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Starlight's knee by RoyalBard

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-08 04:31:38
Updated: 2022-03-16 21:38:21
Expiry: Never

  1. Starlight's knee by RoyalBard
  3. (17/11/2019)
  6. ---
  8. (I like pretending s8-9 never happened/was an acid trip Tirek had in Tartarus, but I love Cozy so much, I just wanna hug and squeeze her and spank her when she's naughty and hug her some more. Anyway, this is my reasonable compromise.)
  10. Cozy pouted in the corner next to her Tirek doll. She was not allowed in the restricted artifacts section and the penalty was several minutes in the corner in Starlight's office. She pouted, looked around and fluttered out of the corner. Starlight was reading a file, she could make a break for it-
  12. "Hold it!" Starlight's magic latched onto her. Cozy pouted and flailed. Starlight shook her head. "I told you no leaving the corner. Now I'll have to spank you."
  14. Cozy whined as she was laid over Starlight's knees. Several firm, yet light, spanks fell onto her tushy. She kicked her little backlegs and yelped as Starlight clapped her bottom, making her heiny jiggle.
  16. Though the spanks falling on her rear certainly stung and made her wiggle over Starlight's lap, she couldn't say she was afraid. The blows falling on her bottom were light, only an uncomfortable sting not the agony she was used to. Not like back at...she closed her eyes, crying, not just from the heat in her rear, but the sudden onslaught of memories.
  18. Starlight landed several more spanks to her now dark pink bottom, stopped when she heard Cozy brokenly wail. She collected her into her lap, held her tightly while she sobbed into her chest. While Cozy cried, Starlight stroked her mane, knowing something was very wrong.
  20. >"Cozy, I hope you're not trying to manipulate me, I didn't spank you that hard"
  21. >but the small filly was chocking on her tears, sobbing into Starlight's chest
  22. >was this another ruse?
  23. >Starlight, as she hated to see anyone suffering, she decided to check if it was a trap
  24. >if this filly was just trying to play on Starlight's emotions, she would definitely get angry if she was stopped by not falling for it
  25. >that would be a good proof she was still not sorry for what she did
  26. >with a pang in her chest, Starlight pulled the crying filly away from her and put her down on a floor
  27. >Cozy's reddened, teary eyes looked up at a unicorn, who gazed at her with a neutral expression
  28. >then Starlight saw something than made her blood freeze in dread
  29. >Cozy's pupils shrank to a size of pinpricks, a chocked shout of pure horror escaped her throat, then she started to back off, kicking her small hindlegs frantically
  30. >she shook her head and gasped for breath, as she crawled away, looking at the purple unicorn in terror
  31. >Starlight first was dumbfounded, then she quickly realized one thing: Cozy was not pretending
  32. "Sweet Celestia, Cozy..."
  33. >she quickly jumped down to hug back the shivering filly, but the panick attack took control of the little pegasus
  34. >she squealed, jumped on her legs and after a stiff jump slammed herself against the cloesd door
  35. "C-Cozy!"
  36. >Starlight panicked, not knowing what to do, as Cozy continued to scream, hitting the door, kicking with hooves, hitting her head against it...
  37. >after a few seconds Starlight senses came back, as she quickly wrapped Cozy in a bubble of magic
  39. >Cozy's yelps of pain turned into a continuous, heart wrenching scream, like she was getting murdered
  40. >Starlight pulled Cozy closer and wrapped her forelegs around the trashing foal
  41. >something warm has washed over her belly and hindlegs, then she noticed that Cozy has wet herself
  42. >before Cozy managed to calm down enough, Starlight received a few hoof-shaped bruises on her chest
  43. >after fifteen minutes, Cozy was calmly breathing, limply resting against Starlight's chest
  44. >a violet, shaky hoof continued to stroke across the filly's back, sometimes going down and rubbing soothingly her reddened butt
  45. >tears streamed silently from mare's eyes, disappearing in curly, blue mane
  46. >in a few minutes she will carry her to a hospital, to check if she didn't hurt herself, but after that she will have to talk with Twilight
  47. >maybe Cozy was not the only pony who made a terrible mistake, and she needed a different kind of help

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