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Outside ride by Anon

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-15 01:13:44
Updated: 2022-01-25 00:37:08
Expiry: Never

  1. Outside ride by Anon
  4. ---
  6. >you try and twist your head to the side but the bit in your mouth makes it hard for you to turn your head all the way to the side, and the blinders keep you from seeing her
  7. >is she serious? This wasn't in the plan...
  8. >she strikes your rear again, harder. "Let's go, my little pony." Her high, feminine voice sounds dangerous. "Let's take you on a trot around the block, hmmn? Pinkie wants to show off her new pony to the neighbors." She giggles. "Hee, neigh-bors!"
  9. >You don't laugh, though. Going outside, like this... you could still say the safe word despite the bit, but...
  10. >"Hey, pony! Buck up!" She hits you twice on the ass again, and you start walking on all fours. You can feel her legs holding onto your back as you totter towards the door, heart beating fast. You can hardly believe you're actually doing this.
  11. >You hesitate, one last time, in front of the swinging doors of the Corner. Nobody's seen you yet, and Pinkie's not your REAL master, you remind yourself. You could stop this at any time...
  12. >Another whap on the butt. You reach out a hand to push the door aside, but a sharp rap on the knuckles from Pinkie stops you.
  13. >"Ponies don't use their hands, you silly goof," she chides. You nod and move forward, pushing open the door with your face.
  14. >"Thaat's right. Good horsey." The sunlight falls on your face, and you blush hotly as a number of ponies turn to look at you immediately. Looking at your shadows on the ground, you can see Pinkie waving at them. "Hello, ponies!"
  15. >you trot around the building obediently, feeling the gaze of every pony walking by on Pinkie's bizarre pony, before making it back around and inside again.
  16. >Pinkie slips off of you with a satisfied sigh and starts taking off your saddle. "That was great, Anon! Well done out there."
  17. >You look down as you sit up and rub your face where the straps were. She puts her hoof on your chin and makes you look at her face.
  18. >"Hmmn. Maybe next time Pinkie'll brew something to make you a REAL pony...."

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