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Anon the new foalsitter by RusticAnon

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-12 22:03:36
Updated: 2022-03-17 17:45:13
Expiry: Never

  1. Anon the new foalsitter by RusticAnon
  3. (30/01/2017)
  6. ---
  8. >anon was trying to earn his livings in Equestria. he tried for various new jobs he usually fails or screw things up cause he doesn't know the traditional way of Equestrian culture. This time Twilight suggested to him to be a foalsitter.
  9. Followed an address of an ad in the newspaper. they were in desperate need for any foal sitter to watch their filly for a three days and they are paying well.
  10. As he was standing infront of their house. He took a deep breath and then Twilight popped in his head 'you can't screw that one Anon you just need to make sure the foal don't die while their parents are away.' "Geez twilight give me some credit." he said that out loud. meanwhile the parents were inside the house looking at him from inside a window.
  11. "Honey are you sure about that one, he is talking to himself?"
  12. "well. he is the only one that came in. He followed the address on the paper. I'm sure he can follow our instruction"
  13. Ding Dong!
  14. the door opened as soon as the bell rang.
  15. "come on in , you must be the new foal sitter."
  16. >"umm yes I saw the..
  17. "don't just stand there come inside."
  18. The mother pulled his hand and the father went behind him and pushed him in. they dragged him inside and gave him a tour.
  19. " this is the living room.. this is the kitchen.. this is the bathroom... etc etc'
  20. Anon didn't get a chance to talk and say a thing.
  22. "ah yes and this is our little angel Dizzy"
  23. the little filly was sitting at a sofa with an innocent smile on her face.
  24. "We are in a hurry as you can see. our train will leave in few minutes. HONEY WE HAVE TO GO NOW"
  25. "ready darling I'll be there in a second"
  26. "Second right... now then, take care of our sweet lillte sugar cream while we are gone. look after the house while we are gone. oh and make sure to water the plants in the morning."
  27. >'water the plants ...'
  28. The wife finally came in holding her bags on her back .
  29. "darling do you mind..."
  30. "oh yes dear."
  31. she handed him the bags and then focused on you.
  32. "did my husband told you need to do ?"
  33. >well actually no. other than watering the flowers...
  34. "sigh what am I gonna do with mr.Toffee."
  35. "you called honey ?"
  36. "Nah wait for me in the cart I'll be there in a min."
  37. "hurry up Honey the train wont be waiting for us"
  38. "Ok then.. Here is a list of all things you need to do."
  39. she handed anon a long paper list of things.
  40. >woh that's a really long list.
  41. "the emergency numbers are down here. just do the stuff in the list and you'll be fine."
  42. she turned around to her daughter and said
  43. "Dizzy we are gonna be gone for now take care"
  44. "ok mommy"
  45. "just that...where is my hug ?"
  46. The little filly ran toward her mother and hugged her.
  47. "we will be gone for 3 days . I want you to be a good mare, and listen to that man over there. can you do that ?"
  48. "yes mommy"
  49. "good"
  50. she ran back to the living room...
  52. the mother then came close to anon and talked in lower voice.
  53. " if you have trouble with her listening to you and you were unable to control her, then use the manebrush"
  54. >manebrush ?
  55. "yes you know a brush. go on her butt. don't hesitate to be go rough on her. careful she will squirm and kick. Don't stop till she cry" then the mother was interrupted by her husband
  56. "Honey Come one we need to go NOW!"
  57. "COMING DARLING .. use the brush..the one in the bathroom is perfect for your err.. paws."
  58. she then left the house and closed the door after her.
  59. >Now then it's only me and that filly. use the brush she said.. Well I hope it doesn't go down to this.
  60. ..
  61. anon followed the list that the mother gave it to him.
  62. Dinner at 7:30 - Wash the dishes at 8:15 - bedtime at 10:30 ..etc
  63. it was precise with the chores and stuff needs to be done. so anon followed and referred to it from time to time.
  64. at the first day he didn't have any trouble with that filly. she was just playing in the living room and drawing stuff in her draw book. she have shown him the silly stuff she have drawn.
  65. at night he made her dinner. in the list the mother gave him was an instruction on what he should do what to cook so it easy.
  66. at night during bedtime. he told the filly to go to bed. she complied with no issue and laid down in her bed. before anon left her there she asked for a story. he read her a story and she fell asleep. anon turned off the lights and closed the door as he leave.
  67. >hmm That went rather well. Maybe I will be doing this foalsitting business from now on.
  68. --
  69. the next morning the filly needed to get up for school. Anon woke her up and then prepared her breakfast. nothing really out of the ordinary happened. and she went to school on time.
  70. Anon spent some time there in the house. then remembered that he needed to water the plant outside... "guess I'm a gardener too."
  71. time have passed. its afternoon now.. that filly should be home by now.
  73. an hour have passed.
  74. Anon started to get worried.
  75. that filly did not come back home.
  76. anon had to do something.
  77. he read the instruction list the mother gave it to him.
  78. she wrote down she should be home at 1 pm it's 3 and a half now.
  79. Anon couldn't stand still doing nothing about it.
  80. so he left the house looking for her.
  81. he asked around at school. they mentioned that they saw her going with another filly.
  82. he took the address of that filly and went there.
  83. when he arrived he was relieved to see her sitting there playing outside the house with 2 other fillies.
  84. >Dizzy what are you doing here and why didn't you go back home ?
  85. "I wanted to stay and play with my friend Screechy here."
  86. >you should have told me that. but now you should come back home.
  87. "I don't wanna i want to stay and play."
  88. Screechy "maybe you should head back home. I need to do my homework and stuff"
  89. "well ok.."
  90. anon and the little filly went back home.
  91. From that moment everything went downhill. that filly refused to eat her launch.
  92. Didn't wanna do her homework. ran all over the house... made silly noises when anon talked to her.
  93. she was just uncontrollable. she ran outside and fell in a mud pool.
  94. Anon kinda lost his temper and yelled at her to take a bath.
  95. somehow that sank in she went upstairs inside the bathroom and took a bath.
  96. almost an hour later she was still inside the bathroom. anon knocked on the door to see what she was doing .
  97. she replied with sarcastic tune . I'm taking a bath what else would I be doing ?
  98. anon just left her there. but another half an hour passed and she was still there.
  99. >Dizzy come out of this bathtub now it's time for your dinner.
  100. "no I don't want to come. "
  102. >Dizzy Come out this instant
  103. "no I don't have to listen to you.
  104. at that moment a thought bubble appeared right next to anon's head with her mother in it repeating what she told him yesterday
  105. " if you have trouble with her listening to you and you were unable to control her, then use the mane brush"
  106. >a brush huh .. I wonder if it's gonna work.
  107. he barged in the bathroom. Dizzy was laying in the tub. she crossed her hooves together and said "No I wont leave the bathroom and you cannot make me"
  108. >oh yeah maybe I can't but mr.brush over there can.
  109. he was pointing at the bath brush that was next to her. she looked at it and went silent for a second. with a sassy tone she replied "oh yeah you are not allowed to do that to me"
  110. he leaned forward and grabbed that brush in his hand. he tapped it on his open hand
  111. >your mother told me I can ... And I will
  112. "no ..err. ok I will go out the bath tub right now."
  113. >not so fast you need to learn your lesson first.
  114. Dizzy tried to run away but anon grabbed her tail. she fell on down.
  115. "please don't I'll do anything."
  116. >too late for that. and you gonna get it.
  117. Anon slowly dragged her in toward the tub by her tail. she was trying to protest and grab her hoof on the ground as she was being dragged away.
  118. anon lifts her by her waist and put her on the ledge of the bathtub. she was leaning on it.
  119. her upper body was down near the ground. while her butt is up on top of ledge. bending over there.
  120. Dizzy can barely see what he was doing but she knows exactly what she was about to get. she felt her tail being pulled up and her butt is now fully exposed.
  121. "please don't I'll be a good filly"
  122. >no point in pleading now
  124. she closed her eyes bracing herself for impact. waiting .. waiting.. waiting ?
  125. Dizzy was confused . she opened her eyes and looked back trying to see what he was doing. he was busy with doing something but she couldn't tell what it was.
  126. >alright ! get ready.
  127. Dizzy gulped and braced herself again.
  128. "EEEEEeeeeeppp!!! a loud shriek sound echoed the bathroom.
  129. Dizzy's face turned red
  130. Anon was actually brushing her butt. he lathered it with soap and was scrubbing her ponut. going up and down.
  131. dizzy had multiple emotions rushing in all on the same time. she was emberaced, ticklish , naughty and discomfort all at the same time.
  132. she did not how to react properly to that situation she just continued shrieking and squirming. one thing that was in her mind. this has to stop.
  133. Anon continued scrubbing her he was doing it fast.
  134. She started kicking , laughing and shrieking.
  135. "anoon staaahp."
  136. anon remembered what her mother told him "go on her butt. don't hesitate to be go rough on her. careful she will squirm and kick. Don't stop till she cry"
  137. in his head 'ok that's now that she is squirming and kicking I know that I'm doing it right.
  138. Poor Dizzy felt a bit dizzy. she was getting tired of squirming and kicking around. but the brush kept going and going. she was getting feeling warm and hot inside. her breath was getting a bit heavy. she was losing it. she doesn't understand what's going on anymore. this feeling and the other one being held against her will broke her spirit. she bursted into tears. she was a filly after all. the psychological torture was too much for her.
  139. anon stopped as soon as he saw her cry. she uncontrollably peed on herself right there in the tub right after he stopped scrubbing her
  140. he waited for her to cool down. she was breathing heavily with few hiccups. then said
  141. >so are you gonna be a good little filly and listen to what I say ?
  142. while panting hard she nodded her flushed face and said "yes"
  144. 'wow I cannot belive that works who knew brushing a butt could do that'
  145. >ok now clean up and head downstairs for dinner.
  146. ..she softly responded "ok"
  147. anon went downstairs and reheated the dinner. she came down and sat on the table.
  148. she was well behaved and didn't give anon much trouble anymore.
  149. the next day the parents came back. they saw their daughter sitting in the living room like an angel just like they left her.
  150. the mother asked
  151. "was everything going fine while we were gone ?"
  152. >well yes everything was fine. she did misbehave but your little brush did the trick.
  153. "see I told you Nothing put a filly in her place like a brush on her rump"
  154. anon then got compensated for his work and went back to twilight.
  156. Extra:
  157. twilight looked down at anon and mockingly asked him.
  158. "well anon how did you screw this one up"
  159. he did not reply to her game and just dropped the bag of bits on the table.
  160. "oh .. Well see I told you nopony can screw this one up it was an easy job even spike could have done it."
  161. >Oh Twilight could you stop being such a high horse. and have a little faith in people.
  162. "faith in you. never you are such a good for nothing loser."
  163. Anon had enough of her and demanded his respect.
  164. >I know something that is good for a pony like you.
  165. he stormed out the room for a little while and came back holding something behind his back.
  166. "oh you are back .. now tell me what a silly speck like you have for a princess like me ?
  167. >this
  168. He showed her a well lathered, wet wooden bath brush.
  169. "hahaha . just like a dog you go out and fetch some sticks."
  170. Anon without hesitation came close to twilight. and pushed her on the ground. he leaned forward over one knee and positioned it under her waist. making her to bend over it
  171. "hey let me go.. what are you doing"
  172. >giving you what you deserve"
  173. "what I deserve .. a brush.. oh no nononono you can't do that to me I'm a grown mare. you wouldn't dare."
  174. >don't test me. you are gonna get it.
  175. Scrub scrub scrub scrub.
  176. Twilight bursted out laughing. "hahaha ~what in celestia's name are you doing ?"
  177. >giving you the brush.
  178. "sweet luna you even got this one wrong."
  179. >oh yeah.
  180. Scrub scrub scrub...
  181. "sigh .. Anon sometimes I wonder how your brain did you even think of that"
  182. >that lady in that house told me to use the brush on her daughter's butt if she was misbehaving.
  183. Twilight hit her forehead with her hoof. "you idiot she meant spanking."
  184. >spanking ?
  185. "Yes Spanking. she was telling you that you their daughter with the brush not brush her butt with it."
  186. >oh oooooooh AAAAAAAAH now I got it.
  187. "pfft you even screwed up this simple task. I don't want to know what kind of kinky shit you did to that poor filly"

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