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Gabby Gums incident by Pan

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-08 04:08:13
Updated: 2022-03-15 13:36:50
Expiry: Never

  1. Gabby Gums incident by Pan
  3. (12/09/2020)
  6. ---
  8. No actual spanking scene. Sorry.
  10. >Gabby Gums incident
  11. >Diamond Tiara is called to her father's office
  12. "DIAMOND DAZZLE TIARA! Do you have any idea how disappointed I am in you?"
  13. (gulp) "Yes daddy."
  14. >She can't even look her father in the eye
  15. "I don't think you do. I have your RAG here. Notice anything?"
  16. >It was an issue of the Foal Free Press with Gabby Gums in it
  17. "Um... Gabby Gums?"
  18. "Turn to the back."
  19. >It hit her
  20. >Sponsored by Barnyard Bargains: Where ponies purchase products!
  21. "Diamond, I literally PAID to publish this filth. I'm a business pony and you could have just damaged my relationships for life. When the ponies you humiliated grow up, will they still shop at Barnyard Bargains? That's food on our table, sweetie pie."
  22. "Daddy... I'm sorry..."
  23. "You will be."
  24. >That line was NEVER good for Diamond Tiara
  25. >Or her little bottom
  27. "Alright, come around and climb up"
  28. >The naughty filly was always punished at her father's store this way
  29. >With how busy he was, practically all of Diamond Tiara's spankings were over his solid, fancy desk
  30. >Diamond nervously clambered up on his swivel-chair
  31. >Filthy put his hooves around Diamond's hind-end and placed her front half over the desk
  32. >With his front-left hoof he brushed his daughter's tail over her back
  33. >At the same time, Filthy Rich used his right hoof to open his desk drawer and take out his starter paddle
  34. >It was the same model he stocked in Barnyard Bargains
  35. >Recommended for those foals who have graduated beyond a hoof spanking but not beyond a good heinie-whooping
  36. >He refused to skimp on quality
  37. >Despite his demeanor, Filthy really did care
  38. >All his paddles came from a remote part of Equestria where magic is all but forbidden
  39. >Simple technology
  40. >Simple paddles
  41. >Still hurts just as much
  42. >These paddles were immaculate
  43. >If they aren't perfect they become firewood
  44. >No splinters, just a good, honest burn for any little one who needs it
  46. >Diamond's paddle was customized, despite her embarrassment
  47. >It read "For my little princess"
  48. >Not that she would be reading it from her position
  50. >Tiara kicked her back legs in nervousness
  51. >Filthy did a small wind-up and tapped Diamond's rump
  52. >His target in mind, he pulled back farther and whapped his errant filly's rump for real!
  53. (WHAP!)
  54. >Miss Prissy Pants squeaked but did not dare move
  55. >Besides a small shockwave of her tail helping her act out her pain
  57. ...
  59. >The spanking was over
  60. >Filthy scooped up the pink-and-red pony
  61. >He sat down and cradled her to his chest
  62. >He hushed her and stroked her back all the way down to her sore behind
  63. "Diamond, you are a very brave filly for taking that spanking. But I can't have such foalishness endanger my business ever again."
  64. "D-daddy?"
  65. >This was new
  66. "Diamond Tiara, you are to ask Hardy Growth for a uniform. You will work here until you repay every last bit of the sponsorship for the horrible Gabby Gums issues."
  67. "But Dad! She was in six issues! That's 240 bits!"
  68. "It will take some time, pumpkin. Honest work always does."
  69. >Diamond Tiara, once the most popular filly in school and now rubbing her red butt like a baby blank-flank, thought her day couldn't get any worse
  70. >He continued:
  71. "I want you to know I'll always love you, sweetie. I care too much about you to have you grow into someone who takes the easy way out. It hurts to say this, but:"
  72. "Every Saturday, until your debt is paid, you will be back in here for another dusting with that paddle and a half-shift to follow."
  73. >Still sniffling, the news made Diamond break into an outright bawl just like she had been spanked again
  74. "DAD-YYYYYY! It's not faiiiiiiiir!"
  75. >Daddy brushed a piece of Tiara's mane out of her face and looked her in the eye
  76. "It wasn't fair to publish that tabloid, was it, cutie-snooty?"
  77. (snif) "Noo..."
  78. "All the other days, you know school comes first. It's up to you how much you work. But that paddle is waiting for you every Saturday you dawdle."
  80. "Ponies will see."
  81. >She pouted
  82. "Yes, they will. The aprons don't cover the backsides of naughty foals. If all of Ponyville saw what you published I think my shoppers can see a little filly with a sore rear-end."
  83. >Filthy got up and gently set her daughter on the ground
  84. "Enough crying; we have work to do. A half-shift today and I'll see you back here next week."
  85. >Filthy watched his daughter leave his office
  86. >He nodded at his work - a mess of pink rectangles converging to a red hue
  87. "Love you, honey."
  88. >And Filthy returned to his accounting
  90. End?
  92. ///
  94. >>35855245
  95. >How much bits will Diamond make a day?
  96. >>35856622
  97. >She's gonna feel that paddle for a long time, won't she?
  98. The show itself doesn't seem to know how much a bit is worth. It's 2 bits for an apple fritter and a cider at the Gala, but also 2-5 bits for a whole bushel of apples in other episodes if I recall correctly. Both of those imply a rough 1 bit = 1 dollar conversion. Diamond isn't getting less than the other entry-level employees but she won't be earning extra either. She's also not allowed to use her savings.
  100. What I like about the setup is DT is in partial control of her own spankings. Not in enough control to do anything, but just enough to make her agonize over how many hours she should work. Will she work dutifully or procrastinate to play with friends? Then Saturday hits her like a train.
  102. There are horse taxes to worry about, but as a filly with low income maybe those will be small. If she can get 6 bits an hour post-tax, that's 40 hours. No way to avoid that second spanking and still go to school, but if she works her little rump off she might save it from a third spanking.
  104. I like the idea better if it takes her at least 4 spankings to finish the job. I don't want her stuck forever but she should have time to think about it.
  106. >>35856402
  107. So glad you liked it.
  108. >In Character for Filthy and Diamond...
  110. I'm glad that worked out. It's been ages since I've seen Filthy or Diamond in the show. What I remember of Diamond is that she's a spoiled brat until her redemption, and her brattiness was blamed on her mother.
  112. >And as someone who works retail, I actually pity that poor filly. She's in for a world of trouble. Here's hoping her Dad will show mercy and let her be a silent stocker.
  114. Based on the story, Filthy values humility but hates humiliation. I don't know where the line is, but if somepony crosses it in making fun of Diamond Tiara, they would be banned from the store. (Realistically I think he would tell her to grin and bear it, especially since this is a punishment. But it's cruel.)
  116. With that in mind, I think she would be allowed to prefer being a stocker. If somepony's sick and they're short staffed? Poor DT probably has to work the register where ponies at the other registers can see her flank.
  118. More news for DT: The more the weeks drag on, the less harsh Filthy will be in the spanking. The punishment has to fit the crime. I think the spanking that was skipped in the story was vigorous and bracing. Maybe the week after was 1/2 to 3/4 as hard. Beyond that, just a few warning smacks to remind her to be good. Enough to leave a pink mark for ponies to see, of course.
  120. ///
  122. At the risk of turning this into a taxes general:
  124. >Diamond Tiara gets many more bits taken out for taxes than is proper.
  125. >Filthy (correctly) guesses that the government assumes she will work all year and is deducting the right amount for that.
  126. >DT begs her father to tag along to a meeting with their tax preparer, and he agrees.
  127. "But this is YOUR problem, Diamond. Ponies pay good money for these services. You can ask her but I will not pressure her just because I'm a big client. It's your responsibilty and you have to go with what she says."
  128. >Diamond sits through an excruciatingly boring meeting on value added tax when the imported goods are in another currency. Finally:
  129. "Those are all the questions I had, Ms. Net. But my daughter would like to ask you something."
  130. "Would this have something to do with your red cheeks, young lady? I don't have any aloe if that's what you're asking."
  131. >She blushed.
  132. "Um, sort of. I'm working in daddy's store to pay off a debt I owe him but my taxes are really high since I only need 240 bits."
  133. >Diamond hoofed over her pay stub
  134. "Yep, I see this all the time. Folks in Canterlot think you're working all year. I could fix it, but it would take a few hours of work. Would cost more money than it's worth. Tax season you'll get a refund."
  135. "Thank you, ma'am."
  136. "I'm a tax preparer, not a fortune teller. But seems to me you'll be wearing more red panties in the future."
  137. >The very corners of Ms. Net's mouth were in the slightest smirk
  138. >For DT it may as well have been a Cheshire Cat
  139. >Even down-to-business Filthy smiled
  140. >The embarrassed filly forced a fake-sounding chuckle and sputtered out:
  141. "Maybe so. Ready, daddy?"
  142. "Sure thing. Thanks as always, Ms. Net."
  144. >On the road back home
  145. "Bum luck, right Diamond?"
  146. >Of all the words to use...
  147. >Diamond sighed
  148. "Well this is what common ponies have to deal with every day. The government doesn't care about them and they just have to take it. It doesn't feel good, does it?"
  149. "No daddy."
  150. "I hadn't intended to teach you this lesson, but it's a good one to learn. Something to keep in mind when you are the one managing ponies."
  151. >Diamond wished these lessons could take the place of the lessons she was learning bent over her father's desk
  153. ///
  155. By Anon (small continue)
  156. >Be teen filly
  157. >Get a part time job at Barnyard Bargains
  158. >Still learning the ropes
  159. >There's one very young filly working here
  160. >As yet you don't know she's the bosses daughter
  161. One otherwise normal day...
  162. >Young pink filly is throwing a pouty tantrum
  163. >Doesn't want to clean up puke in the foal's section or something
  164. >The Boss, Mr. Rich comes down from his office
  165. >Grabs young pink employee by her ear
  166. >Pulls her, whining and pleading, to his office
  167. >Door closed, but you can hear
  168. >He's spanking her
  169. >The Boss is SPANKING an employee!
  170. >Wait, is that the policy here?
  171. >All employees are subject to spanking by management?
  172. >You don't want to find out.
  173. >You become a model employee
  174. >Never late, always eager for overtime
  175. >Employee of the Month, every month
  176. >You've witnessed the alternative

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