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Lovestruck - Cadance x Anon by UF

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-02-15 21:15:58
Updated: 2022-03-17 16:29:12
Expiry: Never

  1. Lovestruck - Cadance x Anon by UF
  3. (22/02/2013)
  6. ---
  8. Though for the sake of its grandeur you might not want to admit it to yourself, all these visits to the various royals and representatives of Equestria can really get quite taxing. Whereas at the time you might have just wanted to lay low and rest in Ponyville with the surprisingly eager townsfolk, there’s always some monarch out there who wants a conversation, to see what a human looks like or just for the bragging rights of having some rare specimen visit their castle.
  10. Your princess of the day was to be Cadence. As if the idea of yet another royal meeting wasn’t dull enough, before she’d even shown her little horsey face you’d first had to traipse through an hour long tour of the castle itself. Not that it was all that bad. It was a nice place and you had particularly enjoyed the visit to the Round Room.
  12. She greeted you with a warm, welcoming smile. It sent a tingling feeling through your spine and for a second you almost thought you might have fallen in love. You were about to woo her with your prize the best flirtations you had to offer until you just about forced yourself out of the trance. Of course you’d end up feeling like that, you realised. She was the princess of love after all. Just as Celestia and Luna had power over the sun and the moon, should she so choose she could dominate the hearts and minds of all her subjects.
  14. A fact that made it all the more fortunate that such power had gone to a pony as benevolent as Princess Cadence. In darker hands (or…hooves…?) such control could start or stifle a revolution. It seemed that the princesses had the potential to be a far more sinister trio than you’d originally anticipated.
  16. Coming back to the real world you pushed those thoughts aside with a lighthearted smirk and focussed yourself on the meeting for now. A servant earth pony had laid fresh cups of tea in front of you both and the “informal get-together” had begun.
  18. And if anything, informal it was not. The conversation was so weighted in correct mannerisms, appropriate topics and such a carefully managed register that on more than one occasion you’d considered your chances in cutting it short by just drowning yourself in the remaining contents of the teapot.
  20. For her part, Cadence looked just as uninterested. The further the conversation progressed the further her eyelids sank and the longer the dead silences between the two of you settled. Unlike Celestia or Luna, she was still young and accustomed to a life of carefree joys. She hadn’t lived through thousands of years of such dull meetings.
  21. Despite the fact she might have been one of the most powerful ponies in Equestria, she still had yet to enter the autumn of her youth. The pink in her coat still gleamed like the sky of a setting sun and her multi-toned mane was as lustrous as it would likely ever be. There was purity in her wrinkle-free face, like still water on a windless day. Even her body was thin and supple though her muscles strong and toned with just the right amount of fat in all the right places. The right places including, as far as you could tell from the brief windows her swishing tail offered, her sizeable rump.
  23. Sure it wasn’t quite as overinflated or flabby as either Luna’s or Celestia’s yet, but then again Cadence no doubt kept herself on a far stricter diet. It was like two huge bubbles of cushiony, sumptuous flab pressed tightly against one another. The way her cheeks squished into the ground, the way her hips swayed when she walked, the way her tail would pat her flank invitingly every now and again…it was almost too much for you to bear. The lust you felt for it every time she turned her back almost made you wonder if she hadn’t cast a spell.
  25. Still, you had to force yourself to stay composed. You were in the presence of royalty, after all. It was difficult to treat them with the full respect they deserved when all you could think about was what it must feel like to bury your face between those pink cushions. And at this point it was only royalty, the guards having made their excuses to depart. No doubt they’d seen just how uneventful this occasion would be and had made a hasty escape. You began to wish you had found some way to join them.
  27. Eventually the conversation detoured onto traditional Canterlot greetings and your heart sank along with the words tumbling out of her mouth. You knew about this. Celestia had told you. Luna had told you. The bartender in Appaloosa had told you. You didn’t need to hear it again.
  29. “-But I’m sure you know all about them,” she said. Your ears perked up and you noticed the way she looked slyly around the room as if suddenly acknowledging your isolation together. “So how about I show you some of my more…informal greetings.”
  31. You swallowed but let her guide you through the motions. She asked you to just sit back and watch as she demonstrated the little dance she always performed with Twilight. “Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake…” Okay, this was pretty boring and childish. “…Clap your hooves and do a little-”
  33. As she said the last word “shake”, she spun around on her hooves completely without warning around and presented herself. Your jaw almost hit the floor as she lifted her tail and bared her ass for you to see, her meaty cheeks parting like the red (or pink) sea to expose her pussy and asshole beneath. She turned back to look at you with a mischievous grin and began to shamelessly shake her sizeable rump to and fro, right in your face. You tried to avert your eyes but the hypnotic jiggling and rippling of her ass, like trees caught in a breeze, captured your attention and refused to let it go.
  35. “And that’s how we say hello,” she finished, lowering her ass slightly though not turning back around. She caught your eye and you could spot the mischievous glint that rang true. “What’s the matter, anon? You look a little flustered.”
  37. “Oh that…that’s nothing,” you stammer. On the contrary, it was anything but nothing. The effect it had on you left you feeling surprised and forced to hunch over in an effort to hide your tented clothes. Pony genitals weren’t by any means an unfamiliar sight in this world but it was still an exciting sensation when they happened to have been fully exposed in your face like this.
  39. Cadence giggled and began to slowly back up. “You shouldn’t feel uncomfortable, anon. I’m your princess and you’re my subject. I should try to make you as happy as I possibly can...” Her ass loomed closer and closer to your sitting figure with every slow, lustful word. Oh god, how you wanted to just dig your fingers into her cutie mark, losing yourself in the soft, malleable flesh of her cheeks. But you had to resist, had to refrain. For all that was happening, you were still her guest and she was only trying to explain customs to you. Any rash action based on assumptions could end in horrible consequences.
  41. Her tail flicked and slid across your face, like a curtain of silk. As it slid away from your cheek it took your breath with it and you almost subconsciously reached out to hold it. Just as you were about to grasp it in your fingers, she pulled it away and giggled again. “You’re too tense, anon. I guess the conversation was stifling for the both of us…maybe I could provide some entertainment…”
  43. Without warning, she whipped her tail around to the back of your head and let it lie with a surprising strength. You couldn’t bring yourself to protest as it began to push you forwards into her ass, reeling back to its owner with you in tow. The gap inbetween those two perfect, supple orbs loomed closer and closer and without a hint of resistance, you let your face sink between them.
  45. Your nose pressed against her tight, puckered hole and you tried to put off breathing through your nose for as long as possible. When you couldn’t resist any longer, you were surprised to find that the tight, humid environment actually smelt fairly sweet. Like…strawberries? Either way, it meant nothing, seeing how as soon as your lips made contact with the narrow slit of her pussy you extended you tongue and without any instruction, began to lick.
  47. She let out a cute little moan of approval and sank backwards, the weight of her ass forcing you down onto your back. With her now sitting on top of you, you reached up and grabbed both sides of her wide flank, pushing and squeezing those supple cheeks into your face as you’d been pleading with yourself to do ever since this began.
  49. Your actions seemed to have gained her approval as she knelt down and you felt the buckle of your belt begin to loosen. Oh god, was she really doing that? You put up a petty resistance as telekinetic fingers began to worm their way around your hips, tickling and teasing you as they went. You tried to stifle the occasional giggle, the rocking and shifting of your face against her snatch appearing to have a positive effect on the princess.
  51. Eventually she seemed to tire of the teasing and your trousers began to slide their way down to your knees, your underwear slipping away in pursuit. The cold air brushed against your erect cock, causing you to shiver in anticipation. You could feel her breath falling hot and heavy against the shaft but nothing more. A tentative tongue reached out and casually brushed the tip, almost drawing a scream of frustration.
  53. “You know, a princess shouldn’t have to serve her subject,” her voice called back at you, muffled by her thick thighs pressing against your ears. Her voice was laced with mirth and you could tell she was getting off to how helpless you were right about now. How willing you’d be to do anything for her. “But maybe as a reward for being a good servant…”
  55. You didn’t want to waste any time. Without hesitation you began to lick and slurp at her pussy with renewed vigour, your tongue digging and sliding into her tight lips. You couldn’t see but from the way she squirmed and moaned, you got the idea she was arching her neck back from the pleasure, only encouraging you to speed up.
  57. Finally it appeared to be too much for her to handle. Without another word she lunged forward and your cock disappeared into her mouth. Her tongue lolled and danced across your shaft as yours ducked and glided against her pussy. The both of you moaned together, overwhelmed by each other’s dedication to serve as best you can. You had to hope upon hope that the guards were long gone and didn’t have their ears pressed against the doors right now, listening to every erotic grunt and groan. Or if they did, then they at least had their cocks in their hooves and were too busy pleasuring themselves to want to report such inappropriate behaviour to a higher authority.
  59. “Shit…I-I think I’m about to cum-” you cried out, although with Cadence’s fat ass pressed against your lips it came across as more of an intelligible mumbling. Still, she seemed to get the idea and you feel her bracing herself for the oncoming torrent. At the same time each lick seemed to push her closer and closer off the edge until finally she squealed and groaned, sending a gushing torrent of her cum spilling out of her pussy. That was about all you could handle and with a grunt you closed your eyes and let the waves of cum spit their way into Cadence’s waiting mouth and down the tunnel of her throat.
  61. She released your face from the clutches of her ass and slumped to the side, a wide smile brimming on her face. “That was the most fun interview I’ve had in a long time,” she smirked. Her tail flicked happily against her flank in testament to her joy, filling you with a strange sort of pride.
  63. You nodded and took a deep breath. That had taken a lot out of you, you noted as you pulled your clothes back up to cover your genitals. Cadence trotted over and leant against you, the two of you basking in the warm afterglow. If this was what she was always like, Shining Armour was one lucky stalli-
  65. Oh, fuck. Shining Armour. You’d forgotten all about the captain of the guards. A cold sweat suddenly ran through your entire body as the realisation hit you. One of the most powerful guards in Equestria and you’d just fucked his wife. He was going to absolutely destroy you.
  67. As if she’d read your mind, Cadence began to chuckle lightly with a voice like a windchime. “Don’t worry,” she purred, nuzzling her head against your chest. “You’d be surprised just how open our relationship really is…Behind closed doors, of course. If we actually made some arrangements, we might even be able to arrange for Shiny to join us next time…”

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