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A Soaping journey throughout Equestria by Joh

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-08 03:44:43
Updated: 2022-03-11 15:45:13
Expiry: Never

  1. A Soaping journey throughout Equestria by Joh
  3. (06/11/2019 - 17/07/2021)
  6. ---
  8. (Again, short and unedited. checked, it was from 2019 lol)
  10. It was a successful day for Fluttershy, for she had finally convinced her older brother to keep working on his hairstyling training. For he hardly ever persevered through anything once it got hard enough. She smiled in her home as she sat down on her couch. She had a hot cup of tea in her hooves as she rested for a nice, relaxing…
  14. She sighed as she sat her cup down and flew towards the door.
  16. “I’m coming!”
  18. She said this softly as her hooves reached the door. She looked through the peephole, and it was her good friend Rainbow dash. They had spent much of the day together and even sung a duet, so Fluttershy did not know what her friend wanted, but she was always willing to help a friend in need. She opened the door.
  20. “Hello, Rainbow dash. Would you like to come in?”
  22. She said warmly as she allowed her friend to enter, which she did so gratefully. Rainbow flew and sat on the couch. However, she didn’t act like her normal, boisterous self. She looked rather nervous almost?
  24. “H-Hey Fluttershy, I need to talk to you… about something that happened earlier today…”
  26. Fluttershy rushed over and sat down next to her; she wrapped her hooves around her friend’s as she looked at her supportingly. She would help her through whatever was about to be revealed.
  28. “Yes? What happened? Are you alright? Can I do anything to help?”
  30. Rainbow looked at her almost sadly. She nodded slowly, and she took a deep breath. She put her hoof behind her head embarrassingly.
  32. “Well… It’s about you… Earlier, when you were upset about Zephyr… You kind of slipped and said the… P… P-word… you know… number 11 of the 13 bad words.”
  34. Fluttershy blushed herself as that was not her proudest moment… She hated that she slipped and, in fact, said… number 11?
  36. “11… but I thought there were only 7 bad words”
  38. Rainbow laughed herself and blushed slightly.
  40. “Not if you went to Wonderbolts Bootcamp!... Anyway… it was very bad… and a foal heard you.”
  42. She said this a little firmer, knowing that she had to come off as stricter here. She had a plan after all.
  44. Fluttershy nodded, fully ashamed in herself.
  46. “I-I know Rainbow… I felt terrible about it. I cannot believe I let myself slip like that. I promise it won’t happen again!”
  48. She said with a firm nod. But Rainbow shook her head.
  50. “I know it won’t happen again… Because I am going to make sure of it.”
  52. Fluttershy tilted her head. She did not understand in the slightest.
  54. Rainbow took another deep breath and continued, she had already made up her mind. She knew she was going to do this, and she had to be brave, she was Rainbow Brave Dash!
  56. “Yes, I am going to punish you, Flutters… I am going to wash your mouth out with soap… And that will stop you from slipping in the future. That is that.”
  58. She said, trying to be firm, but it was breaking her heart to do this to her bestest of friends. One who she had known since flight camp… But she cared for her too much to ignore this!
  60. Fluttershy gulped.
  62. “W-What? S-s-s-s-soap i-in m-m-my…”
  64. “Your mouth, yes, it is a common punishment for bad words… one that I have received quite a bit in my life… and now I am going to do it to you.”
  66. Fluttershy gasped slightly. How could her friend do this to her? S-She was her best friend! Friends don’t hurt other friends… but… She loved her animals, and she had punished her animals for their well-being… just as parents do to teach foals… discipline… full of pain… but more importantly… Love.
  68. She did not know what to expect from this… but, she trusted rainbow… She would have to. She did deserve this after all…
  70. “Alright rainbow… W-what do I do?”
  72. Rainbow smiled in a slight amount of relief as she did not have to fight her friend into this. It would be much easier to do with both of them consenting to this punishment. Well, for her to give it and for her friend to receive. She pointed to the bathroom, her half bath that was always full of a toilet, sink and a bar of soap to clean hooves, and for its first time ever, a mouth.
  74. “Just head in there”
  76. Fluttershy gulped and looked at the bathroom, she had never dreaded going into a bathroom like this before. Her mother certainly never did anything like this before, however, Fluttershy had hardly ever swore before, only when she is alone or ranting to her animal friends who did not care in the slightest… They didn’t right? She would have to ask… Later though.
  78. She slowly entered the room and even lifted her front hooves to lean against the sink; she looked at herself in the mirror, one more minor blush appeared. She would soon be punished, even worse, by her closest friend… but, she was right. P-e-e-v-e-d was a really, really bad word.
  80. Rainbow took a few deep breaths before coming in as well. She had to be brave, she was doing this for flutters. She walked in and took hold of the bar of soap and turned on the tap. She was soaking the bar.
  82. “Ok, Fluttershy, you know why you’re getting this? Please tell me once more.”
  84. Fluttershy nodded slowly. And looked rainbow in the eye. She respected her for doing this.
  86. “I am an adult, and should act like one, but I swore and said a very very naughty potty word… in front of other ponies. Worse of all… a foal.”
  88. Her ears dropped in shame as she sighed, and rainbow knew that was enough. That was all she needed to hear.
  90. “Yes, but after this, you will have paid for that In full, now please… open your mouth shy.”
  92. Fluttershy saw the bar of soap getting warmer, softer, the aroma getting stronger and stronger, she gulped, but slowly opened her mouth out wide.
  94. Her eyes widened as the bar was gently placed in her mouth. And she felt the subs trinkle in. But the soap didn’t get moved around.
  96. Rainbow nodded and told her firmly.
  98. “Now, please bite down. Gently into it and wrap your lips around it.”
  100. Fluttershy slowly nodded and sank her teeth into it, getting the soap in her molars and wrapped her lips around the frothy sudsy soft surface. The taste was horrible, worse than she expected, tears formed in the corner of her eyes, as she knew that for saying those filthy words… this was just. Her mouth was literally being cleansed.
  102. She stood there looking at herself, the element of kindness with a bar of soap in her mouth. And she remained like this for around 5 minutes until rainbow took it out.
  104. “Alright shy! I’m proud of you, go ahead and rinse!”
  106. She sounded happy, which made the teary eyed Fluttershy smile too, as she ran the cool water in her mouth, and got lots of the lather, but the taste remained, which she assumed was the point.
  108. Rainbow hugged her gently, cuddling her giving her much care.
  110. “Here, let’s get your cleaned up and go gets some soda; the acid helps neutralize the soapy taste, I have many years of experience to know how to get rid of the taste as fast as possible. You were punished, no need to linger on it!”
  112. Fluttershy laughed and went along with her friends feeling lighter than she had when she had first said the bad words… so it was a good day.
  114. (Hope you enjoyed!)

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