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Dizzy Origin by RusticAnon

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-02-14 20:42:05
Updated: 2022-03-20 19:33:14
Expiry: Never

  1. Dizzy Origin by RusticAnon
  3. (11/10/2016)
  6. ---
  8. Dizzy Cream is a normal earth pony filly who lives in Manehattan. she lives with her mother on one of the apartments there.
  9. it was midsummer. Her mom sent Dizzy to one of a store across the block. she gave her a shopping list and a bag of bits .
  10. On her way there, she saw a shady looking sign. it was pointing toward Tent in one of the dark ally in the city.
  11. Written on it : Change your looks - cheap - Free mirror ,discount . another sign with a picture of a happy unicorn looking at her horn , under it Get your horn now cheap.
  12. Dizzy Stood there looking cursorily at these signs. suddenly the tent door opened and a creepy smoke could leaked out.
  13. she heard a deep dark voice saying .
  14. >come in ..
  15. Dizzy got a bit cheeped out.
  16. then she heard a loud hacking cough!
  17. #cleared his throat
  18. a friendly soft female voice
  19. >sorry come in...
  21. Dizzy : oh in that case I will.
  22. she entered the tent with her sack full of bits.
  23. inside the tent. there was a red carpet. in the center of the room there was an old wooden chair with a huge mirror next to it.
  24. >have a seat young one.
  25. Dizzy looked around and she couldn't find the source of the voice.
  26. she sat down on the chair.
  27. >now TELL ME WHO.. ahem.. tell me what looks do you desire ?
  28. the voice shouted with deep male voice at first then changed its tone to soft female voice.
  29. >umm looks ? you mean you gonna change my mane style ... I did cut it few days ago..
  30. >NOO YOU IDIOT LITTl... Sorry what I meant was here I can change your appearance ..
  31. >Don't you want to be a unicorn or Pegasus... or even an Alicorn but that's gonna cost you extra 6000 bits.
  32. >Really ?
  33. >yes. anything but for a price of course..
  34. Dizzy went into a deep thinking...
  35. >well this is all sudden can I come later ?
  36. >NO! I'm moving out in about an hour make your mind WHICH FORM DO YOU WANT TO TAKE!
  37. Dizzy started brain storming..
  38. A unicorn is great.
  39. I can levitate stuff but ...
  40. I always wanted to fly. the Pegasus sounds great. but I don't like feathers, and their grooming.. what would mom have to say if I go home looking like a different pony..
  41. well she would be upset and I might get into trouble.. so I have to make it worthwhile...
  42. >WELL ?
  43. she continued brainstorming. Wait a min why limit myself to unicorn and pegaus ..
  44. >umm I have a question ?
  45. >YES ?
  46. >am I limited to unicorn and Pegasus ? can't I be the other minor pony races or mythical ones ?
  47. >NO mythical only real races . I'm losing my patience with you . pick a look already..
  48. well.. a changeling would be cool , I can change in and out ... but In princess Twilight book she wrote that a changling must follow the hive and they feed on strong emotions... that kinda sucks.. speaking of sucking how about fruit sucking bats.
  49. bat ponies looks cool and mysterious. with their intimidating fangs , and the night visions... and most importantly their wings. I always wanted wings and on the plus side. no feathers.
  50. >WELL ?
  51. >ok I made my mind . I want to look like a bat , I want to be a bat pony.
  52. >very well.
  53. the mirror started glowing red. a paper with a feather Quill came from there and hovered in front of her.
  54. >would you kindly sign here.
  55. >what is this ?
  56. >well its just a contract. for finical reasons.
  57. >oh well
  58. eww a feather... I hope its from a bird and not from a filthy pegasus
  59. Dizzy signed the contract. then a box appeared in front of her.
  60. >what is that for ?
  61. >the service is not free
  62. >how much ?
  63. >120 bits
  64. '120 bits I don't think I got that much money' dizzy opened the money sack her mom gave her and started to count them.
  65. she was 15 bits short.
  66. well I hope he ... or she I'm not sure what I'm dealing with but Guess it can forgive me for my short coming.
  67. She poured her sack into his box.
  68. the box and the contract paper went back inside the mirror.
  69. >Good now Gaze upon your former self in the mirror .
  70. as she was looking at the mirror, a magical aura came from inside the mirror and formed around her . then suddenly with much force she was sucked inside the mirror and then she got thrown back at the chair outside the mirror.
  71. >the contract have been made . your older form have been devoured and you got your new looks.
  72. she looked at her new self.
  73. her ear shape changed. she smiled to see some fangs, she turned around to look at her back.
  74. it was normal.
  75. Hey where is my wings?
  76. the contract condition have been met, the case is closed.
  77. Hey wait but
  78. but you promised me wings ...
  79. then everything around her dissolved and disappeared into thin air.
  80. even the chair she was sitting on.
  81. she fell on the ground in the middle of the ally
  82. there was no trace of the signs or the tent she just went into.
  83. she stayed there for awhile then went back home
  84. Dizzy Casually opened her apartment door and went inside.
  85. Her mom was in the kitchen.
  86. >Dizzy are you back from the store ?
  87. >yes mom.
  88. >did you bring the stuff on the list ?
  89. >umm no
  90. >why not ?
  91. >umm u see... errr
  92. her mom stopped what ever she was doing and went toward her daughter and asked while she was walking
  93. >What is it ? what did you do this time .
  94. EEEeep !
  95. her mom gasped when she saw her daughter
  96. What is this ?
  97. >umm I can explain
  98. >what the hell did you do to yourself ?
  99. >I .. the tent ..
  100. her mom pulled her ears
  101. aw aw aw
  102. >what the hell are those why wont they come off.
  103. >they are my ears mom.
  104. >your ears ? who said its ok for you to pierce them ?
  105. >i didn't pierce them its how bat po..
  106. >wait u used the money I gave you to get your ears pierced ?
  107. >umm nooo
  108. >come here u
  109. her mom dragged dizzy by her ears toward her bedroom.
  110. few moments later you can here a cracking and smacking noises from inside the room with a faint eee sound.

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