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Shorts by asdtroi8895

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-08 22:57:58
Updated: 2024-11-03 13:54:39
Expiry: Never

  1. Shorts by asdtroi8895
  3. ---
  6. >Cozy Glow tries to seduce you.
  7. >"Golly mister, you know you want it."
  8. >You really don't.
  9. >"Come on, lemme lick your colty bits!"
  10. >You don't let her.
  11. >"Let's kiss then!"
  12. >Nope.
  13. >She's getting angry and is about to throw a tantrum when she gets another idea.
  14. >"I know!"
  15. >She hands you a paddle, turns around and raises her backside and tail.
  16. >"Come on Anon, you know you want this."
  17. >You just stare at her.
  18. >"Well what are you waiting for? This is something grownups do for that foreplay thing, right?"
  19. >You would prefer to do it with an adult.
  20. >"Just do it already!"
  21. >You don't want her throwing a tantrum, so you give her a mild swing.
  22. >She yelps and runs off to the corner.
  23. >"You didn't have to hit that hard!" She whines with tears in her eyes.
  24. >You roll your eyes.
  25. >"Try doing this when your older." Is all you say before taking your leave.
  27. @@@
  30. >Starlight's mind control incident didn't go unpunished.
  31. >Twilight called her friends to the throne room where she revealed her new paddle, much to everyponies surprise.
  32. >It had Twilight's cutie mark painted on it.
  33. >She had Spike do that.
  35. >The alicorn knew from experience that Celestia kept a paddle of her own and now that she had a student she wanted one for herself.
  36. >Now she could finally put it to good use. Her exitement was noticable.
  38. >Her student, and even some of her other friends protested.
  39. >"I think I might be a bit too old for that!"
  40. >"Darling, are you sure that is neccessary?"
  41. >"Ah don't know Twilight, didn't we already forgive her?"
  42. >Twilight assured her friends that she was planning this since the incident and that Celestia would have done the same to her back when she was her student.
  44. >Starlight was very nervous and embarressed. She hadn't been spanked since... anctually, she had never been spanked her entire life.
  46. >Twilight's friends, after a bit of talk realized that they couldn't help Starlight and some of them thought that she deserved this anyways, so they excused themselves to give student and mentor some privacy.
  47. >Twilight stopped them, and insisted that they needed to watch, argueing that they were the one's effected by Starlight's careless use of magic.
  48. >They were eventually convinced, and all sat down awaiting what was to come. Some of them were sympathetic and some of them were amused.
  49. >Twilight then stood up, revealing her own red rump.
  51. >She explaned that she devised a spell that would make the paddle spank Starlight's flanks a specific amount of times, on specific spots and with a given strength.
  52. >She picked these "severity settings" based on test swings to her own rump.
  53. >Given her build was similar to Starlight's she calculated just how much her student needed based on the pain she was feeling and the redness of her rump.
  54. >It wasn't pleasent, but now Starlight could get just the right spanking.
  55. >Only the best for her personel student.
  57. @@@
  60. Cozy! Flying around with a big paddle!
  62. >Twilight jokingly designates Cozy as the disciplinarian in group tasked with keeping the other two in line.
  63. >The filly takes her new "job" very seriously.
  64. >Every time Tirek and Chrysalis does or says something that is deemed by Cozy to be "too naughty" she uses the big paddle that she got through mysterious means.
  65. >The two older ex-villains might not even realize they did something wrong before its too late as Cozy would eventually sneak up behind them and whack their butts with the paddle as hard as she could.
  66. >This of course is very annoying for her guardians and would they would often chase Cozy around the house or even town because of this but she would always escape.
  67. >The worst part is that Cozy's the one who ended up wanting to reform the most so she never does anything bad enough to justify a spanking leaving her two guardians unable to take vengeance leaving them eagerly awaiting the day when they could finally turn that blasted paddle onto Cozy's own butt.
  69. @@@
  72. >A group of teenagers snuck into the Canterlot gardens in the middle of night.
  73. >They carried with them a large bag of sandpaper they had brought from their months worth of collective allowences.
  75. >Their reason for sneaking around with all that sandpaper had to do with a certain trio of recently defeated villains.
  77. >They wanted to have a little fun with further punishing them.
  78. >More specifically Cozy Glow, as they reasoned she deserved it the most, being a traitor.
  80. >But really, they were just a group of bullies who wanted an excuse to be dicks.
  82. >Twilight Sparkle, for all ger genious didn't think of putting any guards near their stone prison so the teens had an easy time setting up next to them unnoticed.
  84. >Giggling in anticipation, they let handed the sandpaper to their stongest member, a large earth pony colt who they elected to get the "honor" of dishing out the kind of torture that they wanted.
  85. >Meanwhile, a younger filly who still had her reservations about this acted as the lookout.
  87. >The large colt started giving Cozy's stone tush a hard rubbing with the sandpaper while the others gleefully watched.
  89. >Somehow, despite it not being public knowledge, they had managed to figure out that the trio were not only awake. but also able to feel certain contacts.
  90. >And so, they came up with the idea give the filly's butt a very painful "scrubbing".
  92. >They would do their best to try and use up all of it, which they had a lot of.
  94. >While the teens couldn't hear it, Cozy was inwardly screaming in agony. The scrubbing was having the desired effect.
  96. >Three wasted papers in and the smoothness of Cozy's left cheek was gone and turned into a much whiter stone colour.
  97. >That was when the colt started to focus on the other cheek.
  99. >Meanwhile, a filly started whispering into Cozy's ear, making sure that only she and her cohorts could hear her.
  100. >"We've got a lot more where that came from, traitor. Your in for one veyery painful night."
  102. >Soon, a good portion of the stone on Cozy's flank was scrubbed off while the colts and fillies continued to silently cheer their elected torturer on and mock Cozy.
  104. >By now, there was no part of her backside that wasn't scrubbed thoroughly.
  105. >Even the upper bits of her back legs weren't safe.
  107. >The teens were surprised by how much fun they were having.
  109. >Their fun would not last long, however as they eventually scrubbed too far.
  110. >Once enough stone was lost, one of them noticed tiny bit of Cozy's coat sticking out.
  111. >Followed by a brief but blinding flash of light which dazed the teens.
  113. >By the time they got to their senses, Tirek was holding Cozy with one hand and gagging her with the other as she was crying hard.
  115. >Turns our that chipping away enough of the stone dispells it freeing its prisoner.
  116. >And since Cozy's stoning was connected to Tirek and Chrysalis's, they were released as well.
  118. >The teenagers tried to run and call for help but before they could do anything, Chrysalis used her magic to aggressivly slam them all together and render them silent with a quick caccooning.
  119. >Tirek then stole their magic before the two escaped while carrying Cozy.
  121. >Needless to say, the teens found themselves in quite a bit of trouble after the guards found them many hours later.
  123. @@@
  126. >Aftermath of the the cutie pox incident.
  127. >Despite everything ending well, Applejack was not happy with her sister.
  128. >Not only did she lie, but such a disese could be very dangerous.
  129. >When they got home, she grabbed the horseshoe they kept on the wall.
  130. >That day, Applebloom found out that it was actually made of wood.
  131. >And, well...
  132. >Let's just say that she ended up getting a few more "cutie marks" to show off.
  134. >Later on in her life, she would occasionnally get all-red copies of her true mark spread accross her bottom.
  135. >For some reason, ponies found these extra marks quite humorous.
  136. >But if Applebloom was honest, one cutie mark was enough for her.
  138. @@@
  141. >Filly scouts
  142. >One of the first things new members do is learn woodworking
  143. >They make a paddle to be given to their "big" (older mentor scout)
  144. >It is applied liberally
  145. >The paddles symbolize submission, honor, discipline, and commitment to the Filly Scout code
  147. >Fluttershy hated the idea of having to use the paddle her small was made to give her but her duty as big required it and she knew that time would eventually come.
  148. >In front of her stood a young filly looking up at her pleadingly.
  149. >"Please don't spank me, Fluttershy."
  150. >"B-but I have to." Fluttershy squeaked. She wished that Rainbow hadn't convinced her to sign up for this.
  151. >"Please!"
  152. >"Well, I guess-"
  153. >"Come on, Fluttershy, it's your job!" Chided Rainbow Dash who had just arrived at the scene.
  154. >The troublemaking filly groaned, knowing that the jig was up.
  155. >"And you!" Dash shouted to the filly. "How dare you try and manipulate Fluttershy into shirking her duties?!"
  156. >The filly rolled her eyes. "Aw, come one, Dash. You would've done the same in my place!"
  157. >Dash recoiled knowing that she was right.
  158. >"When I was a small. But I had to take em' and learned my lessons and so should you."
  159. >"Didn't even want to come here." The filly muttered. Her parents made her attend to learn some discipline.
  160. >"Well your here and you gotta obay the rules!" Dash's look softened. "Trust me, once you do you'll love it here."
  161. >The small looked away, she respected the Dash enough to consider her words.
  162. >Fluttershy watched the exchange silently. She was jealous of her friend's ability to speak her mind.
  163. >"That goes for you to, Flutters. You got the paddle, use it!"
  164. >"O-okay." She looked down at the small." Um, could you p-please...
  165. >The older filly was unable to finish but the younger one knew what she was asked to do and knew she couldn't get out of a paddling so she sighed and turned around.
  166. >"There, was that so hard?" scolded Rainbow Dash.
  167. >Fluttershy looked at her friend and let out a tiny smirk. "You had time to get used to it." She teased, electing a giggle from the small.
  168. >Dash blushed. "G-good luck." She said before flying off.
  169. >Now alone with her charge, Fluttershy looked at the butt presented to her.
  170. >Still feeling uneasy about this she gulped and delivered the first swing.
  172. @@@
  175. >Cadence liked to cook for her family on occation and today was a day where she would do just that.
  176. >Dinner would soon be done and it was time to inform the others.
  177. >She stuck her head into her daughter's room.
  178. >Flurry Heart, who was laying on the bed looked up from her book.
  179. >"I just came to say that dinner will be ready soon."
  180. >Flurry nodded. "Thanks, mom!"
  181. >She was about to leave when she noticed another occupant.
  182. >"Oh, I didn't notice you, Cozy." She turned her head to Flurry. "What did she do this time?"
  183. >"Oh, the usual. Tried stealing the Crystal Heart again."
  184. >"That's not very nice, Cozy." Cadence chided.
  185. >"Dun' care." Muttered a grumpy Cozy Glow while having her nose firmly planted on one of the room's corners.
  186. >"Well you should. You could get yourself hurt with such a powerful artifact."
  187. >"Mom's right, kid." Flurry said. "Your not supposed to touch it for a reason."
  188. >Cozy could only groan and sniffle at the lecture, wishing that she could rub her sore bottom.
  189. >"Anyway." Cadence changed the subject. "Cozy, would you like ketchup for your hay fries?"
  190. >"... Yea."
  191. >"Alright, hang in there, Cozy Glow!" the alicorn said before leaving.
  192. >Cadence had to admit, she was a bit worried at first when her daughter accepted the task of reforming the newly freed filly, but so far it seemed to go quite well.
  193. >Sure, Cozy Glow was still a naughty filly, but Flurry Heart could always handle her quite nicely.
  194. >To think that she and Shining raised such an effective disciplinarian...
  196. @@@
  199. >A fat colt had recently been suspended from school.
  200. >Naturally, his parents weren't all too pleased about this.
  201. >They knew he needed to be punished and that he needed some kind of a workout.
  202. >Luckily, they had an idea on how handle both issues.
  203. >They were both unicorns and had access to a library with some decent spell books so they were quickly able to find the spell they needed.
  204. >That spell being a sort of pressure spell, which put pressure on a pony’s body making it a struggle to walk forward.
  205. >In a sense, it took the same amount of energy to walk a short distance for the enchanted pony as if he or she would be running laps in a field. It also slowed down their movement to a crawl as if they were carrying heavy weights or walking under water. All of this as exhausting and sweat inducing as any physical task and served perfectly as a form of exercise.
  206. >Perfect for a naughty little fat colt like the one here.
  207. >And so, the fat colt's punishment was that every Friday at bedtime he would be marched up the stairs, made to face the relatively long hallway that led to his room at the end of it, have the spell cast on him and ordered to go to his room.
  208. >This would be bad enough for the lazy colt who did NOT want to exercise, but to make it even worse, his mom or dad would always be right behind him as he slowly crawled to his room ready to dish out some hard slaps to his bottom whenever he was too slow or tried to take a break.
  209. >If he was naughty in any way during the week, he would also get some extra slaps along the way, if he was particularly naughty, those extra slaps could become a lot of slaps and if he was very naughty, his parents could bring out either a hairbrush or a switch to replace their hooves for that night.
  210. >Thankfully, any spanking would end as soon as he got into his room.
  211. >The problem was that this colt was not very athletic and as such, could not keep pace for long and, despite only having to travel through only one hallway, the spell that was cast on him made that an excruciatingly slow process, which left him with a decently spanked bottom at the best of nights.
  212. >Essentially, he could be given a full-blown spanking while he was being exercised.
  213. >The funny thing is, that despite the fact that he would always desperately try reaching his room as fast as possible every Friday night and the fact that he knew that his parents would stop this if he lost enough weight, he still could not help but eat more then he should have.
  214. >Perhaps he would learn his lesson soon though as his parents were planning on also having him climb the stairs.
  216. @@@
  219. >It took a week to finish Flurry's new paddle.
  220. >The instrument was painted with the color of Flurry's coat with various symbols of the Crystal Empire on it giving it a nice ornate look while being flat and sturdy and was carefully enchanted with various spells to make it the perfect alicorn spanker.
  221. >It was far more expensive than the average paddle, but Cadence could and was willing to pay for it. She wanted the best for her precious daughter, after all.
  222. >"This looks amazing." Cadence said to the paddle maker. "You truly are a master of your craft."
  223. >"Thank you, your highness, but I would highly suggest using it with caution. I have never made a paddle such as this and it is highly experimental."
  224. >"I understand."
  225. >"I would also recommend never using it on any other foal but Princess Flurry Heart. This paddle was made specifically for her durability, which as you claim, is significantly greater than that of an average foal."
  226. >"Of course." Cadence said seriously.
  227. >"And if I may be so bold, I suggest that you test its strength before you use it on your daughter."
  228. >Cadence tilted her head. "Is it truly that effective?"
  229. >The paddle maker nodded. "I'm afraid so. It was made with your personal specifications."
  230. >Later that night.
  231. >"That sure was a frustrating day." Said Shining.
  232. >The stallion had some trouble with some of the new guard recruits alongside a bunch of political ones.
  233. >Cadence knew that her husband could use some stress relief.
  234. >It was time for their favorite foreplay and a little test.
  235. >"Oh, Shiny, I've been a very bad filly today." Cadence said seductively.
  236. >Shining perked up and smiled warmly at his wife before imitating a stern tone.
  237. >"Well, young lady. What do we do to naughty fillies?"
  238. >Cadence grabbed the new paddle from her drawer and handed it in to shining.
  239. >"This is new." The stallion remarked.
  240. >"It's for Flurry."
  241. >Shining raised an eyebrow.
  242. >Cadence proceeded to face away from Shining, raised her butt to his face and looked back at him expectantly.
  243. >Shining shrugged, knowing that he would get an explanation later. He readied the paddle and gave the big pink plot a fat, juicy swing.
  244. >"CRAAACK!"
  245. >"EEEEEEE!"
  246. >A bit later, the couple were laying on their bed, getting ready to sleep.
  247. >"Wow, Cady you never reacted like that before." Said Shining sympathetically.
  248. >"Enchantment. Too hard." Muttered Cadence, who was laying on her stomach. She opted not to use her covers for tonight.
  249. >"I even had to send those guards who thought we were in trouble away. I'd be mad but that’s the sort of response to supposed danger that I expect from them."
  250. >Cadence groaned, considering herself lucky that the guards knocked instead of just barging in.
  251. >She wished that Shiny hadn't been so honest about what had happened though.
  252. >"I don't think you should use that paddle on Flurry." Shining eventually said with a more serious tone.
  253. >"I'll have its enchantments weakened." Cadence said with a sigh.
  255. @@@
  258. >Young Twilight had an obsession with books.
  259. >This was considered a good thing by the staff of the castle's archives.
  260. >It's keepers always wanted to encourage young minds to read.
  261. >Because of this, they liked Celestia's student.
  262. >Sadly, one can have too much of a good thing.
  263. >Twilight eventually grew a tendency to sneak into the archives when it was closed to read books she wasn't supposed to, much to the dismay of the staff.
  264. >She was hard to catch. All that magic training made her too slippery for standard methods.
  265. >In order to combat the bookish pony, the staff appealed directly to her mentor who gave them permission to use whatever means necessary to stop her (within reason).
  266. >With their newfound freedom, the staff set up a trap.
  267. >They placed a seemingly powerful and forbidden magical tome at a place where it would be easily noticed by Twilight while being inconspicuous enough to keep away any suspicions.
  268. >That very night, Twilight walked right up to the book, unaware of the watchful eyes in the dark.
  269. >Suddenly, she felt a tug at her tail.
  270. >The trap was set.
  271. >She was hoisted up to the air by a rope just enough to be at eyesight with the staff members who quickly revealed themselves with horns ready to counter any escape attempts.
  272. >"I don't think we need to tell you why your in this predicament, do we?" Asked the stern head keeper.
  273. >Twilight gulped. She knew that she shouldn't be here, but she just couldn't resist those books.
  274. >At the lack of response, the keeper continued: "I thought so." He turned to his cohorts. "Shall we get this over with?"
  275. >The other ponies nodded and one of them, much to Twilight's dismay, levitated a paddle right up to her butt.
  276. >What followed was a long lecture intermixed with periodic swats from the paddle right onto Twilight's tush.
  277. >The paddle's wielder didn't hit with full force, but hard enough for the purple unicorn to let out a squeal or a cry of pain at each lick.
  278. >The head keeper, who was doing the lecturing didn't mind these reactions, although he would occasionally demand Twilight to listen to him under the pain of a longer session and more swats.
  279. >Meanwhile, another keeper made sure to reposition Twilight if her shaking and squirming get to out of hand. Whenever he needed to step in, an extra swat would follow.
  280. >This lecture took around an hour to finish and the swats were periodic enough to be reasonably allow Twilight to properly listen to it.
  281. >As the head keeper eventually asked: "Do I make myself clear?"
  282. >As on queue, the paddle user gave both of Twilight's butt cheeks a hard swat each.
  283. >"OW, YES!"
  284. >The keepers allowed themselves a small smile before finally letting Twilight down.
  285. >The head keeper gave Twilight another short lecture as she was rubbing her sore bottom, mostly just repeats of what was already said.
  286. >Later, as Twilight went to leave, she said: "Remember, the princess gave us permission to do this again in case of repeat offences."
  287. >Twilight never misused the archives ever again.
  289. @@@
  292. >Twilight had expected a considerable increase in her responsibilities ever since she took over rulership of Equestria.
  293. >But there were some that even she couldn't account for.
  294. >Such as the one right now.
  295. >"Do I really need to do this?" Asked Twilight.
  296. >"You are not required to do so." Answered Raven Inkwell, her advisor and guide. "However, it is highly recommended that you handle their punishment personally."
  297. >"Why?"
  299. >"While foals have been traditionally allowed to stay in the castle for extended visits to family members working here or for short apprenticeships, this has always came with the caveat that everypony expects them to behave and have discipline enforced on them should they get out of line." Raven stopped at one of the castle doors while a guard opened it for her and the princess. "Of course, this castle is now your property, but as you know, it is also a place of great cultural significant's and where many of the most important aspects of running Equestria are carried out. If we were to let the children just run about and cause trouble without any consequences, it would not only reflect badly on you and Equestria as a whole, it could also potentially disrupt the work of many of our officials and could even lead to demands to simply ban foals from the castle altogether."
  301. >Twilight winced. That really was bad.
  302. >"And the foals? Do they know this?"
  303. >"Indeed, both the foals and their guardians are always briefed on the rules of staying in the castle, why those rules are put into place and the consequences of breaking them before their allowed to stay. Those three knew what they were getting into before they made a mess in the castle's library."
  304. >Twilight sighed. "I never saw Celestia paddling anypony."
  305. >"P-Celestia." Raven started with a cough. Twilight could only imagine how hard it must have been for her to get used to mentioning her without the title after working with her for so long. "Did paddle a few of the young ones from time to time, even during your own extended stays." Raven allowed herself a small smile. "You most likely never noticed as you never really interacted with any of the other foals in the castle."
  306. >Twilight blushed at that. Indeed, she used to be quite a social recluse, not even noticing that colts and fillies could be allowed to stay in the castle under special circumstances until she was an adult.
  307. >"Do I really need to use this paddle though?" Twilight asked, raising up the big holed paddle she had been carrying with her magic.
  308. >"It is the traditional method for punishing naughty foals around here. Had you ever been enough of a troublemaker as a filly, Celestia would have used it on you as well at some point."
  310. >The two made their way to one of the unoccupied rooms close to Twilight's study, where two nervous fillies, a nervous colt and a stoic guard awaited them.
  311. >The guard saluted and Twilight nodded at him. "Thank you for watching them, you may go."
  312. >"The guard gave another salute before marching off.
  314. >Twilight looked over the three foals.
  315. >One filly was noticeable younger then the other two. She made a mental note to go a bit easier on her.
  316. >The other was a filly that she recognized as the daughter of one of the maids.
  317. >And the colt was none other then Rumble, who took an apprenticeship as a cook.Twilight was happy to see a familiar face from Ponyville here, but wished that they'd meet under better circumstances.
  318. >As much as she felt bad for the three, Twilight knew she had to be stern about this.
  319. >"Hello, girls and Rumble."
  320. >"Hello princess." Came the silent reply from the three.
  321. >"I don't think I need to tell you why you are here right no, do I?"
  322. >All three foals shook their heads. They have already been told about everything by that guard who watched them until Twilight came.
  323. >Twilight nodded. "Good, let's get this over with then." She raised the paddle slightly. "Turn around and move your tails out of the way, please."
  324. >Knowing what was about to happen, the three reluctantly complied. The youngest one needed a gentle push to fully turn around. She was already in tears.
  325. >"Now, stay still and it should be over soon." Twilight said, levitating the paddle close to the youngest's flank.
  326. >The foals braced themselves for what was about to come.
  328. >Soon, the sound of the paddle impacting a flank and a young filly's scream could be heard, causing the other two to wince before it was their time to receive their licks.
  329. >While Twilight didn't hit them too hard, she did make them feel quite the sting.
  330. >None of the three could hold back their tears or yelps as the paddle gave them a sound butt busting.
  331. >Thankfully, there weren't too many spanks as Twilight felt like the size and design of the paddle made it so that only a few smacks could get the job done.
  332. >The youngest of the three got slightly lighter licks and two less then the older ones to compensate for her young age.
  333. >None of them moved out of position lest they upset the princess more.
  334. >"It's over." Twilight finally said.
  336. >The foals took this as a sign to turn around and start rubbing their bottoms. Twilight couldn't help but find it slightly amusing how they had to stand in weird ways for their hooves to reach their backsides.
  337. >After letting them recover for a bit, she cleared her throat, getting their attention.
  338. >She then proceeded to give them a lecture about behaving in the castle before sending them off with a few comforting words.
  340. >"Did I do well?" Twilight asked Raven after the foals left.
  341. >"Celestia would be proud." Said Raven while writing something down on her notebook.
  342. >"What are you writing?"
  343. >"It is my duty to record events that differ from the normal daily routine." Said Raven. "And I must remind myself to tell their parents about this as that is also my job."
  344. >"Oh." Twilight felt a pang of sympathy for the foals. She could imagine their parents being quite peeved at them from earning a paddling from the princess herself.
  346. @@@
  349. >Princess Pipp was a very famous pony.
  350. >So much so, that merchandise was made of her.
  351. >Among these were hairbrushes.
  352. >Her younger fans loved these.
  353. >They got to do something as simple as brush their manes with the image of their idol.
  354. >Parents also loved them.
  355. >It's surprising sturdiness and perfect size made them excellent tools for disciplining their kids.
  356. >While the colts and fillies could do without this particular aspect of these brushes, it at least gave them something to connect with the princess.
  357. >Turns out that Queen Haven also spanked her then still teenage daughter with one of these hairbrushes and Pipp herself never shied away from talking about it.
  358. >Some, including Pipp herself, speculated that the surprising sturdiness and spanking-fit size of these otherwise run-of-the mill pieces of merchandise were a result of her direction.
  359. >Despite hefty discussions about this on Pipp's post-spanking streams, neither she nor her fans ever figured out if this was true or not.
  360. >At least it helped made Pipp feel more relatable to her fans, which was a big reason for her popularity.
  362. @@@
  365. >"Alright honey, I am sorry, but you've earned this."
  366. >Flurry gave no answer.
  367. >"Now, if you would please get into a position where I can do this, that would be great."
  368. >Flurry, without moving an inch, somehow got into position, her face facing the floor and her flank looking right up to the ceiling.
  369. >"Don't suppose you could maybe find some other position for this?"
  370. >...
  371. >"I'm sure I could put you over my knee."
  372. >Flurry blushed.
  373. >"I don't think that is very comfortable."
  374. >...
  375. >Cadence sighed and went to grab a stool while Flurry waited, unmoving.
  376. >She wasn't sure why her daughter always took up this position whenever she earned a spanking or how it was even physically possible. She just chalked it up to some weird form of teenage rebellion.
  377. >Sadly, because Flurry was "standing" on her nose, which was apparently very durable, Cadence had to use a stool to properly see her butt.
  378. >It was as if she was standing in like normal, but in the air and somehow balancing on her nose.
  379. >Cadence hopped onto the stool after placing it next to Flurry and levitated a paddle next to her.
  380. >She then started paddling the upwards facing flank.
  381. >The only indication that it had any effect was the tears growing out of flurry's eyes, her reddening butt and the fact that her blushing was increasing in its intensity.
  382. >Otherwise, she was as still as a rock.
  383. >Somehow.
  384. >After she was done, Cadence hopped off the stool, rubbed her slightly sore neck and looked over Flurry, who now had snot coming out of her nose.
  385. >"How are you even breathing?"
  386. >The only answer from Flurry was a loud 'sniff'.
  387. >Cadence rolled her eyes. "Whatever, your in time out now."
  388. >...
  389. >Cadence groaned and picked up her still daughter with her magic and placed her to the corner.
  390. >She was still posing like she did while she was spanked, just standing straight up.
  391. >After making a few adjustments to ensure that Flurry was properly in the corner, she left her to suffer her fate.
  393. @@@
  398. Pumpkin here! You wont believe wat happened today!
  400. So I was just coming down to get a sandwich when all of the sudden i heard a smacking noise and screaming. Naturally I snuck to the kichen where the sound was coming from and guess what happened?!
  402. Pinkie was spanking Pound! I know you must think Im kidding but Im not! He was legit on her lap with Pinkie smacking his tushy with her hoof and he was squirming and stuff. Mom and dad said that she would be allowd to do so from now on and that we could get spanked but I didnt think that it would happen!!! Anyways I spied on them for a bit and it looked like it totally hurt cuz Pound was crying and Pinkies hoof was making those loud sounds whenever she hit him and stuff like that. She only stopped when she looked at me even though she shouldnt have noticed me cuz I was really quiet and hiding inthe doorway. She basically told me to go away cuz she had to spank my brother while Pound was looking back at me with the biggest blush I ever seen. I listened to Pinkie and did not make that sandwich because I didn’t want to end up like Pound.
  404. But then I came bak a few minutes later cuz I was curious and really hungry and can you guess what I saw?!
  406. Pound was standing streght in the corner and Im pretty sure he was made todo it cuz he is a super active dummy who would never stand in 1 place for that long. Obviusly I had to ask him wat happen cuz if it could happen to him then it could happen to me and i need to be reddy but when I tried asking him he got super mad and told me to leeve for sum reason and then pinkie came back and told me to leave him alone wich I did cuz I didn’t wanna get spanked to and the worst part is that I forgot to get a sandwich so Im still hungry!
  408. We didn’t talk after that but now mom and dad came back and are talking to him about something that I was not allowed to listen to which I hate because I am curius. When Pound comes here I will finnaly ask him all about the spanking and if he doesn’t talk I will tease him until he does! It may be mean but when I think of how rude he was earlier and how he always makes fun of me for writing to you so much even tho mom and dad say its a good thing I say he deserves it!
  410. Yours sincerely
  411. Pumpkin
  413. @@@
  416. >Starlight battles Twilight in the past.
  417. >After a while, and seeing the destruction her actions could cause, she decides to bring the alicorn and dragon back to where it all began.
  418. >"See?! See what happend?!" Asked Starlight.
  419. >Behind her was a scene of her father giving her younger self a sound spanking.
  420. >"Wait, this isn't where I wanted to go!"
  421. >Spike giggled. "Well, I can see why you'd be upset at this."
  422. >"I understand that such punishments are unpleasant, but surely they are not grounds to go around taking cutie marks." Said Twilight while clearly trying hard not to burst out laughing.
  423. >"Ugh, this is not what I-"
  424. >"Nice room, by the way, miss edgypants." Teased Spike.
  425. >"Be nice, Spike." Scolded Twilight, who obviously found this situation to be amusing, much to Starlight's dismay.
  427. @@@
  430. >"So daddy cut my allowance again." Complained Diamond Tiara.
  431. >"That sucks." Said Silver Spoon.
  432. >"I mean, all I did was call Scootaloo a dumb blank flank, which she totally is."
  433. >"Wow, punished for telling the truth. How horrible."
  434. >Diamond then noticed a certain classmate of hers.
  435. >"At least I didn't get a spanking unlike a certain blank flank!" She said loudly as they passed a recently spanked Applebloom, who tried to cover her spanked hindquarters with her tail, blushing.
  436. >"You know, maybe we shouldn't be calling them blank flanks." Said Silver. "We should call them spanked flanks instead!"
  437. >"Yea, I hope you sit well in class, spanked flank!" Mocked Diamond as the two left the now thoroughly embarrassed Applebloom, laughing.
  439. @@@
  442. Zipp doesn't like the look of that mane brush.
  444. Bad memories.
  446. ...
  448. >"Zip, what's wrong with that manebrush?" Hitch asked.
  449. >"Nothing!" Zip answers, blushing.
  450. >"Come, on, you can tell us!" Sunny encouraged.
  451. >Zip sighs. "Oh, alright, it just brings up certain... bad memories."
  452. >Hitch and Sunny both wince.
  453. >"I know what you mean." Sunny says. "My dad used to spank me with his. Let me tell you, it was not pleasant."
  454. >"You think you had it bad?" Hitch chimes in. "My mom had this really big manebrush that she would use to tan my hide with!"
  455. >Zipp just stares at her friends as they exchange a few more spanking related facts about themselves.
  456. >"See, Zip? You have nothing to be embarrassed about."
  457. >"Yea. Happens to us as well.
  458. >"... What are you guys talking about?" Zip asks, bewildered.
  459. >"Huh?"
  460. >"Those memories are from my mom always brushing my mane in a way I hated."
  461. >"Oh." Hitch and Sunny blush.
  462. >"But hey." Zipp chuckles. "At least I didn't have it as bad as you two!"
  464. @@@
  467. >"Alright, you got this. You read all the books on this subject." Thought Moondancer.
  468. >"Alright class, today, we will be learning about magical theory." She addressed the classroom.
  469. >The current substitute teacher accepted this job from Twilight as a way to try to become more sociable as Cheerilee needed help with teaching certain topics.
  471. >"Now, can anypony guess what magical theory is?" Asked Moondancer. Thinking of how the book about teaching had a part advising to start a new topic with a question. Page 469, paragraph 16, line 3, if she recalled.
  472. >"Nerd stuff?" Asked a certain pink filly in a mocking manner, causing some of the students to giggle.
  473. >"In a way, it is, given the definition of "nerd", but it's more then that." Answered Moondancer, confused about the giggling.
  475. >While the class went decently well at first, there were eventually some interruptions by that same pink filly, who kept bullying her classmates.
  476. >Moondancer sighed. This would not do.
  478. >What did her books say again? Based on Chapter 5 page 97 paragraph 4 of the "Classroom Training for Aspiring teachers" and chapter 1 page 4 paragraph 10 line 1 of "Discipline Amongst Many Foals", this is where she should start disciplining.
  479. >She thought further on it while teaching. Cheerilee gave her full permissions so she had many options to conduct discipline on the filly, Diamond Tiara, she remembered.
  480. >Based on the filly's looks and behavior, she was from a rich family and probably spoiled. Chapter 10 of "Simple Foal Discipline" was all about spoiled foals. Most standard non-contact punishments would be ineffective against her, therefore, she had to rely on physical punishments and after putting together the multitude of lessons the books she read, a spanking seemed like the best possible solution.
  481. >Time for corporal punishment!
  483. >"Diamond Tiara!" She said, with all the authority she could muster.
  484. >The entire class, and the naughty filly in particular, snapped in attention. All that practicing in front of the mirror really payed off.
  485. >"Come foreword, please. I will spank you for disrupting the class and disturbing your classmates." One thing most discipline books said was to be straightforward and always tell what the naughty foal did wrong. Moonadancer felt like she nailed this part in the most natural way possible.
  486. >"What?! You can't spank me, I'll tell my mom!" Diamond shouted.
  487. >Ah, right telling. Moondencer read about that as well. "If you do not come, I will tell Miss Cheerilee who will no doubt explain to your parents what had transpired here." Moondancer resisted smiling. Her authoritative speech patterns were excellent!
  488. >Diamond gulped. Her mom may protect her, but her dad, and not to mention all the other punishments she would get...
  490. >Eventually, after a somewhat intense staring contest, Diamond finally walked up to the teachers desk, face red as certain classmates of hers were giggling at her expense.
  492. @@@
  495. >Be a mare.
  496. >You need to buy some new clothes for an upcoming fancy party.
  497. >The streets on the way to the mall are quite crowded.
  498. >On the way there, you see the crowd splitting up, getting dangerously close to the sidewalk.
  499. >It seems a parent decided to spank her filly standing right in the middle of it.
  500. >Annoying, but you walk around them.
  501. >On the way to the mall, you decide to buy some corn dogs from a stand.
  502. >Sadly, a stallion just had to whack his foul mouthed colt just before it was his turn in the line.
  503. >Now you have to wait while he blubbers out his order.
  504. >Couldn't he wait until after it? Or take him aside?
  505. >Whatever, you buy the food.
  506. >You go look for a bench to sit down.
  507. >Sadly, there aren't that many in this area and they all seem to be occupied with ponies having the same ideas.
  508. >Except one, but you can't sit there as, of course, a mare is spanking her son right there.
  509. >Doesn't look like she'll stop any time soon.
  510. >Couldn't she wait till' they got home?!
  511. >You're forced to eat standing.
  512. >You then get to the mall.
  513. >First, some horseshoes.
  514. >Sadly, you once again need to stand while trying them on as the only free seat for that is now a vassal for a father/son spanking.
  515. >Seriously?
  516. >It even happens in the boutique.
  517. >You can hear the sound of a squealing filly and a clapping hairbrush in the changing room.
  518. >All that wailing too...
  519. >You need a bit of peace and quiet.
  520. >The mare's lounge should have that.
  521. >Apparently not, because a filly was getting spanked there.
  522. >Her cries echo throughout the room.
  523. >Of course, the older mares love it, but most are annoyed.
  524. >Whatever, you need to go to the bathroom anyway.
  525. >And of course, as soon as you enter, another spanking is ongoing!
  526. >Some mare is spanking a young colt on the changing table.
  527. >Who in their right mind would bring a colt here?!
  528. >You just feel bad for the mother who has to wait to change her crying foal.
  529. >You head home (sidestepping yet another ongoing spanking because why not).
  530. >You think about all these spankings.
  531. >How could these parents be so inconsiderate with them? Surely, they'd want to set good example's for their kids.
  532. >Your own mother was just like this. You still sometimes blush, thinking of all the embarrassing places she spanked you at.
  533. >But really, she and the others just don't realize how annoying these can be to others.
  534. >You will never become a parent like that.
  536. >Years later.
  537. >"How could you do that?! I will spank you!" You say.
  538. >"Noooo, mom, not at this fancy party!"
  539. >'Smack!' 'Smack!' 'Smack!'
  541. @@@
  544. >"Come on, son!"
  545. >"But daaad!"
  546. >"We already talked about this."
  547. >A 12 year old colt was just about to get a good brushing from his father, who was having a tough time getting his son to obey him.
  548. >Until he remembered something.
  549. >"You know, your sister will be coming home soon."
  550. >The colt's eyes went as wide as they could.
  551. >"Now, one way or another, your getting your flanks tanned right here in this living room and frankly, I do not care if your sister sees it."
  552. >The door to the house let directly to the living room.
  553. >"But she can't!"
  554. >"She has working eyes so if I were you, I'd be scooping myself over my knee right now so I can finish up with you before she gets home."
  555. >The stallion found that his son was much quicker on his hooves when faced with the prospect of utter humiliation. He was on his lap in a matter of seconds!
  556. >Soon, the sound of a clapping hairbrush echoed throughout the house.
  557. >Unfortunately for the colt, he was still a little too slow with his obeying as his little sister just happened to come in right as his father was dishing out the last few swats.
  558. >His face turned red at the sound of her giggles and naturally, he ran straight to his room as soon dad finished.
  559. >The 7 year old filly wasn't allowed to tease him per say, but the looks she gave and her random bits of laughter at "something" was enough to make the colt want to bury himself.
  561. A few days later.
  563. >This time, it was the filly's turn to get her bum tanned as she was squirming and yelping on her mother's lap.
  564. >The mare was using a switch to fill up her daughter's blank flank bottom with a bunch of angry red lines.
  565. >How much the little filly hated that stupid stick...
  566. >At least her brother wasn't here to see this.
  567. >With a quick series of smack from the top of her butt all the way to the sit spots, mom eventually finished.
  568. >A quick and boring lecture later, the filly was in her room, laying on her tummy, coloring.
  569. >That was, until she heard a knock on the door.
  570. >"I'm going to the store. Pick up the toys you left in the living room in the meantime!" Her mother ordered.
  571. >Grumpily, the filly did as she was told.
  572. >At the living room, she just bent down to grab one of her plushies, wincing slightly as the skin stretched at her still sore tush, with her teeth when she heard a chuckle from behind her. She froze and slowly looked back, quickly guessing who it was, but hoping she wrong.
  573. >Her hopes were shattered when saw her big brother staring down at her with the smuggest grin she'd ever seen him sport.
  574. >"Don't forget to check under the table for those red crayons you left there." He said in a patronizing tone before going to the kitchen to get himself a snack.
  575. >The filly looked at him with pouty frown and a blush similar to what the colt had just a few days prior.
  576. >Needless to say, he got even.
  578. @@@
  581. >Misty gulped as she entered the throne room of Opaline's castle.
  582. >"Well, Misty, where is the dragon?" The alicorn demanded, staring down at the smaller pony.
  583. >The unicorn averted her eyes. "Well, you see, I almost got it, but then the others came and-"
  584. >"So you failed!" Opaline shouted, causing Misty to flinch.
  585. >"It's not my fault, I mean, I did my best, I mean-" Misty's attempts at finding an excuse stopped as soon as Opaline raised a hoof.
  586. >The larger pony sat down on her throne and rubbed her forehead.
  587. >Misty just looked on, wondering what she'd say next.
  588. >Eventually, the alicorn set her eyes back on her minion.
  589. >"You have failed me for the last time, Misty."
  590. >"Huh?" Misty tried to ask before finding herself levitated towards her master.
  591. >"I have not had to punish you in such a matter since you were a filly." Opaline said before sighing. "I suppose some things never change."
  592. >"What do you mean?" Misty asked.
  593. >The only answer she got was was getting placed over Opaline's knee. Just like a young filly who was about to be...
  594. >It was then, as Opaline pinned her tail to her back, that Misty realized what was about to happen.
  595. >"Oh, no." Misty started as Opaline started tapping her bottom.
  596. >"Perhaps this will teach you to do your job properly." Said Opaline.
  597. >"Nononoononono please!" Misty begged as the tapping stopped.
  598. >A loud "NOOOO!" echoed throughout the castle followed by clapping sounds and more screaming.
  600. @@@
  603. >Starlight Glimmer used her hooves to push a recently filled out stack of papers away. They slightly stung from the spanking she had just gave to one of her students, a young unicorn with it.
  605. >There was a knock on the office door.
  606. >”Come in!” Said Starlight while opening it with her magic.
  607. >A grey pegasus mare and blue earth pony stallion were standing at the doorway.
  608. >”Oh, hello there! We were waiting just for you.” Said Starlight.
  609. >”Of course! It’s only right that we would come if our daughter did something to warrant a letter.” Said the stallion.
  610. >”Especially since we live in Ponyville.” The mare added.
  611. >Starlight nodded and gestured for them to sit, which they did.
  613. >”As you know from the letter, your daughter decided to sneak into the new school wing, which is currently under repairs.” Starlight summarized. “As you can guess, that part is forbidden for students to enter for due to possible dangers.”
  614. >”Of course.” The mother agreed.
  615. >”And according to the letter, you already punished her for it.” The father said.
  616. >”Yes, as per school guidelines, which have been signed by you. I hope that’s not an issue.”
  617. >”It’s not.” The mare in front of Starlight reassured. “Both we and our little one knew what we were getting into.”
  618. >”But why would she do such a thing?” The stallion asked.
  619. >Starlight shrugged. “I think it was for a dare, but you can ask her yourselves.”
  620. >”Yes.” The grey mare frowned. “We want to have a talk with our daughter.”
  621. >”Where is she?” The stallion asked.
  622. >Starlight simply pointed to one of the room’s corner’s with her hoof.
  624. >The parents turned around to see their teal colored daughter standing in the corner.
  625. >Her nosed was placed firmly in it and her butt was marked with bright red hoof marks.
  626. >She was so silent, that they never noticed her standing there all along.
  627. >”H-hi mom and dad.”
  629. >Later.
  631. >”So that’s what happened.” Said the troublemaking filly.
  632. >”Wow, I knew spankings were a thing here, but I didn’t think the headmare herself would be doing it.” Said the young griffon, who was sharing rooms with the filly.
  633. >The unicorn rubbed her butt. “Yea, her hoof hits a lot harder than you’d expect.” She blushed. “Don’t tell anycreature I said that.”
  634. >The griffon smirked. “I think they’d notice anyway as soon as they see your flank.”
  635. >The still blushing unicorn rolled her eyes.
  636. >”So what happened after that?” asked the griffon. “Did your parents scold you or something?”
  637. >”Uh-huh! They said that sneaking in was bad and I shouldn’t do it again.”
  638. >”That’s all?”
  639. >”Well, I had a class coming up. Headmare Starlight offered to let me skip it to spend time with them, but they wanted me to attend so they’ll want to talk to me again soon.”
  640. >”You think they’ll-” The griffon waved her claw sideways as if to gesture at the pony’s flank. “You know.”
  641. >The filly shook her head. “Nah, I just got spanked. My butt can’t take anymore and they probably know that. I’m guessing they just wanna scold me some more.”
  642. >”That’s nice. So does that mean you’ll come to movie night with me?”
  643. >”Sure thing! I don’t wanna sit much right now, but I should be fine after-“
  644. >Suddenly, the door to their dorm room opened.
  646. >In came the filly’s parents, whose daughter visibly gulped at the sight of them.
  647. >”Miss Glimmer said this was your room.” The father said.
  648. >The mother noticed the young griffon.
  649. >”I’m sorry to trouble you, but we really need to speak with our daughter. Would it be possible that you could give us some privacy? I promise it won’t take long.”
  650. >”Uh, no problem.” Said the griffon before walking out.
  652. >As she turned around to close the door, she saw the mare pull a large wooden hairbrush out of her saddlebag. She cringed before shutting it and walking away.
  653. >She had a feeling that her friend would not want to sit down for the movie tonight.
  655. @@@
  658. >There has been a revolution in Equestria.
  659. >Well, calling it a revolution is a bit of an overstatement.
  660. >Some teenage colt decided to stir up some trouble.
  661. >Apparently, he was into anarchy, socialism and destroying the monarchy.
  662. >Those sorts of things.
  663. >Either way, he was caught.
  664. >"You cannot stop the revolution, Celestia! The proletariat will rise up and dethrone you!"
  665. >Celestia rolled her eyes. "Child, I don't think you even know what that means. Now hush and keep writing."
  666. >The colt frowned, but did so. He wasn't sure why the princess decided to take care of his punishment personally, but he guessed that he was such a big threat to her cause that she didn't want a martyr.
  667. >"Only a true tyrant would unjustly punish her political opponents!" He decided to speak up once again.
  668. >"Considering you have committed multiple cases of vandalism, threats to public safety and breaking and entering, I would say that this is a rather light consequence." Celestia calmly said. "And you are a bit too young to be starting a political career, little one."
  669. >The young revolutionary could only frown at the old monarch.
  670. >"Get back to writing. The sooner you finish, the sooner we can get that naughty rump of yours sorted."
  671. >The colt decided that this was the perfect time to get brave again, so he simply dropped the chalk he was writing it and stared at Celestia defiantly.
  672. >Celestia frowned, lightly. "You do realize that you are only making this worse for yourself?"
  673. >"Torture me all you want, but I will not give in!"
  674. >The princess sighed and activated her magic and the teenager got lifted into the air.
  675. >"Hey!" He shouted in protest, which was ignored as he was placed on the alicorn's lap.
  676. >What followed was a quick hoof spanking from the princess.
  677. >"OW, OUCH, I'M-AH, TOO OLD FOR-EEP!"
  678. >Celestia would consider this a light spanking, but the colt still yelped and squealed in pain.
  679. >Once she was done, she let the colt stand up.
  680. >"Back to writing!" She commanded with a buttslap.
  681. >The much younger pony was surprisingly receptive to that command.
  682. >He did grumble as he kept writing though.
  683. >"This sort of injustice is why we need a revolution." He whispered.
  684. >"What was that?"
  685. >"Nothing!"
  686. >Soon, he was close to being finished with his required 100 lines.
  687. >"Uh, princess?" He asked.
  688. >"Now you address me by my title, hm?" Asked Celestia playfully.
  689. >"Uh, maybe we can compromise. The revolution could still leave room for the monarchy."
  690. >Celestia pretended to think for a moment. "I don't think so. Do keep those lines writing. You wouldn't want a third spanking, would you?"
  691. >That kept him going.
  692. >"M-maybe the revolution was a bad idea." He said a bit later. "Perhaps we can-"
  693. >"You are not getting out of this spanking, young colt. Please keep on writing."
  694. >Even with that please, it was obvious that Celestia was giving an order, one which the colt felt compelled to follow.
  695. >He kept on writing: "I will not cause public disturbance or I will be spanked."
  697. @@@
  700. >"But Rarityyy, mom and dad don't spank me!"
  701. >"Mother and father may put up with your unladylike behavior, darling, but I will not."
  702. >"But I don't wanna get a spanking!"
  703. >"That is not up to you, Sweetie Belle, now bend over!"
  704. >Rarity taps her lap.
  705. >Sweetie Belle pouts and whimpers, looking at the big paddle Rarity was levitating.
  706. >"Why do you even have a paddle like that?"
  707. >Rarity blushes and looks away. "... Personal reasons." She looks back with a frown. "Now get over hear before I grab your ear!"
  709. @@@
  712. Foalsitter spanks are interesting, especially when there's 2 of them.
  714. ---
  716. 'Smack!'
  717. >Rumble winced.
  719. >"You won't do that again, will you?" Asked Cloudchaser.
  721. >"I, uh..."
  722. >'Smack!'
  723. >"Gah!"
  725. >"C'mon, Rumble. I'm sure you don't want me to spank you forever." Said Flitter, who currently had Rumble over her knee.
  726. >"I don't wanna get brushed!" Rumble shouted. "C'mon, I learned my lesson!"
  727. >Rumble's pleading only served to earn him another hoof spank.
  729. >"You know the rules, Rumble." Chided Cloudchaser, who was holding a wooden hairbrush.
  731. >The two mares often foalsat Rumble due to inconvenient work times for the parents and a very busy schedule from Thunderlane. When it came to spankings, one would first give him a slow hoofspanking, which also doubled as a lecture where they would make sure Rumble would understand what he did to earn his punishment, followed by a more proper hairbrush spanking from the other.
  733. >"Yea." 'Smack!' "Your butt's getting brushed one way or another. How much you want it to sting beforehand is up to you." 'Smack!'
  734. >Rumble yelped. "It hurts plenty already, trust me!" He begged.
  735. >'Smack!'
  736. >"Ouch!"
  738. >"Your only making this worse for yourself, Rumble." Cloudchaser chided.
  739. >"Yea." Flitter said "Now, will you be doing that again?" She asked.
  741. >Rumble gulped, knowing that if he answered yes, he'd be getting that hairbrush spanking, but if he chose to be defiant, he'd just get a longer warmup.
  742. >One way or another, his tush would be meeting that wooden tool.
  743. >"N-no, Flitter." He finally said.
  745. >"Good!" Flitter smiled before giving Rumble a playful swat on the rump. "Your up, Cloud!"
  746. >Cloudchaser nodded before sitting down next to Flitter. "You know, your punishment would have been over by now if you had just answered Flitter.
  748. >"I know, please, I don't need another spanking!" Rumble begged.
  749. >"Now, now, hon." Flitter started. "That was just the warmup. The brush is part of the same spanking."
  751. >Rumble groaned as he was taken off of one knee only to be placed on another.
  753. @@@
  756. A short idea I had. I'm not sure how far it could be taken.
  758. >Chrysalis was sweating as she was about to be defeated by her own creation.
  759. >Just how was that clone so powerful?
  760. >Suddenly, something grabbed the Twilight clone, ending their dual and saving the changeling.
  761. >"Imbeciles, you ruined everything!"
  762. >Chrysalis looked up to see her 6 creations lifted up by glowing seemingly ghostly tentacles sprouting from the Tree of Harmony, holding them tight.
  763. >What happened next was something none of them expected.
  764. >Smaller tentacles grew out from the ones holding the clones, which then proceeded to start spanking their rumps.
  765. >Each of the clones let out their own noises of pain mixed with complaints.
  766. >Chrysalis could only stand there and watch.
  767. >The Tree appeared to have a rather odd security system against such threats.
  769. What should Chrysalis do?
  771. @@@
  775. Of course Firelight keeps a paddle that has "BAD STARLIGHT" crudely written on it with red marker. Every good father keeps a paddle with their "BAD" followed by their child's name written on them. Sometimes with better hoof/hornwriting as well.
  777. @@@
  780. >Underneath the School of Friendship, the Tree of Harmony was giving tests to a certain group of students.
  781. >Smolder was one of them.
  782. >"We want you to join our tea party!" Said one of the mares, likely a construct of the tree.
  783. >Smolder frowned, but relented. "Fine!"
  784. >"But first!" The other mare said. "Were going to give you a spanking."
  785. >"A what?!" Smolder recoiled in shock and outrage.
  786. >"No spanking, no tea party." The mare insisted.
  787. >The orange dragoness groaned. She already figured that this was just a part of a test designed to make her accept her... tendency to enjoy cute things.
  788. >She had no idea where this weird pony punishment came into this though.
  789. >Thinking back to when she first saw it preformed, she was walking around town when she noticed some filly getting spanked on a bench by a mare, probably her mother.
  790. >There were some light kicks and a few tears from the foal, and passerby's barely gave any attention to the two, besides a few chuckles.
  791. >It was odd, that a few buttslaps would be one of the punishments ponies used on their young, and the fact that it was seemed to be done in some way for almost any misbehavior.
  792. >It was... as Smolder hated to admit it... kind of adorable.
  793. >... Shit...
  794. >How did the tree know?
  795. >Either way, there was no choice if she wanted to escape.
  796. >"Fine!"
  797. >And with that, the dragoness was hoisted onto the mare's lap, which she fit on surprisingly well, who then raised her tail, which immediately make her start blushing, and spanked away with her hoof.
  798. >It wasn't too bad, but Smolder did find herself wincing a bit every so often, which made her wonder if the weird tree magic had anything to do with the occasional harder swats.
  799. >If she didn't know that these mares were magical constructs or if anycreature else was around, this would easily be one of the most humiliating moments of her life.
  800. >Her over some pony's lap, looking down, probably blushing like mad while her rump was getting smacked like that...
  801. >Not very dragon-like.
  802. >Despite that, one thought crept into her mind.
  803. >She must look very cute right now.
  804. >She sighed, almost wanting to burn down that damned tree for making her actually enjoy this.
  806. @@@
  809. >Applebloom was walking to Zecora's hut.
  810. >Her sister's group had got in touch with some blue flowers that had all sorts of funny effects on them.
  811. >She chuckled at how tiny her "big" sister was now.
  812. >And to think: all this happened because they were so scared of Zecora for no reason.
  813. >Applebloom shook her head. And ponies called her a silly filly.
  815. >"Applebloom, stop this instant!" Came the barely audible voice of Applejack.
  816. >The younger sister looked around for her older sibling, before remembering said sister's shrunken state.
  817. >Quickly guessing that the mare had slipped into her mane, she reached in there to grab a clearly unhappy Applejack.
  818. >"Now you go home right now, ya' hear?! This aint' no place for little fillies like you!" Ordered the mare.
  819. >Applebloom smirked. "The way I see it, sis, the only "little" one here is you."
  820. >"That's no way to talk to your big sister!"
  821. >"Well, I guess I'm the big sister now!" The filly happily declared.
  823. >She then intended to put Applejack down and head to Zecora, but then she got an idea.
  824. >A rather devious idea.
  825. >She looked around to see if anypony else was there, and briefly contemplated on doing this.
  826. >"Applebloom, I'm not gonna warn ya' again!"
  827. >She had made her decision.
  829. >Applebloom grabbed the tiny Applejack with one hoof and have her a smug smile.
  830. >"Hey sis, remember when you spanked me last week?"
  831. >Applejack tilted her head. "Yea, ya' weren't doing your chores properly. What about it?" She asked confused.
  832. >The mare then noticed how devilishly the filly was smiling at her before realizing what was about to happen.
  833. >"Don't you dare." She warned.
  835. >But dare the vengeful filly did. Not wanting to waste this chance for payback, she rotated Applejack sideways on her hoof so that the orange butt was facing her and squeezing the hoof that was holding the mare slightly to prevent any escape.
  836. >"It ain't nice to sneak into a pony's mane like that, little sis." Applebloom teasingly said, emphasizing the last two words.
  838. >"Applebloom!" Applejack angrily shouted before letting out an "Ow!".
  839. >Indeed, little Applebloom was carefully spanking her shrunken sister with her free hoof while sitting on the forest floor.
  840. >Of course, she couldn't put too much force in it lest she accidentally seriously hurt her sister, but she didn't need to.
  841. >To Applejack's butt, the yellow hoof was big enough to cause some good stings, which mixed painfully with the complete coverage.
  843. >"Ow! Stop this now Applebloom Ouch!"
  844. >Applebloom paid no heed.
  845. >'smack' 'smack' 'smack'
  847. >"Your big sister is Gah! Ordering you to Ow! Sop this instant!"
  848. >"Ah' see no big sister here besides me!" Applebloom cheerfully declared while still spanking away.
  850. >"I'll get you back for this!"
  851. >"Suuure you will." 'smack' "I'm sure Big Mac will be very interested to hear about how I of all ponies spanked you."
  853. >Applejack blushed while trying to squirm her way out of her predicament. Punishing Applebloom for this would also mean telling this embarrassing story to her family. She really didn't want to do that. Who gets spanked by their little sister anyway?
  855. >And so, little Applebloom spent some quality time taking her revenge on the then littler Applejack before dumping the sore bottomed mare onto a leaf and continuing her journey to Zecora's.
  857. @@@
  860. >Octavia wasn't always the well-known musician she is now.
  861. >Back in the day, she had trouble getting into the business.
  862. >Sadly, up-and-coming musicians aren't paid very well.
  863. >Because of this, the young mare, practically a teenager, had to take on a second job.
  864. >Because she could find no other job that would also support her dreams of becoming a famous musician, she became a maid of a rich noble.
  865. >Regarding the discipline of such servants, it used to be that the employer would have the right to punish their employees posterior for unsatisfactory work or accidents.
  866. >Such arrangements were made illegal not too long ago.
  867. >Unfortunately for the younger Octavia, she had barely missed out on that law.
  868. >And she wasn't a very good maid.
  869. >One can imagine how many times she had to clean her employer's mansion with a sore bottom.
  870. >Sometimes even when guests were around.
  871. >She always wondered how she never got fired.
  872. >But if she had to guess, it was because her employer really loved to spank her bottom.
  873. >That pervy stallion practically begged her to stay after she announced her quitting of the job.
  874. >Which was odd, considering that all she seemed to be good for in it was getting her hide tanned.
  875. >Looking back, Octavia couldn't help but imagine how he must have felt after he was banned from spanking any future maid of his.
  876. >It made her feel good.
  878. @@@
  881. >It would be funny if Starlight spanking Cozy would be the main reason for the latter's turn to evil.
  883. That could make for a funny story.
  885. >"But Cozy Glow, why do you want power so badly?" Twilight asked the defeated filly.
  886. >"Why?!" Cozy asked, offended by the question. "She knows why!" She pointed at Starlight.
  887. >"Me?" Starlight pointed to herself in confusion.
  888. >"Remember?! That time when you assaulted me?!"
  889. >"Wh-what?!" Starlight looked confused. "What are you talking about?"
  890. >"You spanked me you stupid unicorn!" Cozy accused.
  891. >Starlight perked up. "Wait, you don't mean..."
  892. >"Yes, I do!"
  894. Flashback.
  896. >Cozy had admitted her deception with the CMC and everything turned out just fine.
  897. >That was until Starlight called her in for a private session to her office.
  898. >"Yes, councilor Starlight?" Asked Cozy.
  899. >"While I am proud of how you admitted to your wrongdoing, I'm afraid that it cannot go unpunished."
  900. >"What do you mean?"
  901. >"I've discussed it with Headmare Twilight and we've come to the conclusion that you have earned yourself a paddling for the lies you have told." Starlight said strictly.
  902. >"... A paddling?"
  903. >"Yes, Cozy, a paddling." Starlight levitated a stool next to the filly. "Please bend over this. Don't worry, it'll be quick."
  904. >Cozy looked at the stool and the paddle that she noticed on Starlight's desk, a blush forming on her cheeks.
  905. >"I know its unpleasant but I promise, it won't be too bad." Starlight reassured.
  906. >Cozy eventually relented and silently bent over the stool.
  907. >Starlight wasted no time and grabbed the paddle with her magic.
  908. >'Crack!' 'Thwack!' 'Crack!' 'Thwack!' 'Crack!'
  909. >Five whacks. Not too hard, but they still stung. Cozy had a few tears in her eyes.
  910. >"Now, I'm sorry that I had to do this, but I hope that this lesson stuck with you, Cozy. Please don't do that again."
  911. >"I won't, councilor Starlight." Cozy said with a sniffle.
  912. >On the outside, Cozy looked like an apologetic filly who accepted her punishment.
  913. >But on the inside...
  914. >"How dare she do that to me?! I will have my revenge!" Cozy thought, already coming up with a hasty scheme to get back at the councilor and the headmare.
  915. >Cozy was always a petty and vengeful pony and while she did her best to suppress those urges in school, this event pushed her over the limit.
  917. Present.
  919. >"You spanked me, it hurt and it was humiliating and I had to pretend that I was OK with that!"
  920. >Needless to say, Starlight and everyone around was flabbergasted.
  921. >"Cozy, that wasn't even a hard spanking! I went easy on you because I thought you were remorseful!" The mare tried to reason.
  922. >"I was but not anymore! When I take over Equestria, I'll make all of you my slaves and spank you forever!"
  923. >"Cozy you can't be serious!" Twilight said after recovering from the shock of Cozy's reasoning.
  924. >"Am too!" Cozy stomped her hoof with all the power of an incredibly indignant filly. "I'm gonna get back at you all!"
  925. >Everyone just stared at Cozy's display of sheer childish pettiness. All this trouble over a light paddling...
  926. >Twilight and her friends turned to each other.
  928. What should happen next?
  930. @@@
  933. >Due to pony anatomy, it can be difficult for big ponies to spank little ones.
  934. >Looking down directly at such a small target can be hard, after all.
  935. >So little colts and fillies getting their first spankings usually get it in the same position they were during diaper changes back in their baby years.
  936. >Its practical, comfortable and familiar for the little ones.
  937. >As they get older and bigger, they graduate to the standard over the knee spankings.
  938. >In some rare cases when a naughty older foal gets extra childish, they may just find themselves back in that position.
  939. >On their back, legs in the air, bottom exposed.
  940. >Just like a diaper change.
  941. >But much more unpleasant.
  942. >While a normal spanking is bad enough, this always adds an extra lair of humiliation.
  943. >For some unfortunate youngsters, parents would sometimes keep using the position far longer then normal.
  944. >This is often for foals that are naturally shorter.
  945. >But sometimes they just prefer it more.
  946. >Certain implements are easier that way.
  947. >Or its more comfortable
  948. >Strange how being spanked in a certain position would make colts and fillies beg to be spanked in another.
  949. >Quite silly too. A sore rump is a sore rump, after all.
  951. @@@
  954. >be Anon.
  955. >Teleported to Equestria.
  956. >Yay!
  957. >Unfortunately, you have some weird magical condition.
  958. >No!
  959. >As you found out, you've gained an extra magical stomach, that needs to be "fed" from time to time.
  960. >The problem is that there is only one way to feed it.
  961. >Spanking.
  962. >More specifically, you need to spank a pony to gain sustenance.
  963. >Kind of like changelings with love.
  964. >Ideally, the younger the spankee the more sustaining, meaning that the more time you can get by without having to spank again.
  965. >It works with adults, but it barely gives you anything.
  966. >It's like trying to stave off starvation with junk food.
  967. >Sure, you can eat it, but it won't last long.
  968. >In other words you need to spank a colt or filly.
  969. >And it needs to be a proper hard spanking for it to have an effect.
  970. >Nopony knows how it works or why this is happening.
  971. >Many methods have been attempted to cure you, but nothing worked.
  972. >So, your stuck here, living in Ponyville.
  973. >Sadly, you feel your magic hunger again.
  974. >Great.
  975. >This is the first time you need to "eat" in Ponyville.
  976. >Needless to say, randomly walking up to some random colt and filly to spank them may be more then a bit awkward.
  977. >And parents may be reluctant to let the alien stranger spank their kids.
  978. >Thankfully, you got 6 new friends who may help you.
  979. >Their the reason why you were moved to Ponyville.
  980. >But who to pick...
  982. >Your first option is Twilight. She may be the most logical choice given her connections and her authority due to her recent ascent to alicornhood (post-wings pre-castle for the sake of the story). Her exceptional organization skills may also be of benefit to help you out.
  984. >Rarity would also be a smart choice. Her job often gets her in touch with a lot of clients, which, similar to Twilight, offers much connections to help you find a good feeding candidate. You also assume that she must be good at convincing ponies to do stuff since her work requires her to convince customers to buy certain dresses.
  986. >Pinkie is a surprisingly good option. She may not be that helpful in convincing colts and fillies to let you spank them, but, as you found out shortly after moving here, she knows everything about everypony here, which is quite ideal for what you need.
  988. >Applejack seems to be well-respected in town, practically a local hero, and your sure that everypony would believe her when she explains your situation given her honest reputation.
  990. >Rainbow is a similarly heroic figure around these parts, and her flying skills may be good at quickly finding a good candidate.
  992. >And lastly, Fluttershy. Your not sure how she could be as helpful in this as the rest, but your sure she has some qualities that would net you some good food.
  994. >But again, who to pick...
  996. @@@
  999. >Filly just got a spanking.
  1000. >Now serving corner time.
  1001. >Red rump showing.
  1002. >Doesn't dare to move. Mom will spank her extra if she does.
  1003. >Uncomfortable situation for sure.
  1004. >Sibling is watching.
  1005. >Waits until mom goes out of the room.
  1006. >Then addresses filly.
  1007. >"Hey."
  1008. >"What?"
  1009. >"Mom said you can come out." The sibling says in a convincing tone.
  1010. >Filly sighs in relief.
  1011. >Starts rubbing immediately as sibling quietly leaves the room.
  1012. >Filly is just about to leave as well when suddenly.
  1013. >"What are you doing?! I told you to stay there!"
  1014. >It's mom.
  1015. >She's not happy.
  1016. >"B-but-" Filly tries to explain.
  1017. >Mom is having none of that.
  1018. >Grabs filly and holds her still for some additional rump smacks.
  1019. >All that lingering pain that the waiting and rubbing took away is now back in full force.
  1020. >Filly is, naturally, forced back into the corner.
  1021. >Time out restarts.
  1022. >Mom gives a very stern warning before going to do chores.
  1023. >Sibling, who was watching from a hiding spot, creeps over to filly.
  1024. >Lean's in right next to her ear.
  1025. >And whispers:
  1026. >"April Fools."
  1028. @@@
  1031. >One day close to winter, Pippsqueak found himself walking around the boot store im Canterlot market.
  1032. >Shops like these were very popular during the winter period where ponies would look to get something warm for their hooves.
  1033. >His mom bought him here to get boots, among other things.
  1034. >As mom was busy buying groceries, which she also wanted to get, he went to the boot store himself.
  1035. >The lone colt was looking at the merchandise, wondering what set of hoofwear will mom be buying him, hoping for a comfy one.
  1036. >As he wondered around, he heard a slapping sound, followed by whining.
  1037. >Curious, he decided to check it out.
  1038. >As he passed one of the stalls, he finally found the source.
  1039. >Another colt, maybe a bit older then him, was over a mare's knee, presumably his mother.
  1040. >She was sitting on one of the store benches used for trying on the boots, spanking him with her hoof.
  1041. >Despite not yet being well-versed in receiving spankings due to his young age, he couldn't help but wince.
  1042. >His almost-pear, was obviously embarrassed, as shown by his blushing face, yet he was still kicking and crying.
  1043. >The mare was obviously not going easy on him.
  1044. >Nor did she seem to care about the on and off audience, which mostly consisted of other ponies taking a few seconds to stare at the two.
  1045. >There were some amused and awkward looks from the older ones.
  1046. >But what really caught Pippsqueak's eyes were the younger ponies.
  1047. >It was interesting to see how varied they were.
  1048. >Some seemed to find it as amusing as the adults, often giggling at the poor colt's predicament.
  1049. >"Rude." He thought.
  1050. >Others seemed to look away and get out of there as fast as possible. Pipsqueak wondered if that was because they thought they could be next or something.
  1051. >And a few stared awkwardly at the scene.
  1052. >He found it fascinating how their reactions differed.
  1053. >But what caught his interest even more was the colts and fillies with their parents.
  1054. >Without exception, after both took notice of the spanking, the mare or stallion would often lean down towards their young, and whisper something into their ear that would scare the colt or filly.
  1055. >He wondered what it was.
  1056. >"Pippsqueak!"
  1057. >The colt jumped and turned around to face his mother.
  1058. >"You know better then to run off like that." She scolded.
  1059. >"Sorry mom, I just wanted to see the boots."
  1060. >The mare sighed. "You could have waited for that, silly." She then noticed the ongoing chastisement. "Honestly, dear. You know its not nice to stare."
  1061. >The colt winced. "Sorry."
  1062. >Mom kept a stern gaze. "Come along then." She dragged him away by his hoof.
  1063. >"And if you wander away like that one more time, you'll be getting the same thing he got."
  1064. >Pippsqueak gulped as he finally understood what all those parents were saying to their kids.
  1065. >Warnings.
  1066. >As he was dragged away, he heard one last smack from behind.
  1067. >He couldn't help but imagine himself in that predicament.
  1068. >The thought made him want to behave at all costs.
  1070. @@@
  1073. >Pear Butter looked on as poor Bright Mac was dragged away by Mrs Smith.
  1074. >She winced. While the Apples and Pears were (barring 2 ponies) mortal enemies, they were still farmponies.
  1075. >And farmpony families have certain things in common.
  1076. >One of them being what happens to those that get dragged away like that by their parents...
  1078. >Inside the Apple Family house, Bright Mac was made to lay against a chair.
  1079. >Didn't matter how big he was, if Granny Smith told you to take up THAT position, you damn well did as you were told.
  1080. >And you can bet your flank that she'd be getting her favorite spoon.
  1081. >A big thick oversize wooden spoon, reserved for the big cauldron the family used whenever they had lots of guests over, mostly for reunions.
  1082. >Mostly.
  1083. >It's other purpose...
  1085. >It wasn't the first time Bright Mac felt its sting, though that fact didn't make it any easier.
  1086. >He was one of the hardest working, strongest and most capable young stallions in his family.
  1087. >Easily winning most physical competitions with his pears. A truly tough pony.
  1088. >Yet, under his mom's experienced hoof, and that huge spoon which had managed to cover most of his flank, he had a real hard time staying still.
  1089. >Smith even had to warn him once.
  1090. >And of course, the loud sound it made would signal to everypony nearby just what he was going through.
  1091. >If not, then his red rump once the mare was done would be sure to let all onlookers know what sort of punishment he got.
  1092. >"Now, Bright Mac, I don't want ye fraternizing with them Pears again, specially not that mare ye keep making googly eyes with, ye hear?!"
  1093. >"N-no ma'am."
  1094. >"Darn tootin'!"
  1095. >Bright Mac surpassed a sigh. Not only did he have to lie to his mother, but now he'd have a mighty bad time working on the fields with his sore rump.
  1097. >Not to say there wasn't a silver lining.
  1098. >Pear Butter was sure to give him plenty of sympathy that evening at their secret meeting spot.
  1099. >Totally worth the pain.
  1100. >The things a pony can do for love...
  1102. >Years later, the old Granny Smith would look back at that time.
  1103. >She was a believer of a good tanning when needed, and never regretted dishing one out.
  1104. >Except that one time.
  1105. >Now she could only curse herself for being such a fool to stand in the way of what was on hindsight, such an obvious romance.
  1107. @@@
  1110. >Spike was happily taking a nice, relaxing bath.
  1111. >Twilight was dealing with some angry complaints.
  1112. >Her faithful young assistant has deemed it necessary to use up all of Ponyville's hot water for his 7 hour bubblebath.
  1113. >Poor plumbing aside, this was obviously rather irritating for Twilight, who was sure to get a hefty bill this month.
  1115. >Spike was still bathing with his eyes closed, not noticing the angry unicorn loom over him.
  1116. >Twilight had bought a switch she had picked from outside with her.
  1117. >Suddenly, the young dragon felt himself floating upwards.
  1118. >Turned in a way that left his rump wide open.
  1119. >"Twilight?!"
  1120. >"Do you know how many angry ponies were complaining to me because of your bathing habits?!"
  1121. >Twilight smacked his bum with a loud 'THWACK!" , causing a bit of water to splash from its impact, alongside creating a nice red line.
  1122. >"OW!" Spike did not take it very well, the wetness made it hurt even more then it normally would have.
  1123. >"The water bills will be through the roof!"
  1124. >'THWACK!'
  1125. >Spike kicked about, but his short stubby legs could do little to cover his rump, which was already in a very sore state from just two smacks.
  1126. >"I'm sorry!"
  1127. >"Now all of Ponyville needs to contend with cold water tonight!"
  1128. >'THWACK!'
  1129. >"AHAaaou!" Spike cried out, tears coming from his eyes at the chastisement. A switch striking a freshly cleaned bottom was no laughing matter.
  1130. >He then was hoisted back down to the tub.
  1131. >"Next time, just use your dragon breath." Twilight said before leaving Spike to his privacy.
  1133. >The remainder of the young dragon's bath time was filled with lots of squirming.
  1134. >Turns out the hard bathtub surface is not very comfortable to sit on after a spanking.
  1135. >Worse still, Twilight would make him apologize to all of Ponyville the next day, while the switch marks were still visible.

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