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Dream realm 1: Wynken's late-night escapade by Nomine

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-08 03:51:05
Updated: 2022-03-20 16:21:14
Expiry: Never

  1. Dream realm 1: Wynken's late-night escapade by Nomine
  3. (22/08/2020)
  6. ---
  8. The night was cool and clear, the stars twinkling overhead as Wynken finished dropping his crew for the night back off into their dreams, watching with a laugh as each of the three little sailors hung up their nets and swan-dived off the plank, diving back down to the ground below, flying as one only could in the realm of dreams, buoyed up by happy thoughts and the memory of a wonderful flight on his ship.
  10. Nodding to himself, the century-old five-year old pulled an oversized pocket watch out of his starry nightgown, grinning to himself as he saw he was actually running right on time. The watch had been a present from Sandy, who had snitched it out of the dream a little filly was having...something about a white rabbit...and given it to him.
  12. Granted, she gave it to him during a "talking to" that both she and Terror had been present for, both of them scolding him for staying up too late, sleeping in too late, and causing them to miss their times as well.
  14. But, that was all in the past now! He was no longer the little guy he was back then. It had been a whole two weeks since that talk, and he hadn't been late once! In fact, he had even made sure Sandy was overfull of her starry sand from his nets, and Blynken was full tonight too!
  16. Reminded of his bear by his thoughts as he sailed on through the skies, his wooden shoe of a ship dancing on the waves of the clouds, Wee Wynken reached down and scooped the toy up, giving him a squeeze and sneezing as some of that stardust puffed out into his face.
  18. With a twist of his wheel, Wynken turned his ship and aimed towards home. He was on time, and he was going to be good and go to bed so he could be up bright and early and do his run! It was his...what was that word Terror had used...Sponsibilty! It was that thing and he had to do it right!
  20. As he sailed along, cresting over a tall thundercloud and riding down the other side with a loud WHEEEEE of was awesome, like the world's biggest slide!...he slowed down when he saw something going on down below him. Some kind of...was that a…
  24. Immediately, Wynken abandoned his wheel and grabbed the rope, pulling up the sail with a tug to stop his shoe before grabbing Blynken and preparing to jump! And then he paused...what about his time and sponsbilty and getting up right and…
  26. And that party looked oh-so-fun and…
  28. Oh they had a Piñata! And it was about to break!
  30. Wynken thought quickly, and grinned. He could always just tell Sandy he got lost on the way back, it had happened before. The dream-realm was big, after all. And she wouldn't be toooo mad, he had even more stardust for her bags…
  32. With a grin, Wynken gathered up his nightgown and bear and LEAPED!
  34. A little while later, two hours to be precise, found Wynken back on his ship and sailing through the skies, the colt’s tummy full of candy and sweets, and he even had a goody bag of extras hidden on the shoe for later! All in all, tonight had been a wonderful night, and he was looking forward to getting home and maybe playing for a while until he calmed down and went to sleep.
  36. Wynken smiled as he landed the ship down next to his house, the wooden vessel floating a foot off the ground as he dropped the anchor to the cushioned surface of his part of the dreamrealm, the little colt hopping down to the quilted ground with a soft flumph. Picking himself back up with a giggle, he trotted over to his little house and opened the door, stepping inside.
  38. He smiled as he looked around the home, hanging up his nightcap on a hook right to his left. It wasn’t very big by grown-up standards...but he wasn’t a grown-up, and it was plenty big for him! He had a stove and an oven that always had fresh bread, and a fridge that had something yummy every day! More importantly, he had a place to put his picture books and all of his toys, and of course he had his bed, made to look like a giant shoe. He even had Sandy sitting on it and…
  40. “Sandy!” he cried out, surprised and happy as he ran over and gave her a big hug! He was always happy to see her, she was so nice and sweet and loving, even when she tickled him with those sand-covered feathers of hers!
  42. She hugged him back with a small smile, but this time it was different from her normal hugs. He could tell. He knew a thing or two about hugs! This was a...a sad hug? Like she wasn’t happy to see him?
  44. “Wynky, do you know what time it is? Can you tell me on the pocket watch I gave you?” she asked him, her voice kind but severe.
  46. Obediently he took out the watch, smiling as he showed it to her. Then he looked at the time, and the bit dropped. He was late. That was what she meant. “Uh...Um…” he stammered, looking up at her with a small wiggle of his hooves. “It’s, um...two hours past bedtime?” he said.
  48. Sandy nodded, sitting up to her full height as she looked down at him. “That’s right, Wynky. You’re supposed to be here long before Terror and I go to bed. You have to be up before us so you can run and help put the foals to bed and get them rested and relaxed. That is your responsibility.” she scolded him, as the colt whimpered.
  49. “I’m sorry, Sandy…” he said, but she held up a hoof, stopping him from continuing.
  51. “I’m sure you are, Wynky...but I have to know before I decide what to do. Why were you so late?” she asked him, and he shuddered...was she going to punish him? Now was the time…
  53. “I got lost, Sandy…” he said, looking over at his bookshelf. “I ran into a stormcloud and I couldn’t find my path after that.” he told her, and she gently put a hoof beneath his chin and turned his head back to her.
  55. “Is that the truth, Wynky? You got lost after running into a stormcloud? Is your ship okay? Do I need to help repair it?” she asked, looking him directly in the eyes. “Come that really why you were late?”
  57. “Uhuh!” he said, gaining confidence in the lie. “Sandy, you know how big the dreamrealm is, and I’m so small. I wasn’t watching where I was flying and I sailed straight into the cloud and it blew me way off course.” he said.
  59. “Is that really the truth, Wynky?” she asked, looking him dead in the eye again, her own eyes stern as could be. “Do you want to tell me more?”
  61. “It’s the truth, Sandy! I just got lost and blown off course by a storm, honest!” he said, only for her to sigh and sit up again.
  63. “Wee Wynken…” she said, his full name making him gulp a little bit, “I know you’re lying to me. I know what actually happened. You weren’t blown off course or in a storm. You were in a foal’s late-night birthday party dream, eating lots of candy and playing with toys and having fun, even though you knew it was past your bedtime.” she scolded, shaking her head as he gasped.
  65. “ did you know…?” he asked, turning pale.
  67. “I’m the spirit of Good Dreams, Wynken...I wasn’t just there, I created that dream. I watched you come in, I even saw you look at your watch before you started playing.” she said, standing up and pointing to the one bare corner of his home. “Go and sit in the corner, Wee Wynken. I guess I really am going to have to figure out what I am going to do with you.”
  69. Wynken meeped as he whined. “I...I’m sorry, Sandy!” he started to say, but a tutting from her and a pointed hoof made him obey the elder spirit, slowly dragging his hooves over to the corner and plumping his rump down, pushing his nose into it like Terror had made him do a few times.
  71. Behind him, he could hear Sandy bustling about his room, talking to herself as she picked some things up. She did that when she visited, and it bothered him a could he find things when she put them away?
  73. “Wynken…” her voice called out. “I want you thinking about why you are sitting in that corner.” she warned.
  75. He gulped and complied, trying to think about it, but...he was in the corner because Sandy was upset at him for staying out past his bedtime, right? Or...maybe...was she upset because he lied to her too?
  77. Maybe she was, lying was a really naughty thing to do...he never took little foals who lied to go sailing on his ship, after all.
  79. ...When was Sandy going to say he could come out?
  81. It didn't take much longer, no more than ten minutes all told, but to the little colt it felt like forever before Sandy finally called out his name once more.
  83. "Alright, Wynky, you can come out. Come over to your bed and we are going to finish talking." she called, and he moved immediately to comply. Nothing was worse than having to sit in a corner forever and ever!
  85. As he moved over to his bed, he saw Sandy had indeed picked up all his toys and put them back in their boxes, and she had picked up his books and shelved them too. As he climbed up next to her, clambering onto that wooden shoe, he felt her hooves reach out and hoist him up, sitting him onto her lap as she hugged him again. Another sad hug.
  87. "Wynky...I hope you understand why I made you sit in time out for ten minutes." she said, nuzzling him. "But...I thought long and hard about what you did tonight. And your behavior was simply not acceptable. Not only did you skip your bedtime to go and party and eat candy, but you tried to lie to me three times about why you were late." She said, and he whined and hugged her tight.
  89. "I...I'm sorry, Sandy. I won't lie or skip again...and...and Blynken is full of stardust for you!" He said, only for her to shake her head.
  91. "No, sweetie...I know you're sorry, but that's what you said last time you skipped and were late. This time you lied too...I've decided, Wynken. For what you did're getting a spanking." she said.
  93. Immediately he began wriggling in her hold. "No! Not a spanking!!!" he yelped, trying to escape, but Sandy held him tight. Nothing more, just holding him until he finally wore himself out after a few minutes.
  95. "Yes, Wynky...a spanking. You had plenty of opportunity to be good, get to bed on time, and to tell the truth. You chose to be naughty." she said, gently nuzzling him. "Now, I'm going to let go, and I want you to lay across my lap like a good little foal." she ordered, making good on her word and releasing him.
  97. With a pleading whine as he looked up into her stern eyes, he obeyed, carefully lowering himself down onto those legs, laying across them and staring down at his quilted covers with a whimper.
  99. "Thank you, Wynky." Sandy said, and he felt one of her hooves reach down and hook his nightgown up, pulling it away from his bottom. After that, her hoof took and pinned his gown and tail out of the way.
  101. "Now…" she said. "You're getting five for how old you are, two because you were two hours late, and three for each lie. Can you tell me how many that is?" she asked, rubbing his back with her other hoof.
  103. With a small wriggle as he felt the cool air play across his disrobed derriere, Wynken tapped a hoof on the bed, counting five and then two…"Se...Seven?" he asked, then remembered, three more. Three more taps…
  105. "I…" he meeped. "T..Ten?" he asked, and felt her rub his back again.
  107. "That's right...good job remembering your counting. After your spanking we can see if your fridge has a treat for you for that." she told him, still rubbing his back and letting him whine for a little while longer.
  109. After a minute or so of her gentle massage, she spoke again. "Alright, Wynken, you know the rules. No kicking me, no blocking, and no Bad Words." she warned. He nodded softly.
  111. Then it started. Her hoof lifted up off his back and came slapping down with a painful thwap. For a split second, he didn't feel anything, and then the colt yelped as the pain reached him. "Ah! Sandy, No!!!" he protested, but the elder spirit paid him no mind.
  113. Another spank came down, Sandy only giving him a second between each blow, and he gasped in pain, tears forming up in his eyes as he wiggled, grabbing her tail in his hooves to keep himself from blocking.
  115. The third spank fell, and Wynken lost the battle against those tears, burying his face into her tail! "Waaah! I'm sorry!!! I'm sorry!!!" he pleaded to no avail, even as another swat lit his rump aflame. Sandy was so strong, stronger than Terror.
  117. Sandy stopped after spank number five, giving him a short respite to hug her tail and cry as she rubbed his rear. "You're halfway done, Wynky. Can you tell me why you're being spanked?" she asked, patting the reddened rump beneath her.
  119. With a hiccup and a sniffle as the colt caught his breath, he wiped his eyes on her tail and looked up at her, taking the offered rest. "I...I'm gettin' spanks cause I was late an I lied to you an you're mad an I was bad an…" he babbled, only to be stopped by a gentle feather to the mouth.
  121. "Almost right. You're getting this spanking because of the actions you chose, including staying up late and lying. But I'm not mad, and while your behavior was not good, you are not a bad foal." she said, stroking her sandy feathers along his cheek. "Now, I'm going to spank you five more times, and then you'll be done." she said.
  123. He whined and went back to hugging her tail tightly, laying there on her lap as he felt her carefully pinning his gown and tail to his back again.
  125. And then her hoof crashed down into his rear and set it on fire, all the owies from before coming back to life as he immediately burst out into tears, kicking his back legs and burying his face in her tail as a second swat came down, making him sob all the more.
  127. Sandy stopped after those two, giving his bottom a rub before the third spank was delivered, causing the little bedtime spirit to squeak into her tail, clutching it tightly to himself as the kicks of his legs doubled in effort.
  129. Another spank later, and Wynken was fully sobbing into her tail, crying his eyes out for real, mumbling half-formed apologies. He felt her hoof rise up one last time, felt it come down hard onto his upturned rear as he shrieked…
  131. And then it was over, and immediately the colt felt himself being lifted up and away from that tail, grasping for it instinctively before finding himself back up against Sandy's chest, his head draped over her shoulder as she rubbed his back, one of her wings coming up to gently dry his tears from time to time as she rocked him.
  133. He didn't really know how long they stayed like that, cuddled close together as he cried it out. But he did cry. And not just because of the spanking. He had been spanked before, was worse when Sandy did it. She was so sweet and nice, reading him stories and teaching him numbers...he hated making her upset…
  135. "I'm sorry, Sandy…" he finally managed to get out, and she turned his head to face her, nuzzling him and giving his cheek a little kiss.
  137. "You're forgiven, Wynky. Though I have decided you are going to have one last penalty for what you did tonight. Do you want to know what it is now, or wait until after I tuck you in?" she asked, making him shudder.
  139. "Tu..Tuck in, please?" he said, and she nodded, rubbing his back a little more before finally laying him down on his bed, setting his head onto his pillow and standing up with a nod, trotting into his kitchen area.
  141. "Alright then...let's see if your fridge has...ah, it does!" She said, with a hint of jealousy in her voice as she turned back to him, holding a big glass of chocolate milk. "See, I told you your fridge would have a treat for you." she said, bringing it over to him and setting it on his little nightstand. "So why don't you just lay there, drink that chocolate milk, and I'll read you a bedtime story...and since you were so good about taking your punishment, I'll even sing. Just for you, nopony else." she said, leaning down and nuzzling him with a smile before going and getting a book.
  143. Wynken sighed as he worked himself under his covers somewhat, grabbing the milk and carefully drinking it as Sandy came back over with that book, opening it up and beginning to read to him. It was an old story, a tale of Princess celestia saving an innocent dragon from an evil knight, but he loved it no matter what.
  145. “S...Sandy?” he said with a yawn, reaching up for a hug as she closed the book five minutes later.
  147. Leaning down, she hugged him tight, nuzzling him. “Yes, Wynky?” she asked, kissing his cheek and wiping one sleepy eye with a feather.
  149. “I love you.” he said, laying down onto his pillow and closing his eyes.
  151. “I love you too, sweetie.” she said, and as she started to sing, her voice carrying through his little house, he felt one final thing...a few grains of her sand settling onto his eyelids, making him yawn again as he finally dropped off to sleep. Despite his stinging bottom, the spanking itself was now just a painful but fading memory, already eclipsed by how much his Big Sister Spirit loved him.
  153. -------------------
  155. Sable Plumes, known as Sandy to some and the Sandmare to others, slowly crept out of the small playhouse that the youngest of their trio slept in, shutting the door with a sigh. She hated being the oldest spirit sometimes. It was so hard to be a grown-up, or even to act like one, and she was only eleven!
  157. Granted, all three of them were older than they looked, but she was still the oldest by far, older even than the third member of their trio. And speaking of…
  159. "I know you're there, Violet." she said, sighing as a shadow detached itself from beneath the window, burgeoning up into the shape of an emaciated fuchsia filly. Sable winced. "When was the last time you ate?"
  161. "Two nights ago, I'm fine." the bogeymare snapped. "And don't call me Violet. It's Night Terror."
  163. "Well, Terror." Sable said, shaking her head a little bit...Violet could be so stubborn, she was such a loner… "I'm going to guess you heard what happened?"
  165. "Most of it, I slithered close when I realized there was something afoot. I heard you scold him for lying and being late, and you gave him a spanking?" Violet responded, and Sable nodded. "Then I think I should…"
  167. "No. No nightmares. He's definitely been punished enough for one night. Besides, I already gave him something that I think will help the lesson stick, even though he whined about it." Sable said. "I'll need your help enforcing it."
  169. Violet huffed, sitting back and crossing her forelegs with a turn of her head. "I am NOT about to help the Goody-Goody Sugar Plum Fairy of Sweet Dreams with anything…" she said, then turned her head back. "But, what was his last punishment?" she asked, her voice curious.
  171. Sable smiled...she knew that would get her… "Oh, I just said he was getting an early bedtime for a week. Just a half an hour, but we both know…"
  173. "That's forever to him, I know I know." the shadow-filly said with a sigh. "And, because you're so busy with all the good dreams, you need my help enforcing it." she said, giving Sable a look.
  175. "Would you? For him? You know he listens to you too...and I know you like him, even if you hide it." Sabke said, and inwardly grinned as Violet uncrossed herself.
  177. "Oh, fine...I guess if he goes to bed early I'll have more time to hunt down bad dreams and feed anyways. But I'm not doing bathtime, or bedtime stories, or anything like that!" Vi said.
  179. Sable nodded to that. "That's fine...all I'm asking is that you make sure he's in bed a half hour early. Just to make tonight's lesson stick."
  181. "I got it. I got it the first time you said it. Now if you'll ex-cuse me, I need to go hunting for a bad dream." Vi said, her body melting back into shadows as she slithered along and away.
  183. Sable sighed. Prickly fillies were always prickly, and Violet was the prickliest of all. Still, she knew she could count on her...and she knew that, despite her protests, Vi would make sure Wynken got his story every night.
  185. With a spread of her sanded wings, the pegasus jumped up into the air of the dreamrealm, heading for her own lofty home in the clouds. It was definitely past her bedtime too.

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