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Flutterseat 1 Rarity x Fluttershy by UF

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-02-15 21:13:01
Updated: 2022-03-17 16:37:33
Expiry: Never

  1. Flutterseat 1 Rarity x Fluttershy by UF
  3. (04/01/2013 - 11/01/2013)
  6. ---
  8. [Minor Flatulence Warning]
  9. The last thing Fluttershy wanted to hear that afternoon was the sound of tearing fabric.
  11. She whipped her head around the moment the noise caught her ears and was swiftly horrified to see the result. Her beautiful yellow and green dress, the very same that Rarity had spent days on end designing, had been caught on a loose nail in the wall. Without mercy the nail had torn an entire strip away, leaving her standing with a large gouge in the dress revealing her slim flank.
  13. And yet, it wasn’t just the destruction of time and effort that brought tears to her eyes. The Ponyville Bi-Annual ball was only a few hours away and even though she had no partner to dance with, she had still always been there before. It would be such a tragic turn of events to have to skip it this time. But she couldn’t turn up with a mutilated outfit, much less nothing at all. Surely everypony would just laugh her out for looking so common.
  15. Trying to stave off floods of sobs, she bundled the dress into large rucksack, slung it onto her back and cantered out of her modest home. On the way, she considered just how the dress had been torn. She certainly didn’t remember there being a loose nail there beforehand. A sneaking suspicion crept up on her that Angel might have been responsible, taking revenge for having too few carrot slices in his breakfast.
  17. “Oh, he’ll be lucky if he ever sees another carrot in his food again,” she muttered to herself angrily. Then she paused and bowed her head, her eyes darting from side to side to make sure the bunny hadn’t somehow followed her and overheard the threat. “Well…maybe if he’s good…but then he’s always good…Most of the time…o-okay, I’ll definitely make sure he sees at least less carrots…or is that being too mean?”
  19. She pondered this difficult conundrum all the way to Rarity’s boutique. So lost was she in thought that she barely even noticed as the door swung inwards and three blurs shot out like multi-coloured cannonballs, knocking her off her hooves. “Cutie Mark Crusader zombie fighters!” they screamed as they hurried off into the distance, one of them wielding something that looked suspiciously like a shovel.
  21. Just as Fluttershy managed to shakily get herself back on all fours, another loud noise erupted from inside the boutique, scaring her to the point where she jumped to the ground and played dead. “Sweetie Belle, you get back here this instant!” a familiar white coated pony screeched as she charged up to the door front. The beautiful mare looked just about ready to tear all of Ponyville apart to chase after the trio of misfits, up until she saw the startled Pegasus lying splayed over the grass.
  23. “Oh, I’m very sorry Fluttershy,” Rarity quickly apologised, rushing over to help her fallen friend back into a more upright position. “If I’d have known you were outside I might have been a little more…ladylike.”
  25. “It’s alright…I’m used to it. I quite like lying down anyway…it’s warm and the world looks very different,” Fluttershy said, smiling reassuringly. In all honesty the ground had been hard and there were tiny ants crawling everywhere. She could just feel them swarming all into her coat, though she was determined not to make a fuss, if only for Rarity’s sake.
  27. In response, Rarity gave a quizzical look to her friend, then rolled her eyes and said nothing more on the matter. “Again, I must apologise but my little sister and her friends appear to have been trying their hand at augmenting furniture. I don’t know what got that idea into their heads but it’s been nothing but a disaster. They’ve simply ruined all of my stools.”
  29. The unicorn led Fluttershy into her boutique, her admittedly wide flank unwittingly bobbing and shaking in her nervous friends’ face. Worried that her friend might take offence if she backed away from her plot, Fluttershy had no choice but to stand right behind her, so close she could almost touch one of her cheeks with her muzzle.
  31. Completely oblivious to Fluttershy’s situation, Rarity only finally stepped to the side once they had reached the centre of the room to gesture violently at what could only be described as a hunk of wood. “How am I meant to get anything done when all I have to sit on is a load of old splinters?”
  33. “Oh no…y-you mean you’re not going to be able to do any more work for the rest of the day?”
  35. “I certainly can’t be expected to do it all standing up, can I? Why, whatever is the matter, Fluttershy?”
  37. “I-It’s nothing r-really…”
  39. “Is it urgent?”
  41. “S-Sort of…”
  43. “Does it have to be done today?”
  45. “Maybe…”
  47. “Did you already ruin my – I mean, your dress?”
  49. Fluttershy said nothing, simply squeaking miserably in response and letting the bag on her back slump onto the floor.
  51. Like a nurse about to perform surgery, Rarity carefully approached the bag and pulled out its contents. Her jaw dropped open as she saw the severity of the wound and a mist of anger clouded over her expression. “Well,” she said stiffly, “I guess we all end up being a little careless from time to time.”
  53. “I’m so very sorry, Rarity. B-but i-i-it’s okay though. I don’t have to go the ball.”
  55. “It’s not okay!” she said with surprising ferocity that seemed even to startle herself. She took a step backwards and hid her face under her mane to compose herself. When she withdrew she wore a brilliant, glimmering smile that suggested none of the previous anger. “It’s not okay that you should miss such a spectacular event as the Bi-Annual Ball. No, it’s just a pity that I don’t have anything to rest my hindquarters on while I fix this…tragic…tear.”
  57. Fluttershy’s cheeks burned bright red as she saw the despondency in her best friends’ expression. It’s not just unfair on Fluttershy for not being able to go to the ball but just as unfair on Rarity to leave her handiwork in such poor condition. If she wants it fixed there and then, then she knew she had to do everything in her power to make sure it was.
  59. “I can go outside and see if I can find someone who would let us borrow a stool,” she offered, already turning for the door.
  61. “No!” Rarity’s bark was yet another in a long list of things during the day that had almost given Fluttershy a mild heart attack. In a streak of white and purple, the unicorn had already dashed in front of Fluttershy, cutting her off from her destination. “No…Because there isn’t enough time! The ball is only half a day away and this dress just can’t wait long enough for you to go outside and find something! No, what we need is something here, right now. Something I can sit on just long enough to stitch up that ghastly rip.”
  63. Fluttershy’s ears sank low and she bowed her head to the ground. She was so sure borrowing a stool would have been the right thing to do. But if she was so determined to do the right thing then shouldn’t she…? No there had to be another way.
  65. She swiftly started swinging her head around; desperately searching for something Rarity could use to plant her thick rear on. A cardboard box wouldn’t be sturdy enough; a roll of fabric would be too uncomfortable. There had to be something…and Fluttershy knew what that something was. “You can…you can sit on me if you really wanted…”
  67. A wide grin split the unicorn’s muzzle, though she still tried to affect a tone of surprise when she spoke. “I’m sorry, what was that dear? Could you say that a little louder?”
  69. “I…I said you can sit on me while you fix your dress…” she repeated, at a soft tone that was almost indistinguishable from her previous one yet Rarity seemed to hear her a lot better this time around.
  71. “Oh, that’s very kind of you dear,” she giggled, quickly dashing around her friend to try and find the best sitting point, even though Fluttershy had a sinking feeling she already knew where Rarity would pick. “Now, your back is simply too high up when standing, and yet you’re far too thin to be comfortable when sitting…There’s a lot to be desired in your flank. No, I need a part of you that’s soft but firm, cushiony and also warm. So, how about it Fluttershy? Your face sounds like a perfect place to plant my posterior. Sound good?”
  73. In all honesty, it really didn’t sound good. If Fluttershy didn’t know any better, she’d say that Rarity might even be getting a kind of sexual thrill from all this, or at least be enjoying her friends’ humiliation. But Rarity would never be so mean-spirited, surely. Yet she could put away the doubt as she wordlessly lowered her head to the ground in front of Rarity’s desk.
  75. For her part, Rarity barely even hesitated as she threw her ample buttocks down over Fluttershy’s face, squashing her underneath her two pillowy cheeks. A whimper of complaint escaped Fluttershy’s lips, provoked by the sudden all-consuming darkness that came from having a pony sitting over your eyes.
  77. “Oh don’t be so squeamish,” Rarity chided playfully, a sing song tone to her voice as she wriggled around, presumably assembling the necessary equipment for repairs. “I’m perfectly clean. I’m a lady after all. By the way, if you need air, give me a quick tap on my flank. But not too often, I wouldn’t want to be distracted now, would I?”
  79. Fluttershy said nothing at all, both out of sheer shame at her situation and also because Rarity’s surprising weight ground her lower jaw into the floor, preventing any motion whatsoever. The best she could do was sigh and mumble miserably as Rarity carried out her suspiciously long task, with only a few moments of fresh air for solace.
  81. Time seemed to drag on and the smell coming from the proximity to Rarity’s backside was beginning to disturb Fluttershy. Her neck was starting to complain from the constant, heavy weight straining her down yet she could do nothing to comfort it. This was what she deserved for tearing the dress in the first place, and if it meant she could go to the ball, then so be it. But still…what was taking Rarity so long? She was a highly skilled master of sewing so why did it feel like an eternity was passing by?
  83. Finally, just when she was sure she could take no more, the vast weight lifted and Rarity walked over to a mannequin, using her magic to guide the finished dress. As she draped it over the false ponies back, Fluttershy caught a good look at where she had previously damaged it. Or at least, thought she had damaged it. There was no sign whatsoever! In fact, it was so perfect that there was a moment in which Fluttershy was doubtful she had caused it any harm at all!
  85. “Oh, Rarity! That’s simply wonderful!” she exclaimed, jumping to her hooves. She was about to rush over and embrace her when a cold stare from the unicorn gave her cause to hesitate. “I-Is something the matter?”
  87. A vicious smirk drifted across Rarity’s face and her horn began to glow a light shade of blue, signalling she was using her magic once again. From a dusty old shelf hidden high up by the roof, a tattered old fur coat drifted down, floating through the air like a graceful bird until it landed on the desk in front of Fluttershy. She squirmed as she looked down on it, realising just how in need of repair it is but also just how long such an act would take. It was in such poor condition that surely fashioning a new one would be a better and quicker use of her time…
  89. “Many apologies Fluttershy, but I just remembered this old thing and I simply can’t let such a crime to fabulosity go undefeated.”
  91. “I-Isn’t this a winter coat? Does it have to be fixed so soon…i-it’s the middle of summer…”
  93. “Oh yes, you’re right, it is. Now, are you going to lower your head or not?”
  95. For all Fluttershy wanted to say no, she bit bake her pride and laid her chin on the floor once again, her miserable expression quickly hidden behind Rarity’s fat cheeks. Her long, lustrous purple tail swished cheerfully around, swatting the back of Fluttershy’s neck in a teasing caress. Unbeknownst to the yellow pegasus, Rarity barely even began to work for the first five minutes, simply choosing to sit squarely on her victim’s face, wriggling and shaking every now and again.
  97. When she finally did get to work it was with slow and deliberate movements, purposefully padding out the seconds as Fluttershy whimpered impotently underneath her backside. Occasionally she would raise her hindquarters and allow the Pegasus a mouthful of air, but only in shortening intervals. Her warm cheeks were soft, that much was true, but the weight of the mare was simply unbearable, especially for such a drawn out length of time.
  99. An hour passed and Rarity continued relentlessly onwards, taking her time on the coat as Fluttershy lay underneath, determined not to offend her friend by requesting her to move. Suddenly a low rumble from Rarity’s stomach caught them both off-guard and Fluttershy began to whimper in alarm. From above she could hear Rarity saying: “Oh dear. I don’t think my lunch entirely agreed with me…I’m ever so sorry dear, but I simply can’t stop now. I’m quite aware it’s not very ladylike but what other choice do I have? I know, simply say something if you have any objections. Nothing?” Before Fluttershy could even try to protest, a noise akin to a damp sheet getting torn apart filled the room, swiftly followed by the foul, acrid stench.
  101. Fluttershy squirmed in surprise and tried her hardest not to breathe in but fate seemed to have other plans. Her lungs burned in protest and Rarity seemed curiously unwilling to shift her vast ass, leaving Fluttershy with no choice but to take a deep breath, inhaling the vicious cloud through her nostrils. Her eyes stream and she wriggles helplessly, trying to find some freedom from Rarity’s thick backside.
  103. Even with the fresh threat of the acrid stench, Rarity refused to shorten her task, choosing to fix the ruined coat in as painstaking a manner as possible, only allowing Fluttershy air once in ever while. Finally, just as the sky was beginning to darken and the sun was starting to fall down the horizon, she held up a shimmering new coat and stood up to admire her work.
  105. Fluttershy didn’t stand immediately. Instead she simply lay on the floor, massaging her aching neck and trying to forget the feeling of Rarity’s ivory backside pressed against her head. When she looked up, Rarity offered her a warm smile and aided her to her feet.
  107. “Thank you very much for your assistance,” Rarity smirked. “I just hope in future we can avoid such a situation. I’m sure now you’ve learnt to be more careful with your possessions.”
  109. “Y-yes…” she mumbled in response, so quietly she might not even have spoken. Although she couldn’t help but feel this wasn’t a lesson Princess Celestia would be hearing about at any point in the near future.
  111. “Now, you get home quickly and…” She crinkled her nose. “And have a quick wash…or two…then head straight back here. I think I shall have to send someone around to clean up your place, to ensure that there remains nothing else you could snag such beautiful works of fashion on.”
  113. Fluttershy didn’t need telling twice. Saying her thanks, although admittedly insincere, she quickly hurried out of the boutique and through the streets of Ponyville, desperately making her way home. If one thing was for sure, she’d be washing her mane far more than just twice when she got there.
  115. And she’d be damned if that fucking rabbit saw a carrot ever, ever again.

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