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Rumble's Penis Inspection Day by Anon

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-08 17:47:44
Updated: 2022-01-10 20:54:24
Expiry: Never

  1. Rumble's Penis Inspection Day by Anon
  4. ---
  6. It was Rumble's first Penis Inspection Day. He was nervous like all the other colts, but his big brother Thunderlane had explained that there was nothing to worry about.
  7. >"Just stay chill, lil bro...we all go through it."
  9. Miss Cheerilee gave the daily math & science lesson first. She didn't even mention Penis Inspections. Rumble began to wonder if penis inspections were real at all. Was it all a big prank? But it wasn't a prank.
  10. >"Okay my little ponies, as you know today is Penis Inspection Day. Before we go to lunch I'll need all the colts to come to the front and line up. Fillies remain at your desks and be quiet."
  11. Rumble froze in fear. Teacher wasn't even going to make the fillies leave? No fair! The colts had to leave when the fillies watched that movie about their changing bodies.
  12. None of the other colts made a fuss so Rumble did not rock the boat. He was about 6th in line. Miss Cheerilee made each colt hop up on a chair & stand up on his hind legs so she could have a good look at his penis. Featherweight was first...he was blushing, it was really embarrassing to be first. All the fillies giggled when Miss Cheerilee took a look at his skinny rod, but she shut them up quick.
  13. >"I told you to stay quiet; maybe you'd all like to write an essay or some lines while I'm inspecting the colts?"
  14. All the fillies quickly stifled their laughter, which made Rumble feel a little better.
  15. Shady Daze was next, then Truffle Shuffle, whom Miss Cheerilee instructed to take a little more time washing. Rumble was glad he'd taken a bath this morning.
  16. Then the class clowns made their mark; Snips & Snails had each dressed their members in puppet outfits with googly eyes glued on. It got a big laugh from the whole class. Even Miss Cheerilee chuckled.
  18. But now it was Rumble's turn.
  20. Trembling nervously, Rumble stepped up and took his place. He hopped up on the chair so Miss Cheerilee could inspect his penis, and reared up on his hind legs, front hooves balanced on the back of the chair. "Nothing to worry about" echoed Thunderlane's voice in his head, "I'll be over before you know it."
  21. >"OH MY CELESTIA! That's disgusting!"
  22. Miss Cheerilee recoiled in horror with a look of contempt on her face. Terrified, Rumble's face turned beet red. He could not imagine was was wrong...he knew his penis was clean...he didn't think there was anything wrong with it. He looked down between his legs to see for himself.
  24. Rumble's penis was standing straight upright...fully errect.
  25. >"Rumble, stop that right now!"
  26. Miss Cheerilee was usually so sweet & kind, but she had a look of rage on her face that poor Rumble had never seen before.
  27. >"I...I...don't know how! I'm not making it do that!"
  28. But Cheerilee did not believe him.
  29. >"Does something about this turn you on? Are you excited by this?"
  30. Tears streamed from Rumble's eyes...he wished he could fly away right now.
  31. >"I'm sorry! I don't know how to make it go down!"
  33. Miss Cheerilee scowled angrily.
  34. >"A likely story. You may think this is funny but I'll teach you this isn't a joke. Turn around and bend over my desk this instant!"
  35. Rumble's heart jumped into his throat. He'd never been paddled in school before...this wasn't even his fault! He cried and begged her not to do this.
  36. >"Miss Cheerilee, please! I can't control it, I'm sorry!"
  37. But the purple mare wasn't listening. She shoved him down on her desk with his rump sticking out. Then she picked up her terrible wooden paddle.
  39. It was rare that Cheerilee ever spanked a student, and no little pony in her class could even remember the last time any of them got paddled in front of the whole class. Even when Diamond Tiara had abused her power as Editor of the newspaper she had been taken to teacher's office for her paddling.
  40. But now Rumble knew he was going to get walloped with all his friends and classmates watching for something he had no control over. In spite of his terror Rumble's penis was still erect, bouncing around underneath him as he trembled in fear of the first awful spank.
  42. He did not have to wait long.
  43. Miss Cheerilee was not merciful as she swung the hard wooden paddle, smacking Rumble's tiny ass more times than he could count. He screamed and wept, trying to catch his breath between spanks, wanting to beg for mercy but before he could form the words the paddle stuck his rump again and those words just turned into another scream.
  45. After an agonizingly long time (in Rumble's opinion) Miss Cheerilee finally stopped. She paused to inspect her work; his little gray pegasus rump bright pink with painful red splotches.
  46. >"Now get up on the chair."
  47. Rumble couldn't believe it; after all that she was still had to inspect his penis. He did not dare disobey. Tears still running down his muzzle & snot dripping from his nose, Rumble got up into position. Amazingly, his penis was still erect.
  48. Cheerilee was not gentle, she pulled and prodded until she was satisfied. All the fillies giggled at his plight. Rumble expected meanies like Diamond Tiara & her friend Silver Spoon to laugh, but even Scootaloo & her friends giggled. He thought they were was heartbreaking. At least the other colts looks at him with sympathy.
  49. >"Alright, it's fine. You can get down, but see me after class."
  51. Rumble ate his lunch alone. A few of the other colts showed sympathy, but he wasn't in the mood for consolation. As for the fillies, he was disgusted with could they laugh at something so awful. The bullies still taunted, but he could tell that the Cutie Mark Crusaders had reconsidered & felt bad about laughing. Good; he hoped they felt awful about it.
  53. After class Miss Cheerilee gave Rumble a note to bring home to his mother. He'd known that was coming; any foal who got spanked in school had to take one home, but it still made his insides twist up in fear.
  54. He was right to be afraid. Of course Mom took Miss Cheerilee's side. She was a mare, there was no way she could understand. Rumble's mother yelled at him and sent him to his room where she arrived later to give him another (even longer) spanking with her hairbrush.
  56. Alone in his room, Rumble cursed everything.
  57. He cursed Miss Cheerilee & Mom for not understanding.
  58. He cursed the fillies in class for laughing at him.
  59. He cursed his own penis for getting hard at the wrong time.
  60. He cursed Penis Inspection Day.
  61. But then there was a knock at his door. Was it Mom to spank him again?
  62. >"C-come in."
  63. To Rumble's great relief it was his big brother, Thunderlane. He was back early from the Wonderbolt Academy!
  64. >"Hey lil bro, I heard you had kind of a rough day."
  65. Rumble sniffled and asked >"Are you mad at me too?"
  66. Thunderlane flew over lightly, sat down on his sibling's bed & wrapped a wing around him.
  67. >"No way, start from the beginning and tell me what happened."
  68. It was embarrassing to discuss his penis with his own brother, but after all that had happened today Rumble did not have a shred of pride left. Thankfully, Thunderlane was sympathetic to every word.
  70. >"I just didn't know what to do! I couldn't control it!"
  71. Rumble was getting upset to the point of tears but Thunderlane hugged him tight.
  72. >"It's okay, little bro. It's really something we can't control but there are things we can do to help."
  73. The younger pegasus sniffled and asked
  74. >"Like what?"
  75. Thunderlane got up and closed the bedroom door. He returned to the bed and explained to his little brother.
  76. >"Rumble, do you know how to satisfy yourself?"
  77. Rumble looked confused and shook his head.
  78. >"Okay, lay back like this and reach forward with your wing."
  79. Blushing, the younger pony did as he was told.
  80. >"Now grip your cock and stroke it up & down."
  81. Feeling really weird, Rumble began, but immediately stopped when it began to grow in his feathertips.
  82. >"Whhaa! No! It's getting hard again! That's what I got in trouble for!"
  83. >"No...relax bro. Nobody is gonna get mad at you, just keep going."
  84. Rumble felt really scared, but trusted his big brother and kept stroking his penis. It grew thick & hard...and began to really feel good. That made Rumble feel guilty, like he was doing something wrong.
  85. >"Thunderlane, are you sure this is okay?"
  86. >"Well, it's a little weird that I'm here watching, but just keep going. You're not doing anything wrong."
  88. Rumble continued to stroke his member until his legs began to twitch. Seeing this, Thunderlane stepped back and tossed a towel between his little brother's legs. His timing was perfect...Rumble climaxed, spurting pearly-white horse cum all over the towel and his own belly.
  89. >"Aaaagghh! Thunderlane! What's going on? Help!"
  90. The older brother laughed, but in a reassuring way that calmed Rumble.
  91. >"Relax, bro. What you just did was called ejaculating, or cumming. How did it feel?"
  92. Rumble was confused & overwhelmed, but he finally answered.
  93. >"Weird...but really good."
  95. Thunderlane smiled and nodded.
  96. >"And there's nothing wrong with it. Jerking off is just something all of us stallions have to do occasionally when we don't have a mare-friend nearby. If you do it regularly you'll cut down on disasters like you had today. It takes some of the pressure off, satisfies a need your body has."
  97. Rumble grinned broadly.
  98. >"I think I'd like to do this a lot!"
  99. That made Thunderlane laugh.
  100. >"Well, there's such a thing as doing it too much. Do it only in private, when you can be alone and lock the door."
  101. >"So if I do it enough I'll never get another stiffy in class?"
  102. Thunderlane shook his head.
  103. >"No, you're getting older. Your body is gonna do a lot of crazy stuff before it calms down. Unfortunately your dick sometimes has a mind of its own. Cheerilee & Mom were wrong to blame you for it, I'll talk to them...give them a piece of my mind.
  104. >But if you jerk off occasionally, & try to keep control of your thoughts you can limit embarrassing boners. Something that happened today turned you on, & since you were all full of unspent jizz your dick thought it was time to go to work."
  105. Rumble's eyes grew wide in embarrassment & horror.
  106. >"Something turned me on? You mean Penis Inspection Day?"
  107. His brother shook his head.
  108. >"Not likely. But having a cute mare like Cheerilee looking at your junk can ansolutely be a turn-on. And some ponies really like spanking too."
  109. >"Ewwww! Miss Cheerilee is my TEACHER! And I hate spankings!"
  110. >"You might feel differently as you get older."
  112. The two pegasus brothers talked for the rest of the evening, Thunderlane giving valuable tips about how to be a stallion.
  113. >"I wish Dad was still alive." said Rumble.
  114. >"Yeah, so do I do I."
  115. And that was how Equestria was made & also Rumble learned to masturbate.

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