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Luna's Fart Cushion - Luna x Anon - Fart fetish fic by UF

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-02-15 21:16:59
Updated: 2022-02-15 21:57:29
Expiry: Never

  1. Luna's Fart Cushion - Luna x Anon - Fart fetish fic by UF
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  5. One thousand years of imprisonment is plenty of time for one to develop a fancy for a wide range of cruel and usual punishments. Such punishments were at times gruesome, at times just and even occasionally arousing in their own strange and perverted way. Of course being nothing more than a mind trapped in the celestial rock she had once called her own, the mare-in-the-moon was unable to register these feelings of sexual lust. When she eventually returned to Equestria as Princess Luna, they hit her. And they hit her hard.
  7. Your face burned with indignation as the guards escorted you through the grand Canterlot castle. You knew you didn’t deserve to be here, yet nobody was listening to your protests. This was all ridiculous, hopelessly so. You had paid for that apple but the guards seemed to believe otherwise. And even if the offense had been committed (which it hadn’t), surely such a petty crime didn’t merit an audience with Princess Luna herself. What was she going to do, stare at you with disappointment and tell you to give it back? Well, you could do so but they might not like what you’ve done with it.
  9. The weaving corridors reached their conclusion and you found yourself before the huge double doors leading into the princess’s chambers. Clearly the lazy bitch wasn’t even interested in coming to greet you in the entrance halls.
  11. With a roll of your eyes you stalked past the guards and into the expansive, cavern-esque room. Under normal circumstances your breath would probably have been snatched away by the ceiling, so far away you begin to fear it had molded with the sky itself. You might have been distracted by the rich tapestries that adorned the walls, telling the stories of countless brave and noble ponies. What might have grabbed your attention was the expensive ornaments and vases that littered the room in abundance as though they were little more than cheap trinkets. Instead your eyes were too busy captivated by the sight of a royal rump facing your direction, dripping with a strange, sticky substance.
  13. The princess looked back at you with an odd glint in her eyes. Under the circumstances you would have expected disapproval, a few frowns, maybe a sad shake of the head. Yet there was none of that. Instead, what there was was something of a childish glee in the way that she smirked, a silly excitement in her dimples. This was clearly something she had been looking forward to…and it seemed she’d be doing it whether you complied or not.
  15. “Anon, you have been charged with theft and found guilty.” You would have sighed heavily at this, had it not been for your utter confusion. You stare quizzically at her magnificently sculpted bottom, two mountainous orbs of flab fighting for dominance over a tight, puckered asshole. “The penalty for such crimes against Equestria is six hours pressed against the royal flank with no release until the time the adhesive wears off. You will be made to wait patiently and accept all that the position comes with.” The guards rolled their eyes through her speech, leaving you with the faint suspicion that this was not the first time they’d seen this scene played out.
  17. You were about to object to your perverse punishment, demanding a lawyer or something, when a low growl cut you off. Her stomach rumbled ominously, drawing a cold sweat which ran down your back at the realisation of what was going to happen. Before you could say a word in protest, an invisible force struck your back and you found yourself swept you off your feet, tumbling straight towards her flabby cheeks.
  19. What you didn’t know was that Luna had been training herself for just such a scenario, preparing her body every day for the next victim to wear. As a punishment once intended for her sister, she had formulated it with the intention of making it as unpleasant for the target as possible, though in time she had realised most recipients would be turned on by their treatment. She had changed her diet to a wide variety of gas-inducing vegetables, followed by a generous dessert of the finest delicacies the kitchens could offer. In time her once-humble ass had swollen to jaw-dropping proportions, now rivalling the big, fat ass of her own sister.
  21. Every day before the trial of another victim she would begin with a five mile canter through the gardens, building up as much of a sweat as she possibly could. By the time she was done, her rear was practically painted with moisture and every passerby baulked at her heavy stench. She would grin at their reactions, enjoying both their disgust and inability to comment. Let them insult her if they really wanted, she decided. If they did then they’d just get a first-hand experience how bad things could really get.
  23. You fell straight forwards, your face disappearing into the black crevice of her ass with an accuracy that you suspected could only have been aided by magic. Much to your shock and horror, the sticky substance gripped the sides of your face with an unrelenting fury that no amount of tugging and recoiling could deny. You gripped both her cheeks and tried to pull away with as much force as you could muster, but your struggles seemed all to no avail. Whatever this substance was, it clearly had no interest in betraying the princess.
  25. As if offended you could forget about the severity of your plight, the princess’ stomach grumbled once more, causing your eyes to widen in the black space as you suddenly became aware at just how your nose was pressed right over the puckered star of her asshole.
  27. Luna grinned as the intensity of your struggles drastically increased, your hands now clawing and slapping at her inflated rump in a manner she found most pleasing. The room was filled with the sound of your palms smacking against her thick cheeks, drowning out your impotent protests and she couldn’t help but feel pride over how much meatier the spanks sounded. Your hand didn’t need to travel nearly as far as it once would have. Her perfect pudge had positively pronounced her posterior to profound proportions. The Princess flicked a mischievous smile backwards and the guards took that as their cue to escape. They knew what came next and wanted no further part in this.
  29. She licked her lips and braced herself, her fat cheeks clenching the sides of your face in a vice-like grip. Her eyelids dropped and she tensed her stomach, pushing out a low pitched rumble of a fart directly into your nose, the foul brew of months of strict dieting erupting right into your face.
  31. You choked and gagged in horror, spitting wildly as if you could eject the fetid aftertaste left behind. The princess began to moan and groan, aroused by the sudden movements of your lips against her pussy. The cruel cloud still crawled into your nose, molesting your senses with unrelenting sadism.
  33. “Already fed up with this, anon?” she jeered back at you. “Well, you may as well get used it. There’s plenty more where that came from and I don’t feel like letting up anytime soon. I wish I could see your face right now as you drink in every last whiff of my backside, every noxious odour I can produce. Maybe you should have thought twice before stealing that apple, huh? Bet you’re not so proud of yourself now, are you?” In truth, that was a speech she’d been saving for another occasion, just with a few words edited here and there. The original recipient was intended to be her sister and she had committed a far worse crime than the theft of one measly apple. Still, her fantasies required it read all the same so she just made do with what she had.
  35. She finished her monologue with another “fresh” blast of nasty, humid wind, the sound tearing through the air like a broken trumpet. Without any other option at hand, you could only breath in yet another face full of the stuff, making your eyes water from its blazing intensity. Yet, a ‘punishment’ though it may have been, your genitals seemed to be denying the suggestion of suffering. In fact, down below a certain part of you seemed to love every second of your predicament, raising a flag pole to show its support at the way she was assaulting your senses and filling your lungs with her foul brew.
  37. In fact, the longer you stay fixed between her cheeks, the less terrible the cocktail of scents become. Every fart and every droplet of sweat that merges with one another gradually becomes something of a treat to you. Whether it was the result of her magic or just you getting accustomed to the cloud suspended around your nostrils you had no care in the world. All you knew was that it was a delight. Perhaps even…addictive, maybe?
  39. Another surge of flatulence drew you out of your reverie, the low-pitched wet squelch of a fart breaking your train of thought as the scent swarmed into your nose and filled your mouth with that sour aftertaste. Luna looked back at her rump and at you suspended from it like a second tail, and tried her hardest to suppress a giggle. She could tell by the way your franticness had all but dissipated that you’d gotten over the initial horror of your situation. Now it had become a fantasy for you. It was by no means a surprise to her of course, as this had happened plenty of times before. She’d converted many a stallion into such perverse fetishes beforehand.
  41. You could hear her grunt, just as her rubbery asshole quivered and fired another blast of warm, fetid air into your ensnared face. Dimly, you remembered your original disgust but now…now something had changed. Everything about it was horrible: the moistness of your face now laden with sweat, both your own and hers as well; the putrid aftertaste that mercilessly clung to the back of your throat; and above all that eldritch stench that corrupted your nostrils, so strong and so potent you couldn’t help but be reminded of something as foul as rotten onions. The fetid gas cloud was everywhere and all at once, encapsulating you. And yet…yet you didn’t want to admit it, but now it was all so beautiful not only in but because of its’ abhorrent monstrosity. So it was with this revelry in the hypocrisy of contradiction that you clung onto her ass cheeks and thrust your head in even harder against her plump, blue ass cheeks and ground your face into her pulsing asshole.
  43. Luna was certainly not one to deny when she had the power to supply. Tensing her flank, she squeezed another volley of gas out of her asshole and into your now desperate face. You opened your mouth and let the curdled breeze waft inside as your tongue scraped the length of her pussy. She shivered in response and that was all the encouragement you needed to do it again and again and again.
  45. Her world was now veiled behind half-lidded eyes as you teased her tight, soaking marecunt. One hand had already left her curvaceous asscheek and was in the process of being used to jerk your own cock off over both the cocktail of scents swarming your senses and the vicinity of the princess’ genitalia. It all felt too much like heaven. You felt light headed and woozy but you still needed more.
  47. Even as your tongue dug into the thick lips of her cunt, Luna continued to strain out small bursts of hot air directly into your face, grunting softly as she did in between the moans your devoted laps inspired. Her hind legs quivered and you could tell she was getting close to breaking point. And for that matter, so were you.
  49. Finally, your limits were reached and even Luna crumpled against the strain. She let out one last cry of ecstasy and flung herself backwards off her hindlegs, into a sitting position with your face cushioning her already plentifully cushioned ass. You struggled and kicked out a few more times before accepting your new position and dutifully finishing yourself off, ejaculating long, thick strands of cum over both yourself and Luna’s partially pronounced belly.
  51. Luna for her part was just on the edge of finishing as well, so choosing to satisfy herself by grinding her cunt against your face until finally she climaxed with a resounding cry and showered you with a fresh stream of hot steaming mare juice.
  53. She lay back and stroked her now-silent belly. She felt significantly deflated and so much better for it. “I guess that puts an end to that little façade,” she sighed jovially to herself before clambering shakily to her hooves. She turned her head to face the trapped anon clung to her backside. No response. “Well…just as well that he passes out now…when he wakes up, there’ll be plenty more where that came from.”

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