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Flutterseat 4 Trixie x Fluttershy by UF

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-02-15 21:15:00
Updated: 2022-03-17 16:47:16
Expiry: Never

  1. Flutterseat 4 Trixie x Fluttershy by UF
  3. (21/02/2013)
  6. ---
  8. It was at this point that Fluttershy was feeling the most miserable. She traipsed through the carnival with her head lowered, her thoughts brooding over the less than fortunate week that had passed. Three times. It had been three times that she’d been knocked to the ground and used as a seat for some creature’s huge, fat ass. Gossip had been spreading and now it looked like everyone in Ponyville wanted a go at least once. It just wasn’t fair.
  10. Her disconsolate wandering had brought her to a gaggle of ponies that stood crowded round a large wooden stage. She looked up and noticed to her surprise a familiar beryl-coated unicorn with a long, white mane adorned in an all-too-recognisable outfit as she pranced about over their heads.
  12. “Watch in awe, wonderful audience, as the Great and Powerful Trixie herself performs feats of incredible magic before your very eyes!” the unicorn declared, raising her hooves into an over-dramatic gesture. If Fluttershy recalled correctly from Trixie’s first visit, this was usually the point where the fireworks would go off on either side of her. It looked like she didn’t have the budget for such pyrotechnics this time around.
  14. Nor, she noticed with amusement, did Trixie seem to be able to afford stagehands. The show was repeatedly put on hold as the spellcaster was forced to canter on and off stage to fetch her assorted props.
  16. The show itself was only fairly impressive. Most of Trixie’s performance relied upon illusions and trickery instead of any kind of powerful magic. And had that been what she promised, then that would have been tolerable, yet Trixie had that rather frustrating habit of declaring everything she did to be completely and utterly authentic. Fluttershy doubted she really had the power to turn water into wine.
  18. Eventually it was time for the final act. Trixie dived off-stage and returned with a huge hollow box in tow, atop of which a heavy, burlap sack sat, jingling and rattling with every movement. As she finally dragged it into the centre, she turned to compose herself. Beads of sweat dribbled down every curve of her plump, azure body, leaving a snail trail of crystal clear moisture against the thick, bulging fat of her ass. Her tail fanned across her rump, trying in vain to keep her cool. Perhaps it hadn’t been such a good idea to wear the cape and hat on such a warm and stressful day?
  20. “For her next trick,” she panted, “the Great and Powerful Trixie will require an assistant. Does she have any willing volunteers?”
  22. No, appeared to be the answer. The crowd had already thinned when the audience began to see through Trixie’s simple ruses and the concept of appearing on stage with her was turn off enough for the remainder to find something else to preoccupy themselves with. All except for Fluttershy and a meagre few others who stayed out of either politeness, a genuine interest to see the end, or just the hope that she might expose her sweaty rump again.
  24. “Ah, then you’ll do!” Trixie suddenly cried, pointing a hoof at the bewildered Fluttershy. The Pegasus felt her heart sink as she stepped up onto the stage. She’d never been good at handling stages and right now she definitely didn’t feel up to it. Not to mention the way that Trixie had seemed to pick her out specifically from everyone else, no doubt remembering her as one of Twilight’s friends. An easy target to pick on.
  26. Once she was standing in front of the remaining audience, Trixie began to talk her through the details. “It’s quite simple, even for one such as yourself. All that Trixie requires of you is that you remain perfectly still in this box as Trixie fills every one of these holes with swords! Do you think that you can do that?”
  28. Fluttershy nodded meekly and obliged, stepping inside her cramped, little coffin. It was tight and stuffy but at least it wasn’t dark, owing to the countless slots littering the walls.
  30. “Now behold, as the Great and Powerful Trixie will perform terrifying, death defying acts before your very eyes! Watch as she toys with this pegasus’ life for no reason other than your entertainment!”
  32. Perhaps the words might have petrified the innocent pony under any other circumstances, but the magical aura that began to envelope her was reassurance enough. Within a heartbeat she had left the box and was now in Trixie’s caravan, a good distance away from the actual performance. It was a cheap trick and one that Fluttershy rolled her eyes to imagine was actually being carried out. Would anybody else really fall for that? Surely they must have noticed the glow of Trixie’s horn, if not the burst of light that would erupt from the box.
  34. Unsure of what to do now, Fluttershy settled for simply pacing the length of the caravan, waiting for the opportune moment to just leave. She didn’t have any interest in hanging around for now but she knew that she was a crucial part to Trixie’s performance at this point. Upsetting the unicorn by stealing the show’s immersion wasn’t one of the things she planned to do, especially with how poorly the performance had gone up until that point.
  36. After five minutes of excruciating nothingness, the door finally swung open and a warm, sweaty Trixie marched in, wearing an unbearably wide grin.
  38. “They loved it,” she announced. “Trixie hasn’t had a round of applause quite like that for a long while. Clearly she is one of the greatest unicorns that has ever graced this back-end town.”
  40. Fluttershy tried to supress a giggle and bowed her head in appreciation. “W-well, I’m just glad I c-could help. Now, if it’s all the same with you I-I’ll just be on my way and…um…” She had made to leave but now found her path barred by a single light blue hoof.
  42. “The Great and Powerful Trixie is tired after her amazing show,” she declared. She looked callously towards Fluttershy, as though she were surprised her ever whim was not already being performed. “She will require a seat so that she can rest her Great and Powerful hooves.”
  44. The words hit Fluttershy hard. There it was again, that one moment where Fluttershy would be used as less than a pony and more of a piece of furniture. The infuriating smirk on Trixie’s face was unbearable, the expression that seemed to suggest she had the power to do whatever she liked whenever she wanted. And she knew that she could because Fluttershy would just let her do it as always. “No,” she said softly.
  46. Her declaration took them both by surprise. Trixie turned her head, aghast. “What did you say?”
  48. “I…I said no.” The momentum of her mumbled protest was beginning to snowball into out and out anger, an unexpected fury that would have taken her aback had she not been in the centre of the inferno.
  50. “How dare you refuse a command from the Great and Powerful Trixie? Do you know who I am?”
  52. “Y-You’ve said your name enough times already. I-I’m sorry Trixie but if you want a seat, you’ll just have to go s-somewhere else.”
  54. It felt almost liberating to speak her mind like this, as though she had been trapped with a stone on her wings beforehand, which was now lifted allowing her to soar high into the sky. It felt good to be like this. Or at least it would have done if Trixie weren’t looking at her with a glower so cold it could freeze the ocean.
  56. “If Trixie says that she wants you under her rump,” she began with a warning step forward, “you will oblige and offer your face to her Great and Powerful ass!”
  58. With that she charged forwards and lowered her head, as if fully hoping to skewer Fluttershy on the end of it. The tip began to glow and Fluttershy understood she was about to cast a spell. She recoiled and spun around, acting purely on instinct. Her plump rump flew up into the air and down again, catching something firm and solid on the way back down. Trixie squealed as her chin hit the floor, Fluttershy’s ass firmly on top of her. Fluttershy squealed as she felt something long and firm slide against the walls of her pussy.
  60. “H-hey, what are you doing?” she tried to mumble. As Fluttershy knew well, it was difficult to talk with a chin pressed tightly against the ground.
  62. Actually, that was a pretty good question. What was she doing? She looked down at herself in complete surprise as she drank in the situation. Trixie was beneath her and Fluttershy was sitting on top. She began to wriggle and grind her soft ass cheeks against Trixie’s forehead, a light tinkling giggle escaping her lips at the idea. It was a curiously powerful sensation and in that moment she almost had a dim understanding as to why the others had treated her in such a way. An understanding perhaps, but certainly no forgiveness could be found in her mind.
  64. For now, though, there was a far more pressing matter at hoof. One thing Fluttershy hadn’t considered before lashing out was Trixie’s horn which had slid up into the narrow lips of her pussy. The feeling was unbearable to just sit there and endure, so she began to rock back and forth on the spot, bouncing occasionally to simulate the actual sensation of fucking. Sexual activity was no alien scenario to Fluttershy but still a rare and guilty pleasure, made all the more dirtier and conversely more enjoyable by the grumbling and unhappy Trixie underneath.
  66. In between the bouts of pleasuring herself, Fluttershy wondered to herself why Trixie hadn’t simply used her magic to free herself at any time. Surely being used as a seat and subsequent sex toy wasn’t something she’d wanted to occur so why she was just laying back and taking it (albeit with noisy complaints) was a mystery. Either she was unable to use magic with the distracting of Fluttershy’s shaking hips or, Celestia forbid, she might even have been enjoying herself.
  68. Of course, no matter how much Trixie may or may not have been enjoying herself, it couldn’t have been any more than Fluttershy was. She bobbed up and down, thrusting the unicorn horn in and out of her pussy. The erotic feeling of the thick shaft sliding against the walls of her vagina was overwhelming, completely polluting her mind of any rational thought. Her tongue lolled uselessly out of her mouth as she continued to fuck herself with Trixie’s horn, whimpering cries escaping her lips.
  70. Finally, Fluttershy had had her fill and finished messily, her juices spilling down into Trixie’s once clean mane. She paused for a moment, gathering her breath before finally reassessing her situation. Had she really just done that…?
  72. She leapt up off of Trixie and looked down at the unicorn, her feelings a mixture of pride and horror. “O-oh my…I-I’m very sorry about that, Ms Trixie…I-I’ll just leave you to it then…” she said, backing away. When she reached the door, she offered one last sympathetic glance back and darted out of the caravan, leaving Trixie alone in a bewildered silence.
  74. “The Great and Powerful Trixie is not accustomed to being dominated…” she suddenly said to herself once Fluttershy was long gone. She rubbed at her horn, now soaked with the pegasus’ vaginal fluids. “But she does suppose that it’s not quite as bad as it seems…”

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