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Dress up by Bluejay

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-21 21:12:22
Updated: 2022-03-11 20:15:28
Expiry: Never

  1. Dress up by Bluejay
  3. (24/01/2015)
  6. ---
  8. >"Again, thank you so much for agreeing to this."
  9. Applejack sat patiently as Rarity tightened the dress around her waist.
  10. >"Anythin' to help a friend, ah s'pose. (Oof, not so tight!)"
  11. >"Sorry, sorry, I know. It's just that, my client should be arriving any minute now, so we're running low on time."
  12. Rarity took a brush and began to straigthen out AJ's hair, preparing to tie it in a braid.
  13. >"Ugh, why did my models have to cancel at the last minute? Everything was going fine up until then."
  14. >"Well, somethin' prob'ly came up. (Don' pull so much!) Y'know how these things are."
  15. >"(sigh) I guess you're right."
  16. Applejack stood up to admire herself in the mirror. She had to admit, Rarity had done a fine job.
  17. >"Also, 'models'? As in, plural?"
  18. Rarity sighed again. She motioned over to a smaller outfit, folded on the desk.
  19. >"Well, yes... you see, the client requested a matching set- for a mother and a young child."
  20. >"Y'can still show her one outta two. That ain't half bad."
  21. >"I suppose it can't be helped. I mean, where am I going to find-"
  22. The two were interrupted by a knock on the door.
  23. >"She here already?"
  24. >"I'll be with you in a moment, ma'am..."
  25. Where Rarity and Applejack expected to find their prospective customer, there was instead a young filly- AJ's sister.
  26. >"Oh, um... ah interruptin' somethin'? Mac sent me; wanted t'know if you were gonna to be home, in time... for..."
  27. >...
  28. >"...why're you two lookin' at me like that?"
  30. Rarity smiled.
  31. >"Well, how nice of you to volunteer, darling."
  32. >"...w-whadda you mean by that? I didn't- hey!"
  33. Before Applebloom could finish, Rarity began to work her magic. Within moments, the girl was floated into the air. She kicked at nothing for a few seconds, trying to find a way out; no such luck. Rarity giggled, untied the bow from Applebloom's hair, and gave her bottom a few pats.
  34. >"Oh, there, there, Applebloom. Don't you worry; miss Rarity is going to take care of everything."
  35. She spun Applebloom around once or twice, and took a few measurements.
  36. >"Hmm... yes, I think you'll be a perfect fit."
  37. Rarity cleared off a nearby table, draped it with a soft cloth, and lowered the girl onto it.
  38. >"What're you...?"
  39. Applebloom laid flat on her belly, her rear end pointed skyward.
  40. >"Hold still, dearie."
  41. Rarity gently powdered the girl's bottom. Applejack watched her sister's cheeks turn red as she realized what the mare had planned.
  42. >"(whine) Rarityyy..."
  43. Applebloom's plea went unanswered. Rarity turned her over, raised her legs, and slipped a thick white diaper underneath.
  44. >"Don't fuss so much, child. It's un-ladylike."
  45. >"B-but, ah'm not a baby! Applejaaack, tell her ah'm- mmph!"
  46. A pacifier was forced into the filly's mouth, temporarily silencing her. Applejack chuckled.
  47. >"Sorry, kiddo. Not mah call this time."
  48. Applebloom let out another muffled whine. Rarity gave her diapered rear another pat.
  49. >"Well, I think you look adorable. Now, then- on to step two..."
  51. Rarity sat the filly upright on her makeshift changing table. She summoned the child's dress from her desk and unfurled it.
  52. >"Front legs, up."
  53. >"Nnph."
  54. >"...I'm sorry, was that a 'no' I just heard? Who said I was giving you an option?"
  55. The mare glared at her. Applebloom glanced over towards her sister, but AJ wasn't going to offer any help- she was content to watch the filly dig herself into a deeper hole.
  56. >"Hmmph. Yh cnh mh mh."
  57. >"Hmm?"
  58. Rarity pulled the pacifier from the girl's mouth for a moment.
  59. >"Y'can't make me."
  60. >"Oh?"
  61. The mare leaned in closer and spoke in a soft, but commanding tone.
  62. >"Now, listen here, you little brat. My client is going to be here very soon, and she'll want to see the dresses she paid for. Which means, my job is now to dress you up like a perfect, little, filly, whether you like it or not. Understand?"
  63. >"Um, y-yes, ma'am... nnph!"
  64. The pacifier was put back into place. Applebloom sat nervously as Rarity forced the soft, frilly dress over her head. She quietly sucked on the pacifier, not wanting to incur any of the mare's wrath.
  65. >"Good girl."
  67. >"Hehe, y'sure ah should be the one in this dress? Y'definitely got the 'mama' bit down pat."
  68. Rarity tightened the frilly garment around Applebloom's middle, as she had done with the larger dress. She raised the girl's back legs, to complete the ensemble with a pair of stockings. Once again, the filly was hoisted into the air.
  69. >"I'm not so sure. And besides..."
  70. Applebloom was set down beside her sister.
  71. >"...I think you two make a much nicer match."
  72. >"(chuckle) Ah s'pose so."
  73. Applejack hugged her babied sister, then pulled a brush from Rarity's shelf.
  74. >"Now hold still, little missy. Ah'll deal with your mane."
  75. AJ heard her sister sigh through her pacifier, followed by an annoyed "yes, ma'am". Applebloom sat in place as her sister brushed her. She squirmed and fidgeted to try and cover up her large, puffy undergarment. She had little success; her equally puffy overgarment was too short to conceal anything, so her diaper remained exposed for all to see. She huffed.
  76. >"Now, now, sugarcube. I don't wanna hear any more complainin'."
  77. >"But-"
  78. Applejack lifted her sister's back end and gave her padded rear a few swats with the hairbrush; Applebloom squeaked in surprise.
  79. >"No 'but's. If you keep whinin' like a baby, then ah might decide to keep you as a baby, at least 'til you can learn some manners. Got it?"
  80. The filly gave a submissive nod as AJ tied her red mane into a braid, to match her own. She brought the two of them to Rarity's mirror.
  81. >"See? You look perfect."
  82. >"(sigh)"
  84. Rarity greeted a unicorn mare at her front door.
  85. >"Sorry I'm late; had some business to take care of."
  86. >"Oh, it's no trouble at all. Please, come in, make yourself comfortable..."
  87. The mare was a bit larger than the other two adults in the room, and towered over young Applebloom. She took a seat and looked down towards the filly.
  88. >"And who do we have here?"
  89. >"Um, I..."
  90. >"These two are here to model the set you wanted. Feel free to have a closer look, of course..."
  91. The client giggled, and levitated Applebloom towards her. The girl blushed as the unicorn turned her around and looked up the inside of her dress, getting a full view of the padding underneath.
  92. >"Well, aren't you just the cutest thing? And this dress is so soft and cozy..."
  93. >"(whine) Please, put me down... ah'm not a baby..."
  94. Rarity and Applejack watched the unicorn set Applebloom down, right into her own lap. She cradled the girl.
  95. >"Oh, there, there, sweetheart..."
  96. >"Unf! Lemme go..."
  97. >"My, aren't we a fussy one today."
  98. >"Mmhmm. Took a bit o' wranglin' just to get her into that dress."
  99. >"Well, you ladies did a wonderful job. And you look lovely yourself, mademoiselle."
  100. >"Mah pleasure."
  101. Applebloom groaned in annoyance.
  102. >"Can ah go now?"
  103. A milk bottle forced into the filly's mouth provided a swift answer, though not the answer she was hoping for. The three mares all giggled, and Applebloom knew that she wasn't going anywhere any time soon...
  105. THE END (for now)

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