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Spur's weekly spanking by Anon

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-08 21:17:49
Updated: 2022-03-13 14:51:01
Expiry: Never

  1. Spur's weekly spanking by Anon
  3. (24/04/2020)
  6. ---
  8. "...And then, I'll yank your tail up and belt the sin out of your little tush"
  9. >"O-Oh... gosh, mmmm..."
  10. >you're Anon and currently you're chilling on your backyard, lying on your freshly mowed lawn
  11. >a young mare named Spur was splayed on her back next to you, her legs spread wide in a kind of obscene and very un-ladylake way
  12. >high fence surrounding your property and thick bushes prevented any curious eyes or ears from spying on you two
  13. >you were observing her freckled, furiously blushing face, as you calmly described how she's going to be punished for the whole next week
  14. >your hand idly rubbed around her belly, sometimes dancing on her tiny nubs of crotchteats, flicking and pinching them lightly
  15. "And don't you think you will escape your punishment, like you tried to escape the last time in the park. You are lucky you've got only a few smacks with a hairbrush, young lady"
  16. >"Mhhh, Anon! Hmmmmnnn!"
  17. >your fingers lightly brushed past the two nubs, quickly going south for her drenched filly place
  18. >she shivered violently and gasped, when without any warning, your fingers rubbed across her drooling, winking slit
  20. "Every day, at 1 PM, I expect you to without a single word stop, pull your clothes off, present your butt and accept your punishment like an adult mare. No begging, no running away, not a single "but""
  21. >your fingers came back, painting her fur with sweet filly juices, making the poor pegasus moan and gasp
  22. "No matter if we are in a mall, a park, with ponies around or not, I want to see your two small buttocks pointed straight up, to receive twenty spanks you earned with your bad behavior."
  23. >Spur's hindlegs trashed just from bare touch of your palm; warm, soft skin drifting down again, diving between her lean thighs, then quickly grabbing one of her buttcheeks
  24. >Spur closed her eyes tightly and hissed from pain, then she completely lost conrtol over her body
  25. >violent jerks and grunts took over the young girl, and soon a torrent of warm liquid washed over your hand, making the small puddle underneath her butt grow even more
  26. >it took her almost a whole minute to go back from the intense orgasm
  27. >with drunken eyes searching for your smiling face, she managed only to weakly whisper just one sentence
  28. >"Y-Yes, daddy..."

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