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Sniffing Rainbow's Scented Panties - Anon x Underwear fic by UF

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-02-15 21:18:39
Updated: 2022-03-17 16:32:35
Expiry: Never

  1. Sniffing Rainbow's Scented Panties - Anon x Underwear fic by UF
  3. (21/05/2013)
  6. ---
  8. It had seemed like a perfectly good idea at the time. Rainbow Dash had just spent her night with her good friend Rarity and they had whiled away the hours with casual chatter and, Rarity’s speciality, clothes designing. As the cobalt Pegasus left the boutique in the morning, you couldn’t help but notice how buried between her toned, firm ass cheeks, there lay a pair of tight, figure hugging panties. Rarity stood in the doorway and you couldn’t help but wonder whether she was waving goodbye to her friend or her latest creation.
  10. For her part, Rainbow Dash seemed less than satisfied to be seen in such a humiliating get-up. Though for the first leg of her journey she was compelled by good manners towards her friend to wiggle her hips enthusiastically as she walked, each motion just encouraging the middle of the fabric to sink deeper into those luscious bubbles of fat, as soon as she was out of sight, her hooves left the ground and she sped away into the distance.
  12. But not before leaving as much of an imprint in your mind as the sweat had left marks on those delicate panties.
  14. You spent the rest of the day with the memory of her ass fresh in your mind. No matter where you went you were stuck with the fixed image of her tight, taut cheeks jiggling and wiggling with each hoof step, with the ground quaking beneath her and the vibrations causing respondent ripples beneath that thin blue coat. And, of course, complete with that beauteous sight of her panties shielding her pussy from view, yet worming its way into the warmth of her ass cheeks.
  16. It was hard to determine just what was so fascinating about the way her panties concealed everything from view. No matter where you looked, you just had to turn your head to see a swishing tail parting like a curtain and exposing the pony’s goods below. But when they wore panties, the situation changed. The eye became hungry. The mind wanted to know more.
  18. And you couldn’t help but wonder what it might have been like to be those panties.
  20. Just a single sniff. That was all you needed. It wasn’t like you were an addict, or something. You didn’t have to do anything reeeally perverted to get pleasure from this, like sneaking up on her as she slept and rubbing your nose against her bountiful ass. It’s not that you’re some creepy stalker or anything. It was just a simple, intellectual act of inquisitiveness. You just wanted to satiate your curiosity, as any animal would want to feed their rumbling stomach.
  22. So all you had to do was get a hold of them. Being just a human, standing on the surface of the clouds was about as easy to you as it was returning to your home on Earth. Cloudsdale was off-limits and by that extent, so was the mare’s home.
  24. How strange it was to find yourself marred by the inability to walk on clouds. It was almost as though you were trying to sneak into heaven and locate the garb of the angels. Sweet serendipitous seductresses that sung from on high, and lured you to the shores like a siren of the seas, how could you refuse their airy charms? Weaker you were than heavenly forces, and nothing could be more heavenly than the powerful aroma that eked out of this pegasus’s ass.
  26. It was almost a blessing in disguise when you noticed an azured blur wash it way over your head and weave into the Ponyville gymnasium. Shortly afterwards followed the orange one you recognised as Applejack, though she blended so well into the background amongst the crowd you almost missed her. Putting two and two together, you smirked with the realisation that the two energetic mares had gone for a work out session. Which ought to mean that a certain something was being left unguarded…
  28. With much desperate haste you pushed your way forwards and hurried between the wide, double doors, just in time to notice the two friends leaving the changing rooms. Your eyes met Dash’s ass and you were almost disappointed to see it bare and with her vagina on full display. Almost, at least. Because in its vacancy, you could at least ascertain that fortune still resided in your favour.
  30. The pony behind the counter didn’t even look up as you passed by, clearly just as uninterested by his duties as you were. You made for the locker rooms which were only really necessary to contain uniforms and hats, along with the strange necessities that only a select few residents of this curious village decided to adorn themselves with. They were obviously split into two separate rooms depending on gender and to avoid suspicion you made for the male segment.
  32. At the last minute you diverted your course and dove for the females.
  34. Clearly lady luck had gotten fucked earlier this day because her good mood bathed your venture in glorious success. Not only did you find the room devoid of all life besides yourself but also the few lockers that were in use had been left unlocked. It wasn’t all that surprising to you though. Rainbow Dash was an impatient mare and her carelessness sought only to work in your favour. The locker door swung open without complaint and there lay the serpent’s plaything.
  36. Like a perverted Eve you reached out and plucked the panties from the branches of the locker’s depths. Your hands shivered as you ran its smooth, lacy glory through your fingers, revelling in the soft texture as you did. Your mouth salivated as you encountered the moist, crinkled zone where it had been pressed up against her plump rump. It was time to find out just what you had spent the day lusting to find out.
  38. No more waiting. No more wondering. Like a chloroform soaked rag against a potential rape victim, you slammed those panties against your face and sniffed for all it was worth. It felt warm and cosy against your face as the many mixed scents of her day rushed forward to greet you and embrace your nostrils in their stories.
  40. It was the ultimate invasion of her privacy and your voyeuristic adventure submerged you in a perverse satisfaction. The multiple powerful odours wove a tapestry into the fabric and you could discern from them the many flights she had taken over the village that drowned them in the sweat from her ass. The tale was told of every discreet puff of air she had expelled and you were even able to tell from the salty tang of how she had spent an afternoon pleasuring herself with her hoof to pictures of the Wonderbolts. (That last part was a bit of an assumption, but you had heard enough tales told to tell when something came contained in layers of truth.)
  42. You didn’t even notice you’d done it but when you looked down you found in your hands a pair of small, red panties coiled around your cock. You glanced into the adjacent locker and found it bare and with a note of surprise you came to the conclusion that you must have snatched Applejack’s underwear to use as a masturbatory aid.
  44. Would guilt, shame or want of decency be enough to draw you from the path of sin? Highly unlikely, it turned out, as you pumped for all you were worth, jerking off into that cotton cloth with the heavenly blue garb smushed against your lascivious nose.  You must have been the very image of lust as you stood there with trousers round your ankles and the stolen possession of not one, but two ponies being used to help you get off. It was almost enough to make you laugh as you noticed the situation came with not a single pang of remorse or regret.
  46. Rainbow Dash’s underwear almost disappeared up your nose due to the intensity with which you sucked the scent out of those garments. Each sniff brought you closer and closer to climax with the thick musk from an entire day pressed against her tight snatch and in between those sweaty cheeks being enough to make you delirious from the satisfaction.
  48. You thrust your head back and moaned with satisfaction as the first spurts began, being captured effortlessly with the surprisingly resilient cotton shield that was Applejack’s underwear. Your hips shook and you continued to stroke your shaft as strands of jizz filled her panties. At almost lightning speed though, you swapped hands and suddenly began to finish off the act of catching what was left of you cum with Rainbow Dash’s underwear, treating Rarity’s handiwork as nothing more than a tissue to be tossed away. You might not be able to cum inside her, but you would come close as dammit with a tactic such as this.
  50. Regarding the sodden pairs of underwear in the palm of your hands, you grinned crookedly and slammed them back into the vacant depths of the lockers. The sound of laughter could be heard from outside and so with much haste you closed the doors, pulled up your trousers and ran towards the exit, whistling to yourself as you left. Just as soon as you passed the border of the rooms, the two soon-to-be-sullied mares passed through, chortling as they came. You gave them a wink and a grin and passed them by, hurriedly making your way to the exits.
  52. By the time the crime was discovered and a cry of disgust made birds flutter from their perches, you were already running into the distance with a wide grin stretched across your face.

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