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Wip prologue by Joh

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-08 03:45:41
Updated: 2022-03-11 15:43:50
Expiry: Never

  1. Wip prologue by Joh
  3. (13/11/2019)
  6. ---
  8. This is more of a prologue, I am real tired and semester is almost in heft season, so hopefully i'll post before weekend, but it will be there latest. This is a tease. Dang I feel like Nomine from two years ago hah! just not that skilled)
  10. Bunnies when born are left behind from their mother’s, they come to bring food, but leave the bunny to grow and develop on their own. This is to protect them from the dangers of the outside world, to give the bunny a better chance at life.
  13. Swamps... the murkiness was able to describe the whole scenery. The water grey, as if mixed with decades worth of sludge, and grime, the trees that color faded with poor nutrient to a dull brown stood on a path of dirt, and stones that were perfect for jumping across to get from one side to the next. Leading to a center structure of stone.
  16. This fortress had the makings of a face almost outlined, but the orange glow escaping through the air pockets showed life within. The sounds from within would increase as one got closer. Voices of annoyance, and complaints would boom through. An angry blue creature would storm out and teleport away huffing about the supposed idiot’s within.
  19. A pink pegasus foal would be the first thing seen within, her humming as she was violently smashing two of her dolls together, one was a purple alicorn princess, the other a white unicorn.
  21. “Boom! Take that you elements of Harmony!! Soon you will face the wrath of Cozy Glow! MWAHAHAHAHA!”
  23. “UGH Won’t you ever shut up!”
  25. This voiced belong to a tall changeling, she was quite annoyed, but still couldn’t help but be a little amused at the little filly for her anger levels rising each day. She did had a small ounce of respect for a foal who almost conquered Equestria by wanting to have the most friends. Queen Chrysalis watched as she put her toys down and flew over to her.
  28. Cozy Glow flew right to her face, with an angry scowl. She was TIRED of being told ‘Cozy do this, No stop cozy. Cozy don’t ever do that.’ SHE WAS SICK OF IT!
  31. “Here’s an idea bug brain, don’t tell me what the fuck to do. I may be a foal, but I am here just as you are trying to take over the WORLD!”
  34. Chrysalis didn’t even blink in response to this. She was not afraid of the foal, no matter how angry she was. She was a mature, experienced leader, and it was time Cozy started to learn as well.
  37. “Cozy Glow, you are angry, that is acceptable, but direct your anger towards the enemy. You are not to swear, be extremely rude, or to let your anger control you. I may be an evil queen, but I am also .... I was also a mother to many generations to changelings, who I had to teach and discipline. I will not hesitate to do the same to you. Don’t force my hooves.”
  40. In response, Cozy GLow’s eyes turned to daggers, and a growl came from her. She flew off fast. And Chrysalis sighed. She had a feeling this wouldn’t be the final time this discussion would come up. But she was also curious to the response she got from the foal… it seemed more extreme than she anticipated. Especially with the lack of verbal remark… She would have to be on the lookout.

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