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Flutterseat 2 Zecora x Fluttershy by UF

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-02-15 21:13:31
Updated: 2022-03-17 16:40:31
Expiry: Never

  1. Flutterseat 2 Zecora x Fluttershy by UF
  3. (18/01/2013)
  6. ---
  8. “Why, Fluttershy, with bright blue eyes,” Zecora began with a slight grin as the door swung open, “to what do I owe this pleasant surprise?”
  10. Fluttershy stepped nervously into the Zecora’s curious household, smiling meekly as she passed. She shrank down low as the warm, humid touch of steam reached her and she found the source to be a bubbling pot of…something simmering away in the centre of the single room. Hanging down from the walls, dozens of faces glowered at her, making her feel as though she were being mocked and jeered for her intrusion. There was something about those hideous masks that set her on edge and she silently started wondering to herself how Zecora could tolerate living in such a terrifying environment.
  12. A small, polite cough brought her back to the matter at hoof and she looked back to see Zecora watching her intently. Her neck cricked as she turned, making her wince before spinning her entire body to face the zebra. “Oh, sorry…It’s my neck…Rarity…I mean, I did something silly to it before the Bi-Annual Ball and now it’s feeling really sore…”
  14. “Ah, so what you seek is a cure for aching muscles? Perhaps you should avoid quite so many tussles.”
  16. Fluttershy decided that rather than argue with the zebra, she would rather let the matter lie. The treatment from Rarity still made her shiver at just the very thought of it. She decided that the less ponies (and other species, of course) that knew about it, the better. Being trapped under her best friend’s backside was a humiliating experience and one she had no interest in anyone else finding out about. If word got around that she had been used as a substitute chair, she would be little more than a laughing stock. Or worse if anyone else got similar ideas into their head.
  18. At first she had tried to book an appointment with Aloe and Lotus but for whatever reason they had been fully booked, with not a single vacant position available for the next few days. By that point, she decided, her sore neck would have been unbearable. She had considered asking for Rarity’s gentle touch but the memories of her big, fat ass hovering over her face was more than she cared to remember.  So it was with a heavy heart (and a squadron of protective wildlife) she had set out for the depths of the Everfree Forest, inside which she was sure Zecora could at least fix up a potion, temporary as the effects may be.
  20. One thing she was relieved to see was a stool, onto which Zecora had promptly placed her gratuitously large rump. She averted her eyes when she realised just how intensely she had been staring at the curves of her flank, visually absorbing the way her thick cheeks pressed down onto the seat like two black and white striped cushions. She began to blush, more than a little thankful the zebra had her back turned, her attention captivated by the simmering cauldron.
  22. “Pegasus with coat of yellow, I must say that you chose a good time to say hello,” Zecora said, picking up a collection of herbs from a side table next to her. “I had been preparing a brew of similar ingredients, so with just a few small adjustments we can avoid being expedient.”
  24. Fluttershy nodded and murmured in response, unsure of how she could continue the conversation. She decided to busy herself by wandering the lengths of the small hut, inspecting the various decorations littering here and there. The constant simmering of the warm cauldron and Zecora’s humming providing a curious soundtrack to her adventures and the steam that rose away swam around her head and made her feel more than a little tired.
  26. She quivered as she approached a dark, grimacing effigy of a face, representing Celestia-knows-what. Whatever it may have been, it surely wouldn’t be able to shake away the strong sense of foreboding it brought. She shivered as she stared into the vacant holes where eyes would be intended to peer through, imagining in her mind’s eye a pair of red pupils leering down at her.
  28. Suddenly from out of the silence there came a sudden and terrifying crack, ripping her from her thoughts. Taken by surprise as she was she squealed and staggered backwards, tripping on a stool and falling backwards with a cry. In a desperate attempt for balance she swung her front hooves out and spun around, instantly colliding with the cauldron. Both she and Zecora watched in horror as it fell from its stand and landed with a noise not unlike the clap of thunder, its contents now streaming over the wooden floor.
  30. They watched in silence as they regarded the thick, green liquid still bubbling despite its lack of container, which was just coming to a clattering halt more than a few feet from its original position just a few seconds. In her hooves, Zecora held the source of the “terrifying noise”, a branch that she had snapped in half. Fluttershy simply stood in a mixture of awe and horror, both surprised and embarrassed that she had overreacted so magnificently with such a terrible result.
  32. “Oh…Oh dear…” she said simply. Beneath her yellow coat she was beginning to blush a vibrant red, her cheeks matching the colour of a setting sun. She closed her eyes and raised both hooves to her forehead. “I’m so, so sorry Zecora. It was an accident, I swear."
  34. She peeked up and saw Zecora rolling her eyes before turning her back on the pegasus, her long, bristly tail swishing across her thick, juicy rump in a sign of frustration. “An accident it may have been but one that will take far too long to clean. Whilst your sincere apology may be appreciated, it does not mean your actions have been negated.”
  36. “I…I can clean up the mess,” Fluttershy insisted, madly looking around for a mop and bucket. Her heart sank as she realised it was resting against the wall on the other side of the hut, straight across the pool of gloopy liquid.
  38. “Of that I have no doubt, little pegasus, but I insist that you do not make such a fuss,” Zecora said, her voice steely yet the corners of her mouth were upturned in a somewhat sinister smile. She trod over the puddle to the cauldron, which she began to nudge with her forehead back to its home. “This mess can be dealt with some other time. For now I have a punishment planned for you most sublime.”
  40. At the sound of a potential punishment, Fluttershy’s ears drooped, pressing themselves against her mane as though they were trying to escape. She whimpered but said nothing in protest, knowing she deserved it for being so clumsy. As the zebra propped the metal container back into its stand and began to refill it with water she began to mull the possibilities over in her mind, if only to fill the suspenseful and tortuous silence between the two of them.
  42. If she didn’t want Fluttershy to clean up her mess then what did she want? Was she meant to go gather some ingredients? Would she be made to stir for her? Or…What if she was going to be chopped up and included in the stew? No of course not. That was just an offensive zebra stereotype.
  44. Which left just one other possibility that nagged at the back of her mind. But no, surely the idea could never have crossed her mind. Rarity would never be so mean-spirited. And besides, Zecora still had a stool standing on all four of its legs.
  46. Zecora kicked out with a hoof and the stool toppled onto its side. Fluttershy winced and noticed that all the ingredients had been laid out on a table next to the cauldron, awaiting preparation. She grinned at the quivering pegasus and gestured to the floor at her hooves. “Your punishment is to put your head by your feet. I’ve heard that you make a most splendid seat.”
  48. Fluttershy whimpered quietly and looked down at the ground. “H-How did you know about that? Rarity didn’t tell you, did she?”
  50. “Oh, I dare say that it’s common knowledge to everyone. Your dear friend Rarity was more than eager to tell all under the sun,” Zecora said, affecting a sympathetic expression. Fluttershy couldn’t help but notice the way her voice betrayed her though, alight with mirth as it was. “Now be a dear and put your head down low, unless of me you wish to make a foe.” A pause stretched between them as Fluttershy stood defiantly still. “Do you?”
  51. “Um…That last part didn’t rhyme…”
  53. “Says who?”
  55. “Oh…Okay, you win…”
  57. Once again, Fluttershy stayed rooted the spot. Zecora rolled her eyes and snorted in frustration as she wheeled around with her flank bared to her guest. “Well then Fluttershy, most quiet and meek. Perhaps I’ll be more lenient if you simply come over here and plant a kiss on my cheek.”
  59. With that she lifted her tail to the side and presented the wide berth of her behind. Fluttershy gulped and weighed up her options. She could refuse and walk out there and then, only to become the victim of whatever voodoo curse Zecora could think up. Or she could simply do what she was asked and hope that Zecora felt that she’d received enough punishment from Rarity. She sighed to herself and realised that she’d rather not find poison joke in her soup someday, so breathed in deeply and walked forwards.
  61. The warm smell of Zecora’s musk drifted into her nostrils, causing Fluttershy to wrinkle her nose. The zebra looked back on her and raised a quizzical eyebrow, clearly growing impatient for Fluttershy to just get on with it. Feeling the growing dread, she leaned forwards, puckering her lips and making contact with one of Zecora’s large mounds.
  63. Suddenly, Zecora’s smile broke into a vicious grin and she lifted her hindquarters higher into the air. Fluttershy looked up, confused, before squealing in protest just as the vast black and white ass went flying back down, colliding with her head and taking them both down to the floor. Her chin smacked into the wood and she whimpered as the familiar sensation of a fully grown mare sitting on her head pressed down on her, the second time in just one week.
  65. Zecora let out an amused giggle and shifted in her seat, her large ass grinding against Fluttershy’s shivering head. She looked around at her supplies and began to set to work, chopping herbs apart and grinding roots to dust. It would take about an hour to finish the brew and she intended to enjoy every minute of it, which is more than could be said for her new furniture. Beneath her vast weight, Fluttershy lay, flapping her wings uselessly in a desperate effort to get away.
  67. With her chin throbbing, Fluttershy snivelled impotently at the very idea of getting used as a seat once again. It was embarrassing enough to find out that Rarity had bragged about trapping her friend underneath her thick, marshmallowy cheeks, but then to realise that instead of offering  sympathy, other ponies (And zebras) would rather try it out for themselves was downright humiliating.
  69. Half an hour drifted by, feeling ten times that for Fluttershy, before Zecora finally dropped the last ingredient into the pot and relaxed, Fluttershy’s back making a surprisingly pleasant backrest. She hummed for a few seconds before beginning to wriggle. Without warning she spun round on top of Fluttershy, until she now sat straddling the pony’s head, looking down in the direction of her hindquarters. Fluttershy stifled a squeal, her eyes watering, as Zecora’s unexpected 180 had tugged strands of long, pink hair with her.
  71. Slowly, Zecora raised a hoof and left it hovering there for a few seconds. Fluttershy couldn’t see a thing, Zecora’s sumptuously cushiony backside pressing against her eyes as they were, and her ears were almost useless underneath the thick globes of fat. She lay on the ground, unhappily waiting for Zecora to stand back up and to let her leave. Which is why it was so much of a surprise when a hoof came striking down, spanking her ass with more force than she could have expected.
  73. A muffled yelp escaped the small exit her lips could allowed, followed by another and then another. Above her, Zecora was repeatedly spanking the yellow pegasus’ backside with an almost suspicious fervour, one spark of pain almost immediately following into another. If Fluttershy didn’t know any better she’d almost say she was…
  75. No, she wouldn’t…
  77. Oh sweet Celestia, she actually was.
  79. She was playing her ass like a pair of fucking bongos.
  81. That was it. That was the one event that would drive any reports of this abuse into the realms of unbelievability. She couldn’t tell anyone about her mistreatment without bringing up the fact she had been used as an improvised instrument, at which point she would be scorned for being discriminative. If she tried to tell anyone that Zecora treated her guests like bongos, then they’d just scoff at her for trying to enforce unfair stereotypes.
  83. Zecora’s rhythmic spankings just kept coming, repeatedly slapping against Fluttershy’s sore ass whilst her own was pressing down firmly onto the miserable pegasus beneath. Her tail swished against the floor, tickling Fluttershy’s nose that was only just protruding from the middle of Zecora’s posterior.
  85. Finally, Zecora’s tune reached a climax and she span back around, facing the cauldron once more. She stirred the brew and, satisfied, stood up, freeing the pony from her fleshy prison.
  87. “I have more than appreciated your service, Fluttershy, and your debt has been repaid. Now that the potion is finished, you are entitled to enjoy this potion that we have made.” Zecora trotted around her hut, her tail swishing merrily around as though it were sweeping the large surface of her ass. She grabbed a bowl and rested it next to the pot before lifting a ladle with her teeth and dipping it into the surface of the brew. She withdrew it and emptied the contents into the bowl where it steamed contentedly to itself.
  89. Fluttershy straightened herself out and avoided looking over at Zecora. Her face felt as though it were aflame with embarrassment so she stepped over to the bowl, hiding her expression behind her mane. “Th-thanks,” she said weakly, before picking up the brew in both hooves and drinking the whole lot in one go.
  91. “That’s quite alright, my little assistant,” Zecora replied, a grin twisting across her countenance. “And I do hope you know I appreciated just how you weren’t overly resistant.”
  93. The effects were almost instantaneous. All of a sudden, the pain in her neck had disappeared, fading away back into nothingness as though it had never existed in the first place. She twisted her head around to see if she could aggravate it, but the potion had been so effective that every muscle felt brand new.
  95. Showing a more sincere sign of her gratitude, Fluttershy bowed her head, hoping she wasn’t met with another faceful of ass, and thanked the zebra before turning and hightailing it out of the hut. Zecora simply watched her leave, wearing a wry smirk. The potion had indeed healed her aching muscles but what she hadn’t told Fluttershy was that it would also add a few more cushions of fat to her body. The effects would be immediate but eventually it would result in a fuller and rounder backside and, most importantly, a more cushiony face. One that she was sure would make Fluttershy’s face irresistible for ponies to sit on.

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