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Unnatural position by Joh

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-08 03:46:56
Updated: 2022-03-11 15:42:40
Expiry: Never

  1. Unnatural position by Joh
  3. (11/12/2021)
  6. ---
  8. This may be a slow story heh, but heres a small start.
  10. Princess Celestia was still unconscious as she was knocked out an hour prior, it turns out, a simple wet cloth was all that it took to send her to a realm of sleep deep enough that even her sister Luna could not sense her. She was being dragged by her hindleg across the halls of her castle, the guards slowly watching as they had dropped their spears, under threat of their ruler’s life. Not that the threat was needed, as such a simple spell later caused them all to fall under the mind control of the unicorn at large, who had them promptly forget this exchange, but also implanted some… interesting ideologies that they would hold deep within, in addition to the subtle decrease of inhibition towards the carnal arts.
  12. Celestia opened one of her eyes weakly, a small burst of light entering her field of vision, as she saw her body moving along the red carpet of her hallway, past the doors to her left and right, along with guards towards what would be her private quarters. The light caused her instinctively to close them almost as quickly as she opened, to try and adjust to the bright sight… But when she opened her eyes again, she found a dark blindfold in front of her before surrounding her world in darkness once again.
  14. “W-what,” She said softly as she could barely muster comprehensive words, as she moved her head slowly from left to right, weakly, trying to get around the cloth that was around her eyes. Not that it did any good as she was unable to see… Although even in her hazed state, she had spent years in her quarts, and could create a pretty could mental image of her surroundings, from the feel with each rug she was laying on, meant she was far from her window… and approaching her desk.
  16. “Alright, Celestia, we have much to discuss, but how about we make you a bit more… comfortable and ready to be a good listener.”
  18. That voice… no, it's not just an unknown assailant, she knew her voice.. It was the voice of her student…
  20. “n-No… Not you… Why are you doing this ..” Her demanding question was swiftly cut off by a hoof strike across her left cheek, moving her face to the right side in recoil, a red hoof cheek already leaving its mark, as her eyes widened, not that it was apparent due to the blindfold. She felt herself being lifted up by magic, and she felt her rear being sat down on a chair, with her hindlegs hanging down, a very unnatural position for an alicorn or any pony…
  22. “This is where the fun begins.”

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