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Praise the Sun - Celestia x Anon by UF

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-02-15 21:17:25
Updated: 2022-03-17 16:50:34
Expiry: Never

  1. Praise the Sun - Celestia x Anon by UF
  3. (03/01/2013)
  6. ---
  8. Through the stained glass windows the sun shines its feeble rays into the grand, majestic throne room as you are escorted through the wide double doors by two ivory guards. You had expected the chamber to be more crowded than it appeared to be at this very moment, populated only by yourself, the two guards who are already on their way out and the one princess of the sun who stands on the other side of the room, her back to you.
  10. The door slams behind you, letting the room settle into an uneasy silence. You have no idea why the princess has summoned you, nor why she seems to have refused any kind of audience. The only indication you might have is the amused smirks and occasional jealous side glance given to you by the guards.
  12. Before announcing your presence, you decide to take the opportunity to have a sneaky peek at the royal flank. There have been tales told of its legendary width and size, and you can see that they were certainly not exaggerated. Her vibrant, rainbow coloured tail swishes over her twin cheeks, like two mountains of fat, in between which lies what can only be described as the valley of the Gods, a thick black line underneath which rests untold treasures. Treasures that apparently no stallion (Nor mare, for that matter) is permitted to sample. As the princess of daylight Equestria she is forbidden to engage in lewd activities with her subjects. You ponder how hellish it must be to live like that, a life as a virgin. Thank God you lost your virginity ages ago. How pathetic life would be if you hadn’t.
  14. After quenching your thirst for a sight at her big, fat ass you decide it’s time for you to clear your throat and announce your arrival. As you do so, you notice something curious about Celestia’s hindquarters. It appears to be bobbing on the spot, as if dancing along to some catchy tune. Suddenly, Celestia turns her head, catching you midway through your examination.
  15. “Oh, m-my apologies princess,” you stammer, desperately averting your eyes to the ground at her feet. It’s quite surprising, even when you try to avoid like at her enormous ass, it seems to remain in your field of vision regardless, as though it has its own gravitational pull for vision.
  17. “It’s good to see you, anonymous,” she replies in her crystalline voice, her words lapping over your ears like silk. And yet, there was something else in her tone, not just welcoming but also…desperation? You look up and stare into her face, just in time to notice her biting her lip. She prances on the spot a little and continues talking, “I have a small matter that I was hoping you might be able to aid me with.”
  18. Small unlike your big butt, you think to yourself gleefully, revelling in a small moment of childishness. After allowing yourself that brief lapse of maturity you straighten yourself out and nod towards the princess. “I will serve in any way I can, your royal highness.”
  20. “Good,” she sighs, closing her eyes and looking almost relieved. Her tail swishes again, and your eyes drift to her two large cheeks. Just then you notice a clear liquid drip down onto the floor, landing with a small splat. Your face begins to burn as you realise its point of origin and turn your face to the whole other side of the room. “As you know, I am forbidden to mate with any of my subjects; such is my duty as ruler of Equestria. But…sometimes I find myself difficult to control…I have broken that law on a few occasions and was almost about to do so again until I realised that…technically as you’re not a pony and so, well, you don’t really count as a subject.”
  21. The only response you can think to offer is a slight tilt of your head. You turn around, unsure if you’ve heard right and stagger back a little when you realise just how close she’s gotten since you stopped looking. How did she sneak up on you so noiselessly when she seems so heavy? Surely those horse shoes have to make at least some kind of noise…
  23. “You know…given that wouldn’t be breaking any rules,” she finishes, taking the few final steps to stand before you. You can’t help but feel intimidated by how she stands a whole head taller than yourself. She lowers her neck, staring you down with a longingly lustful gaze that would turn the legs of a hundred stallions to jelly. In your hesitation to answer, her nostrils flare and a waft of her warm breath catches you in the face, filling your nostrils with an aroma surprisingly flowery and pleasant for a species yet to discover toothpaste.
  25. Your mind begins to race as you mull over her request, thoughts of strong perversity surging through your head. Her gloriously fat, toned, bubbly ass fills your mind in the same way you imagine it would be able to fill a pair of tight panties. To be able to say that you’ve “ridden” the beloved Princess Celestia is a prestigious bragging right indeed as well as one you would surely announce to the world at the first opportunity. You’re almost about to agree when suddenly a second thought knocks your confidence aside. Something doesn’t seem entirely appropriate about the situation. This isn’t the same princess you remember meeting beforehand. Gone is her pleasant demeanour, now replaced by a ravenous beast in need of satisfaction. She seems maddened by her hunger, to the point where surely you would be taking advantage. If anything she seems drunk with covetousness. So it is with a heavy heart that you bow your head and regretfully say, “Thank you for your offer, your highness but I’m afraid I’ll have to decline. It would be wrong of me to defile you like-”
  27. A sudden snort stops you mid-sentence and you look up to see the hunger in Celestia’s eyes replaced by a steely rage. “I wasn’t offering, anon,” she says slowly, warningly. She takes another step forward, this time her horseshoes echoing noisily across the tiled floor. The top of her head now presses against yours, forcing you backwards. You reverse, only to find that with each nervous tread backwards you take, she takes a few more to close the distance. Finally your back presses against a solid surface, the double doors you had walked through not two minutes ago.
  29. The princess nods her head in satisfaction and with an agility you would have thought incredible given the sheer load in her hindquarters, flips around so her back is facing you once more. You try to sidestep away but her hind legs rear up and slam either side of you, preventing any escape. Her colourful tail swishes restlessly, individual hairs slapping you in the face as you look down just in time to see that deliciously wide rear getting slammed into your chest.
  31. It feels as though you’ve just been hit square by a ton of bricks. A ton of bricks wrapped in two very large, snowy cushions. Whereas you’re trapped behind the weight of her oversized posterior, your breath seems more than eager to get away, leaving you with the first opportunity it gets as your back is pressed against the door with more force than you anticipated. Whether the guards remained waiting outside in the chance of danger or not, you’re sure they probably heard the ensuing bang.
  33. “Fuck me,” she purrs just as she begins rotating her hips, grinding her big fat ass against your chest. Were you in any other position you would be wondering how you were expected to offer her any pleasure given her refusal to give you a moment of respite so that you can actually start to fuck her. Is it is you stand uncomfortably pinned against the door without any access to your genitals or, really, access to anything in general, least of all oxygen. Your chest protests against the strain of trying to vie for space between a firm door and a firm ass, dimly aware that it’s unlikely to win this struggle and oxygen isn’t coming in in fast enough supply. You would try and reach down to her pussy in an effort to hurry up the process but her ass is so wide and so firmly pressed against you that reach is impossible.
  35. In protest you raise your hands and slap them against her large, marshmallowy posterior, sending her rotund cheeks wobbling like warm jelly. You try to get her attention by grabbing hold and squeezing them, pushing them together, jiggling them, anything that might break her out of this hypnotic trance of grinding and shoving. Terrifyingly, your attempts to distract her seem only to have the effect of enticing her further to rub her dripping pussy against your torso, as evidenced by the way she bites her lips and gasps each time you spank her delectable ass.
  36. Not that the whole experience isn’t wholly lacking in pleasure for you. The noise of the meaty slaps, muffled by her fine coat of white hair, you give her firm backside elicit a more than positive response from your body, setting off a firm and almost uncontrollable erection, mercilessly bound down by your clothes that hinder access to the equine in front of you. The warm, humid smell of her musk sets you over the edge into a delirium of enjoyment, heightened by the lack of oxygen making way to your brain.
  38. You find that breathing is starting to become a strain and yet Celestia is showing little sign of reaching climax. Her constant grinding and pushing seem to have increasing in speed and intensity, yet the discomfort of the situation makes the seconds drag on into hours. Still you remain resolute, especially given there’s nothing more that can be done. Steadily her gasping and panting begin to fade into a desperate whinnying and she bows her head from the strain. Her normally gravity defying hair seems to have lost some of its lustrous perfection and strands fall straggly over her horn, glistening with sweat.
  40. Finally, just as you believe you can take no more she lets out a painfully loud whinny that stabs at your ears, just as her juices leak out even faster onto your once-clean shirt. She steps forward, her tongue lolling out of her open mouth, allowing you to slide down the surface of the wall until you lie on the floor, equally gasping for breath. Your lungs burn and each mouthful of oxygen is like a dream come true.
  42. At least, up until the point where she sits down, planting her big fat ass firmly over your entire face.
  43. “You thought I would tolerate your insubordination, anon?” her muffled voice taunts. She wiggles her butt as you slap and claw at her flank, starved once more of oxygen, your situation even more desperate than before. “Oh, we’re not quite done here. I’ll have my guards take you to the royal bedchambers once you’ve passed out. We’ll see if you’re a little more willing once you’re all tied up.”

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