your knee for sneaking out in the night
  2896. >deliver smacks all over her small butt
  2897. >she is always so quiet when you spank her, sometimes it makes you wonder if it's because she is trying to be so tough
  2898. >accidenty smack her in the very center of her butt, colliding with the small crotch
  2899. >hear a loud squeak and whine
  2900. >panic
  2901. >pull her up and hug, apologizing and kissing her scrunched in pain face
  2902. >gently rub around her butt to make the pain subdue
  2903. >suddenly: wetness
  2904. >slimy, warm wetness seeping from your daughter's crotch
  2905. >what the hay
  2906. >you pretend like you didn't discover it
  2907. >gently pull her down on the bed
  2908. >now you can see the shiny, wet coat on her buttcheeks and her winking fillyhood
  2909. >shocked, without the word you leave the room
  2911. @@@
  2913. Anon
  2916. Dizzy has a spanking and humiliation fetish
  2917. Sometimes she knows when you are going to visit her family and then she acts like a clumsy filly
  2918. She leaks all over her legs on the thought of being pulled over her mommy's knee and getting a spanking in front of you
  2919. she would even spread her hindlegs a little
  2921. Anon
  2924. >"Now Fluttershy, don't run off again."
  2925. >"If you do, I have half a mind to move up from the mere warning swats you received today to something *far* more serious for you and your little butterbutt."
  2926. >he gives her rear-end a squeeze
  2928. @@@
  2930. Anon
  2933. >"Where is that cute, calm filly named Fluttershy? All I see is Ms. Grumpy-Rumpy. (SMACK) Work on your attitude, missy, or I'll spank your little rear until you can find Fluttershy for me."
  2935. @@@
  2937. Anon
  2940. >on the walk with Dizzy
  2941. >Dizzy is naughty again
  2942. >you know she is doing it because her slit is burning
  2943. >pick her up and look around for a secluded place to give her a spanking
  2944. >she helps and you both find a perfect place
  2945. >pull her over your knee and tug her tail up
  2946. >smack her hard for a few minutes
  2947. >wait until she wails and squirts
  2948. >wipe her wet folds with a tissue and carry her back home
  2950. @@@
  2952. Anon
  2955. twilight's spanking machine goes out of control story when?
  2957. >twilight is late for lunch with the girls
  2958. >go to the castle to check on her
  2959. >hear odd noises coming from her lab
  2960. >walk down stairs to find her bottom getting roasted by a complicated spanking machine
  2961. >even with her alicorn durability her flanks are apple red and theres a puddle of tears
  2962. >try to save her and end up victims as well?
  2964. @@@
  2966. Anon
  2969. >Go on now, you were just about to tell Trixie who the best antagonist is.
  2970. y-you are
  2971. >*SMACK* Who now?
  2972. YOU are!
  2973. >Hmm, Trixie has never met anypony named that. *SMACK**SMACK*
  2974. >Trixie will ask you one *SMACK* more *SMACK* time. *SMACK* Which pony is the best antagonist?
  2976. >Mmm, was there ever any doubt?
  2978. @@@
  2980. Anon
  2983. Sure, she looks cute and vulnerable.
  2985. But I would still turn her over my knee and spank Fluttershy for not doing her homework. Too much time spent messing around with fuzzy animals.
  2987. God yes. Where are the filly/ teen Fluttershy spankfics? Seems so obvious but I can't find anything. Bonus points if her parents are super strict and spank her way harder than she deserves.
  2989. ...
  2991. Then drag that filly over to your chair by her ear.
  2993. You scold her, boy.
  2995. >Naughty fillies who don't do their homework get their bottoms spanked.
  2997. Get your hairbrush.
  2999. >You can worry about your forest friends when your school work is done.
  3001. Drag that filly across your lap and you spank her until both her butt cheeks and her face cheeks are red.
  3003. ...
  3005. >Bonus points if her parents are super strict and spank her way harder than she deserves.
  3007. >Be Flutterfilly
  3008. >Forgot to finish washing the dishes before you went to bed last night
  3009. >See mom and dad waiting for you in the kitchen
  3010. "Fluttershy, we're very disappointed in you. We thought we raised you better than to live like a slob. You know what this means."
  3011. >You gulp
  3012. "Five minutes with the wooden spoon followed by ten minutes with the hairbrush."
  3013. >Well that's about what you expected, your parents always were stricter than the other parents in your neighborhood
  3014. "Then you'll sit your burning red bottom down on a hard wooden chair and write 1,000 times "I will not be a lazy and irresponsible filly"
  3015. >ohshit
  3016. "And finally you're getting a belt whipping on the front porch, so everyone in the neighborhood can see how naughty fillies get treated in this house."
  3018. (This story got written out later. See: Silverware Offenses by Anon)
  3020. @@@
  3022. Anon
  3025. >"I- I don't want Anon to give me a paddling. Anyone but him."
  3026. >"Why?"
  3027. >"He always has a boner when he does it."
  3029. @@@
  3031. Anon
  3034. >Fleetfoot's behaviour has been unacceptable the last couple of months
  3035. >Her unreciprocated interest on the civilian Big Mac has reached the point of stalking and harassment
  3036. >Every passing day it becomes disturbingly more public
  3037. >Despite his obvious lack of interest and the attempts by his family and friends to keep her away, she won't stop
  3038. >The fact that her obsession is negatively affecting her performance (to put it lightly) is actually the lesser of the problems
  3039. >Word is spreading around about the kind of ponies being accepted into the Wonderbolts
  3040. >Not to mention the organisation's competence and the possibility of corruption
  3041. >She's providing an abhorrent example to the new recruits, if not to the entire organisation, being somepony of high rank
  3042. >The Apple family is one step away from taking the matter into justice, and with reason
  3043. >Civilian Big Mac has become so upset he refuses to show face in puclic
  3044. >This has gone too far
  3045. >She has to be punished
  3046. >And corrected
  3047. >By tomorrow
  3048. >Or else she'll have to be fired and possibly prosecuted
  3049. >You are her last hope
  3050. >You are the Wonderbolt Discipliner
  3052. @@@
  3054. Anon
  3057. >And there's grandpa Anon when he was younger
  3058. >Wow, no way!
  3059. >"Lemme tell ya somethin kids, when I was just a little older than you are right now, Anonymous posted "Sweetie Belle's Double Discipline Part 1".
  3060. >"Nuh-uh, you're lying!"
  3061. >"Swear on my life."
  3062. >"What was it like back then, grandpa? Before part 17,223,178,878,537,233,111,246 when Sweetie's dad switched to purely theoretical spanking implements?"
  3063. >"It was a different time, that's for sure. 'Hoofsies' was the cutting edge of writefag technology. Spanking with a cheese grater buzzsaw wasn't even legal back then!"
  3064. >gasps
  3066. @@@
  3068. Anon
  3071. >Applejack
  3072. >Stepping on a lego brick her sis left lying around for the millionth time
  3073. >Showing the whole family and probably half of ponyville her fancy and colorful vocabulary
  3074. >Getting soaped until the bar is entirely dissolved by granny
  3075. >Later in the evening giving AB a taste of that applepaddle she got from her dad
  3076. >Scolding coming out in soap bubbles the whole time
  3078. @@@
  3080. Anon
  3083. >see your waifu begging and kicking for you to stop spanking her
  3084. >Not having an erection as hard as 100000 diamonds
  3085. >Not bending her over something and continue spanking with more effort
  3086. >Not spanking her even harder watching her bottom turn a even more reddish hue
  3087. >Not loving hearing her screaming and crying telling you she is sorry and won't do whatever she did again
  3088. >Not continuing to spank her way past the point of your hand hurting
  3089. >Not finally giving her a final 10 spanks as hard as you could muster
  3090. >Not holding her while she sobs and says shes sorry
  3091. >Not running your fingers through her hair and yanking her over your lap while you reach for her hairbrush
  3093. @@@
  3095. Anon
  3098. >Pinkie spent all afternoon taking down the party decorations and deflating the balloons
  3099. >Her family seemed to love the first party she threw, but every day since then they liked them less and less
  3100. >For the past hour she's been lying on her bed and crying
  3101. >The door opens, it's Mama
  3102. "Pinkamena Diane Pie, it's time we took care of your recent misbehavior."
  3103. >Pinkie gulps, she knows what that means
  3104. "We've tolerated your little party game long enough, young filly. This is a rock farm and there is serious work to be done. It's time you changed your attitude."
  3105. >Mama pulls out the desk chair and sits in it, then pats her thigh.
  3106. "Over my knees, Pinkamena. Now."
  3107. >Sniffling, Pinkie shuffles over and drapes herself across her Mama's lap
  3108. "I am going to teach you to take things seriously, even if I have to spank you every single day from now until you turn eighteen."
  3109. >With the first whack, Pinkie throws her head up and howls
  3110. "You might want to save your breath there, little filly. This is just the warmup."
  3111. >Pinkie's whole body tenses up as another smack lands on her fat flank
  3112. "Your Daddy is out in the south field right now, but when he's finished he's coming up to your bedroom."
  3113. "And this time, he's gonna give you the belt."
  3115. @@@
  3117. Anon
  3120. "You broke my window?"
  3122. Off put by the lion's roar of your accusations Scootaloo's weak wings buzzed like a bees, scooting her back a few inches involuntarily. She missed the steps and backs against the railing, looking nowhere but the boards at her hooves.
  3124. >"Y-Yes sir."
  3126. Applebloom was gone, a twinkle on the horizon. Sweetie bell may have just learned to teleport. Scootaloo, though, could not reach her scooter in time and a hard tug on her tail had kept her from taking her weak excuse for flight. No sooner had she realized she was abandoned did the fight drain from her, now a 'good girl' she obediently awaited her fate.
  3128. "Do you have any idea how -expensive- those windows were? Do you have the bits to replace this young lady?"
  3130. >"N-n-n-no..."
  3132. Whispering her tearful denial she tries to explain to you how she has literally no money. Not a single bit. A few prodding and sharp questions reveal just how dirt poor her family is and how severely her father would beat her ass if it turned out he had to pay for something else she broke.
  3134. "Turn around."
  3136. Tears pitter patter on the dusty boards as she turns around with a gentle clopping of her hooves. Cheek on the floor, ass up, she flips her tail high out of habit and quivers while waiting for you to begin.
  3138. Her tiny little virgin gash is dwarfed by some of the scars criss crossing her cheeks, small chunks of skin and scar nearly bare, coat thinned by damage. Scootaloo had been a very, very bad girl most of her life.
  3140. Pity aside, those were some really fucking expensive windows.
  3142. @@@
  3144. Anon
  3147. >Applebloom received her punishment
  3148. >paddling 50 hits
  3149. >I was chosen for being her friend
  3150. >Out in public the stocks stood
  3151. >She walked to them slowly, ponies on each side
  3152. >Locked in unable to move
  3153. >Guard mouths a paddle to me says "50 hits"
  3154. >I nod and wind up for the first hit
  3155. >Crack! She screams a deafening cry
  3156. >I look down, the paddle broke
  3157. >Look into the crowd, Apple Family mad
  3158. >Guard nudges me with a new paddle says "continue"
  3159. >10 hits in i can see blood
  3160. >20 hits in she faints
  3161. >Nurse checks her vitals
  3162. >i grab a water bottle and drench her face while slapping her
  3163. >She comes too
  3164. >I continue
  3165. >40 hits in im tired
  3166. >watch the crowd and most are trying to look away
  3167. >Big Mac turned a new shade of red
  3168. >I finish the 50th hit with what i had left
  3169. >Guard announces the punishment is complete
  3170. >Red giant is going to stomp me later tonight...
  3172. @@@
  3174. Anon
  3177. >Anon and X pony
  3178. >Decide to break law to get the paddling
  3179. >Anon gets the 50 bits.
  3180. >Repeat every few days.
  3181. >Pony has developed an ass of steel from the paddlings, but has become exceptionally good at faking the pain.
  3182. >Anon and Pony live like kings.
  3184. @@@
  3186. Anon
  3189. >Pinkie Pie poisoned the entire city of Ponyville!
  3190. >50 lashes!
  3191. >I volunteer because I'm her best friend
  3192. >The day comes, Pinkie is chained up, her ass put into the air by a particularly restrictive set of metal restraints
  3193. >I raise my hand up, ready to deliver the first triumphant... Gah, I just can't do this. It's been 8 years since my mom died. One day, the doctor said she had a lump in her breast, then 6 months later... JUST 6 FUCKING MONTHS LATER, she was gone. She just withered and died. In a half a year. It happened so slowly but so quickly. No amount of treatment could fix and she knew it. We all knew it. Nonetheless, we went through the motions: Chemo, radiation, the works, but nothing worked. She died bald, emaciated, and bed-ridden. ANd you want to know the worst part? Her medical bills cost my dad his 401(k), me my college fund, and the house. We're destitute, with no hope. I'm considering ending it all tonight... Helium bag and some good music.... It'll be nice. Maybe I'll feel happy for the first time in years. Who knows where death will take me...
  3195. @@@
  3197. Anon
  3200. You feel wet and sticky. Cool liquid drips on your aching head, soothing the grinding pains that are catapulting you into consciousness. You crack open a sandy eye, aggravated by beams of sunlight streaming through cracks in the rough wooden walls, piercing the darkness of the barn and illuminating motes of hay chaff suspended in the thick air.
  3202. Willing your body back to life you stir, your heavy aching limbs fighting you. Your right arm grows cold as you raise it off of Thunderlane's body, your legs stiff and creaky as you try to step over Big Mac's sleeping form. Stumbling to the corner with all the grace of Derpy you brace yourself against one of Golden Harvest's beer barrels and let loose a golden shower into the 'the' bucket.
  3204. Hell of a birthday party for Thunderlane.
  3206. He was such a great guy. Worked hard, partied hard, took great care of his body. Real responsible too, you remember how hard it had been to get him to really cut loose and drink up when he was so worried about that funnel thing today.
  3208. That funnel thing.
  3210. You're hardly finished whispering 'Awww, shit' to yourself when the barn doors explode open, the deafening crack of four hooves hitting wood at 15 wingpower splitting painfully in your hungover ears.
  3212. Big Mac flipped from his back onto all fours almost instantly, before staggering three steps to the right, stoically silent. Thunderlane jumped upright, cracking his head on the table you two had slept under and knocking the half full mugs flying. As soon as he registered sunlight his squinting face fell, trying to squeeze out an apology but cut short by the furious mare.
  3214. "Thunderlane you lying sack of shit! Feather flu? Does feather flu come in a barrel? Did you somehow think the water funnel was a huge joke, huh? Well guess what limp-wings, it's kind of a big deal! Military run, prosperity of Equestria stuff, kind of -oh what was it called oh yeah-, treason to skimp out on? I ain't even mad Thunderlane, 'cause I already reported you."
  3216. She mad.
  3218. @@@
  3220. Anon
  3223. Why does nobody ever think to put one of these in a naughty pony's butt?
  3224. >Put her in the stocks on public display.
  3225. >Ginger root up the poop-hole.
  3226. >About an hour of burning anus agony.
  3227. >Other pones can benefit from seeing an example of what happens to errant ponies who break the law.
  3228. >After an hour; if it's bad enough they get a whipping.
  3229. >Ginger root stays in their butt.
  3230. >Keeps them from clenching cheeks.
  3231. Justice is served.
  3232. Now you can go free.
  3233. Celestia loves all her subjects...even when they're bad little ponies.
  3235. @@@
  3237. Anon
  3240. >Fluttershy Is bound, her delicious butter rump exposed and forced into the air.
  3241. >You spin the paddle in your hand
  3242. >Mayor Mare looks at you and nods
  3243. >You smash that fuckin' plank of wooden into her tender bottom
  3244. >She yelps
  3245. >You bring it back and smack her again
  3246. >She starts to cry this time
  3247. >oh man this s kind of hot
  3248. >Precum deployed
  3249. >You draw your arm back for another hit
  3250. >Her soft flank is already glowing red
  3251. >You hesitate
  3252. >Judge Mare raises an eyebrow
  3253. >You drop the paddle, drop your pants, expose your erect dick
  3254. >and blast the guards with a ball of spaghetti
  3255. >Blast Fluttershy's bidings
  3256. >We rape Mayor and Judge Mare
  3257. >I rape her
  3258. >yeah
  3260. @@@
  3262. Anon
  3265. >instead of throwing Cozy to Tartarus, Starlight asks to handle her punishment
  3266. >they both walk to her office
  3267. >Starlight picks her up with magic and bends her over a desk
  3268. >Cozy panics and asks for a different kind of punishment, Starlight says she doesn't want to know what is the other option to punish her
  3269. >Starlight pulls Cozy's tail up, Cozy struggles to get free, thinking she's going to get hurt, raped or both
  3270. >she is not far away from this, as Starlight starts whapping her butt with a hoof, leaving stinging marks and making her squeak
  3271. >her panicked cries change to supressed grunts and whines, as she feels something tingly building in her loins
  3272. >Starlight doesn't notice it yet, but small droplets of Cozy's arousal trickle down filly's legs
  3273. >poor Cozy can't control her body anymore, as she reaches the first orgasm in her young life
  3274. >her rapidly winking, small slit sprays her essence all over the floor
  3275. >Starlight stops shocked, thinking she hit her too hard and poor Cozy wet herself
  3276. >but then she notices it didn't smell like pee at all, but more like a mare in heat
  3277. >she looks between Cozy's reddened buttcheeks, gently spreading them apart, unrevealing small, flushed winking filly lips
  3278. >she quickly picks up a roll of paper towel and gently wipes still shivering filly, not knowing what to say
  3279. >Cozy's orgasm dies down, and she looks at her scared spanker
  3280. >"Y-you p-pervert..."
  3281. >Starlight quickly hugs Cozy and says how sorry she is, she was unaware it'll turn her on
  3282. >this encounter was quite awkward, but both ponies agreed to keep everything that happened between them
  3283. >after presenting her flushed butt to Twilight, Cozy was forgiven, but still was expelled from the school
  3284. >nevertheless every now and then, Cozy visits Starlight's office, to help her "sort some old papers"
  3286. @@@
  3288. Anon
  3291. >so tense
  3292. >so quiet
  3293. >so much trembling for a filly who has long since accepted her fate
  3294. >she's shaking like a leaf and her hind legs are rubbing against the bedding on your right side so rapidly she's going to rugburn her frogs
  3295. >the bed is already soaking through your jeans on the left side from her tears
  3296. >and the silent heaving in her belly against your manhood
  3297. >what a cute, shapely little marshmallow
  3298. >your gentle caress of her cheeks relays your fondness
  3299. "Before my hand gets down to business, do I need to remind you why this is happening, Sweetie?"
  3300. >she shakes her head, almost subtly
  3301. >normally you'd dish out an extra swat for refusing to answer you loud and clear
  3302. >but she's so crippled by fear you let it slide this time
  3303. >you can't punish her for giving you the whimpering mess you love so much
  3304. >ironic, then, that only the threat of said punishment can reduce her to this puddle
  3305. >oh well
  3306. >you lift your hand from her cute rump
  3307. >one small mercy you never deny her: once you lift your hand, there will be no hesitating
  3308. >that yelp says you might have been a little harsh, but that just means more spanking-induced warmth to rub out of her cheeks
  3309. >yes, full-on sobbing now
  3310. >shame so much femininity is brought out by fear
  3311. >which is always worse than the smack, really
  3312. >you apply a much more purposeful touch to the massage now
  3313. >she won't be rummaging through her babysitter's things again
  3314. >unless of course your suspicions were correct...
  3315. >...and she looks forward to this just part just as much as you
  3317. @@@
  3319. Anon
  3322. >"S-Starlight, please, I can't take it, it tingles really badly! "
  3323. "For Celestia's sake, Cozy, we're in public! Can't you wait until we're back in the castle?"
  3324. >"Please do something, it's really bad today! J-just pretend I misbehaved, pull me behind bushes and do it!"
  3325. "Oh, sweet Luna' s tits, all right... *cough *, what do you think you're doing, Cozy?! You know you've just earned 30 spanks! Now trot right there, you naughty filly and stick your bum up! "
  3327. @@@
  3329. Anon
  3332. >notes sent to their parents.
  3333. Oooohh my favorite part.
  3335. That awful walk home, unable to stop thinking about the terrible sheet of paper in your saddlebag. Maybe you know exactly what it says, maybe it's sealed so you don't know how much trouble you're in.
  3336. You don't want to admit it to yourself, don't even want to say that awful, you can't go any further. But with each little foal-step you get closer to home and doom. Wild plans to escape danger race through your immature mind...running away, lying, forging a signature on the note. But every solution just leads to deeper trouble. There's no escape. Regardless of how sorry or afraid you are, this will end with you bawling and begging for the fire burning up your poor little rear end to stop.
  3338. All of a sudden you're standing in front of your own front door. The walk home from school usually feels so long, it went by in an instant today. With a deep breath and a lump in your throat the size of an apple, you reach your hoof up to the doorknob...
  3340. ...
  3342. >Scootaloo hugged her aunts and started bawling
  3343. >they opened the envelope and indeed, there was a note from a new teacher recommending to spank her for breaking a window
  3344. >they looked at the shivering filly, who's now just crying her eyes out in a panic attack
  3345. >they quicky hugged her back to calm her down
  3346. >Auntie lofty prepared a mug of tea
  3347. >Scootaloo managed to stop crying, but still she was overwhelmed with fear
  3348. >both aunts took the filly to her bedroom and asked about the accident
  3349. >it turns out it was not fully Scoot's fault, as one of younger foals accidentally bumped Scoots when she played with a ball
  3350. >nevertheless, throwing balls was not allowed inside a building school
  3351. >aunties gave a calm lecture to Scootaloo, that actually made her smile
  3352. >she gave her aunties a warm hug and said she's sorry
  3353. >when Scoots was hugging them, they quickly spun her around, and both of them gave her three quick smacks, on both buttcheeks
  3354. >the spanks were relatively light, but Scoots squeaked in surprise at the sudden sting in her butt
  3355. >she looked in shock at her aunts, but they with a smirk quickly hugged her again
  3356. >they fulfilled teacher's wish, since it was not specified how long Scoot's should be spanked
  3358. @@@
  3360. Anon
  3363. >Be Anon
  3364. >Crystal Prep Academy chad
  3365. >If there's one reason you love this school it's those plaid skirts
  3366. >It's one area Cinch is not so strict
  3367. >She lets the girls wear them way above the knee
  3368. >Sometimes a strong wind blows
  3369. >Or a girl just bends over carelessly
  3370. >You catch a glimpse of panties
  3371. >Regulation, of course
  3372. >No girl wants to get caught wearing a thong...for obvious reasons
  3373. One day;
  3374. >Dorkle Sporkle or whatever her name is clumsily trips in the hall
  3375. >Her skirt flips up for a moment
  3376. >Clean, white cotton, with just a little lace trim
  3377. >But contrasted against dark pink stripes.
  3378. >Yikes...just in that glimpse you saw at least 8 lines across the visible bottom of her cheeks
  3380. So wat do?
  3381. >Just play like you saw nothing, go on with life?
  3382. >Tease her about it mercilessly, publicly?
  3383. >Just tell the resident mean girls...they'll know what to do?
  3384. Or be nice...
  3385. >Make a good natured joke about it?
  3386. >Share the Magic of Friendship, non sexually?
  3387. >Share the Magic of Friendship, sexually?
  3388. Remember, she is a nerd so if you show her too much kindness too quickly she might sperg on you. Make sure to have some of that non-lethal restraint foam ready just in case.
  3390. @@@
  3392. Anon
  3396. 'SMACK!' 'SMACK!' 'WACK!' Went the paddle.
  3398. "Dash p-please."
  3400. >Scootaloo could only cry, beg and kick her little hooves (not that it would help).
  3402. >When Rainbow Dash brought out the paddle that was now roasting her bottom and informed her of its intended use she, Scootaloo obviously terrified and when she managed to briefly escape she had thought that she found the perfect hiding spot. Her current position over Rainbow Dash's knee and the condition of her flank proved otherwise.
  3404. "No more!"
  3406. >When Rainbow Dash eventually caught her she tried her absolute best to escape her grip. Once she tired herself out enough to realize that wasn't working she tried begging for mercy. Naturally, that also had no effect and Scootaloo soon realized that there was no getting out of this. By the time Dash (oddly slowly) got to the stool she was now getting her fanny tanned on she was already bawling.
  3408. "AHH!"
  3410. >At first, Scootaloo tried to reassure herself that Rainbow Dash was only going to give her a short paddling. Maybe ten or fifteen licks at most (she assumed that counted as short, she never got spanked before to know from experience). Unfortunately, that did not seem to be the case as two minutes later, she was still feeling that horrible wooden monstrocity inpact and flattan her well-tenderized tush.
  3412. "Stop!"
  3414. >Ranbow Dash, of course did not heed her demand and kept on paddling her just as enthusiastically as when she first swung the paddle.
  3416. >Scootaloo could feel both sweat and tears pouring down from her face and making a small puddle on the floor. The pain was just so much and her struggling so tiresome that this was quite natural. Scootaloo was most certainly getting quite the spanking. She was exhausted, in high pain and really couldn't handle much more of this.
  3418. "I can't..."
  3420. >Of course, that didn't matter as only Rainbow Dash could decide when the spanking would end and she seemed to have no intention of stopping just yet.
  3422. 'SMACK!' 'SMACK!' 'WHACK!'
  3424. ...
  3427. >Silly Dashie, you forgot to pin her tail! It would be so much easier to paddle her if you did and she certainly needs an apple red bottom.
  3428. >You should also make her sit on that stool for a few hours after your done with her.
  3430. >Naughty little fillies don't get to choose when their paddlings end. Now take your licks like a good girl, or Dashie will give your fanny a touch-up right before school. That way you can learn good behavior as you squirm on the hard wooden seats.
  3431. >Indeed. Although with the way she's getting it I don't think that it will matter too much if she gets another one right before school…
  3433. @@@
  3435. Anon
  3439. >"OW! OW! OW! Starlight!"
  3441. >Starlight was undeterred as she kept smacking that flank with her recently favourite wooden spoon.
  3443. >"Stop it, OW!"
  3445. >"I keep telling you not to waste penut butter like that, Trix!"
  3447. >"Peanut butter OW crackers are OW a perfectly normal OW type of food OW!"
  3449. >"Not the way you make it!"
  3451. >Thankfully for Trixie, she was an adult and could handle Starlight's spooning reletively well.
  3453. >Cozy giggled at the scene.
  3455. >"Don't laugh, Cozy! Your next!"
  3457. >"W-what?!"
  3459. >"I know you deliberately poured that soda on me!"
  3461. >"'Gulp' oh golly..."
  3463. >Dealing with these two ponies really got on poor Starlight's nerves sometimes.
  3465. @@@
  3467. Anon
  3470. ...
  3472. That feather...
  3474. It must belong to Windy Wistles! She must have broken the vase! Dashies face clearily shows that she dutifully found it and the evidence. I think that Dash should get to punish Windy for her excellent detective skills.
  3476. ...
  3478. >Little Rainbow Dash sat down on the chair with her hindlegs stretched outwards and her forelegs crossed looking very stern.
  3480. >"Alright mom, go get the hairbrush and come back here!"
  3482. >Windy Whistles stared at her daughter.
  3484. >"Well?"
  3486. >The older pegasus blinked.
  3488. >"The vase is broken and somepony needs a serious spankin' so go get the brush!"
  3490. >Windy shrugged and left to find her big wooden hairbrush.
  3492. >Somepony definately needed a spanking, after all.
  3494. @@@
  3496. Anon
  3499. Scootaloo kicked her arms and legs. "I wanna cookie!"
  3501. Dash stared and settled the teen filly on her back. "Holy crap, kid, you can not handle your cider!"
  3503. "Give me a cookie!" Scootaloo bit Dash.
  3505. "Little brat!" Dash kneeled, pulling her across her lap and smacking her bottom. Scootaloo wailed as her heiny turned pink beneath the smacks.
  3507. Dash sighed and pulled her into a hug. "Ask that politely?"
  3509. Scootaloo sniffled. "May I have a cookie?"
  3511. "No, cause you need to sleep this off."
  3513. "Okay." Scoots collapsed into her chest. Dash flapped her wings and ascended into the air after settling her on her back.
  3515. ...
  3517. Scootaloo yawned and held her head, only to find her side being gently stroked by familiar, blue feathers. Her head was pounding and, incongruously, her rump was lightly sore as if she'd gotten a spanking. She blushed as memories returned to her. Dash smiled at her and handed her a plate with a chocolate chip cookie. Scootaloo shrugged, thanked her and ate it.
  3519. @@@
  3521. Anon
  3524. >Teen filly cleans out her room and tries to get rid of her old manebrush.
  3525. >She doesn't use it anymore; she has a more stylish one with a domed back
  3526. >"No, you silly little filly. What if I still need to spank you?"
  3527. >"UGH! Moooom! I'm sixteen!"
  3528. >"Which is young enough to have a good, long lecture over my lap, young lady!"
  3530. @@@
  3532. Anon
  3535. While most parents prefer to take their fillies over their laps for a good spanking, that isn't how Sweetie Belle's and Rarity's family does it. "Getting ready" for a spanking isn't simply a mental preparation while Mommy or Daddy go get the brush or the spoon or the belt like it is for most fillies and colts.
  3537. "Getting ready" means getting onto the bed, and adopting the "face down ass up" position with their back legs straight and their bottoms sticking up in the air as far as they can go. Whether it's Mommy or Daddy doing the punishing, Rarity and/or Sweetie are expected to obediently keep their positions while whichever implement of choice goes to work whacking their tautly presented rears. Lots of bottom shaking and bouncing and wiggling of course always takes place, but Rarity and Sweetie are expected to keep their naughty butts high in the air no matter what while their parents spank them.
  3539. In the cases where Rares or Sweets have been extra naughty and they require a most thorough and long bottom walloping, it's usually too much for either poor filly to stay in position for the whole duration. When this happens, it becomes a team effort: Mom takes charge over pressing her daughter's head and back down into the mattress with one hoof, while the other takes tight hold of her tail and gives it a good hard tug to lift her filly's wriggling bum high into the air. With his daughter's bottom now forced into the line of fire, Daddy simply trains his spanking implement of choice to continue popping and rippling his naughty filly's round bumcheeks over and over again until they are red as a raspberry and her pleas of "Sorry" and "Pwease!" and "I'll be gooood!" devolve into mere blubbering and sobbing.
  3541. A sufficiently punished Rarity or Sweetie will be showing off their glowing red butt cheeks to all of Ponyville for at least a few days. And then, everyone will know what happens to naughty fillies in the Belle household.
  3543. @@@
  3545. Anon
  3548. ...
  3551. >What did Scoots do? Start a fight?
  3552. >Scootaloo should be glad that she doesn't have to sit on that stool with a sore bottom.
  3553. >All in due time, I suppose.
  3555. ...
  3557. Imagine the walk home with that horrible misbehavior letter riding in her saddlebag. It's only one sheet of paper but it feels like a lead brick.
  3559. At first Scoots is boastful.
  3560. >"Aww, I'm not worried, not one bit! I'll just tell Aunt Holiday how justified the fight was and she'll probably march straight down to the school and make Miss Cheerilee sit in the corner!"
  3562. But her confidence dissolves away as she gets closer and closer to home.
  3563. >"Y-You guys don't think she's gonna be mad, right?
  3564. >"I saw what happened. She can't be mad about it."
  3566. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle have little to say. Sometimes they're all in trouble together but today it's just poor Scoots in the danger zone. They offer sympathy and agree with whatever she says, but they both know what's going to happen. Their friend has gotten in trouble for schoolyard brawls before. Aunt Holiday is never amused.
  3568. Her friends peel off to their respective homes, wishing Scootaloo luck. By now she's accepted that she's gonna need it.
  3569. >"*[gulp]*"
  3570. There's the house.
  3571. Scootaloo holds her rump low, tail tucked tight against her poor defenseless rear.
  3572. >"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, I'm dead meat!"
  3573. All that boastful confidence from earlier has abandoned her.
  3574. Scoots' heart is pounding out of her little chest.
  3575. The door creaks as she opens it, like in the horror movies she's not allowed to see.
  3576. Scootaloo nervously steps inside...
  3578. >"Hi Scootaloo, how was school today?"
  3579. Another dry gulp.
  3580. It's now or never. Once Scoot thought she was being clever and hid a misbehavior note until breakfast time the next day, gambling that it was too late to get in any real trouble. Bad bet...Aunt Holiday was twice as angry and Scoot got the paddle BEFORE SCHOOL that day. She had to go to class and sit on a hard wooden seat all day with that throbbing red rump...her classmates snickering.
  3582. >It has to be now...
  3583. Already crying a little, Scootaloo draws the horrible letter form her bag...
  3585. @@@
  3587. Anon
  3590. ...
  3592. >How come nobody's ever written a spankfic based on A Royal Problem? Y'know, Glimmerbutt getting turned over the royal knee for a royal butt tanning?
  3594. >Hmmm...I suspect Sunbutt has a special way to warm up a naughty subject before her spanking.
  3596. ...
  3598. A few minutes before sunrise, before she is called to see the Princess the pitiful, penitent pony is brought out to a balcony. It can be Glimmer if you want, I don't give a fuck. Here are a set of exquisitely carved and decorated as a dollhouse but stocks nonetheless. Everything is very pretty in Celestia's private wing of the Castle...she's had a thousand years to decorate.
  3600. The nervous mare is placed in the stocks, the wooden structure rattling as she trembles. The dark night sky has turned to blue morning twilight. Then, the sun crests over the horizon.
  3602. Celestia has focused the sun's energy on this one spot. It falls with searing ferocity on the unfortunate mare's rear-end. Thin rump fur is no protection, it feels like the sun is only 6 inches from her bottom, blasting it with merciless heat.
  3604. But it's not entirely merciless.
  3605. One balcony above, Celestia listens as she takes her morning tea. A few of the maids scurry about with distracted, worried looks on their faces. The moaning and crying for mercy is horrible to listen to, but the Princess seems uneffected.
  3607. She listens carefully. She knows what she's doing. This naughty mare is getting a butt searing dose of Royal disapproval but she will not be injured or even get that bad a sunburn. Melanoma is serious business.
  3609. At last Celestia motions for it to stop. The Royal Guards release the young mare from her torment and bring her upstairs to face Her Majesty.
  3611. Heinie already red and throbbing in agony, the penitent pony bows and blubbers out a desperate apology for her misdeeds.
  3612. >"Very good, my little pony."
  3613. the Princess says with a Royal nod
  3614. >"It sounds like you're ready for your spanking to begin."
  3616. @@@
  3618. Anon
  3621. The junior paddle is a hand-me-down, while the "grown-up" paddle is customized.
  3623. >Hard Hat's 12th birthday
  3624. >It's supposed to be joyous
  3625. >And it is
  3626. >Until he unwraps a nondescript, but suspiciously heavy box to reveal a huge paddle
  3627. >Most ponies don't get their senior paddle until they're 14
  3628. >He gulps, and blushes in embarrassment as his family and friends look at him
  3629. >His friends whistle in amazement and light mockery
  3630. >His father explains
  3631. "Yer brother High Vis is 10 next moon, and he's outgrowing our hooves."
  3632. >Now High Vis blushes, even brighter than his yellow coat
  3633. >Mrs. Hat puts a positive spin on it
  3634. "Hatty, that paddle can collect dust until you move out. It's all up to you and YOUR behavior."
  3635. "Th-th... thanks, mom."
  3637. >Party continues without a hitch
  3638. >Until the prankster Squirt Flower suggests "birthday spankings", to the delight of the whole crowd
  3639. >Hard Hat's parents think it will be cute
  3640. "Alright Hardy, get your rump over the piano bench."
  3641. >His worrywart mom pipes up:
  3642. "Just play smacks, everypony. We wouldn't want to have to take Hatty's paddle for a test run so soon, would we?"
  3643. >The foals know she is serious with how her tone subtly changes
  3644. >Hard Hat moseys over to the bench and kicks his hooves in embarrassment
  3645. >He is a good sport about it though
  3646. >All his friends take turns giving him a single light swat
  3647. >Family members, even his younger brother
  3648. >High Vis is glad the tables are turned for once
  3649. >It all builds
  3650. >Hard Hat would never show it, but there is a light sting to go with the pink tinge on his grey fur
  3651. >Mom's last
  3652. "And one to grow on!"
  3653. "OW! Mooooom!"
  3654. >Hard Hat shoots off the bench, not feeling so hardy as he vigorously rubs his rump
  3655. Mr. Hat joins in on the good-natured teasing:
  3656. "And you were telling me you weren't strong enough for Hardy anymore. This paddle was worth every bit!"
  3657. >Everypony laughs
  3658. >All in good fun
  3659. "Hey Squirt, I know what we can do for YOUR birthday..."
  3661. @@@
  3663. Anon
  3666. >"Don't worry, it's not the end of the world." Said Twilight.
  3667. >"Yes it is!" Whined Starlight."
  3668. >Twilight sighed, sat down on a chair and magically lifted the little filly over her knee.
  3669. >"Just because Sunburst had to move out doesn't meen that you'll never get to see him again."
  3670. >"Really?" Asked Starlight, shifting to get a more comfortable sitting position on the alicorn's lap.
  3671. >"Yep, you can always write to him and maybe even visit him from time to time."
  3672. >Starlight finally smiled and rested her head onto Twilight's chest.
  3673. >Meanwhile, an adult version of her watched the scene from a hidden spot, with a micture of guild, sadness and frustration.
  3674. >All these years doing what she did for a problem as easily solvable as this?!
  3676. ...
  3678. >"And now." Said Twilight as she lay the filly stomache-first onto her lap. "Time for your spanking."
  3679. >"What, why?!"
  3680. >"Don't you remember how you stacked those books?! How could you treat them with such carelessness?!"
  3681. >"...What?"
  3682. >'smack smack smack'
  3683. >It was then that both Starlight's realized just how much Twilight loved books.
  3685. @@@
  3687. Anon
  3690. >Ever since the Cutie Mark Crusaders started helping other ponies with their own cutie marks, they have gotten into some awkward situations.
  3691. >Of course, they expected this and were ready for it.
  3692. >What they weren't ready for was the sheer amount of spankings they would be watching.
  3693. >Their last client, for example was a colt significantly younger then them.
  3694. >This wasn't unusual as the crusaders themselves were late bloomers.
  3695. >What was unusual was what he thought would be his mark.
  3696. >Being a night guard, specifically.
  3697. >It was a wierd thing to try but his parents let him get the crusader's help and it wasn't unusual for early bloomers to sense what their mark would be before getting it.
  3698. >Turns out the colt was wrong and was way past his curfew, which was more strict then the crusader's due to his younger age.
  3699. >The colt, of course had lied about his cerfew as evident by his angry parents after the crusaders eventually got close to their own cerfews and insisted that they escort him home to apologize to the parents for the failure.
  3700. >After a quick explanation, the three fillies found themselves sitting on a couch eating snacks that the client's mother gave them as an apology for her son's deception as his father spanked him on the opposite couch.
  3701. >All they got was a quick scolding on asking the parents first.
  3702. >And this wasn't the first time something like this happened.
  3703. >quite often, some wayward cutie mark hunting lead them to witness a client getting a sore bottom while they got off scott-free.
  3704. >Funnily enough a lot of these poor foals were their classmates or otherwhise living in Ponyville so they were sure to meet them later.
  3705. >Sometimes, the three of them joked about how they'ed soon be asked to spank their clients themselves to save their parent's the energy.
  3707. @@@
  3709. Anon
  3712. Twily is learning history which she isn't very good at. Last grade was a B- which isn't terrible, but close to a C which would've meant a spanking.
  3714. Twilight hands Mama her practice quiz she came up with. Mama sighs, shakes her head. Five incorrect answers. Twilight counts as Mama marks each one wrong with a red pen and sighs as Mama sits in the chair, calls her over.
  3716. "I know you can do better than this, Twilight." Velvet scolds pulling her over her knee. Five firm spanks fall upon her bottom, painting her purple bottom pink. Velvet sets her down, pats her head. Twilight nodded. "I will Mama." She sniffled. "I'll make you proud."
  3718. She hugged her and Velvet nuzzled her cheek.
  3720. @@@
  3722. Anon
  3725. >scared straight program for young foals
  3726. >third grade classes visit the jailhouse where judicial corporal punishment is administered
  3727. >parents had to sign permission slips
  3728. >the foals watch a wave of ponies get spanked
  3729. >and for the 80% of foals whose parents checked a certain box on the slip...
  3730. >they get one light stroke of the whip on the same punishment rack real criminals lie on
  3731. >wings strapped down tight and horns locked into inhibitor rings for pegasuses and unicorns
  3732. >in front of their whole class and the teacher!
  3733. >nowhere near full strength
  3734. >these are little ponies
  3735. >but it's strong enough to leave a mark across each pony's flanks all day
  3736. "Get your tail up so I can lock it in place, young colt. If you were a criminal that would get you extra spanks."
  3737. "He always fights me when I have to spank him"
  3738. >Colty blushes
  3739. >The judicial punishers even talk with the kids and answer questions
  3740. "How bad does it hurt?"
  3741. "These ponies are the worst of the worst. Some of them have killed. And even they are left sobbing..."
  3742. "How many of you are spanked at home?"
  3743. >Almost everypony raises a hoof
  3744. "This isn't like your parents hitting you with a hoof. We have to make these whips hurt more than anything. We can't stop just because we think somepony learned their lesson. If the doctor thinks they can take it, their bottoms get lashed!"
  3745. >the other employees comment on the ponies that did or did not get spanked
  3746. "That looks like a good one!"
  3747. "This filly could've used a swat, she won't listen to her teacher!"
  3748. ...
  3749. "How was your day at school?"
  3750. >For these ponies, the answer was written across their rumps!
  3752. @@@
  3754. Anon
  3757. >swimmin' hole
  3758. After a close call the town added an official lifeguard
  3759. Nopony likes the rules, but they begrudgingly accept that the rules are there for a reason
  3760. And if you break them?
  3761. Basic offenses are time out of the water. 10 minutes is like an hour for a young swimmer.
  3762. Middle offenses are a legitimate time out. Muzzle pressed against the lifeguard chair. Longer and more humiliating.
  3763. Big or repeat offenses are managed by spanking. The trees around the swimming hole get regular prunings from all the naughty ponies sent to pick switches. Then a time out against the chair, then they're free to go.
  3764. But not free to swim again
  3765. Any creature with visible redness on their flanks is not allowed to swim
  3766. The lifeguard moderates their swats according to how long they want the spankee out of the water
  3767. An embarrassing side-effect: those spanked at home can't swim until they heal
  3768. They can just lie on their tummies and watch their friends
  3769. It's an amusing sight waking to the water
  3770. There are always a few foals cooling off their rumps as they look at the lake
  3771. The foals don't like it but their guardians do
  3773. @@@
  3775. Anon
  3778. >Cozy Glow wasn't expecting Fluttershy of all ponies to go full on detective on her.
  3779. >She had precautions against Rarity and Twilight, but not her.
  3780. >She also didn't expect Fluttershy to call her to her cottage to show her the the letters from Tirek that she had somehow managed to find.
  3781. >But what she expected the least came after what was an obviously failed attempt to come up with a good excuse.
  3782. >She had been led upstairs, taken over her professor's knee and, well...
  3783. >... She didn't even have time to ask or process what was going on before the pain on her bottom settled in.
  3784. >This was not how Cozy expected her first ever spanking to go down.
  3785. >In fact, she never expected to get spanked ever.
  3786. >Needless to say this was not part of her plan.
  3787. >"And when were done here were gonna march straight back to the school and show the letters to Twilight!"
  3788. >While it was obvious that Fluttershy wasn't going to spank her forever, hearing her say "done here" was quite relieving to hear for the filly.
  3789. >And while she dreaded having to explain everything to Twilight, she was actually looking foreward to it because spankings appearently hurt like crazy.
  3790. >Unfortunately for her, Fluttershy was very keen on taking her time to give her naughty little student a very sore bottom.
  3792. @@@
  3794. Anon
  3797. >"Tia!"
  3798. >The filly in the cookie jar stiffens.
  3799. >You shake your head. Celestia is such a handful.
  3800. >"H-hi Anon." Celestia squeaks.
  3801. >"What did I tell you about eating cookies before lunch?"
  3802. >Her response came out muffled due to a mouthful of cookies still being chewed away in her mouth.
  3803. >You walk up to the jar containing the filly, grab her tail and lift her slightly before giving her rump a light swat.
  3804. >"Eep!"
  3805. >"Are you allowed to eat cookies before lunch?" You ask, giving her another swat. It's not hard and only serves to keep her attention away from the cookies.
  3806. >"No!"
  3807. >"Why not?"
  3808. >"It's bad for my tummy."
  3809. >"And?"
  3810. >"It's not nice to hog all the cookies?"
  3811. >"Precisely." You say, giving another light spank.
  3812. >You let go of her tail and listen with satisfaction at the lack of munching sounds.
  3813. >"Now then, can you get out?"
  3814. >Celestia squirms a bit. "No, I'm stuck!"
  3815. >You smirk deviously.
  3816. >"Getting yourself stuck in the jar?" You ask, giving her rump more swats. "What will I do with you?"
  3817. >"Let me out?" Celestia asks nervously.
  3818. >"Hmm." You pretend to think out loud. "Since your presenting your butt like this, maybe I should use my wooden spoon on it."
  3819. >"No, not that!" The filly begs, trying to squirm her way out of the jar.
  3820. >You chuckle as you pick it and her up, electing a surprised yelp from her, and carry it upstairs to your room while listening to her trying to convincing you not to punish her.
  3821. >You aren't going to spank her with the spoon. That's only a threat you sometimes jokingly give her.
  3822. >You set her down on the floor and grab the big satin ribbon you once bought for her.
  3823. >Turns out, she didn't like that gift as she preferred to keep her mane and tail plain.
  3824. >You tie the ribbon around her tail, chuckling at her attempts to bargain her way out of the "spanking".
  3825. >Soon, your finished and, after a few more quick swats to get her attention, pull her out.
  3826. >She's happy that she didn't get spooned, but is angry once she notices the ribbon.
  3827. >"Aanoon!"
  3829. @@@
  3831. Anon
  3834. >Snf snf
  3835. >Upu put your paper down to the smell of something burning.
  3836. “What the hell-?”
  3837. >Oh god, don’t actually be hell.
  3838. >You get up from the table to look for the source, and see smoke flowing into your house via opened windows from your front yard.
  3839. >Moving with haste, you go outside, and find that Cozy kid all the neighbors hate, burning your mail on your front yard.
  3840. >Its normally junk mail, but there’s a package you’ve been expecting-
  3842. >You grab your head in disbelief.
  3843. >Ypu see a snickering filly waddle up to you.
  3844. >”Hehehehe! You like it? I thought you were looking a little cold Anon~!”
  3845. “It’s the middle of summer!”
  3846. >Cozy shrugs.
  3847. >”I see. My bad. Let me put it out then.”
  3848. >She hovers over the fire, and relieves herself, quelling the flames.
  3849. >You can’t-
  3850. >Your rage is-
  3851. >This little fucker has been terrorizing the neighborhood for years, and her parents won’t do shit about it, BUT THAT ENDS TODAY MY NIGGA.
  3853. >You look to her, eyes brimming with vitriol and-
  3854. >”Cuu owe! Do it”
  3855. >She’s already bound and gagged herself, presenting her plot for punishment.
  3856. >”Wee? Goe owe! Span eh!”
  3858. Do you?
  3860. @@@
  3862. Anon
  3865. >Bright Mac sneaks onto the Pear Family farm
  3866. >Hides in the bushes
  3867. >Sits heartbroken outside Buttercup's window
  3868. >Hears her sobbing, pitiful begging
  3869. >Hears Maw & Grand Pear's harsh scolding
  3870. >Mac wishes he could help
  3871. >But he can't...this misbehavior didn't involve him
  3872. >Some silly teenage filly shenanigans she & Chiffon Swirl got into
  3873. >Mac could only make things worse by interfering
  3874. >Then, the first horrible snap
  3875. >Ouch...Bright Mac knows what a belt feels like
  3876. >Awful that poor Buttercup is getting it for something so trivial (in his opinion)
  3877. >He would gladly take a thousand lashes to spare her delicate rear just one
  3878. >Her shapely, pert rear...
  3879. >Her toned, soft, perfect rear...
  3880. >Stop thinking about touching her butt!
  3881. >Mac snaps himself out of it
  3882. >Now he feels guilty about perving while his love is suffering
  3883. >He missed the ending
  3884. >He can hear Pear Butter still crying
  3885. >A gentler lecture now from her folks
  3886. >Sniffling and gulping, Buttercup gives all the required answers to their rhetorical questions
  3887. >Mac hates this part
  3888. >Just when you wanna be left alone to be miserable...more lecturing
  3889. >Finally they leave Pear Butter alone to grieve
  3890. >Mourn for her poor ruined rump
  3891. >When he thinks it's safe, Mac throws a few pebbles at her window
  3892. >It makes a huge racket because he's a big goof
  3893. >But no pony but Buttercup notices
  3894. >She comes to the window, wipes her tears and smiles
  3895. "You idiot, now get out of here before my Pa catches you!
  3896. "He'll beat the tar out of you and spank me all over again!"
  3897. >Mac says he loves her, and runs off
  3898. >She is still sore and swollen, but happy
  3900. >He doesn't know she does the same thing when he gets in trouble.
  3902. @@@
  3904. Anon
  3907. Judicial reform in Equestria. No longer will convicts be subjected to a humiliating public whipping. Most convicts will receive their punishment in a semiprivate dungeon. Their front halves, anyway. Their rear-ends are stuck through the new portal stocks the Princesses commissioned. As before, penitent ponies are whipped on the rump in stocks in the middle of Canterlot Square. This has a deterrent effect on would-be lawbreakers, as well as ensuring prisoners' rights by preventing a secret punishment from being too harsh.
  3909. The humiliation of a face being associated with the rump was too much. They can scream and cry all they want in the dungeon, and nopony but the guard staff will know whose rump was shaking and quivering in fear with every stroke. Adult prisoners' rumps have make-up applied to prevent identification by cutie mark. They are lucky: this also means the swats will be on the more fleshy rump, not the less-protected thighs. Teenage ponies are a grey area... up to the judge and the guards. If a teenager commits a big crime, is belligerent, or breaks the law to be "cool" (for example, graffiti), they may not have anonymity of backside.
  3911. The make-up doesn't always mask their identities. Those who know the pony are likely to know what their bottom looks like, especially if they have a rare coloration.
  3913. Because an adult pony receiving a spanking is more embarrassing than it would be for a teen (after all, most teens still receive corporal punishment in private or in school), only the most evil adult crimes are punished with a fully public whipping.
  3915. Punished ponies are left in the portal-stocks for a few hours with their tails locked above them, so everypony can see what each criminal has wrought upon their flanks.
  3917. @@@
  3919. Anon
  3922. Young royal pony has a formal event in the evening. Let's say a colt named Freedom Field because that's different.
  3924. Early in the morning.
  3925. >Mom! Can I go play?
  3926. >Brush your mane and tail first, young colt. We have to look our best tonight.
  3927. >Ugh, fine!
  3928. >And don't play too rough! We don't want you getting dirty!
  3930. Colty scurries off to the bathroom to "brush" his mane and tail. Two strokes each and he thinks he's ready. He can get cleaned up before the event and nopony will ever know!
  3932. He runs off, leaving a puff of smoke in his wake.
  3934. Then uh-oh. He loses track of time. A member of the palace staff collects him after an "all-foals-bulletin" is sent out. He's covered in dirt from running through the royal gardens. Twigs and dirt in his mane and tail, which are unbrushed.
  3936. >Child, what have you gotten into? Don't you know that the social is in two hours?!
  3937. Colt feels his ear grabbed in a pinch of magic, and is dragged unceremoniously to his parents' bedroom.
  3939. >I found him playing in the gardens. Seems the little brat got -dirty-
  3940. (swat)
  3941. >running through the bushes. What shall I do with him?
  3943. >Freedom Field! What have you gotten into!? Didn't I tell you to get cleaned up and not play rough? Your mane is messier than it was this morning!
  3945. >Mom, I'll go get cleaned up now...
  3946. >It's too late for that, young stallion. There's no time for a little colt to clean up the mess you've made. Patient Love, take him to the bathing quarters and help the maids make him presentable. Use your judgement. And make sure his "tail" gets a good brushing too.
  3948. >As you wish, Your Grace. C'mere you naughty boy...
  3949. This time, she pulls him by the tail to certain doom.
  3951. Anyone want to run with this?
  3953. Further ideas for our sorry colty...
  3954. The maids have to stop bathing lesser ponies, this is an "all hooves on deck" emergency
  3955. The maids and their bathees are none too happy with the colt
  3956. The wet bathers are happy to watch him be forcefully "dealt with"
  3957. To save time, he gets his mane and coat brushed out WHILE getting a bare-behind brush spanking! Unlike a normal spanking, this one is slow and methodical, merely building up a warm rump over time. That way his hoofy-kicks don't hit the maids.
  3958. Plenty of embarassing bathing, with the maids getting every inch of his body. Behind and inside the ears, all over his hindquarters (privates if you want), everything. Mouth soaping for being a little brat.
  3960. When he's finally clean, the wet-bottomed colt is quickly transformed into a proper red-bottomed colty. The swats before were just a warm-up. He's passed from maid to maid for some swats since he was annoying to so many of them. The bathers laugh.
  3962. "Hmm... this won't do. You need to cover up your shame to avoid scandal."
  3963. But due to how long the cleanup took, the only clothes readily accessible before the social are... little fillies' clothes! Our colt ends up forced into a frilly dress with matching panties. Maids give him eyeliner and makeup so he "looks the part".
  3965. @@@
  3967. Anon
  3970. >One day, a young unicorn moves into town.
  3971. >Turns out that this particular foal is very talented at magic, can hide spank marks with it and is all too willing to help the other kids get out of their punishments.
  3972. >He/she also has parents who are unwilling to punish her for it/is an orphan.
  3973. >It's also unfeasable to keep getting a good enough unicorn to constantly cast disenchantments on every recreational facility on a daily basis.
  3974. >How will the adults handle this new crisis?
  3976. ...
  3978. >Ponyville's adults eventually find out what's going on.
  3979. >Naturally, their not happy about this and end up confronting our disruptive unicorn.
  3980. >"I don't see what the big deal is. They already got punished so its not fair for them to have to suffer more, plus I like helping my friends. Maybe your all just jealous of my magic skills!"
  3981. >It would be improper (and possibly illegal) to just randomly spank someone else's foal without any sort of permission and sadly, they couldn't get much luck with the foal's guardians.
  3982. >Eventually, its Twilight (or Starlight or any other magically skilled creature) who comes up with a solution.
  3983. >Seeing the young unicorn's pride and interest in magic, she offers to tutor them on the subject.
  3984. >The catch is that the mark hidings stop and Twilight or the selected magic user gets to punish the unicorn should he or she break his or her promise or use or use magic in a wrong way.
  3985. >Unable to resist the chance to learn from such a talented mage, the unicorn reluctantly agrees.
  3986. >Later, Ponyville's foals try bribing the unicorn into using his/her magic for various naughty things, but mostly for spank mark hiding.
  3987. >Now the new question is how many times will this unicorn need to be spanked for accepting bribes?
  3989. @@@
  3991. Anon
  3994. >Rainbow Dash and Applejack have a longstanding rivalry that traces back to their fillyhood.
  3995. >Even then, they would always compete in everything.
  3996. >Even the strangest of things.
  3997. >Like in one day, when the two were playing near the foundation of what would eventually be the barn.
  3998. >Rainbow was told to be careful around it as it could easily collapse.
  3999. >She didn't heed it and after some careless flying, it collapsed.
  4000. >Naturally Granny Smith, who had permission to spank Rainbow in such cases, wasn't all to pleased.
  4001. >Just before she could get to work on Rainbow's bottom, Applejack spoke up.
  4002. >"Ah' did it too!"
  4003. >This was a lie. Applejack was completely innocent in the matter.
  4004. >Nevertheless she ended up convincing Granny to spank her alongside Dash.
  4005. >Did she lie so that her friend wouldn't have to suffer alone? Did she feel guilt over not Dash from being so careless? Did she do something else that was too embarressing to admit but felt that she needed to be punished for it?
  4006. >Heck no! Applejack just wanted to prove that she could take a spanking better then Rainbow Dash.
  4007. >It was a draw. Neither could hold back their tears any more then the other and both were sniffling equally in the corner.
  4008. >This was not the last time they would lie to share the blame for each others actions. They were simply too competetive to give up on trying to win.
  4010. @@@
  4012. Anon
  4015. >I can imagine a play with spanking that the director insists must be realistic.
  4016. >And the brattiest prima donna would be the one to take it. For a theatre student this is wish fulfillment.
  4018. ...
  4020. >"That kid" guns for the lead role, as they always do
  4021. >They're practically a horse-shoe-in
  4022. >Annoying as they are, no other student comes close
  4023. >The director gives them the part
  4024. >The director smirks as she writes the cast list
  4025. >The diva who so desperately wanted the part must not know the play
  4026. >There's a spanking scene smack in the middle of the play
  4027. >And she will mandate realism
  4028. >A matinee and a night show, every day for 2 weeks
  4029. >Plus all the rehearsals
  4030. >The director hoped the other pony in the scene wouldn't get the spanking right the first time!
  4032. @@@
  4034. Anon
  4037. >If you can go back in time and make one proper on-screan spanking happen anywhere in the show, animated, voiced and everything, who would it be between and under what circomstances?
  4038. >Cozy would be perfect for this.
  4040. ...
  4042. >School Raze.
  4043. >The CMC just got out of the closet and everything happened as it did in the show until Celestia starts mentioning Cozy.
  4044. >"As for Cozy Glow, she may end up returning."
  4045. >"What?!" The students, Neighsay and the CMC shout out.
  4046. >Celestia puts a hoof up. "But worry not, after my sister finishes with her, she won't be causing any more trouble."
  4047. >Twilight gives the same grin at this as she gave in the show.
  4048. >The scene transitions to show the door to Luna's room in Canterlot Castle.
  4049. >Muffled smacking and sounds of pain can be heard.
  4050. >Slow transition inside the room with the camera pointing forward high up in the ceiling.
  4051. >The same sounds that were heard outside are much louder and clearer in here.
  4052. >Just as we start to hear some begging coming from a familiar voice, the camera starts panning down.
  4053. >The first thing we see besides the room itself is Luna's long flowing mane and a raised hoof that quickly goes back down followed by a loud "OWCH!".
  4054. >And as it slowly pans down even further, we get to see the princess’s stern expression and her entire hoof as it raises upwards once again.
  4055. >A second later, we see Cozy Glow on her lap. Her position, expression and red rump leaving little room for imagination.
  4056. >We hear one last "NOOO!" from her as the screen fades to black in a circle transition with the circle either closing down on her rump, stopping briefly and quickly closing just as Luna's hoof impacts her bottom or on her face without any pauses.
  4057. >Roll credits.
  4059. ...
  4061. Maybe this would change up S9 quite a bit unless Discord's dickery requires a second, more public version of this event in finale, but it would certainly be more fitting for a filly. Maybe the imagined camera shots could also work.
  4063. @@@
  4065. Anon
  4068. >A young colt who shoplifted gets sentenced to the stocks.
  4069. >It's only for an hour and its a padded one so its not so bad on its own.
  4070. >No, what it bad is of course, the paddle placed right next to it.
  4071. >Ponies willing to donate get to give the offender a few swats with it.
  4072. >The money goes back to repairing the damages done by the perpetrator.
  4073. >In this case, since the items were taken back and the damage was minimal, it will go to a charity organization.
  4074. >An exception to this is family members, who get to spank the colt for free and get to give extra swats as well.
  4075. >The colt's parents do not particularely care to punish him. They are rather absent.
  4076. >Who does is his teenage older brother, who is the first to grab the paddle and, despite his younger age, gives him the hardest licks.
  4077. >He knows that his parents won't even lecture his little brother so he feels like he has to do the job of punishing him.
  4078. >This may seem a little bit hypocritical as he himself got put in the stocks when he was younger for a bigger crim.
  4079. >The thing is that he's a better pony now and would rather his brother get the harshest punishment possible so he doesn't end up like he used to be.
  4080. >Funny thing is the guard watching over the procedure was the same one who caught him all those years ago.
  4081. >Such incidents can often be found in these sorts of punishments.
  4083. @@@
  4085. Anon
  4088. Imagining little fillies and colts running around with spanked rumps that everycreature can see makes me so happy.
  4090. Apple Bloom:
  4091. >Yeeesh! Remind me to never get on your sister's bad side!
  4092. Sweetie Belle:
  4093. >Don't remind me.
  4095. As little ponies get over their punishment, eventually their worries fade away and they're back happily running around, playing, heading to the store to fetch something for their guardians, and so on. They almost forget their backsides entirely, until they step a certain way and feel the pain light up again, or another creature makes a comment on it. Then they blush and get butterflies all over again, remembering themselves crying and bent over as smack after smack rained against their poor bottoms.
  4097. Even worse, most creatures in Ponyville fully approve of a good hard spanking as a valuable teaching tool. They know all too well the pain of a good spanking, and they know it taught them well. They are sympathetic, but only up to a point:
  4098. >I hope you learned your lesson, kid! Whatever it was I know ya deserved it!
  4100. Sweetie Belle squirms and vows that her manebrush will only be used on her mane from now on. She's hated that brush ever since she and Rarity picked it up from Crimson Brush's shop. Sweetie hates every conversation with that zebracorn. She always asks how the brush is working, and Rarity is happy to report that it's keeping Sweetie Belle's "tail" "well in line and easy to manage". Both Crimson and Rarity share a chuckle at Sweetie's expense.
  4102. Sweetie has made the same mane-only promise to herself after every one of her punishments in the past... will this time be different?
  4104. @@@
  4106. Anon
  4109. Parent takes their foals to the hardware store. Asks for assistance picking out the right type of wood.
  4111. >What project are you fixin' to do?
  4112. >I'd like to make a nice paddle for my little ponies.
  4113. To the foals' horror, the employee is an accomplished woodworker.
  4114. >Made several paddles myself, as a matter'a fact.
  4116. >You want maple wood. Sturdy, won't splinter, solid grain structure.
  4117. Parent thanks the stallion for his advice and grabs a piece of wood.
  4118. Parent blabbers to the cashier about what the wood is for.
  4119. She smiles, looking at the two ponies who would surely be spanked with it.
  4120. The foals are on their best behavior on the way home.
  4122. The gulped whenever they saw their parent heading out to their shed.
  4124. But little ponies always make mistakes eventually.
  4125. They were acquainted with their new paddle.
  4126. They didn't like it one bit.
  4128. Their parent thought it was the best thing they ever bought - they made a point of thanking the employee next time they were at the hardware store.
  4130. @@@
  4132. Anon
  4135. What if middle high schools in Equestria had a special pony, who shared a position of a psychologist and a spanker for foals? So they are there to help the young ponies to deal with their problems - from feeling down, talking about a bully to dealing with too much hormones/adrenaline buzzing in their bodies.
  4136. A spanker like that would not be necessary feared, but actually liked by foals and a spanking would be for a foal just a more stinging way to get better and continue the classes.
  4138. >one day you would hear that a helping mare would listen to a sad filly who felt overwhelmed by tests and expectations, they would have a nice, helping talk that could help the filly
  4139. >one day you could hear sharp squeaks and slaps coming from a helping mare's office. You would look outside of your window and see a local colt bully's face in mare's window, eyes closed and biting his lips as a leather paddle slapped hius behind. After that you would see the bully being gently led inside of the office, probably to have a calm talk between two ponies
  4140. >and one sunny and warm day, you would see the helping mare quietly leading a heavily blushing older filly, to go behind a huge oak growing on the school grounds. You would have a great view on everything - the place would be secluded from the school grounds and the streets, but from above you could see everything. A mare would whisper something to the filly's ear, then the young girl would position herself, leaning against the tree trunk and moving her tail, to reveal glistening lips and clenching ponut. The mare would simply smile and magic a wide wooden ruler close to the shivering buttcheeks. Rapid swings and nasty slaps would make the filly yelp and squeak, until her hindlegs shivered and she collapsed on the grass. You could faintly hear a spurts of liquid hitting the soil, but the view would be obstructed by a hoof of a smiling, helping mare gently massaging the roasted buttcheeks. After a quick talk and wiping filly's crotch with a fresh tissue, both would go back to the school building
  4142. @@@
  4144. Anon
  4147. Sweetie cuddles with her giant teddy bear. Then finds herself turned over its lap. What's going on? Then lifts her tail and starts hitting her rump. Swat, swat, swat. It hurts just as bad as her dad!
  4149. The spanking is over, but her torment continues. The Teddy escorts her outside. It buys a paddle from an outdoor stand and tests it on her in the middle of the street. Everypony sees her and laughs. She screams.
  4151. She wakes up screaming. She vows to tell her parents about the misbehavior that caused her nightmare in the morning. Even if it means a real sore rump.
  4153. Another mission accomplished for Luna.
  4155. @@@
  4157. Anon
  4160. >Sandbar's friends are preparing for his birthday.
  4161. >They hear that some ponies practice birthday spankings.
  4162. >This is something Sandbar's family doesn't do, but they don't know that.
  4163. >So naturally, they ambush and pin down the poor colt in his dorm room and each of them give his butt smacks equal to his age.
  4164. >Sadly, they don't know how harsh these are supporsed to be.
  4165. >Gallus, Yona and Smolder in particular hive some real stingers.
  4166. >Besides that, it was a fun birthday.
  4168. @@@
  4170. Anon
  4173. Diamond figured out a way to get out of her daddy's spankings.
  4175. He always pats her head and gives her a breath mint after.
  4177. She still misbehaves.
  4179. He bends her over.
  4181. Not a spanking, but it still hurts her butt.
  4183. But after he goes between her legs.
  4185. Better than a breath mint.
  4187. @@@
  4189. Anon
  4192. Speaking of malice paddles, among the fillies and colts, there is the legend of the eternity paddle. Forged by the most evil pony to have ever lived, he used said paddle on his foals every night, it is said that a single strike from this paddle is as if your entire body is bathed in fire, and that single moment of white hot agony stretches out a thousand years long. It is said that after the unicorn died, the paddle was sold, and now it moves from place to place, being passed from hoof to hoof, never staying in one place too long, always searching for that next victim, any day you could be next, your parents may come across an Innocent looking paddle, and feel drawn too it, soon to be used on you.
  4194. @@@
  4196. Anon
  4199. >museum
  4200. This gave me a wierd idea.
  4202. >A new museum has opened up in a big city recently (any city you want).
  4203. >It's about historical punishments.
  4204. >It includes exhibits of various types of punishments that were common throughout the years and the tools that were used for them.
  4205. >Recently, the city council got some extra use for the museum.
  4206. >Some particularely naughty juvinile offenders could now get a new type of punishment.
  4207. >First, they would get a good spanking with a pre-selected implement.
  4208. >Then, they would recieve a paralysis spell.
  4209. >This spell would do nothing but keep them unable to move. It also has precautions to keep the body healthy and comfortable (except for the spanked bottom, that would remain sore).
  4210. >It would only last a day without anything going wrong, but thats all thats needed.
  4211. >The offender would then be placed in an exhibit in some traditional spanking-related position.
  4212. >It could be over the knee of a manaquin or standing in a corner. Naturally, the implement used on them is always visible in some creative way.
  4213. >Visitors can look at them like any other exhibit. Spankings are of course, traditional and historical punishments used throughout Equestrian history, after all.
  4214. >This, of course, would only last a day, although given the museum's popularity, the offender may be reminded of the event for years to come.
  4216. @@@
  4218. Anon
  4221. >Finale happened, Cozy's stoned.
  4222. >Thankfully, she's due for a parole after a certain time.
  4223. >Cozy's given an option.
  4224. >She can "work" as an "exhibit" for the punishment museum as a sentenced offender.
  4225. >Each day she does so drastically reduces the time until she can get a parole.
  4226. >It's up to her how much she's willing to get spanked, petrified and placed in the museum.
  4227. >Only days count, so she can't cheat the system.
  4228. >Of course, anything to keep her healthy and uninjured besides a red, sore rump is guerenteed, just like with any other juvinile offender sentenced there.
  4229. >How much would she be willing to let her tush and pride to suffer for that much earlier parole?
  4231. @@@
  4233. Anon
  4236. On my class trips, people were threatened with being chaperoned by a teacher or principal if they misbehaved. Be good and you can just chill with your buddies.
  4238. In pony world, that could translate to a naughty pony being taken from their peer group. They get a spanking and for the rest of the day/trip are escorted by an adult. At the start of the day, a teacher can enjoy the museum alone. By the end, there's the adorable sight of one teacher leading a few red-bottomed foals to each exhibit. Akin to a mother duck leading her ducklings.
  4240. @@@
  4242. Anon
  4245. >That is my apprentice. The lad may not look like much now but someday he will do great things.
  4246. >If I can ever teach him to stop going through my grimoires.
  4247. >A bit chubby, I agree. He gets plenty of exercise, certainly while he is kicking the air when I am disciplining him. Puberty will flatten him out.
  4248. >No, I shall not retrieve him yet. The lesson needs time to sink in for a colt that headstrong. Perhaps being seen by you will also be a fortuitous happenstance in the boy's development.
  4249. >It is a humorous hue. When he is quite naughty I make it sick on him a few days. Some pain as a reminder as well.
  4250. >Sometimes I wish I had a filly apprentice, for fillies do not need posterior punishment...
  4252. @@@
  4254. Anon
  4257. >Cloudchaser is foalsitting Rumble
  4258. >He does something silly and gets spanked
  4259. >An hour later, knock on the door
  4260. >Message from the hospital
  4261. >A cart driver collided with Flitter
  4262. >Cloudchaser scribbles out a note and drags Rumble to the hospital
  4263. >By the ear at first, he's embarrassed about his red rump
  4265. >Mom, Dad, Flitter, Cloudchaser are all there
  4266. >She's safe, she'll live, but they don't know how much she'll be able to move post recovery
  4267. >F is a bit loopy from painkillers and stress
  4268. >She perks up seeing Rumble, equally her foal-sit-ee as her sister's
  4269. >Baby got his bottom smacked
  4270. >F isn't talking normally but everyone understands the extra embarrassing question
  4271. >Gory details explained
  4272. >C takes out the manebrush from her saddlebag and shows it
  4273. >After some of that the parents sense Rumble's discomfort
  4274. >Unable to find a sitter on short notice, they pass the time with stories of their daughters' misbehavior and spankings
  4275. >Some much more recent than the daughters let on (thanks, makeup)
  4276. "Cloudchaser learned how much her brush stings when I used it on her behind. You're in good company, Rumble."
  4277. >Mom sets up a projector and a movie for the family and Rumble while dad finds somepony in the neighborhood to take Rumble home and watch him for an hour or two
  4278. >Light Prism, a family friend picks him up and watches him
  4279. >He feels like a foal, she hasn't watched him since he was little
  4281. >Parents come home and the old windbag talks their ears off about everything
  4282. "What about the spanking?"
  4283. "Mr. Flitter didn't say nothing about a spanking..."
  4284. >Mr. Rumble takes charge.
  4285. (SWAT)
  4286. "Start talking, buster."
  4287. >And then Rumble has to say why Cloudchaser punished him, right before he gets sent off to bed
  4289. @@@
  4291. Anon
  4294. >"Diamond Tiara, you are grounded!"
  4295. >"But daddy!"
  4296. >"And I'm cutting your allowance."
  4297. >"But I wanted to buy the-"
  4298. >"You can buy it after you proved that you can stop being naughty."
  4299. >"But-"
  4300. >"Now, go to your room and think about what you did."
  4301. >'Huff' S'not fair!
  4302. >Actions have consequences, princess.
  4303. >'grumble' I only threw two rocks.
  4304. >Wait, two?!
  4305. >Oh, uh...
  4306. >In that case.
  4307. >D-daddy why are you rolling that chair back?
  4308. >...
  4309. >Hey! Daddy, I'm too young to be scruffed!
  4310. >...
  4311. >I d-don't th-think y-y-you need to s-s-sit back down.
  4312. >...
  4313. >P-please?
  4315. @@@
  4317. Anon
  4320. >All the mane 6 assisted a mysterious builder
  4321. >Twilight on magic balance
  4322. >Applejack on engineering
  4323. >Rainbow Dash on aerodynamics
  4324. >Fluttershy on comfortable positions and how to secure the pony on it
  4325. >Rarity on how to disrobe whoever was on it
  4326. >Pinkie Pie on how to make it a spectacle
  4328. >Nopony realized her friends were working on the same device
  4329. >Nopony wondered what it was for, since they worked on such a small piece and couldn't understand what it was
  4331. >One day Celestia comes to town
  4332. >That mysterious builder was her employee
  4333. >The Mane 6 all made mistakes that had gone uncorrected
  4334. >Unfortunately for them, their work on the spanking machine was flawless
  4335. >One by one they were loaded into it, while the others watched
  4336. >Realizing too late that each pony's contribution made it all the more painful and physically sound
  4338. Inspired by the movie Cube
  4340. ...
  4342. >Celestia looked over the machine that her student and her friends unknowingly designed.
  4343. >Soon, they would pay for their mistakes.
  4344. >The princess smiled as she put a hoof on it,
  4345. >it looked and felt pretty comfortable.
  4346. >In one of the greatest lapses of judgment she has made in perhaps over a hundred years, she decided to take a seat on it.
  4347. >Suddenly, a number of magical arms suddenly popped out while simultaneously a strange magical field that acted as some sort of a pony magnet kept her in place.
  4348. >Before she could react, one of the hands put a magic dampener ring on her horn and she was dragged to the spanking position that the element bearers were scheduled to be in.
  4349. >And then, Celestia got to be the very first tester of the machine as the mechanical paddles started up.
  4350. >Needless to say, she did not enjoy it.
  4351. >Had she asked asked the engineers how it worked, she would have known that it activated when a penitent pony sat or laid on it.
  4352. >Of course, there was a safety feature where a jolt of magic was also needed for it to start.
  4353. >Unfortunately, Celestia's magic was so strong that it accidentally bypassed that requirement.
  4354. >And so, she had no choice but to take her unintended flank pounding.
  4355. >The storage room she was in was far under the castle that none of the staff would hear her, even if she were to use the royal Canterlot voice.
  4356. >And the only time anypony had a reason to go in there was to get the machine for the scheduled punishment.
  4357. >Which was three days from then.
  4358. >Celestia's only hope was that a search party would soon find and free her, as humiliating as that would be.
  4359. >Otherwise...
  4360. >Celestia hoped that her hightened durability would hold up.
  4362. @@@
  4364. Anon
  4367. >I don't get why I have to come here.
  4368. Rainbow Dash huffed.
  4369. >You saw the decree. The numbers don't lie.
  4370. >She's right. For how much mischief you get into, you should be punished twice as much as you have been.
  4371. Rainbow tugged against the rope-leash, but the royal guards held it strong.
  4372. Her friends escorted her to the Canterlot punishment chamber. Today would be ferociously painful, but at least her friends were by her side.
  4374. @@@
  4376. Anon
  4379. New law. Every non-adult creature must have their hind sensitivity tested. All future spankings must be calibrated against a "standard rump." Most creatures are happy, thinking they will get less spanks. The test will finally show what they've known all along, that their parents and guardians spank too hard.
  4381. The test shows no such ting for most creatures. The spankings can continue just as hard. A few lucky creatures really are more sensitive, and their parents can no longer spank as hard.
  4383. But then there are the 20% of creatures whose test results indicate, through science and magic, that their butts are not as sensitive as their peers. "Spank away," the Canterlot nobles insist. It's not fair to the other creatures to have unequal punishment for the same crime. Now their parents spank them harder and longer than before.
  4385. Rubbing their flanks, those 20% wish they never got tested.
  4387. @@@
  4389. Anon
  4394. Applejack and Apple Bloom sit under the sign on a bench in a small shop. AJ has a smug grin on her face, partially covered by her hat. She's relaxing with her hooves behind her head, looking down and to the right at her sister. Apple Bloom is blushing and shrunken down in her seat.
  4396. To their left, behind a pane of glass, a big, stocky stallion is woodworking at a lathe.
  4398. To their right, there's a pony measuring device which is at Apple Bloom's height.
  4400. @@@
  4402. Anon
  4405. >ywn pin Sweetie Belle on your lap with her little bubble butt in the air
  4406. >ywn spank and spank that naughty little flank with your wooden hairbrush
  4407. >ywn listen to her squeaks and squeals and crying while you punish her
  4408. >ywn tan that filly flank bright red while she kicks her cute little hoofsies and squirms her cute little rump all around your knees
  4409. >ywn spank her until her her squirming and kicking slows down and her yowling turns into sobbing and panting with exhaustion
  4410. >you will never CONTINUE spanking naughty Sweetie's little bubble behind past the point of her sweaty exhaustion
  4411. >ywn finally finish Sweetie Belle's spanking and spend an hour cuddling with her on the couch while she says how sorry she is over and over
  4412. >ywn gently rub her beet red tushie and whisper into her ear how she's a good girl who took her hard spanking very well
  4414. Feelsbadman.jpg
  4416. ...
  4418. >YWN have Rarity come in while your mercilessly paddling her sister.
  4419. >YWN have Sweetie Belle's sister take her away from your lap while screaming profanities at you.
  4420. >YWN see her looking up at you angrily as she's hugging the filly.
  4421. >YWN have her loudly contemplating having you arrested.
  4422. >YWN see her look at you deviously as if she got some sort of evil idea.
  4423. >YWN get overpowered by a mare far smaller then you are.
  4424. >YWN get your pants and underwear get literally ripped off by said mare.
  4425. >YWN have that mare paddle your bottom with extreme prejudice.
  4426. >YWN be put into a situation where you can't stop screaming in pain due to Rarity's surprisingly hard hitting brushwork.
  4427. >YWN get humiliated in various other spanking related ways by cute ponies.
  4429. Sucks, doesn't it?
  4431. @@@
  4433. Anon
  4436. >OOOOW! Anon, are you done yet?
  4437. >Not yet. The edges of your rump aren't red enough.
  4438. >But it hurts!
  4439. >Calm down. I'm almost done. ... Perfect! You look great!
  4441. For reasons Rainbow Dash couldn't understand, anything Anon drew on his tablet instantly appeared on her body, as if she had experienced it herself. It was nice when he preened her, but after knocking over Anon's birdfeeder for the third time in a week, Anon found another use for his tablet that Dashie did not like.
  4443. ...
  4445. >ANON! Can't I at least get a break before you try a new shading style?
  4447. Her tail is a little better at covering up this spanking, but there's still the tell-tail sign of the "less spanked" lower rump.
  4449. ...
  4451. >Don't make me go out there!
  4452. >Calm down. You can't even see it.
  4453. >Yes you can! Everypony will think I'm a bratty filly!
  4454. >Are they wrong?
  4455. Dash shakes her tail and tries to find a new position that somehow hides the evidence of her misbehavior while scowling at you.
  4456. >Look, it's barely visible. Ponies will just think you got burned.
  4457. >Ponies aren't monkeys! We don't get sunburned like you. Are they supposed to think I got my rump burned?
  4458. >Well, didn't you?
  4459. >ANON!
  4460. She blushes.
  4461. >Last chance, Dashie. Come out now or we'll take a few minutes here and make sure everypony can see what a bright red spanked bottom looks like.
  4463. >Good filly. Do we need the leash today?
  4465. @@@
  4467. Anon
  4470. >SciTwi BEGS her parents to go to science camp down south
  4471. >It's sponsored by a local magnet school
  4472. >Little does she know that down there, school corporal punishment is legal
  4473. >And that extends to extracurriculars
  4474. >She wants to punch the shop class kids who made the paddle now roasting her bottom
  4476. bottom inspection with the other girls in her cabin after
  4478. @@@
  4480. Anon
  4484. Rainbow begrudgingly agreed. A bet was a bet, after all.
  4485. Once in the yoke, Applejack got out the whip.
  4486. Rainbow pulled against the tack.
  4487. Nothing budged.
  4488. She heard the wind whistle behind her.
  4490. ...
  4492. >Rainbow getting tied up at a trough outside for dinner
  4493. >Rainbow having to sleep in the barn
  4494. >Rainbow refusing to go into town with the cart
  4495. "It's too embarrassing!"
  4496. >10 good cracks of the whip up and down her rump improved her attitude
  4497. >She huffed and puffed and pulled the cart into Ponyville's downtown
  4498. >Each step pulled her haunches tight and caused them to erupt in painful protest
  4499. >Whenever she slowed down, Applejack cracked the whip next to her rump as a warning to speed up
  4500. >Now Rainbow was tied up at the backdoor to the hardware store
  4501. >Two stocky ponies came out with a cart of tools to load onto the wagon
  4502. >One of them released their hold on the cart when they saw her
  4503. "What happened to YOU, Rainbow Dash?"
  4504. "She's m"
  4505. >AJ puts a hoof in her mouth.
  4506. "Nothin' of yer concern. A private matter between friends. And if she goes *mouthin' off*, we'll stop at Rarity's and get a bit fitted for her so she can focus on her chores."
  4507. >After loading, the ponies get a look at Rainbow's backside.
  4508. "Phew! That smarts!"
  4509. "Ain't nothin' worse than any naughty filly gets on Sweet Apple Acres. Now c'mon, Rainbow, I need some hay."
  4510. >Applejack gets on the wagon
  4511. "Hya!"
  4512. >She smacks the whip on Rainbow's rear-end right in front of the two employees
  4513. >Rainbow gallops off, trying to save any shred of dignity she can.
  4515. @@@
  4517. Anon
  4520. >Twilight allowed Cozy some leniency for her punishment.
  4521. >In her infinite kindness, rather then keeping the filly as a statue, she set up a donation booth.
  4522. >One bit donated allowed for one swat to her buttocks.
  4523. >The money donated would go to paying the costs of the repair efforts to the damage done by Cozy and her allies in their last scheme and compensating the ponies who got hurt or lost something because of it.
  4524. >Cozy was placed in in elevated stockings to allow for easy swatting, much to her dismay.
  4525. >Twilight herself waited at the booth for potential donations.
  4526. >The young filly could only grumpily look forward, awaiting the inevitable bum roasting.
  4527. >She had already gotten a taste of it from Twilight, who gave her personal donation right after securely and comfortably setting Cozy up on the stocks.
  4528. >As she was still feeling the uncomfortable sting that first swat gave her, Cozy wished that her hind legs and tail weren't restrained so she could at least have kicked the mare for hitting her.
  4529. >She didn't even know how long this would take as Twilight never told her.
  4530. >At least whatever magic that was put on the stocks made them more comfortable then they should have been.
  4531. >She would have her revenge.
  4532. >But before that...
  4533. >Cozy couldn't help but gulp as she saw the first group of ponies walking up to the booth with their bits either in their mouth or magic.
  4535. @@@
  4537. Anon
  4540. Rainbow Dash's father is an athlete. He acts like her coach. Little sympathy for her screwups. Usually ends with her taking down the paddle in their kitchen and him busting her rump. The paddle has her cutie mark and reads "RED: the most important color for a rainbow".
  4542. One of his favorite methods of instilling discipline is laps. Rainbow has to run laps around the house, no wings allowed. Every time she crosses the front door she gets a smack across the butt.
  4544. Rainbow acts tough, but as soon as her father raises his voice it's "yes sir" and "sorry sir".
  4546. @@@
  4548. Anon
  4551. >Older filly Flurry gets tasked with helping to reform Cozy.
  4552. >Decides that means that she gets discipline rights.
  4553. >Cozy has no idea if that's true or not so she goes along with it in case refusing would mean a worse punishment.
  4554. >How everyone else acts if they figure it out is up to imagination.
  4556. ...
  4558. >Cozy fucks up and Flurry decides to exercise her self-proclaimed spanking license
  4559. >Gives Cozy Glow a very awkward, largely ineffective spanking
  4560. But later...
  4561. >The grown-ups find out
  4562. >Awww shit...turns out Flurry Heart didn't have permission to spank after all
  4563. >Should have just told an adult when Cozy fucked up
  4564. >Flurry overstepped her authority
  4565. >This calls for a 'talk' with Dad
  4566. *gulp*
  4567. >Cozy Glow has a room a few doors down from Flurry's
  4568. >It's easy to hear what's going on
  4569. >The Crystal Castle has great acoustics
  4570. >After the humiliation of earlier, Cozy cracks a self satisfied grin
  4571. >Flurry Heart certainly has a nice singing voice
  4572. >She's singing an opera of 'I'm sorry's' right now
  4573. >It's one of those loooong operas
  4574. >But Cozy Glow is trying to be a good filly now
  4575. >She doesn't gloat at Flurry's misfortune much
  4576. >She'll sneak her friend an ice pack later, after her Dad is done blistering that butt
  4578. @@@
  4580. Anon
  4583. >A foal who wants to someday be an archaeologist wants to explore an ancient castle that is said to be dangerous.
  4584. >Parents don't allow it, goes anyway.
  4585. >Our young explorer not only manages to get out only lightly scathed, but also finds a relic from a bygone era.
  4586. >Oddly enough, its a paddle.
  4587. >Brings it back to town.
  4588. >Archaeologists come to see it for themselves.
  4589. >Turns out they were made with now forgotten preserving magic, meaning that its in perfect shape.
  4590. >An amazing find by our now very proud explorer.
  4591. >Not only is the foal's family granted a large sum of money, but the foal gets an open spot preserved at an archaeology school.
  4592. >And the best part: The foal's parents, who are still miffed about their kid doing something so dangerous convince the government officials to allow one thing before taking the paddle to a museum.
  4593. >Their child is given the great honor of being the first pony the paddle gets used on in over a thousand years.
  4595. ...
  4597. >"But moooooom! OWWWW!"
  4598. >"Oh hush, missy. You earned this, big time! Besides, the museum is only going to pay full price for the relic if we can show that it is still 'functional', so take your paddling like a good little filly."
  4599. >"OWW, oww yes MommyyyYYYY OWWW! OW OW OW!"
  4600. >"Good girl!"
  4604. ...
  4606. And then she gets interviewed by the media.
  4608. >So you went to that castle all alone for the paddle?
  4609. >Uh-huh!
  4610. >And you managed to find it and bring it back despite the dangers?
  4611. >Yep!
  4612. >Were the museum officials impressed by it?
  4613. >They sure were!
  4614. >And is it true that your mother spanked you with the paddle shortly afterwards?
  4615. >Um... yea...
  4616. >Could you please describe how it felt to get paddled by something so ancient?
  4617. >...
  4619. @@@
  4621. Anon
  4624. Genders are irrelevent. All get sore bums.
  4626. >Mom... dad... I'm trans.
  4627. >Thank you for telling us. I bet it was a hard decision. What would you like us to call you?
  4628. >Storm. And I'm a guy, okay?
  4629. >Sure thing sweetie. Oooh "STORM", sounds tough. You'll be big and strong one day, won't you?
  4630. (further bonding happens...)
  4631. >Mom... dad... will you spank me anymore?
  4632. >Did I miss some memo that said colts don't get spankings? A sore bum is a sore bum, young colt!
  4633. >Rats.
  4634. >But we can have all your spankings come from your father from now on if it makes you more comfortable. As comfortable as a spanking can be, I mean. Your tush will still have plenty to be sorry for.
  4635. >That would be nice. Thanks, guys.
  4637. @@@
  4639. Anon
  4642. >"Sorry, my little ponies. Scootaloo can't come out now. Her Aunt is making fried chicken."
  4643. >"Fried chicken? Aren't ponies vegetarians?"
  4644. >From down the hall: (crack!) "YOOOOOOOOW!"
  4645. >Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom smirk and nod. They'll make Scootaloo tell them all about it once her spanking is done
  4647. @@@
  4649. Anon
  4652. >There were many dangerous creatures in the Everfree forest.
  4653. >One exceedingly rare one is only known to a few ponies.
  4654. >It is a spirit of sorts.
  4655. >Nopony knows where it came from or why it does what it does, but it is unstoppable at what it does.
  4656. >That being to switch some naughty fillies who enter the forest without adult supervision, of course.
  4657. >Seriously, those that know of its existence think of it with constant confusion.
  4658. >It's behavior makes no sense.
  4659. >Either way, three certain fillies are soon about to meet it.
  4661. >Then their parents see the marks and spank them again.
  4663. @@@
  4665. Anon
  4668. >The CMC's family liked to send them to Fluttershy for a spanking as a form of punishment.
  4669. >They knew Fluttershy was uncannily good at carrying such a thing out and that she was always willing to help.
  4670. >The trip to her cottage was nerve wracking enough and that's added onto the fact that they actually had to tell her the reason for their visit.
  4672. >"Oh, hello girls! What brings you here?"
  4673. >"Um, well, we-"
  4674. >"Sorta got into a bit of trouble-"
  4675. >"A lot of trouble."
  4676. >"And..."
  4677. >'sigh' "Alright, come on in. I'll get my hairbrush.
  4678. >'gulp'
  4680. >Frankly, Fluttershy was getting a bit annoyed at constantly being the punishment mare, even if she did like these fillies.
  4681. >But she didn't dare say no lest she disappoint her friends.
  4683. @@@
  4685. Anon
  4688. >Pony just got her spanking.
  4689. >It hurts like crazy, but at least its over.
  4690. >"Oh, and you'll be getting a repeat performance later today."
  4691. >"What?!"
  4692. >"You heard me, I suggest you be on your best behavior till then or else it'll be with the cane!"
  4693. >"Noooo!"
  4695. @@@
  4697. Anon
  4700. >Counter-Mare: Ouch, looks like you've been getting into some trouble.
  4701. Filly: [embarrassed giggle] Umm, yeah, I was fighting with my big sister and Mommy gave me a spankin' for it.
  4702. >Mare: Well, at least you're not pouting about it. In fact you seem pretty cheerful for a filly who just got her rump roasted.
  4703. Filly: Yep! Because my dumb big sister got HER rump roasted even worse!
  4705. @@@
  4707. Anon
  4710. Inb4 Celestia visits human world with a big paddle.
  4712. >"Just because your in a different world doesn't mean you can escape a good paddling when needed, Sunset Shimmer. I intend to make up for my mistakes back when I drove you away by making sure you get the discipline you need."
  4714. @@@
  4716. Anon
  4719. Repeating day, repeated spankings ideas.
  4721. >sunset tries to find ways during repeat day to get more then one spanking, she doesn't even try to get her friends together or whatever else to stop the repeat day.
  4722. >sunset is able to use magic to affect the time during the day, to make some parts go fast, and some (spanking) parts go very slow.
  4723. >sunset tries to get girls other then rd to spank her.
  4724. >theres a spanking song sunset sings
  4725. >someone nearly impossible to get to has a spanking tattoo on butt cheek/or thigh (even if human).
  4726. >spanking creates more magical power for sunset, the magic of spanking, use the magic to make more spankings.
  4727. >sunset wears paper thin pants/spandex and no panties, making her REALLY feel those spankings.
  4728. >othe girls start to notice sunsets interest in spankings, some are put off, and some (sometimes those who were put off) are interested, and want to help. ;)
  4729. >when repeating day ends for good and moves to next day no one remembers the spankings just like they didnt remember during the repeat days.
  4731. >memorizes the movement of girls during the day to always put her butt in the way of someone moving, causing more accidental spanks. Has to run around and be in specific places/positions at specific times.
  4732. >sitting down becomes hard for her which causes some akward interations.
  4733. >sunset starts spanking her female friends as she gets her accidental spanks, to try to share the same pleasure she feels with other girls. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
  4735. There's a lot of ideas to be had, maybe not much that are radically new. But i feel i can think of something if i keep trying.
  4737. @@@
  4739. Anon
  4742. >"Ow, ow, ow, I'm sorry Twilight."
  4743. >"Spike?!"
  4744. >"Twilight?!"
  4745. >"Are-are you punishing yourself for something you did?"
  4746. >Spike starts sobbing.
  4747. >"You know you don't have to do that."
  4748. >Spike says nothing as she hugs him.
  4749. >"Really?"
  4750. >"Mhm."
  4751. >Spike smiles.
  4752. >"That's my job, after all!" Twilight exclaims cheerfully.
  4753. >"Huh?"
  4754. >"Besides, it's not like you can put in a sufficient amount of force from spanking yourself like that. It's something you need help with."
  4755. >"B-but."
  4756. >"But since you feel the need to punish yourself, I guess you do need a spanking."
  4757. >"Wait, what?!"
  4758. >"Be ready to tell me what you did along with whatever excuses you have by the time I get my hairbrush!" Twilight orders as she goes to the bathroom.
  4760. @@@
  4762. Anon
  4766. >"No! Send me to Tartarus instead!"
  4767. >Celestia shifted her eye to observe the head of the cowering filly over her knee.
  4768. >Her shoulder still ached a bit from the ax Cozy had just tried to swing into her.
  4769. >The sheer insolence of that filly! First, she assumed that a mere ax swung by a filly would be enough to do her over and now she demanded a specific punishment for it?
  4770. >Celestia had not been so peeved in a very long time.
  4771. >Instead of giving Cozy an answer, she shifted her focus back onto the razed pink bottom.
  4772. >Her hoof moved even higher for a split second before she swung it down.
  4773. >Outside of the room where the punishment was carried out in, and indeed the whole castle, the occupants found themselves trying to decide if the loud smacking sound or the following wail was louder.
  4774. >Either way, they collectively winced in sympathy. Some have heard stories about Celestia's spankings. Apparently the last time she gave one was over a hundred years ago.
  4775. >As for how it happened inside, Cozy didn't immediately cry out after the hoof landed.
  4776. >First, a shock wave starting from her flank encompassed her entire body while her brain registered the fact that she had just been struck.
  4777. >It took a few seconds for the brain to then register the sudden, overwhelming pain.
  4778. >After that, she was practically forced to open her mouth as her vocal cords took over.
  4779. >After her initial high pitched scream, she let out a series of "OW"'s and hoofsie kicks, which grew in intensity as the smarting pain started to set in.
  4780. >Celestia patiently watched her try to deal with the burning sensation for a solid minute before she settled down to sobbing and breathing heavily on her lap.
  4781. >It would be completely accurate to say that the single smack that Celestia gave her contained the force of an entire spanking behind it, and a hard one at that.
  4782. >The princess then decided to let Cozy serve some time in the corner while she decided weather or not to give her another one.
  4784. @@@
  4786. Anon
  4789. >”I can’t believe you posted a picture of your anus online! Don’t you realize who you are?!”
  4790. >You hang your head ashamed of yourself.
  4791. >Mom paces in a circle, holding your phone in her hoof.
  4792. >”Your body is a TEMPLE! OF GOLD. No pony is allowed to see it unfettered, much less the commoners!”
  4793. “I’m sorry, mom…”
  4794. >”What were you thinking?!”
  4795. “I wasn’t…”
  4796. >You look up at her disapproving glare. She just sighs, shaking her head.
  4797. >”As much I want to believe you regret your actions, I still need to do my job as a parent, and punish you properly. GUARD!”
  4798. >A guard by the door perks up.
  4799. >”Yes, my queen!”
  4800. >”Call in the royal paddler.”
  4801. >You bite your lip.
  4802. “You’re calling in Anon?! But, mom—!”
  4803. >She look ahead, ignoring your pleas.
  4804. >The guard returns with a man holding a studded paddle, but the scariest thing about him is >pic related.
  4805. >You can’t stop staring.
  4806. “I-I don’t suppose you’re right-handed…?”
  4808. @@@
  4810. Anon
  4813. Why has nobody considered Alphabittle yet?
  4815. >Get in too deep with Alphabittle's games
  4816. >Maybe got a little bit of a gambling problem
  4817. >Now you fucked up
  4818. >Way, WAY in debt
  4819. >Even if you sell off everything valuable that you own, you'd still be in trouble
  4820. "Well, I got another option..."
  4821. >Sometimes Bittle has to make an example
  4822. >Remind the ponies of Bridlewood what happens to those who can't pay Alphabittle
  4823. "Relax, I ain't gonna break your legs or anything."
  4824. >Traditional rules apply
  4825. >Only on the rump; no blood
  4826. "But this ain't gonna be a nice little heinie warming from yer Momma.
  4827. "I'm gonna make an example of you.
  4828. "I want ponies to remember this years from now.
  4829. "If any pony ever wants to welch on a bet with me, I want a shiver to run down their spine when they remember what happened to that last poor sap who got in too deep with Alphabittle."
  4831. >So what about it?
  4832. >It's more money than you can pay back.
  4833. >Take the deal?
  4835. @@@
  4837. Anon
  4840. Do you think any colts object to getting spanked with a girly white & pink hairbrush?
  4842. >"Aww Mom, do you have to?"
  4843. "I hope you don't think you can talk your way out of this young colt. You're getting your rump spanked."
  4844. >"I know...but...does it have to be with that sissy thing?"
  4845. "You didn't think it was 'sissy' the last time I spanked your behind with it."
  4846. >"It works just fine, Mom, believe me.
  4847. >"It's just that...
  4848. >"Shady's pop uses a strap on him.
  4849. >"Featherweight's mom has a wooden spoon
  4850. >"Rumble's mother makes him pick a switch
  4851. >"Even Scootaloo's aunt has a big wood colored hairbrush...and she's a filly!"
  4852. >"All the guys make fun of me because I get whooped with the same girly white and pink mane brush you used on my big sister.
  4853. >"Couldn't you get something a little more...stallion-ish?"
  4855. >"Alright."
  4856. >"Yay!" The colt cheered
  4857. >"But for now, we'll stick with this." Said the mother as she got her son in position.
  4858. >"Noooo!"
  4859. >Next Hearths Warming.
  4860. >"And now, for a very special gift." The mother gave him a wrapped present.
  4861. >"What is it?"
  4862. >"Open it up, silly!"
  4863. >He excitedly teared the wrapping only for that excitement to fade as he noticed what he got.
  4864. >"It's your new paddle!" His mother announced. "Now you won't have to be worried about others making fun of you because of that so called sissy hairbrush."
  4865. >It was a serious looking paddle. Hard wooded, smooth and unpainted. It even had a few small holes in it!
  4866. >"And for the best part: I know you skipped one of your classes last week, but I decided to wait until now to punish you so we can try out your new gift immediately!"
  4867. >The colt gulped, now thoroughly regretting his earlier complaining.
  4868. >At least he won't be made fun of anymore...
  4870. @@@
  4872. Anon
  4875. DT spanking SR green when?
  4877. I was thinking more like...
  4879. >Diamond Tiara gets caught telling a lie
  4880. >Spoiled Rich cuts her no slack
  4881. >A long painful manebrushing to the bare rear cheeks is given
  4882. >DT pouts
  4883. "You're a hypocrite!"
  4884. "You lie all the time!"
  4885. >She's lucky not to get a second spanking for her sassy mouth
  4887. >Two weeks later
  4888. >Spoiled Rich gets a visit from the Equestria IRS
  4889. >Looks like she cheated on her horse taxes
  4890. >Lied about a few tax-deductible charitable donations
  4891. >Evidence is pretty solid
  4893. >Spoiled has two choices
  4894. >The obvious option; pay a heavy fine
  4895. >3x the amount she had gained by lying
  4896. >But she's wealthy...she can afford it
  4897. >If she can not pay the fine it's a Judicial spanking
  4898. >The Tax Horse is polite
  4899. "I assume you'll choose the fine option, Ms. Rich?"
  4900. >She gulps
  4901. >Diamond Tiara is sitting across the room
  4902. >Watching everything
  4903. >Listening to every word
  4904. >She has a big shit-eating grin on her face
  4905. >She's got Mom over a barrel
  4906. >Almost literally.
  4907. >If Mom takes the easy way out it confirms she's a hypocrite
  4908. "No I'll...I'll..."
  4909. "I can't believe I'm doing this."
  4910. "I'll take the...spanking."
  4912. @@@
  4914. Anon
  4918. "To make it clear, I don't think you did the wrong thing dear. But a princess can't just act like that without consequences. Now be a good girl and take them."
  4919. "But why, I did the right thing."
  4920. Because ruling isn't always fair dear" *SPANK*
  4921. "Au"
  4922. "A ruler needs to owe up to her decisions" *SPANK*
  4923. "It doesn't matter if they are right or not"
  4925. @@@
  4927. Anon
  4930. >Twilight grew up in Canterlot
  4931. >Foal of the city...never even seen a wood shed?
  4932. "Aren't most sheds built of wood?"
  4933. >Her Ponyville friends laugh
  4934. >Finally something Twilight doesn't know
  4935. >No pony ever explains
  4936. Years pass...
  4937. >The Cozy incident happens
  4938. >"That filly needs a trip to the woodshed."
  4939. >Twi still does not understand
  4940. >Thinks it's some modern, non-spanking discipline method
  4941. >Locks Cozy in the wood shed for time out
  4942. >Half hour
  4943. "Are you ready to be a good filly now?"
  4944. >Cozy can not believe how dumb Twilight Sparkle is
  4945. "But you haven't done any...oh, yeah...yes, I am fully reformed and ready to be a good filly!"
  4947. ...
  4949. >Because Twilight keeps insisting on using this sort of punishment, Cozy never learns her lesson.
  4950. >She would keep trying some nefarious scheme, which would always be stopped because everyone is onto her now.
  4951. >But because of the light punishment Twilight keeps putting out, she keeps trying again.
  4952. >Really, this is all just to test their defenses for Cozy.
  4953. >Can Twilight's friends realize what is going on and actually teach her what a trip to the woodshed actually means before Cozy learns enough to be a threat again?
  4955. ...
  4957. >"So...Twilight ain't never seen a woodshed used fer spankin'?"
  4958. "Nope."
  4959. >"They don't send foals to the woodshed fer their spankin's in the big city?"
  4960. "Guess not."
  4961. > [applebloom thinking]
  4962. >"Heck, if that's true why didn't ya stay with Aunt & Uncle Orange in Manehattan?"
  4964. ...
  4966. Alt verion:
  4968. Cozy does spend the entire half hour sweating and looking at the wooden rods and planks in the woodshed. So it wasn't a picnic.
  4969. Imagine the confusions being reversed when Cozy starts tearfully begging Twilight not to spank her after that 30 minutes, much to Twilight's confusion.
  4971. >"WAAAH, I'm sowwy!"
  4972. >Twilight confusadly hugged Cozy as the filly fearfully bawled her eyes out.
  4973. >"It wasn't that bad." She thought.
  4974. >"Please don't spank meheheee!"
  4975. >"Spank you?" Twilight asked. "I wasn't planning on doing that."
  4976. >Cozy stopped crying. "Wait, what?"
  4977. >"I was just going to lock you in there for a little bit."
  4978. "Oh." Cozy blushed.
  4979. >"But now that you mention it, that does seem like a good idea."
  4980. >"Wait, no!"
  4981. >"It's settled!" Twilight beamed. "Come on, Cozy, let's get you spanked!" She said as she dragged Cozy back into the woodshed.
  4982. >"NOOOO!" Cozy screamed before the door shut behind her.
  4983. >Soon, whacking noises followed by screaming could be heard behind them.
  4985. @@@
  4987. Anon
  4990. Will Zipp have enough time to tease Pipp with all of them?
  4992. >"Wait...wait...I got another one;
  4993. [imitating Queen Mom's voice]
  4994. >"Chef; please cancel the hot buns with dinner.
  4995. >"Princess Pipp has had enough of those today."
  4997. Even the guards join in.
  4999. >The three of them get caught.
  5000. >Naturally, Zipp is given a quick spanking from her mother for making fun of her sister.
  5001. >The two guards, meanwhile are sentenced to 10 strikes from a stick.
  5002. >A rare punishment, even when it comes to disciplining guards, but the queen figures that they can be let off with a quick punishment just like Zipp.
  5003. >Due to a lack of working guards at that day, they have to give each other the strikes.
  5004. >This was rather awkward for the two of them as they are dating off duty.
  5006. @@@
  5008. Anon
  5011. *Slap! Slap!*
  5012. "Ow! Oow! Bu-but Twilight! I needed your atention"
  5014. *Slap! Slap!*
  5016. @@@
  5018. Anon
  5021. "But... But I'm an adult now! You can't do this to meeeee!" Cried Pinkie Pie to her mother who was laying her across her lap.
  5022. "I thought you were too big to throw a tantrum, yet here we are" replied Pinkie's mother raising her hoof high and firmly, while her daughter started kicking, trying to escape.
  5024. The first spank echoed in the room, Pinkie Pie wasn't able to muffle a loud squeak. The second and the third spank landed on both buttcheeks, leaving pink hoofmarks.
  5025. "M--MoooOM! P-P-PleeeAH! Pleease n-no! NNNn!"
  5026. But Cloudy Quarts was deaf to Pinkie's pleading. Other mares, too shocked to protest, just stared at the small, reddening butt of their best friend. They looked in trance as the every firm slap made the pink butt jiggle, the fluffy tail trying to clamp down on now wet and winking marehood. Fluttershy and Rarity covered eyes with hooves, Twilight stared wide-eyed on the winking sacred place of the bubbly filly, madly blushing Applejack covered Rainbow's eyes with her hat. Oh, poor clueless mother didn't see the dripping wetness and didn't hear the wet sounds of winking lower lips of her daughter, too focused on delivering the punishment.
  5028. The pink butt turned slowly a shade darker when hard smacks landed on the soft skin. Pinkie gasped for air, overwhelmed by the stinging sensation of her underside, it was so painful, yet so... good! Her butt burned with the same fire as her dripping marehood, she was not able to warn her mom anymore, slowly losing control over her body. Soon only squeaks and loud whines were only sounds coming from her throat, mind slowly going blank when the orgasm quickly approached.
  5029. Cloudy realised something is wrong after a hard spank across the both buttcheeks, she felt small droplets flying everywhere and some landing on her hoof. Smack! Is this a yelp of pain, or a moan? Smack!
  5030. And that was the spank that broguht Pinkie over the peak. Her body tensed, the hindlegs crossed when the mix of warm love juices and urine errupted from her marehood. Poor filly jerked when the orgasm almost blinded her, Cloudy stopped the spanking and watched in shock the stream of liquids hitting the ground and running down her daughter's legs. Pinkie slumped to the ground and in the subconscious act of shame, she pressed her butt against the ground and continued peeing. Stunned mares watched as a small puddle formed under the red and wet buttcheks, the quiet hissing sound, gasping for air and sobbing of their friend were the only sounds that could be heard.
  5032. @@@
  5034. Anon
  5037. Photo Finish looked at the stage silently, rubbing her chin while trying to deduce how to achieve perfection. She knew they were almost there, but couldn't quite put her hoof on it.
  5038. The models were nervous, trying their best to stay in those uncomfortable positions, but didn't dare to say a word, as they knew who they were working for.
  5039. One of them, the slightly bigger one, was sitting on a wood bench, over artificial but realistic grass, with a painted background of a park in a sunny day behind her.
  5040. The other one was laying across her partner's lap, wearing a new, special and childish-looking dress that didn't cover her bottom at all. In fact her bottom was being generously exposed upfront to the camera, the main focus of the intended picture, while she raised and turned her head just enough to look at the camera.
  5041. Her partner, meanwhile, raised her hoof while looking sternly to the other's exposed bottom, as she was supposed to.
  5042. She hadn't stayed with her hoof raised the whole time, however, as every once in a while Finish would break the silence and decide that the smaller model's bottom still didn't look quite right, meaning the bigger one would actually have to play the role she was portraying, and punish her partner's bottom in the hopes of reaching the desired shades of pink or red.
  5043. To this, the slightly smaller model struggled hard to endure, she was a professional, she said to herself, she can take it, she mentally assured herself, she wasn't going tobreak in front of the great Photo Finish.
  5044. After several more minutes of silence, Photo Finish finally broke it again:
  5045. "No!", she said again.
  5046. And so, following the signal, the bigger model punished the smaller model, again, hoping her partner would call quits if she couldn't take it anymore.
  5047. And take it anymore she couldn't, it was just too much. Breathing heavily, she finally started crying, lots of tears running loose.
  5048. That was it.
  5049. "Oh, Yeees!" Said Photo Finish smiling.
  5050. *click*
  5052. @@@
  5054. Anon
  5057. (the characters here are humanized)
  5059. Dinky's hair was a disaster, no matter how much she brushed it, she couldn't make it look right that night. She didn't want to go to bed with badly brushed hair since it would only get worse by the morning.
  5060. Embarrassed, she aproached her mom as she passed by. Her mother instinctively stopped and asked what was it she needed.
  5061. Dinky simply looked down at the floor and offered her mom the hairbrush. Dinky was smiling, as it had been a long while since her mother brushed her hair. It made her feel even more embarrassed.
  5062. Derpy looked at the hairbrush, confused at first, concerned soon enough. She understood.
  5063. Picking the hairbrush with one hand, Derpy carried Dinky underarm with the other arm and into the bathroom, sat on the toilet, and put her daugther face-down over her lap.
  5064. Dinky had clearly done something bad and, being the good girl that she is, was feeling guilty and asking for punishment again. They would go into details about what happened later, this part was something they had to get started with right away iif they wanted it to end as soon as possible.
  5065. Dinky started struggling, clearly she was having second thoughts, but as her mother, Derpy had to be firm sometimes.
  5067. @@@
  5069. Anon
  5072. "Cadance, come on!" said Twilight to her ex-babysitter and new sister in law, covering her face and smile with a hoof.
  5073. "Nope" replied Cadance while positioning her across her lap.
  5074. Catching up, talking about old times and taking pictures had somehow led to this. It was pretty awkard now that both ponies had gotten a lot bigger,
  5075. "Here it comes", said Cadance while raising her hoof and smiling to the camera. Twilight also smiled to the camera, blushing and embarrassed, but raising a back hoof as if she was kicking.
  5076. *click*
  5077. Thankfully, Twilight had Cadance word that absolutely nopony else would see that picture ever.
  5078. "Well... you can let go now." Said Twilight awkardly.
  5079. "...Are you sure?" Asked Cadance.
  5080. "Well... yeah?"
  5081. "Have you been a good pony in my absence?"
  5082. "..."
  5083. "Twilight Sparkle, I asked you a question" Cadance tried to sound stern but was clearly fighting against laughter.
  5084. "Oh, come on. Yes, I almost never got into trouble."
  5085. "Almost, you say?" asked Cadance with an exagerated tone. "Well, no time like the present to catch up."
  5086. *slap* * slap* *slap*....
  5088. @@@
  5090. Anon
  5093. "Applejack... I... donthinkicandothis...." mumbled Fluttershy while awkardly laying her first Pinkie Pie across her lap.
  5094. "Well you are making it a lot harder for everypony if you don't" said Applejack with her Pinkie already ready for punishment.
  5095. They were all in an open field. Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, Rainbow Dash and Twilight sitting on chairs and dozens and dozens and dozens of Pinkie Pies forming five lines towards them. For what they managed to deduce, the original Pinkie entered a magic pond that created duplicates of her, some more exagerated and chaotic than others, they had been causing mayhem all over Poniville the whole day.
  5096. They couldn't identify the original Pinkie, THEIR Pinkie, especially since most of the Pinkies would insist it was them.
  5097. Every previous atempt to calm them down and turn them into functioning citizens had failed, but now it was the turn of Applejack's idea: good ol', straightforward, scare-them-straight dicipline, or "though love as she called it". They were going to spank them one by one, or five by five to be more accurate.
  5098. They managed to make them stay in five lines under the threat of a worse spanking if they tried to escape, but they still acted nervous, trying hard to stay in place and some of them making very sad faces in the hopes of mercy.
  5099. "But what if one of these is the re... the original Pinkie Pie" asked Rainbow Dash.
  5100. "Me!" "It's me! "Over here!" was heard countless times all across the field.
  5101. "She had one coming anyway for causing all this." Replied Applejack sternly.
  5102. A lot of dissapointed "oh..."s where heard.
  5103. "In fact she deserves a harsher one, FOR starting all this." Added Applejack.
  5104. For the first time, there was complete silence.
  5106. @@@
  5108. Anon
  5111. "Uhm... Zecora? How is this supposed to help me? What are we going ro do?" Asked Apple Bloom laying across an elevated piece of wood, carefully tied to it, upper and lower body left hanguing at each side. She could only see floor from this position.
  5112. "I'm afraid a potion won't do any trick, / this time I'll have to use on you a tick stick. / While making mistakes is not at all wrong, / avoiding consequences halts one's own growth. / While keeping your actions a secret I promised, / they plain and simply cannot go unpunished."
  5113. "... you mean...?!"
  5114. As Applebloom suddendly understood what was going on, she yelped as she suddendly felt a lash of pain in her behind, with many many more to come.
  5116. @@@
  5118. Anon
  5121. "Wait, you can't do this to me here, it's animal abuse!" Complained Spike, the former baby dragon and current talking dog.
  5122. "Have you seen the equines around here? Biting me is also animal abuse in some way!" Replied Twilight Sparkle, former unicorn and current human, who was holding Spike underarm with his upper body behind her, leaving his rump exposed.
  5123. She proceeded to spank him, not painfully, just annoyingly; and Spike reciprocated with annoyed whoofs.
  5124. The day had been exhausting in that new, strange universe. As weird as it may sound, having those childish fights at night, while on their bed of books on the school library, helped them keep going, as it reminded them of home just as much as agreeing on things.
  5126. @@@
  5128. Anon
  5131. Cloudy Quartz and Igneous Rock were breathing heavily, sweat still pouring from their bodies non-stop like crazy. They were exhausted.
  5132. They were sitting next to each other in the living room's couch, their daughter Maud Pie laying all across both their laps, looking completely unfazed.
  5133. Maud had earned a severe spanking but it hadn't gone as planned. Her butt still remained intact long hours after both her parents decided to join forces against it, even after trying out every implement possible once their hooves couldn't take it anymore.
  5134. Brushes, paddles, belts, crops, rolling pins and many other objects were laying on the floor, overused and even broken down. It was no use, her tush was invincible.
  5135. "What do we do now?" asked Cloudy to her husband between breaths, they both looked worried to the point of being scared. "If we let her prevail... if she can get away with things... she may go through a bad path... We will have failed her..."
  5136. Her fatigue didn't allow her to whisper, Maud was hearing everything. Despite her emotionless expression, Maud felt awfuly terrible for her parents' suffering in their attempts to hurt her for diciplinary purposes. She didn't want them to go through this again, and it was from that moment on that Maud became the most well behaved girl the Pie family has ever had in their long history.
  5138. @@@
  5140. Anon
  5143. A giant, building-sized, blue, semi-transparent bear with a cat tail was attacking Poniville one night. Twilight reluctantly decided to try and use her magic to deal with it.
  5144. Placing herself behind the beast, out of it's range of vision, she casted a spell with her horn and the purple magic took the form of a giant whip, wich she thelepatically lashed on the beast's hindquarters.
  5145. The monster stoped still for an instant after the impact, and then let out a cry of pain followed by turning around to confront its attacker, angrier.
  5146. Twilight reacted quickly enough and surrounded the beast in the opposite direction, avoiding getting spotted, and lashed her whip on the beast's behind again. This kept going for a while, lash after lash, until the bear had replaced all its fury with desperation and his cries were filled with actual tears.
  5147. The bear couldn't take it anymore and ran away, out of Poniville and towards the Everfree Forest.
  5148. For good measure, Twilight gave chase and kept whipping the bear's behind good (luckily was in no mood to attack anymore), until it got lost between the trees.
  5149. Upon returning to Poniville, Rainbow Dash was quick to congratulate her:
  5150. "Way to whup that Ursa Major's hindquarters, Twilight! You must be feeling proud! Prouder than proud!"
  5151. "That wasn't an Ursa Major, Rainbow Dash." replied Twilight "Fortunately, it was just a baby, an Ursa Minor!".
  5153. Little did they know, things were far from over for the Ursa Minor's hindquarters. Back at his cave, the baby found himself held up into the air by the giant grasp of one of his mother's paws. The Ursa Major was huge, several times the baby's size. Bigger than all Poniville itself.
  5154. The baby cried even harder than he had before as her mother lashed her other paw against his behind. She was done trying to tell his disobedient child not to leave the cave unsupervised, especially when she was sleeping.
  5156. @@@
  5158. Anon
  5161. One particular night at the Canterlot castle donut shop, the mane six minus Twilight found themselves held in the air with magic, and getting spanked in their rumps by floating paddles Celestia had secretly brought with her. Each making their own sounds and reactions.
  5162. "But Princess Celestia! You said you expected us to ruin the gala!" Cried Twilight who was held over the Princess' lap itself.
  5163. "Yes." Replied Celestia in a whisper.
  5164. She started smacking Twilight's bottom with her own hoof, the other five being in her range of vision of course. Relieving the stress of the gala and punishing troublemakers while at it, it had gone just as planned.
  5165. Spike and Donut Joe watched, not daring to intervene.
  5167. @@@
  5169. Anon
  5172. The Bear under Fluttershy's care was sitting on the floor of Fluttershy's cottage, looking down, sad.
  5173. Fluttershy took flight just to be able to lay her hoof over one of his shoulders.
  5174. "It's okay... I'm not angry with you. Just a little dissapoint-"
  5175. The bear bursted out crying, rising his head and covering his eyes with one arm. Hammy, but honest.
  5176. "Oh please dont! I'm... I'm not dissapointed just-".
  5177. The bear suddendly stopped, seemingly sturggling to not continue crying, for the sake of letting Fluttershy speak.
  5178. "Let's... let's just get this over with... shall we?"
  5179. The bear noded, now trying to look as dignified as possible. He laid on the floor, belly down, not needing to rise his behind as his body shape made it prominent enough.
  5180. Fluttershy flew around the living room closing the windows and curtains. The other animals had been instructed to stay away for while, for the sake of the bear's privacy and dignity.
  5181. She didn't say a thing, comforting would come later. She didn't want him to get her voice mixed up with the pain to follow. No keeping him waiting either.
  5182. Fluttershy took the shovel she had brought from her shed, flew towards the bear, then up and close to the ceiling while rising the shovel with both hooves, and quickly let herself fall towards the floor and smashed the shovel into the bear's sitting spot. The bear let out a painful roar while Fluttershy regained altitude and repeated the process again and again and again, never completely in the same spot.
  5183. Many ponies, even her closest friends, would be shocked by this display of strenght and agility on Fluttershy's part, it did help that no ponies or dragons were watching her.
  5184. By the time she was over, the bear had been redused to a bawling mess. Fluttershy sat next to his head and began comforting him by caressing his neck, not saying a word yet until he calmed down a little.
  5185. Next was making amends with the chikens. It was going to be hard after he tried to eat their yet-to-hatch babies.
  5187. @@@
  5189. Anon
  5192. Dad : come here you little brat.
  5193. Filly : daddy noo
  5194. Dad : lean on the bed
  5195. Filly : noo please
  5196. Dad : you knew what was gonna happen when you disobey me.
  5197. Filly : but i ..
  5198. Dad : Now!
  5199. Filly : sniff sniff ...ok
  5201. he raised his hand and Smacked her on her tushy
  5202. owe
  5203. Dad : Start counting.
  5204. Filly : sniff. o one
  5205. ~Smack!
  5206. Filly : owee t two
  5207. ~smack!
  5208. Filly : ieee three
  5209. ...
  5210. Smack!
  5211. aha haawee Seven
  5212. Dad : Stop Squirming around
  5213. Filly : but it hurt
  5214. Dad : I said stop
  5215. Filly : daddy noo
  5216. he raised her dress revealing her yellow panties
  5217. smack smack smack
  5218. Filly : owe owe owe
  5219. counting counting counting
  5220. he then pulled her panties down and started to spank her bare red butt.
  5221. Smack smack smack
  5222. Filly : (bawling) 13 owe 14 owe 15 owe 16
  5223. he reached for a hair brush and spanked her with it
  5224. Smack Smack smack
  5225. she was crying and bawling as she was spanked with the hairbrush.
  5226. she uncontrollbly peed on the floor
  5227. her dad spanked her harder
  5228. Filly : owee yes daddy spank me harder.
  5229. Dad : what ?
  5230. Filly : I'm a bad little filly. I deserve to be spanked
  5231. her confused dad gave her a soft confused swat with the brush
  5232. Filly : no daddy harder.
  5233. unknownly he hit her harder
  5234. Filly : Yes daddy Harder
  5235. Wham !
  5236. Filly : umm Harder
  5237. WHam!
  5238. Filly : Harder daddy
  5239. WHAM!
  5240. Filly : oh yess,,
  5241. WHAM!
  5242. Filly : yes harder
  5243. her butt already been bruised
  5244. The father suddly stopped what he was doing. dropped the brush and said :
  5245. Dad : Nope I'm not doing this.
  5246. and left the room
  5248. @@@
  5250. Anon
  5253. "You understand why we are doing this, honey?" asked Mrs. Shy.
  5254. "Yes, mom" replied Fluttershy reluctantly, looking down.
  5255. "Pl-please don't hate us for this." said Mr. Shy.
  5256. "I won't, dad"
  5257. "Oh, thank you so much, dear." said Mrs. Shy, clearly relieved.
  5258. Mr. and Mrs Shy had heard a rant over the radio the other day claiming that there should be more spankings. Among the reasons listed, the angry-sounding pony claimed that it builds character and sets ponies on the right path.
  5259. Mr. and Mrs. Shy were very nice and very sweet people in general and parents in particular. Sadly, it seemed that at some point they missed the mark and became pushovers, as their child was growing too spoiled and insolent.
  5260. After a lot of anxious debating, they decided to give it a try.
  5261. "We knew we could count on you, Fluttershy." continued Mr. Shy, as he and his wife procceded to laid themselves over the side of their bed, next to each other, their back hooves still on the floor, while Fluttershy looked at the cane in her hoof they had bought for the occasion. "You've always been the most assertive in the family".
  5262. They hoped that a spanking would give them the motivation they needed to say "No" to their son Zephyr for a change.
  5263. After a moment of silence, Fluttershy began to lightly pat her parents' behinds with the cane. They assumed she was getting prepared, but after a while it became aparent that that was the spanking itself, as far as she could give it to them.
  5264. Mr. and Mrs. Shy looked at each other without moving or saying a word, they both realized this wasn't working, but they didn't want to make their daughter feel bad, so they started to awkardly pretend they were in pain.
  5266. @@@
  5268. Anon
  5271. Word spread around Poniville of a thief that got inside properties, smashed flower pots and similar objects, and stole valuable items such as jewels.
  5272. By chance, Applejack catched him sneaking inside one of the barns of Sweet Apple Acres, but she wasn't giving him out to justice yet, oh no, first she would deliver some justice herself, forcefully placing him across her lap and smashing his rear end with her powerful hooves.
  5273. After a while of painful screams like "AAAHH" and "HIYA", the thief managed to say something:
  5275. Applejack stopped and replied:
  5276. "I understand perfectly, THIEF. I saved the world a buncha times myself with mah friends, but you know what? Whenever I need money from strangers to do so, I take my time to explain my situation to them like any civilized horse would do. And you know what? IT WORKS!"
  5277. She re-started spanking him, this time harder than before, while asking:
  5280. @@@
  5282. Anon
  5285. Flurry Heart struggled desesperately over auntie Twilight's lap, but the bigger alicorn effortlessly held her in place with magic while reading a book titled "Filly Dicipline".
  5286. "Mmh, looks like the modern proffesional consensus is that spankings as punishment do more harm than good in the long run" commented Twilight.
  5287. Flurry gasped in relief.
  5288. "But it says absolutely nothing regarding alicorn fillies, so let's research it while at it."
  5289. *Slap!* *Slap!* *Slap!*....
  5291. @@@
  5293. Anon
  5296. >Fluttershy asked her mom to be spanked on the couch
  5297. >she wanted to feel the discipline methods of her new coach on the summer flying camp
  5298. >her parents never spanked her, but if she wants to learn to fly she needs to survive one month with Miss Rough Wings and her hoof
  5299. >to her surprise, Posies Shy agreed and grabbed her daughter's ear with the mouth
  5300. >soon, she took Fluttershy over the pillow on the couch, exposing the small backside of her filly
  5301. >poor girl clamped the hindlegs and tail in attempt to hide genitals from the world
  5302. >Posies leaned to gently hug Fluttershy and whisper encouraging words to her ear
  5303. >she needs to know that every lack of discipline will end on the lap of Miss Rough Wing, spanking and exposing eveything what she has under the tail to other foals
  5304. >Fluttershy gulped in fear, but with a red face she slowly spread her legs
  5305. >Posies asked if she can start, another nod
  5306. >immediately, the adult hoof collided with a small filly's tushie for the first time
  5307. >Fluttershy squeaked in shock, feeling the hot stinging
  5308. >soon another and another smack echoed through the room as Posies patiently showed her daughter the methods of discipline she is going to expect outside of their peaceful house
  5309. >brave filly survived silently one minute of hard smacks, but then she started to sob
  5310. >Posies stopped the spanking and asked if they should continue
  5311. >the pain in the butt was so intense, but Fluttershy said a hard "yes", she didn't want to stop
  5312. >her mom continued then, the small yellow buttcheeks turning pink
  5313. >after another minute it was over
  5314. >Fluttershy hugged her mom and weeped in her neck, as Posies held her like a baby, brushing her mane with a hairbush
  5315. >brushing was always calming for Fluttershy
  5316. >the now red butt was treated with a tender massage of her loving mother, the first time she give her a spanking
  5317. >after ten minutes of calming down, Fluttershy nuzzled her mom and thanked her for the punishment
  5318. >she made a decission
  5319. >she can do it
  5321. @@@
  5323. Anon
  5326. "I WIN!!" shouted Buttons Mash triumphantly. After weeks, he had finally completed the story mode of his newest game.
  5327. "Yes, but at what cost? Asked a familiar voice above him.
  5328. Buttons had been so focused in his game, he didn't realize he had been moved across his mother's lap with his sight never leavin the screen.
  5329. He also realized, now startled, that he hadn't done any of his chores or homework, despite his mother's warnings.
  5330. But it was too late, Button's mom was now as focused in her own "game" as he had been in his. Pulling his tail with one hoof as if it was the moving stick of an arcade, she began smashing Buttons' cheeks in the right combination to unlock the desired lesson.
  5332. @@@
  5334. Anon
  5337. Lunch was special that day at Sweet Apple Acres, Apple Bloom had prepared it all by herself for the first time.
  5338. "Thish shoup ish great!" congratulated Applejack with her mouth still full "Wha'chur shecret?!
  5339. "It's a secret, so don't tell anybody..." whispered Apple Bloom who hadn't eaten yet to better apreciate the others' reactions "I used Granny's Smith secret ingredient!"
  5340. Applejack stopped munching and for a moment went pale while staring into nothing, she then looked at Big Mac and Granny Smith who had eaten their fair share already. It was too late.
  5342. Several hours later, Apple Bloom was laying over the kitchen's table while Applejack repeteadly smashed her tush with the very wooden spoon she had used for the soup.
  5343. Applebloom bawled loudly, wishing she had asked what a laxative does instead of wanting the lunch to be as much of a surprise as possible.
  5345. @@@
  5347. Anon
  5350. Cheerilee : today we all gonna lean about physics
  5351. Scootaloo : physics ?
  5352. Cheerilee : specifically , the use of force in energy conversion.
  5353. in this case we gonna using mechanical work to convert potential energy to kinetic energy
  5354. Apple Bloom : the what now ?
  5355. Sweetie belle : um Mrs cheerilee it sounds a bit over heads.
  5357. cheerilee : well lucky the school has this contraption to help you understand physics.
  5358. Cheerilee uncovered the contraption that was covered behind her.
  5359. it was a very complicated wooden contraptions. with some pipes and gizmos .
  5360. Cheerlee : Sweetie belle , Apple bloom and scootaloo please step forward.
  5361. I need 3 ponies to demonstration.
  5362. the class room start mumbling and whispering.
  5363. cheerlee talked to the little girls. and instructed them on what they needed to do.
  5364. they stepped up on that contraption.
  5365. Cheerilee : stand still and keep your hooves on this bar infront of you.
  5366. cheerilee : ok brace yourselves I'm turning it on now.
  5367. she pushed a level on the side of that contraption.
  5368. the machine came to life. with wirling sound and start shaking violently.
  5369. SB : umm.. cheerilee do you think this is safe ?
  5370. Cheerilee : don't worry its normal.
  5371. Suddenly the machine Clamp and bond all of the three fillies. their hooves got cuffed. another clamp that was connected to a rod, clamped and pulled their tail up.
  5372. all three fillies were shocked and worried.
  5373. a lower hatch has been pulled from beneath their legs. a conveyor belt was under it. making them to stand on.
  5374. So now all three of CMC were being strapped in thier place unable to move. they were standing with 2 legs on a conveyor belt , they were leaned forward supporting themselves on a bar that was in front of them, where their hooves were cuffed.
  5376. Cheerilee : you see class . the conveyor belt aren't moving. but to make it move we need to use the mechanical work.
  5377. she pulled another lever.
  5379. 3 mechanical hands holding crop. and it start whipping their butts.
  5380. Whoosh whoosh whoosh.
  5381. owe / eiee . ouch.
  5382. they tried to move away from it. being bond like that in that position all they could do is to run on the convyer belt.
  5383. and they did and moved the conveyor belt.
  5384. the mechanical hand continued whipping them and they continued to run.
  5386. Cheerilee : you see class. the Mechanical work this machine is unlocking and converting the potential energy hidden in these fillies and converting it to kinetic energy.
  5388. she leaned forward toward the three strapped fillies. with a menacing voice "DO you now understand ?"
  5390. AB " (*pant *pant) owe pant but miss cheerilee owe! . if we are generating (Owe!) this energy. (*pant *pant) then how does this machine works ?
  5392. Cheerilee : Excellent question AB. you see its hooked to the power socket. that is connected to the power plant.
  5393. she looked at the class.
  5394. "Tomorrow class we gonna go visit the local power plant. there we would see this contraption on bigger scale."
  5396. @@@
  5398. Anon
  5401. Silence.
  5402. They were both ponies of few words.
  5403. She usually didn't have the courage to speak.
  5404. He, meanwhile, prefered to demostrate his authority with actions.
  5405. But the silence in the room was suddendly interrupted by her nervous, anxious breathing, wich were met with indifferent silence from him. This reaction, or lack thereof, made Marble Pie force herself to be quiet again, not wanting to make things worse for herself.
  5406. The silence was lightly broken again after Igneous Rock quickly pointed at the bed with his muzzle and started swinging the belt he was carrying, in preparation.
  5407. Marble's heart raced as she laid across the border of her bed, now the one making sound as her father stopped the swinging.
  5408. She heard his steps, getting closer behind her.
  5409. Silence. This one far more dreadful than any of the previous ones.
  5410. No more silence. He proceeded to belt her buttocks relentlessly and in sucession. She bawled and screamed and sometimes begged. It was hard to say wich source of noise was more powerful.
  5411. But several minutes later after the belting stopped, she was far from done making her noises, and nothing stopped her. He remained silent to this, and without saying a word he left the room.
  5412. As he left, his wife and her mother Cloudy Quartz entered the room to comfort her daughter.
  5414. @@@
  5416. Anon
  5419. >young pony moms sit on benches around the Ponyville playground
  5420. >they chat with each other and watch their kids play
  5421. >every one or two minutes a foal is called by their mom
  5422. >she quickly pulls her child's tail up and gives several smacks on the rump for playing too rough
  5423. >foal scrunches it's muzzle from the stinging pain, but a few spanks later it's free to play with friends again
  5424. >after a hour or two all foals have red butts and wide smiles on their tired faces
  5425. >parents say their "see you tomorrow" to each other and the next day the process repeats
  5427. >when fillies grow up and go into their first estrus, colt moms have hooves full with butts
  5428. >for sniffling under filliy's tail
  5429. >for rubbing a dangling stiff penis on filly's butt
  5430. >even for trying to mount a filly
  5431. >finally all moms buy a box of condoms and let their kids have some fun
  5432. >it doesn't however prevent the young colt and filly butts from being tanned
  5433. >for aiming at the wrong hole
  5434. >for using teeth...
  5436. @@@
  5438. Anon
  5441. >you are anon
  5442. >you took over a filly's body
  5443. >you started to experimenting with your little pussy.
  5444. >The filly's mom cough you in the act.
  5445. >she started to yelled at you and pulled your ear.
  5446. >she dragged you to your room and told you that you are grounded.
  5447. >and closed the door.
  5448. >well ... you continued with the experiment.
  5449. >you masturbated hard. and experienced orgasm as a girl.
  5450. >you came on the bed.
  5451. >you heard your mom coming up
  5452. >you panicked and jumped off the window.
  5453. >you ran away.
  5454. >Your mom started to chase you.
  5455. >you hide inside the park's playground. to blend in with other fillies
  5456. >The other moms lead them to your location.
  5457. >your mom wanted to show off to the other moms that she can be in charge.
  5458. >she pulled you right into her lap and started to spank you in the middle of the park.
  5459. >other foals watched you getting spanked.
  5460. >being held against your will, your privets being exposed to others.
  5461. >the stinging butt pain
  5462. >all this was a huge turn on for you.
  5463. >but you tried to hide the fact that you are enjoying it.
  5464. >your face was flushed red as your butt.
  5465. >you let out an involuntary moan.
  5466. >you quickly tried to hide that by wailing and pleading.
  5467. >yes that is more appropriate reaction from a little filly.
  5468. >at first you were acting. but you were unfamiliar with female emotions let alone little foals.
  5469. >you started to cry for real.
  5470. >you completely forget about your turn on. and you were occupied by this new emotional experience.
  5471. >your mom stop spanking you.
  5472. >you were still crying and having hard time breathing.
  5473. >she pulled you up to her back. and walked back home.
  5474. >she gave you a bath then put you back into your bed.
  5475. >she kissed you goodnight and left the room.
  5476. >you started to touch yourself again...
  5478. @@@
  5480. Anon
  5483. >Discord smacks Fluttershy playfully on the rump one day
  5484. >Fluttershy squeaks and then blushes
  5485. >crosses her back legs and mumbles something under her breath
  5487. >later, Discord is at Fluttershy's house
  5488. >Flutter Butter approaches him with a big wooden spoon in her mouth
  5489. >drops it into his hand
  5490. >Discord looks at her confused
  5491. >she climbs over his lap
  5492. >then sticks her butt up in underneath his face and looks up at him with bedroom eyes and a red face
  5494. >evening turns to night
  5495. >the faint whacking sounds of wood on skin still make it through the cottage walls
  5496. >Discord's lap is sticky and wet
  5497. >with Fluttershy's steaming hot red seat still wagging under his nose
  5499. >this is going to be a long night
  5501. @@@
  5503. Anon
  5506. Rarity's whines and whimpers as you paddle her tush, her red hot rear wriggling on your knees, the gasps and weepy sobs getting more and more desperate. Promising that she'll be a good girl, mascara flowing down her cheeks, squeaks and moans and loud wails punctuating every new sharp crack of the paddle against her flaming bare bottom. Little bucks of her hips off your lap are rewarded with immediate repositioning of her plump derriere, followed by faster, sharper, crisper thwacks of the paddle that make her choke, gasp, and sob pitifully. Half formed words leave her lips, incoherent and breathless, drowned out by the repeated pops and thwacks of the constant hard spanking to her suffering bare cheeks.
  5508. She asks with a choke and a broken wail when her punishment will end, but she hears no response. Hoofy kicks drum against the armchair, butt squirms uselessly back and forth, and her roasted red cheeks still ripple and bounce with every paddle whack.
  5510. The spanking still doesn't stop, and neither do Rarity's sobs, pleas, and cries for mercy.
  5512. @@@
  5514. Anon
  5517. Having spent the last several minutes with your no-longer-bawling adoptive granddaughter in your arms, you decide to ask her a question.
  5518. >So, you ever gotten a spanking before, champ?
  5519. Scootaloo wipes her nose and lifts her head up from your chest to look up at you.
  5520. >Um… Uh-Huh. Rainbow spanked me back at the campsite for getting myself in danger.
  5521. >Really? She barely knew you, right?
  5522. >Yeah.
  5523. >Huh.
  5524. She settles her head against your chest and closes her eyes as you stroke her mane.
  5525. You've only been babysitting her for a few days, but you've already come to love Scootaloo as much as your own daughter, the mare who adopted her.
  5526. 'Course, you're not nearly as proud of her as you are of Dashie.
  5527. Scootaloo isn't a world-saving-world-class-athlete-Wonderbolt.
  5528. But she's still pretty great.
  5530. @@@
  5532. Anon
  5535. Alright, she's been in the corner long enough.
  5536. >How ya doin', Sweetie?
  5537. >Um… I'm okay, mommy.
  5538. >You sure?
  5539. Her rump is still red.
  5540. >Alright then, let's get you out of that corner, Sweetie.
  5541. You lift her up and take her over to the couch.
  5542. >Oh, by the way, Sweetie…
  5543. You give her three good smacks straight to the base of the crack.
  5544. She stiffens up and starts to sob, thinking her spanking is going to continue.
  5545. >…That was for peeking earlier.
  5546. You pull her into a tight hug.
  5548. @@@
  5550. Anon
  5553. >you are anon
  5554. >you have been hired to be the judge in the in the newly opened Disciplinary center.
  5555. >it was an official establishment issued by the princess herself.
  5556. >the reason behind it is to raise awareness of consequences and to lower the "incidents" rates.
  5557. >many ponies in the past got away with criminal and destructive behaviors due to lack of proper punishment system.
  5558. >so there you are inside one of the new established building.
  5559. >at the first 2 weeks there wasn't many incident reports and it was the good life.
  5560. >on your 3rd week the amount of reported incidents rose up.
  5561. >one of these reports was about a clumsy Pegasus that caused the construction of a new bridge to collapse.
  5562. >it was her fault and there was no excuse for it.
  5563. >you decided that
  5564. A1 - send her to the stocks.
  5565. A2 - 30 smacks on her behind.
  5566. A3 - get her fired from her job.
  5568. >another case of stealing. a unicorn used his magic to teleport stuff to his bag.
  5569. he already sold all the goods.
  5571. B1 - make him pay for all the stolen good, and work for the missing ones.
  5572. B2 - public stocks for him.
  5573. B3 - make him wear the magic muffler for a 2 months.
  5575. >these were the good old times.
  5576. >when you get actual cases.
  5577. >but few months later.
  5578. >these incidents reports have been lowered drastically
  5579. >now most of your cases are minor stuff.
  5580. >and mostly fillies problems.
  5581. >one of your frequent customer is the school teacher.
  5582. >she's there almost 3 times a week.
  5583. >reporting children to you.
  5584. >you ended up being foal sitter... than a judge.
  5585. >one of these reports was about 2 little foals
  5586. a filly named Red june and the other one was a colt carrot Crunch.
  5587. these two foals were fighting with each other.
  5588. Red June did swear at Carrot. and carrot did tease her earlier for failing the running race.
  5590. >remembering this case made you sigh.. this is what my job turned into. instead of doing important and powerful disciplinary actions now you ended up with the verdicts like
  5591. C1 : issue mouth soaping for Red June.
  5592. C2 : Take Red june over your knee and spank her yourself.
  5593. C3 : let her write I'm sorry for swearing and fighting to Carrot crunch.
  5594. and issued
  5595. D1 : 5 hits with a ruler on the top of his hooves.
  5596. D2 : take him over your knee and spank him.
  5597. D3 : make him sit on the naughty stool in class.
  5598. >compared to what you used to deal with these verdicts were nothing.
  5599. >and here you are sitting on your disk. waiting for the next report...
  5601. the end?
  5603. @@@
  5605. Anon
  5608. Yes, when Velvet caught Twily touching herself in her bedroom, she only smiled and said it's completely ok to do that, but next time she should close the door or at least tell her to not disturb her until she finishes
  5609. One day after a few weeks Velvet noticed almost 10 moist pairs of panties in laundry, she took her daughter on a quick talk to tell her she should pull them down or completely take off if she has a need
  5610. Twily didn't listen for the next time
  5611. and next time
  5612. and another time
  5613. Velvet didn't want to ask her daughter why she is doing that, but she presumed it's her small fetish to touch herself through the soft fabric
  5614. >she wouldn't say anything against it if it didn't mean more work and washing three pairs every day
  5615. One evening her mom caught Twily wearing a completely wet pair of pink panties - enough is enough
  5616. Velvet did everything to give her daughter a bit of sexual freedom, so she won't feel awkward about what she is doing, but now she is abusing that freedom
  5617. For poor Twily that evening was not the happiest one in her life. Without any warning her mommy dragged her little girl back to her bedroom, pulled over the lap, lifted the mini skirt and took her moist panties off
  5618. The spanking she received was one of the longest in her life, mommy's hand worked all around the small buttcheeks leaving a glowing mark - Twily thought she is going to pee herself from the pain and overwhelming burning in her loins.
  5619. After Velvet deliveres the last smacks, she ordered her daughter to wait until her panties dry off. Poor girl was covering herself every time her parents asked her to go out of her bedroom
  5621. @@@
  5623. Anon
  5626. >with her mom gone shopping, Ruby Pinch played with the beachball in the house
  5627. >she knew mom said she can't do that, but she loved to do beachball tricks and outside was raining
  5628. >*crash*
  5629. >there go three bottles of the mom's priceless alcohol collection
  5630. >Berry Punch was far from being happy when she came back to the house
  5631. >she found her daughter hiding under the bed
  5632. >the next 10 minutes were filled with loud smacks of Ruby's special rubber paddle doing it's job
  5633. >for the next two weeks Berry scheduled 20 spanks every day before the sleep
  5634. >the catch is that Ruby must ask her mom every evening to be spanked, if she intentionally or accidently forgets about that, the next morning her mommy will deliver 40 spanks with Ruby lying on her back
  5635. >Ruby knows any protests or pleading will make her punishment even worse, so she just accepts this as it is
  5636. >for the next two weeks their life is like every other day, eating, playing together, watching movies and helping with homework
  5637. >but when Ruby puts her onesie on, she automatically pics up her pink rubber paddle and goes straight to mommy's room
  5638. >there is no pity, no skip or light spank days, 20 hard smacks land from the focused, loving mom on her daughter's cute buttcheeks
  5640. @@@
  5642. Anon
  5645. >Twilight Sparkle was using the royal Lab. in canterlot's castle.
  5646. >She was creating a super saturated healing chamber.
  5647. >She turned the machine on and entered inside the chamber.
  5648. >The machine worked.
  5649. >She can now heal any injuries at accelerated rate.
  5650. >but the then the machine exploded.
  5651. >the explosion was so big it destroyed half of Canterlot's castle.
  5652. >princess decided the best form of punishment for her. is to be spanked in public. (of course)
  5653. >both the princess, her mother, Cadance and shining armor took turns for spanking her public spanking.
  5654. >her spanking lasted longer than expected cause of her new healing abilities.
  5655. >they spanked her harder and harder.
  5656. >Twilight couldn't take it anymore and start crying and bawling.
  5657. >they thought that she was faking as they delivered more harsher pounding.
  5659. @@@
  5661. Anon
  5664. "Bend over" you said firmly.
  5665. "Anon, wh-what are y-"
  5666. "Bend over" you repeated with some clear impatience. "Do not make me say it three times".
  5667. Trixie obeyed, trembling.
  5668. "It's going to be thirty five. You will count".
  5669. You picked the riding crop with your mouth while Trixie gulped.
  5670. First strike.
  5673. Ever since Trixie went mad with power and took over Poniville, you've now discovered, she's been taking stallions to her chambers and forcing them to pull a dominant act on her as foreplay.
  5674. As the strikes continue, you hope that you are doing a good enough job, as you fear that all those other stallions that were whipped in public had been in the same situation as you now but failed to impress her.
  5676. @@@
  5678. Anon
  5681. "Dearest sister" started saying Princes Celestia, who laid across Princess Luna's lap. "There is a reason birthday spankings have been banned for us, and it's not out of respect. All the guests have fallen asleep at this point!"
  5682. Luna just continued spanking.
  5683. "How far are we, anyway?" Asked Celestia.
  5684. "I don't know." Replied Luna without stopping "I lost count hours ago."
  5686. @@@
  5688. Anon
  5691. "But hold on!" Cried little Rainbow Dash while being laid across her mother's lap "I passed the test!!"
  5692. "Yes" confirmed Rainbow Mom "by cheating."
  5693. "Bu-but nobody found out!"
  5694. "I did. I'll keep the secret because it was your last chance, but I'll also make extra sure you never do that againg. Expect a summer full of studying".
  5695. *SMACK SMACK SMACK...*
  5697. @@@
  5699. Anon
  5702. "MOOOooooommm" whinned Shining Armor
  5703. "Don't MOOooom me big boy" replied Twilight Velvet in an exagerated but somewhat playful tone, holding her teenager son across the border of his bed "I know your hormones are on the rise, but you know better than to spy on your classmares while they change, especially when your mommy can find out".
  5704. With that said, she proceeded to unleash her hoof all over his big backside.
  5705. Shining Armor was actually stronger than her both physically and in magic (at least when it came to making protective shields), but he was too obedient and usually well behaved to fight back. She doubted it even hurt him at all, but it was humilliating, and that was more than enough.
  5706. Velvet smiled to herself during the whole procedure, her little boy was growing up, but right then she was treating him like an actual little boy again. His rump felt different though, almost like.......... her husband's...
  5708. @@@
  5710. Anon
  5713. >Rainbow Dash!
  5714. ops sorry.
  5715. >Why aren't you listening to me. I was explaining the origin of the wonderbolts to you.
  5716. pfft yeah yeah...
  5717. >as I was saying the pegasi and the earth ponies where ... Spike!!
  5718. o ooh.
  5719. >give me that... What is this .. the boring teacher of the year... I don't even look like that.
  5720. but you are.
  5721. >that's it. RainbowDash stand up.
  5722. um ok.
  5723. >now turn around and put both your hooves on that chair.
  5724. is this some sort of game ?
  5725. >no!.. yes it is a game. just do it.
  5726. umm twilight why are you doing with my tail... Owch! what did you do that for.
  5727. you hit me with that ruler. Ouch! ... Twilight! this is not funny.
  5728. >it's not suppose to be funny I'm punishing you.
  5729. ouch! a punishment?
  5730. >yes it's for your own good.
  5731. Nope as if I'm gonna let you hit me.
  5732. >come back here this instant.
  5733. mleh I'm in the air now. you can't spank me.
  5734. >oh yeah.
  5735. what the ... I can't move. this is not fair you used your magic.
  5736. >you will take your punishment wither you like it or not.
  5737. ugh let me go. where are you taking me?
  5738. >you'll soon see.
  5739. -oh she's gonna get it.
  5740. >spike, do you want a turn too ?
  5741. -oh no sorry twilight, I'll go clean the roof.
  5742. Twilight this is not the study room. why are we going to your basement.
  5743. >this is where you'll learn from through your butt.
  5744. my butt.
  5745. >yes. Since taking notes didn't work for you. verbal lecture didn't do it either. this is still experimental way of study that got dropped long time ago. I'm pretty sure it would work on you.
  5746. I don't like the sound of it.
  5747. >oh you wont like it. but this is for your own good.
  5748. twilight you are really into it... hey that's a funny looking chair. it looks like it's on backwards. how can anypony sit on that.
  5749. >you wont be sitting on it. you'll be laying on it.
  5750. hey this is sick let me go ... hey stop pulling my hooves apart. ouch! you that's too tight. I can't move my hooves with these restrains. are these really necessary ?
  5751. >these cuffs would make sure you wont be able to just fly off like earlier.
  5752. grrr... ok I can understand cuffing my hooves like that but why my neck and why my tail ?
  5753. >oh stop asking stupid questions you'll see soon enough.
  5755. @@@
  5757. Anon
  5760. Pinkie : did you like the gift I sent you?
  5761. Fluttershy : (blushed) ... yes.
  5762. Pinkie : oh how was it.
  5763. Fluttershy : it's ... quite nice. It kept me busy all night.
  5764. pinkie : all night !! wow did you cook something delicious?
  5765. Fluttershy : cook ?
  5766. Pinkie : well yeah .. with the cutting board.
  5767. Fluttershy : a cutting board ! oh so that's what that it... I mean of course it was a cutting board.
  5768. Pinkie : fluttershy are you hiding something ?
  5769. Fluttershy : (nervously ) nn no?
  5770. Pinkie : well okay then . la lala la laa
  5771. Fluttershy : thanks Celesita that she left. I hope she didn't notice my red flank.
  5773. later that night Fluttershy recived another wrapped gift from pinkie pie.
  5775. @@@
  5777. Anon
  5780. >"Leaving mom!" said Rainbow Dash as she walked through the living room towards the front door
  5781. >"Have a nice day at Canterlot High" said Rainbow's mom from the couch. "You know how to get there."
  5782. >But as Dash passed next to her, her mom took her by the hand and made a kissy face
  5783. >She never left her daughter leave without a goodbye smooch, no matter where she went
  5784. >Dash looked annoyed but resigned as she got on of her cheeks close to her mother's face
  5785. >Unexpectedly, her mother instead grabbed her by the waist and placed her across her lap
  5786. >Dash couldn't even react before her mother gave her a single but firm smack on her bottom, making her shriek
  5787. >Her mom then helped her back on her feet and looked at her in the eyes
  5788. >"Skip school like yesterday and we'll finish it when you get back home"
  5789. >She then kissed Dash in the cheek and guided her outside the house, closing the door before she could say anything
  5791. @@@
  5793. Anon
  5796. >an annoyed little Sweetie Belle walked through the hallway, followed by a young, poker faced Rarity
  5797. >"Sweetie Belle"
  5798. >"No"
  5799. >"You must assist me"
  5800. >"I said no!"
  5801. >"Sweetie Belle"
  5802. >"I'm not a mannequinn"
  5803. >"If you don't do it, then..."
  5804. >"...then what?"
  5805. >"...I'll tell mother to spank you."
  5806. Sweetie Belle made a forced laughted.
  5807. >"Mama can't spank us without reason!"
  5808. >"Challange accepted" said Cookie Crumbles, their mother, who they suddendly realizing was standing there looking at them, smiling mischeviously.
  5809. >Soon enough both sisters were laying across her mother's lap, getting their bottoms alternatingly smacked, not painfully but soundly
  5810. >It went on for a ridiculously long time, their mother jokingly lecturing them all the while
  5811. >The sisters eventually realized their father had been there all along, recording with his camera
  5812. >They finally started struggling and trying to escape, so their father had to assist his wife
  5814. @@@
  5816. Anon
  5819. >Fluttersy, wait!
  5820. >I'm sorry Twilight, it's my fault too, I knew the magical juggling with animals was a bad idea and shouls have just said n-
  5821. >But everything went perfect!
  5823. they weren't
  5824. *slap! slap! slap!*
  5826. @@@
  5828. Anon
  5831. >Celestia regresses Twilight for some punishment / bonding / test / relaxation
  5832. >Transforms her for good measure
  5833. >Nopony knows who this filly is
  5834. >When she misbehaves, Celestia yanks her ear with magic or swats her behind
  5835. >Serious naughtiness gets a full-blown hide tanning
  5836. >Right in downtown Canterlot
  5837. >Nopony knows it's Twilight
  5838. >Just the princess punishing a bratty little filly
  5839. >She must have deserved it, the way Celestia is laying into her
  5840. >Life goes on in Canterlot
  5842. @@@
  5844. Anon
  5847. >in Ponyville, there was a young filly named Scootaloo who loved to fly around on her scooter.
  5848. >she was always the fastest pony on the block, and she loved to show off her skills.
  5849. >one day, a stallion named Mr. Fuzzybottom saw her flying around and decided to give her a lesson.
  5850. >he showed her how to ride the scooter properly, and then he gave her a good spanking. Scootaloo loved it!
  5852. @@@
  5854. Anon
  5857. >Your filly friend is in trouble
  5858. >Misbehaved, disobeyed, broke the rules... whatever.
  5859. >She hasn't been busted yet, but it's inevitable.
  5860. >So is a spanking. When she's caught her heinie is doomed.
  5861. But...
  5862. >You could help
  5863. >Maybe you would be willing to lie for her, maybe provide an alibi?
  5864. >Filly would be extremely grateful.
  5865. >Maybe even first-blowjob level grateful.
  5866. >But the consequences would be dire.
  5867. >If the plan fails you're going to get in trouble too.
  5868. >Then it's YOUR heinie that's doomed as well.
  5870. Wat do?
  5871. >Play it safe? Tattle on filly and get to watch her resulting spanking from your bedroom window?
  5872. Or...
  5873. >Take the risk...maybe get your coltie knob sucked, but possibly get your coltie rear spanked?
  5875. ...
  5877. >maybe on the BJ
  5878. >maybe on getting caught
  5879. Not a fan of those odds.
  5880. >watch her resulting spanking from your bedroom window
  5881. Rat her out and get ready to rub one out.
  5883. @@@
  5885. Anon
  5888. >"It's, um, over." Said Cream Heart.
  5889. >Button Mash continued to cry his heart out.
  5890. >His mother hugs him for a few minutes.
  5891. >Button was quite mallow and well-behaved after that session.
  5892. >During dinner time, he had trouble sitting down.
  5893. >"Oh, just sit down and eat already!'
  5894. >"But moooooom, it still hurts!"
  5895. >Cream facehooved. "Just grab a pillow then!"
  5896. >And so he did.
  5897. >The mare watched as the colt ate calmly.
  5898. >It was quite a bewildering thing, really, how he was acting.
  5899. >She never hit him a single time. Button was crying so loudly that she decided to skip the actual spanking part of the spanking.
  5900. >Not that her son seamed to notice. As far as he was concerned, he had just gotten through an extremely painful and traumatic event.
  5901. >She wondered how far she could go take these "spankings" before she'd have to do it for real.
  5903. @@@
  5905. Anon
  5908. >All the desks are angled the same way
  5909. >Not only do they keep a foal's papers at the proper height
  5910. >They help foals pay attention
  5911. >Foals that do not are told to lay over the desk, the wrong way
  5912. >Rump high, head low
  5913. >Perfect position for correction
  5914. >Many teachers want to spend as much time teaching as possible
  5915. >Some use the position itself as a warning
  5916. >Others apply only a few whacks to an errant backside
  5917. >Either way, ponies are told to stay that way until the end of the period
  5918. >Important to be in the proper position for a proper paddling
  5920. @@@
  5922. Anon and Pan
  5925. >Pumpkin just got a spanking and is now forced to face the kitchen wall while her mother cooks.
  5926. >"Pumpkin got a spanking, Pumpkin got a spaaanking!"
  5927. >Pound is also there.
  5928. >"A spa-a-aankiiing!"
  5929. >He is really enjoying himself.
  5930. >"Shut up you big dummy!" Pumpkin turns to look at her brother, who just grins back at her.
  5931. >"Oh mooom, Pumpkin got out and called me a dummy!"
  5932. >Ms Cake rolls her eyes. "Snout in corner and no talking, Pumpkin, or I'll let your brother spank you." She says in a casual tone.
  5933. >Pumpkin blushes hard before snapping back to the corner.
  5934. >Pound's grin grows into a vicious smirk as he hoes back to teasing his sister, now with the express purpose of getting her to snap at him again.
  5935. >Unfortunately for the young filly, her one hour timeout only started two minutes ago, and Pound is a very persistent colt.
  5937. ...
  5939. Its a public store. Pound invites all his friends over to tease Pumpkin. Does chores with a spanked behind.
  5941. >Mooom, can I get dressed?
  5942. >Do the dishes, wash the floor, and empty the garbage. Then you can get dressed.
  5943. >Can't I get dressed first?
  5944. >What, embarrassed about ponies seeing red? No little one, being humbled after a spanking is part of the punishment. It helps you remember not to do it again.
  5946. ---
  5948. >"Hey, Pumpkin!"
  5949. >Pumpkin would not grace Pound with an answer even if she could.
  5950. >"Does it hurt?!" Pound asked in the most obnoxious voice possible.
  5951. >Of course, this was the fifth time he asked that question.
  5952. >Pumpkin did not say anything. They both knew that it did hurt as it was obvious from the little filly's glowing red bottom.
  5953. >"I bet it does!" Pound stated the obvious. "I could only imagine how much worse it could get."
  5954. >Pumpkin shifter her gaze towards her mother, who was still making pastries. The mare did not seem to pay much attention to the two.
  5955. >"I'm actually pretty curious about that, you know."
  5956. >The filly resisted the urge to snort. She knew full well that it wasn't about pain.
  5957. >"I mean, your big butt is already so red."
  5958. >It was about embarrassing her more.
  5959. >"So why don't you just turn around so we can get this over with?"
  5960. >Pumpkin stood firmly still. No way would she live it out if she'd give in now.
  5961. >"Aw well, Its only been 10 minutes. I'll be slapping your bum soon enough."
  5962. >Pumpkin sniffled. She couldn't believe mom was letting Pound do this.
  5964. ---
  5966. "Pound, no touching your sister in the corner."
  5967. "The feather is touching her. Not me."
  5968. "Is that so? I won't touch your rump then."
  5969. ...
  5970. "Now, bend over that chair."
  5971. "You said you wouldn't touch my rump!"
  5972. "I won't. Miss wooden spoon is. Look forward."
  5973. >smack!
  5975. ---
  5977. >Why are you squirming? I'm not touching you.
  5978. >Pound was correct, he was just sort of waving one of his feathers around her body without touching it.
  5979. >By all accounts, it shouldn't have bothered Pumpkin.
  5980. >But the thing is, she was extremely ticklish.
  5981. >To the point where just knowing that a feather was so ready to tickle her made her anxious.
  5982. >Wow, Pumpkin, my feathers sure are growing. I can see it when I put em' close to your tummy.
  5983. >Oh, it was there now. Pumpkin hated that.
  5984. >And the worst part was that since he wasn't touching her, Pound had free reign to do this.
  5985. >If only she just closed her eyes so she wouldn't see Pound waving the damn thing in front of her eyes.
  5986. >At least she was quickly getting over it.
  5987. >But knowing Pound, he would be trying something else very soon.
  5988. >Pumpkin whined. She really wished her timeout would be shorter.
  5990. @@@
  5992. Anon
  5995. >Months after Cozy Glow was put up for rehabilitation.
  5996. >Things were going well for her, all things considered.
  5997. >Still not completely "good", but improving.
  5998. >Its her birthday.
  5999. >She gets a present.
  6000. >Opens it up to see a note.
  6001. >"In case you revert."
  6002. >Under the note is a big pink paddle with her cutie mark on it.
  6003. >The gift was from Pinkie and Applejack.
  6004. >To give Cozy extra motivation to change.
  6006. @@@
  6008. Anon
  6011. >"Get back here!"
  6012. >"No, fuck you!"
  6013. >Anonfilly kept running from Twilight, dodging any attempt at grabbing.
  6014. >There was no way this dumb horse was ever gonna-
  6015. >Suddenly, Anonfilly was face to face with Twilight's tail. It seems the mare teleported right on to of her.
  6016. >And almost immedietly, the green filly felt Twilights hooves close in with one grasping tightly onto a hindleg, which also served to hold down the tail.
  6017. >"Lemme the fuck-"
  6018. >Twilight smacked away with her paddle.
  6019. >Anonfilly cursed at the alicorn. When that failed, she tried escaping, but the 4 hoof cage proved to be impenitrable.
  6020. >Now, she was trying to beg her way out, but to no avail.
  6021. >Twilight was Dishing out a harsh paddling.
  6022. >And the worst part was that this was only for trying to run away, practically a warmup.
  6023. >The real spanking would start after this.
  6025. >After several stern words and paddle smacks, Twilight decided it was time. Using her magic she pinched anonfilly's left ear and then magically dragged the protesting pony towards the living room couch.
  6026. >Once at the couch the alicorn said nothing as she sat upright on it, before bringing the squirming filly up and over her lap.
  6027. >"No, w-wait! I've learnt my lesson! I'll be good!" Anonfilly worriedly exclaimed.
  6028. >"You said the exact same thing yesterday," Twilight responded bluntly. Taking the paddle into her hoof.
  6029. >The alicorn couldn't help but scowl as she felt the frustrations of the entire week wash over her. And the cause for all of them was currently shaking in her lap.
  6030. >And so, not delaying for another second, Twilight raised the paddle high to her side, well above anonfilly's already sore rump. Using the distance she then brought the paddle down hard, across both exposed cheeks. Landing it with a resounding smack.
  6031. >Twilight really didn't have a number in mind this time. She just knew that she wasen't going to stop until the filly below her was crying and screaming for her forgiveness.
  6033. >'CRACK!'
  6034. >Anonfilly danced on Twilight's lap almost in sync with the paddle's own little dancing session.
  6035. >It was a rather agonizing duet for the green filly, which her excessive screaming seamed to prove.
  6036. >She was also sweating quite a bit, most likely from all the squirming.
  6037. >And the begging...
  6038. >She made a million promises, most of which involved "being good" and "never doing anything like this again".
  6039. >Twilight, of course, knew better then to just take her words for granted.
  6040. >The purple mare wanted to make extra sure that this lesson would settle in.
  6041. >Unfortunately for Anonfilly, it was an exceedingly painful lesson.
  6042. >'CRAAACK!'
  6044. @@@
  6046. Anon
  6049. >"Friendship Emergency Alert!"
  6050. >"Super-duper awful news!"
  6051. >"My Mom found out we all forged our folks signatures on those detention letters!"
  6052. >"I just got my rear-end roasted...
  6053. >" my Mom is calling all YOUR parents to tell them!"
  6054. >"You only have minutes to act!"
  6057. @@@
  6059. Anon
  6062. >A few years ago
  6063. >Pipp just established her first streaming channel
  6064. >Lots of fans already
  6066. >But she gets in trouble
  6067. >Queen Mom is angry
  6068. >A sound spanking is promised
  6069. "Now go to your room!"
  6070. >Tearful Pipp gallops away as told
  6071. >Immediately starts streaming
  6072. >Telling all her fans about how terrible and cruel the Queen is
  6073. >How she's too old for a spanking
  6074. "It's a punishment for little foals! I'm almost 13!"
  6075. >Her Pipsqueaks respond supportively
  6076. >Emboldened, Pipp tries something
  6077. "And just to show you what a big meanie my Mom is being...I'm gonna stream my spanking so every pony can see for themself!"
  6079. >The terrible moment arrives
  6080. >Unaware that she's being recorded, Queen Haven gives a stinging lecture
  6081. >Then turns Pipps pink rum red with her mane brush
  6083. >The audience stats show that hundreds watched Pipp's punishment
  6084. >But what the stats don't show is how many Mommies & Daddies were watching too
  6085. >On their own devices...over their foals' shoulders
  6086. >They like what they see
  6087. >And if that's how the Queen raises her daughter...
  6089. >There are long term effects
  6090. >Spanking up 30% in Zephyr Heights
  6091. >Parents more willing to do it in public now
  6092. >The Pippsqueaks know who is to blame for their sore heinies
  6093. >Pipp has some serious explaining to do
  6095. @@@
  6097. Anon
  6100. What other things did the Princess sisters do to get each other in trouble?
  6101. They were both spanked on livestreams.
  6103. >"You got me grounded like...12 times!"
  6105. Zipp and Pipp:
  6106. >I can't believe we get spanked online. Nopony ever got spanked in public before!
  6107. The queen:
  6108. >Actually, my little ponies, public corporal punishment has been documented since at least the pre-classical era almost 10,000 years ago!
  6110. @@@
  6112. Anon
  6115. >Goth teen Flurry Heart
  6116. >Inb4 she fucks up the speech onpy to get spanked in front of the entire Empire.
  6118. You could play that for feels.
  6120. Flurry starts all teen-angsty and annoyed that she has to do a speech.
  6121. Her Mom insists that she practice.
  6122. >"Sheesh, it's just talking, Mom, what's big deal?"
  6123. The big day comes.
  6124. Flurry dresses all goth and anti-social.
  6125. Time for her speech.
  6126. It's MUCH harder than she thought; fucks it up royally.
  6127. In tears after her disastrous public gaffe.
  6129. So does Flurry deserve sympathy or spanks for not practicing like her Mom told her?
  6131. >Spanks. Sympathetic spanks.
  6132. >She would just spank herself.
  6134. @@@
  6136. Anon
  6139. >Derpy never liked spankings
  6140. >She knew her filly needed them from time to time
  6141. >What she hated was they never made sense
  6142. >She had to put her filly to her right
  6143. >And two feet ahead of her
  6144. >There was no way her hooves would reach that far
  6145. >But in that position, somehow, her hoof always met its target.
  6147. @@@
  6149. Anon
  6152. >"B-but Rarity!"
  6153. >"No butts, now stop squirming!"
  6154. >"You can't spank me! Not here!"
  6155. >'Sigh' "Scootaloo if you don't stay still this instant, I will be pulling down you garments."
  6156. >Scootaloo blushed and looked around the clouded park. Many were staring at her and she could have sworn that she heard some giggling.
  6157. >She was pretty sure she'd never live this down and it would only be worse if Rarity spanked her naked butt here.
  6158. >She finally stayed still, looking at the ground in humiliation.
  6159. >"Good girl." Said Rarity before grabbing her big hairbrush.
  6161. @@@
  6163. Anon
  6166. >This works, somehow.
  6167. >The CMC have officially ended spanking.
  6168. >They live through their childhoods in non-spanking bliss.
  6169. >They eventually grow up though.
  6170. >That's when they start noticing the devastation they had brought.
  6171. >Without something to keep them in check, foals were running rampant.
  6172. >Nothing was safe from the child criminals.
  6173. >And so, they set off on a new mission.
  6174. >To bring back the thing they have seemingly destroyed.
  6176. They go back in time to convince their younger selves to not do the trick.
  6177. >I know what it sounds like. But really, foals need spankings.
  6179. @@@
  6181. Anon
  6184. Spank hard and long. Then immediately have sex with them before they've stopped crying. Aggressively thrusting into their rump, causing further pain and feeling them clench down on your cock. Occasionally giving them a few slaps to get them crying and clenching again.
  6186. @@@
  6188. Anon
  6191. >Starlight didn't think that Twilight was such a disciplinarian.
  6192. >She was wrong.
  6193. >She also didn't think she'd be taught in such a small school desk.
  6194. >That was also wrong.
  6195. >"Starlight, listen!"
  6196. >"'Sigh', Sorry."
  6197. >Her ass hurt.
  6199. @@@
  6201. Anon
  6204. >Equestrian art school.
  6205. >The students in such places must draw many things.
  6206. >Among them, other ponies are considered important subjects.
  6207. >Gotta know their anatomy
  6208. >This means that the pony their drawing in question needs to pose for the art students.
  6209. >And, of course, there needs to be a good variety in these poses.
  6210. >And well, spanking related poses are considered fantastic for this.
  6211. >A timeout is great for drawing idle poses while an ongoing spanking is perfect for referencing a pony in motion.
  6212. >Not to mention the reddened flank being a perfect way to study the effects of pressure on the body for coloring.
  6213. >Art students could learn much from drawing a spanked pony model.
  6214. >The poor model in these cases though, is not too thrilled about the learning experience.
  6216. @@@
  6218. Anon
  6221. >Twilight is trying to help Rainbow Dash study for her Wonderbolt exams.
  6222. >So far, none of the methods she tried worked.
  6223. >Really, Rainbow wasn't even trying.
  6224. >In fact, she was acting like a bratty disruptive filly.
  6225. >Bratty filly...
  6226. >Hmm...
  6227. >"Rainbow Dash, I think I got just the thing to teach you the lesson."
  6228. >"What is it this time?"
  6229. >Twilight grinned as she lit her horn.
  6230. >Turns out a sore rump was just what Dashie needed.
  6231. >The constant burning reminder on her tush to listen made her suddenly all to eager to memorize the questions.
  6232. >Not that Rainbow Dash seemed to appreciate Twilight's hard work.
  6233. >No matter. She would at the test.
  6235. @@@
  6237. Anon
  6240. >Rarity's whining was terrible for the dogs.
  6241. >It got to the point where they would have done anything to make them stop.
  6242. >That is, until, the smartest of their clan made a genius idea.
  6243. >Ear plugs.
  6244. >With the whining dealt with, the only issue remaining was the lack of cooperation.
  6245. >That's where the dogs brought out their secret weapon.
  6246. >An old paddle they randomly stole from a pony once.
  6247. >Rarity kicked and screamed as she was held down and paddled mercilessly by the dogs.
  6248. >Despite that, ponies seemed to be a lot more cooperative with a sore rump.
  6249. >Even made them work better.
  6250. >Seriously, Rarity was amazing. Super strong and skilled.
  6251. >She never stopped whining about her reddened flank though.
  6253. @@@
  6255. Anon
  6258. >Got in some shit last night with Mom
  6259. >Mouth got her into trouble
  6260. >Rear end paid the price
  6261. >Purple posterior catches the wrath of the hairbrush
  6262. >At least not grounded though
  6263. >Can still go to the beach with friends tomorrow
  6265. >Fun day
  6266. >Twi's butt clearly reddened
  6267. >But her friends don't mention it
  6268. >Twi even starts to forget
  6269. >Until she sits down on the vinyl beach chair
  6270. >The one that's been sitting in the direct sun for 3 hours
  6271. >Meat cooks at 165ºF
  6272. >Especially when it's been pre-tenderized.
  6274. @@@
  6276. Anon
  6279. >Spike gets bracelet.
  6280. >Turns out its a snap-on.
  6281. >Twilight notices it and has an idea.
  6282. >She grabs it, straightens it and casts a hardening spell on it.
  6283. >While small, it makes for a surprisingly effective spanking tool.
  6284. >Soon, small rectangular marks appear on the poor dragon's butt.
  6286. @@@
  6288. Anon
  6291. "Spike, I've told you a hundred times to clean up your room!" Twilight Sparkle scolded the young dragon as she began spanking him on his bottom. "I can never find anything in this mess! And it's not fair to your friends that they can't even walk in here because it's so cluttered!"
  6293. Spike whimpered and begged for her to stop, but Twilight was not going to let him off easy this time. She continued spanking him until his bottom was nice and red and his cries were echoing throughout the room, sending a message that he needed to take his chores more seriously.
  6295. "Twilight, I'm sorry! I'll do better next time, I promise!" Spike cried, but Twilight ignored his pleas and continued spanking him. Soon his bottom was glowing red and his cries were echoing throughout the room, sending a message that he needed to take his chores more seriously.
  6297. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Please stop! I'll do anything!" Spike cried, tears streaming down his face. But the spanking went on and on, until Spike was exhausted from crying.
  6299. Meanwhile, Twilight's friends were gathered around and watching casually, chatting amongst themselves about the situation. "I remember when I used to get spankings like that," Rarity said with a nostalgic look on her face. "My mother was very strict about keeping my room clean."
  6301. "Yeah, I got spanked all the time growing up too," Applejack agreed. "It didn't feel too good but it definitely got me motivated to do my chores!"
  6303. Eventually, Twilight finished punishing Spike and sent him off to clean up his room properly. She turned to her friends with a weary smile on her face. "I know it's not easy dealing with a misbehaving dragon but hopefully this will teach him a lesson."
  6305. @@@
  6307. Anon
  6310. >Young creature begs to not receive a warm tush
  6311. "It's not fair."
  6312. "Let's find out, young colt. Ask our 10 closest neigh-bors if it's fair to spank you for not doing your chores. If 6 of them say no, you get time out instead."
  6313. >Embarrassing discussions follow
  6314. >Then a very fair red behind
  6316. @@@
  6318. Anon
  6321. >Cheerilee was not the spanking type.
  6322. >Sure, she had the authority to do it, but never really bothered.
  6323. >This, however, made her consider making an exception...
  6325. >No, she was better then that.
  6326. >Spankings were so outdated anyway.
  6327. >Many ponies didn't even know that teachers could give them.
  6328. >Yea, she'd just make her write lines.
  6329. >Kids hate those more anyway.
  6330. >Now to just leave Sweetie to write the lines while she goes to correct some homework.
  6331. >...
  6332. >Better check on Sweetie.
  6333. >...
  6334. >Screw it.
  6335. >"Sweetie Belle!"
  6336. >"EEP!"
  6337. >Her family probably won't mind a red bottom for her anyway.
  6338. >Commence the chase.
  6340. @@@
  6342. Anon
  6345. >Parent needs to spank their kid.
  6346. >Tried everything else, nothing worked.
  6347. >Spanking is the last resort.
  6348. >There is an issue.
  6349. >One reason why the parent always desperately avoided spankings.
  6350. >They are a complete spanko.
  6351. >They love spankings.
  6352. >And because of that, they feel too guilty to spank their kid, because they don't want to end up enjoying it.
  6353. >The very thought that they actually want to spank and the knowledge that they would have fun doing it disgusts them.
  6354. >But options are running out.
  6355. >Spank or no spank?
  6357. @@@
  6359. Sunmane
  6362. Prompt I'd like to see more of:
  6363. All the spell books on the lowest few shelves of the forbidden section are decoys. Young students sneak in and try to cast them, only to find the spell just puts them in the corner, spanks them, drags them to Celestia, washes their mouth out, dresses them like a foal, etc.
  6365. Ponderings of an outline:
  6367. Class of students given project on spell research. Some enterprising students finish early and decide the decoy spells would be interesting to try out (or perhaps others skip the project and go for the restricted section). Each spell pulls them into an extradimensional space for whatever punishment is deemed appropriate. No time appears to pass in the real world once they're released and they breathe a sigh of relief that they've gotten off with no one being the wiser. Project becomes due in class, teacher shows off recordings of each student's punishment to the class.
  6369. @@@
  6371. Anon
  6374. >tfw it's your big sister who's in trouble this time
  6376. >revenge for all the times she laughed at you getting spanked
  6378. >gonna get mad hits and likes when you upload the vid of her crying and begging Mom not to destroy her rear-end
  6380. @@@
  6382. Anon
  6385. Opaline has big spanker vibes with Misty. She almost says "young filly" I believe.
  6387. ---
  6389. >"Misty, you know I do not enjoy punishing you."
  6390. >Looking up from Opaline's marehood, Misty nodded and answered.
  6391. >"Y-yes, I know mother. I-I am sorry for failing you yet again...."
  6392. >Misty timidly said before returning her tongue into the alicorn's vagina.
  6393. >"I know you are my loyal filly. But tell me, what happens when you fail?"
  6394. >"I mnhhtph a sfhpannghg."
  6395. >"Do not speak with your mouth full dear."
  6396. >Parting from Opaline's vulva Misty swallowed before correcting herself.
  6397. >"I get a s-spanking."
  6398. >"That is right my little filly, now finish up between my legs. Then fetch the big paddle and wait in your room."
  6399. >"Y-yes mother."
  6400. >Misty quickly fixated her lips over Opaline's winking clitoris, sucking and gently swirling her tongue all over it. Hearing as her mother gradually began groaning and moaning above her.
  6402. @@@
  6404. Anon
  6407. When a unicorn is spanked, they are first made to use all their magic. Young spankees do cleaning spells on the implements. Older ones pick their own switch and prune it with magic. Still older ones conjure their own paddles. If the magic is still too strong, they may create ribbons which they tie their legs with.
  6409. Twilight and Cadance were a real hoofful. Celestia had to give them a litany of preparation chores just so they'd be spent enough to be punished.
  6411. @@@
  6413. Anon
  6416. Opaline has big spanker vibes with Misty. She almost says "young filly" I believe.
  6418. ---
  6420. The Spanko's Abridged Guide to Tell Your Tale:
  6422. >>39136996
  6423. Opaline is the most obvious spanker and Misty is the most obvious spankee. Opaline is a Disney queen. Decadent, selfish, regal, cruel. Like Chrysalis. Misty has an unclear age. Probably as old as the Mane 5, but she shrinks into fillyish begging and excuses when Opaline's plans inevitably fail.
  6425. There's a spanko's dream at the end of episode 7, Hoof Done It?
  6427. Misty asks again for a cutie mark, and Opaline brings down her hoof across Misty's rump to mockingly wipe off the fake mark Opaline probably drew on. What's fantastic about this shot is that it looks like the brushing had some force to it. This is maybe the most punitive spank in all of g4-g5. Opaline is upset and the cause of her anger is the recipient of the slap.
  6429. Other people can pick up and explain more spanko moments in g5.
  6431. Pic is shortly before that scene.
  6433. @@@
  6436. Anon
  6438. Busted by the cops.
  6440. >Spend the night in jail? It's scary and smells like urine.
  6441. or
  6442. >Call your parents? You know what will happen your butt.
  6444. @@@
  6446. Anon
  6449. >Alright, Rumble, raise your tail. Mr. switch needs to have a "talk" with your fanny.
  6451. @@@
  6453. Anon
  6456. >I'm sorry mom, but you really shouldn't spank me.
  6457. >Oh? And why is that?
  6458. >Because, I am too old to be spanked. I am not little anymore.
  6459. >Hmm...
  6460. >Clearly a grown up like me needs that bit of respect.
  6461. >You are completely right. I can't spank you, you are way too old!
  6462. This is how Skystar imagined her interaction with her mother would go as she confidently swam to the throne room after getting into some big trouble.
  6464. @@@
  6466. Anon
  6469. >tfw you know your rivals are all getting spankings after school today and you aren't.
  6471. @@@
  6473. Anon
  6476. This could be even better between a pony who doesn't get spanked and one who does.
  6478. >Spank flank, spank flank!
  6479. >I didn't know you were a little foal.
  6480. >Watch out Sweetie, you sat in something.
  6482. Imagine the humiliation.
  6484. @@@
  6486. Anon
  6489. Changelings.
  6491. They can be any of the races besides their own, even turn into inanimate objects. They might even be able to turn their body parts into spanking implements, although there's no show evidence for that. It almost feels like cheating to mention them. I just wish they were used more.
  6493. @@@
  6495. Anon
  6498. Sometime ago we had the idea of a time traveler trying to prevent a spanking.
  6500. What if Twily's mom finds adult Twilight trying to stop her, and manages to inhibit the return spell and spank her? She could leave a note for herself to give her daughter corner time on a certain day decades in the future. Or drag old Twilight to Celestia after she returns to the present.
  6502. @@@
  6504. Anon
  6507. Will Twily get away?
  6509. Yes.
  6511. She will run to Celestia, who will spank her for magic misuse. Then she will hand her over to Velvet, who will spank her again for running away. Then Night Light will also spank her for both. Next day, Shining will slap her rump teasingly.
  6513. @@@
  6515. Anon
  6518. Dear Twilight, it has come to my attention through your brother and father that your giggly pink friend of yours has been an EXTREMELY naughty pony. I am coming down from Canterlot IMMEDIATELY so that I can spank every inch of her fat, pink, jiggling ass.
  6520. @@@
  6522. Anon
  6525. Multispank stories / Cozy Glow
  6527. She would be an easy one, due to her history. Mby she gets spanked with a paddle first, then without any implements the following day. Going back and forth. A hard spanking then a lighter one. The lighter one would still always hurt due to the soreness from the previous day.
  6528. Thus, spankings becomes part of her regular punishment routine. Similar to a maintenance spanking in a way. But one each day.
  6530. @@@
  6532. Anon
  6535. >Sweetie was always an angel after Rarity watched her. When her parents asked what her secret was, and Rarity responded “her red tush,” they were miffed. But after enough instances of this, they asked for lessons and to borrow her paddle. Soon, Sweetie’s behavior at home markedly improved. Although she was seen around town much more often with a cherry red behind, her front still had that same childish smile.
  6536. Derpi comment
  6538. @@@
  6540. Anon
  6543. >ywn happily talk to a filly with a red backside
  6544. >ywn see that she doesn't have a care in the world
  6546. >ywn be the one to spank said filly.
  6548. >ywn BE spanked by a filly
  6550. @@@
  6552. Anon
  6555. >Cozy escapes, somehow.
  6556. >Decides to strike at the Crystal Empire.
  6557. >Loses.
  6558. >Cadence decides to not treat her the same way Equestria would, but instead as a naughty filly.
  6559. >Spanking is the punishment.
  6561. @@@
  6563. Anon
  6566. Magic suppressors (horn rings) are regulated.
  6567. Except child size ones. Foals beware. They work best when size gender and race are considered. Naughty foals have to be measured to know that, say, a sapphire ring in 3/4 band with diamond auxillary will be most effective at stopping magic when their parents are painting their back porches. And of course this can be tested in store.
  6569. It's frowned upon, but hardcore parents do leave the suppressors on after a spanking. It's viewed the way we humans would view using a paddle with holes or a belt. Something that strict parents do but not illegal.
  6571. Teens are in an embarrassing position. There's no such thing as a teen suppressor, just an adult small. So the parent has to fill out the paperwork for the application.
  6573. The application may be rejected, the Crown doesn't want random ponies running around with horn rings. An annual license is paid, as well as requiring it to be produced at the office so the government knows it's not lost.
  6575. Despite all this control, the easiest way to get one is to mark down that you're buying it for corporal punishment. Different models with different crystal bases produce different levels of numbness and tiredness in the horn and head, which can itself be a punishment.
  6577. Apparently the whole Equestrian government is filled with bureaucrats who like seeing uppity teenagers spanked like little babies.
  6579. Worse, the clerk has to fill it out. So the parent has to explain to them that the suppressor is being bought to control the magic surges when spanking this teen's flanks.
  6581. Long ago there was a thread idea that judicial cp recipients had to display the implement they were spanked with. If convicted of workplace crimes, it'd be displayed at their workplace. An auditor randomly visits to ensure it's prominently displayed with its explanatory paper.
  6583. @@@
  6585. Anon
  6588. Alright, I have this idea for a story green thing and I wanted to pitch it to you guys to see if you would like it (and also why not)
  6590. A teen Cadence is babysitting filly Twilight, Twilight has been stealing cookies or just sweet treats in general before blaming it on Shining Armor (and getting away with it.)
  6592. After having this happen for like, almost a week at most, she gets caught.
  6594. And then spanking shenanigans happen, basically just a corporal punishment fic with Twilight and Cadence.
  6596. What do you guys think?
  6598. @@@
  6600. Anon
  6603. Powerplays would be easy and hot to do. A large dragon, or minotaur etc capturing a strong mare guard for example. Then he rapes and whips her into submission everynight until she speaks important castle secrets. Then sells her off or gives her to a clan or group.
  6604. Or you could go in a nicer route and have stories about a mare teacher that is lecturing in a mixed class. And then write about how the mare ends up spanking a cute griffon boy. And then she gossips about how much firmer/softer those griffon rumps are.
  6605. Or write about an intresting bdsm club where all the creatures are bigger than the adult ponies.
  6607. Lots you can do with other creatures lol.
  6609. @@@
  6611. Anon
  6614. >Upon hearing of Cozy's punishment, the 6 students who were so vital in her defeat decided that they had to make an appearance.
  6615. >So, with allowances/treasure in hand/hoof, they made there way to where she was held.
  6616. >Gallus sighed sadly.
  6617. >"What's wrong, Gallus?" Sandbar asked.
  6618. >"Oh, nothing, its just that I don't have any bits to donate."
  6619. >Silverstream smiled. "Here, have some of mine!"
  6620. >"Are you sure?"
  6621. >"Don't worry, I got plenty!"
  6622. >Gallus shot his friend a grateful look. "Thanks, Silverstream!"
  6623. >As the 6 friends got closer, they could see Cozy blushing in fearful embarrassment as she noticed them.
  6625. @@@
  6627. Anon
  6630. >The CMC, wanting a little payback for getting locked in a closet, asked their guardians if they could go donate.
  6631. >Surprisingly, they agreed and even gave them a bit so that they wouldn't have to use up their allowance.
  6632. >And so, the three fillies waited in line for their shot at smacking the evil filly.
  6633. >"I bet I'll hit her harder then you two!"
  6634. >"Nuh-huh, I practiced beforehand!"
  6635. >"Really girls? What did you practice on?" Sweetie Belle asked.
  6636. >"Pillows." Scootaloo and Applebloom said in unison.
  6637. >The three chuckled at that.
  6638. >"Hey, aren't a bunch of the ponies waiting in line from the friendship school?" Applebloom later asked.
  6639. >"Yea, I guess they want payback too." Scootaloo said.
  6640. >They then heard a loud smack, followed by Cozy shrieking, causing them to wince.
  6641. >"Ouch, that was a hard one." Sweetie commented.
  6642. >"You think we can also hit that hard?" Scootaloo asked.
  6643. >"Probably not, but I'm sure she won't like it when she notices us."
  6644. >The three giggled in anticipation as the line got shorter and shorter.
  6646. ...
  6648. >Twilight sighed as she put the new sign to her desk after a short break,
  6649. >She ignored Cozy's begging not to.
  6651. >She had to put that up after some ponies wanted to use hairbrushes they brought with them.
  6652. >She figured she could let some of them use it if they payed more.
  6653. >It was a charity, after all.
  6654. >Every swat on Cozy's quivering sore bottom was more money to fix her damage.
  6655. >She reopened the queue much to the pleasure of the ponies waiting.
  6656. >And Cozy's displeasure.
  6657. >The first pony was already bringing a wooden spoon with her.
  6659. ...
  6661. >"So, can we have her?" Asked the noblepony.
  6662. >Twilight sighed. "I'll... think about it. Maybe we can arrange something as long as there is proper supervision."
  6663. >"Great! We will await your response, your majesty!"
  6664. >"Y-you won't let them do that, will you?" Cozy meekly asked.
  6665. >"Well, they are offering quite the donation for it, so I am considering it."
  6666. >"But those dumb-"
  6667. >"And of course, those insults you keep throwing may sway my judgement in their favor."
  6668. >Cozy gulped as more ponies, and some creatures, joined the line.
  6669. >Meanwhile, Featherweight was there, filming the whole thing.
  6670. >Apparently, Snips had set him up to do it as some sort of moneymaking scheme of selling the video.
  6671. >Twilight had her reservations at first, but after the colts promised to donate 70% of the profits to the charity, she decided to let it happen.
  6672. >Maybe she would buy one for Cozy after this was over as a reminder of sorts.
  6673. >Better safe then sorry when it came to that filly.
  6675. ...
  6677. >Later that evening, the line finally eased up and eventually ended as ponies went back home.
  6678. >"That sure was a long day." Twilight said to herself.
  6679. >Another pony then approached her, causing Cozy to let out a feint groan.
  6680. >"Ah, nurse Redheart! Have you come to check up on Cozy?"
  6681. >"Yes, may I? This shouldn't take long."
  6682. >"Go ahead! She won't be giving you much trouble."
  6683. >"I can see that." Said Redheard, wincing slightly at the very sorry filly as she walked behind her to check her even sorrier bottom.
  6684. >Meanwhile, Twilight counted the profits.
  6685. >"Quite a lot of money. This should help greatly with the reconstruction efforts." She turned back to charity filly. "Good job, Cozy!"
  6686. >Her only answer was a tired sniffle.
  6687. >Cozy squealed in surprised as Redheard was inspecting her buttocks.
  6688. >Meanwhile, Featherweight and Snips were still filming.
  6689. >"Those two are very persistent." Thought Twilight.
  6690. >"And so ends a horribly sore day for the villainous filly. I'm sure she's learned her lesson!" Snips announced as Featherweight zoomed in with the camera on Cozy's bottom, which looked about as red as you'd expect from a filly spanked all day.
  6691. >Cozy audibly sighed in relief as Redheart smeared a cooling scream on her bottom.
  6692. >Meanwhile, a bunch of foals gathered around the two filmmakers as they curiously watched what was happening.
  6693. >The fillies in particular were confused as to why some of the colts were blushing.
  6694. >Looking back, Twilight considered that she may need to get the two colts to edit a few parts out before selling the film.
  6695. >She then let out a deep breath.
  6696. >"How is she?"
  6697. >"Her hindquarters are obviously rather damaged, but she is uninjured. Make sure she doesn't put too much pressure on them for a while and she will be fine."
  6698. >"Thank you nurse!" Twilight said as she walked behind Cozy to survey the damage herself.
  6699. >"I think were done for the day."
  6701. @@@
  6703. Anon
  6706. This thread is looking a little empty, so here’s a small idea I have!
  6708. So the idea of somebody (or some pony in this case) secretly loving spankings and purposely getting in trouble to get said spankings just always gives me a boner and I don’t know why
  6710. Especially when they get found out, just really makes me unf
  6712. And I feel like this type of plot can fit with a lot of MLP characters, Twilight and Celestia, Starlight and like… any of the Student Six, Rainbow Dash and Spitfire, I could probably go on…
  6714. I think I like the Rainbow Dash and Spitfire one the best though…. What do you guys think?
  6716. (Also, I’m working on a Apple Bloom Green rn, gonna see if I could finish it tonight)
  6718. @@@
  6720. Anon
  6723. >Cozy and Coco somehow meat and make a bet.
  6724. >They have a chess game.
  6725. >If Cozy wins, Coco has to help her with her take over Equestria.
  6726. >If she loses, Coco spanks her and turns her in.
  6727. >Their meeting was under unpleasant circumstances, so Coco is eager to win this.
  6729. @@@
  6731. Anon
  6734. What story or prompt got overlooked/worth talking about from the last 2 threads?
  6736. I feel like the Rara (Coloratura) gets spanked at camp (from the Spanking Thread #90: Spank Your Tail Edition) is a great prompt and I’m kinda shocked that their isn’t any greens about it, there’s a shit ton of possibilities on what could happen
  6738. Like what if the camp had their own paddles, of if you wanna get outlandish you could probably use one of those canoeing paddles, a little far fetched but a switch or a cane could be a good implement as well, you could also go old school use sticks as well
  6740. We already know Coloratura was a good little filly and she was probably a favorite to the camp staff, and that might of made the other colts and fillies jealous… I could see her being framed for something and forced to deal the price
  6742. If somebody does go with that story line then maybe they could have the other kids watch, either secretly orrr Coloratura would have her punishment in public and have the kids watch that way
  6744. Rara would definitely be a whiny one, desperately trying to convince the camp counselors not to do it, there’s also the possibility Coloratura might of been such a good kid that she had never GOTTEN a spanking and is new to this sort of thing
  6746. That’s all I have for now, hopefully my ideas aren’t too shitty and people might actually use them
  6748. @@@
  6750. Anon
  6753. Cozy Glow escaped from stone.
  6754. No one was sure how, but she immediately tried escaping and caused some trouble along the way.
  6755. She was caught relatively quickly.
  6756. "Ow!" Cozy kept shouting as Twilight, who was holding the filly under her armpits, kept swatting away at her bottom.
  6757. "Is everything ready?" Twilight asked as she kept spanking Cozy with her hooves.
  6758. It wasn't a particularly hard spanking, but it still clearly stung.
  6759. "Almost." Said Gallus as he and two guards put a stone podium in place. "We'll be ready to re-petrify her in a moment."
  6760. "Noooo!" Cozy shouted through the spanking, but was ignored.
  6761. Once the guards were finished, Twilight finally stopped hitting the now bright red butt and levitated Cozy, who was both screaming insults and begging for mercy to her new podium.
  6762. Then, Twilight cast a spell which slowly started to turn the panicking filly to stone again.
  6763. Only to stop.
  6764. Cozy looked at her with a hopeful expression, half of her body turned to stone, including one of her hooves, which was rooted to the podium.
  6765. Her tail was then swiftly raised and her butt smacked with a switch that Twilight had picked up.
  6766. This caused the filly to shut her eyes and open her mouth to let our a scream while stepping foreword.
  6767. But the scream never came as it was then that Twilight finished the petrification, leaving her stuck right at the moment she was smacked leaving it obvious to all what the last thing she experienced was.
  6768. Gallus stood next to Twilight as they watched the new-ish statue.
  6769. "Heh, nice pose."
  6770. "I figured she'd look better this way."
  6771. "I'm sure the reporters will love it."
  6772. The two chuckled and headed back inside.
  6773. "How did she escape anyway?" Gallus asked.
  6774. "I think it was because the spell that petrified the other two as well was designed for powerful beings. Cozy was not powerful enough and the spell simply failed."
  6775. "So she could get out again?"
  6776. "Maybe." Twilight smiled mischievously. "But that's why I gave her that last one."
  6777. "Huh?"
  6778. "What's a filly going to do when she gets hit hard on the bum?"
  6779. Gallus thought for a moment before figuring out what Twilight was saying. He then started laughing heartily, which Twilight joined.
  6780. Cozy was petrified just before she could let out a scream, making for an excellent early warning system in case of future escapes.
  6781. It was with eased minds that the princess and guard captain walked back into the castle.
  6782. Just another day in Canterlot.
  6784. @@@
  6786. Anon
  6789. What if we took the story of Celestia punishing Luna for her Nightmare Moon crimes, and added the idea of enforcing purity on Luna, for the sake of keeping away any NMM influence that might come from her urges ?
  6791. Luna would still get her regular paddlings for reparation's sake, and would have to also wear a chastity belt, with Celestia as the key holder.
  6793. That reason for the purity thing could be actually something Celestia believes in, or just some bullshit she came up with to mess with her sister, so she can tease her and wait for her to beg to have a small release.
  6795. This purity thing could give some "correctional" sister vibes to the story, with Celestia always showing "concern" over how her sister is behaving, and giving her some correction if needed.
  6797. ---
  6799. Wow, that would be so embarrassing for her. Needing to beg her own sister to masturbate. Love the idea.
  6800. ...
  6801. Oh we could go even further and have Celestia only allow her sister to do it under her supervision. You know, to make sure she doesnt overdo it.
  6802. ...
  6803. What would you think if Luna's chastity belt also had some symbol to represent Celestia's control over her chastity ?
  6805. Like for example, if the lock of the belt had this emblem engraved around it, with the keyhole right in the middle. Something to symbolize her sister's watchful eye over Luna's needs.
  6806. ...
  6807. What if there was a vibrator built into her chastity? it would start off slow at first, just small tingles during the day, then those same ‘tingles’ start lasting longer and longer, a few seconds becoming a few minutes
  6809. And the reason why Celestia would do this? To ‘build her strength if those temptations last and to keep nightmare moon away…’ and to also fuck with her even more
  6810. ...
  6811. There is something about having a powerful, grown alicorn like Luna. Needing to seek permission to touch herself (from her own sister no less). And having her watch it too.
  6813. Celestia would keep reminding her that its only been a few days/a week. And that Luna should learn some more "self control". Followed by a rough paddling for being such a hopeless mare.
  6814. And as Celestia eventually concludes the long spanking session, having properly reduced her younger sister into an embarrassed, crying mess. She re-positions her on the bed and then proceeds to wipe her glistening marehood down for her, before locking her sex up again. Making sure Luna sees her tucking the key under her white wings.
  6816. After consoling Luna for a bit. The older alicorn would then return to her private chambers. Once alone she would immediately bring out her vast sex toy collection. Dildoing herself until she climaxes several times over. Just like she always does everyday. Doing it especially vigorously after her little "meetings" with Luna's adorable hind.
  6817. ...
  6818. >Celestia catches Luna playing with her teats in an attempt to get off.
  6819. >The very next day she adds breastplate covers to the chastity ensemble
  6821. >Instead of Luna masturbating during her allowed off time, Celestia would handle it personally so that her sister doesnt overindulge in it.
  6822. >Luna's hooves would remain tied while the belt is removed, and Celestia would pick a very small dildo ( for purity's sake of course ) and very slowly and gently rub it until Luna gets her one allowed orgasm.
  6823. >Meanwhile Luna would have to clamp really hard to feel it, with Celestia's slow rubbing also not helping in this manner.
  6825. I also thought about some ideas in case Celestia ever decides to make Luna's purity an essential part of her public image. You know , to assure her subjects that theres no danger of Nightmare Moon ever coming back.
  6827. >Luna would have to wear long covering dresses almost all the time.
  6828. >Celestia would personally filter out Luna's dating candidates, imposing really high standards on the types of stallions/mares she could date.
  6829. ...
  6830. also don't forget about genital fashion.
  6831. I like it when they are both combined in some way. Have the chastity belt be both functional and decorative. i.e symbols or ornaments etc to show ownership.
  6832. ...
  6833. Trying to think of symbols that could be engraved on Luna's belt that show Celestia's dominance.
  6835. I got lucky and found that art >>39515266
  6837. But I still want to think of other more abstract designs whose meaning wouldnt be obvious at first glance to anyone but Luna.
  6839. Like instead of Celestia's face or cutie mark , it would show the sun enveloping the moon, or maybe shining over a heart shaped lock.
  6841. @@@
  6843. Anon
  6846. Chastity cages / Mixing shame, control and correction all together.
  6848. ---
  6850. Many good scenarios come to mind.
  6851. Like a married, royal couple for example. One day some random mare comes along and tries to steal her husband away. And the wife, with the help of some blackmail, ends up "hiring" the gold digging mare as a maid. And she has to walk around their mansion with a chastity belt covering her nethers--with a small dildo inside of her vagina--vibrating on low. All day. Everyday. It sexually frustrates her to no end.
  6852. And whenever the royal couple has sex, she has to sit on the floor and watch them. Of course there's alot of begging for release, and whenever she gets too annoying with it, the wife whips her until she can't easily walk. It never fails to stop the begging for a few days.
  6854. The wife having no sympathy for the girl. Enjoying her day-to-day suffering. Starts secretly filming her brutal spanking sessions with her, selling them without the mare knowing. And so, when the mare eventually earns her freedom back, after a few years. She will discover that she has no place to go. As none wants to hire what they perceive to be a masochistic porn actress. With loads of movies circulating around of her begging for both forgiveness as she gets hatefully caned by a dominatrix. But also for sexual release as she miserably cries whilst eating her mistress out. Pleading for the key with her mouth muffled over her vulva. Promising to be good.
  6855. With this new discovery she ends up going back to the vengeful wife. Servicing her for many difficult years to come. And making an extensive collection of long, excruciating movies together. All of them being very one-sided.
  6857. @@@
  6859. Anon
  6862. What would you guys think of the idea of a changeling being cursed with not being able to use love as food, but having to use pain instead ?
  6864. He would basically have to humiliate himself by begging for a heavy paddling to get his daily nourishment.
  6866. ---
  6868. But who would paddle the changeling?
  6870. His master ? Maybe some random pony he found on the street ?
  6872. I would go with making this begging thing as public as possible, with him tied to a stockade, and a paddle on the floor for any volunteers.
  6873. ...
  6874. But in the pain idea, both parties would be aware of this dependency.
  6875. So the ling could be forced to do something for the pony in exchange for him getting the paddling he/she desperately needs.
  6877. I even thought of mixing some theme of self guilt into this, as in the ling would justify to himself that having to subsist only on pain is a punishment for what his hive did at the attack of canterlot.
  6878. ...
  6879. Definitely interesting. What if Luna or some loyalist to Equestria finds them. They don't want to kill them, but they have no problem toying with them before feeding them.
  6880. ...
  6881. >if Luna or some loyalist to Equestria finds them
  6882. That or the princess themselves cast that curse as a punishment on the changeling prisoners.
  6884. >they have no problem toying with them before feeding them.
  6885. That would be the fun part of it. Having to degrade themselves with whatever the ponies ask of them just so they can receive a more degrading reward.
  6886. ...
  6887. Changeling has to do all the cleaning on statue-fied changeling enemies in the Canterlot statue garden. Change into a female pony and wear a maid uniform too.
  6888. ...
  6889. No sexual demands ?
  6890. No public paddling spots ?
  6891. Not using other forms of pain, like ear pulling, nipple pulling, etc ?
  6893. Dont be afraid of being more creative anon.
  6894. ...
  6895. Time out served sitting on say, a hard chair after a spanking. Could be complementary to the spanking.
  6896. ...
  6897. I'm sure Cadence would love that. With Chrysalis getting a special treatment of her own ?
  6898. ...
  6899. Changeling tries a few homes, and the relationship never works until he finds a true sadist who enjoys delivering pain.
  6901. @@@
  6903. Anon
  6906. About a year ago we had the idea for "Gabby Bums" where foals have to write spank reports for the Foal Free Press as punishment. that's perfect for a short oneswat.
  6908. ---
  6910. GABBY BUMS
  6912. Another school year is upon us, which means that its time for another article. Unfortunately (or fortunately) we did not find many cases to write on during the Summer vacation (believe us, we tried), but there was one case that stood out.
  6914. Rumble
  6915. Implement: Hoof
  6916. Worst part: Admitting that.
  6918. It's all my big brother's fault! He tattled on me on how I disrupted the Cutie Mark Crusader's cutie mark camp thingy and mom really didn't like that. The only reason she didn't get me the brush is because I stopped at the end. This didn't stop Thunderlane for teasing me about "overreacting". I mean, sure, she didn't spank me for long or anything but it still hurt! I am pretty sorry about what I did though, even if I'm still mad at my bro for tattling. I'll be sure to embarrass him in front of his future girlfriends, which he totally swears he's gonna get one of these days.
  6920. ---
  6922. Silver Spoon
  6923. Implement: Leather Paddle
  6924. Worst part: The Wait
  6926. I got in SUPER BIG trouble this weekend.
  6927. Diamond Tiara and I wanted to go see the new superhero action movie at Ponyville Theater but both our Moms were lame and said "Absolutely not, it's too violent." They treat us like we're little foals. Totally unfair.
  6929. So of course Diamond and me sneak in. We buy tickets to see some dorky baby movie and then slip out and sneak over to the screen showing the real movie.
  6931. Duh...of course we got caught. Not lucky DT, she got away with it but somepony that knows my Mom saw me and tattled. When I got home, thinking I was totally safe, I caught the Wrath of Tartarus.
  6932. I got yelled at for disobeying and breaking the theater rules. I kept circling around backward to keep my poor heinie away from Mom, but she got a few swats in as she lectured me.
  6934. That hurt enough but then Mom gave me the death sentence. "You just wait in your room until your Father gomes home!"
  6935. Oh Celestia, my tummy did flips when she said that. Mom can be pretty scary sometimes but nopony spanks harder than my Daddy. I cried and begged Mom not to tell him, but I only made things worse.
  6937. I didn't have long to wait until Dad came home from work but it felt like FOREVER. Thinking about what was going to happen to my embarrassing it would much it would hurt. I could hear other foals outside, playing, having fun. I wished I was free to join them. I wished I was anywhere but there, waiting for a painful dose of heat to my seat.
  6938. A few times I came to the door and begged Mommy to change her mind. I said she could spank me instead but Mom threatened to spank me herself and still tell Daddy if I didn't go back in my room and be quiet. After that I just waited for my doom and cried a lot.
  6940. When Daddy finally came home I could barely breathe. He and Mom talked for a long time...both of them sounded angry and my tummy did flips all over again. After FOREVER of awful waiting I finally heard him coming up the stairs. I wanted to hide under my bed but ran out of time. Daddy came in holding the terrible, horrible, awful, no-good, stinky, loathsome, nasty, deplorable, foul, scary paddle. He got that ghastly thing in the griffon lands and since I'm his only child he got it exclusively for my rear end.
  6941. It's made of thick leather, from a REAL animal, so it's stiff like a wood paddle but wraps around when it whacks you like a strap.
  6943. I don't need to tell you how much that spanking hurt. Most of you can imagine. A lot of you who live near my house must have heard me crying. Daddy gave me a lesson about obeying and following the rules that day, that's for sure. I don't know if I'm ever gonna be able to sit down on my poor tushie again.
  6945. At least I won't be tempted to go sit in any theater seats. The movie wasn't even any good.
  6946. -SS
  6948. ---
  6950. OC filly
  6951. Implement: Hoof
  6952. Worst part: I had to choose
  6954. >Mother got really upset with me today as climbed up on the glass table in the living room. I was gonna capture a butterfly that was sleeping on the ceiling. But the glass broke under my hooves.
  6955. >After checking me over and sweeping up all of the glass. Mom scolded me. She explained that I could have badly hurt myself. And that I don’t think before doing stuff.
  6956. >Then she dragged me to the couch and told me to choose between a long spanking with her mane brush, or one hoof spanking each day throughout the week. Maintenance spankings she called them I think. It’s Tuesday now so that’s like six spankings in total.
  6958. >But there was just no way I could pick the brush. Not when she promised a long spanking with it.
  6959. >And so, after choosing my unfa— fair punishment, she spread me out on her lap. And spanked me right there on the spot. With the curtains and everything open.
  6961. >If I had known mother was going to spank me that hard and for like 10 hours straight. Then I actually might have picked the brush option instead, as insane as that sounds.
  6962. >I was not crying by the end of it though, but still, I’m gonna ask for a shorter brush spanking tomorrow. That will save me four spankings like these. As I doubt my bum will stop smarting by tomorrow. And I worry that by Sunday, the hoof spankings will feel just as bad as getting it with the brush. Wish me luck everyone!
  6964. >PS: My daughter cried as I spanked her with my hoof, precisely like she is going to do after each time over my lap. And she most certainly won’t be receiving a ’short session’ with my brush. Actions have consequences.
  6965. >PSS: It was three minutes not 10 hours sweetheart.
  6967. @@@
  6969. Anon
  6972. Foalsitter spanks are interesting, especially when there's 2 of them.
  6974. ---
  6976. >How would they work together?
  6978. Good cop bad cop! One to spank and one to comfort him afterwords.
  6980. They both work one house because his little sibling needs full time supervision. Or they like it so much they split their fee and just hang out together.
  6982. ...
  6984. >How would they work together?
  6986. One on each side, both spanking at a normal pace but out of synch with each other so Rumble gets twice as many smacks in the same amount of time.
  6988. Actually, that might be a little too intense for an underage colt butt. I think two cute young mares should try it on me first.
  6989. For Science.
  6991. @@@
  6993. Anon
  6996. Whats your guy's opinion on locking uncomfortable gear on the pony as a punishment ?
  6998. I had this idea of "penitence" hoof shoes that would have small dull spikes on the insoles. They wouldnt puncture, but would constantly poke at the frog of the hooves, being as uncomfortable as walking with a shoe full of pebbles.
  7000. ---
  7002. Like some sort of spank-pants or uniform that ponies could wear. After having received a spanking. That could aggravate their rumps as they wore it.
  7003. ...
  7004. Tight, pink latex shorts mby? Embarrassing and hurtful. Perhaps with a paddle symbol at the back?
  7005. ...
  7006. Might be too easy to remove though. Not sure. Might need a belt loop around the shorts. With a small padlock. That or just modify chastity stuff for it.
  7007. I can see an angry mother pulling out such a thing infront of their paddled daughter. Locking it on them, before sending them of to school.
  7008. ...
  7009. Some nettle laced undergarments might work.
  7010. ...
  7011. A ring that forcefully holds the tail up that has a magical conduit thing that levitates a paddle in front of it ready to slam down on the whims of a big red button on a remote would be nice.
  7012. ...
  7013. Tight hard pants that would simulate having to sit after a spanking.
  7014. ...
  7015. Nettles under the tail would make ponies keep their tail raised.
  7017. @@@
  7019. Anon
  7022. >Ever since entering more friendly relations with the changelings, the ponies of Equestria started to get worried that flyswatters would offend their new insectoid friends.
  7023. >After all, it was a tool designed to squash insects, albeit very small ones.
  7024. >They did not expect the changelings to take a liking to them as disciplinary tools for their young.
  7025. >Indeed, there shape and design made them work quite well on chitinous hides while their light weight allowed for ease of use and carry.
  7026. >And because of the materials they were made with, it allowed for intense spanking sessions without the risk of going too far or causing an injury.
  7027. >A parent could spank away with them however long they wanted.
  7028. >Soon, the flyswatters became a popular suvenear for changeling families touring Equestria.
  7029. >Much to the chagrin of the nymphs, who's bottoms had to endure their stingy slaps.
  7031. @@@
  7033. Anon
  7036. >Equestria's military still uses corporal punishment to maintain discipline
  7037. >You somehow manage to land a job dispensing these punishments
  7038. >The list of infractions that can get a pony sent to the whipping post is as long as it is surprising, guaranteeing that virtually every pony in the guard will have their turn under the lash
  7039. >It's made clear when you accept the position that you're not to hold anything back when you administer your punishments
  7040. >On average you have to whip four or five ponies every day
  7041. >Some of them cry out and plead with you for leniency
  7042. >But the whip falls on their backs and rumps just as harshly as it does for those who stand stoically
  7043. >And they actually pay you for this service
  7045. @@@
  7047. Anon
  7050. >Since you want to be a princess so bad, I'll be your chaperone for an entire DAY of royal duties. Princesses rise early, come on!
  7051. Cadance hoists Spike by the tail using her magic. Before he knows it, he's facing the ground as Cadance trots off with her new understudy. Spike's tail turns him into a pendulum, flailing every which way but failing to loosen Cadance's firm grip.
  7053. >Fancy Pants. You seek repayment to refinish the polo court after the Royal Guard Marching Band used it as a practice field?
  7054. >Yes, your highness.
  7055. >Well, my "assistant" has something to say about the damage he caused.
  7056. (Smack!)
  7057. >Ow! I'm sorry I moved the practice!
  7058. Spike swung forward from the spank across his behind, his tail offering no protection in its current position.
  7059. Fancy Pants grins.
  7060. >I trust you shan't do it again or at least expect some sore scales if you try. Tell me Cadance, what are your intentions with this imposter princess?
  7061. >I'm going to show him what being a princess is really about. I'm going to do damage control on what he did, and he'll get to apologize to each creature he wronged.
  7062. >Each creature? Awww, there must be dozens of ponies I hurt.
  7063. (Swat!)
  7064. >I mean accidentally! I hurt them accidentally!
  7065. >Nightmare Moon was an accident and that cost Luna a thousand years. Princesses are cautious, young lady.
  7066. >I will leave you to your work, Princess. Be sure to get to the "seat" of the problem.
  7067. (Zot!)
  7068. >Yipe!
  7069. Fancy Pants casts single swat spell on Spike's backside.
  7070. Now where are they off to...?
  7072. @@@
  7074. Anon
  7077. >Derpy-mom and Anonfilly
  7079. >"Don't you just hate it when you walk into a room and don't remember what you were going to do? Gosh, I can be so silly sometimes."
  7080. >"Ha, ha, yeah...that sucks..." a bead of sweat forms on your forehead as you watch your mom look around confused, holding her hairbrush in one hoof.
  7081. >"Gosh, I knew I came in here to do something...what was it..."
  7082. >Derpy lifts her hoof to scratch her head and bonks herself with the hairbrush.
  7083. >"Ow!"
  7084. >She looks at the hairbrush confused. More sweat beads appear on your head. You sit with bated breath, hoping desperately she doesn't connect the dots.
  7085. >To your displeasure, you see the gears spinning in her head. It takes her many seconds too long, but eventually the lightbulb over her head turns on.
  7086. >Fuck
  7087. >Your mom giggles.
  7088. >"Oh, of course. Silly me! Now I remember. I came in here to spank you."
  7090. @@@
  7092. Anon
  7095. Time travel shenanigens
  7097. >Young Twilight did not know what to make of this new alicorn, who seemed to be an older version of herself.
  7098. >She did find out though, that she would grow up to be very self-disciplined.
  7099. >Literally.
  7100. >"Honestly, what was I thinking, stocking books like that?"
  7101. >What old Twilight was mentioning was a little stacking accident that left a few damaged books. Something that the filly felt quite ashamed about.
  7102. >She did not thing she was so ashamed though, that she would travel back in time to punish herself.
  7103. >Especially not like this.
  7104. >"Now turn around, young filly!"
  7105. >Unwilling to disobey an alicorn, young Twilight did. She was terrified of how hard the angry princess would hit her.
  7106. >Meanwhile, Starlight and Spike were watching on.
  7107. >Starlight was shocked that her new mentor would ask for one last use of the time travel spell for... this.
  7108. >Spike, meanwhile, was holding his butt, remembering that time he himself stacked the books the wrong way.
  7110. @@@
  7112. Anon
  7116. >Just wait until we get home, young lady. Your cheeks are going to get a nice cozy glow to them.
  7117. >And he's not talking about your face.
  7119. @@@
  7121. Anon
  7124. >How would Twilight react, finding Spike spanking himself?
  7126. She'd get the butt plug and diapers out for sure. With lots of teat sucking and lighter maintenance spanking after each change. Until he learns to be a good boy for mommy of course.
  7128. ...
  7130. So like, she forces him in diapers and spanks him whenever he has to do his business in them?
  7132. ...
  7134. Warnings spanks on his full diaper to spread his mess out, making it obvious to anyone that he's used them. Further shaming him whilst also making it uncomfortable for him to walk.
  7135. The real spanking comes after the embarrassing change. Which Twilight would do openly in any public restroom. Chiding him as she slowly wipes him clean. Before eventually spanking him for all to see and hear. Then he gets a pacifier and a new diaper. Thus ensuring constant teasings for the "baby dragon" throughout the day, as they walk around Ponyville.
  7137. ...
  7139. I somehow both like and hate this idea.
  7141. On one hand, I don't like diaper pissplay stuff, but on the other, this would make for amazing anticipation. Spike trying hard to hold it in, but inevitably realizing he took a shit, knowing that he's in for a spanking for doing something so basic, maybe trying to hide it only for Twilight to find out and give him a harder spanking, which she would let him know while slowly cleaning him... I guess a story based on this could simply downplay the diaper thing or something.
  7143. Would there be a way to make a similar scenario with this sort of anticipation and humiliation but without all the gross parts?
  7145. ...
  7147. And I assume the spanking is right on the changing table with a harder spanking if he lies/tries to hide it?
  7149. ...
  7151. >the spanking is right on the changing table
  7152. The changing tables have secure belts. Which also helps during spankings. Its not unheard of for parents to drag their misbehaving children into the restrooms for the changing tables alone. As the locking belts on them, can easily immobilize even the strongest of teenagers. There is also a single, retractable bar that can be lowered from above the tables. The bars can be used to either tie naughty legs onto, or if pushed further downwards, to catch and hold their legs close to their chest. The parent then has easy, free reign to spank or paddle for as long as they like, without any possible interruptions. Unless you count the loud crying from the unlucky recipient, or all the sniggering from the bystanders as interruptions.
  7153. >with a harder spanking if he lies/tries to hide it?
  7154. Yes, Spike always gets a harsher spanking if he tries to cover his soiled diaper in anyway. Young "babies" like him aren't supposed to worry about what they are wearing. And Twilight most certainly won't allow him too.
  7156. ...
  7158. Holy shit. A changing table is a spankees's Nightmare. It has everything to support s spanking combined with massive added humilliation.
  7160. I see you have this all figured out. What if he does it at home? Can Twilight ensure a public spanking at any time?
  7162. ...
  7164. Any home punishments would be a much worse affair for Spike. Due to all the extra gear that Twilight has ready for him. Everything from enemas to embarrassing sissification photoshoots would happen.
  7165. Spike especially hates the longer recording sessions. As Twilight makes him do various revealing poses with his diaper down. His fanny would already be sore and his bum tightly plugged with a ginger root. Dancing and spreading himself for Twilight to photograph or film. All the while being forced to wear exceedingly demeaning and girly dresses.
  7166. Sometimes the public spankings is the "better option" for Spike. He has to pick his battles carefully in that regard. To debase himself around others, or to suffer more at home with his tantrums.
  7168. ...
  7170. Its almost like pony changing tables were deliberately engineered to also be usable as spanking platforms.
  7172. ...
  7174. They are, there are changing tables available for adults too. And with Twilight's new decrees, certain criminals that has done minor offenses, can choose to stay in prison. Or serve as a "maid" to cut their time down and pay their debts. The drawbacks of being a maid, is that the felon has to serve as an outlet for “all” the caregivers needs. Failure means a visit to the changing rooms. Or any bdsm club dungeons.
  7176. ...
  7178. Ah, I see Twilight can get really creative. She's taking what she learns from Spike and applying it nation-wide.
  7180. @@@
  7182. Anon
  7185. >How would Twilight react, finding Spike spanking himself?
  7187. >"Spike?!"
  7188. >"T-Twilight!" Spike looked back in shock of being caught.
  7189. >The two stared at each other awkwardly for a minute.
  7190. >"Go on." Twilight finally said.
  7191. >"Huh?"
  7192. >"Keep spanking yourself." Twilight said with a blank stare.
  7193. >"But..."
  7194. >"And turn around a little so I can see your tush."
  7195. >Spike just blushed and looked at Twilight.
  7196. >"I don't see you spanking yourself."
  7197. >"Twilight your drooling."
  7200. @@@
  7202. Anon
  7205. You are going to Equestria.
  7207. But you'll have to grow up as a foal.
  7208. Pick which M6 family you will be adopted into.
  7209. Spankings are implied but their frequency/severity depend on your behavior.
  7211. Choose wisely.
  7212. This will be the fate of your rump for the next 17 years or so...
  7214. @@@
  7216. Anon
  7219. Shining and Twilight are embarrassed when they have friends over and they see the punishment chart.
  7220. Next to the rules.
  7221. And the cane.
  7223. ...
  7225. Twilight talking to her friends about adapting the chart that was used when she was a filly for Spike... or trying to adapt it back when they were in Canterlot but giving up on it for some reason.
  7227. @@@
  7229. Anon
  7232. >vagina whipped
  7234. If she can't take atleast 30 hits standing, then Celestia ties her down and whips her marehood until she faints.
  7235. Twilight enjoys the challenge. Wet and winking. Moaning in pain and in delight with each hit.
  7237. @@@
  7239. Anon
  7242. >Sorry aunt Twilight, but Crystal Empire law clearly states that we must punish criminals according to our own judgement and we cannot hand them over to other authorities.
  7243. >But Flurry!
  7244. >That being said, you are free to watch me paddle the daylights out of that brat.
  7246. @@@
  7248. Anon
  7251. >Sweetie was always an angel after Rarity watched her. When her parents asked what her secret was, and Rarity responded “her red tush,” they were miffed. But after enough instances of this, they asked for lessons and to borrow her paddle. Soon, Sweetie’s behavior at home markedly improved. Although she was seen around town much more often with a cherry red behind, her front still had that same childish smile.
  7253. @@@
  7255. Anon
  7258. Rarity's boutique has a platform flanked by mirrors to see clothes from every angle.
  7260. When Sweetie or her friends are REALLY bad, she spanks their rumps, and makes them stand on the platform facing towards the shop. Customers, classmates, and friends can see the foal's blushing, tear-stricken face... and every angle of the temporary "outfit" Rarity gave them. Unlike corner time, the foals KNOW when ponies are looking at them.
  7262. @@@
  7264. Anon
  7267. Picture a Celestia who secretly enjoys dictating how Luna should behave as a princess, including how she dresses, who she dates with, etc, and also correcting her with a paddle or switch with every slight mistake.
  7268. And she would do all this while putting on a "caring but strict big sister" act. Basically pretending that she wants to help Luna become the ideal model of a good princess, and that "unfortunately" she will have to be very strict about it.
  7270. @@@
  7272. Anon
  7275. >Teacher, why enchanting inanimate objects are forbidden?
  7276. >yeah tell us.
  7277. >Alright gather around. It’s all started long time ago.
  7278. >In a magical school for gifted unicorns.
  7279. >there was a mischievous filly and her gang that used to prank other students.
  7280. >She always gets herself into trouble and ends up being sent to the principal office.
  7281. >there she gets lectured. Scolded and punished.
  7282. >but she never learns.
  7283. >the principal was a very power unicorn of that time. Her magical powers are unmatched.
  7284. >she was also the head the magical unicorn Royal guards.
  7285. >one time during her usual spanking session spanking that naughty filly, she was called to action.
  7286. >she was frustrated by that filly. She enchanted the brush that she used.
  7287. >the magical enchanted brush had one directive. To spank that filly. And it did just that.
  7288. >the Principal left the filly to attend to see what was the messenger’s news.
  7289. >it was a really urgent matter. And she hastily went to action.
  7290. >unfortunately she was killed during the war.
  7291. >But she left one unfinished business.
  7292. >the enchanted brush.
  7293. >The brush kept spanking that poor filly and never stopped.
  7294. >the other teachers were unable to undo the enchantment.
  7296. @@@
  7298. Anon
  7301. Could you write one with a filly being forced to wear a buttplug whilst getting paddled hard by Cheerilee for cheating on a test?
  7302. Slowly making the filly her little pet with blackmail. Ordering her to stay afterclass to lick her marehood as she grades the other fillies schoolwork.
  7304. @@@
  7306. Anon
  7309. Silversteam, Skystar and Terramar often get spanked. When it happens, they get to choose if they want to take it as hyppogriffs or seaponies. In which form would they prefer taking it?
  7311. @@@
  7313. Anon
  7316. Why is tentacle monster so mad?
  7317. Going back from school every day to see your tentacle dad. Warm, slimy caresses when you're good, spanks on the flank when you're bad.
  7319. @@@
  7321. Anon
  7324. Two siblings - the smart one and the dumb one. Smart one gets perfect grades and would melt into a puddle if she ever got detention, let alone a spanking. Those crops and paddles look so scary on the walls of principal's offices (not that she was ever in trouble in there) and at ponies' houses-- friends and her own. Her parents believe in corporal punishment, but never use it on her, only her sibling.
  7326. Then one day.
  7328. @@@
  7330. Anon
  7333. That's medical paddles for you
  7334. >Scootaloo got spanked so hard her wings grew.
  7335. >This is how Scootaloo's lack of flight will be healed.
  7337. Older bullies come up with a prank, telling the younger ponies that they have a miracle cure. Turns out to just be a good crack on the ass with a strap.
  7339. @@@
  7341. Anon
  7344. On a scale of 1-10, how hard is Celestia gonna slap that pink little filly ass? How red will the hoof mark be? Will she send her to Tartarus with a sore bottom or will she keep her around for rehabilitation, which would lead to more spankings inevitably?
  7346. @@@
  7348. Anon
  7351. After her harsh paddling, she gets to nurse on daddy's cock for 10 minutes, then its back into diapers for the night after receiving two suppositories.
  7353. @@@
  7355. Anon
  7358. >Filly rump sex.
  7359. >Why filly and which one?
  7361. Oc filly, minotaur owner fingers her anally everyday. Spanks her if she complains about it.
  7363. @@@
  7365. Anon
  7368. >Naughty creatures across Equestria and beyond are threatened with being sent to a neighboring country.
  7369. Sending your children elsewhere to be punished is a common practice across Equestria. As some parents don't really enjoy spanking their own kin, but they have no qualms about taking out their frustrations on other, young creatures.
  7370. Both parental sides know that "most" of the severe bruising and small cuts, would have healed up by the time the child has traveled back home. Keeping this knowledge quiet to themselves, parents ensure that they can spank and enjoy themselves for long afternoons. Taking turns and trying out different techniques on the unfortunate child or teen. Some parents even use magic or potions to heal the harshly welted bottom(s) in front of them, before starting all over again.
  7372. All parents have different needs and preferences. Some use the extreme punishment sessions as a learning tool, bringing in their own child to watch for a moment, warning them that this might be them next time, whilst others prefer being in a soundproof basement with hidden cameras. Others spank in front of paying guests. Or they give the whips and paddles over to the paying visitors. Others spank solely without implements, dragging the unwilling child over their lap, to slowly, and intimately, caress their smarting cheeks after each subsequent hit. Enjoying how soft and plump their little behinds are. And others specifically spank until the child or teen faints, so that they can discreetly look and touch underneath their tails. Sharing photos of them tied, gingerd and spread.
  7373. No rules really exists, except that the young creature must be returned in a "presentable manner" at the agreed time. Being no worse for wear.
  7375. Of course, in order for this to work, parents know beforehand which other parents they should, and shouldn't send their own child to. If they only want to send their child away to get a regular spanking, then they will send them off to someone that does only that. If they wish to take out their frustrations, or have a fun time together, then they are going to send them off to someone that will treat their own in the same, harsh fashion. Insuring fairness.
  7377. ...
  7379. >I wonder if some prefer to make these exchanges with other types of creatures, just to know what its like to spank one of them.
  7380. >just to know what its like to spank one of them.
  7382. Curiosity would definitely play a part in it for some. But there would also be historic and more primitive reasons for it aswell. For example, griffons were once proud apex predators that ponies feared and respected. Then the ponies grew magically superior in every way. Eventually coming to rule the world. Thus, certain griffons would take a great deal of deep-rooted satisfaction; in tying down and whipping a young, unruly pony to absolute tears. Making them beg for mommy or daddy to come and save them.
  7383. So, for griffons, choosing to specifically chastise and humiliate colts or fillies for a few days (basically doing so out of old spite and jealousy) would be a common occurrence amongst them. Naturally, the pony's parents would later get to experience the same satisfaction in return.
  7385. But as stated earlier. All parents have their own reasons and desires for swapping and punishing neighboring children. There is seldom just a single factor involved. Some parents really like to spank the hardier creatures like the yaks or minotaurs, just so they can make make a long, drawn-out affair of it. Slowly going through their more jarring selection of implements throughout the day, without worrying "too much", about actually permanently hurting the young creature in their charge. Whilst other parents pick theirs for financial reasons (making movies, holding events, entertaining guest et cetera). And some pick their exchange children simply for pure enjoyment values. Preferring how certain creatures scream and struggle as they beat their hides raw. Its individualistic in each case.
  7387. ...
  7389. >I bet they would take changelings especially just to make them shapeshift into whatever weird form they want.
  7390. >changelings... to make them shapeshift into whatever weird form they want.
  7392. Maybe some of the changelings would be defiant and reluctant initially. Causing the spankings to increase in severity. Until it hurt them too much to refuse.
  7393. I can envision parents even forcing them to transform into royalty or various famous individuals. Filming as they cane young "princesses", "celebrities" and the like. Making even more profit as they sell later. Or make the changelings transform into someone they particularly dislike. So they can vent out all of their pent-up frustrations on them. Fulfilling various vengeful dreams and fantasizes.
  7395. @@@
  7397. Anon
  7400. >Would Celestia or Luna spank a filly harder?
  7402. Celestia would give a few very hard smacks. She learned how to make each spank land perfectly for maximum effect. She could get the desired effect in a very short amount of time by spanking standards.
  7404. Luna, meanwhile, was banished to the Moon so she doesn't have that much experience, so she would give lighter spankings as she is less efficient with them and wouldn't want to accidentally hurt the filly. To compensate, she would spank a lot longer to make sure the naughty rump gets to the desired shade of red.
  7406. The question is, who would a naughty filly rather get spanked by?
  7408. @@@
  7410. Anon
  7413. >I'd rather she just focus on my ass.
  7415. Oh, don't worry anon. She has an extensive collection of cute butt plugs ready for you. Some even vibrate and flex! But those are only given if you've been a good boy. And if you act up, you might find yourself tied down in the corner--with a soapy, enema bag--steadily flowing into your reluctant hiney. And instead of the fun plugs you normally get to wear, you get a large, inflatable butt plug. Forcing you to keep your bloated insides painfully sealed. Then Celestia simply leaves you there for a few hours, so that you may "contemplate" your bad behavior.
  7417. And by the time she finally returns, you would be begging and crying for the harshest spanking possible, if it meant ending the awful groaning in your tummy. Of course, Celestia would only smile and giggle at your silly little plight. Completely ignoring your childish desperation as she rotates your restraining chair to face her. And as you meet her teasing eyes. She playfully strokes your head for a loving moment. Enjoying your frantic state. Then she turns her large frame around, positioning her hindquarters right infront of you face. Adopting a wide stance she raises her tail high before you. Fully exposing her wet, winking vulva to you without any shame. And as she looks back, she tells you to start licking her marehood with everything you have, if you ever wish to be her good boy again.
  7419. @@@
  7421. Anon
  7424. >The Many Uses of a Brush
  7426. >I took her tush to task.
  7427. >It's simple once you learn the technique.
  7428. >There's a wonderful zebra at the brush shop who is a most excellent teacher.
  7429. >I wanted to stop much too soon, but Ms. Brush explained a filly won't learn from a weak spanking.
  7431. @@@
  7433. Anon
  7436. Minor illusion spell. Covers up a spanked hind. Popular in kids' books and magazines. What they don't say is the reason it is so easy is because of the innate gullibility of foals. Adults can clearly see the bright red butts that the young'ns think are so cleverly covered. They joke about it while they watch their kids at the park.
  7438. @@@
  7440. Anon and Joh
  7443. >Always found rarity made many mistakes with her time with sweetie just as sweetie did with rarity, should go both ways!
  7445. >Right this way to the Demonstration Room, let's show this filly the consequences of misbehavior...
  7446. >Rarity, get on the table.
  7447. >You thought I meant Sweetie? I have a list here that you must answer fo
  7449. @@@
  7451. Anon
  7454. >spanking room
  7455. >I like that idea. A room in a household entirely dedicated to giving spankings.
  7457. Maybe wealthy pony families can afford to devote a whole room to this. Most families just have the sign...which they can selectively hang on the bedroom of the foal that's been naughty this day.
  7459. Large city schools might have a dedicated Spanking Room, as might orphanages. The main character gets sentenced to the 'Paddle Closet' early in the musical "Annie"...maybe it's something like that.
  7461. ...
  7463. Maybe police stations can have such rooms reserved for younger criminals. usually they would just call the parents to pick the misbehaving foals up, during which they would keep them in a separate cell block or something to separate them from adult criminals. This would also be called the spanking room because angry parents would always spank the foals on the spot. Some stations would even keep some old judicial paddles stored there and would be more then happy to lend them to the parents if they asked for it. Sometimes, multiple foals would get into trouble and the ones who's parents would arrive later would have to watch their peers getting the paddling of a lifetime knowing that they would suffer the same fate as soon as their own guardians arrive.
  7465. @@@
  7467. Anon
  7470. >teacher
  7471. Either teen Dashie got whacked by her Mom or Dad and she has to suffer the next day with a red rump on display...or a teacher spanked her and she's still got the parents to look forward to.
  7473. ...
  7475. This is Rainbow Dash's parents were talking about. They'd just probably find some way to brag about her spanking in some exceedingly embarrassing way.
  7477. ...
  7479. >Dash only needed three whacks to start learning her lesson and burst into tears.
  7480. >What a smart filly!
  7482. @@@
  7484. Anon
  7487. Well, Button already seems to be having enough. Should he be spanked?
  7489. ...
  7491. I think his mom should stop. For a bit at least, until she gets a nice hairbrush or spoon to spank him with. Clearly he is faking so he needs an extra hard spanking.
  7493. @@@
  7495. Anon
  7498. I can imagine Shining writing something that could get his hindquarters into a lot
  7499. of trouble only to accidentally drop it in front of Spike.
  7501. ...
  7503. Really good. Could be a dirty letter to Cadance or smut starring his classmates.
  7505. Celestia gets it, but doesn't pony-ally attend to Shining's discipline. She delegates it to one of the palace staff or guards.
  7507. Gives Shining a strapping and the promise of double that if Celestia ever receives another. Punishment for the dirty contents itself depending on how mean they are, and if it's porn about a classmate who he's not dating. Sends him away with a spell that hoists up his tail to show off the marks on the walk home. The counterspell is in a letter that will be sent later, directly to his parents by her highness's pony-al courier team.
  7509. ...
  7511. It would also be funny if Celestia initially thinks it came from Twilight since it came from Spike.
  7513. ...
  7515. The letter itself could even lead to a series of revelations which would inevitably leave a chain of spanked naughty ponies behind it.
  7517. @@@
  7519. Anon
  7522. Anyone else find the School of Friendship super underused for spanks? You have an uncredited school, which means you can make up any rules that would justify a spanking, with potentially any character as no credentials are required to be a teacher to the point where even fillies can become official tutors and no age restrictions meaning you can have it happen with any age.
  7524. @@@
  7526. Anon
  7529. You and your nerdy sister are going to get spanked together; this is unavoidable.
  7530. Maybe you did something bad together, maybe you were fighting like brother & sister and smashed the new TV.
  7531. Doesn't matter. Mom Velvet is gonna put a second crack in both of your asses.
  7533. Do you want to go first or second?
  7534. Get it over with quick or watch Twiley suffer before getting yours?
  7536. ...
  7538. That depends. Can I watch Twilight get spanked afterwards? Because if I don't get chased out of the room, getting to see her get it would be a nice comfort gift after my own.
  7540. ...
  7542. Let's say you both stay in the room until both are done. That means Twilight gets to watch you as well. Underpants down, full below-the-waist nudity in front of your sibling. No covering unless you want more spanks.
  7544. Also; do you picture yourselves as the older or younger sibling in this scenario?
  7546. ...
  7548. That is difficult. Younger would probably mean less embarrassment for me and more for her, but there is something to be said about being the older one in the scenario. Maybe same age?
  7550. ...
  7552. Id prefer it as pony.
  7554. ...
  7556. Pony and EQG would be a big difference. Twilight would be a filly as a pony living with her mom, but in EQG, she would be a teen. Which would be better?
  7558. ...
  7560. A younger Twilight might be more impactful.
  7562. @@@
  7564. Anon
  7567. >Glimmer swaps the Princessesses butt marks.
  7568. >Shenanigans ensue.
  7569. >Finally swaps them back.
  7570. >Sister bond stronger than ever.
  7571. "Sooooo... am I not in trouble for this?"
  7572. >Glimmer's butt mark gets swapped
  7573. >Traded for about 100 Royal-sized hoofprints
  7574. >From each
  7575. >Worse, Celestia makes sure the sun is blazing today
  7576. >There's no escape from it...the sun seems to be following Starlight's rump around
  7577. >Compounding spanking with sunburn
  7578. >Moonburn too
  7579. >Yeah, Luna liked the idea so she enchanted the moonlight to burn Glim's butt
  7580. >Only Glimmer, no pony else
  7581. >Only her heinie, nowhere else
  7582. >She has to sleep on her belly, for obvious reasons
  7583. >But it's summer and ponies haven't invented air conditioning so Starlight has to sleep with the windows open
  7584. >Letting in the dreaded moonlight in
  7585. >The lesson here?
  7586. >Don't fuck with Queen Horse and Moon Horse Cutie Marks
  7588. @@@
  7590. Anon
  7593. >Maintenance spankings before breakfast? Or after it?
  7595. Why not both?
  7597. First half before so sitting while eating is hurts and second after so the spankee can experience increasing dread as he/she gets closer to the second spanking with each bite and swallow.
  7599. If there was only one option between the two though then it would be a contest of sitting pain vs anticipation. Hard to say which is better/worse, but I guess I'd go with after. Which one would you pick?
  7601. ...
  7603. >sitting pain vs anticipation.
  7604. Hmm, tough call.
  7605. For me, I think it depends whether I knew if the spanking was going to be really hard or not. If its a paddling then after. If its a quick, light spanking, then before.
  7607. @@@
  7609. Anon
  7612. >online game with voice chat.
  7614. Button gets snatched up over his Mom's lap before he can switch off his headset-mic. All the other players listen uncomfortably as they hear the unmistakable sounds of their vidya friend squealing and promising his Mom to be good...all punctuated by the sound of hard butt smacks.
  7616. ...
  7618. >Button reaches up to turn off his headset mic
  7619. >Momma grabs his hoof and pins it to his back
  7620. >He frantically tries with his other
  7621. >Desperate to mute it
  7622. >She snaps down and puts his other hoof right next to his first
  7623. >His teammates will hear every swat and scream
  7624. >Every promise to be good
  7626. ...
  7628. I love stuff like this. Button knows that everyone is listening, but he can't stop himself from begging.
  7630. ...
  7632. >Hey Button, is this the mare who spanked you on XCart Live?
  7633. >That's me. And keep teasing my boy and you'll get a "demo" of what I gave him.
  7634. >I'll be quiet, ma'am...
  7636. @@@
  7638. Anon
  7641. >No available parents for Scootaloo.
  7642. Obviously we need to let Dash's parents borrow her for that.
  7644. ...
  7646. >Cheerilee wants Scootaloo's butt to pay for some damage she's done
  7647. "Her parents won't do anything... her friends' families are busy with their own foals... you've never spanked a filly and you're too young... do you think your folks could knock some sense into her? My hooves are tied with the new law."
  7648. "What makes you think my parents spanked me?"
  7649. >Cheerilee scans over Dash and smirks
  7650. "Call it a hunch."
  7652. @@@
  7654. Anon
  7657. >Wow Cozy, the bits raised by your butt did far more good for Equestria than the damage caused by your little schemes.
  7658. >And all it took was 100 moons of daily spanking!
  7660. ...
  7662. Ouch. I wonder which customer spanked the hardest.
  7664. ...
  7666. Celestia. She donated a lot of bits herself.
  7668. @@@
  7670. Anon
  7673. >“Sorry, my little ponies. Scootaloo can’t come out now. Her Aunt is making fried chicken.”
  7674. >“Fried chicken? Aren’t ponies vegetarians?”
  7675. >From down the hall: (crack!) “YOOOOOOOOW!”
  7676. >Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom smirk and nod. They’ll make Scootaloo tell them all about it once her spanking is done.
  7677. Derpi comment.
  7679. @@@
  7681. Anon
  7684. >Celestia B-day spanking
  7685. One swat per year would never work. Celestia needs something stronger to spank her flank with the equivalent force of her age in years.
  7687. It would require powerful magic.
  7689. Is Celestia the only pony capable of doing it? Will she be required to create the very magical implement that will unleash fire and fury upon her rump?
  7691. Or is Luna uniquely qualified? With her as inherently opposite to Celestia, maybe her magic is the only kind strong enough to get through to Celestia's behind. And six months later, the roles will be reversed.
  7693. @@@
  7695. Anon
  7698. >slave Rainbow Dash being made to collect signatures for or against spanking your slave
  7699. >Her neighbors are overwhelmingly pro-spanking for pony slaves
  7701. @@@
  7703. Anon
  7706. "You already finished spanking me, Daddy, don't you remember?
  7707. "You did a really good job too...I don't think I'll ever wanna misbehave again!
  7708. "In fact, you said you were giving me my next 3 spankings in you don't have to worry about it next time I get in trouble."
  7710. Will he buy it?
  7712. @@@
  7714. Anon
  7717. I see Twilight (Sci-Twi) as the most likely of the gang to talk openly about getting spanked.
  7718. The others would be ashamed to discuss it for individual reasons.
  7720. >Fluttershy
  7721. Is just ashamed that she behaved badly enough to need correction. She doesn't wanna talk about it.
  7723. >Applejack
  7724. Lost control of the situation somehow and that's embarrassing to her. Stubborn country pride; she'll acknowledge she got whupped but not go into any detail.
  7726. >Pinkie
  7727. Thinks spankings turn smiles upside down. She doesn't wanna kill the happy vibe so once a spanking is over she barely thinks about it again.
  7729. >Dash
  7730. Is prideful about anybody taking the upper hand over her, even her parents. To her a spanking is like a defeat and she doesn't like to talk about defeats.
  7732. >Rarity
  7733. Sees it as an indignity; an offense to her grace and maturity. Ladies to not get spanked.
  7735. >Shimmer
  7736. It's just messed up that she was an adult horse, became a legal child and is now receiving corporal punishment as one. That's fucked.
  7738. But Twilight is nerdy and analytical. She hates getting her spankings like any kid but then looks back on them with scientific objectivity, even recording details in her journal and graphing out trends for frequency, severity, which parent, et cetera.
  7739. She's willing to discuss her research with anyone because progress in the field of reducing spankings is highly important to Twi.
  7741. Her mild nerdy autism also makes her less likely to have a filter about what it's okay to talk about in public. I can totally see Twi openly telling the girls she got spanked last night while they all eat lunch...or working out probability tables for what kind of spankings they're all gonna get at home while they sit in detention for trying to fake that snow day.
  7742. She's not a perv...just a nerd.
  7744. @@@
  7746. Anon
  7749. >Anon might have even been a spanko before the incident that led him to become a filly. Back then he had a dick and a cast-iron butt. Now even a sound hoof-spanking from Purple has him considering how much better life as a "good" filly would be.
  7751. >Be Anon.
  7752. >You love ponies but also are a spanko.
  7753. >Teleported to Equestria.
  7754. >Dream come true.
  7755. >Turned into a filly.
  7756. >Not a part of the dream, but at least your a pony now.
  7757. >Also, apparently it messes with your mind so your more like a child now.
  7758. >Uh... Well that's kind of creepy, but its still Equestria.
  7759. >Turns out that ponies favor spanking naughty kids quite a lot.
  7760. >Hey, that's great, right? You not only get to live in Equestria, but also get to be spanked by ponies.
  7761. >Living 2 fantasies at once!
  7762. >Except that's not how it works.
  7763. >Turns out that kids are terrified of getting spanked.
  7764. >So when Twilight decides that you need butt correction, your not as enthused as you originally thought.
  7765. >Maybe it will get better once she starts?
  7766. >Well, it also turns out that kids really can't handle a hard spanking.
  7767. >And that is exactly what Twilight is giving you.
  7768. >So instead of a sexy pony spanking experience, your bawling and squirming all over her lap, desperate for it to stop.
  7769. >She doesn't.
  7770. >Being a pony filly aint' easy.
  7772. @@@
  7774. Anon
  7777. >Celestia confronts Twilight.
  7778. >Twilight says she has no idea who the letter is from, Spike gives them a clue.
  7779. >Royal decree: 1,000 corrective spanks for Anonfilly
  7780. Her plot will be sore, alright, but a civil war ain't happening.
  7783. >Anonfilly sends the letter
  7784. >Celestia sees through it immediately, because she knows her student's writing and Anonfilly is bad at forgery
  7785. >decides the filly needs some correction
  7787. >Celestia is much more gentle and soft-spoken with Anonfilly than Twi is
  7788. >which makes it more humiliating when the inevitable punishment happens
  7789. >Celestia opts for variety over severity
  7790. >never too forceful, but anything's on the table and can be dished out without warning
  7791. >scolding her, pulling on her ear, putting her in time-out
  7792. >washing her mouth with soap when she mouths off, as Anonfilly is wont to do
  7793. >a generous amount of mollycoddling, forcing her into cutesy dresses and onesies and foal clothes, and subjecting her to bathtimes and early bedtimes
  7794. >and of course, spanking her cute little bottom whenever she puts up a fuss about it
  7796. @@@
  7798. Anon
  7801. >The perfectly reddened bottom.
  7802. >That angry and indignant but tearful facial expression.
  7803. >That dress.
  7804. >How she has to lift the tail.
  7805. >The wings being raised, which somehow adds to that seeming feeling of indignance.
  7806. >The nose being scrunched up against the wall.
  7807. >The snot coming out of said nose.
  7808. >An overall perfect teenage look.
  7809. Perfect indeed.
  7811. @@@
  7813. Anon
  7816. I know it's cliche, but I'd easily spank Sweetie Belle. That filly was basically designed to be spanked... a michief maker with a sweet personality and the cutest little spankable white tush imaginable. She'd be such a sorry, sobbing little filly by the time I'm done spanking her little butt with my wooden hairbrush..... the beetest red behind in all Equestria.
  7818. Unfortunately for her, I wouldn't be done...... I'd find another reason to give her a second spanking on top of her already red behind with my brush again. Not that a michief maker like her would take very long to give me a reason... but she'd plead desperately before I pulled her over my knee again. Promising to be a good girl. Crying she is so, so sorry. Saying her poor bottom already hurts so, so much... but it doesn't matter. Can't do the time, don't do the crime, young filly!
  7820. Sweetie's pleas and promises reach a crescendo of squeals and sobs as you thwack her reeeeeeeeed butt with your brush as the minutes tick on by. Bouncing each cheek with every smack, rippling skin, searing unbearable heat into each cheek until Sweetie's butt can't stop wriggling, shaking, and squirming with pure desperation to escape. Howling and bawling in agony, babbling gibberish, kicking her adorable hooves this way and that! But her blazing red hot tushy stays right where is belongs, pointed up in the air, bent over your knees, absorbing spank after spank after burning, stinging spank.
  7822. It's almost two weeks before the naughty little filly's roasted red rump goes back to it's pristine white color. Sweetie was a very bad filly.
  7824. @@@
  7826. Anon
  7829. >Ponies have a weird way of getting pregnant.
  7830. >One may think that they have sex like most mammals, but that is not the case.
  7831. >There is a reason why you never see any private parts despite them always being naked.
  7832. >That is because they don't have them.
  7833. >You see, when a stallion and mare decide to have sex...
  7834. >The way the stallion impregnates a mare is by spanking them.
  7835. >Yes, ponies literally bread via spankings.
  7836. >Typically, a long hoof spanking is required for a mare to start bearing foals.
  7837. >The longer it is, the better the results.
  7838. >Mr. Cake had to spank Mrs. Cake for quite a while to get those twins into her, for example.
  7839. >Thankfully, this only works when a pony reaches a certain age so parents can't accidentally impregnate their fillies when punishing them.
  7840. >No one knows why ponies bread like this.
  7841. >Its not like pony hooves posses anything that would suggest they are for breeding.
  7842. >But somehow, its how it is.
  7843. >Ponies sure are majestic creatures, aren't they?
  7845. @@@
  7847. Anon
  7850. >Say you got to/had to spank one pony or even non-pony character. Who would it be, why and how would you go about it?
  7852. Cozy Glow because her personality and villain status would really lend her well to spankings.
  7854. I'd first start by giving her lighter swats with my and or hoof if ponyfication is a thing. They would certainly hurt, but not enough for her to be unable to form coherent sentences or try to manipulate me in her usual way, which she would probably do. She would keep saying how sorry she is and how much she learned her lesson along with promising a bunch of things in her usual sweet innocent voice, which would obviously be strained from the constant spanking. I would occasionally pause the spanking just to give her a false hope that its over, even letting her ramble on about her plans and further promises afterwards before surprising her with more spanks. Eventually, her attempts at manipulation would be closer to pleading as she gets more and more teary eyed.
  7856. This would continue on until she would notice that I'm fucking with her. This would obviously piss her off. Queue the tantrum, which would be her screaming, cussing and cursing at me while thrashing around like a maniac. Of course, I would hold her down so she couldn't escape, still giving that lighter, but still stinging warmup spanking as she rants on while her rump is cooking.
  7858. Once she gets nice and tired from her tantrum and is unable to scream about like she could during it, that's when I'd stop... only to get the spanking implement for round 2, which could be a hairbrush, wooden spoon, switch or maybe even paddle. I'd give her a little bit of time to gather herself so that she can get a good glance of the implement so she knows what's coming. Then I'd start giving her a hard spanking. Everything else before this was simply a warmup. This time, her slightly pinker rump would be turning nice and red, with the goal of having it match the color of her cutie mark. This is the part where she'd be sobbing, begging and squirming in earnest and not just out of an attempt at manipulation or frustration.
  7860. After a nice looong rump roasting session, she'd be exhausted from the ordeal, likely wanting so badly to rub her rump, but I wouldn't let her. Instead, its timeout in the corner. I'd keep her there before handing her off to maybe Twilight so she could do whatever she wants with her. Maybe she'd turn her back to stone so that she can never rub that sore butt or maybe she'd reform her. Who knows? Which option would you prefer? Who knows.
  7862. On hindsight, diaper position would work best for this as I could fuck with her some more by smiling at her and occasionally nodding. This would give her more false hope or make her even more frustrated.
  7864. @@@
  7866. Anon
  7869. >who would you spank?
  7870. Cozy Glow. She's a perfect candidate for a good spanking given her supervillain filly status.
  7872. >Implement?
  7873. Hand/hoof (depending on weather or not I'd be a pony in this case) followed by either a hairbrush, paddle or spoon (whichever implement is handy).
  7875. >Clothing or bare?
  7876. Ponies are generally naked so bare.
  7878. >How long, how hard?
  7879. It would be split into 3 phases.
  7881. First, I would start by giving a lighter hand/hoof spanking. Nothing super hard, but still enough to make it sting. Cozy would likely try manipulation, sweet talking and convincing. It's why this first and second part of the spanking would be light, to let her talk and think of ways to talk herself out of it. I would also occasionally stop the spanking for a bit to give some false hope before continuing.
  7883. Eventually, she would notice that her manipulation attempts are having no effect, which combined with the now noticeable pain, would lead her to throw a tamper tantrum. I'd probably have to try holding her down harder. In the meantime, I would still be giving a light hand/hoof spanking, which would piss her off even more. I'd try to keep it just light enough so that her anger isn't totally overpowered by the pain while still being uncomfortable.
  7885. Once she tires herself out in her tantrum, that's when I'd stop. As she is huffing and crying, I would then grab one of the above mentioned implements and finally start the real spanking. She would be too tired from her tantrum to squirm too much and she would be getting a good, hard spanking. Her butt would be a brighter red or pink beforehand, but it would become cherry red by the time phase 3 is done.
  7887. I think it would be beneficial to do the first part in the diaper position so that I can further make her think that her diplomacy attempts are working by looking like her words are effecting me and looking at me directly might incentivize her to try talking her way out of it harder. I could also give her a smirk right before the inevitable tantrum. After that, I'd probably turn her around to more easily pin her in the tantrum phase. Once its implement time, I think I would switch to OTK.
  7889. >And what happens after?
  7890. Well, I'd imagine that this would happen post s8 or 9, so she'd probably be wanted. I guess I'd either just give her over to Twilight to do whatever or make her stand in the corner and call her over. Maybe even sit. After that she could do whatever she wants with her. Either she'd feel bad enough to reform her or she could just be sent to Tartarus with a very sore rump. Maybe even turned to stone with one.
  7892. @@@
  7894. Anon
  7897. >Rumble
  7898. At what point do you think he breaks down?
  7899. The moment when he turns from a stubborn, defiant young stallion to a blubbering sorry colt.
  7901. Early, when he first knows he's in trouble?
  7902. During the lecture?
  7903. At the moment of sentencing?
  7904. When he is bent over and feels his tail being swept aside? (Underpants being pulled down for EgG.)
  7905. Or is he really a tough colt who can hold out until the pain in his little rear gets unbearable?
  7907. In any case, he will eventually cry and bawl; plead for it to end, but it won't until he is a soundly spanked little boy.
  7910. Hard to say, but I would love to test it out.
  7912. I think he would start crying at the sentencing when he would be let known that he's getting a looong and hard spanking, but I think he'd be sobbing after the first few spanks and being told that its just the warmup, which to his young colty mind would still be a never ending nightmare. Once its over, he would be desperately begging that he had enough despite knowing that the real spanking is on its way. Maybe delay starting the spanking after the warmup so it can really sink in just how screwed he is. Add in some public elements and he'd also be crying out of embarrassment.
  7914. After that, he would quickly be reduced to a squirming, bawling blubbering mess mess of a pony as the spanking would be just as bad as what he built up in his terrified mind during the anticipation phase.
  7917. Rumble would be tougher than most colts but would break down all the same. He'd be really embarrassed about it and spend the rest of his time with his spanker on his absolute best behavior - better than ever before.
  7919. @@@
  7921. Anon
  7924. >Cozy Glow/older Flurry?
  7925. >Who would be the spankee?
  7927. That would depend on when Cozy's unstoned or if. Earlier or not and she could somehow become Flurry's foalsitter or just meat her. At that point you can get a teen on filly spanking. Later and you can have adult Flurry and filly Cozy. I lean more towards Cozy being the spankee here.
  7929. This can also work very well. Reformed-ish Cozy could be a bad enough influence on Flurry to get them into trouble while Flurry could somehow keep her naughtiness to show in the more typical childish naughtiness rather then Machiavellian schemes.
  7931. @@@
  7933. Anon
  7936. >Tween filly wants NMN slumber party
  7937. >No adults allowed
  7938. >Okay, but rules
  7939. >no colts, no bullying, no fentanyl, no R-rated movies
  7940. >You told filly not to watch "Hay Ride Massacre 6"
  7941. >Told her it's not appropriate for little fillies
  7942. >Pick another movie for your slumber party
  7944. Next morning...
  7945. >Find fillies hiding under beds
  7946. >Huddling in cupboards
  7947. >Hugging in terror
  7948. >Yeah, your filly showed them the hayride massacre movie
  7949. >The other parents are pissed
  7950. >Blame you for traumatizing their fillies
  7951. >Like it was your fucking idea
  7953. >All the slumber party guests have gone
  7954. >So what does your filly deserve for disobeying you, traumatizing her friends and creating a huge shit-show with all the neighborhood mothers?
  7956. @@@
  7958. Anon
  7960. I've always had an idea that there's a coin-operated spanking machine in a public place. Someone is already in it, begging for mercy, yelping at every whap. Amused onlookers are feeding coins into it.
  7962. And then it abruptly stops, lets the spankee out, and the last person who put a coin in is forced into it by some magical force.
  7964. The machine only works on people who have put coins in to further others' misery. After some random period of time, it changes spankees. A curse prevents anyone from telling anyone else about the cruel logic of the device.
  7966. So every spankee you see in the infernal machine was once a gloating spectator, eager to watch someone get punished as long as it wasn't them.
  7968. @@@
  7970. Anon
  7973. >ginger plug
  7974. More of a fap fantasy than a realistic punishment but AnonFilly is perfect for it.
  7975. You'd never do such a thing to a real foal but AnonFilly isn't a real foal, she's a little shit who deserves everything she gets. You don't have to pity her or worry about her long-term welfare...she's already beyond redemption.
  7977. So yeah, she should get a freshly peeled ginger root during her 'intermission' corner time, while Purple rests her arm for Round 2 of the spanking.
  7979. ...
  7981. Yes, and once Twilight is done spanking Spike for her own amusement:
  7982. >She gently picks him up. Embracing him and giving him a moment to calm down. Whilst simultaneously playing and twisting on the ginger plug in his rear as she hugs him.
  7983. >And when the young dragon eventually calms. Twilight proceeds to lie down on the bed. Then she spreads her haunches, telling him to begin his special 'thank you kiss'.
  7984. >Shuddering, Spike swallows and crawls over to her. Reluctantly taking his head between her legs. Placing and cupping his mouth over her vulva.
  7985. >The burning plug in his rear causing him to occasionally whimper and sob as he eats her out. Yet, he knows that he won't be free of it until Twilight is fully satisfied.
  7987. @@@
  7989. Anon
  7992. >Scootaloo
  7994. At what point does she realize her rear will pay the price for this?
  7995. >As the cookie-jar slips out of her grip?
  7996. >When it shatters on the kitchen floor?
  7997. >When Aunt Holiday gallops in to see what happened?
  7998. or
  7999. >Does a filly desperately cling to any slim shred of hope that her bottom will be spared right up until the first smack falls?
  8001. @@@
  8003. Anon
  8006. >Apple Bloom! Bring me the hairbrush!
  8007. >Yes, the one fer spankin'!
  8009. For once Bloom fetched the brush with glee rather than mortal terror. it was sadistic glee but she did not feel guilty as her big sister Applejack had earned (in Bloom's opinion) everything she was about to get.
  8011. >Here you are, Granny!
  8012. Apple Bloom tried not to look too happy but she couldn't hide her smile. Granny Smith caught that but only returned a wink and a sly smirk.
  8013. >You sit down right over there.
  8014. Granny instructed. Oh Boy! Granny was gonna let her watch! Bloom quickly took her seat as ordered, not feeling one bit guilty to watch her sister's misery, Granny had ordered it after all.
  8016. >Ohhh, Granny, pleeeassse don't, I'm sorry!
  8017. Applejack didn't sound so bossy now.
  8018. For the past week she had been pushing her siblings around and getting away with it. She tried it with Granny however, and got a stern warning. The next night AJ mouthed off again and got sent to her room to cool off. Instead the teenager took it thermonuclear and back-sassed Granny Smith.
  8020. >I ain't gotta do nothin'. A'hem too old fer that!
  8021. Awww, horseapples.
  8022. Big Mac fled to the barn and hadn't been seen since but Apple Bloom wasn't going to miss this show.
  8023. >Apple Bloom! Bring me the hairbrush!
  8024. >Yes, the one fer spankin'!
  8025. >Here you are, Granny!
  8026. When she came back with the terrible tool Applejack was already in position. Boots set neatly nearby, denim skirt flipped over her back. Bloom giggled when she saw her big sister's cute, puppy print panties but gasped at what happened next.
  8027. >Ohhh, NOO, Granny, please ma;am, No!
  8028. In an instant those playful puppies where crumpled up down near Applejack's white boot socks. Apple Bloom felt her first pang of pity for her sibling...the brush on the bare bottom was HORRIBLE. But it was only a small pang.
  8030. Applejack sure knew that. She was already a mess. AJ was a tough, resourceful young woman but when Granny resolved that she needed her skinny rear-end spanked she turned into a blubbering little girl, quick.
  8032. Granny had lectured enough. She raised the brush and brought it down with a nasty CRACK! AJ shrieked and trembled in terror of the next one, which Granny did not make her wait for.
  8034. Bloom relaxed in her seat, indulging in the rare luxury of enjoying a spanking without the fear of being next. She sipped her apple juice and got comfortable for a long, entertaining performance. Sweetie Belle's family had every streaming service and Scootaloo's Aunts took her to a lot of plays & movies but to Apple Bloom, this was the best show in town.
  8035. >Best Day Ever.
  8037. @@@
  8039. Anon
  8042. Starlight's dad has a very old paddle which he wrote "BAD STARLIGHT" on with permanent marker just to punish his daughter. This is extremely unusual for him since the paddle is an antique dating back to the founding of Sire's Hollow. It just goes to show how much he loves his little sugerplum if he's willing to put such an old paddle to use for her. Starlight is just surprised (and disappointing) its still so sturdy.
  8044. Sunburst's mom, meanwhile, always keeps buying new spanking tools for her son. He will not suffer some old thing on his rump, after all. In fact, she always has multiple tools ranging from paddles to switches in her house, which she had meticulously planned for every type of misbehavior that requires a spanking. Planning these things out is quite important, after all.
  8046. Both like to discuss their spanking methods in public in their own uniquely embarrassing ways.
  8048. @@@
  8050. Anon
  8053. >How fucked?
  8055. Quite, actually since Luna herself was angrily willing to drag them home. I'm more curious about how they will receive their obvious spanking.
  8057. Will they receive it the exact same way? Or maybe with different implements? I can see them desperately pinning the blame on the other in an attempt to get a lighter punishment for themselves while sacrificing their sibling's rump. Would there be a winner? Or would it result in the exact same spanking? Maybe something more creative?
  8059. ...
  8061. This isn't the rather miffed next door neighbour.
  8062. This isn't the not-so-friendly neighbourhood copper.
  8063. This is an immortal god-princess dragging you, publicly, to your parents front door.
  8064. I don't think 'fucked' even begins to describe your immediate future here.
  8066. ...
  8068. Hmmm, I won't create the whole situation how about everybody adds a detail or three? but I'll set the scene.
  8070. There's a long lecture, right there in the bakery.
  8071. The guilty pair cringe at Princess Luna's over dramatic description of events in the Royal Canterlot Voice.
  8072. Even without the drama, they both know this is gonna get their rears paddled.
  8074. Then Mom confirms it.
  8075. She picks up two heavy bread cutting boards, with handles
  8076. Her foals gulp
  8077. She puts them in the oven
  8078. She's pre-heating the spanking paddles
  8079. Pound and Pumpkin go from nervous to outright terrified
  8081. Cup Cake smiles
  8082. It's just a psychological trick
  8083. Pre-warming the paddles a little really does nothing to add to the spanking
  8084. But it puts the fear of doom into a naughty foal, every time.
  8086. ...
  8088. That sounds like a fun trick. Maybe she can heat them up extra long to make it even scarier.
  8090. ...
  8092. >heat them up extra long to make it even scarier.
  8093. That's good.
  8094. Imagine the lecture going on, and on, and on...
  8095. Imagine how pompous and long-winded Luna can be.
  8096. Imagine how hot that heinie whacker is getting while the grown-ups drone on...
  8098. ...
  8100. I haven't got the writing chops to set this up, but an excuse for Luna to remain and watch. Not for voyeurism, but to bring the dawning horror to Pound and Pumpkin that Mom is going to want to PROVE to the Princess that she can correct her errant offspring, and that their subsequent contrition and apology is very, VERY genuine. Slightly inspired by my own experience (with grandparents in that case, but the principle is the same).
  8102. ...
  8104. Plenty of ideas for this.
  8106. >Will they receive it the exact same way?
  8107. Mr and/or Mrs Cake carefully make sure both siblings get the exact same amount of spanks on the exact same spots with the exact same intensity. By the end of it, their bottoms are completely evenly spanked, which is fitting for the twins.
  8109. >Or maybe with different implements?
  8110. Pumpkin gets a switch while Pound gets a paddle. Who gets it worse in this case?
  8112. >pinning the blame on the other
  8113. A full hour of them trying to convince their parents to spank the other more. This will either end up with the first example or have one sibling sitting there victoriously with an unspanked or barely spanked bottom while the other gets the paddling of a lifetime. If you want to be extra cruel, they get to smugly watch the whole thing.
  8115. >Maybe something more creative?
  8116. Mrs Cake sets up a bunch of implements ranging from sticks to cutting boards. Since they were arguing earlier, each sibling has to pick what the other will be spanked with. Will they pick what they think is the worst? Maybe feel pity for the other and pick what is the best? What would they pick. You can combine this with the above example and have the victor pick the implement for the loser.
  8118. @@@
  8120. Anon
  8123. The filly is sentenced to a double spanking.
  8125. She's halfway through.
  8126. She can be forgiven and escape the rest if she apologizes and asks
  8127. >"Please do not spank me anymore."
  8129. Will she do it?
  8130. Can AnonFilly swallow her pride and behave like a good girl?
  8132. ...
  8134. Avoid conversation with the spanked filly. The spanked filly will lie. The spanked filly will make excuses. She will make promises she'll immediately forget. If she gets really desperate, she may start to act cute or foal-like.
  8136. ...
  8138. >Is that not the goal of any spanking?
  8139. Medium to long term, yes.
  8140. But immediately? Putting on puppy dog eyes? Fake lisping?
  8141. "Pw-pw-pwease, I, I didn't know they were wude words..."
  8142. You little toad, Salty Seadog just walked past and I've never seen a sailor blush before!
  8144. @@@
  8146. Anon
  8149. A foalsitter spanking is a really interesting scenario for spanker and spankee. Did they get permission? Was it implied? Is the spankee getting a second dose when the family comes home? Who spanks harder? Does the foalsitter do corner time even though the family does not?
  8151. @@@
  8153. Anon
  8156. I should enjoy going out for a meal.
  8157. It's not something we do often, too many other things get in the way - aka 'life', I suppose.
  8158. So it should be a nice treat. It's not. I hate it.
  8159. It's me, really. My parents always made such emphasis on not acting like a wild mustang in public - often firmly underlined when they got us home - that I'm always conscious of what the rest of the herd must think, that I'm being watched and judged.
  8160. Mainly thanks to my mare, we're not - well, I TRY not to be - as haltered up as my parents were about things like that. But I still feel it.
  8161. My eldest doesn't help. Steady Trot got his cutie mark last month, and he's been anything but steady since. Showing off, really. On the one hoof, I wish I'd had his confidence as a colt. On the other...
  8162. The eyes are watching. I can FEEL them, with a restaurant-worth of ears twitching toward our table. The invisible weight pushes me down, sagging toward the table.
  8163. He and his sister are needling each other again. A little too loudly, and the slightly sarcastic tones don't help.
  8164. "Steady..." I warn. I don't even know if they hear me these days.
  8165. "What would you know, blank flank?" he raspberries at his sister.
  8166. That's it.
  8167. I erupt across the table, seizing him, bending him across it. The eyes and ears have ... vanished. Or at least I don't feel them. I don't even notice the silence.
  8168. Steady cries in alarm, my mare says ... I don't know, I can't hear, I'm in a bubble of silence stronger than any unicorn could cast, aware of my raised hoof.
  8169. We've never done this. We agreed it wasn't 'us'. They've had the odd nipped ear, the rare swipe to the flank, but never...
  8170. My hoof descends. The resounding clap shatters the bubble. Steady yells, and I repeat, and repeat and repeat. He's begging for mercy, writhing, but my other hoof is just as heavy and holds him firmly. I spank and spank and spank, and it's not just tonight now. Every smart comment, every little fight with his sister, every wilful act he - they - has ever committed is punished with a titanic smack. He WILL be civilised rather than a mustang! Why! Can't! You! Just! Stay! With! The! Herd!
  8171. I glance over at my mare, who is just gazing back.
  8172. "Oh, my dear..." she murmurs. "My dear... Dear..."
  8173. "DEAR!"
  8174. That jolts me awake. She's looking at me but - impatient?
  8175. "The nice mare asked if you're ready to order yet?" she says, pointedly.
  8176. The 'nice mare' is waiting, bored annoyance written on her face. I look over at Steady, a very unspanked and smiling Steady, and a restaurant that hasn't just had a grown stallion make a spectacle of himself.
  8177. Deep breath. And a grown stallion DEMONSTRATES how to not act like a mustang. Not just nip 'em when they do.
  8178. "Oh, I'm sorry ma'am, went on a gallop there, haha, can I start with the Pink Petal Posset, please?"
  8180. @@@
  8182. Anon
  8185. No, I'm sorry, Miss Cinch is away today. Can I ..? A punishment note? Very well, follow me into the office please.
  8187. Now then, Miss... Pommel? Oh, Pom-MEL, sorry. Let's see... Mrs Iceberg caught you... fighting in the girls toilets? That is certainly a reason for you to be here. You're not one of our, ah, 'regulars', care to..? Suri Polomare borrowed your scarf and wouldn't give it back? Hmm. Ok. But can you prove...? She ripped off the label with your initials on and flushed it away.
  8189. Sigh. Look, Miss Pommel. I shall be frank. I know that you younger years look up to the older ones, and we do encourage your learning from their examples. But I do not think Miss Polomare is a particularly fine example, and as she is wily enough to ensure that you were the one caught swinging by Mrs Iceberg, she has given me only one option. This is one example I hope you do learn from, as thrashings in the adult world are somewhat more serious than school ones.
  8191. What? Yes. Of course I'm going to thrash you. You were fighting, Miss Pommel, and there are no mitigating circumstances.
  8193. Fairness does not come into it, young lady. You cannot prove she stole your scarf, or that it was your scarf to begin with. You took a swing at another pupil, and this has a particular punishment.
  8195. Now, kindly take four steps backwards, and touch your toes. As close as you can get, then. I'll just flick your hemline out of the way... School policy, Miss Pommel, they are coming down, and any further complaints will earn you extra. Do I make myself clear?
  8197. I allow one flinch, Miss Pommel. Do not do so again or there will be more.
  8199. Straighten those legs again, and compose yourself please.
  8201. I warned you, girl, two more.
  8203. HANDS AWAY, GIRL! We start again.
  8205. Get up, child, off your knees. You are not in the junior classes now. Here, we expect you to take punishment like a ma- well, maturely, anyway. Dry your eyes, and assume the position.
  8207. I know it hurts, but this does not excuse your fidgeting! Extras.
  8209. And - there. You may stand. Here, use this. I don't think you want a uniform violation for wiping your nose on your sleeve, do you? Just wait a moment please, I need to sign... There. You will take this to Mrs Iceberg to acknowledge your punishment, and you will give this to your parents to sign and return. Drop it in our pigeonhole in the morning. You may go.
  8211. Oh, Miss Pommel? Do think hard about your association with Miss Polomare, won't you? Good day.
  8213. @@@
  8215. Anon
  8218. We three foals of naughty proceeds
  8219. Heeding not where wickedness leads
  8220. Parents door, ponies galore
  8221. Telling of our misdeeds
  8223. Oh...
  8225. Deeds malicious, deeds not right,
  8226. Deeds to make your mane turn white
  8227. Acts and jokes to make our folks
  8228. Light up our rumps tonight.
  8230. Foals asleep in nursery cots,
  8231. Nurses asked, but stop we did not,
  8232. Woke them all, and heard them bawl,
  8233. Ran off to not get caught.
  8235. Kick a hoofball, high and low,
  8236. Kick too hard and smash a window,
  8237. Owner mad, "I'll tell your dad!"
  8238. As we run down the road,
  8240. Oh...
  8242. Deeds malicious, deeds not right,
  8243. Deeds to make your mane turn white
  8244. Acts and jokes to make our folks
  8245. Light up our rumps tonight.
  8247. Scrumping apples, stripping the trees
  8248. Farmer creeps up, tails are seized.
  8249. Homeward taken, hope forsaken
  8250. Our parents so displeased
  8252. Tears of sorrow, tears of pain
  8253. Smacks upon our rumps do rain
  8254. Bottoms burned, and lessons learned,
  8255. Until we get caught again!
  8257. Oh...
  8259. Deeds malicious, deeds not right,
  8260. Deeds to make your mane turn white
  8261. Acts and jokes to make our folks
  8262. Light up our rumps tonight.
  8264. Happy Hearthswarming, everypony.
  8266. @@@
  8268. Anon
  8271. >Be a young colt of filly.
  8272. >You sure had a hard time sleeping on the night before Hearth's Warming.
  8273. >Next day and your sibling would get to finally open your presents, after all.
  8274. >It was only natural that you'd be excited.
  8275. >You actually got a glance at the gift box it was in.
  8276. >It was quite long.
  8277. >Clearly more then some small toy.
  8278. >Probably something magnificent!
  8279. >It took all your effort (and some chiding from your parents) to finally fall asleep.
  8280. >You dream't of all the wonderful gifts you would get.
  8282. >The next day.
  8283. >It's been a long time since you woke up so early on your own.
  8284. >But how could you not?
  8285. >It was Hearth's Warming!
  8286. >Without thinking, you throw the covers off yourself, jump off the bed and excitably run down.
  8287. >"Mommy, daddy! C'mon!" You shout, waking the entire household up.
  8288. >Your family seems a bit annoyed by the early wake up.
  8289. >But you pay them no mind. You got to open gifts!
  8291. >At the tree, you immediately try to grab the box with your name on it.
  8292. >But you are stopped by dad.
  8293. >Breakfast first.
  8294. >You try to argue, but everypony else is hungry, so that means you have to be too.
  8295. >A quick Hearth's Warming breakfast later.
  8296. >You go to open your gift, but your sibling gets there first.
  8297. >It is tradition to go one by one.
  8298. >More waiting while your stupid sibling admires their admittedly pretty cool new toy.
  8300. >But then, its finally your turn.
  8301. >Your about to burst with excitement as you are given permission to open your present.
  8302. >You recklessly rip open the gift wrapping to get inside of it.
  8303. >And then, you open the long cardboard box inside that it was wrapped around in.
  8304. >Whatever could be inside?!
  8306. >You're smile is as wide as it can be as you slowly open the big, lean and thin box.
  8307. >And inside...
  8308. >Is a weird bundle of sticks.
  8309. >Clearly made from one of the big nearby trees with hard branches and meticulously tied together with thick ribbons.
  8310. >Huh?
  8311. >Your smile drops into a disappointed and confused look.
  8312. >You look at your parents for an explanation.
  8314. >"It's a birch." Your mom clarifies for you.
  8315. >"But I didn't want that." Your blurt out.
  8316. >"It's not a matter of what you want, but what you need." Dad explains. "You have been very naughty this whole year, so you get this instead."
  8317. >In shock, it takes a while for the realization of what you just got and what it means to set in.
  8318. >Utterly devastated, you're about to cry.
  8319. >"Furthermore." Mom continues. "I think its time we test out your new gift. You had this coming all year now."
  8320. >Unable to hold in your tears any longer, you start to sob in disappointment and terror as mom walks ever so closer to you.
  8322. Is this deserved?
  8324. @@@
  8326. Anon
  8329. So what is worse?
  8330. >Have a great day at school
  8331. >Had all your homework done
  8332. >Knew the answers when the teacher called on you
  8333. >Trolled all your bullies
  8334. >Even had your favorite at lunch
  8335. But then...
  8336. >Last period of the day
  8337. >Get involved in some shenanigans
  8338. >Busted
  8339. >Principal's note to your parents
  8340. >This WILL get your rear turned red tonight
  8341. >Best day ever...ruined.
  8343. Or...
  8344. >First class of the day
  8345. >Not prepared, don't have anything ready
  8346. >Try to wing it, fail hard
  8347. >Errors cascade into failures and finally disaster
  8348. >That Principal's note comes at the beginning of the day
  8349. >The rest of the day is pretty normal, but your doom is sealed
  8350. >Have to spend all day worrying about the guaranteed ass-whupping you'll be getting at home
  8351. >Not even your favorite at lunch can fix this day.
  8353. What is worse? The great day shattered or a bad day from the beginning?
  8355. @@@
  8357. Anon
  8360. Dear Aunt Twilight
  8361. I am fine, I hope you are too. I am having a lovely time on our holiday, there is lots of sand and it’s very hot. I like the big fair with lots of rides.
  8362. I have been a good filly like you told me but Daddy has been naughty. I woke up and Mummy was telling him off and smacking him. She sent him straight to bed too so he must have been very bad.
  8363. Tomorrow we’re going to see the weird rocks on this postcard.
  8364. Lots of love,
  8365. Flurry Heart
  8367. @@@
  8369. Anon
  8372. >And filly is not embarrassed because some random colt or filly getting spanked on the park bench is such a regular occurrence.
  8374. >Spankings are very common in Equestria.
  8375. >So much so that ponies barely notice one happening in public.
  8376. >It's the equivalent of a mother whiping their kid's nose or ushering them in somewhere.
  8377. >So common that its hardly worth talking about.
  8378. >In smaller communities, certain park benches are practically reserved for certain parents and foals because of how much they get spanked in that exact spot.
  8380. @@@
  8382. Anon
  8385. A nice way to play around with EQG ages could be one changing places with the other.
  8387. >Both Main 6's decide to swap places in their respective worlds.
  8388. >A sort of experiment by Twilight.
  8389. >EQG Applejack, now a pony, is having a fun time so far.
  8390. >Work is hard and she seems to have more responsibilities then back home, but she's handling it so far.
  8391. >Until Granny Smith tells her to do something unexpected.
  8392. >"Applebloom's been slacking on her chores for a while. Could ya' give her a tanning?"
  8393. >"Huh?" Applejack didn't understand.
  8394. >Granny rolled her eyes. "Youngun's these days. Give the filly a spanking!"
  8395. >Granny could spank Applebloom herself and sometimes would, but as she was getting older, such things became more and more tiresome for the old mare. These days she's mostly get Big Mac or Applejack to handle discipline.
  8396. >"You want me to spank her?" Applejack asked, utterly flabbergasted.
  8397. >"Of course. This aint the first time. You can handle it."
  8398. >"B-but..."
  8399. >It was one thing for the pony Applejack, who was an adult to spank her younger pony version of her little sister, but for the formally human teenager?
  8400. >Unheard of.
  8401. >Heck, Applebloom seemed to have grown out of spankings back home.
  8402. >So Applejack just stood there, trying to come up with a response.
  8403. >"Your usually not this picky about giving a spanking." Granny raised her eyebrow. "What's going on with ya?"
  8404. >"Uuuh..."
  8406. Would Granny figure out what's going on? Would Applejack tell her? Or maybe she'd just roll with it? How would this play out?
  8408. @@@
  8410. Anon
  8413. >I`m now imagining Pinkie laying dejectedly over the girl's lap, completely covering it because she's too big for her, getting her but smacked by a visibly tired Lily, who's sweating because properly spanking such a larger girl is tiresome for one as young as her with her small hands that barely cover the bared bottom.
  8414. >Not quite hot, but certainly hillarious. I would not mind a green or pic about it. The absurdity of that situation would be fun to depict.
  8416. Pinkie was used to playing House with her charges. It was a surprisingly common request.
  8417. "Um, Lily?" she asked, looking up from the cushion she'd been resting her head on.
  8418. Tap. Tap. Tap.
  8419. Pinkie liked House. It wasn't the wildest or funnerific game, but the tinies could be so adorably earnest about it all.
  8420. "I know I was very naughty," she continued. So did the tapping. "But you have been spanking me for a while now."
  8421. Such sincerity had it's drawbacks.
  8422. "You haven't cried," came the small voice behind her, between the taps. "Gotta cry when you're getting spanked."
  8423. "Oh. Ok," said Pinkie. She hadn't even thought of that. House was common, method acting wasn't. And with all the underskirts she wore, Lily's restrained but game little taps weren't about to cause a natural reaction. "Ow. Ow. I'm sorry, ow. Boo hoo, waa".
  8424. Infant justice was satisfied.
  8425. "There, you can get up," Lily announced, in that arch, grand tone all the little ones used as 'parent', "and don't do it again!"
  8426. "Ooh, I sure won't!" Pinkie declared, pushing herself up from Lily's lap and pretending to rub her bottom. "I'll go clean it all right away, mommy!"
  8428. @@@
  8430. Anon
  8433. >Pipsqueak would make for a good spankee.
  8435. Imagine him doing a post-spanking timeout with that tiny tail of his. You wouldn't even need to get him to drape it over his back. He'd just try and try to comfort his fanny by wiggling it around, but it would be too small to matter. Since he's younger then most kid characters, you wouldn't even need to spank him hard to make him feel it, meaning that you could go for a long spanking without getting your hand/hoof tired.
  8437. He'd cry, beg and wail on and on at the seemingly never ending spanking, but it would take a good long while to be done because there would be no risk of injury on his rump or spanker tiredness because holding him down would be easier and light, easy to manage spankings would be enough to make him squeal. Practically relaxing for the spanker.
  8439. Really underrated indeed. He could do with a rump roasting, make his first spanking one for the ages. He may even be on par, if not better then Rumble as far as colts go.
  8441. @@@
  8443. Anon
  8446. Despite being a good girl, EqG Fluttershy actually gets spanked for a lot of things that her friends get lesser punishments for.
  8448. The reason is that Flutters parents don't have a lot of other options.
  8449. Being grounded works great for active girls like Pinkie or Rainbow Dash. Just one day cooped up in her room is enough to make a girl like that reconsider her naughty behavior.
  8451. Rarity is perfectly happy to be locked in her room, but lock up her sewing machine or take away her phone and she's a crying mess. She's pretentious about looking mature, so embarrassing her with an early bed-time, earlier than her little sister, is super effective too.
  8453. Applejack is prideful about having responsibility. Taking that away makes an impression. Putting Apple Bloom in charge of a chore and making AJ subordinate will be a humiliating blow to her ego.
  8455. Nerd Twilight is happy to be in her room and her ego has already been destroyed by Crystal Prep mean girls. When Mom Velvet wants to teach her a lesson that doesn't require the hairbrush she locks Twiley out of her room (and personal Library) and makes her watch vapid reality TV for a few hours.
  8457. But Fluttershy doesn't have much of an ego.
  8458. She's happy in her room and she's not a material girl...or a obsessive compulsive nerd.
  8459. Her parents can't really ground her because of her responsibilities at the Animal Shelter. Preventing her from going to work harms them unfairly. They won't understand why the human that takes care of them best has disappeared for a week.
  8460. It's not even an option, so Fluttershy's parents just skip right over grounding her and move on to the only thing they can do to sanction her.
  8461. So for minor things that her friends wouldn't even fear a trip over the knee, Fluttershy gets her rear-end spanked.
  8463. ...
  8465. At the animal shelter, they have a shower in case a sick animal gets goop all over you. Which happens annoyingly often.
  8467. It's a little stall, but the curtain has been gone for years. Cats claw it up and the animals don't care if you're naked. It's all women and girls who volunteer there anyway. Unfortunately for Fluttershy, that means showing off a spanked behind whenever she earns one. The volunteers who aren't at the shelter often think her butt always looks like that.
  8469. ...
  8471. I feel sorry for my parents. So often, when I take a shower at the shelter, I can feel eyes looking at me. More so than usual, anyway. And I come out, and I see the sympathy in them, and I realise that whoever it is has seen ... the marks. And they’re all thinking that a big girl like her must have some terribly harsh parents. They’re not. They’re wonderful. They’re so understanding, and supportive, and not a day goes by without hearing how much they love me. They’ve never laid a finger on me or Zephyr.
  8473. I can’t say the same.
  8475. I don’t really know how it started. I remember when I was in kindergarten – as much as anyone can – throwing a tantrum over who got to play with a toy, and one of the older ladies swept me over her knee there and then. I felt my body at an angle it had never been in before, and I was looking down at the floor tiles, somehow knowing what was coming even though the whole experience was utterly alien to me. I don’t really remember … that, but I do recall sobbing on the bench, feeling that all the other children were looking at me, and hearing them laugh. Maybe it wasn’t at me, maybe they were just playing, but I can still hear the echoes off the walls. I told Mom on the way home. She blushed. And we carried on. It might have meant confrontation. Or maybe she secretly thought I needed it. It’s not the sort of thing you ask about, is it?
  8477. And then there were comics, and books. Especially older ones Mom had read when she was young, and loved, and passed on. There would be spankings for naughty children, and I would wonder what it would be like. Just once. Maybe more. I deserved it.
  8479. Then one day I was home alone. Zephyr had shown five minutes of interest in something again, so of course mom and dad had torn up their own plans to take one us to … whatever it was. I couldn’t face it, I pretended I was ill. Such a liar. Such a horrible daughter and sister. No wonder I didn’t have any real people friends.
  8481. And there was that horrible, rolling feeling in my gut, my heart, my… bottom? I suddenly became very aware of my bottom’s existence, of all things. Like it was twitching. Almost calling. And I slowly realised that, if… if no-one was in, the house was empty, maybe I could do what no-one else would.
  8483. I grabbed my hairbrush, and bent over the end of my bed. That first crack – oh, the sting. I could almost feel the warmth spreading from the impact through my body, into my chest. Again, and again. The sting grew sharper, the heat building. And then… I pulled my shorts down. Then bare. I felt so relieved, like all the guilty fog was being chased out of my mind. It was almost too much. I got scared suddenly. It was louder than I’d thought. My bedroom windows and door were closed, but I’d heard arguments from next door, and surely everyone would see that our car wasn’t there….
  8485. I dropped my brush like it was as hot as my rear felt. Hunched over (my shorts were still round my ankles), I shuffled to the window and peeped out. No-one in sight, despite it being a lovely day. Thank goodness! My secret, my shame, was safe. Turning, I caught sight of myself in the mirrored door of my closet, and I couldn’t resist. I twisted and contorted to review what I’d done. It didn’t look anything like the drawings in those old comics. It was sort of patchy, and not quite as red as I’d imagined. But it did feel a little better, that too-brief stinging.
  8487. And so it became a little habit of mine. A little play, almost. It became easier as I got older, and Mom and Dad trusted (trusted!) their good (good!) little girl to be safe on her own. The house was mine, and my bottom was the brushes. I grew bolder, a little harder each time. I’d try different tools. My slipper. A wooden spoon. One of dad’s belts; it didn’t hurt as much as Pinkie’s tales implied, maybe it swings differently in your own grasp. Even, on occasion, one of Mom’s garden canes. I’d touch my toes, like in Mom’s tattered old school novels. Over a dining chair so I could look underneath and see my feet dangling down, or even across an armchair in the sitting room. What if someone looked through the window? What indeed? Or caught me on a lonely walk in the woods, lying over a log, switch in hand? Maybe I wanted to be found out, to have that awkward conversation, to maybe finally have Mom or Dad…
  8489. Or maybe not. I’m not even sure if they could ever be as strict as me. Who else would know all my private guilt, the unseen failings?
  8490. You weren’t sick, you just couldn’t face the fundraising party and let everyone down! Crack, crack.
  8491. You were mean about her, hoping it would make Sunset leave YOU alone. Coward. Crack, crack.
  8492. You let Rarity talk you into something when you’d already promised to see Grandma that weekend, you’re weak, where’s your self-respect, girl! Crack, crack.
  8493. That time when you were eight, you bumped into Zephyr on the trampoline and he broke his wrist. And Mommy looked at you, almost in tears herself. Monster. Crack. Crack.
  8495. My only mercy – or final cruelty – is I don’t have the courage to truly punish myself. I approach the edge, I feel the ball of tears, that enormous gulping sob building in my gorge, rising… but I can’t do it. I can’t quite take that final step. I back off, resistance unbroken, only halfway punished. It’s more cowardice. More failings. Another reason to take up the brush.
  8497. I’m not stupid. I look after animals. I’ve been online. I’m old enough now to know about ... And I do sometimes… afterwards, you know, thinking about… an older man, he’d take me by the wrist, pull me over his knee. He’d scold me, raise his hand and… and … push me across. Help me. Break me. And then, through the tears, through the sobbing finally released from my throat, he’d stroke my hair, and hold me close, and say how I was his good, brave girl. Finally.
  8499. I shouldn’t be saying this. It’s not nice. Good girls don’t act like this.
  8501. Mom and Dad are out on a date night tonight. I have a date of my own.
  8503. @@@
  8505. Anon
  8508. Time shenanigans. Side effects lead to Surly Twilight - headache, can't concentrate, half blinded. Filly bumps into Twilight, maybe knocks over the Macguffin. Angry Twilight. Takes it out on filly with half a dozen swift swats. Filly runs home bawling. Twilight recognises old home, REALLY old home. A move or two ago. Suddenly remembers that time Tiny Twi bumped into a stranger running the other way, but they'd already disappeared when mom and dad came storming out. In fact that sounds like whoever is in that house is very Not Happy indeed. Exit, stage right. *Teleport bamf*
  8510. @@@
  8512. Anon
  8515. One funny thing I realizes is that out of the Main 6, Pinkie would be best suited to give out a maternal spanking because she's the only one that actually became a mother, which is really weird when you think about it.
  8517. Would Pinkie use spankings? If so, how would she go about it? Cheese is very similar to Pinkie so he'd likely have the same methods.
  8519. @@@
  8521. Anon
  8524. >Thunderlane finds that exact door sign in a random flea market.
  8525. >Finds it mildly amusing, but doesn't think much of it.
  8526. >Until he gets an idea.
  8527. >After buying it, he brings it home.
  8528. >Puts it on Rumble's door.
  8529. >Colt doesn't notice.
  8530. >And because he leaves his door wide open whenever he goes out, he continues to not notice.
  8531. >Mom doesn't mind this prank.
  8532. >It's not like Thunderlane is actually hurting Rumble with it, plus its kind of amusing.
  8533. >Especially with the confused looks Rumble's friends have when they give him a surprise visit.
  8534. >Meanwhile poor Rumble is so confused why everyone's giggling at him.
  8535. >He never ends up noticing it.
  8537. @@@
  8539. Anon
  8542. >Live in Ponytown
  8543. >Professional foalsitter
  8544. >Believe it or not you can make a living like this in Happy Horsie Land
  8545. >Cute rich filly on your schedule today
  8546. >Usually a fun day
  8547. >Gotta admit, lunch is best at the rich homes
  8548. >Looking forward to todays job
  8549. But...
  8550. >When you get there you hear a terrible tale
  8551. >Filly was very naughty
  8552. >Filly got her bottom spanked
  8553. >Wasn't harsh or undeserved...she got it fair & square
  8554. >Now she is grounded all day
  8555. "Easy day for you, right Anon?"
  8556. >Mom intends to pay you the same
  8557. >Silver just can't go outside and play
  8559. >So wat do?
  8560. >Let an unhappy filly spend the day in her room, bored but learning her lesson
  8561. or
  8562. >Are there some fun activities you can think of that don't require going out or violating the limitations on a grounded filly?
  8564. @@@
  8566. Anon
  8569. EqG Twi just began her 6-month exchange program to Equestria.
  8570. As a legal minor she will be assigned to a host family.
  8572. She just found out ponies spank for just about every misdeed and her host family is no exception.
  8574. Wat do? Twilight is a good girl but nobody can stay perfect for that long.
  8576. ...
  8578. "What's wrong, dear?"
  8579. "It's - her. They both broke curfew. I've tanned Cloudy but ..."
  8580. "But?"
  8581. "I can't spank the princess! It's sacrilegious!"
  8582. "Honey, it's ... not the princess?"
  8583. "Tell my hoof that!"
  8585. @@@
  8587. Anon
  8590. While the show was going on I always wished for a "Rarity & Sweetie have to share a room" episode.
  8592. Setup:
  8593. Rarity's boutique experiences some kind of disaster, a broken water pipe or fire or something. Maybe Derpy fucked up her roof...shit like that happens in Ponytown.
  8595. The point is she can't live there. Do a quick montage of why she can't stay with any of her 5 friends, and Rarity reaches the conclusion she'll have to move back into her parents' house for a few weeks...assuming her old bedroom is just as she left it.
  8597. It is not as she left it...Mom & Dad have converted it to something else.
  8598. >"It's no problem, Rarity, we'll just set you up a bed in Sweetie Belle's room. Won't that be fun?"
  8599. Of course it leads to comedic conflict.
  8601. For the show it could have been an episode about compromise and sharing space amicably.
  8602. For us it's an easy set-up for a spanking fic.
  8604. >The sisters bicker constantly
  8605. >Frequently it leads to fights
  8606. >Lamps are broken, furniture is knocked over
  8607. >Finally Dad has enough
  8608. >Yanks Sweetie Belle over his knee
  8609. >Spanks her bottom soundly
  8610. >Sweetie cries at the injustice
  8611. >Rarity looks on smugly, the little monster getting what she deserves
  8612. >Until Dad finishes and grabs big sister by the ear
  8613. "Wait, oh, no, Father...wait, I'm too...Dadddyyyyy, please, no!"
  8614. >Turns out Rarity's squealing is WAY louder than her little sister's.
  8616. @@@
  8618. Anon
  8621. Spike is probably one of the most interesting spankees to me. His situation with Twilight alone leads to many unique scenarios that can make sense as a pairing, even from a more realistic standpoint. So much interesting things to consider.
  8623. Twilight isn't much of a disciplinarian with him throughout the show. When he lied about burning a book, all she did was lecture him. When he lied about her giving commands and advice, she just made him confess to everyone. The worst he got from her in terms of physical punishments is a quick smack on the head, which probably didn't even hurt him that much. So what would he have to do to earn a spanking from her?
  8625. How would Twilight spank him? Would she just do it at the spur of the moment to avoid panicking about it? Would she try to drag out giving it as much as possible? Would she pull an all-nighter researching every book that even remotely contains advice on corporal punishment?
  8627. How would Spike react? Would he be obedient and just lay down to whatever position she would want him to be in? Would he try to escape? How much would he beg and bargain?
  8629. How would everyone else react to this? Would they find out?
  8631. I feel like these questions and more are much more interesting to consider with those two then with a lot of other spanking pairs, especially if they are kept as much in-character as possible. That being said, what would be an ideal "realistic" Twilight/Spike spanking scenario?
  8633. @@@
  8635. Anon
  8638. >Be Anon.
  8639. >You been trying to pick up hobbies lately, do something actually productive. Through trial and error you manage to actually find one you enjoy!
  8640. >That being baking.
  8641. >You weren’t the BEST at it but it was pretty damn fun, and you got to fill your mouth with something, so that’s a plus!
  8642. >Though you're now running into a… Problem, putting it lightly.
  8643. >A stupid bat pony won’t stop stealing your food.
  8644. >Every time you would bake something remotely sweet and try to let it cool on your windowsill…
  8645. >BAM!
  8646. >Its gone without a trace… Well, there’s the occasional crumb or too but other than that, gone without a trace. And it got annoying, fast.
  8648. >Obviously, the smart thing would be to stop letting it cool on the windowsill and just let it cool naturally… But that’s boring.
  8649. >Actually catching the culprit and giving them their rightfully earned ass whooping however? That sounded a lot more up your alley. So you got work and prepared a trap!
  8650. >Using some leftover pancake batter, and some spare chocolate you had in the fridge, you would make some chocolate muffins.
  8651. >One for the thief… And the five others for you.
  8652. >You set the muffin, right on the windowsill like you usually would, and then waited.
  8653. >And waited…
  8654. >Anddd waited…
  8655. >Andddd waited…
  8656. >An-
  8657. >Ok, this was gonna take longer than you thought it would.
  8659. >A couple of minutes had passed, and they still haven’t took the bait…
  8660. >As a way to past the time, help with your plan, and combat the boredom you were getting from waiting, you would try your best to remember what exactly the pony looked like.
  8661. >Every so often, you would manage to get a glance or two of your culprit as you tried (and failed) to stop them. Which gave you a basic understanding on what they looked like, or the features they had.
  8662. >It was a bat pony for one, the teeth that would manage to to bite into whatever sweet treat you had definitely had some sort of fangs, and you swore they had reddish looking eyes as well.
  8663. >They were also very pink, or at least a very pink coat. Their mane looked pretty messy too, but that was probably due to your last… ‘attempts’ at capturing her before.
  8664. >But other than that, that was all you knew about the mysterious pink pony stealing your treats!
  8665. >But that was gonna change soon enough, as soon as she comes your gonna grab that pony and make sure they never steal from you again!
  8666. > Just any second now…
  8668. >Those couple of minutes transformed into a half of hour, and you were starting to give up on your one man stakeout.
  8669. >Maybe you should give up, not be so hard headed and just let your confectionery delights cool in the house like a normal perso-
  8670. “Oooo, what’s this?”
  8671. >..!
  8672. >You would hear a voice that was definitely not your own, it was much more feminine and bubbly sounding.
  8673. >You hid, not wanting to scare the pony off, you had to do this perfectly for your plan to actually work…
  8674. >Peeking your head out ever so slightly, you would get to see what she was doing, and get to catch her red handed! (Or would be red hoofed in this case?)
  8675. >Without any hesitation, she would fly up and plop the muffin into her mouth. Tasting it with pure delight on her face.
  8676. >As she began to devour her treat, you would slowly creep, creeping towards the pony outside your windowsill before…
  8678. >YOINK!
  8679. “EEP!”
  8680. >You would grab the pony, dragging her into your home as she let out a yell. You closed the windows, a feeling of victory quickly
  8681. >Fuck yeah, you actually did it! All there was left to do is… Actually finding a way to punish the pony that was now before you!
  8682. >…
  8683. >Yeah you probably should have thought this plan through…
  8684. >Your eyes quickly drifted to the caught pony at hand, crumbs all over her mouth and a sheepish expression spread across her face. Even though you were trying to get rid of this pink pest ever since she began stealing food from you, you couldn’t deny… That look was kind of cute.
  8685. >But you couldn’t let that distract you! You had to think of an actually good punishment!
  8686. >As soon as you mentioned punishment, your mind would drift back into your childhood. Whenever you had gotten caught stealing from the cookie jar, after getting told not to, your mother would give you a couple of swift smacks on your bottom before telling you not to do it again or it’d be worse.
  8687. >A smirk would spread to your faces as you were given an idea, that conveniently placed memory had given you an idea…
  8689. >Before she could even comprehend what was happening, you would strike one right on her ass.
  8690. >SMACK!
  8691. “OW!”
  8692. >She would practically leap into the air as felt the blow hit, a yelp rushing out her lips.
  8693. >She would quickly try to run, but a quick tug on her tail would put her back into her place. And soon enough, you would do enough hit.
  8694. >SMACK!
  8695. >”W-Wait!”
  8696. >And another…
  8697. >SMACK!
  8698. “STOP IT!”
  8699. >And another…
  8700. >THWACK!
  8701. “ACK!”
  8702. >And anoth- Oh that was an extra hard one!
  8704. >By the time you were finished, her flanks were as red as her eyes, (though with how red her face looked, it could easily rival both!) hand marks all over her hindquarters, Your momma would be proud!
  8705. >You would let go of her tail before walking over and opening the windowsill, signaling that she was free to go… Not without one last swat on her haunches though.
  8706. >The additional smack was she needed to get the hell out of there, quickly flying off out of your window with red cheeks and an embarrassed look on her face.
  8707. >Now THAT should get her out of your hair for awhile!
  8708. >[FIN]
  8710. @@@
  8712. Anon
  8715. >Granny told you not to wear them booty shorts
  8716. >Said they were inappropriate
  8717. >But she won't be working the school cafeteria today; she has the day off
  8718. >It's worth the risk
  8719. >Sneak out in the morning by wearing a long jacket
  8720. >Granny doesn't notice...first danger passed
  8721. >On the schoolbus, Applejack admires your nerve
  8722. >Still thinks you're gonna get busted, but ya got nerve
  8723. >At school; the shorts have the desired effect
  8724. >Not to turn boys' heads, but the make Diamond Tiara & Silver Spoon seethe.
  8725. >Glorious victory.
  8726. But then...
  8727. >A firm grip on your shoulder
  8728. >Yikes, it's Vice Principal Luna
  8729. >Who knew booty shorts were a dress code violation?
  8730. >You're sent to the Principal's office
  8731. >Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit...she's calling somebody
  8732. >"Hello, Granny Smith. Sorry to call you on your day off, but..."
  8734. ...
  8736. >Next day, after the inevitable spanking, Granny makes a request to Celestia and Luna.
  8737. >They accept.
  8738. >Applebloom is made to go to school in the same shorts.
  8739. >They do little to hide her sore bottom.
  8740. >Every time she stands up, any onlooker can see the marks popping out from under the shorts.
  8741. >Granny made sure to focus an extra bunch on the lower side of the hindquorters.
  8742. >At least Applebloom got to go in shorts.
  8744. @@@
  8746. Anon
  8749. >Finally get to Equestria
  8750. >Had to get age regressed to a colt/filly but dem's teh rules.
  8751. >Celestia says you gotta be placed with a loving foster family too
  8752. >Isn't that nice?
  8753. >Of course they spank...what thread do you think you're in?
  8755. >It's mostly a happy pony life though
  8756. >Big household. Lots of foster siblings.
  8757. >With so many brothers & sisters, somebody is bound to earn a spanking now and then
  8758. >You listen through thin walls as your unlucky siblings get a few butt-burners
  8759. >You even catch a few quick stingers for minor things
  8761. >Until THAT day...
  8762. >Sitting in Ponyville jail
  8763. >Boy, you fucked up bad
  8764. >The human adult you once were would have gleefully whupped your ass for the shit you did
  8765. >But now you're a little foal and you're scared shitless about facing Horse-Mom & Horse-Dad when they show up
  8767. >Papers are signed
  8768. >Fines are paid
  8769. >You get to go home with your Foster Parents
  8771. >Horse Mom will do the deed
  8772. >She will determine when your spanking is over by the color of your rump
  8773. >And she will not be stopping until it is bright-apple-red
  8775. >Mom gives you a choice because she is a psychological sadist
  8776. >Makes a mean peanut-butter & banana sandwich so it kinda makes up for that
  8778. The Choice
  8779. >The Long Way
  8780. >Horse Mom gives you a long, long, long hoof spanking
  8781. >It takes a time to make a little coltie rear bright red with just a hoof but she'll get there
  8782. >And you will suffer pain and humiliation for what seems like forever
  8783. Or...
  8784. >The Quick Way
  8785. >Horse Mommy uses the paddle, hard and fast
  8786. >It's the quickest way to the required red bottom
  8787. >Just a few minutes
  8788. >But what a few minutes
  8789. >It'll be mindless, screaming, out of control agony for you
  8790. >It will feel like forever
  8791. >Your Horse Mom will have to pin you down, no foal could take a paddlin' like this without thrashing
  8792. >It'll get you there the quickest
  8793. >But that don't mean it'll be over quick.
  8795. Your choice.
  8796. Make it quick or Horse Mom will give you a sample of both to help you decide.
  8799. >After either choice your small horsie butt will be in the same red condition,
  8800. >Post spanking, you will have time alone in your room to think about what you've done
  8802. >Your cute but reckless foster sister will sneak into your room
  8803. >You have no choice in this, she WILL do it
  8804. >Thereby exposing you to a 50% chance of getting busted and catching another spanking
  8806. >So let's say, if you reply and your timestamp has a low number 0-4 in the last digit you get lucky and get away with a nice, sympathetic butt massage from a cute sister who is in no way biologically related to you.
  8807. But!
  8808. >If that last second digit is high, 5-9, you're busted and you & sis get spanked on your already red rump.
  8810. @@@
  8812. Anon
  8815. "Apple Bloom, that's the third time you've missed handing in your homework this month, isn't it?"
  8816. >"Yes, Miss Cheerilee..."
  8817. "You know what that means."
  8818. >*gulp* "Y-Yes Miss Cheerilee."
  8820. ...
  8822. >after Apple Bloom walks home with a red butt
  8824. "Apple Bloom, you know what happens when you get a spanking at school."
  8826. >Y-Yes, Applejack...
  8828. "A spanking at school means a good long spanking at home, young filly. Go get the wooden spoon and bend over my lap."
  8830. @@@
  8832. Anon
  8835. >Undeserved Punishment
  8836. Set a few years before the show;
  8837. Spike burps and accidentally burns up Twilight's homework.
  8838. It's not her fault but she's had a few recent missed assignments that were her fault.
  8839. Princess Celestia either doesn't believe her or doesn't care.
  8840. >"Your assignments are YOUR responsibility, Twilight."
  8841. >"And YOU must suffer the consequences for not turning them in on time."
  8843. @@@
  8845. Anon
  8848. Story idea:
  8849. Young colt is out shopping with his mother. It's totally boring and he's letting her know it by being a little brat.
  8851. Finally mom loses patience, grabs him by the ear and drags him into *gasp...dramatic pause* the Ladies Room! It's already horrifying just to be in there...a terrible affront to his young stallionhood...but she sits down on the bench, tosses him over her lap, pulls his tail out of the way and proceeds to spank him in front of all the other mares in the bathroom.
  8853. Fellow mothers look on fillies giggle at his humiliating predicament. He's the only male in the room, surrounded by smug mares and fillies as he gets his little rump properly roasted.
  8855. @@@
  8857. Anon
  8860. >Poner is in trouble
  8861. >Adult or foal, you choose
  8862. >He/she is guilty...there's no doubt
  8863. >But others were involved too
  8864. >Pone in question is the only one who got caught
  8865. Now she/he has a choice;
  8866. >Protect their friends by accepting the entire punishment them self
  8867. or
  8868. >Lessen their own punishment by informing on the others, who are equally guilty but otherwise would not be caught
  8870. How will each pony react?
  8872. @@@
  8874. Anon
  8877. Twilight just walking around doing a spanking survey to foals at school with Cheerilee would be a fun idea for green
  8879. ...
  8881. >"so what percent of the time would you say your mother uses an implement to spank you?"
  8883. >filly mutters
  8885. >"what was that?"
  8887. >mumblemumble "100 percent"
  8889. @@@
  8891. Anon
  8894. >Rumors circulate around Canterlot Castle
  8895. >Princess Celestia is keeping a MONSTER in the high tower
  8896. >Bad ponies who have committed crimes are brought to the castle
  8897. >The worst hardened criminals in Equestria
  8898. >After a short meeting with the Princess, they are led to the tower
  8899. >Several minutes later they return, sobbing, sniffling and contrite.
  8901. >What happened to them up there?
  8902. >What did the terrible thing in the tower do to them?
  8903. >What is the monster in the tower?
  8904. >All the other maids gossip about it
  8905. >But you are about to learn for yourself.
  8907. >Only one maid is allowed to go up to the tower.
  8908. >But she took a sick day
  8909. *gulp*
  8910. >That means you are assigned the task today
  8911. >The other maids show sympathy
  8912. >But they won't trade with you
  8914. >The Royal kitchen sends a breakfast tray
  8915. >The Head Housekeeper mare orders you to bring it up
  8916. >Every step is filled with terror
  8917. >What is the monster doesn't enjoy the breakfast you brought?
  8918. >Will it want to eat PONY for breakfast instead?
  8919. >You're too young to die!
  8921. >With a brief knock you peek inside
  8922. >There, in the center of the room is the horror you feared
  8923. >It is seated, reading a newspaper like a pony
  8924. >Can it really read? Or is it just imitating pony behavior?
  8925. >Maybe it's a trap
  8927. >You say nothing, but place the beast's tray on its table
  8928. >Its proportions are terrifying
  8929. >Long legs, weird torso, and a round head with tiny ears on the side
  8930. >A squashed little muzzle.
  8931. >But the lap is what scares you most
  8932. >It's HUGE!
  8933. >You thought Dad's lap was big when you were a filly.
  8934. >Both your Mom & Dad could sit side-by-side on the monster's huge lap
  8935. >With you in-between!
  8937. >Then, to your horror, he stands.
  8938. "Oh, hi. Good morning."
  8939. >Oh can speak like a pony!
  8940. >You shake in fear and nearly pee yourself.
  8941. "You're not the usual maid. Is she okay?"
  8942. >He puts down his paper and for the first time you see his scariest weapon.
  8944. >He has NO HOOVES!
  8945. >Where his front hooves should be the monster just has two flat slabs of flesh
  8946. >Kinda like a sea turtle's flipper
  8947. >Except the flipper can split into 5 little tendrils that can spread out
  8948. >It's an abomination.
  8950. >The long arms
  8951. >The wide lap
  8952. >The huge, paddle-like hooves
  8953. >You realize the awful truth
  8954. >This beast is perfectly suited for SPANKING!
  8955. >The worst judicial punishment in Equestria
  8956. >What every pony, foal and adult fears
  8957. >And Princess Celestia has a MONSTER designed to do it.
  8959. "Hey, would you mind telling the kitchen..."
  8960. >Oh wants to eat more pony meat for breakfast!
  8961. "I don't need a straw in my drinks.
  8962. "I never use them; seems wasteful."
  8964. >But you've reached the limit of your courage
  8965. >Like the skittish wild ponies you descended from, you panic and bolt away
  8966. >Screaming as you run back to safety.
  8968. >Other maids comfort you
  8969. "Whatever you saw up there can't be that bad, is it?"
  8970. >But you do not tell them.
  8971. >You can not put the horror into words
  8972. >Wrapped in a blanket, trembling
  8973. >Cup of cocoa in your hooves
  8974. >You can only tell them one thing;
  8975. "No...more...straws..."
  8977. ...
  8979. Small extra by Pan:
  8981. >They taught us monkeymen were super easy to anger
  8982. >With hands like paddles, and legs for saddles, and boots with spurs
  8983. >They take your rump and then they spank off all of your good fur
  8984. >The basic gist of it is monkeymen are not okay
  8986. @@@
  8988. Anon
  8991. >Gallus does a report on every paddle in the school
  8992. >Weight, aerodynamics, material
  8993. >The nastiest paddle mysteriously goes missing when he took it for measurements
  8994. >Applejack gave him quite a heavy punishment when it was found under his bed
  8996. @@@
  8998. Anon
  9001. >I need to measure the little lady's rump to hoofcraft her paddle for maximum effectiveness.
  9003. ...
  9005. >That will not be a problem ma'am, in fact we recommend it!
  9006. >That way we can tailor the piece to best match your disciplinary style!
  9007. >With the wrong paddle, parts of your daughter's backside will go tragically unpunished!
  9008. >Ah yes. I see the problem with the old paddle. Is this a Barnyard Bargains paddle?
  9009. >Of course. Mass produced planks completely unsuited for flanks.
  9010. >With a narrower blade, you will be able to reach your filly's lower cheeks.
  9011. >You can see on her bottom now, all the discomfort is on the peak of the cheek and nothing where it creases.
  9012. >The lower cheek is a critical part to discipline and is probably why you still have backsass issues with this one. Cute as she is.
  9014. ...
  9016. I'm imagining a more subtle situation here.
  9018. >Customers come into the shop
  9019. >Married mare & stallion
  9020. >School-age filly coming along reluctantly
  9021. >She whines a little when they come inside
  9022. >Mom shuts her up sharply
  9024. "Hello, welcome to our shop.
  9025. "What can I help you with?"
  9026. >A new chair? Some picture framing?
  9027. >Or the obvious?
  9028. "We are in need of a first paddle for our misbehaving filly."
  9029. >She gets a quick whack on the rear as Dad says that
  9030. >She does not protest and blushes when Mom continues;
  9031. "A mane-brush has done fine until now, but since she's getting older..."
  9032. >Dad grumbles;
  9033. "...and naughtier."
  9034. >The filly cringes at Dad's words, but Mom goes on;
  9035. "...we think it's time for something a little more serious."
  9036. >The filly whimpers something, but it's too soft to hear clearly
  9037. >Neither parents seems to care
  9038. "Alright, I understand."
  9039. >Poor kid, but this is the business
  9040. >Chairs for good rumps...paddles for bad ones
  9041. "I'll have my apprentice bring out some samples for you to look at."
  9043. >Colt hates this part of the job
  9044. >Not as much as testing the whackers
  9045. >But selling them is pretty embarrassing too
  9046. >He wasn't ready for this
  9047. "Oh, crap!"
  9048. >Glad he didn't say that too loud, in front of his boss & customers
  9049. >His surprise is genuine
  9050. >He knows this filly from school
  9051. >Has a big-time crush on her
  9052. >She recognizes him too
  9053. >Her face is beet-red with embarrassment
  9054. >All he can do is deliver the stack of 'options' to his boss.
  9055. "Thank you. This first one is good for..."
  9056. >The boss explains each paddle to the adult customers
  9057. >Apprentice knows he should be paying attention
  9058. >But all he can focus on is the poor filly
  9059. >Cringing and wincing with embarrassment
  9060. >Her previous misbehaviors and punishments discussed in humiliating detail
  9061. >As if she wasn't standing right there
  9062. >Colt feels horrible for her
  9063. >Wonder if she blames him for all this
  9064. >Finally she speaks up;
  9065. "Momma, do I have to stay for this part?"
  9066. >Mom takes pity
  9067. "No, I suppose it's pretty scary having to listen to all this.
  9068. "But that doesn't change what's happening tonight."
  9069. >Filly gulps
  9070. "For now you can wait outside if you like."
  9071. >The woodworker turns to his colt apprentice
  9072. "Why don't you take her on a little sightseeing walk of the town?"
  9073. >Any other time this would be the BEST DAY EVER
  9074. >Ordered by your Boss to go take a walk with a cute filly he's crushing on?
  9075. >On the clock! Do apprentices get paid?
  9076. >Normally; awesome.
  9077. >Today; kinda awkward.
  9078. >But he doesn't have a choice
  9079. >Filly grabs his arm and yanks him out the door with her
  9080. "You kids be back in 15 minutes!"
  9082. >Finally outside they both breathe a sigh of relief
  9083. "Whew! Ohmygosh, I'm so happy to be out of that terrifying place!
  9084. "How can you work there? I'd be scared out of my hooves!
  9085. "Does your Boss ever use the paddles on you?"
  9087. Filly & colt share a walk around town, discussing their embarrassing spanking stories while the grown-ups attend to "other business".
  9089. @@@

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