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Spa-cial Treatment - Aloe x Mrs Cake by UF

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-02-15 21:19:02
Updated: 2022-03-17 16:54:55
Expiry: Never

  1. Spa-cial Treatment - Aloe x Mrs Cake by UF
  3. (16/03/2013)
  6. ---
  8. Whilst life in Equestria may be as satisfactory as possible for all ponies, it is widely acknowledged that not everyone ends up with their dream career. Their cutie marks will guide them one way but necessity will lead them another. Luckily enough for Aloe, this was never the case.
  10. The spa was, after all, her passion. She loved the varieties of oils and lotions she could experiment with, day in, day out. She loved being able to watch as her clients would enter the spa all pent up and frustrated, then leave without the burden of stress after an intense session of massaging. But most importantly of all, what she loved about her career was the asses.
  12. When she first acquired the job she was impartial to them. They were simply another part of the body that needed working on. She’d never particularly fetishized rumps before as they were a nothing more than a thing she saw every day. When ponies weren’t in the habit of wearing clothes, the sight of them was about as common as seeing their eyes, so she’d sink her hooves into those cushiony surfaces without a second thought.
  14. Of course, as she grew more comfortable with the career she began to develop a perverse pleasure in comparing the different rumps on offer to her. Mare or stallion, she had no preference as long as she got to knead the stress out of those two fleshy orbs. One day she would be lovingly caressing the spacious black and white rear of Zecora, the next she’d be immersing herself in the toned, muscular cheeks of Big Macintosh. Part of the joy in her duties was looking through the list of the day’s clients and seeing which of those she recognised as having a particularly juicy ass and which of those she’d never had the luxury of seeing before.
  16. She still remembered the one mare that had kickstarted her entire obsession. It had started like any other day in Ponyville. Celestia had raised the sun for them all to bask in its warmth, but the pegasi had other plans. Aloe had been staring out of the window, watching the ponies trot back and forth between cover as the rain pelted resentfully at them. Behind her, Lotus was finalising a few last minute details before they would open the spa for the day. “Who’s the first client?” Aloe had asked.
  18. Lotus glanced down at the day’s schedule and furrowed her brow. “Uh, looks like it’s Mrs Cake apparently.”
  20. “Mrs Cake? She didn’t put down a first name?”
  22. “I’m not sure she even has one,” Lotus replied. “I’ve never even heard her getting called anything else before. But I think I’ll let you deal with her. You’ve got more time on your hands and you’ll definitely need it.”
  24. “What’s that supposed to mean?” the pink Earth Pony asked, tilting her head.
  26. A wry smirk passed over Lotus’ face and she winked at her partner. “You telling me you haven’t seen the size of her? You’d think she was expecting twins with an ass like that.”
  28. Aloe let out a shocked giggle at Lotus’ surprisingly brash comment. She wasn’t normally one for making fun of paying customers, which made the sudden snide remark all the more humorous. Without giving it any more thought, Aloe had agreed and returned to staring out into the rain.
  30. Mrs Cake arrived five minutes later, shaking her damp coat as she stepped into the waiting room. Aloe immediately rushed to her side, trying to hide the surprise threating to write itself across her face as she took in the mare’s rather pudgy figure. It’s clear how she got her namesake as she was quite obviously full of the things. Her hindquarters had barely even been able to pass through the door without brushing each side of the frame on the way through.
  32. Shaking off the surprise, Aloe greeted her as warmly as possible and led her through into the massage room. As was the usual, the room had already been heated to a comfortable temperature, warm enough to let the client lie down and sweat away all that pent up stress. “Just lie down with your stomach on the bench and we can get started please,” she said as she scanned the cupboards for the lotions she’d be using that day.
  34. With her choice in her mouth, she turned around and very nearly dropped it again out of sheer surprise. Mrs Cake had done as she’d been asked, splaying herself across the bench without a hint of shame, her enormous, fat ass pointed squarely at Aloe. Not suspecting the masseuse’s discomfort, Mrs Cake turned back with a warming smile, “I’m ready when you are, dear.”
  36. Wanting to avoid offence as much as she possibly could, Aloe obliged without complaint. She hopped up onto the bench and tried her hardest to tear her gaze away from the plump rump she was about to service. Before, Aloe had never been an assmare, but this was one was simply too gorgeous to ignore. Inflated with a lifetime’s supply of cake, it had bubbled into the perfect shape, with the perfect density to complement its appearance. Aloe had already noticed the way each step had sent those thick cheeks jiggling without mercy. She reached a tentative hoof out and prodded the warm surface, watching with awe as it conformed to the pressure and she sank in with it.
  38. She closed her eyes and tried to force herself to calm down. It was surely impossible to behave like a professional when all she wanted to do was sink her teeth into the juicy meat being presented to her. She clenched her jaw and let the lubricant spill down from the bottle onto the mountainous terrain of Mrs Cake’s ass, watching as the fluid trickled down those curves and into the deep valley between them.
  40. Of course, it wasn’t common practise for the masseuse to start on the client’s ass but Aloe found that she just couldn’t resist. All she wanted was to see that plump, azure behind being slathered in lubricant and by Celestia she wasn’t going to force herself to wait. Her insides twisted as she considered the depths of her perversion, all the while kneading the oil into those magnificent cheeks. All she had to console herself with was the knowledge that Mrs Cake ought to have no idea as to the normal proceedings of this service. For all she knew, Aloe made a habit of stroking the ass first. That was better…probably.
  42. Her client’s constant moans and groans did nothing to calm her ever-growing lust. With each push deeper and deeper into that cushiony tush, Mrs Cake would sigh loudly and twitch in place. If Aloe didn’t know any better, she’d almost have thought that she was being teased.
  44. Just when Aloe was beginning to grow concerned that she would run out of lubricant before the job was done, she forced herself to separate from the bountiful booty and take a few steps backwards to admire her work. Mrs Cake’s hindquarters glistened with moisture, each strand of hair coated in an almost unnecessarily thick layer of oil. Aloe shamefully admitted to herself that she might have gotten a little carried away in the application of the substance, though she decided that it had to be worth it in the end. Anything to get her closer to that ass.
  46. Satisfied, she was about to apply the rest of the bottle to Mrs Cake’s back when she was struck with a sudden, lecherous idea. If that ass was just supple enough to conform to the slightest prod, and jiggle with each step, then how would it react to a more forceful blow? Could she get away with it? Well, she’d have to try.
  48. “If you could just brace yourself please, ma’am, you might feel a slight twinge of pain,” Aloe warned. As Mrs Cake gave an obliging grunt of acknowledgement, she raised her hoof high into the air and brought it back down onto the soft surface without the slightest hint of hesitation.
  50. The spanking drew a hiss of pain from them both in unison as the impact reverberated back into Aloe’s hoof. She withdrew it from those delicate, squishy cheeks and watched with glee as Mrs Cake’s ass still wobbled and jiggled from the force. The way it shifted and danced was almost hypnotic, wrapping Aloe into a trance that received no resistance.
  52. She looked hungrily into those round, round cheeks, so blue like a cloudless sky. If she could sink into those depths it would be like taking flight into the air. She would be like a bird soaring into the azure heavens. The way the lubricant made her coat glimmer as though coated in morning dew.
  54. There was nothing more to be done. She threw caution to the wind and plunged herself headfirst into those azure mounds. Mrs Cake let out a squawk of surprise as Aloe’s muzzle nudged against her pussy, followed by two hooves that planted themselves either side of her flank and squeezed her cheeks into the pink pony’s face.
  56. Aloe breathed in deeply, savouring both Mrs Cake’s intense musk and the minty scent of the lubricant that mingled with it. Her mountainous cheeks clamped against both sides of her face, the mixture of pressure and scent overwhelming her senses. When she finally emerged from those depths, her head swam and she required a moment to right herself.
  58. Once she finally regained her senses, she looked forwards to see Mrs Cake staring over her shoulder at her, complete surprise written over her face.
  60. “I don’t have to pay extra for that, do I dear?” Mrs Cake asked, her brows raised in a mild curiosity.
  62. Aloe froze, completely at a loss for words. She had lost control. It was impossible to deny that much. “I…I’m…I’m, uh…Oh Celestia, I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me.”
  64. “Well, you got me started,” she replied, leaning her head back down onto the bench. “You might as well finish me off.” When Aloe remained rooted to the spot, Mrs Cake looked back and offered a sly wink to the startled Earth Pony. “Well? I’m the paying customer, aren’t I?”
  66. With trembling hoofsteps, Aloe approached Mrs Cake’s vast rear, once again. Each cheek was only just smaller than her head, giving her plenty of space to work with. She was unsure whether or not to proceed. She was no stranger to giving her clients a happy ending, but something about it felt wrong when she was the one who had instigated it.
  68. Yet she pressed on regardless. Completely ignoring her duty as a masseuse, she leant her head forwards and pressed her mouth against her client’s left cheek, engaging it in a deep and meaningful kiss. She spread her lips and began to bite on the supple flesh, gentle nips that caused her customer to groan in satisfaction. She slipped her tongue out and began to use it to circle the oversized ass, her tongue sliding against the fine blue coat.
  70. All the while she worshipped Mrs Cake’s brilliant booty, she slid her hoof between her thighs and began to toy with her pussy, sliding the tip against her narrow slit. Her tail began to bounce enthusiastically, swinging around and swiping Aloe across the face on numerous occasions. She began to rub faster and faster, enticed ever onwards by the growing intensity of Mrs Cake’s cries of lust.
  72. As she pushed Mrs Cake closer and closer to orgasm, she withdrew her hoof and replaced it with her own face, pressing it so tightly into the crevice between those cheeks it was as though she was trying to force her way inside. She lapped hungrily, greedily against Mrs Cake’s snatch, drawing forth squeals of delight. Aloe began to wonder whether Mr Cake ever treated his wife to such a delightful experience from time to time, or whether she had been starved of such joys until today.
  74. Either way it didn’t matter to Aloe who was so lost in licking away, occasionally thrusting her tongue forward and inserting into the tight lips of her pussy. She grappled and toyed with her ass cheeks as though she were kneading dough, grinding those blue pillows against her face as though her life depended on it.
  76. With a final lick and a cry, the job was done. Mrs Cake groaned as her body convulsed, her juices splashing out against Aloe’s waiting face. The masseuse grinned and pulled away, wiping at her messy features with an equally dirty hoof. For her part, Mrs Cake lay panting against the table, her head nestled into the pillow provided.
  78. “I don’t think I’ll need the rest of that massage,” she sighed. “I feel pretty fucking relaxed as it is right now.”
  80. Aloe had given her the massage in the end, delivering her her money’s worth and more. Lotus had shot her partner an exasperated look as they left the treatment room twenty minutes later than anticipated. It would be a rush for the rest of the day, though Aloe had no complaints. She had wished Mrs Cake a nice day and watched as her full flank bobbed and weaved through the air on her way out. Her next client was Cheerilee and she found herself perversely excited to compare asses between this client and the last.
  82. Back in the present day, the bell rang, pulling Aloe out of her reverie. She stared down at her hoof which had somehow slid between her thighs without her noticing, so close to pleasuring herself. But that would have to wait. For now, there was another customer to serve. Another ass to worship.
  84. This was going to be a good day.

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