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Twilight teased by DCFTEF

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-08 03:30:46
Updated: 2022-03-17 15:30:57
Expiry: Never

  1. Twilight teased by DCFTEF
  3. (16/05/2021)
  6. ---
  8. >”Shiny! Shiiiinnnnyyyyyyyy! I need you!”
  9. Shining Armor quickly stashed the dirty magazine under his pillow as his blank-flank sister came running into his room at full speed. She gave no thought to knocking, or even slowing down. It was lucky the door had been slightly open or the filly would have run straight into it...this had happened before. Luckily little Twilight Sparkle was not very athletic so she could not run very fast.
  10. >”Whoa, why the hurry, kiddo?”
  11. Twilight was breathless
  12. >”It's the most horrific trouble I've ever been in and I really really, really need your help!”
  13. She looked both ways to ensure they were safely alone before revealing the awful crisis.
  14. From her saddlebag she drew a paper, wrinkled and worn from being obsessed over.
  15. >”'s my Equestrian Social Studies exam...and I only got a...a...a...”
  16. Her voice lowered to a horrible whisper
  17. >”72%!”
  19. Shining inspected the paper. Old Mister Hickory Stump...he'd been Shining's teacher in the Second Grade too. This was normal for him. He always gave his class a super hard test at the beginning of the year so they'd feel good about how far they'd come at the end of term. It was a wonder Twiley had scored as well as she had.
  20. A good big brother would have assured her that this was nothing to be worried about, but there was a devil on Shining Armor's shoulder today and he was whispering some pretty amusing suggestions.
  21. >”Oh boy, this is pretty bad...”
  22. Twilight gasped. She'd been expecting comforting words from her brother.
  23. >”...a C-minus. That's only one step away from a...”
  24. He hushed his tone to let the drama build.
  25. >”a...D.”
  26. Twiley gave a thin whimper of fear, which almost cracked Shining's resolve. But a little scare would do her good...and she was sooooo easy to prank.
  28. The filly ran around in a tight circle.
  29. >”Ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh, not a D....but it isn't a D! It's only a C-minus and that's not as bad, right?”
  30. Shining kept up the act.
  31. >”Hmmm, barely. But it's not me you gotta convince. Mom & Dad are gonna want a good explanation.”
  32. Twiley was getting really worked up.
  33. >”Oh no, they're gonna be so disappointed! Are they gonna be really mad? OF COURSE they're gonna be REALLY mad!”
  34. Twilight froze and stared right at her big brother.
  35. >”Am I gonna get a spankin'?”
  37. Twilight Velvet had heard both her foals come in from school. Shining Armor first, who had come to her study where she was grading papers and told her he was home as a polite son should. Twilight by contrast had run straight upstairs...a sign that she had a crisis. Shining was well suited to deal with such issues; he had a wonderful knack for calming his excitable little sister down. He was even better at it than herself or his father sometimes.
  38. Still, as a mother, Velvet felt she should at least supervise, so she went up the stairs quietly and listened outside her son's bedroom.
  40. >”Am I gonna get a spankin'?”
  41. Twilight was serious.
  42. >”I know Mommy & Daddy never spanked me for bad grades in First Grade...”
  43. Velvet rolled her eyes. Twiley had never gotten a bad grade in First Grade.
  44. >”...but I'm in SECOND Grade now! The stakes are twice as high!”
  46. Shining knew what he should do, but he chose the path of wickedness instead. Rather than assuring his imaginative sibling she was over reacting he fueled the fire in the name of a quick laugh.
  47. >”Sorry to say, Twiley, you're gonna get spanked for sure!”
  49. Twilight gasped.
  50. Out in the hallway Velvet has surprised too. Did Shining Armor really believe that? She chose to continue eavesdropping:
  51. >”It's worse than that. Mom & Dad have something special to deal with bad grades.
  52. >”They call it the 'Motivator'...”
  53. Twiley trembled in fear and spoke its name breathlessly;
  54. >”The M-M-Motivat-tor...”
  55. Shining described the imaginary terror;
  56. >”It's about so long...a strap made of thick, heavy leather.”
  57. >”From an animal's skin?!”
  58. Shining nodded gravely at her question before continuing his description of the strap.
  60. From her hiding place in the hallway Velvet knew what Shining was up to by now.
  61. It was time for her older foal to learn a lesson. From a craft basket she levitated a length of ribbon and cast a transfiguration illusion on it. The evil spanking strap her son described now hovered before her, taking shape as he described it to his terrified little sister.
  62. >”It's 3 inches wide and a half inch thick!”
  63. Mom Velvet increased its size.
  64. >”It has holes drilled thru it to cut the wind resistance.”
  65. And Velvet gave it the appropriate holes.
  66. >”The edges are jagged like a saw.”
  67. Creative touch...serrated edges were added to the implement.
  69. Poor Twiley was trembling in her hooves by now, believing every word her big brother made up without question. She was sure her poor tushie would be permanently turned bright red before it had even earned its cutie mark. What if she got a red cutie mark? How would any pony ever see it?
  70. >”Whhhhaaaahhhh! Shiny you gotta help me escape!
  71. >”I can run away and join the circus until I get better grades!”
  73. Twilight had been teased long enough, so at last Mom Velvet revealed herself...hovering the strap.
  74. >”Ah'em...”
  75. Both foals froze. Twiley nearly pee'd herself. Actually she did, a little.
  76. Shining Armor's eyes grew wide with disbelief. He had made up the was pure imagination, every word, made up just seconds ago on the spot. Yet there, in all its terrifying glory was the exact spanking implement he had described. Worse, there was no doubt who his mother intended it for.
  78. >”Shining Armor, go to my room this instant.”
  79. The 13 year old colt did not have a word to say in protest; he was still in disbelief. Wordlessly, with a look of shock and misery on his face he plodded out of his own room, past his mother with his head hung low. Velvet gave the confused Twilight Sparkle a wink to assure her everything would be alright and fully explained later.
  81. Velvet followed her son into the hallway.
  82. Shining felt he had no defense to give. He'd been teasing his little sister and was caught red-hoofed. Now it seemed the ultimate comeuppance would soon be thrashing his trembling coltie rear end in the form of the strap he had dreamed up unexplainably made reality. Shining Armor had no doubt he deserved this but still didn't want it. That strap was gonna hurt soooo bad...he had to at least try.
  83. >”Mom...I...”
  84. But Velvet cut him off.
  85. >”Do you think it's funny to terrify your little sister like that?”
  86. The lump in Shining's throat was big he couldn't even croak out a reply.
  87. >”'re right, she is pretty funny when she gets all worked up over nothing.”
  88. Shining's jaw dropped. He didn't know what was going on.
  89. >”But the look on your face was pretty funny too.”
  90. She bopped his nose and with a pop and a shower of fading magical sparkles the horrible strap changed back into a harmless ribbon, floating down to drape itself over Shining's muzzle. Mom Velvet chuckled in victory.
  92. It took Shining Armor a few moments to regain his senses.
  93. >”So,, know...?”
  94. His young stallion's pride would not let him say the word, but inside he was a little colt who wanted to fall to the ground and kiss Mommy's hooves for deciding not to spank his bottom, especially with that awful strap.
  95. She grinned, sure that Shining had gotten the point without any unpleasantness.
  96. >”Not for messing with your sister. You're her big brother, that's practically your job.
  97. >”No, your sentence is to help her study for one hour before dinner.”
  98. Blushing at the whole situation, Shining pointed out;
  99. >”She already studies a lot more than that.”
  100. >”Having you there with her calms her down. You're good at that.”
  101. As she turned to return to her paper grading, Velvet gave her son a single, half-playful swat on the rump.
  102. >”Use your powers for good!”
  103. That is how she left them; confused Twiley poking her head out into the hallway, Shining still shellshocked where she left him. Flawless victory for Mom.
  105. END

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