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Last chance by RoyalBard

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-08 04:47:58
Updated: 2022-03-20 19:43:40
Expiry: Never

  1. Last chance by RoyalBard
  3. (13/11/2019)
  6. ---
  8. Pear Butter frowned, looked over at the crib.The moonlight illuminated the simple room which was occupied by a rocking chair, their bed and a crib that held a squalling infant. Somehow, Bright Mac had lost his hearing so it was up to Pear Butter to toss aside the covers and stroll over. The foal kicked and cried.
  9. Pear Butter managed a smile. "What's wrong, my precious apple?"
  10. She plucked the squirming foal up by the tail. Applejack merely wiggled and flailed her legs. Pear could tell by scent that the little one wasn't wet. Hungry?
  11. She laid down with AJ beside her, rolled over to offer her teats. (AJ was a year old, but Earth Pony magic would make her lactate for two years.) Applejack refused the meal, but did cuddle up next to her mommy. The crying didn't stop. It was a hard scream that pierced her ears. Pear Butter sighed. Her throat must have been on fire.
  12. "Little One, do you want Mommy to spank you?"
  13. The foal did not stop crying at the unfamiliar word. Pear shook her head, booped her nose. "Your askin' for a spankin' right now."
  14. She curled her tail around Applejack, opened her mouth to sing. Applejack's cries tapered off and she snuggled against her side, her mama's tail holding her close.
  15. Then Pear reached the end of the melody, the notes tapering away.
  16. The screaming started.
  17. "Alright..." Pear paused. "That was your last chance. Foals that cry all night for no good reason get spankin's."
  18. She picked the crying foal up by her tail again. sat down, laid the bundle across her lap. Applejack kicked and cried as Pear lowered her diaper and landed a very gentle tap on her bottom. More taps followed this one, a gentle rhythmic, soft smacking drumming onto her rump. The crying tapered away. Her eyelids grew heavy. Pear gave the last of the soft smacks, each one decreasing in force till they were only pats. She gave three last gentle spanks, her hoof bouncing on the foal's bottoms while AJ yawned and stretched out over her lap.
  19. AJ was still now, nearly asleep so Pear Butter pulled up her diaper and picked her back up, depositing her in her crib, placing a kiss on the sleeping foal's brow.

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