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Everything changed by DCFTEF

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-08 03:31:45
Updated: 2022-03-17 13:23:56
Expiry: Never

  1. Everything changed by DCFTEF
  3. (02/10/2021)
  6. ---
  8. So this is how everything changed for me.
  10. I'm a colt at Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. Been going there since Equestrian Universal Pre-K...Mom got me into the program early. Just Mom; Dad is a professional loser, that's all I'm gonna say about him. It's been just Mom & I for a long time and we're just fine. She's got a great job as a specialist surgeon at Canterlot Hospital. She even pulled a nail out of Princess Luna's hoof once. Mom kept that nail. She shows it to everypony.
  12. Because Doctor Mom had to work a lot of crazy shifts to get her career going she missed out on a lot of my school stuff when I was little. Now that she's more established in her department and has a more predictable schedule I think Mom is trying to make up for lost time by volunteering for everything she can. Needless to say, now that I'm a teenager it's a little cringy to have your Mom coming along on class field trips...but the other colts don't razz me too bad, and she doesn't embarrass me.
  14. Until the day she did.
  15. So I was 13 when our story begins. Medium popular colt...I've got plenty of friends but I've had a few atomic wedgies as well. A little scrawny, Mom keeps telling me to stop worrying, Dad may have been useless but at least he was a big, fit stallion so I'll fill out in time.
  16. We were at the Canterlot Museum of Natural History. One thing that's great about Princess Celestia's School is how many field trips we go on. I swear...we hardly spend any time in class! Well, anyway it was lunch time. As I said Mom was there as a volunteer chaperon but she wasn't cramping my style too bad. At least she never asked her foal;
  17. >”Are you sure you don't need to go potty before we get on the train dear? You know how that rocking train always shakes something loose up inside you. It's a 5 hour trip and you don't wanna make the rest room aboard the train all stinky. Best to go potty now.”
  18. like that one mare did to her kid. That poor filly never lived it down until the day she graduated. I heard she took a job in the frozen wastelands north of the Crystal Empire to escape the embarrassment. At least my Mom isn't that bad.
  20. Still gotta keep a pretty close eye on her so she don't say something I'm gonna regret.
  21. It was lunch time and she was giving me my space...eating with the teachers and other adults, leaving me to have lunch with my friends. I kept one ear on the grown-ups table but wasn't worried...some crusty old history teacher (she REALLY knew history because she was there to see it) was droning on about how foals these days needed more discipline.
  22. >”Back in my day there was a cane or a paddle hanging in every classroom.
  23. >”Let me tell you, there was never a single late homework assignment.
  24. >”Now we gotta fill out a form and count de-merits before a youngster can get that spanked bottom they been askin' for!
  25. >”You can't wave demerit paperwork in a naughty foal's face like can a hickory switch!”
  26. Basic “back in my day” bullshit, I don't pay much attention until I heard Mom's laugh.
  27. >”Once, when he thought he was going to get a spanking, my Acorn Snap took gardeners shears and tried to cut all the switches off the willow bushes in front of our apartment building.”
  29. Acorn Snap? Oh crap, that's my name, and I wasn't the only one who heard what Mom said. Already some of the bullies were snickering. The gossipy fillies were whispering hot new scuttle-bud in the ears of those who hadn't heard it the first time. I wanted to jump straight into Mom's conversation, straight onto the grown-up's table and clear up this misunderstanding.
  30. Mom hadn't specified; she was talking about an incident from 6 years ago. That's HALF A LIFETIME. I'm 13 now...I haven't been spanked since I was a little 8 year old blank-flank.
  32. But the moment was gone before it even came.
  33. By now the grown-ups were talking about gardening and herbs. If I dashed in and dragged the conversation back to whether or not I got spankings when I was 7 years old I would look like a huge weirdo and do myself even more social damage. Best to just live with the teasing until something embarrassing happens to another foal to take the heat off me.
  35. I sulked for most of the remaining museum visit. A few bullies tried to run up and smack my rump in a sneak attack but I was ready and avoided them. Mostly I just stayed on the fringes of my class and waited for the day to be over.
  37. >”Hey...pssst! Pssst! Over here!”
  38. Despite my attempt to hide behind an exhibit on the evolution of hydra's a lone filly singled me out.
  39. >”What is it, Lavender?”
  40. Lavender Dance is an A-list popular filly, top of the social pecking order. She lives in my apartment building, on the same floor in fact. Admittedly she is cute as unholy fuck and I've had a crush on her ever since me & Mom moved in, but she's way out of my league. With a grumble, sure that she's just here to tease, I acknowledged her.
  41. >”What do you want?”
  43. Her demeanor in confusing. She seems like she's nervous to be talking to me.
  44. >”Umm, so I overheard what your Mom said back in the lunch room.
  45. >”I don't wanna sound like a weirdo or anything
  46. >”but I was SO happy when I heard that you still got spanked.”
  47. Then the filly blushed when she reviewed what she had said.
  48. >”No, wait, that's not what I mean! I'm not happy you get spanked.”
  49. But I don't...not for years.
  50. Aww horseapples, she isn't listening anyway.
  51. >”I just mean; I'm glad I'm not the only one!”
  53. My jaw dropped.
  54. This cute and popular filly? With the important banker dad and judge mom? This sweetheart with an adorable rear end that I have busted hundreds of loads into a crusty old Wonderbolts towel while thinking about?
  55. SHE...Lavender Dance still got spankings?
  56. >”Y-yeah, my folks are pretty strict with me when I make mistakes...guess you know all about that, right?”
  57. She hoof-bumped my shoulder like an old buddy. I had to tell her the truth before she got the wrong idea.
  58. >”Listen, it doesn't really happen...”
  59. Lavender misunderstood before I could finish.
  60. >”Oh yeah, I know what you're gonna say.
  61. >”It doesn't happen all the time for me either! Most days my parents are the best, and I ONLY get a spanking when I totally deserve it. I love my folks and didn't mean to imply anything bad about your Mom. She seems really nice.”
  62. Yeah, she is. All I can do is nod. I was kinda inexperienced at talking to cute girls so I just let Lavender Dance go on:
  63. >”It's just SO NICE to have some pony I can talk to about this! Some pony who understands what it's like!”
  64. The she hugged me, tight. It's such a warm rush I just can't take this away from her by telling the truth.
  65. >”Ummm, yeah, I understand alright.”
  66. Liar. You can barely even remember your last spanking. But Lavender is adorable and soft and exactly the right temperature (warm but not sweaty) and I get dizzy when I smell her hair so I let her hold the hug for as long as she wants without any regard for the danger of filly cooties.
  68. After a few blissful moments she let me go and whispered;
  69. >”I don't want everyone to know I still get my bottom spanked and I'm sure you don't either.
  70. >”Well, actually, everybody already knows about you because your Mom told them.
  71. >”But you can keep my secret, right?”
  72. She smiles so adorably. I nodded and babbled stupidly, not really making words.
  73. >”Eeeeeee!”
  74. Lavender lives up to her name, dancing excitedly on all 4 hooves.
  75. >”Yes! We're like a secret club now...Bruised Butt Buddy!”
  76. As quick as a wink she landed an innocent kiss on my cheek and pranced away, leaving me to organize my thoughts. Bruised Butt Buddies? Hope that club name doesn't stick. Also hope this painfully hard erection goes away so I can stop hiding behind the hydra exhibit and catch up with the class.
  78. The teasing lasted about a week; in that time I got every spanking related nickname the gossip girls could dream up and suffered a few more smack attacks from the bullies. Luckily another colt drew attention off me when he got his chili stuck up his nose in the school cafeteria. How did he do that? Do you really want to know? No you don't. It's a magical school...shit like that happens every week. The important thing was that every pony was making fun of him now instead of me.
  80. My ordeal ended but to my surprise Lavender Dance did not lose interest in me. We hadn't spoken again since the museum but in each class we shared she gave me secret code hoof signals that I didn't understand. Did she imagine us as part of some clandestine La Resistance to overthrow the cruel tyranny of colt & filly spanking? I think she was just having fun and expected her to get bored with me soon, but it was nice to get some attention from a pretty girl, even if we never actually talked.
  82. That didn't last.
  83. One day I was walking down the hall, mentally reviewing for my alchemy exam when I got yanked into the janitor's broom closet by magic. My first fear was bullies, but unless Lavender planned to dunk my mane in the custodian's mop bucket I knew I was safe.
  84. >”Yo, Lavender, what's wrong?”
  85. Her eyes were red and puffy, she'd been crying.
  86. >”Oh booo hoooo, I'm in so much trouble, Snap, look!”
  87. All wrinkled up and damp from sweat was a “Student-Teacher Counseling Notice”. Not a good thing, but certainly not anything to cry over like Lavender was doing. You didn't even have to return it, signed by a parent, like the dreaded “Student Discipline Notice”.
  89. >”Aww, this is no big deal,”
  90. Lavender sniffled and revealed;
  91. >”But I gotta show my folks all letters from school...even if they don't have to sign it. I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm so dead!”
  92. I read the notice.
  93. >”For giggling in class? Lavender it's gonna be okay. Your Mom & Dad will tell you to pay more attention and maybe make you go to bed a little earlier so you can concentrate tomorrow in school.”
  94. Lavender looked at me with big, hopeful eyes.
  95. >”Ya think? No spankin'?”
  96. I rolled my eyes. Lavender is cute but this is annoying and if I'm late for Alchemy I really will be in trouble.
  97. >”No pony ever got their butt spanked for giggling. It'll be fine.”
  98. >”I'm still scared. Walk home with me?”
  99. Yeah, whatever. You live in the same building. And for the record she never got a spanking that night.
  101. For the next few months that's our relationship. Lavender & I don't acknowledge each other at school except when she has a crisis. Most of them are no more important than the giggling incident. A few, she's not so lucky. One wet morning she grabbed me before I even got my raincoat off.
  102. >”Look!”
  103. Lavender pouts, flipping her yellow slicker up in the back to show me her rump. I've seen it a thousand times...believe me I could stare all day but that's not why Lavender is showing it to me.
  104. >”It looks AWFUL and it still hurts!”
  105. Gotta be honest, I still can't see a thing. Luckily she tells the story;
  106. >”I got in a fight with my little sister about washing the dishes after dinner.”
  107. Isn't her family rich enough for a maid? I thought dishes were only something I had to do.
  108. >”It got out of control and we made a bigger mess of the kitchen than when we started.
  109. >”Daddy yelled at both of us and stood there while we cleaned up everything.
  110. >”Then, when everything was perfectly spic-and-span, Daddy tells us we're still getting spankings!”
  111. In my kid mind I kinda saw why Lavender was mad. To her, cleaning up the kitchen was punishment enough...never mind that it was the original chore. To get spanked after doing all that extra work seemed terribly unfair. However, I knew adults enough to know what they'd say. My best approach was to just stay sympathetic to my friend, that's all she wanted anyway.
  112. >”Ouch, looks like it really hurt!”
  113. A lie. I couldn't see a single mark. But Lavender was happy.
  115. It wasn't like Lavender Dance was making the spankings up. A month after her dishes fight she showed me some real marks. That weekend she'd been out with friends and totally missed curfew so on Monday I learned what stripes from her Dad's belt looks like.
  116. >”Yikes, I'm really sorry, Lavender.”
  117. She nuzzled my chest and thanked me.
  118. >”Thanks, that means a lot.”
  120. Another time she and some other fillies got caught pranking the science professor. Their plan to fill his office with soap suds was a success but the evidence pointed straight to them. All six girls got lined up on stage at Friday assembly for 12 embarrassing paddle whacks in front of the whole student body. That time I waited after school for her to get out of detention and walk her home. She was pretty scared of getting round 2 from her Mom or Dad so I made sure I was there for her.
  121. That's when she asked the danger question;
  122. >”For Celestia's sake, you've been on a lucky streak! When was the last time YOU got a spanking?”
  123. *Gulp*
  124. Oh crap, do I tell the cute girl who is only my friend because she thinks we have something in common that I'm LYING? No way. Safer to lie some more. Just make something up.
  125. >”Oh...ummm...yeah. I got one from my Mom a few weeks back. Bad one too. Hundred whacks at least.”
  126. Rather than have the desired effect this alarms Lavender.
  127. >”Why didn't you tell me? Why couldn't I tell? Aww, I'm an awful Butt Buddy!”
  128. No, that's an awful name for our club. I enhanced the lie to cover.
  129. >”Actually it was the same day your Mom gave you the mane brush for lying about where you were after school. You were so upset I didn't want to bother you with my problems.”
  130. Slick. I'm an ace at this lying stuff.
  131. >”I'm so sorry! You're always comforting me and I didn't even notice when you had a sore tushie!”
  133. If anything the incident makes Lavender Dance more determined to be a Better Bruised Butt Buddy, so I had to lie more so it doesn't look like Dani (her nickname, from Dance) is the only one who ever gets in trouble. The lies have to be convincing, so I worked in real-life elements to make them authentic. For example I failed a horticulture test one day. No big deal...Mom doesn't punish for bad grades unless I'm not really trying (then watch out), but I told Lavender I was really worried.
  134. >”Awww, man. My Mom is gonna kill me for this! I won't be able to sit down for a week!”
  135. Lavender says that a lot, even though I see her sitting in class 5 minutes after saying it. She buys the act. Next day I pretend my rump is sore and she doesn't suspect a thing.
  137. The school year continued much like that; me carrying on a lie-based secret relationship with one of the cutest fillies in school. I day-dreamed about taking our friendship to the next level but always chickened out, afraid to scare her away and lose the weird thing we had if I tried to escalate.
  139. Without me noticing however, we were spending more time together. I got teamed up with Lavender on school projects. That never happened before...and Dani just happened to have a filly friend who helped the teacher with organizational tasks. I suspected interference but didn't say a thing.
  140. So I was over at Lavender's apartment after school...a lot, and she was over at my apartment after school...a lot. Doing homework together didn't feel like a date so I barely noticed how much time we were spending together. I was still daydreaming of ways to spend time with her without realizing that's exactly what I was doing. The adults in our lives approved as long as all bedroom doors remained open.
  142. It did lead to some nerve wracking moments.
  143. One day Lavender & I were working on Theory of Teleportation (theory only, teleportation was off-limits to students our age) at her family's kitchen counter, boxes of apple juice and a plate of cookies mixed in with our textbooks and notes.
  144. >”Lavender Dance! What is this mess in the living room?”
  145. It was Dani's Mom, angry, and we knew why. About an hour ago we took a break and played a board game on the living room floor. We both know the rule is to clean up when you're done with a toy, but the cookies were done cooking so we were distracted and forgot.
  146. >”I've warned you about this a million times, young filly.”
  147. >”Sorrrrrryy Mom!”
  148. My adorable classmate cringed and got one stinging crack of her mom's hoof across the rump, sending her scampering to clean up. Without thinking, I cringed and tightened my rear-end too, anticipating similar treatment. Lavender's mother just looked at me oddly and we both felt embarrassed by the moment until I finally hurried away to help Dance. That night I lay awake in my bed thinking about the strange incident. If Lavender's mother had smacked my butt, I don't think I would have even considered it abnormal. And that felt really abnormal to me.
  150. End of the school year was approaching and there was lots to do. Lavender and I were both 14 now, our birthdays are on the same day, two months apart. It wasn't frequent but every now and then Lavender would get in trouble so I would be her shoulder to cry on. Occasionally I had to make up a story so she wouldn't suspect that I never got spanked. I hated lying about it but I felt like I'd lose the friendship if I was honest about never having been honest. I was totally blind to how the friendship had grown beyond that one little detail.
  152. The spring end-of-school season brought lots of parties and this would be the thing that ruined everything (almost). The final domino was in place for the pieces of the chessboard to bring my house of cards crashing down, mixing all my metaphors in the process.
  153. >”Hey dweeb, big party tonight. Be cool or be mule.”
  154. When an cool, older colt shoves an invitation to a cool older colts' party into your locker you don't pause to ask him if this is a mistake. Fuckin' awesome...even if it is a mistake.
  156. It's not a school night and Mom has work so what she doesn't know won't hurt her. I can sneak out after she leaves. I really considered getting Lavender and bringing her too but her folks were home and I didn't know how I was gonna sneak her out, so in the end I just went alone. Thank fuck I did!
  157. It was a wild house party in an abandoned house. There were a few kids my age there but it was mostly older teens. Some were smoking jokeweed, some were having sex, and there was a keg of cider in the living room. It was fun but I was glad Lavender wasn't there...this was a little rowdy for her taste.
  159. Oh shit, the cops. Everybody fled in total chaos. I saw teens rushing out the front and back doors, only to be rounded up by Guard Troopers in shining golden armor. Being small, I took my chances and bailed out a window. Exactly 3 seconds later I was face down in the wet grass with shackles and a horn ring; I never even saw the guardpony who tackled me.
  160. Some of the party goers got away, some, like me, got busted. I just lay there, face down as chaos unfolded around me. I could only think of two thoughts.
  161. -I was so glad I didn't bring Lavender Dance, and she isn't here, in trouble too.
  162. And
  163. >”Mom is gonna kill me.”
  165. I don't need to tell you, getting a visit from the Royal Guards, who told her they had her 14 year old colt in a cell at headquarters after being arrested at an illegal house party did NOT make my Mom a happy mare. She had to leave work at the hospital to come bail out the son she thought was safely in bed hours ago. I knew I was dead meat before I even saw Mom.
  167. The other kids didn't make things any easier for me. They were older, and clearly more responsible for the nights' shenanigans, but under the harsh lights in the police station teenage colts and fillies alike blubbered like blank-flanks.
  168. >”Please, Officer, you can't tell my dad!
  169. >”I could lose my scholarship.”
  170. >”ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh I'll be grounded forever!”
  171. >”Coach is gonna make me do push ups 'til I puke.”
  172. and the one that made me worry the most
  173. >”Noooooo, this can't be happening, I'm not gonna be able to sit down for a month!”
  175. Mom hadn't spanked me since I was 8, but looking around at my predicament in that scary police station I really couldn't imagine any other outcome. As I waited, on the edge of tears, I imagined myself just being tough enough to take it. Hard enough to stallion up, take my licks without a whimper and then it would be over with. I even fooled myself into looking forward to it. Gotta be better than waiting for doom, right?
  176. >”Acorn Snap? I'm here to pick up my son, Acorn Snap.”
  177. All that proud stallion bravado disappeared like a fart in a hurricane when I heard Mom's voice at the Sergeant's desk. Now I felt like I would pee myself right there on the bench.
  179. I didn't get to go straight home. Mom sat with me on a bench for 3 hours, barely saying a word. I didn't have the nerve to say anything either. The Royal Guards were still deciding what we were to be charged with and without charges we couldn't be released to our parents. I honestly pleaded (crying like a baby while I was questioned) that I didn't know the party was against the law. I knew it wouldn't get me out of trouble with Mom but at least I might escape criminal charges. Things were going well and things looked good for me until it was discovered that the cider keg was stolen too. Now everypony who drank was at least going to get a petty theft charge.
  181. Did I mention I was drinking underage too?
  182. Mom is gonna kill me.
  184. I had been spared the lecture for 3 hours at the Royal Guard station, but the instant Mom signed my butt out of jail it was unleashed. It's embarrassing to say now but it really felt bad. Sitting on that bench in the station house had been terrifying for me...I didn't know what was gonna happen.
  185. >Am I gonna see a judge?
  186. >Would I owe fines? Community service?
  187. >Was I gonna have to spend the night?
  188. >Will I have to sleep in a cell?
  189. >Will there be real, adult prisoners in there?
  190. Of course I was going to be alright, but I was a 14 year old in trouble with the law for the first time in his life. I was so scared that the instant we stepped out of that guard station I wanted Mom to wrap me up the the biggest hug ever and make me feel safe again. I didn't get that lucky and Mom buried me under a stinging lecture as soon as we were alone. I was in the worst trouble of my life.
  192. By the time we reached our apartment building the sun was coming up. Mom was scolding me about trust and responsibility by the time the elevator reached our floor. By now I had no doubt about my fate. Mom had thrown in just enough hints for me to know I'd be getting a serious spanking, my first since age 8. All I could do was hang my head low, watch my teardrops hit the elevator floor and say “yes, ma'am” “no ma'am” when appropriate.
  194. When the doors opened at our floor I could barely move my hooves. It was morning by now so a few of the neighbors were awake to see the tragic scene. My worst fear was that my friend Lavender Dance would poke her nose out and see me at my worst moment. Sure, our relationship was founded on the lie that I was spanked just like her, but now that it was going to happen for real I was too humiliated to even look at her. But that fear was nothing. Real life had worse horrors in store for me.
  196. I expected to be marched straight into our apartment for my punishment but Mom surprised me in the worst way. She walked straight to Lavender Dance's apartment and knocked.
  197. >”W-what are you doing?”
  198. I almost whispered I was so ashamed. I wanted to run away and hide before the door opened. Mom did not answer me and soon the door did open. It was Lavender's mother, in her morning robe, levitating a cup of strong coffee.
  199. >”Oh, Good morning Heart Beat, Acorn Snap, what brings you over so early?”
  200. The Moms chatted cordially like nothing was wrong. Like we didn't just spend hours in a scary police station. Like she wasn't going to bend me over and humiliatingly punish my unprotected rear in a few minutes. Like I wasn't already crying freely.
  202. Mom answered with sweetness that belied her intent.
  203. >”Sorry to say a certain colt got himself into trouble with bad decisions last night...”
  204. I hate these polite euphemisms. Just tell her I messed up bad.
  205. >”...and I wonder if I may borrow that item we discussed?”
  206. Lavender's mother looked at me sadly and said, directly to me;
  207. >”That is an awful shame. Acorn dear, I know you're a better colt than that.”
  208. Great, now my friend's mom is lecturing me?
  210. With a sharp bark she summoned her daughter. Lavender Dance hurried to obey. Still dressed in her pyjamas she gave a desperate look of sympathy when she saw me at the door.
  211. >”Lavender, bring me the board.”
  212. The filly gasped and shook her head.
  213. >”Oh Mom no! Why?”
  214. Dance's mother was a sweet mare but she didn't like backtalk. The look she gave Lavender made her cringe.
  215. >”Relax, it's not for you, but if you don't scoot your rump and do as I say it will be!”
  216. Lavender gave me a tragic look of pity before hurrying off. It did not take her long, she knew her mom was serious so she wasted no time fetching the mysterious 'board'.
  218. When I saw it my knees wobbled and I took a few involuntary steps back. Poor Lavender couldn't even levitate the terrible thing; a wooden paddle that looked like stinging, burning agony just hanging from a cord held in her teeth. She was shaking all over, clearly terrified of the wicked spanking tool, so terrified that she couldn't generate a simple levitation spell. It was heartbreaking seeing her this way...I hated seeing anything scare my friend so much.
  219. Then I realized;
  220. >”Oh crap, she's frightened for ME.”
  221. If Lavender Dance was this scared about someone else getting worried should I be?
  223. I would not have to wait long. The moms were done talking about what I'd done, Lavender's wished mine good luck and gave me a look of motherly sternness but also tenderness and pity. She shuffled Lavender away before the filly could say a word, but my friend's face said it all; it was streaked with tears for my benefit.
  224. >”Go finish your breakfast, Dani. You can't help your friend right now.”
  226. I'll admit, up to this moment I was focused on the humiliation of this situation. It was crushing enough without even worrying about the pain. I was already a teenager. I could get around Canterlot without getting lost, stay home alone overnight when Mom was away and even ride the intercity rail lines unsupervised as long as somepony was there to send me off and meet me at the destination. I had begun to think of myself as a responsible partner, a team-mate, even an equal to Mom. All that came crashing down tonight and I was back to being a naughty little colt whose Mommy was about to bend him over and remind him who is the adult and who is the child.
  228. Not until Lavender's teary, dismayed face disappeared behind that closing door did I consider how much this was gonna hurt! I hadn't been spanked since I was a blank flank and it hurt plenty back then. Would my 14 year old butt be any tougher than my 8 year old tushy? I didn't want to find out!
  229. I lost my nerve, big time:
  230. >”No, no, no, Mom, please, I can't take this, I don't want a spanking, please don't!”
  231. Well, that worked about as well as you'd expect. Mom floated her keys to the door and unlocked it. As it slowly swung open Mom simply answered;
  232. >”March, young colt.”
  233. So I made things worse by doing the exact opposite. I put my hooves against the door frame and braced, assuming in my increasing terror that she wouldn't paddle me right there in the hallway. As long as I just live here until I'm a legal adult, I'll be safe.
  235. My brave resistance was totally pointless. Without a word Mom scooped me right up with her magic and walked me inside with my hooves in the air like a baby. Seriously, I've seen her have more trouble moving the cat off its favorite place on the couch. I did not slow her down one second but I'm sure I made things worse for myself.
  236. >”Mom, really, I'm sorry! Please don't do this, I'm really scared!”
  237. Not as scared as I was when Mom answered;
  238. >”Not as scared as you should be.”
  240. Yeah, by the time we reached my bedroom I was freaking out.
  241. Remember that responsible, confident teenager from before?
  242. I don't know where he went because right now all Mom had was a bawling little coltie who had lost all of his nerve and would do anything to save his skinny young rear end from getting spanked candy-apple red.
  244. I'm not gonna bother telling you everything I said, every promise I made to behave perfectly from now on, every plea deal I tried to make, every rationalization I hoped would save my trembling cheeks. It's all too embarrassing. Just string together lots of 'noooo', 'please', 'sorry', 'don't' with 'promise', never again' and a few desperate 'Mommmmmy's and you get the idea. Yeah, when I'm not in trouble she's Mom...when I'm in this much trouble she's promoted to Mommy.
  246. Struggling is pointless, my mother is so much better at magic that I have no hope of escaping. I still try. Struggling and running in thin air but all I do is tire myself out and soon I'm gasping for air even before the whacks have begun.
  247. I'm too big to go over her lap but Momma easily pins me to the edge of my bed and crosses a leg over mine. She balances some weight onto my back and totally releases her magic. She doesn't need it anymore, just by leverage she has me pinned down helplessly, hopelessly. My last effort of self preservation is to cover my rear with both front hooves. That too is futile and my hooves are pushed away at the same time I lose the modesty of my tail. Now it's just hard, merciless wood versus tender colt cheeks. I am crying into a pillow in anticipation of what is now only seconds away but before she starts Mom does something nice. With the same gentleness she would use to pick up an injured butterfly or palpate a beating heart in surgery she scoops up my scrotum and tucks it safely out of harms' way. There is nothing lewd or inappropriate about the act, just a Mommy adjusting her child's privates same as if she was changing my diaper. It was the last bit of tenderness I would receive.
  249. >”Acorn, I love you very much but I am very disappointed in you.
  250. >”I'm so sorry this has to happen but it's time for you to be punished for the nonsense you pulled last night.”
  251. I wailed out one final, frantic plea.
  252. >”Mommy I'm sorry I'm sorry for everything, please don't do this, please don'...”
  253. [WHACK]
  255. Know what it feels like when you sit down on hot, burning coals and then just stay there without moving?
  256. Of course not, that's stupid; neither do I. What pony would do a thing like that?
  257. But I imagine sitting on hot coals would be a lot like what my Mom was doing to my rear with that paddle right now, and I was absolutely screaming. I was pinned, I couldn't escape, I couldn't wiggle away, I couldn't even kick my legs to ease the agony. It had been so long since my last butt smacking that every single spank was mind-bending I'm sure Mom was spanking me harder than when I was 8.
  258. >”Sneaking out!”
  259. [WHACK]
  260. >”Going to an illegal party!”
  261. [WHACK]
  262. >”Drinking!”
  263. [WHACK]
  264. >”Drinking underage!”
  265. [WHACK] [WHACK] [WHACK]
  266. >”Drinking stolen alcohol underage!”
  267. [WHACK] [WHACK] [WHACK]
  268. >”And trying to run away from the guards!”
  269. [WHACK] [WHACK] [WHACK]
  270. [WHACK] [WHACK] [WHACK]
  271. [WHACK] [WHACK] [WHACK]
  272. It keeps going like that for a really long time. You get the idea.
  274. I honestly didn't hear much of Mom's lecture. My throat was so sore from howling like a windego that all I could do now was cry and whimper, but it did not trigger the sympathy button I knew had to be hiding in Mommy's heart. What mother could possibly endure hearing their own precious baby foal suffering so much agony? Surely I deserved some pity, even if I did earn and deserve every spank my poor sizzling bottom was getting.
  276. Then came the only part I really feel sore about.
  277. Not that kind of sore...believe me, my bottom was sore for weeks after this punishment.
  278. This part really hurt my feelings and despite knowing I got myself into this mess I was still mad about it for a long time.
  280. With no warning, Mom stopped the horrible spanking.
  281. I gasped and bawled, begging for it to be over but really not forming any coherent words. But it was Mom's turn to talk to I quieted my sobs and hiccoughs as much as I could.
  282. >”XXXX, young colt, am I ever going to get a message that you pulled something like this...again?”
  283. I made sure Mom understood my answer. I wailed;
  284. >”NOOOOOOOO!”
  285. She took her time with the next question, but at least that hateful wooden demon wasn't jumping up and down on my bottom for the moment.
  286. >”Are you telling me the truth, because I've heard promises like this from you before!”
  288. Mistake, but I was too out of my mind with pain and crying to realize it.
  289. Mom did not like that last answer.
  290. >”I don't think you honestly intend to improve your behavior. I think you're just saying what I want to hear so your punishment will end.”
  292. Well...duh. Of course. Does she even remember how much this hurts? Grandma spanked Mom when she was little, she's gotta remember something. Right now I'd say anything to end this horrible spanking. I'd swear my name was Princess Celestia. I'd tell you the sky was green and grass was orange. I would agree to eat Mom's tragic green pepper casserole every day and swear it's my favorite.
  293. Of course I want this spanking to end!
  295. But that's not the answer Mom wants right now.
  296. >”Little boy, this punishment will not be over until I genuinely believe you want to clean up your act and not just finish this spanking early.
  297. I just wail in fear and heartbreak. This is what really offends me about that question; how does she expect me to answer? My eyes are blurry with tears, my nose is clogged up with snot and drool, the pillow I'm crying into is literally soaking wet and my bottom is throbbing with pain. What answer does she expect me to give? This is the worst moment of my life and I'm supposed to think of the exact right words to say or it never ends? I know I messed up big time and I deserve to get punished, but why even ask me the question if I don't even know the right answer and you're just gonna tell me I'm wrong?
  298. [WHACK] [WHACK] [WHACK]
  299. [WHACK] [WHACK] [WHACK]
  300. [WHACK] [WHACK] [WHACK]
  301. et cetera.
  302. You know how it goes.
  304. At last it was over.
  305. What, you wanted more? Weirdos.
  306. Believe me, if you saw the state I was in after that spanking even you perverts would have sympathy for me. At least sympathy for my delicate devestated derriere. I was thinking, maybe Bruised Butt Buddies is the right name for our club. My rear still felt like it was on fire.
  308. Just a few minutes earlier Mom had been scarier than any villain who had ever threatened Equestria, but now her fearsomeness was matched by her gentleness. It was an enormous relief to have 'real-Mom' back and even though I was still mortified beyond words by what had happened the long cuddle Mommy allowed me afterward, accompanied by a far calmer lecture, brought things a little closer to okay.
  310. My clock read past 10am when Mom finally left me to think about what I'd done and calm down with some alone time. I knew I'd soon be facing a few weeks of alone time, grounded, full lockdown in my room, but I didn't give her any backtalk for fear of pressing the re-set button with that paddle.
  312. It didn't take long after Mom left that I heard a light tap on the window. I wasn't really surprised to see Lavender Dance, but I'd been hoping to delay this conversation for at least a day. Surely it was obvious by now that I'd been lying to her for months, and THIS was the first spanking I'd gotten in years. Ironic, now that I can finally, honestly say I get spanked by my Mom our friendship is probably over.
  313. >”Are you okay?”
  314. As soon as I had the window even a bit open she squeezed through and hugged me tight.
  315. >”I heard it all the way over in my bedroom. Oh my gosh it sounded awful!”
  317. I was so embarrassed I couldn't even look her in the eyes.
  318. >”It was awful”
  319. I sniffled
  320. >”and I'm so sorry I lied about getting spanked for so long. I guess you know I was lying by now.”
  321. She thought about it for a few moments and answered;
  322. >”I sorta had my suspicions before. I never had any marks. If your Mom was spanking you she was pretty lousy at it.”
  323. That was a joke, and it worked. I laughed for the first time, embarrassingly blowing a great big snot bubble from my runny nose which popped and got on Lavender.
  324. >”Gross!”
  325. She protested, but she was laughing.
  326. >”Look at your pillow, it's ruined!”
  327. She didn't give me time to look, she snatched it up with magic and slapped me in the face with it, splattering us both with salty tears. She giggled and added.
  328. >”Okay, that was your penalty for lying to me. Wet pillow to the face. Now we're even.”
  330. I was so relieved I felt like crying all over again. She wasn't mad...she still wanted to be friends.
  331. >”Yeah, you weren't telling the truth, but you always tried to me feel better even if it was a lie. You could have just teased me like the other ponies at school. Anyway, now it's not a lie anymore, so let's just forget about it.”
  332. She snuggled up next to me and offered;
  333. >”I've got some cooling cream, do you want me to put some of your heinie?”
  334. I gave her a suspicious look.
  335. >”Did you steal it from your Mom's dresser?”
  336. Lavender blushed.
  337. >”Sorta...”
  338. So I shook my head.
  339. >”No way then. Nothing stolen. My butt still hurts but I'm not taking a risk with anything stolen. Not after what I just got!”
  341. She was silent for a few moments, unsure of how to help, but at last Lavender Dance asked, nervously.
  342. >”How about a blowjob then?”
  344. I didn't know what to say so I just sat there, wide eyed with my jaw hanging open. Dani went on trying to convince me;
  345. >”Look, the door is closed. And after a spankin' grown-ups usually leave a bad kid alone for a while to think about what she least mine do. We should be safe from getting caught for a while.
  346. >”Fooling around with my private filly parts always feels really great after a spanking, like my whole body is glowing...and it takes my mind off the owwies on my rear. I've never sucked a real colt off but I think I can do it good.”
  348. I struggled to answer. I was 14 years old...of course I wanted my first BJ from the cutest filly in school, even if my rump was still throbbing with pain.
  349. >”Eh...ummm...buh...buh...”
  350. Thinking my answer was negative, Lavender turned away, blushing.
  351. >”It's okay if you don't want to. Just forget I said anything.
  352. >”But please don't tell anypony what I KNOW what will happen to me if my folks find out.”
  353. Oh yeah.
  354. If I didn't know yesterday, I sure know now.
  356. >” mean YES, I mean...Only if you want don't have to. It's nice enough that you came to visit me.”
  357. Dancer smiles and repeats her offer;
  358. >“I'd be nicer if you get your wiener sucked.”
  359. This time she doesn't have to ask twice. It's a little hard to find a position that doesn't hurt my swollen rump, but we work it out. It's a memorable day for all sorts of reasons. After Lavender fumbled her way through an inexpert first blowjob she got it right on the second try and my old Wonderbolt towel finally reached maximum colt goo capacity. After that Lavender showed me things I could do to make her feel good and I managed to give her 3 clumsy adolescent climaxes before she had to sneak back home.
  361. And friends, that's how I broke out of the friendzone and everything changed for me.
  363. END

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