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Flutterseat 3 Gilda x Fluttershy by UF

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-02-15 21:14:14
Updated: 2022-03-17 16:45:47
Expiry: Never

  1. Flutterseat 3 Gilda x Fluttershy by UF
  3. (28/01/2013)
  6. ---
  8. [Minor Flatulence Warning]
  10. After a couple of days since her encounter with Zecora, Fluttershy had finally worked up the courage to dare leave her house once again. With a thick, brown clock wrapped tightly across her back and a hood raised high over her head, she stepped outside into the sound of birdsong and braved the short journey to the market. Her basket swung freely around her hip and smacked repeatedly against her suddenly curvaceous flank. Her plan was more than simple. She would buy her groceries and then she would leave. Before anyone even realised it was her, she would be gone. There would be no time for anyone to recognise her, for anyone to push her to the ground and then squash her beneath their big, fat ass. She would buy enough supplies to hide away in her home until the whole facesitting fad would finally just blow over. Or they might find another victim, whichever got her off the hook.
  12. She grimaced as her hoof sank into the muddy pathway, coating it with a fresh layer of dirt. The pegasi had arranged a heavy rainfall the night before, which had led to Fluttershy hiding herself beneath her blanket all throughout the storm. Now she was forced to tread through its aftermath. Could her situation really get any worse?
  14. A shadow flitted over her head, temporarily blocking out the sun. She squeaked as she saw the dark patch wash over her body and tried to crouch down low, as if pressing herself into the very earth. She watched as the shadow circled her a few more times, before increasing in size as the owner began their descent. It veered sharply to the left and slid behind her again. In her panic, she spun her head around madly, trying desperately to capture its source. When the griffon landed, she bowed her head low and began to wish she had just made a run for it when she had the chance.
  16. “Hey there, dweeb,” the newcomer said dryly.
  18. “Oh… Um, Hello Gilda. It’s nice to see you again,” Fluttershy lied, trying to force a smile. “You look…different. And nice. Nice different.”
  20. This wasn’t a total lie, as Fluttershy couldn’t help but notice just how different Gilda really did look. Where once the griffon had been lean and muscular, to coincide with her sporty and competitive demeanour, she now appeared to have put on more than a few pounds. She wasn’t by any means overweight but there was no denying she was beefier, thicker and bubblier.
  22. Gilda noticed Fluttershy’s stares and rolled her eyes, letting out a groan of disgust. “You think you’re real funny, don’t you, dweeb? Go on, why don’t you laugh at me now? Do you know whose fault it is I look like this?”
  24. “Um…Pinkie Pie’s?” Fluttershy guessed, fearing the reason why she was receiving the sudden interrogation.
  26. “Yeah, right. Don’t worry, she’ll get it eventually. But if it wasn’t for you and your stupid ducks, I wouldn’t have lost my temper in the first place, all those months ago. You remember that, don’t you?”
  28. How could Fluttershy forget? Gilda’s wrath had sent her running away with her tail between her legs and the Pinkie Pie threw the very same griffon a party. The injustice left a pretty resounding note in Fluttershy’s mind. “Yes…I’m really, really sorry if that upset you.”
  30. For the second time Gilda rolled her eyes and walked over onto the dirt pathway, not even flinching as the mud squelched onto her talons. “Oh well if you’re sorry then I guess that’ll make up for all that junk food I’ve been eating to try and forget my humiliation.”
  32. It was pretty clear she was being sarcastic, yet Fluttershy still tried her chances. “Well, if there’s nothing else then I guess I’ll be going then…”
  34. A taloned claw snatched the back of her cloak and she felt herself yanked backwards, sending her toppling over her own hooves. Gravity eventually caught up with her position and she fell down into the mud that had only a few seconds ago been at her hooves.
  36. “We’re not done here yet, dweeb,” Gilda jeered. Fluttershy felt her strong grip adjusting her body until she now lay perfectly on her back with her hooves flailing up into the sky. She considered fighting back, but decided she’d heard enough horror stories about irate griffons without being part of one. Gilda’s head popped into the side of her vision, the edges of her beak stretching up towards her eyes. “Because of you, I’ve been utterly humiliated. Now I think it’s only fair that I get to return the favour.”
  38. With that she disappeared and Fluttershy began to hope that her punishment would have simply been to just to get her cloak unpleasantly muddy, which would actually have been torture enough for the poor, yellow pegasus. Her hopes were imminently shattered when the sight of a large, plump and furry ass suddenly hovered over her head. “Oh no please! No, no, no, no n-Mmmmmphhhll!”
  40. Her protests were swiftly cut off into a feeble mumble as Gilda’s overinflated buttocks fell down onto her head, squashing her beneath the griffon’s full weight. She could feel the back of her head being pressed into the mud beneath her, no doubt causing a deep indent that would serve as further testament to Gilda’s sudden weight gain.
  42. “Mmm, I can see why everyone’s talking about you being the best piece of furniture in Ponyville. Your face is really comfy, dweeb. At least you’re good for something,” she sighed. A low vibration echoed through her throat as the griffon began purring, wiggling her big, flabby butt onto the pony’s face. She giggled to herself as she rocked her hips back and forth; grinding her asscheeks against Fluttershy’s wriggling face.
  44. “Mmmmppphll!” Fluttershy protested, trying her best to appeal to Gilda’s mercy.  As Gilda lifted her hindquarters up to allow the pegasus a brief respite to catch her breath, it was clear that these protests had fallen on deaf ears as she slammed her butt down with more force than before.
  46. “Oh, lighten up squirt,” Gilda taunted as she began to bounce on the spot, her cheeks wobbling and slapping together, as well as at the same time repeatedly colliding with Fluttershy’s face with a meaty slap. “Surely you’re getting used to being everyone’s doormat at this point? Besides, I’m only waiting for somebody. I hope he hurries up, I’ve really gotta…”
  48. Gilda suddenly paused mid-sentence and her entire hindquarters tensed up, her thick cheeks locking her victim’s face tight.  Fluttershy was hit with a dawning horror as the growl of a burbling stomach pawed at her ears. She wriggled in an attempt to get away, but her clear repulsion seemed to be enough of an incentive for Gilda to keep her trapped in place.
  50. The griffon grunted and it was the sound of the fart that hit Fluttershy first, the low pitched, meaty growl ripping its way out of Gilda’s big, fat ass, a hot blast of wind aimed straight at her nostrils. She squirmed and wriggled as the eldritch stench wormed its way into her nose and mouth, replacing all oxygen with its ungodly monstrosity.
  52. Gilda wriggled with renewed intensity as she burst into raucous laughter, amused by her own produce. Fluttershy whimpered, trapped in the natural Dutch oven without means of escape.
  54. Finally, just when time was beginning to feel as though it couldn’t possibly go any slower, the sounds of beating wings caught Fluttershy’s ears, growing steadily closer. Gilda raised her enormous, foul smelling ass, allowing her a small window of opportunity to get a good look at her saviour. Her heart sank as she saw Featherweight watching her from a distance.
  56. “You took your time, squirt,” Gilda chided. “Do you know how long I’ve had to keep this one pinned down? No, don’t go giving me excuses, just hurry up and take the picture.”
  58. Gilda’s cheeks fell down on top of Fluttershy’s face again, descending her into darkness once more. A heavy click snapped through the air, followed by the sounds of Gilda’s purring growing ever louder. Immediately she lifted herself into the air, Fluttershy’s face feeling suddenly lighter as the heavy rump swayed itself towards the young colt.
  60. Featherweight held out the camera, just as a freshly printed photo stuck out of a thin slot like a mocking tongue. With a giggle, Gilda took it in her talons and admired the sight of her squashing the stupid pegasus underneath her fat ass.
  62. “Now don’t go thinking I want everyone seeing this picture of me,” Gilda warned, shooting the colt with a death glare. “This is a souvenir and nothing more. If I find out you’ve some way to print extra copies and I see my own face staring up at me from your stupid little newspaper, you can bet you’ll be suffering a similar fate.”
  64. The seriousness of her threat didn’t seem to leave too much of an impact on Featherweight as his eyes darted to the griffon’s flank and then down to his camera. By the time Gilda had turned her back, he was already wearing a lascivious grin. Without another word he turned and flew away back to Ponyville.

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