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Gilda's Urinal - Gilda x Anon piss + fart fetish story by UF

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-02-15 21:15:30
Updated: 2022-03-17 16:27:57
Expiry: Never

  1. Gilda's Urinal - Gilda x Anon piss + fart fetish story by UF
  3. (21/04/2013)
  6. ---
  8. Arriving in Equestria hadn't quite brought the results that you had anticipated. You were regarded by pretty much everyone as a strange specimen and after a few weeks of testing and examining, scientists had finally deemed you safe to live amongst the rest of the community.
  10. Your dreams of being a pretty little pony had first gone awry when you realised you hadn't emerged to this strange new land as a pretty little pony. You were still a human. You were still anon. An unfortunate setback but one you could surely live with so long as you still got to live the perfect life. And...well, that much was debatable. You had been shunned at first, distrusted and ignored. You were weird and that was all anyone needed to know before they deliberately got out of your way. Even that zebra had declared you "bad juju" and kept to her shack. You were completely alone.
  12. That was until one kind griffon had sympathised with your plight and taken you under her wing. Gilda was her name and she had been generous at first, keeping a roof over your head every day and preparing a nice, warm meal three times a day. Which you came to realise was even more generous than you had expected, given she ate her meals raw.
  14. In time, however, her kind demeanour had begun to erode away, giving light to something else entirely. Other intentions for bringing you to her home and keeping you dependent on her. She was a griffon without a mate and so she had deliberately taken you in to fill that void. You would have been happy enough with that, but then came her other fetishes.
  16. You were minding your own business on the couch at the time, leafing through an article about the latest dietary recommendations from Shimmering Splendour. Something about gratuitous portions of broccoli or something like that. The sun was beaming high in the sky, shedding merciless heat over Equestria. It was a warm day and even you could feel a sweat starting to run down your brow.
  18. The door slammed open and you tossed the magazine back onto the table before you. You leapt to your feet and stood to attention, giving your mistress the proper due respect as she marched inside, bringing with her the heavy smell of her toils.
  20. You did your best not to wrinkle your nose as she passed in front of you, her moist fur brushing against your skin. She had long since forbidden you to wear clothes around the house, figuring that if she didn't need to then you certainly wouldn't. Her breathe came and went heavily, her chest heaving from the strain of whatever exercises she had been just been out doing. In the recent weeks it had become almost something of a regular routine for her to go out and work up one hell of a sweat, working out until she was practically stewing in her own moisture. Then she would come home and tease you for hours on end.
  22. "Geez dweeb, you stink," she says, waving a taloned claw in front of her face. You bit your lip and determined yourself not to comment, not wanting to imagine the punishment you would receive for your insolence. Instead you focussed on her body language and noticed something strange about her behaviour. She was tense and her hind legs shifted constantly, rubbing against each other with her hips bobbing up and down occasionally. "What the fuck do you think you're looking at?!"
  24. "Nothing, miss," you say hastily. She takes a few steps closer and gazes at you with a suspicious eye. Her breathe is still coming rapidly and you can feel its proximity against your groin. You almost want to kick yourself as you feel the soft teasing moisture caressing your cock until it, like you, begins to stand to attention.
  26. In response, Gilda rolls her eyes and tuts to herself. "Sick pervert. All it takes is the sight of me and suddenly sex is on your mind. Why do pathetic dweebs like you always seem to want my hot body? It's not like I enjoy your pathetic attempts at pleasuring me."
  28. "I'm sorry mistress," you say quickly, feeling the heat rushing to your face. This humiliation only seems to strengthen your wood, encouraging it to stand firmer and prouder apparently without realising the trouble it's getting you in. You'd try to cover it up, but the griffon had already seen it. She'd probably just laugh even harder at your pathetic behaviour.
  30. "Ugh, whatever dweeb. I haven't got time for this, I've been busting for a piss all day. Now get on your fucking knees, or it's going on your bed."
  32. A thousand little objections popped up in your mind at that moment, not least about how there was a perfectly functional toilet just a few paces away. Still, that was apparently the "dweeb toilet" and hers was more exquisite. It was the nicest compliment she had ever given you since her true personality had emerged.
  34. But still, she was being kind enough to take you in when nobody else would so how could you complain? It was the least you could do to get on your knees at this very moment and wait patiently whilst she reversed her big, fat ass over your awaiting face. Those big, brown, fluffy cheeks loomed over you, promising an imminent damp and humiliating fate.
  36. "Don't let me catch you jerking off again, you little creep. Celestia knows that was fucking weird the last time you did it," she sighed. She took one last step backwards until her cheeks enveloped you, until all you could see was tanned fur that tickled the sides of your face. "Oh, and don't let any of this stuff hit the floor. I swear to Luna, if you do I'll be serving you your dinner in the fucking puddle later."
  38. Though she couldn't see your ensuing nod, surely the sensation was enough as the movement of your head ended with a sudden dampness on the walls of her pussy. You opened your mouth obediently just as the stream began, a swift river of warm, golden ambrosia that spilled forwards past your lips and down your thirsty throat.
  40. Even with her asscheeks tickling your ears, you could hear her steady gasp of relief spilling forwards like the whisper of the wind. You could just tell that she was arching her neck at this very moment, her eyes half lidded and her beak hanging open in a thin smile. Her relief was only for the sensation of her bladder emptying itself. The fact that you were a receptacle for her piss had probably left her mind already.
  42. Speaking of which, it didn't look like her stream of urine was going to plan on stopping anytime soon. Like the water from a burst dam, it poured forwards into your gaping mouth in a gushing torrent of bodily fluids without end. Whatever this griffon had been drinking beforehand, she had clearly enjoyed a fucking lot of it.
  44. So ceaseless was the stream that you found yourself having trouble in keeping up with the constant demand. Your lips opened and closed like, ironically enough, a floundering fish out of water, trying in vain to get a firm grip on her tight slit and the juice that issued forth. You could feel it starting to overflow your mouth as golden droplets of ambrosia dribbled carelessly down your mouth and coming to a rest on your chin. It was getting too much and even you couldn't swallow fast enough. Before long you gagged and the mouthful of spilt downwards, splashing against the wooden flooring much to your horror.
  46. It was too late to react now but for whatever reason you did anyway, looking down at the puddle as though you could will the urine to re-enter your mouth. Yet this turned out to be just another bad decision as Gilda's piss still hadn't reached its climax. It continued to pour forth now dousing your face in its musky dampness, drenching your hair, your cheeks, your chest and whatever else it could dribble onto.
  48. Her orgasmic sighs and the newfound sensation of failure were getting too much for both you and your wanting boner. It yearned to be dealt with and you knew that you had to give it some now and while you were being drenched. With a cringe, you reached down and grappled onto it, coiling your fingers around your cock and beginning to tug at it, jerking yourself off into ecstasy.
  50. Too late, it seemed. The river reached its run and dribbled back into nothingness, the only memory of its existence being a few finally drops of the nectar clinging to Gilda's fur. You obediently leant forwards and used your tongue to deal with those last remnants, hoping to win her approval before she saw the mess 'you' had made. It wasn't enough.
  52. "What the fuck is this?!" she demands as she looks back in despair at your drenched body and the soaked floor. Her eyes fell upon your cock still in your hand and she shook her head in disgust. "I gave you one job and you're too pathetic to even manage that? Fuck's sake, why do I even keep you as a pet, dweeb?"
  54. The heat returned to your face and you looked down in shame, her scolding embarrassing more than being used as her personal urinal. You were about to offer an apology when she cuts you off. "Don't even bother, dweeb. I'm going to make you sorry in a second."
  56. Before you could even question what she meant, she thrust her weight backwards and you both toppled to the ground, your head locked beneath the weight of her vast, sweaty backside. You reached up and grabbed each of her cheeks in one hand, pushing upwards as though you could lift her off of you. She simply giggled and wriggled her moist ass crack against your face, grinding sweat and urine even tighter into you. She had you right where she wanted you and you couldn't do a goddamn thing about it.
  58. Maybe you should learn to fucking listen if you don't like having to deal with this, bitch," she taunted. She laughed again as you tried in vain to respond, your voice pathetically muffled by the proximity of her pussy. "But hey, don't worry about it, dweeb. I'll teach you to listen in the best way possible. Lesson one, try listening to this."
  60. You could feel her flank tensing and before you could even squeal in protest her asshole quivered dangerously over you. She grunted from the strain and a sound akin to a broken trumpet echoed in your ears, accompanied by a gush of hot air that blasted into your face and straight up your nostrils.
  62. There was a moment for you to take in what had just happened before the smell of her fart truly hit you. And by Celestia, did it strike you like a ton of bricks. It was by all definitions of the word strong, potent enough to make you recoil further into the floor in a desperate bid to escape its gaseous tendrils. Above you, Gilda began to laugh even harder as you wriggled helplessly to escape your stinking torment. She greeted your efforts with another low pitched squeal of a fart, more fetid than the last. Your eyes watered and it burned your nostrils, yet there was something so overpoweringly...erotic about it. Oh god, how could you think this way? Your face was drenched in piss and sweat and your nostrils burned from the smell but all you wanted to do was cum so desperately and so badly. Even in all this disgust, this abhorrent treatment was heaven for you.
  64. So it was that as you revelled in this contradiction, you sunk your fingers even tighter into Gilda's ass and pulled her even harder onto your face, taking the both of you by surprise.
  66. A tinkle of joy left her beak in a laugh and she obliged you by releasing another rancid fart onto your face, before raising her hind legs and placing the full weight of her body onto your head. You didn't even care how much it felt, just so long as you could feel your mistress's ass cheeks pressing against your face and just so long as she was enjoying your worshipping of her.
  68. Her paws clamped either side of your cock, the padded surface a comforting delight as you continued to breathe in her produce. With the both of you lost in lust in wouldn't be long before either of you came, especially as you had just begun to lap at her pussy and sweat-coated asshole.
  70. You were the one who climaxed first, unsurprisingly enough, firing cum all across your belly in white, hot, sticky jets. You groaned into her ass, breathing even deeper as she let one last fart fly into your hungry nostrils. A few more minutes of coercion and she finished too, groaning loudly as she finally climaxed messily against your face.
  72. With shaking legs, she finally got off of you and permitted you to breathe fresh air for the first time in what felt like forever, even spoiled as it was by the fallout of your activities. The air was heavy with the scent of her sweat, fart and piss all merging together in one beautiful cocktail.
  74. "Fucking hell, anon...that was..." she panted, seemingly at a loss for words. "That was...fucking pathetic. You call that pleasuring me? What the fuck took you so long? A real man would have made me cum ages ago, not left me hanging there like some useless bitch. Oh, and don't think I've forgotten that mess you made back there. You'll be eating your meals out of my piss for the next fucking week. And I think I'll piss in your bed tonight as well.
  76. The end?

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