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Celestia takes Anon’s clothes away by Anon

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-08 17:48:45
Updated: 2022-01-10 20:54:48
Expiry: Never

  1. Celestia takes Anon’s clothes away by Anon
  4. ---
  6. >Celestia takes Anon’s clothes away and send him off to check on her faithful student Twilight Sparkle in ponyville
  8. >Princess Celestia's royal wagon flies above Ponyville.
  9. >Its destination: Twilight Sparkle's castle.
  10. >Its passengers: Two pegasus guards drawing the wagon in their straps and one not so happy human without any clothes.
  11. >His foster mother, Princess Celestia, has forbidden him to wear any due to him constantly neglecting his most basic duties of keeping them orderly.
  12. >Bluntly put, he left them lying around all over the place.
  13. >It can't be that a grown member of the royal family is unable to keep his attire in a passable manner.
  14. >So Celestia decided to take a more drastic measure to teach him a lesson by making him go out without.
  15. >This embarrasses poor Anon who has learned to always wear clothes in public more than anything else.
  16. >Knowing this, Celestia has made things a teeny tiny bit worse for him when she decided to also send him to Twilight Sparkle.
  17. >The purple princess is known to handle difficult cases more times than not, so maybe she can teach Anon some basic values of decency where Celestia could not.
  18. >Although Celestia's definition of decency involves manners rather than clothing.
  19. >Why would she care about an attire?
  20. >They are not a mandatory part for pony society and even she as the nation's high ruler for more than a thousand years has barely worn any clothes most of the time.
  21. >Dresses are only meant to be worn for a special event, unless you are a stuck up celebrity.
  22. >Makes watching Anon throwing his stuff around all the worse for her.
  23. >The sun princess' abrupt verdict is more than justified from her point of view.
  25. >[Flashback]
  26. >Imagine a harp playing a tune here if you wish.
  27. >The incomprehensible look on Anon's face when Celestia told him the first part of her decision was a special one.
  28. >But it wasn't the best part.
  29. >Celestia led Anon to his chambers and allowed him to undress himself there.
  30. >Only she was with him to make sure he follows her order.
  31. >Anon tried to argue but Celestia calmly reminded Anon of her magic.
  32. >She can undress him remotely if necessary.
  33. >Anon gave in and removed piece after piece under Celestia's stern gaze.
  34. >She does not go into that authoritarian mood very often but she means it when it happens.
  35. >There went the shoes, socks, shirt, pants, and last the underwear.
  36. >Celestia's eyes remained prying on Anon's body.
  37. >He couldn't help it and must cover his crotch.
  38. >But Celestia magically pulled his hands away.
  39. >"Oh no, you don't. I warned you more than once, Anon. But you just didn't listen."
  40. "But-"
  41. >"No buts. My patience has run out. You must learn to take some responsibility of your own. That's why I have arranged something for you."
  42. >Someone knocked on the door.
  43. >"Go, open up. It's for you. No covering."
  44. >Anon tried to grab his clothes in a reflex.
  45. >Only for them to go poof in a magical golden light.
  46. >Celestia has teleported them away.
  47. >Somewhere safe, he guessed.
  48. >More muffled poof sounds and golden flashes told him about the fate of this remaining clothing.
  49. >The pony on the door knocked again.
  50. >"It's rude to let your guests wait, Anon. Courtly rules 101. Perhaps I need to expand your cloth embargo if you have forgotten even that."
  51. >Message received.
  52. >Anon stumbles to the exit, fighting the idea to cover or run away.
  53. >He opens the door.
  54. >A pair of pegasus guards stand there.
  55. >One is a sturdy buck.
  56. >But the other is, to Anon's shock, a well trained mare.
  57. >Both salute like they are used to, oblivious to Anon's plight.
  58. >"Sir, you transport is prepared."
  59. "My what now is what?"
  61. >"Your transport, sir. We are ordered to transfer you to princess Twilight Sparkle in Ponyville."
  62. >Anon forgets for the moment that a mare is looking straight at him.
  63. "As in right now?"
  64. >"Yes, sir."
  65. "Like this?"
  66. >"Yes, sir."
  67. >Ah yes, the amazing vocabulary of the guard.
  68. "You can't be serious!"
  69. >"I am afraid we are not ordered to jest, sir."
  70. >Celestia steps up right behind Anon.
  71. >"They are acting on my behalf. You are going to live for a while with Twilight. She's already been informed and has some tasks for you to do around town."
  72. "WHAT?"
  73. >Anon looks at Celestia with a cold stare of disbelief.
  74. "You can't do that to me! Everyone will se me naked."
  75. >She raises an eyebrow.
  76. >"So? What's the problem?"
  77. "It's fucking indecent! That's the problem!"
  78. >"Mind your words. Overly cursing is not suitable for someone in your position. Besides, this isn't true in Equestria, in case you have forgotten."
  79. "Shit!"
  80. >"One week more."
  81. >One week?
  82. "One fu-."
  83. >No.
  84. >Not falling for it a second time.
  85. >The guardsmare talks to Anon.
  86. >"Sir, if you would follow us, please? Ponyville is waiting for our arrival."
  87. >Suddenly snapping out of the stupor and understanding who is talking to him, Anon immediately covers himself.
  88. >"I must ask you to refrain from covering yourself. You mother has been very clear about this matter."
  89. "During the whole trip?"
  90. >Celestia chimes in.
  91. >"And your stay in Ponyville. Don't attempt to cheat, Anon. I have notified Twilight in due time. She will make sure you live to my instructions."
  92. >Anon obliges.
  93. >He has no other choice anyway.
  94. >He follows the pair wordless into the hallway, nervously looking around who could see him.
  95. >Celestia says some last words to them before they leave.
  96. >"You will see this is for your own good, Anon. I have faith in you."
  97. >Anon keeps his thoughts to himself.
  98. >They would bring him at least another month of penal nudity.
  100. >The trip through the castle was mostly harmless.
  101. >It was outside the official court hours, so the group only met other guard posts and ponies from the castle staff.
  102. >Seeing how Anon was escorted by two ponies in full gear, they left them to their own devices.
  103. >Anon's nudity has not raised any large attention.
  104. >Although he could have sworn a few mares were observing him secretly.
  105. >Maybe this was true, maybe not.
  106. >He can't tell for sure.
  107. >But it happened too often for him to not cover up again.
  108. >The buck was the first to speak.
  109. >"Sir, our instructions say-"
  110. "I don't care! You can't parade me around like this!"
  111. >The mare spoke next.
  112. >"Please, we are bound to our orders, We must take action if you do to cooperate. Order of the princess."
  113. >Anon grudgingly lowered his hands.
  114. >His embarrassment of walking around in the castle exposed knew no limits.
  115. >But additionally, possibly, getting physically overwhelmed and sandwiched by a stallion and a mare clad in metal on top of that was even worse.
  116. >It would have become an awkward moment for Anon with their armor not covering their undersides.
  117. >No matter who ended up where.
  118. >But the stallion holding him from behind and the mare grabbing him frontally was perhaps the scarier option of the two.
  119. >There was no way to get out for Anon.
  120. >But maybe he may do something else.
  121. >Anon slowed down just a notch.
  122. >The guards trotted a step ahead, not saying a word.
  123. >Anon's pace quickened to match the guards' speed again.
  124. >Out of their direct sight, he subtly raised his hands.
  125. >The guardsmare's tail lashed out, swatting Anon's penis sharply before he can cover himself.
  126. >His best bit dangled wildly from side to side causing Anon to tremble and shout out in surprise.
  127. >The hit was not painful but stout.
  128. >Enough to have left a lasting impression for minutes.
  129. >"Sir, please."
  130. >Anon obliged to avoid more hits.
  131. >And he was afraid of getting flustered by her hits.
  132. >This was the last thing he needed.
  134. >[Back to the present]
  135. >The wagon lands, coming to a stop.
  136. >Anon steps down from the flying magic cart.
  137. >The guards remove their straps to escort him all the way to his final destination.
  138. >They will not let him get a chance to do something stupid.
  139. >Flanking Anon on both sides, they lead him up to the door, make him knock, and wait until Twilight Sparkle finally opens the door to receive him.
  140. >"Hello Anon and come in! I've been waiting for you."
  141. >Twilight does not examine his body for a second.
  142. >For her it is natural to wear nothing.
  143. >More so than for most other ponies.
  144. >She does not even bear any status trinkets like all the other princesses do.
  145. >The two guards bid their adieu and return to the royal wagon.
  146. >Twilight gives Anon a quick tour through his new home for the next days or weeks.
  147. >The place is empty compared to Canterlot castle.
  148. >No guards or staff, and barely any visitors.
  149. >Perfect to hide when he doesn't have to be outside.
  150. >"I heard you have been a naughty boy recently."
  151. "That's what Celestia said."
  152. >"It'll be true then. She isn't a liar. You have a problem with your clothes?"
  153. "Crap, she told you this? My mother doesn't like the way I wear them."
  154. >"Or how you leave stuff behind, perhaps?"
  155. >[...]
  156. >She shows him another room.
  157. >"This will be yours for the time you're here. The bed and desk are prepared for you. Don't bother looking for clothes though."
  158. "Hrmpf."
  159. >"And don't make yourself comfortable yet. Celestia has brought you over because she thinks you need to have some-"
  160. "Responsibility training, I know."
  161. >"And a cure for your clothing addiction."
  162. "What the fuck?"
  163. >"It's alright, I don't judge you. Nopony is perfect. But please understand I can't let you have any. It's for your own good."
  164. "Sounds almost like an echo."
  166. >She leads Anon to the main hall with the table/plot device.
  167. >"Take a seat."
  168. >He does.
  169. >[One long Twilight Sparkle introduction lecture later]
  170. "So I shall help you with some errands throughout the town."
  171. >"Yes."
  172. "Naked."
  173. >"Yes."
  174. "That's screwed up, Twilight. Everyone will see me."
  175. >"So what? Ponies don't wea-"
  176. "Don't give me that slogan. Your mentor chanted all that over and over."
  177. >Twilight sighs and brings forth a notebook and a pen.
  178. >"Alright, assessment time. You clearly have a deeply rooted resentment against it. Please try to tell me exactly what bothers you the most about exposing yourself."
  179. "Because it's wrong where I come from!"
  180. >"Anon, you have arrived in Equestria many, many years ago. You don't need to cling to these habits here."
  181. "But I don't like showing myself to others."
  182. >"Then why do you neglect your own suits constantly if you value them so highly?"
  183. >[...]
  184. >"Anon, listen. Princess Celestia asked me to do you two a favor. I'm always happy to help out, but everything would be so much easier if you cooperate."
  185. >Judging that he has no real option left, but also because he has a hard time sitting on these hard chairs with his bare butt, he agrees.
  186. "Kay."
  187. >"Great. You will see, most ponies do not care about you wearing not clothes."
  188. "You bet bits on that? I had a mare spanking my dick with her tail after five minutes, Twilight."
  189. >Twilight blinks in confusion.
  190. >"What.?"
  191. "By the order of the princess."
  192. >"I, uh-"
  193. "Ask her."
  194. >"Anon, our list just got longer."
  195. "Huh?"
  196. >"I am going to need more scrolls for this evening. Maybe some wine too."
  198. >Minutes later, a concerned Twilight leaves the castle.
  199. >An also concerned (for different reasons) and very much so naked Anon follows her.
  200. >Twilight explained to him that their plan for today consists of multiple smaller errands to get supplies for some holiday preparations.
  201. >Anon did not hear her tell him the name of it, but ponies have way too many of those anyway.
  202. >His concerns are more urgent for him.
  203. >Because Twilight leads him through the busy streets of Ponyville.
  204. >She has even thought of a plan to keep him from covering up when she isn't looking.
  205. >He has to pull two smaller trolleys with handles in which they will transport some of the things they are picking up around the town.
  206. >Which means both of Anon's hands are occupied at all times.
  207. >It's high noon in the town.
  208. >Ponies rush around everywhere.
  209. >Some greet Twilight, others are busy with their own things.
  210. >But more than enough spot her little entourage on two legs.
  211. >Most know about Celestia's adopted son, but almost nopony around here has ever seen him before.
  212. >Naturally, they examine Anon from head to toe, not leaving a single spot out.
  213. >This is bad enough for his confidence, but it's not all Anon has to endure.
  214. >Some enthusiastic ponies want to make a photo with him.
  215. >And Twilight, being the natural example of stuck up friendship herself, encourages Anon to grant these wishes.
  216. >He has to pose both alone and with other ponies.
  217. >Much to his chagrin, literally every photo catches a view on things he had rather preferred to keep secret.
  218. >Though the high point of this embarrassment is a mare who is so overjoyed about her being on a photo with a royal person that she simply hugs him with a zeal, her chest inadvertently pressing Anon's penis against his scrotum.
  219. >Anon must hold his breath to keep himself from screaming in shame as the mare's warm coat rubs against him.
  220. >Fortunately she lets him go before he unintentionally pushes back.
  222. >"Are you feeling better about yourself now?"
  223. "What? After getting molested by a pony?"
  224. >"I don't think a friendly hug counts as molestation, Anon."
  225. "She fiddled with my bits, Twilight!"
  226. >"Are you so easy to agitate that normal physical contact makes you nervous? Have you not cuddled with your family when you were younger?"
  227. "I told you I'm not used to this!"
  228. >"May I test something?"
  229. "As long as you don't hug me like she did, yes."
  230. >"Okay."
  231. >Twilight Sparkle's horn erupts in purple light.
  232. >A weak telekinetic aura forms around Anon's crotch.
  233. >"How does that feel?"
  234. "What the fu-"
  235. >His hands rush to the offending energy field, but fingers can't disperse magic.
  236. >"It's just a minor force. I'm not going to do anything to you."
  237. "Let go!"
  238. >"In a minute, I'm testing something."
  239. >But Anon doesn't have a minute.
  240. >His nature calls and takes its toll as his growing erection is kept back mercilessly by Twilight's magic.
  241. "FUCK!"
  242. >Twilight realizes what is going on and cancels the spell.
  243. >Anon's erected limb shoots out as soon as it is no longer trapped by a dome of magic.
  244. >Standing out for everyone to see.
  245. >He tries to cover it up, but not matter how hard he tries, his situation is unmistakable to anyone with a working brain.
  246. >"Incredible. I've never seen anyone with such a low tolerance level."
  247. "This is your fault! How could you do this? Now I'll be the laughingstock of the whole town!"
  248. >"Okay okay, calm down. I've got just what you need."
  249. >A different spell lashes out of Twilight's horn.
  250. >It hits Anon at the exact same place as the first.
  251. >But instead of forming a barrier, it cancels out the erection immediately.
  252. >Alongside all other sensations.
  253. >Anon's privates grow completely numb.
  254. >In a rush of total panic, he checks with his hands and eyes what is going on.
  255. >Everything is still there.
  256. >He just doesn't feel it.
  257. "TWILIGHT!"
  258. >"Relaxant spell. Lasts for a few hours. Now you can interact with ponies without being scared of, you know what. It's the perfect solution."
  260. "You're lucky you didn't hit my bladder."
  261. >"I'm not a rookie with spells. Or lacking in anatomy expertise."
  262. >Anon fumbles a little more with his fingers down there.
  263. >Everything is blocked out and limp, from the penis to the scrotum.
  264. "Please tell me you can remove that."
  265. >"It is possible to counter, but complicated. "You should just let it fade on its own, the spell is safe and the side effects of an early cancellation are just not worth it."
  266. >Anon looks nervous.
  267. "Side effects?"
  268. >"Draining the spell's power from nerves is known to go wrong sometimes. The consequence are painful temporary irritations."
  269. "How painful are we talking?"
  270. >"Constant nerve firing painful. Akin to a cramp."
  271. "Oh no, not near to my family vault."
  272. >"Then let the spell ebb away naturally. You will know when it happens."
  273. >Anon grumbles.
  274. "Twilight, no more spells without my agreement."
  275. >"But you agreed to it. I asked to test something, you said yes. I'm sorry it went not as I expected."
  276. >Anon curses some more, but that does very little to impress the spell in his special place.
  277. >His groin remains numb, full stop.
  278. >They move on, heading for the marketplace in the heart of the town.
  279. >By now Anon has gotten used to ponies eyeing him, but his discomfort was only shut out so fast because he has a whole new issue to struggle with.
  280. >Caused by the numbness, one certain part of him dangles around even more than usual.
  281. >It flops constantly against his legs with audible meaty sounds.
  282. >But he only feels half of it.
  283. >The other doesn't exist for him.
  284. >As if he is getting slapped with the meat of a stranger, Anon figures.
  285. >Surely this will slowly drive him crazy.
  286. "I swear, I'll write an apology to Celestia if she ends this mess right now."
  287. >Nothing comes.
  288. >Except the market.
  289. >That thing is nearing just fine.
  290. >And something tells Anon that his punishment has only just begun.
  292. >Market booths and ponies everywhere.
  293. >Twilight navigates both of them through the place and towards pre selected merchants.
  294. >Anon draws some attention to himself.
  295. >Although most ponies here rather focus on their current business.
  296. >On more than one occasion however does Anon unintentionally bump against a pony or a pony against him.
  297. >Short glances and mutually muttered excuses solve the situations, but Anon realizes how ponies see more of him than just his genitals.
  298. >His complete body is like an open book.
  299. >Anon becomes aware of this after a mare's flank has grazed his butt while her tail wanders across and between his lower legs, making him jump up in alarm.
  300. >And thanks to Anon's incredible luck, he loses his footing and falls buttocks first to the ground with a mucky splash.
  301. >Thanks to said luck, he has hit one of the many grass patches around the market.
  302. >He sits on the still lightly wet and earthy plot with his bare rump.
  303. >This is going to stick.
  304. >Great, not only does he have to run around like a nudist model, he now also gives everyone a new attraction to observe.
  305. >The mare runs up to him and looks down on Anon while he sits in the mud.
  306. >"Oh dear, I am terribly sorry for this, mister Anon. I swear it wasn't done on purpose."
  307. >She stretches out a hoof.
  308. >But he keeps quiet and does not react because his body is busy with a batch of mixed signals.
  309. >There is his overt shame of lying in the dirt like a retarded child while the rest of the world watches him.
  310. >Then there is this mare who now feels compelled to deal with him because she has just shoved a royal person into the green.
  311. >Worst of all, Anon feels aroused after having her hair wiggle between his legs.
  312. >And this last thing completely screws his mind.
  313. >He knows he is blushing, he feels the arousal, and he fears of going erect again.
  314. >But there is no feedback down there, forcing his instincts off the rails as his brain expects to register a swelling.
  315. >It is well and truly a magnificent clusterfuck.
  317. >"Mister, are you alright?"
  318. >The pony keeps staring at Anon, concerned about her own future.
  319. >He watches deadpan into the distance and questions his own life.
  320. "Why is it always a mare?"
  321. >Twilight comes over and heaves Anon up with her magic.
  322. >"Anon? Are you hurt?"
  323. "You mean despite my dignity? I think my crotch feels sterile."
  324. >The mare who startled Anon is on the brink of fainting.
  325. >Surely she gets tossed into the dungeon for this.
  326. >But Twilight waves it away by swatting Anon's side with her own tail.
  327. >"Don't startle ponies like that! It was an accident."
  328. >She turns to the paralyzed mare.
  329. >"Don't worry, I'll handle things from here. Please move along."
  330. >"Are you sure I didn't-"
  331. >"You did nothing wrong, don't worry."
  332. >The mare nods and leaves the scene in a hurry.
  333. >"Anon, that was not considerate at all."
  334. "What? It's the truth."
  335. >"But unrelated. You made her think she hurt you badly. That's not funny!"
  336. >She releases Anon to stand on his own.
  337. >"You are in dire need of some friendship lessons. More so than I've thought."
  338. >He takes a quick look at his dirty backside.
  339. "A good cleaning, more likely."
  340. >Twilight facehooves.
  341. >Then she gets an idea and smiles with a hint of mischief in her expression.
  342. >"You know, you're right. Let's clean you up."
  343. "Here?"
  344. >"No. Let's go behind a bush. I can clean you with my magic."
  345. >She goes on with a hushed voice.
  346. >"And teach you some manners."
  347. "Sorry? I didn't quite get that."
  348. >"Nothing. And Anon? Did you know some swear on a compassionate but firm spanking on the rear end for severely misbehaving foals? I disagreed. Until today."
  349. "What? You can't-"
  350. >Twilight catches Anon with her magic.
  351. >"As the princess of friendship, I can. And you need to learn how to show at least a little respect to the ponies around you."
  352. >Anon begins to look very uncomfortable in his skin.
  353. >"But don't worry, I won't use a relaxant spell this time."
  355. >[In bushy spot not far away from the market]
  356. >Twilight drags Anon into a neatly covered area.
  357. "You aren't really going to spank me."
  358. >Silence.
  359. "Right?"
  360. >"Right. I will clean you up."
  361. >She releases Anon from her purple grip of doom.
  362. >"Now show me your rear and hold still."
  363. >Unsure what else to do, he obliges.
  364. >Twilight charges her horn again and focuses telekinetic energy to the dirt on Anon's behind.
  365. >But her way of removing it is not what Anon expected.
  366. >She does not pick it up in a magical field like most unicorns do.
  367. >Twilight lashes out with lowly charged magic bolts, causing the dried mud to flake off violently.
  368. >The impact of her magic is strong enough to bruise his butt cheeks
  369. >Like a spanking.
  370. >A magical one.
  371. >Anon jolts and gasps, but he knows he can't shout.
  372. >Unless he wants everyone nearby to rush over and see how he is getting a moral lesson from the one and only friend horse herself.
  373. >And Twilight hammers down the point vehemently.
  374. >"This. Happens. When. Foals. Bully. Other. Ponies. For. No. Good. Reason. Anon."
  375. >Every word comes with a strike against Anon's vulnerable flesh.
  376. >A single one he could take with ease.
  377. >Two or three may be annoying and not much else.
  378. >But a dozen or more little lessons from an irritated unicorn begin to burn nasty.
  379. >"Be. A. Good. Boy. And. Get. Treated. Well. Mister."
  380. >Anon is no longer sure if there is still mud on his behind.
  381. >Though he is in no position to question Twilight.
  382. >"But. Bad. Foals. Need. En. Cou. Rage. Ment."
  383. >One last word, and this one is followed by a surprise.
  384. >"Understand?"
  385. >She fires a mild electrical charge which zaps his behind completely with an electrical lash, almost making him keel over again.
  386. >Anon breathes heavily and endures his flaming cheeks.
  387. >His butt must look like a disaster area.
  388. >He turns his head around.
  389. >Nothing out of ordinary to see.
  390. >But the fire still rages in his nerves.
  391. >Twilight stomps with a hoof on the ground.
  392. "Y-yes, Twilight."
  393. >"Very good. Now behave yourself."
  395. >[Back at the market]
  396. >A much more relaxed and composed Twilight trots her way trough the area.
  397. >Anon follows with the two trolleys in tow.
  398. >His steps have become more wobbly than before.
  399. >For an external viewer it would look like as if Anon suffers from some back pain.
  400. >The ponies around them do not pay enough attention to notice that though.
  401. >On the bright side, Anon doesn't think too much about what ponies could see of him.
  402. >But his mood is still abysmal.
  403. >Twilight walks up to a booth that sells exotic plants.
  404. >At least the pony merchant is a stallion for once.
  405. >And he mostly ignores Anon because Twilight is the apparent interested customer.
  406. >This of course works in Anon's favor.
  407. >A few minutes of conversation and sporty bartering later she buys some herbs which Anon has never even heard of.
  408. >"Anon? Could you take the bag and put it on the trolley?
  409. "Kay."
  410. >Anon is still more than sulky after the last events, but this seems like an easy thing to do.
  411. >Nothing can go wrong this time around.
  412. >Right?
  413. >But as it turns out, someone somewhere in the grand cosmic order was stretching out a huge middle finger.
  414. >Because Anon just so happens to step on a sharp stone with his bare foot.
  415. >He receives a nasty little cut.
  416. >That's no grave injury, but what follows makes more than just up for this.
  417. >Anon falls a second time, rump first.
  418. >But not into the mud.
  419. >He is unlucky enough to knock over a bunch of interesting little plants that land on him in turn.
  420. >Unpleasant ones on top of that.
  421. >Anon is shocked to see a shrub of blackberries lining along his belly.
  422. >But worse, a cactus lies on the side near his leg, pinning his penis.
  423. >And a handful of burrs got entangled near his sack.
  424. >Knowing has no fucking clue as to how much damage that dealt to him, he panics.
  425. >But he can't just rip them off either.
  426. >Who knows what that can do to him.
  427. >He can only do one thing.
  428. "Twilight! HELP!"
  429. >The yell sounds loudly across the market.
  430. >Anon's dignity is officially dead.
  432. >The purple pony stares in disbelief.
  433. >The merchant next to her stares in disbelief, worry, and anger.
  434. >He apparently doesn't like to have his wares stuck on royal testicles.
  435. >Twilight carefully releases him from these plants, but too much is too much.
  436. "That's it! This town is out for me! Every little thing here tries to hurt, shove, spank, or castrate me."
  437. >"Anon, please-"
  438. "No! I'm going back to the castle. I don't care what you do with my ass because I'm unruly again!"
  439. >The ponies in the crowd listen with strange interest, but don't say a word.
  440. >They heard everything.
  441. >Anon limps away, the trolleys still with him, and cursing heavily without pause.
  442. >He doesn't care anymore that he's naked.
  443. >He doesn't care that his limping make his penis dangle like crazy.
  444. >He doesn't care about the ponies who look a him like a demonspawn from Tartarus.
  445. >Anon wants to be left alone.
  446. >And Twilight was unable to stop or follow Anon.
  447. >The not so happy merchant kept her at the market and demanded some form of compensation for his ruined plants.
  448. >Royalty or not, they can't just run around and wreck stuff.
  449. >And so she has to stay until everything is settled.
  451. >After having made up for the damages to the merchant, Twilight leaves to get back home.
  452. >It has taken some time for her to calm the wound up pony.
  453. >He has every reason to be upset with his stock being so reduced by Anon's unlucky fall.
  454. >She assumes Anon had enough time to get to the castle.
  455. >Hopefully he didn't get any ideas to run away or so.
  456. >As stern as Celestia's punishment is, she never wanted Anon to suffer.
  457. >And at first it seemed like Twilight should adapt Celestia's strict approach because she thought his mother would know best.
  458. >But that didn't work out and failed spectacularly instead.
  459. >Anon's behaviour was insufferable, yes.
  460. >But Twilight has pushed things a little too far as well.
  461. >Maybe all he needs is an outstretched hoof.
  462. >Twilight walks through the door.
  463. >Nobody is in the hallways.
  464. >Two trolleys are parked unceremoniously near the doors.
  465. >Anon has been here.
  466. >"Oh, let's hope he still is."
  467. >She walks up to his room.
  468. >The door is closed.
  469. >Twilight knocks on the door.
  470. >Much to her relief, she gets an answer.
  471. "Leave me alone! I'm hurting all over already! What else could you want now?"
  472. >"I want to talk to you. May I come in? Just to talk?"
  473. >Waiting for a second.
  474. >"Please?"
  475. >Twilight puts all the friendly notions she can muster into this word.
  476. [...]
  477. "Fine."
  478. >She exhales in relief and enters.
  479. >Anon sits hunched down under the window, looking out at the sky.
  480. >He is holding a small tissue against his cut wound.
  481. >The fabric has turned deep red.
  482. >"How are you feeling?"
  483. "Stumped where it counts and hurting where I shouldn't. What do you want?"
  484. >"I think I need to apologize."
  485. "What?"
  487. >"I put too much pressure on you and lashed out when things went wrong. I should have seen the signs much earlier."
  488. >She closes the door behind her.
  489. >"I have no idea what the issue with your clothes was about in Canterlot, but I don't think you're so mean under normal circumstances.
  490. "Gee, thank you very much."
  491. >"Don't misunderstand, I was wrong to act so abrupt. Clearly the whole wearing nothing matter is a big deal to you."
  492. "Kinda said this before, Twilight."
  493. >"I know. And that's why I apologize. I wish to start anew."
  494. "What does that mean?"
  495. >"A compromise. I don't want to snub Celestia outright by disregarding her wishes, but maybe we can reduce the pace, if you catch my drift."
  496. "So?"
  497. >"So the no clothes rule remains still intact and we start things slower than before."
  498. >Anon doesn't very happy about this idea.
  499. >"Hear me out. We do this in stages. At first you stay here with me and help me with little tasks inside. When you feel comfortable enough, we will invite some friends. And lastly, we get out in the open."
  500. "That will take more than a week."
  501. >"No problem. There's more than enough to do in a home like this. Celestia has never specified how long you should stay either."
  502. >Anon begins to consider.
  503. "You think she'll be fine with that?"
  504. >"Why not? I doubt she'll worry about you when she knows you're in my care. We went through thick and thin together."
  505. >[...]
  506. >"So what do you say, Anon? Will you let me help you with some real friendship lessons?"
  508. "Only if you promise not to break me."
  509. >"Oh Anon, that was never my intent, I swear."
  510. >Anon removes the tissue and looks at his wound.
  511. "Maybe its better when Celestia doesn't know what happened here."
  512. >Twilight observes Anon's cut from the distance.
  513. >"Yes. Please let me take a look. Maybe I can help."
  514. >Anon looks at her with a dubious expression.
  515. "With a spell?"
  516. >"Don't need a spell for that. Some regular cleaning and a bandage will do it too."
  517. "I didn't know you're a medical pony, Twilight."
  518. >"I've read a book or two on first aid. I'd be a poor librarian if I didn't."
  519. >Twilight holds true to her promise.
  520. >She cleans, disinfects, and bandages the incision like a trained professional.
  521. >"Want another relaxant spell for it?"
  522. "Doesn't that make me lame for hours?"
  523. >"Don't worry about that. You won't need to walk for the first task."
  524. "Okay. Accepted as a show of good faith. Please don't make me regret it."
  525. >Twilight channels the spell through her horn and aims for Anon's leg.
  526. >The pain disappears.
  527. >And his control over the limb too.
  528. "Oh crap, I'm crippled."
  529. >"Allow me."
  530. >Anon feels how his body is enveloped by a purple aura.
  531. >It gently carries him to the bed and plants him straight on it.
  532. "Uh, what are you going to do?"
  533. >"To catch up on something you should have had long ago."
  534. >She steps on the bed as well lies down next to Anon.
  535. "Whoa whoa whoa, wait a second. You aren't going to do what I think you are doing. Are you?"
  536. >"So what? What's the problem?"
  537. "But I'm not in the mood for sex!"
  538. >He looks down on his body and his first numb spot.
  539. "Much less in the right shape."
  540. >Twilight stops in her tracks.
  542. >And she also blushes a little.
  543. >"Uh what? Who said that? I just wanted to cuddle with you. To, you know, reduce your physical tension around others."
  544. "Oh. That's not what I'm used to know about sharing a bed."
  545. >"I see we have a lot work ahead of us."
  546. >Twilight rolls to the side and reaches out her hooves out to Anon as an offer.
  547. >Anon begins to shiver.
  548. "I must warn you though. What you are about to do is seen as more than just 'friendship' where I come from. It feels like that to me too."
  549. >"Then it's good we're in Equestria, Anon. And we don't have to worry about you getting too motivated either thanks to my spell."
  550. "Twilight, that doesn't block my emotions. It still feels like you try to get hitched quickly."
  551. >"Then I say let's tear down this idea. The longer we hug and cuddle, the less you will think of it as a taboo."
  552. "You're really in for it, aren't you?"
  553. >"For a friendship? I sure am."
  554. >She hugs Anon on the bed and presses her body against his.
  555. >Anon can feel Twilight's coat almost everywhere on his bare skin.
  556. >Although she does not reveal any sexual intention whatsoever, Anon blushes heavily.
  557. >The rest of his body (minus the most overt one) shows similar symptoms.
  558. >Nevertheless, he musters enough courage and discipline to hug Twilight too.
  559. >He has no idea how long she wants to go on like this, but he silently hopes it ends before the spell on genitals wears off.
  560. >Because Anon knows what will happen otherwise.
  562. >Antsy about his own body reactions, Anon wants something else to happen, fast.
  563. >Twilight can't stay long in his grip, or something embarrassing is about to happen.
  564. "And now?"
  565. >"We stay here. We have nowhere else to go"
  566. "Didn't you say something about a pony holiday of sorts? About stuff you planned to buy as preparation?"
  567. >Twilight hugs Anon all the tighter.
  568. >"It's fine. I've learned to include time frames for important delays in my schedules."
  569. "Friendship lessons count as important, don't they?"
  570. >More force.
  571. >Twilight does not relent.
  572. >Anon is stuck with her.
  573. >She points this out with finality as she levels a blanket on them with her magic.
  574. >And with his own erotic mind doing what it normally does, it is conjuring up certain images involving him and the purple mare next to him.
  575. >He can't escape his own brain doing natural things, even if he absolutely does not want to have these thoughts.
  576. >Anon knows he would be more than just masting if he could at the moment.
  577. >The numbing spell is his only saving grace.
  578. >Surely she must know it too, right?
  579. >He told her this very clearly.
  580. >But what if she can't deal with it?
  581. >He'll get hard as soon as the magic spell dies.
  582. >That will be a number in any case.
  583. >But Twilight has embraced Anon so thoroughly that he can't even say for certain where his bits are touching her.
  584. >It could be an innocent spot.
  585. >Or not.
  586. >Hell, he can't even say for sure where her legs are with one limp limb of his own.
  587. >He pictures where he could be touching her and how it can go sideways.
  588. "Twilight, I'm not sure we should to this."
  589. >"I am. This time I'll help you correctly."
  590. >Anon believes she vastly underestimates what she is dealing with.
  591. >Though no form or objection will help to change her mind.
  592. >She is determined to see this through.
  594. >Anon begins to calm as time passes.
  595. >With his situation being inescapable, he reasons he can't keep the panic up forever.
  596. >His body gives up the fight eventually, making him come to terms with the mare in his arms.
  597. >The erotic thoughts dwindle as well, much to Anon's relief.
  598. >Or so he thought.
  599. >Anon can ignore his more basic instincts after a while.
  600. >But now the spell begins to wane too.
  601. >A prickling sets in where numbness fades, making him more than aware about the spell's imminent failure.
  602. "Uh oh."
  603. >"Is there a problem?"
  604. "Your spell's running out. The first one, I mean."
  605. >"About time."
  606. "That's all you have to say?"
  607. >Twilight rubs her body on Anon's.
  608. >He can feel himself twitching in areas he has no control over.
  609. "I can't take any responsibility for things that may happen now, Twilight."
  610. >"Are you meaning this?"
  611. >Twilight carefully pats Anon's fifth limb with a hoof.
  612. >He can barely feel it through the still partially working spell.
  613. >But enough to know what is going on.
  614. >And also for his little friend to get it on.
  615. >Anon is not able to get fully erect yet, but it can already move fairly well on its own, rubbing against parts of Twilight's body which Anon still can't make out properly with his limited body control.
  616. >But Twilight knows.
  617. >"I think we can handle this. It was to be expected."
  618. >Her confidence is calming, though Anon has no idea what she plans.
  620. >Twilight shifts a little around, getting some distance between her and Anon, and reaches out to Anon's crotch with a hoof a second time.
  621. >But instead of petting it, she directs it to rest neatly between her and Anon's body before she closes the gap again.
  622. >He can now feel her belly pressing against his, and the faint hint of something else in between.
  623. >Anon realizes he will feel his penis nestling against Twilight's belly when the nerves will fully work again.
  624. "That's your plan?"
  625. >"It is."
  626. "But how does that help? This position is totally obscene for people like us!"
  627. >"Pff. It's not like we're going to do anything wrong here, right? I'm your surrogate cuddle family for today so you can see me as such.
  628. "And family members don't lewd with each other."
  629. >"Precisely. Most of them don't."
  630. "What."
  631. >"Nothing you need to be concerned about. It's just us. Doing family things. I mean you're Celestia's official son, so you belong basically to the family."
  632. >[...]
  633. "Wait, did your family have ince-"
  634. >"Nope. Ours, never. It's a rare event and nothing I want to start now."
  635. >Twilight moves a little around.
  636. >Not very much at once and with only very little force, but every single shift makes her coat hair run over Anon's exposed bits.
  638. >The intensity increases with Anon's returning senses, making Twilight's movement much harder to ignore.
  639. >She's giving him effectively a, what, a coatjob?
  640. >He can barely believe such a thing exists but now he is currently at the receiving end of one.
  641. "Twilight, could you please not move around? You're doing things to me."
  642. >"That's the idea. You shall get familiar with direct physical closeness. You no longer need your clothes for that, Anon. Equestria is a friendly enough place to live without them."
  643. >She shows no intent to stop.
  644. "No, it's not that! You're going to-"
  645. >Twilight doesn't care and doubles down.
  646. >Anon's body begins to shiver.
  647. "-make a mess!"
  648. >Twilight grins smugly, challenging Anon.
  649. >"Relax, I know what I am doing. You'll be fine."
  650. >Anon tries to gain some distance.
  651. >But so deep in Twilight's grasp and with only one working leg, there's precious little he can do.
  652. >Anon gasps and breathes rapidly.
  653. "Twilight,-"
  654. >"I need to agitate you. That's the only way for you to free yourself from those pent up tensions."
  655. >And as she quickly finds out, she is partially right.
  656. >Though the tensions free themselves differently than she thought.
  657. >Twilight triggers Anon's senses too much, making him press himself actively against her.
  658. >The resulting pressure of their combined force and the building heat eventually does it for Anon.
  659. >He can't help himself and blows his load straight out, tainting both his skin and Twilight's neat purple coat.
  660. >"Eek!"
  661. >Twilight is genuinely flabbergasted.
  662. >At first she jolts, then she freezes as the realization of what she just did kicks in.
  663. >"Anon, I-"
  664. "Told you this would happen."
  665. >She does not want to openly show her discomfort, but covering her coat in seed was not what Twilight planned to do today.
  666. "Does this now count as incest?"
  668. >Twilight breaks the hug for the moment to inspect the damage.
  669. >She isn't all that happy about what she sees, but she keeps her poker face mostly intact.
  670. >"It's alright, it's alright. We can fix this."
  671. >She raises from the bed, careful not to smear anything.
  672. >"Come with me, we'll have to clean up."
  673. "Uh, Twilight?"
  674. >"Yes?"
  675. >Anon points at his bandaged leg.
  676. >"Oh. That."
  677. >Twilight sighs.
  678. >"New plan: Stay here, I'll be back."
  679. >Anon would have asked how the hell he is supposed to leave anyway, but Twilight is already gone.
  680. >With idle time at his hands, he observes what Twilight has seen.
  681. >It doesn't look too remarkable for him, but the context matters.
  682. >He threw Twilight's plan straight off the rails.
  683. >Now that he thinks about it, that may not be such a surprise after all.
  684. >Twilight doesn't strike him as a pony who had very many dates in the past.
  685. >This little accident could very well be the closest she has ever gotten to actual sex.
  686. >When she wasn't even trying to get it.
  687. "Way to go, Anon. You make everything weird."
  688. >Twilight returns.
  689. >She has sporadically cleansed the worst offending spots from her coat, though some still remain.
  690. >There are also several rags hanging in her magic grip.
  691. >"Gosh, you have no idea how hard it is to get this out of a coat."
  692. >Twilight throws a pair of rags over to Anon while she cleans herself further.
  693. >"We're lucky nopony else is here. What would Spike think? Or someone else?"
  694. >Anon notices a light shift in Twilight's demeanor. She is blushing and wobbling.
  695. >Her eyes betray a nervousness Anon can't explain.
  696. "Twilight? Is something the matter?"
  697. >"Hehehe. I'm fine, Anon."
  698. >She tries to hide her real mood behind a fake laughter.
  699. "I mean it. Are you alright?"
  700. >She raises her left foreleg and her right hindleg.
  701. >"What? Of course! Why should I not?"
  702. >Skittish.
  703. "Twilight, tell me."
  704. >"But-"
  705. "Just do it."
  706. >"Aah, fine! I'm nervous, Anon! Your outburst gets me riled up!"
  708. "I couldn't prevent it, sorry."
  709. >"Yes, but that doesn't help. I feel it glued to my coat, the smell in the air, ugh!"
  710. >Twilight shakes her body like a wet dog.
  711. >But to no avail.
  712. >"I've never felt like this before and I-"
  713. "You didn't want to be in this situation. You know what, that sounds awfully familiar."
  714. >He does not try to sound impolite or resentful.
  715. >Just stating these words speaks for itself.
  716. >"Yes."
  717. >Anon scrubs himself with the rags as good as possible.
  718. "No hard feelings from my side, Twilight. And it's nothing personal against you, but I still feel awkward."
  719. >"I can see why. But if it's any consolation, you are not the only one."
  720. "That's not what a mentor should say to a student."
  721. >"Fair, but I have never been in this situation before."
  722. "Oh, I thought you cuddled with ponies in the past."
  723. >"That wasn't what I meant, Anon. Look."
  724. >Twilight turns around on the spot to show Anon her rear.
  725. >She flicks her tail to the side, revealing a fully opened marehood."
  726. >A seconds later, and she faces Anon again."
  727. >"You see? And I'm not going to use a rag for that spot."
  728. >[...]
  729. >"Anon?"
  730. "Don't tell me I found your fetish or something."
  731. >"Urgh, no. It must be pheromones in the air, I assume. But it turns thinking straight into a nightmare."
  732. "You wanna quit?"
  733. >"No! I'm not. Giving. Up."
  734. >She calms her senses as far as she can
  735. >"We'll resume cuddling soon."
  736. >Anon realizes she will come into his bed again.
  737. >With this winking thing.
  738. >And something tells him it will not harmlessly.
  740. >Twilight keeps standing in the middle of the room for minutes, focussing on her own mental facilities.
  741. >She is softly humming to herself.
  742. >A mental meditation practice with the attempt to rein in her own emotions.
  743. >Anon knows better than to disturb her.
  744. >And he will never admit this to Twilight, but he enjoys listening to her relaxing voice.
  745. >The sounds calms his nerves as well.
  746. >With one final humming, she grows silent.
  747. "Better?"
  748. >"Sort of, maybe. But I'm still twitchy back there."
  749. "Means?"
  750. >"Means we will take a cold shower afterwards."
  751. >Anon raises an eyebrow.
  752. >"Separately, naturally."
  753. >She sniffs.
  754. >"And the sheets must be replaced before anyone can sleep in it. Goodness, they also smell of me. Yes, emergency cleaning."
  755. >Twilight looks at Anon.
  756. >"I think we just found task two and three for us."
  757. "No idea how that shall tear down my barriers though."
  758. >"Spontaneous common household activities with a close partner. Got to keep the daily schedule up, am I right?"
  759. >Eyebrow, the second.
  760. "Partner."
  761. >"Uh, yes? What's wrong with the word?"
  762. "The innuendo is sticking out, Twilight."
  763. >Like a mast, Anon thought.
  764. >No, no more of this.
  765. >"Ugh, please, Anon. I'm struggling with myself as it is."
  766. "You're right, sorry."
  767. >She steps back into the bed.
  768. >Anon welcomes her with open arms as they hesitantly embrace each other.
  769. >His unaffected limb hits an initially inexplicable damp film on Twilight's coat near her legs.
  770. >The gears in Anon's head start to grind.
  771. "Uhm."
  772. >"That's what the shower is for later on."
  774. >Anon nods, not knowing what else to do.
  775. "But we won't, you know?"
  776. >Twilight shakes her head vehemently.
  777. >"Nonono! This is a friendship lesson, not an orgy."
  778. >Twilight cuddles up to Anon again, with far more tact this time.
  779. >The last try was too wild.
  780. >She keeps the contact firm, but civil.
  781. >No overly rubbing, no other nonsense.
  782. >She can unfortunately not avoid to smear some parts of Anon's body accidentally.
  783. >He is also not so pleased about this, but he ready to bring some sacrifices for the success.
  784. >Together they manage to get a balance into their friendship lesson.
  785. >The awkward nervousness still persists, but at least there're no more escalations.
  786. >Anon's paralyzed leg comes back to life over time.
  787. >Its prickling keeps him jumpy and forces him to shift around.
  788. >And that is when his little friends kicks back into action.
  789. >Twilight is getting nervous.
  790. >"What? Again? Really, Anon?"
  791. "I'm not doing this on purpose."
  792. >"Oh, Celestia be with me."
  793. "What's that supposed to mean?"
  794. >"I'm not stopping here."
  795. >Twilight catches Anon's mast in a magical aura and moves to lie exactly like it did the last time when he was hard.
  796. >Anon is taken by surprise as he felt the magical 'leash' directing him around.
  797. >He shouts and stutters in protest.
  798. "B-bad idea!"
  799. >"No, Anon. Great idea. We'll learn to grin and bear it. Until you have come to terms with a mare's physical presence around you."
  800. >Twilight speaks these words with great determination, although her face shows a different version of her.
  801. >She is nervous.
  802. >A trickle of sweat runs down her brow.
  803. >Twilight is fighting her own dirty mind.
  805. >It will always remain a secret how often the two repeat this cycle, and how often Twilight gets 'shot' by Anon.
  806. >But he eventually gives in.
  807. >Whether it is out of his own mental strength or because he simply runs out of 'ammo' to fire is another open question.
  808. >Though when they finally leave the room together (and with the filthy bedclothes in tow!) they agree this has been a very important first step on the road to Anon's successful therapy.
  809. >They toss the only evidence of their activities into the laundry before they quickly run into the shower.
  810. >Twilight's plan to shower separately remains that: A plan.
  811. >They share the shower and clean each other to remove every last possible trace.
  812. >Again purely to be thorough, of course.
  813. >And because she is afraid someone could come to visit them while one is showering with the other (still dirty person/pony) is waiting to shower.
  814. >Though none of the two ever considers the counterargument of what ponies will think if they are found together, sharing the bath.
  815. >It is left up to interpretation what this kind of reaction could mean.
  816. >Both will always and ever swear there has been nothing sexual going on between them.
  817. >Twilight even writes her very own report to Celestia, elaborating on two full scrolls how everything they did was for friendship's sake and that she most definitively has not sullied Celestia's only (adoptive) son's innocence.
  818. >She will never forget Celestia's answer.
  819. >A single parchment with only one word written on it:
  820. >Alright.
  821. >Neither Twilight nor Anon try to imagine what her expression must have been like when she read the report and wrote her answer.
  823. >They spend the rest of the day with simple things in the household.
  824. >Tasks like moving things around, dusting objects, etc.
  825. >It is a welcome alternative to the pretty heated stunt in the bed.
  826. >And of course Twilight and Anon give his room a precautionary makeover.
  827. >Just to be on the safe side.
  828. >On this evening they set themselves a new goal.
  829. >Together they hope to make Anon ready for attending the nearing holiday celebrations.
  830. >At least in a small circle with Twilight and her gang.
  831. >A public appearance would be nice too, but Twilight prefers to stay realistic.
  832. >One thing is for certain though.
  833. >No matter how well this project fares, it will be a piece of work and take its time.
  834. >Nopony can tell what will happen in its course.
  835. >Just like a real friendship.
  836. >And maybe, just maybe, something more can grow out of it.
  837. >Twilight would not admit this to Anon, though she could see it happen.
  838. >And she believes Celestia would not disavow that development if it were to happen.
  839. >But that is a tale for another time.
  841. The End

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