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Involuntary Testing (remake) by RusticAnon

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-12 22:02:42
Updated: 2022-03-17 17:55:51
Expiry: Never

  1. Involuntary Testing (remake) by RusticAnon
  3. (09/06/2017)
  6. ---
  8. ----------------------------------------
  9. Involuntary Testing (remake)
  10. ----------------------------------------
  12. Applebloom Big Mac and Granny smith were all going out to the summer carnival in ponyville. Applejack had other plans for the day. she wanted to stay in her barn to finish her project. Applejack knew that she would work a lot faster without any distractions. especially from her noisy little sister. She didn't want her babble mouth sister to know about it. so she kept it a secret. so as soon as her family left in the morning she head to the barn and continued working on it.
  14. Later in the afternoon she was still at it. her secret project was 90% done.
  15. AJ : "wah wee I'm almost done". -applejack was talking to herself.
  16. AJ : "I'm pretty sure Cheerilee would be pleased with the results. Right Winona ?"
  17. Winona " Woof Woof!"
  18. 5 days ago applejack met Cheerilee in one of the stores. She hang out with her for a bit gossiping about her brother and stuff. and while they were walking in ponyville streets. They saw a colt and a filly were standing suspiciously near one a wall. They were writing some nasty stuff on the wall. Cheerilee yelled at them.
  19. Cheerilee : Rumble and Spark Heat! what do you think you're doing!
  20. The two foals got startled and immediately ran off.
  22. ----------------------------------------
  24. Cheerilee : Dang it. These 2 foals will never learn.
  25. Applejack : I get it as one of your students ?
  26. Cheerilee : yes. these two and many other new students are really a pain to deal with. they all lack discipline. They keep getting worse every year.
  27. Applejack : wasn't it always like that ?
  28. Cheerilee : No. ever since our principal retired. the foals revolted. They used to fear her and her wooden paddle. but now that she is gone they have nothing to fear.
  29. Applejack : Have you tried paddling them yourself .
  30. Cheerilee : I did it once. but I felt really bad. it's not my cup of tea.
  31. Applejack : But you need to show them that you are able to. and let them know that option exist.
  32. Cheerilee : Too late for that. I already caved in. I apologized in front of the class for my behaviour and swore never to personally spank any foal.
  33. Applejack : That's a dialma ..
  34. This is when it hit her. Applejack got an idea that would fix cheerilee's situation.
  35. Applejack : A punishment machine.
  36. Cheerilee : what?
  37. Applejack : What if I built you a contraption that would punish the foals for you.
  38. Cheerilee : I don't know...
  39. Applejack : You don't need to use it. the whole idea is to threaten them with it. I'll make sure to make it scary enough so no foals would dare to misbehave.
  40. Cheerilee : But wouldn't that be asking too much of you ?
  41. Applejack : no problem I will start building it tomorrow. It would be done after the summer sun celebration day off.
  43. --------------------------------------
  45. Back to present Applejack was just doing the final adjustment on her discipline machine. she was leaning forward at the seat of the machine to tighten some bolt with her wrench. Winona was there keeping applejack company. she was assisting with fetching tools helping her with the contraption.
  46. Applejack : here girl take this wrench .
  47. Winona : woof
  48. Applejack : good girl now fetch me the bigger one.
  49. winona went to the tool box and fetched the bigger wrench. and handed it to applejack.
  50. Applejack : winona now fetch me the Bristol Spline.
  51. Winona tilted her head. she didn't understand what that was. she headed toward the toolbox. she didn't know what she was supposed to fetch. she felt a bit pressured.
  52. Applejack : what is it girl go fetch me that bristol spline go girl.
  53. winona saw where applejack's hoof was pointing. The only object in that direction was the starting board. winona mistakenly pushed the start button as she was grabbing it with her mouth.
  55. Suddenly the machine went alive. Following the procedure as programed. it started it's phase 1 - Securing the subject
  56. Mechanical arms came out of the machine and grabbed her subject. which is applejack as she was laying down on the seat.
  57. Applejack : what the hey !
  58. The machine grabbed her hooves and secured them. the leather seat which was shaped like a saddle moved out of its position and applejack got placed on top of it sideways. she was forced to lean on it. a strap came from the seat and wrapped itself around applejack's waist. securing her in her position. her front hooves were clamped down the seat. and her back legs also.
  59. Applejack couldn't fight the pony handling power of the machine. she laid there with her stomach on the seat being strapped in.
  60. everything happened so fast applejack still wondering what's going on.
  61. why did the machine suddenly started.
  63. A loud Ding sound have been played.
  64. Applejack soon recognised that sound. she is the one who made the machine after all. that Ding was the Starting sound of the punishment program.
  65. Applejack panicked she looked around looking for the Switch board. only to find it being held by her dog's mouth. she rialised what started the machine. but now she need to stop it
  67. Applejack (Loudly) : Winona! quick bring that here.
  69. Winona got startled. her master don't normally raise her voice at her. unless she did a bad thing. so she dropped the switch board on the floor.
  71. Applejack (yelling) : No! Winona Bring it here give it to me.
  73. Winona lowered her ears and ran off. she thought she was being scolded.
  75. AppleJack (yelling) : Winona come back this instant!
  77. But winona just ran off she hid inside her wooden house covering her face.
  78. Applejack : shoot. just my luck.
  80. The machine went to phase 2 - Heating
  81. Applejack squirmed in her place trying to get off but failed. couple of hatches opened from the machine and mechanical arms came from them. one in front of her and one behind her.
  83. --------------------------------------
  85. Applejack gulped in anticipation of what's coming to her. she knew exactly what's coming. from behind a clamp rod came in and pulled up her tail exposing her butt. luckily no one was there to see her getting humiliated like that. then baby oil was applied to her entire back quarter. with a gloved hoof like mechanical leg rubbing it. making her butt smooth as silk. Then a rotating brisky brush gave her a thorough scrubbing. while also heating and tenderizing her butt for the next stage. the rotating brush stopped and moved away. then the machine applied a dose of hot pepper on her butt. which got driven into her skin by the rotating bristles brush. Applejack felt like her butt was on fire. her expression went from cringing to panting.
  86. but that soon changed when a soap bar was shoved inside her mouth. giving her a good scrub all over her teeth and tongue.
  88. Then the machine went to stage 3 - Pacifying
  90. Now that the subject's butt already been oiled up and peppered. it's ready for the main event. a wooden paddle came out of the hatch and got in position behind her. it raised up. Applejack braced herself for impact.
  91. Pat! Pat! Pat!
  92. it gave her 3 strikes on her heated butt cheeks. then it paused for 5 seconds then continued again delivering another 3 Pats! on her butt.
  93. it paused and continued again and again. all while the soap was still stuck in her mouth.
  94. after a several cycles the paddle stopped. it retracted back in the hatch leaving applejack's pink butt to catch some air. the soap was removed from her mouth. she spat the awful suds out.
  95. after a very short break. A beep sound was played.
  96. Applejack : oh noo.
  98. --------------------------------------
  100. Stage 4 - Punishment!
  101. That was all a warm up the real hell is about to begin. Multiple hatches were opened and several mechanical arms came out each holding a different implement. before she knew it a Wooden brush started hitting her butt. Delivering a continues non-stop smacks across her buttcheeks.
  102. which Stung her really hard. She started to feel the effect of the Oil and pepper that was applied to her earlier. they amplified the pain and stinging sensation .
  103. It was a bit over kill. Even applejack couldn't withstand the pain. she let few whimpering gasps as she was spanked.
  104. then the brush stopped. Soon after without a pause a leather belt start whipping applejack's poor butt. she let out a groan followed by a "hiss". the Belt left a sharp stinging sensation. which was already being amplified. Swish!
  105. Applejack couldn't take anymore of this. it was a bit too much. she tried again to free herself. but she was securely tied in. she built it herself. she made sure that no foal can run away from the punishment. the machine was supposed to be for display only. all these punishment effect were only to let foals fear it. and if any student were to actually get in it. the teacher would supervise it. and shut it down when the foal learned his lesson. the switch board would shut this off. but it's there out of applejack's reach.
  107. Another stinging whip from the belt hit applejack's red butt.
  108. Swish!
  109. Awww!
  110. her breath is started to get heavy. she was feeling helpless.
  111. Swish!
  112. Ahaaaw !
  113. A tear dropped on her cheek. she was on the verge of breaking. that's when the belt stopped.
  114. the machine paused for the moment.
  115. applejack was panting hard. catching up with her breath.
  116. Then another beep sound was played.
  117. soon after the beep the brush started spanking her butt at a faster rate.
  118. Whap Whap whap whap!
  119. it was going relently.
  121. --------------------------------------
  123. going on and on. Applejack was groaning after each smack.
  124. the smacking speed increased with each smack. it went faster and faster. almost 3 smacks a second. applejack was out of breath she couldn't match the smacking speed.
  125. the brush stopped. only for applejack to get hit by a rotating leather straps on wheel. the straps whipped her butt at fast rate. it started as the same speed as the brush.
  126. at that moment applejack busted into tears.
  127. Applejack : Please no more aww. aww aww.
  128. pleading to a non sentient being. the machine was doing it's full cycle as programed. it doesn't take into consideration the well being of its subject. That's the supervisor's job. that pony is supposed to stop the the machine when the punishment is severe. if it wasn't stopped it would go full cycle.
  129. Whap whap whap whap whap
  130. the rotating straps where hitting applejack but over and over again. then the rotating wheel withdrawn a way. and the brush start spanking her.
  131. giving her fast 10 smacks like before. then it change the implement to the belt .
  132. getting one implement after the other.
  133. applejack already passed her limits. the adult mare started bawling like a little filly.
  134. her butt were glowing red. her skin started to get thick.
  135. after what felt like forever for applejack the machine stopped spanking her.
  136. and all the implements retracted back into their hatches.
  137. the machine paused for a min. applejack sniffled and caught up with her breath.
  139. BeeP!
  140. another beep were sound. the machine went to it's next stage.
  142. Stage 5 - Repenting
  144. Applejack felt like she was completely lost and humiliated. she can't remember the last time she cried like that. but she was glad that it is almost over. if she played it right she would be released in no time.
  146. --------------------------------------
  148. the machine then continued it's programing. a hose with a nozzle dropped from a hatch behind her. the machine inserted the nozzle head inside her butt hole. Applejack kinda regretting installing that in. she knew that she is getting that enema no matter what. so no point resisting. the liquid started to pour in. filling her stomach up. applejack was more concerned on what's after the enema. wondering if she could endure it.
  149. after the enema liquid stop flowing. the nozzle was removed from her. applejack tried hard not to spill it. she knows if she did she will trigger the next stage. so she is trying hard to fight it. next the machine inserted a peeled ginger root up her butt. plugging it. at that moment the cuffs were opened. her hooves are free and she got unstrapped.
  150. the switchboard is far away from her. she wouldn't reach it in time. the machine would catch her midway and trigger the extra punishment stage. so she complied with what's gonna happen to her and play it safe for now.
  151. an arrow popped out of the machine. pointing toward a stool with a label on top of it that said Naughty stool. it's corner time for her. Applejack got off the spanking ledge toward the naughty stool. and sat there. she had to lean forward squatting while sitting on it cause the fig is still inside her butt. I have to endure it for 5 minutes. a mere 5 min she keeps repeating to herself. trying to distract herself from the urge to relieve herself from the enema.
  153. --------------------------------------
  155. as she was sitting there on the naughty stool she start to analize her experience. "~well atleast I know the machine works. nopony would ever dare to take a spin. it was really a horrible experience. ah damn that bloody fig it's making my butt twitchy. I would never dare to step near this machine again. as soon as I'm off I'll disconnect the power from it but that's after I run to the bathroom. guh. it burns.My butt hurts and my butthole burns. this is an overkill. I might need to remove few things from it. the enema part to be exact. ah...! ops almost spilled. I don't want to get even more humiliated than this. at least my family are not here to see me. if I make a mistake now I will trigger the next stage. the machine would wash my private parts. then it would lay me on my back and let me wear a diaper as a humiliation. to make matter worst the machine would hook the diaper and hang me there in a wedgie. if that happen there is no way I would get down. I would be stuck like that till my family comes. I'd be a laughing stock and they will never let that one go. so I must never ever trigger that stage.
  156. Ding! Ding! Ding!
  157. a mechanical arm took the fig out.
  158. Applejack : Ah finally!
  159. 5 min were passed. Applejack was finally of the hook. she is now free to go.
  160. applejack ran really fast heading inside the house. on her way from the barn , Big mac applebloom and Granny just came home.
  161. Applebloom : Oh hi sis ...
  162. Applejack : I'm in a hurry talk to you later bye
  163. applejack didn't even slow down she ran passed them heading inside the house. Big Mac did notice that his sister's butt was red. he stood there thinking... nah it's my imagination.
  164. Applejack made it safely inside the bathroom. and she was gonna be busy for a while.
  166. --------------------------------------
  168. Applebloom : I wonder what's up with my sister.
  169. Granny : Meh probably she needed to use the bathroom.
  170. Applebloom : she ran from over there. . .
  171. ~oh it's the barn. she must have finished her secret project.
  172. Applebloom : I'll catch up with you later.
  173. Big Mac : Don't go peaking into your sister's project now.
  174. Applebloom : No I won't.
  175. she trotted toward the barn.
  177. Applebloom went inside the barn. usually applejack locks the door. but this time applejack didn't so applebloom used this opportunity to sneak in.
  179. applebloom saw the machine that applejack was working on.
  180. Applebloom : Hmm... I have no idea what this is. a chair. a box. a cupboard thingy. wah it doesn't make any sense at all.
  181. she approached it looking at it. she found a box's door. she opened it and saw dials and switches.
  182. Appleboom : hmm.. this dial is currently pointed toward moderate. the two other options on it are Light and severe. hmm.. meh I'll put it on severe.
  183. she waited for few moments and nothing happened. "nothing happened . well on to the next one."
  184. there is a switch that says 'experimental features' and it was sit off.
  185. "Experimental features... I want to see everything . ON. ... Nothing happens. this is boring "
  186. Woof woof!
  187. "oh hi winona "
  188. Woof
  189. applebloom climbed on the machine snooping around.
  190. "hey winona. do you happen to know how to turn this on ?"
  191. Woof!
  192. Winona picked the Switchboard from the ground and fetched it to applebloom.
  193. "oh hello. this looks like the control switch. I wonder what would this button do"
  194. Applebloom clicked the button. and the machine started whirring.
  196. THE END

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