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Celestia's Fart Cushion - Celestia x Anon - Fart fetish fic by UF

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-02-15 21:10:59
Updated: 2022-03-17 16:26:19
Expiry: Never

  1. Celestia's Fart Cushion - Celestia x Anon - Fart fetish fic by UF
  3. (25/10/2013)
  6. ---
  8. "heresy! Her Immortal Majesty the Princess Celestia Of Canterlot the First does not fart."
  9. -Anon, 2013
  11. "Yeah, that's because you haven't pissed her off yet. Just wait until you commit a minor crime or trespass the grounds of Canterlot castle after dark. Twilight gets a free pass but you don't. When you find yourself lifted off of your feet and carried away by guards, you should know that your destination isn't the concrete by the front door. It's the royal, uh, "throne" room, the one Celestia keeps for her more private matters. Only problem is, the design of that place was awful. It faces the sun and it's lined with stained glass decorations of battles fought and times gone by. It honestly makes the place feel like a greenhouse, like you're being baked from the inside and like all your sweat is making a getaway before it's too late. If you'd ever been in there, you wouldn't doubt me when I tell you it magnifies every stench practically tenfold.
  13. "Now, Celestia turns up a little while later after the sun's been raised high into the sky, still in her frilly pink dressing gown. Apparently formality is cast aside when you're not in her majesty's good books. You'd like to protest and plead for your innocence but the guards have been kind enough to prevent you with a gag lodged firmly in the back of your throat. It's not a merciful gesture, I can tell you that much. Your nose is all you can use and God forbid you should be subjected to the stench even your own sweat can make. But you haven't heard the worst part because it can really only get worse.
  15. "Because right about this point, you hear me, Celestia approaches you and chides you with her soft, heavenly voice, all sweet like. 'I hear you've been misbehaving in my castle,' she'll say. 'You realise we have our very special ways of punishing perpetrators around these parts,' she'll continue. And your hearts racing a mile a minute, all a-thump, a-thump, a-thump. It's like the beginning of a cheesy porn flick and the situation doesn't make matters easy. See, she knows what she's doing. She's trying to get a rise out of you. I mean that literally, you understand? Literally, a rise. If she can get your cock all erect-like, it makes it more humiliating for you. This isn't nice pony playtime. This is mean pony punishment time and there's little Celestia does better.
  17. "Okay so you're with me this far, right? You're all tied up, you're at Celestia's mercy and she's actually trying to turn you on. This is the kind of thing an adolescent fantasises about in their wildest wet dreams and boy does it get them going. But this story doesn't end with cock going into the vagina and a whole dictionary of cusses spilling from your mouths like the sweat now pouring from Celestia's already stinky pits. Oh yeah, I didn't mention, turns out Celestia doesn't respond well to heat. Boy, her body reacts like a burst dam when in that room. Within five minutes, the bitch's body is just sodden with filthy, odorous sweat and she fucking loves it. If it weren't for the fact she's got royal duties and no doubt has to keep up appearances, she'd probably spend all her time in there, just sniffing whatever scent she could produce.
  19. "Anyway, where was I? Oh right, the kid's wet dream. Yeah, nah, this isn't like that. Sorry to disappoint you but the Princess doesn't go for that shit. She's not here for your pleasure, she's here for your pain which she's then gonna get her own pleasure from. Whether you end up enjoying this or not is really just your business. To her you're gonna sit through this regardless of whatever it is you have to say about it. Has a potion been left a-brewing? That's a pity, you're here now. Did you have a meeting later that you just had to attend? Tough, shouldn't have been wandering the castles. What's that, you're child's being born as we speak? Aww, that's a shame now shut up and sniff.
  21. "Because that's how she gets you. You're restrained and tied up and like hell can you resist when she looms over your face with that great, big voluptuous ass you're going to learn to fear and respect. You're so close you can see the beads of sweat glimmering like diamonds embedded deep in that ivory coat. A new scent hits your nostrils and you begin to wonder what it is. You stare deep into her asshole and you can almost swear her asshole stares back, deep into your soul, like it knows you, like it's looking for a weakness. And you're wondering what that gurgling sound is, then you look at her stomach and it's all over because she's pouncing on you. Her ass slams backwards and you feel these soggy great lumps of flab being slapped against your face, pressing against your cheeks and smothering them in grimy asscheek sweat. Can you do something about that? Can you fuck as like, you're there for the long haul mate and you better learn to love it. You can just about see over the top of her flank and she's looking back at you with the cruellest of smirks. That's around about the time you realise where your nostrils are position. Riiiiiight above her tight little asshole that's five seconds away from emission.
  23. "So I can't really guess how you'd be looking at this situation. If you're gonna enjoy it, then that's fantastic. If not…well, I'm afraid you lucked out because there's no backing out now. Not that there ever really was, I'll be honest. When Celestia wants to do something, you can just bet she's going to do it. And right now she's clenching her asscheeks to hold your face in place and letting rip with the wettest, slimiest and foulest fart you've ever had the misfortune to experience. It last seven seconds but you could swear it goes on for longer. She's tensing her face the entire time, grimacing from the strain but you can bet she loves it. That feeling as it scratches her sphincter on the way out, spreading it apart just enough for escape from her ass and right into your nostrils. That fetid stench just has to make a getaway and your nose is the nearest escape route at this point.
  25. "You don't even have a choice in the matter anymore. It's sniff or suffocate. It was bad enough with that musty, earthy smell of the Alicorn's sweaty ass beforehand but now you're immersed in a cloud of hateful stench and it's not going anywhere. You're trapped right in position and the moment your nostrils absorb that monstrosity, it's all over.
  27. "So she'll see your reluctance and she'll slam your stomach, forcing you to hunch forward, grinding your face even further into her sweaty, slimy ass and you'll take a deep breathe through the only orifices that'll allow it. Your nostrils. And boy, do you know you've just sniffed a faceful of precious princess fart because there isn't a stench quite so unholy as that. Your eyes stream and your nostril hairs burn. How anything alive could produce something like that nobody knows. It's a spicy scent with a slight tang for extra kick and there's plenty to go around for you, yourself and you alone. Good luck handling that because I don't think she's even close to being done yet.
  29. "There's still plenty more where that came from. 'Do you like being my little fart cushion?' she'll coo back, obviously not actually expecting any kind of response given your voice is pretty muffled not only by the presence of her big, fat ass but also by that gag those guards had oh-so-kindly installed earlier. The same guards who had fled before Celestia even arrived because they knew what happened to the guards who were patient enough to hang around. The doors were locked and nobody was allowed in or out until the princess said so. Those poor buggers never expected private time with the princess to be so…whiffy. Anyway, back to the point, she then continues to tease you by saying in a voice so much purer than the other end that's pressed against your nose: 'I bet you love having the honour of drinking in the smell of my farts. Why else would anyone want to be caught if they knew this was the punishment? Oh, you naughty little pony, you're so ill-mannered. I guess I'll just have to keep you here forever and this'll be our little secret. I should warn you, I get really bad cases of morning thunder. But that's not a problem, is it? You can live out the rest of your days sniffing fart after fart and you can soon even start trying to guess what I had for dinner last night.'
  31. "She's obviously joking, else I wouldn't be here to tell you this story but at the time anything seems possible. As I said before, I can't guess your disposition on this here matter. Maybe you're all for it or maybe you'd rather go home. Either way, it's not for you to decide and Celestia's making that apparent. You don't get time to even try protesting her grand gesture as all of a sudden there's a low pitched hum filling the room, a vibration against your nose and an eldritch stench wafting against your face and blurring your vision with the cloud. She's farting again and she didn't even give you the kindness of a warning.
  33. "Buuuuut what can you do? At this point, you've just got to lie back and bear it because you're not stronger than the princess. Even if you had the muscles to compensate, you're already feeling lightheaded and nauseous. You may think you've smelt a pony's fart before but you haven't smelt a sweaty Celestia's. Whether it's witchcraft, a bad diet or her own magic, I can't say. But I can tell you it packs a punch and it's like getting slapped in the face every time she lets rip and she lets rip a lot. You'll be with her for about an hour now, falling victim to every single one of her trumps, her parps, her long-winded sighs of silent suffering. You get to bear witness to them all, each crescendo ripping through your ears and whether you greet them with a grimace or a smile isn't any business of the princess's. You just get to sit back and enjoy the ride because she's got plenty of gas and she's just going to keep going.
  35. "So everything's gotta come to an end and a sunbutt farting spree is no exception. It's not a matter of the princess running out of gas, you understand, it's a matter of you running out of tolerance. Sooner or later that stink's gonna get to you and you'll be craving the sweet caress of oxygen. A gentle lover's touch that won't be coming any time soon because you're submerged in a flood of Celestia's flatulence. Within no time you'll panic, you'll lust for air, you won't get enough and you'll pass out. That's it. The last feeling being your burning lungs, the steady sound of Celestia's ass ripping another new one out over you with a sound like wet paper tearing, and a new smell hitting you like a ton of bricks. Then nothing.
  37. "Darkness.
  39. "You awaken in your bed (and I mean your own bed, I don't know how they knew) a day later, smelling like nothing but death. Your eyes will still itch, your nose will burn and people will keep a wide berth when walking along the same street as you for at least a week. But besides that, there's one more piece of physical evidence of what trials you've been put through. A note left stuck to your chest that you find when you wake up, reading only:
  41. "'Next time, try not to get caught. Or do, see if I care. - PC'"

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