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Daring Do and the Awesome Amulet - Rainbow Dash x Daring Do by UF

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-02-15 21:12:03
Updated: 2022-03-17 16:27:10
Expiry: Never

  1. Daring Do and the Awesome Amulet - Rainbow Dash x Daring Do by UF
  3. (21/04/2013)
  6. ---
  8. Daring Do and the Temple of the Awesome Amulet
  9. (From the desk of Rainbow Dash)
  11. Outside the great temple, Daring Do and Rainbow Dash lay for a moment in the cool shade in an attempt to recover from the long and perilous journey that lay behind them. Their adventure had been intersected by perilous mountains and jungles of doom. It had taken days for them to reach the lost temple of the Ko-Lhi but it felt to the intrepid explorers like years. Not that either of them would resent the thrill of exploration, particularly Rainbow Dash. When Daring Do had seen her performing for the Wonderbolts, she knew there and then that she would make the perfect pegasus to accompany her in this quest.
  13. "Wait," the incredibly awesome assistant said, quickly clambering to her hooves. She wiped the sweat from her forehead and furrowed her brow. "We came this far but how do we get in? There's no door?"
  15. "Actually, there is. You just have to look a little closer." Daring Do raised a hoof at the vast temple before them. Rainbow Dash squinted as hard as she could and could only make out a pinprick of darkness along the vast brick wall.
  17. "That's it?"
  19. "That's it. I'd say it's should be big enough for us to crawl through one at a time. You think you're ready?"
  21. "I was born ready, DD!" Rainbow Dash cried excitedly. Daring Do smiled at her assistants enthusiasm, clearly recognising her as a worthy protégée and approached the narrow hole that yawned at the base of the temple.
  23. "I'll go first, you follow close behind. Don't lose track of me, we don't know what we might find in there."
  25. Rainbow Dash nodded in agreement, though whether the famous explorer noticed was unlikely, as she was already lowering herself onto her belly and dragging herself into the narrow hole. Without wanting to waste time, Rainbow Dash set off in close pursuit.
  27. The smells of decay and age hit the pegasus strongly as she lunged into the mouth of the entrance. Ahead of her she could hear the scraping of her crawling partner fading into the distance, so she quickly hastened her pace. A strange luminescent fungus grew on the walls, illuminating her pathway as she fought against the tight walls and keeping her from entirely losing her cool.
  29. Suddenly, a new aroma hit her nostrils. Amidst the dust and the moss there came something else...something sweaty with just a hint of perfume and...
  31. Before Rainbow Dash could stop herself, her face colliding with Daring Do's backside and her muzzle disappeared into her tight asscrack.
  33. "Oh sweet Celestia, I'm sorry. I-I didn't realise you'd stopped!" Rainbow Dash cried, apologising profusely as she recoiled away.
  35. "It's okay Dash, you didn't know. It's just..." Her voice trailed off and Rainbow Dash could see her partners big, fat ass wobbling and wriggling in front of her. Daring Do grunted to herself before finally sighing in exasperation and slumping back down. "I-I'm stuck. I think it's my flank. I didn't realise the tunnel would get narrower and my butt's too big to get me through."
  37. "Don't worry, I can help you!" the cobalt pegasus announced, raising her hooves and planting them onto Daring Do's overly wide ass and straining forward. Her hooves sunk into the dust-coloured coat, the explorer's ass being surprisingly more malleable than Rainbow Dash had expected. There was something so perfect about it, so toned in the right way with just the right amount of fat to emphasise those delicious curves. It was the kind of ass that Rainbow Dash longed to get her hooves on, to bury her face in and to even eat her meals out of. Perfect mounds on a perfect body belonging to a perfect pony. What more could Rainbow Dash wa
  39. I-I mean, shit, shouldn't have written that. I mean, Rainbow Dash grunted from the strain and pushed with all her might.
  41. No matter how hard Rainbow Dash pushed, Daring Do barely seemed to budge more than an inch. Finally they both gave up the effort and collapsed onto the dusty brick floor.
  43. "I-It's no use. We'll just have to get out and try to find another way in," Rainbow Dash said, dejectedly.
  45. "Yeah, I guess you're right..Hang on, I'll just make my way out."
  47. "W-wait, give me a second t-Mmmpphhl"
  49. Rainbow Dash's eyes widened in surprise as the plump rump reversed backwards and squashed into her face. The smell of congealed sweat and grime hit her dead on, though accompanied by something sweeter that Dash couldn't quite put her hoof on. All she knew was that the experience wasn't nearly as unpleasant as one might have expected it to be. She actually quite enjoyed having her face buried deep in her mentor's ass, like a treasure lost in the sand.
  51. Daring Do muttered a curse and made a move to free her assistant but a firm hoof convinced her to stay. They had plenty of time, and Dash needed this moment to revel in the glory of the situation. She flicked her tongue outwards like a snake and used it to strike at the lips of Daring Do's tight pussy, teasing it softly.
  53. A slight tinkle drew her attention and she realised that Daring Do was giggling softly, out f pleasure presumably. That only encouraged Dash to continue, tasting Do's juices as they leaked from her vagina and into her mouth. She spread her tongue along the length of the adventurer's crack, slowing her pace as she reached her ass hole. She smirked to herself and began to play with that, flicking and teasing the orifice to draw as many desperate squeals from the helpless pony in front of her. At the same time, she stretched her hoof to Daring Do's groin and began to rub the tip of it against her sensitive lips, even being so bold as to slide it in every now and then.
  55. They lay there as one wriggling lump for almost fifteen minutes, Rainbow Dash with her face firmly between Daring Do's asscheeks and Daring Do shifting helplessly as her asshole was tickled tortuously by Dash's long, salivating tongue.
  57. Finally it grew too much for her and in a flood of juices and a passion-fuelled cry, Daring Do came messily against Rainbow Dash's face.
  59. "W-Wow..." the blue pegasus said, wiping away at her face. She couldn't see Daring Do's expression, but she could tell that it would be one of relieved contentment. "I-I'm really sorry. I'm not sure what came over me."
  61. "That's okay, Dash," Daring Do called back. Her voice was lighter and airier than before, a slight mischief tingeing her words. "I really needed that anyway. Shall we carry on?" She heaved herself back into position and began to continue crawling forwards, much to Dash's shock.
  63. "What?!" she cried, hurrying afterwards with such speed that she almost ended up with her face back in Daring's ass. "I thought you said your flank was too big to get through the tunnel!"
  65. Daring chuckled to herself again and Dash could feel her face beginning to burn with humiliation. "Yeah, I did say that, didn't I? Well, if you want the honest answer, I was just horny and I thought you could help me. I just stayed perfectly still and resisted when you tried pushing me."
  67. "You mean you...You tricked me?"
  69. "Well, no. You started eating me out, Dash. Thanks for that by the way."
  71. Rainbow Dash's face burned with indignation but deep inside she could feel something else. Adoration congealed with something else. Lust? Love? Was there a difference? Whatever it was, she knew Daring Do was perfect.
  73. Finally they reached the end of the tunnel and they came out into a biiiiiig dinner hall filled with cakes and balloons and hats and pressents and and music and and and did I say there were cakes OH and Dash's best friend Pinkie Pie was there and
  75. AND THEN PINKIE PIE FUCKED OFF AND STOPPED GOING THROUGH OTHER PONY'S STUFF! Oh for fucks sake, she's written all over this...Fuck it, I'm done. This was shit anyway.

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