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The Shrine Mare's Story by DCFTEF

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-08 03:34:01
Updated: 2022-03-17 15:24:48
Expiry: Never

  1. The Shrine Mare's Story by DCFTEF
  3. (21/11/2021)
  6. ---
  8. >Hi everybody, my name is Lavender Dance.
  9. >My coltfriend Acorn Snap introduced me in his story.
  10. >What he didn't tell you is I'm half Eastern Unicorn.
  11. >My Mom and her whole family.
  12. >Every summer we take a trip to the Eastern Lands to visit all our aunts, uncles & cousins.
  13. >It's a long journey by ship.
  14. >But Dad always gets tickets aboard the best steamer so there's lots for us to do on board.
  16. >I was super excited to be going this year.
  17. >It's the first year I'm old enough to volunteer at the Celestial Temple.
  18. >My Grandmare was a Shrine Mare,
  19. >my Mom was a Shrine Mare,
  20. >my older sister and all my cousins are Shrine Mares.
  21. >See; the Eastern Lands have never been part of Equestria.
  22. >But we give respect to Celestia & Luna.
  23. >Equestria has always been a friend and ally to the Eastern unicorns.
  24. >The Temple maintains an eternal flame, lighted by Celestia's sun.
  25. >Over 700 years they've kept that flame!
  27. >My friends think it's lame to volunteer at a kooky old shrine all summer.
  28. >But it's only a few hours a day.
  29. >The work isn't hard and I get to hang out with my big sister and older cousins.
  30. >At the end of the summer we all get to wear really pretty temple robes and play a big part in the Sun Festival parade
  31. >That's worth a few hours of sweeping and weeding flowerbeds all by itself.
  33. >Mom's got a big family, so it takes two days just to see every pony and say hello to them
  34. >But soon I got my chance to work at the shrine
  35. >I was awake earlier than my sister and cousins that morning
  36. >Does it sound like I was an eager filly?
  37. >None of my friends back home understand it either.
  38. >You just gotta understand my family;
  39. >Everything revolves around Grandma
  40. >She's the least of all the mares
  41. >and when we have a big family gathering
  42. >(which has been every week this summer, sometimes more)
  43. >all us mares spend most of the day in the kitchen, under Grandma's command
  44. >We send the stallions off to gather mushrooms & herbs
  45. >That way they can come back in the afternoon and feel like big providers
  46. >After we did all the work.
  48. >But I'm not complaining.
  49. >It's super fun spending the day cooking with my Cousins and Aunties
  50. >Once, my sister and I even saw Grandma konk Mom on the head with a wooden ladle because she was washing the rice wrong
  51. >Jasmine and I were both there to see it...OMG, best day ever
  52. >You learn so much cooking with your family
  53. >Not just about the food, but all the old stories
  54. >A LOT of gossip
  55. >The best dirty jokes...the ones we don't say around stallions
  56. >And a lot of sweet stuff too.
  57. >Like how many times Mom got in trouble for seeing a foreign colt from Equestria that Grandpa disapproved of
  58. >Let's just say I'm never gonna cry “you don't know know it feels!” ever again when I'm in trouble
  59. >Seriously...Mom took her licks. Respect.
  60. >Even when she was a legal adult and could have married without permission, Mom stayed stubborn
  61. >She wore Grandpa down at last. Mom and Dad were married in the temple where I work now
  63. >You hear lots of great stories like that
  64. >But mostly you hear;
  65. “FILLY! Go fetch...”
  66. >Water from the well, supplies from the basement, something from the market
  67. >Always more firewood
  68. >When you're the youngest you do a lot of fetching
  69. >And there's always something to learn from your cousin who had the job before you
  70. “Chop the firewood thinner, so it burns quicker. It has to burn just right or the dumplings will be soggy.”
  71. >Yesterday I caught myself showing my little cousin the easiest way to fetch water
  72. >Circle of life...I feel like such a dork.
  74. >Which finally brings us back to the Shrine.
  75. >In the kitchen, at family gatherings, I'm still very much a little filly
  76. >Adored; the treasure of the family
  77. >Now go mop that up
  78. >Things only start to change the summer you first work at the shrine
  79. >My cousins all agree, this is the point where you finally get some respect as a mare
  80. >It sure was like that for my Big Sis
  81. >That summer; BAM! She busted out of the proverbial kiddie table
  82. >When I tried to tag along my cheeks were squished and I was told I was adorable by lots of Aunties
  83. >Then, with a swat on my rear;
  84. “Now go fetch more firewood.”
  85. >So yeah, now you know why I'm so excited about working at the shrine.
  86. >Finally moving up to the big leagues.
  88. >The work at the shrine is light and we have fun
  89. >Lots of tourists visit to see the eternal flame
  90. >My sister's job is guiding tours this year
  91. “This Temple has maintained a flame honoring Princess Celestia, lighted by her own sun, for over 700 years...”
  92. >There's lots of ohhhh's and ahhhh's but Jasmine knows she has to keep the crowd moving
  93. >The Temple is free to visit, but we pay the bills by squeezing the tourists for a million little things
  94. “Right here is our ancient Koi pond...”
  95. >Feed the fish, just a few coppers
  96. “The sacred tree will help find love for any who tie a prayer to its branches...”
  97. >A mini-scroll to write on? One silver. Comes with a ribbon.
  98. “If a bird lands on you at the temple, you will have many healthy foals...”
  99. >And if you buy a big bag of Temple birdseed to feed them, you won't be able to keep them off you
  100. >The birds are in on the hustle...they know the score.
  101. “The flowers from the Temple garden are said to bring luck to any home.”
  102. >Lucky for you, a packet of genuine Temple seeds can be purchased right at the Gift Shop.
  103. “Which is right this way, follow me...”
  104. >Jasmine is a pro at it
  105. >I'm in my first year volunteering, I just clean up
  107. >Between crowds I do my job
  108. >Sweep up, mop if it's a rainy day
  109. >Light some fresh incense sticks
  110. >Gently remove the spider webs
  111. >We're not allowed to squish the spiders, but I don't have to touch them myself
  112. >I just call for a monk and they'll carefully relocate them
  113. >Better them than me
  115. >I'm alone as I clean the shrine
  116. >There's a record player that they use for music during ceremonies
  117. >Well, there's no rule against playing some records I brought from home, right?
  118. >Countess Coloratura, The Coltie 5, Serenade know, the Equestrian teen pop stuff
  119. >I had that shrine spotless in minutes, jamming to my music
  120. >Dancing with my broom, popping my gum
  121. >I was gaining respect in my family and having fun at the same time
  123. >A few weeks went by and everything I dreamed of was coming true
  124. >My Aunties now looked at me more like one of the mares...not a little filly
  125. >They listened when I said something (especially about the Temple) instead of just squishing my cheeks and telling me I was adorable
  126. >And one epic day;
  127. >Grandma even told me a racy story about when she was a young Shrine Mare and the Head Nun & Abbott of the Temple got caught making out in the Flame Shrine
  128. >Mom just looked proud, and that made me feel proud too
  130. >Okay, don't get me wrong
  131. >I'm not gonna let this go to my head and start thinking I'm all grown up
  132. >I might have taken a big first step to being a mare
  133. >But I'm aware that if I do something bad enough Mom WILL remind me I'm still a filly
  134. >My sis Jasmine made that mistake when she was my age
  135. >Worked one summer at the shrine, got a little respect
  136. >Came home to Equestria and started mouthing off to her teachers and our folks
  137. >Thinking she was a grown mare now
  138. >Dad dropped the hammer big time and Jasmine got the paddling of her life
  139. >I literally hid under my bed it was so scary to listen to
  140. >If you thought that was how I was going to mess up and turn this into a legitimate spanking story you're wrong...I learned from Jasmine.
  141. >But I still messed up.
  143. >To be fair I have to admit; my cousins tried to warn me
  144. >A few of the older ones, who now had much more important jobs than sweeping up, tried to help
  145. “Lavender, you're getting a little sloppy.
  146. “This is a holy shrine, it's not like cleaning your room at home.”
  147. >Aww, what does she know?
  148. >Orchid Breeze works in the Gift Shop now
  149. >She hasn't swept the shrine in years
  150. “And I don't think playing records while you work is a good idea either.
  151. “You KNOW why we have the wind chimes, right?”
  152. >Whatever.
  153. >Orchid probably just wants to get her hooves on my Equestrian records so she can play them in the Gift Shop while she works.
  154. >Wind chimes aren't as cool as the Coltie 5.
  156. >Summer gets really hot in the Eastern lands
  157. >Probably gets hot back home in Equestria too, but I'm always here in the summer
  158. >More tourists come, it's the busiest season for the Temple
  159. >Soon it will all culminate in the Sun Festival parade
  160. >I was keeping up with my duties just fine
  161. >Jasmine or one of the other tour guide fillies would bring a group into the Flame Shrine
  162. >They would pay their respects, snap some photos.
  163. >And she shuffles them along so I can clean up for the next group.
  165. >Did I mention it was hot?
  166. >Wheew...I slid open all the doors to get some air in the stuffy room
  167. >Put on Countess Coloratura's “Live in Las Pegasus” album, which I'd listened to a thousand times that summer already
  168. >With a nice breeze blowing thru I got to work, bopping my rear end to the music as I swept.
  169. >Snapping my gum, livin' my best life
  170. “Hey, Lavender...”
  171. >I was feeling pretty cool and responsible
  172. “Lavender! Hey! Are you listening?”
  173. >When the summer was over, I was going back to Equestria as a new filly
  174. >A new Mare.
  176. “What the heck is going on?”
  177. >My older sister Jasmine turned down the record player
  178. >She often came over to hang out and listen to music while she waited for her next tour group
  179. >But today she cut the party short
  180. “Sis, what do you think you're doing?”
  181. >What's her problem anyway?
  182. >I'm just doing my job like I do every day.
  183. “Lavender, the FLAME...why isn't the flame lit?”
  185. >I froze
  186. >All I could hear were wind chimes now
  187. >LOUD wind chimes
  188. >In a panic I looked to Celestia's eternal flame
  189. >Lighted by the sun and kept for over 700 years
  190. >I had left the doors open because it was hot and the wind blew it out like any other candle
  192. “This can't be happening!”
  193. >Jasmine and I ran to the flame but the worst was confirmed
  194. >Not even an ember to blow on
  195. >The flame actually comes from a little clay pot with a wick
  196. >When the oil runs out the flame is moved to a new pot and never goes out
  199. “Jas, what do I do?”
  200. >But my sister is just as horrified as me
  201. “Didn't you hear the wind chimes?
  202. “The chimes are there to warn us when the wind is too shelter the flame!”
  203. >I just fell down on my rump and bawled
  204. “I had my music up too loud! I didn't hear them!”
  205. >700 years of tradition that's SO IMPORTANT to my family
  206. >Ruined in one dumb moment
  207. >Ruined by ME.
  209. >By now the commotion had drawn others
  210. >A few of my cousins, who were just as horrified as Jasmine
  211. >Some nuns & monks...and finally the head nun, The Reverend Mare
  212. >Crushed, all I could do was confess I was responsible for this tragedy and wail
  213. >My sister defended me;
  214. “Blame me! I should have been checking on her more often. I should...”
  215. >But the Reverend Mare shut her down immediately
  216. “Jasmine Dance, be quiet.
  217. “Your sister and I need to go see the Abbot of the Temple.”
  218. >Head hung low, I willingly went to make my confession to the Temple's chief
  219. “Bring the pot!”
  220. >Unable to use magic in my near-hysterical condition, I picked up the cold pot with my teeth, holding it by a rope that tasted oily and bitter
  221. >My sister and cousins watched silently, sympathetically, as I left the Flame shrine, possibly forever.
  223. >Exile, I felt, was a certainty
  224. >I just hoped my whole family would not be similarly banished from the Temple for my error
  225. >Would the Temple even continue without Celestia's Eternal Flame?
  226. >700 years and little old ME was the pony who ended it
  227. >Seriously, words can not describe how awful I felt
  228. >For her part the Reverend Mare said nothing
  229. >No anger, no sorrow...not a word to me
  230. >She probably hates me
  231. >I deserve it.
  233. >When we entered the Abbot's inner sanctum I fell to the floor and bowed in apology
  234. >I didn't know what to say, but luckily the R.M. went over to speak with him
  235. >I couldn't hear any of it
  236. >But it seemed awfully calm for a tragedy of this magnitude
  237. >She explained what I had done
  238. >He nodded and walked over to where I was kowtowing
  239. >Literally crying my eyes out
  240. >I couldn't even say 'I'm sorry', I was so choked up
  241. >I hope he knew
  242. >At last the Abbot spoke; his voice soft and gentle
  243. “This is your first summer working at our Temple, Lavender Dance?”
  244. >First...and last
  245. >In just a few weeks I managed to destroy a 700 year tradition
  246. “Then perhaps you do not know;
  247. “the ceremonial flame gets snuffed out at least once a week.”
  249. >I froze
  250. >I could not believe what I was hearing
  251. >Never stopped crying, that's for sure
  252. “No pony ever said we kept the same exact flame burning for 700 years.
  253. “There have been wars...hurricanes...the Great Cupcake Shortage.
  254. “We didn't keep one silly smudge pot burning that whole time.”
  255. >Mind blown, nose blown, everything I thought was true, blown.
  256. “Anytime the flame goes out we just re-light it with Celestia's sun.
  257. “Come with me, dear filly.”
  258. >The Abbot led me into a little garden in a courtyard that I didn't even know existed
  259. >Here was a huge mirror of polished gold
  260. “Your cousin Harmony Song does a very good job keeping it shiny.”
  261. >He showed me how it worked;
  262. >It spun effortlessly on balanced rollers
  263. >Turned to face the sun, its curve sent a hot shaft of light toward a smaller focusing crystal
  264. >Just like an adventure movie, where Daring Do uses an amulet to find the hidden treasure
  265. >So cool, if I wasn't in so much trouble
  266. “Bring the pot.”
  267. >I obediently held the pot's wick right where the Abbot told me
  268. >I whispered the right blessings that he dictated to me
  269. >And miraculously the flame popped into life, dancing on the tip of the oily black wick
  270. >Seeing that moment, as the Celestia's sun re-ignited the sacred fire, filled me with genuine joy
  271. >It had nothing to do with the trouble I was in
  272. >I was still in deep trouble and I knew that
  273. >But seeing that flame pop into was like being there the first time, 700 years ago
  274. >It didn't matter that this happened every week
  275. >I had experienced the moment and understood its power. Pure, pure joy.
  276. “See, no harm is done.
  277. “But we have other things to talk about, don't we?”
  279. *gulp*
  280. >Yeah, had to know this was coming
  281. “Playing loud music and dancing in the shrine?
  282. “Chewing bubblegum?
  283. “Ignoring the wind chimes?”
  284. >It seemed like another good moment to bow
  285. “I am so sorry, Sir.”
  286. >I'm expecting my exile now
  287. >Maybe I'll be able to come back next year, but I'm sure I'm fired for this summer
  288. “Not as sorry as when our Reverend Mother finishes her work, I predict.”
  289. >I gulped again
  290. >What did he mean?
  291. “You are to go with her. Accept your punishment for lazy, sloppy work in the shrine and learn from it.
  292. “I do not think you will make this mistake tomorrow, or ever again, eh?”
  293. >OMG, I have a tomorrow?
  294. >I'm not fired? Or even suspended?
  295. >I kinda spazzed out
  296. “Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou, thankyou, thankyou, thankyou...
  297. “I'm SO sorry I was lazy, I'm so sorry I was careless.
  298. “Thank you so much for this second chance, I won't let you down, thankyou, thankyou, thankyou...”
  299. >My endless thanks were cut short by a painful magical tug at my ear
  300. “Come along, filly, we'll see how that gratitude holds up.”
  301. >The Abbot gave me a sympathetic smile but did nothing else to help as the Reverend Mare dragged me down a hallway by my poor tender ear
  303. >We arrived at another little courtyard garden but we only stopped for a moment
  304. >My older cousin Serenity Mist was there and she had something for the the Reverend Mare
  305. >Actually it was for me, I just didn't know it yet
  306. “Reverend Mare, I...”
  307. >Cousin Serenity tried to speak on my behalf but she was stopped
  308. “Thank you, that will be all.”
  309. >She inspected the tool my cousin had given her
  310. “You've done good work, but Lavender is my responsibility now. You are dismissed.”
  311. >Just a bundle of freshly cut sticks, maybe 24 inches long
  312. >Tied up neatly on one end forming a handle
  313. >Oh sweet's a fucking birch!
  314. >Luckily I did not say that out loud
  315. >Just then I realized what the Reverend Mare was going to do to me
  316. >Nothing my folks hadn't done a hundred times before, but I never looked forward to it
  317. >But what choice did I have?
  318. >I went along when the R.M. ordered me to keep walking down the hall
  320. >I saw a birching once before
  321. >Back in Canterlot
  322. >My folks don't know, so don't tell them
  323. >They don't want me watching the public judicial punishments that happen in the city
  324. >But Acorn Snap and I went to one
  325. >I dared him, he dared me...who remembers?
  326. >It was a big nasty stallion getting birched that day
  327. >Convicted highway robber
  328. >He walked up on the platform proudly and sneered when he saw the Royal Guards only sent two little Unicorn mares to administer his sentence
  329. >I didn't think they could hurt such a big tough bully either
  330. >But the Guards did their duty professionally
  331. >And by the 3rd stroke the highway robber was screaming for mercy like a naughty blank flank
  332. >Poor guy was sentenced to a hot hundred...Acorn and I didn't make it past 25
  333. >The screaming and pain was too much, we both got scared and ran away
  334. >We were still shook up by the time we got home, but we lied to our parents and said we'd gone to see a scary movie after school
  335. >I heard that big stallion begging, crying for forgiveness in my nightmares for a month
  337. >I knew my birching wasn't gonna be THAT bad
  338. >The weapon Serenity Mist had been tasked with assembling for me was a fraction of that size
  339. >And I knew from my cousins that a small birch as a pretty common spanking tool for Eastern unicorn families
  340. >But I was still scared
  341. “Take your place over the bench.”
  342. >Whoa...okay, that was new to me.
  343. >The chamber we entered was a comfortable little sitting room that could be used for any number of things
  344. >except for the ominous dark piece of furniture right in the middle
  345. >Oh, wow, that thing was scary
  346. “Take your place, Miss Lavender.”
  347. >This was going to be a first for me
  348. >I'd experienced my share of spankings, too many!
  349. >But every single one had been over somepony's knee
  350. >Usually Mom or Dad
  351. >A teacher a few times in foal school, but I've been lucky at school in my teen years
  352. >Always across the lap of an adult
  353. >This was the first time I ever had to bend over something and stick my own rear out
  354. >But I had to do it
  356. >The bench was easy to understand
  357. >I knew where to lay down without any lessons
  358. >Lecturing a bit, the Reverend Mare put a wide canvas strap across my back to hold me down
  359. >My stomach was churning with nervous butterflies, it was such a weird feeling
  360. >Under different circumstances the bench might have been a comfortable spot to lay down
  361. >But this wasn't going to be comfortable. I knew that
  362. “Lavender Dance, I'm going to begin now.
  363. “I'm very sorry but you are not going to enjoy this.”
  364. >Duh
  365. “Learn and benefit from it, and some good may come of today's mistakes.”
  367. >There was a ceremony that went with everything at the temple
  368. >Prayers to open in the morning
  369. >Chants to welcome the sun
  370. >Bells to be rung only at the correct hour
  371. >Blessings to be given when you stupidly allow Celestia's eternal flame to get blown out and you need to re-light it.
  372. >But there was no ceremony for this
  373. >I didn't have to count, or apologize to the gods and beg their forgiveness
  374. >Reverend Mare just yanked my tail out of the way and proceeded to spank the daylights out of me
  375. >She could hit hard with the birch, and not do any real damage
  376. >But each one of those thin twigs hurt like an individual switch
  377. >Uncountable tips and pointy angles on each stick stung fiercely
  378. >Each spank was like a crackle of tiny pains that didn't hit all at once and never the same places twice
  379. >And Reverend Mare was laying them on FAST
  380. >She allowed no time to recover or catch my breath
  381. >Before the last rain of little stings faded the next one hit
  382. >The pain didn't go deep like the paddle at home, but my unlucky bottom probably burned twice as bad under the birch
  383. >And it felt so bad not having Mom or Dad's lap to hold onto
  384. >I couldn't believe what a difference it made, but laying across the bench felt lonely and awful
  385. >Trust me, I hated all the OTK spankings I'd gotten before
  386. >But if you're gotta get a spanking what better place than the safest, coziest place in Equestria and the whole wide world?
  387. >As I cried my eyes out I missed Mom & Dad's laps tremendously
  388. >Hard wood doesn't hug back when you're having the worst day of your life
  390. >The agony felt like it went on forever
  391. >But I guess they all feel like that
  392. >No filly or colt ever said;
  393. “I sure wish I'd gotten a longer spanking than that.”
  394. >Maybe some of you weirdos reading this, but no foal I ever knew.
  395. >At last Reverend Mare ended it with a few slower smacks
  396. “You will not be careless again,”
  397. >*thwaap!*
  398. “You will listen for the chimes to warn you of danger,”
  399. >*thwaap!*
  400. “You will be more careful and take your duties seriously!”
  401. >*thwaap! thwaap! thwaap!*
  402. >The one mercy of the birch is that it doesn't hurt much more when you spank harder
  403. >The Grand Finale didn't hurt that much more
  404. >That was fine; I'd had enough
  405. >All tears and snot; gasping for breath
  406. >Reverend Mare at last released the strap and helped me up
  407. “You can have the afternoon to recover, my dear.”
  408. >And surprisingly quick, I was asleep on a futon.
  410. >The work day at the Temple ended
  411. >By now ALL my cousins and a lot of the other young Shrine Mare volunteers had come to check on me
  412. >Totally embarrassing to have every pony know I screwed up
  413. >Tragically humiliating that I'd gotten a spanking in a temple with mostly paper walls
  414. >Once they knew I was okay my cousins gave me so much shit
  415. >Every one had a different joke about letting the flame blow out, or listening to my music so loud I ignored the warning chimes
  416. >And I just had to take it
  418. >After work my Sis and cousins tried to cheer me up
  419. >They dragged me to the games parlor in town
  420. >Tried to talk me into a girly romance movie
  421. >But I was in no condition to sit anywhere for 2-hours
  422. >Truth was I was pretty worried about what the family would say
  423. >Sure, there was a happy ending (my end sure didn't feel happy!)
  424. >but I still expected at least a fierce scolding from Mom and Grandma
  425. >No doubt they knew everything already.
  427. “Hi Mom”
  428. >I found my mother already in the kitchen, starting dinner
  429. >At least there was no huge family party tonight
  430. >Rather than the dressing down I expected, I got a tight, understanding hug
  431. “Are you okay, sweetie?”
  432. >I opened up, pouring out tears about how I messed up
  433. >How scared I'd been when I thought I'd ruined a 700 year tradition
  434. >How embarrassed I'd been from beginning to right now
  435. “Well, you won't do that again, will you?”
  436. >That was all the scolding I got
  437. >Mom really understood, and accepted that I'd learned my lesson
  438. “Reverend Mare said you took your punishment with dignity”
  439. >Seriously, she said that?
  440. >I screamed like a baby. I coughed up a snot glob on her robe
  441. “She said you never tried to get out of it.
  442. “You made a mistake but confessed and endured what you deserved without complaint.
  443. “I'm very proud of you.”
  444. >Another tight hug
  445. >Wow, didn't expect that.
  447. >Grandma got in a little dig though
  448. >We were already in the kitchen, so I was drafted into duty
  449. >As I already explained, this is no chore
  450. >Cooking with my family is fun
  451. >And this time Grandma, perhaps knowing my poor heinie was too sore to do much else, assigned me to watch and feed the wood stove
  452. “Don't let the fire go out this time!”
  453. >My Mom and cousins all laughed
  454. >I blushed, but took Grandma's joke with good grace
  455. >Yeah...don't let the fire go out.
  456. >After the usual terrific dinner I sought out Dad
  457. >He doesn't understand any of this Eastern Unicorn stuff
  458. >He just goes with the flow
  459. >Since the Temple drama did not involve him all he knew was that his youngest daughter was having a really bad day
  460. >And that entitled her to unlimited time on his big, judgment-free Daddy lap
  461. >Which I eagerly took advantage of.
  463. >Lots of jokes were made, but I didn't catch any more trouble from the flame incident
  464. >I worked with my sister & cousins at the Temple until the end of summer
  465. >We all marched together in the Sun Festival Parade, dressed in priceless shrine robes
  466. >I didn't get a spot of dirt on mine...nailed it!
  468. >There was a big party with lots of goodbyes at Grandma & Grandpa's house
  469. >And the next morning my family went to the docks to board our steam ship for Equestria
  470. >As with every year tons of farewell presents were exchanged
  471. >My folks carry some gorgeous diplomatic gifts to be delivered to Princess Celestia & Luna
  472. >Since I'm a Shrine Mare this year, I even get to go with them to present the gifts
  473. >Acorn Snap thinks it's soooo cool that his doctor Mom took a nail out of Princess Luna's hoof once
  474. >I'm gonna get to meet them both!
  475. >Just hope they don't ask about the flame...
  477. >It's tradition for my big Sis and I to leave all the records we brought with us
  478. >It's difficult for our cousins to get the latest pop songs from Equestria
  479. >But this year there was one album in particular they wanted
  480. “Okay, admit it, which one was it?”
  481. >I try to act confused, but I know what they're talking about
  482. “Which one were you listening to when you let the eternal flame blow out?”
  483. >I groan
  484. >Never gonna hear the end of this
  485. “It was Countess Coloratura: Live in Las Pegasus.”
  486. >They shriek with laughter when they find it in the stack.
  487. >All my other old records get played until the grooves wear out
  488. >Then they get retired to a box of outdated teenage obsessions, forgotten in some parent's garage
  489. >But not that album
  490. >My cousins kept that record nice, and played it at least once a year when I visited
  491. >Forever
  492. >Seriously...Acorn Snap & I have our own foals now
  493. >And when we take them to the Eastern lands each summer their Aunties STLL play Countess Coloratura:Live in Las Pegasus...full album, every time
  494. >They will NEVER let me live that down.
  496. >Part of me hopes they never do.
  498. END

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