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The Spy by DCFTEF

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-02-18 21:33:26
Updated: 2022-03-17 15:25:44
Expiry: Never

  1. The Spy by DCFTEF
  3. (06/02/2022)
  6. ---
  8. >It seemed like she'd been sitting in the police station for hours
  9. >There was no clock...probably intentional
  10. >It was mostly silent too
  11. >That made the time seem to drag on longer
  12. >Occasionally, a scream or a moan of anguish could be heard outside the locked door
  13. >That was certainly intentional too
  14. "Okay, don't lose your're trained for this."
  15. >But the real world was much more intense than training
  17. >At last the door opened with a loud metallic slam
  18. >The young mare could see two uniformed guards outside
  19. >But only the Political Officer came in
  20. "You are Miss...Sweetie Drops?"
  21. >The mare nodded with a gulp
  22. >Acting more nervous than she should be
  23. >It wasn't difficult, she really was nervous
  24. "You were taken into custody inside a restricted area near the Kabardian Hydroelectric dam."
  25. >Sweetie kept up her act and timidly answered
  26. "I...I was hiking. I'm sorry, I didn't know I had wandered into a restricted area."
  27. >The Political Officer wrinkled his snout and wrote something down
  28. "You did not see the signs, posted every 5 meters?"
  29. >There had been a lot of signs
  30. >But Sweetie Drops lied
  31. "N-No, Sir. I must have missed them."
  32. >It was obvious that he did not believe her
  33. >Still, denial was her only defense at this point
  34. >So she followed her training and kept up the act
  35. "I find that hard to believe, Miss.
  36. "Kabardia is not an approved tourist area."
  37. >She blushed and tried to act dumb
  38. "I like to get off the beaten path."
  39. >The Political Officer wrote in his notebook again
  40. >For a long time
  41. >Sweetie Drops could just sit nervously and wait
  42. "The exclusion zone around our most important hydroelectric facility is indeed 'off the beaten path', Miss."
  43. >He took a deep breath and finally got to the point
  44. "Stalliongrad does not take kindly to spies, even those of our neighbor & ally, Equestria."
  46. >Sweetie Drops gulped nervously
  47. >She knew this was coming
  48. >Just stick to the plan
  49. "Spies? Sir...please, I'm not a spy!
  50. "I'm just a student, here on a 30 day tourism visa!"
  51. >The Political Officer grinned
  52. >It really scared her
  53. "Yes, you were in possession of a camera when you were arrested."
  54. >Sweetie nodded emphatically
  55. "Yes's just a standard off-the-shelf model...not any fancy spy camera!
  56. "It's not even that expensive."
  57. >The Political Officer opened a folder
  58. >It contained photographs she recognized
  59. "We have developed your film."
  60. >She pointed at them, hopeful they would get her off the hook
  61. "So you see? They're just snapshots to show my friends & family back home."
  63. >The Political Officer sneered
  64. "Miss, do you think we are stupid here in Stalliongrad?
  65. "Who goes on vacation and does not take a single...selfie?"
  66. >oh crap
  67. >Sweetie Drops knew she was busted now
  68. >Total rookie mistake
  70. "Miss...whatever your real name is clear that you were sent by Celestia's government to gather information on our glorious infrstructure."
  71. >Well, he's right about that
  72. >But Sweetie Drops admitted nothing
  73. "You took photos of bridges, guard stations, prisons, and of course our hydroelectric facility.
  74. >She had a lie ready
  75. "Umm, my Dad is an engineer. He likes that stuff."
  76. >The Political Officer's face told her he wasn't buying it
  77. >Not for a second.
  78. "Miss, your visa only has 13 days left.
  79. "Your trespassing offense is enough to detain you for the remainder of that time."
  80. >Crap, 2 weeks in a Stalliongrad jail
  81. "However, photographing restricted facilities carries its own penalty."
  82. >Uh ho...this sounded bad.
  83. >Years in prison maybe?
  84. >Would the Equestrian Embassy be able to get her out before she was an old mare?
  86. "You will serve 14 days in a detention center for trespassing, then be deported from the country.
  87. "For your illegal photographs, the choice is yours."
  88. >Sweetie took a deep breath
  89. >She was going to be tempted with a deal
  90. >But she was a trained agent; she knew she could not betray her orders
  91. "What do you mean, Sir?"
  92. >He scooped up all the photos and put them back in their folder
  93. "If you are willing to admit you are an Equestrian spy..."
  94. >She stood up, acting dismayed, and denied it
  95. "But I'm not!"
  96. >Only slightly annoyed, the Political Officer continued;
  97. "If you admit you are indeed a spy you will be dealt with as a diplomatic problem.
  98. "After your 2-week sentence you will be turned over to your embassy."
  99. >But not before Stalliongrad put her on the cover of every newspaper in the country
  101. >She couldn't allow that, it would be a major diplomatic embarrassment for Equestria and the Princess
  102. "But if you continue to insist that you are a student tourist you will be dealt with as a criminal."
  103. >She gulped
  104. >She hoped that didn't mean what she thought it meant
  105. "The penalty for illegally photographing our facilities is 30 lashes.
  106. "The choice is yours; Miss Sweetie Drops"
  107. >He said the name with a curled lip, like he knew it was made up
  108. "But I must have your answer now."
  110. >She took a deep breath
  111. >She stuck to her story
  112. "Sir, please. I didn't know I was doing anything wrong.
  113. "You have all my photos, you can destroy the negatives!
  114. "Please, just let me go home!"
  116. >His face was unmoved, like a statue
  117. "Very well, I will take that as your decision."
  118. >Sweetie Drops' rear end clenched as he said that
  119. "GUARDS!"
  120. >The door opened and two uniformed soldiers came in
  121. "Transport the criminal to the detention center for Corporal Punishment."
  122. >He turned to Sweetie one last time
  123. "I hope you do not regret your decision."
  125. >The young mare was chained and led out of the police station to a waiting wagon
  126. >They made a big deal of locking her in, like she was going to try to escape
  127. >Where would she go? She was in hostile territory.
  128. >The ride was short
  129. >Neither of the soldiers spoke a word to her
  130. >Just as well.
  132. >At the Detention Center the guards made a big show of presenting the paperwork
  133. >Sweetie Drops found this show tedious but had to put on a fearful face to keep up her act
  134. "Please...won't any pony listen?
  135. "I'm not a spy! This is all a mistake!"
  136. >Nobody answered her
  137. >The Officer taking custody of her acted irritated until he finally declared
  138. "You are LATE."
  139. >How could I be late? I was only sentenced a few minutes ago.
  140. >But Sweetie kept her mouth shut
  141. "You must wait for a time slot to open."
  142. >At least she wouldn't have to face her 30 lashes right away.
  143. "Take her to the bench!"
  144. >For the first time the two soldiers who'd brought her laughed
  145. >It was a cruel, vindictive laugh
  146. >Like they were in on a joke she hadn't heard yet
  147. >Sweetie was sure she'd be the butt of the joke
  149. "Oh my Celestia..."
  150. >When she caught her first glimpse of the bench she didn't think it was funny
  151. "Oh, no no no."
  152. >She didn't have to act scared
  153. >She really was
  154. >Sweetie Drops had been warned about this but hadn't considered it a real danger
  156. >The "Bench" was not just a place to wait
  157. >It was a torture device meant to break her resolve
  158. >Made of metal and too high for a pony's hooves to touch the ground
  159. >Underneath was a charcoal brazier
  160. >The seat was kept at just the right temperature
  161. >Hot enough to burn painfully but not quite hot enough to do physical damage
  162. "Y-You can't do this! It can't be legal!"
  163. >The Discipline Officer sneered
  164. "Perhaps you wish to reconsider your earlier statement?"
  165. >Sweetie Drops gulped
  166. >She knew she could not admit to being a spy
  167. >Even if it saved her rump
  168. >She kept up the student-tourist act but her fear was genuine
  169. "Sir, whatever you think...please...I'm not a spy!"
  170. >He motioned to the two soldiers and they went about their duty
  172. >Sweetie Drops cringed as they sat her down on the bench and strapped her in
  173. >The heat was a shock as it hit her rear and mare bits
  174. >But so far it was only warm...not torturously hot
  175. >Yet
  176. >A bar was lowered over her lap as if she was riding a roller coaster
  177. >Her front hooves shackled to the bar
  178. >A desperate wiggle confirmed she could not move
  179. >And the heat was already building
  180. "Oww...Ow! Please, Sirs! I haven't done anything long do I have to stay here?"
  181. >The heat under her rear-end was starting to make her squirm
  182. >All 3 Stalliongrad officers laughed at her predicament
  183. "We go check now!"
  184. >To her horror they all left together
  185. "No! Please...come back...don't leave me here!"
  186. >But the 3 stallions disappeared around a corner
  187. >Sweetie Drops was left on her own
  188. >And her bottom was beginning to BURN.
  190. cont...

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