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Luna x Twilight Plushie by UF

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-02-15 21:16:24
Updated: 2022-03-17 16:30:13
Expiry: Never

  1. Luna x Twilight Plushie by UF
  3. (09/01/2013)
  6. ---
  8. Luna slumped against the cold, hard floor of her balcony, her mind searing from the concentration demanded of her task. Overhead the moon shone down over Equestria like an opalescent pearl, using light borrowed from the sun to brighten her night.
  10. Light borrowed from the sun. The idea only faintly brushed over Luna’s mind and yet it was enough to make her grit her teeth in frustration. Celestia was the bringer of light to all of Equestria and that included her own sister. Though the jealousy burned inside of her, she could at least console herself that it wasn’t the inferno of envy it had been once before. Back when the world was so different. Back when she had become Nightmare Moon.
  12. The thought made her shiver. Aware of the chill of the outside world she raised herself to her hooves and stepped back into her vast eloquent bedchambers, closing the doorway behind her and drawing the curtains. Without even thinking she immediately headed straight for her bed and threw herself across it, lost in her thoughts.
  14. She was so much better than that now. The times when Nightmare Moon had controlled her mind like a parasite were the worst memories of her life, when all she had wanted to do was share her own misery and strife with the unwitting citizens of Equestria. She was just thankful that Twilight had stopped her.
  16. Well, she was sort of thankful. Thankful enough that she had been stopped before anybody could truly be hurt. In reality she was still more than a little upset by how things had turned out. Upset and humiliated. Though she wasn’t sorry that Nightmare Moon had been stopped, she couldn’t help but be furious that the princess of the night was brought down by a handful of ponies from some run-down pile of sticks they called Ponyville.
  18. Luna closed her eyes and slowed her breathing, forcing herself into a calm and relaxed frame of mind. She had been warned that the seeds of jealousy were still planted in her mind and that she ought to find a way to cope with them. Something private and entertaining that would stop herself from lashing out.
  20. So, with a wry grin, she focused her mind and willed a small, purple object to drift up from deep underneath her bed’s wooden frame.
  22. “Ah, Twilight, how dare you break into my room,” she cooed at the crudely fashioned doll hovering in front of her. To say it was Twilight was to say that a puddle was the ocean. In reality, the only similarities the stuffed toy had with the real thing was the colour of the coat, the tube of fabric on the top of her head that made her a unicorn and the rough copy of her cutie mark. The doll had been created by a Canterlot fashionista who wouldn’t ask questions about why Luna would want such a strange thing created, nor was she interested in telling anyone else about it.
  24. As Luna had expected, the doll had nothing to say for its crimes. “Playing dumb, huh? Well, we have ways of making you talk, you know.” With a wide grin she moved herself into a crouching position on all fours, the royal rump held into the air, her starry tail flowing excitedly. The doll moved without protest to her backside and immediately shoved itself against her cutie mark and began rubbing itself up and down.
  26. “I think you should talk soon, Miss Sparkle, as this can only get worse for you.” It was juvenile, of course. In fact, she was sure not even fillies resorted to such lows to feel good about themselves. But still, Twilight was responsible for her defeat and to convince herself that the very same unicorn was servicing her backside made her feel so much better. Especially when she tried to imagine that same unicorn’s cries of protest.
  28. Suddenly, before the Twilight doll could react, Luna swung it round and introduced it to the crack in between the enormous globes of fat. She bit her lip as she pushed it in deeper with her magic, it grinding against her warm taint in a manner more than satisfactory.
  30. Without warning, she leaned backwards and fell onto her buttocks, squashing the doll’s purple face underneath her perfectly round asscheeks. She let out a small groan as the doll’s faux-muzzle protruded upwards and slid across the lips of her pussy.
  32. With a gentle swaying of her hips, she began to grind back and forth, her ass now like a steamroller to the unfortunate doll. “Where are the elements of harmony to save you now, huh, Twilight Sparkle?” she jeered, her movements beginning to increase in rapidity as the feelings of pleasure began to spread warmly between her thighs. Within moments she was groaning aloud, the mixture of physical pleasure and her thoughts of Twilight’s humiliation combining into a cocktail of ecstasy. In just a few seconds she knew she would reach climax and return to her normal duties as a responsible princess and nobody would be any the wiser.
  34. Well, that would be the case were it not for Princess Celestia walking in at that very moment.
  36. “Luna, I wanted to talk to you about the guard’s payme – Oh my, I’m sorry!”
  38. It felt as though the clocks had simply stopped and time would forever remain frozen in this one position. In that one moment Celestia had walked in just as Luna had let out a final moan and orgasm’d messily onto the doll underneath her. The doll that now sat with its face buried between Luna’s cheeks and its legs protruding from underneath her stomach, like a set of tiny, purple udders.
  40. “Big sister, p-please…I can explain this…” Luna said hurriedly, her normally navy blue coat quickly turning a faint shade of purple. At least, she said she could explain it though even she doubted even the greatest novelist in all of Equestria could imagine another scenario in which Luna just so happened to climax over a crude rendition of Celestia’s favourite student.
  42. Fortunately (at least relatively so) for Luna, she didn’t need to. After a few moments of stunned silence, a wide, sinister grin spread across her sister’s face and she bowed her head. She turned her back and waved her tail, revealing her big, fat ass before looking back, winking, and departing the room, closing the door with a loud slam and leaving Luna all alone, completely humiliated.
  44. She raised her hindquarters and levitated the sodden doll to her face, making sure not to breathe in with her nose, lest the smell the thing had acquired reach her nostrils. She rolled her eyes and glared at the false Twilight as though it were responsible for the entire debacle.
  46. “You have to ruin everything, don’t you, Miss Sparkle? I’ll make sure you pay for this later.” And she tossed it underneath her bed without another word.

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