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Pony Supplies by Anon

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-02-22 19:04:36
Expiry: Never

  1. Pony Supplies by Anon
  4. ---
  6. You are Anon...
  7. >You return home from a long day at work
  8. >Drive into the garage
  9. >Your place looks okay...not perfect
  10. >It's been 4 months since you got an indentured pony servant
  11. >A slave, basically
  12. >She's been a reasonable investment
  13. >But lately she's been slacking
  14. >Oh, her tasks get done
  15. >Dishes washed, house dusted, laundry done
  16. >You still have to do the vacuuming
  17. >You've tried to get her to do that
  18. >But ponies are terrified of the vacuum cleaner
  20. >Anyway, your pony servant does her job
  21. >There's just no spring in her step anymore
  22. >When you bought her she was enthusiastic about impressing you
  23. >Eager to keep her job
  24. >Now she just takes it for granted
  25. >Does her tasks and relaxes in your house
  26. >Never goes above and beyond anymore
  27. >Her uniform is always sloppy
  28. >She's beginning to expect luxuries that are supposed to be treats & rewards
  29. >You have two choices...
  30. >Replace her?
  31. >Or nip this behavior in the bud?
  33. >You walk inside
  34. >She's on the couch, watching TV
  35. >She does not get up to greet her Master
  36. "I'm home."
  37. >She barely looks away from the TV
  38. "Hi."
  39. >*grumble*
  40. >It's been a long time since she called you "Sir."
  41. >You're not on an ego's just a little irritating
  42. "Is dinner ready yet?"
  43. >Again, she remains focused on the TV
  44. >Not on her Master
  45. "I'll start it once this show is over..."
  46. >Anger rising
  47. >She's getting too comfortable, too familiar
  48. >Disrespectful
  49. >Replace her or correct her?
  50. >Decision made.
  51. "Don't bother with dinner, we're going shopping."
  52. >She finally looks up at you
  53. >Still doesn't get her lazy rump off the couch
  54. "But it's not Tuesday."
  55. >You shake your head
  56. "We're not going grocery shopping. Get in the car."
  57. >She gives an annoyed sigh as she gets up
  58. >Doesn't turn the TV off
  59. >You have to do that yourself
  60. >It's not a big deal, but why the hell do you have a servant if you have to go behind her and turn off your own TV?
  61. >Anger rising
  63. >Drive to the shopping plaza
  64. >She tries to turn on the radio, but you slap her hoof away from the knob
  65. >She says nothing, just looks a little surprised
  66. >The rest of the ride is in silence
  67. >You think you've made her nervous
  68. >Good
  70. >Arrive at the plaza
  71. >Without a word you give her the canvas shopping bag
  72. >Earth disposables for you
  73. >She carries it in her mouth
  74. >You walk straight to the "Pony Supplies" section of the department store
  75. >Intentionally keeping a quick pace
  76. >She hurries along behind you like a good servant
  77. >Lately she's been walking alongside you like an equal when you shop
  78. >Again, a small annoyance, but small things build up
  79. >Finally, you stop at your destination
  80. >She gasps and almost drops the bag
  81. Horsewhips.
  82. >There's a large variety to choose from
  83. >Without saying anything you inspect them
  84. >Some are thick & heavy, some are thin & whippy
  85. >You check the feel of them in your hand...the balance, the workmanship
  86. >She watches you in terrified silence
  87. >Out of the corner of your eye you watch her too
  88. >It's making an impression
  89. >Good
  90. >You make your selection of horsewhip
  91. >But you drag out the show a little longer
  92. >Swishing a few through the air
  93. >Your slave-filly cringes at the sound
  94. >Hell, even you've gotta admit it's pretty scary
  95. >One of these could leave a welt with every blow
  96. >You've decided
  97. >You pay the clerk and drop your purchase in the shopping bag
  98. >Make her carry it out for you
  99. "Come on, we're done."
  101. >You return to the car, your pony scurrying along behind you
  102. >Carrying the bag with the terrible implement
  104. >The drive home is tense, silent
  105. >She's breathing in short, ragged breaths
  106. >Trembling a little...trying not to be obvious
  107. >Good...think about it.
  108. >Finally she speaks;
  109. "Master, what are you g-going to use this for?"
  110. >You grin, but don't let her see it
  111. >Take a deep breath
  112. >Make her wait for the answer
  113. "I hope I don't have to use it at all. That's what you hope too, isn't it?"
  114. >Eyes wide with fear she answers quickly
  115. "No, sir! I mean...y-yes...I mean, I hope you d-don't use it...sir."
  116. >Good. She hasn't called you "Sir" in a long time
  117. "Well we agree then."
  118. "I don't want to use it and you don't want me to use it."
  119. >She nods her head rapidly.
  120. "No sir, I don't! You won't have to use it, I promise!"
  121. >She never asked why you bought it
  122. >She knows why
  123. >She's been pushing her luck and she knew it
  124. >You got your message across
  126. >As soon as you pull into the garage she hops out of the car
  127. "I'll get your dinner ready right now, Master. What would you like?"
  128. >Stay cool, stay casual
  129. "I'm sure whatever you had planned is fine."
  130. >She nods and hurries off to her task
  131. >A major improvement
  132. >Dinner is excellent that night
  133. >The kitchen is cleaned and dishes washed earlier than usual too
  134. >She earns your praise
  136. >Your pony-servant does a much better job now
  137. >She goes above and beyond her assigned duties
  138. >Always keeps her uniform crisp & tidy
  139. >She earns her treats & rewards now instead of just expecting them
  140. >Much better
  141. >She seems happier, less languid now
  142. >Maybe she's just putting on a happy face for you
  143. >You keep the whip in the closet
  144. >Not in plain view, but not hidden either
  145. >Anytime you feel she's slacking off or being disrespectful you casually hang it on the door-knob
  146. >She gets the message and shapes up quick
  147. >So do you ever have to use it on her?
  148. >I'll leave that up to your imagination
  149. You are Anon after all...

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