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Shorts by Bluejay

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-02-22 20:18:02
Updated: 2022-02-22 22:24:53
Expiry: Never

  1. Shorts by Bluejay
  3. ---
  6. >"It's not fair!"
  7. >"Aww, what's wrong, baby? Not having fun any more?"
  8. >"Shut up... I'm not a baby..."
  9. >"Hey, you brought this on yourself, kiddo."
  10. >"Mhmm. We would've been fine just playing board games. Raising the stakes was your idea."
  11. >"What was the original bet, again? You win, and we let you stay up late, even though your mommy asked us not to?"
  12. >"And when you lost, instead of being a good little colt, you threw a big tantrum and demanded a second round... and a third... and a seventh..."
  13. >"B-but, can't we play something else? I–"
  14. >"Ah-ah-ah... You picked the last three games. Now it's my turn."
  15. >"Of course, you coooould just give up now. Quit while you're ahead and all that. Well, uh, not quite ahead, but–"
  16. >"No! I won't let– not until I–"
  17. >"Okay, suit yourself... Remind me, sis, what has he earned so far?"
  18. >"Well, let's see... You already diapered him up... I picked out that cute little onesie for him to wear later... As it stands now, he's still due for a bath, a bottlefeeding, and a spanking before bedtime."
  19. >"Two spankings, actually. That card game was double or nothing."
  20. >"Right, right. Honestly, I'm running out of ideas here. I dunno what else we can do to this kid. If his losing streak keeps up..."
  21. >"Oh, I'm sure we'll think of something..."
  23. @@@
  26. Really! This is how she addresses you? No, ma'am. You take her by the ear before she even has a chance to react.
  27. >"Ow! H-hey!"
  28. >"That's quite enough, dear."
  29. She fights and fusses, but can't prevent you pulling her onto your lap. You waste no time in exposing her rump.
  30. >"Y-you can't! I'll tell Dad!"
  31. >"Your father and I have already discussed it. You've needed this for quite some time!" (SPANK)
  32. >"Eek!" (SPANK) "Moooomm!" (SPANK)
  33. >"That sort of language is un-"(SPANK)"-acceptable in this household." (SPANK) "Do you understand?"
  34. >"Yes, Mom--" (SPANK) "Ee!" (SPANK) "Nnn! Please stop..."
  35. >"Plead all you want, sweetie." (SPANK) "Mama is still going to punish you."
  36. Her bottom is beginning to redden. Her eyes are welling up, but she's not crying... yet. Undeterred, you continue to chastise her.
  37. >"Your behavior as of late has been," (SPANK) "very troublesome, young lady. Do you know what your teacher told me yesterday?"
  38. >"(whine) That wasn't our faaault! She--" (SPANK) "Aah!"
  39. >"No excuses." (SPANK) "You and your little friend have gotten into," (SPANK) "quite some trouble recently."
  40. >"D-don't bring--" (SPANK) "Aah! S-silver into this... (sniff)"
  41. >"And why not? Maybe I should invite her over," (SPANK) "so she can watch you be punished," (SPANK) "or so I can spank her too!"
  42. >"Mm! Mommm..." (SPANK) "No..."
  43. Your daughter is on the verge of tears. 'This has to be done,' you sigh to yourself.
  44. >"P-please, I--" (SPANK) "Nn!" (SPANK) "Waaaaaa!"
  45. >"You've been a naughty girl, Diamond Tiara." (SPANK) "A very naughty girl." (SPANK) "Do you understand?"
  46. >"Yeeeess! Waaa!" (SPANK)
  47. >"Are you going to behave yourself from now on?"
  48. >"Yes, Mommy!" (SPANK) "I'm so-orry..."
  49. >"Good girl." (SPANK) "Your dinner's getting cold. Finish up, then go to your room."
  50. >"Yes, Mommy..."
  51. You can see her squirm as she places her sore rear back onto the seat; she obediently sulks off to her room after that. Perhaps now could be a good time to give Silver Spoon's mother a call...
  53. @@@
  55. Story idea
  58. Immediately, the three began to panic.
  59. >"Please, m-miss Celestia! We're sorry!"
  60. >"Yeah! I-it won't happen again! Promi--"
  61. Celestia hushed them.
  62. >"...However, given the circumstances, I think I can afford some leniency."
  63. All three girls let out a quiet, relieved sigh.
  64. >"Now, turn around, please."
  65. >"...?"
  66. The girls were a bit confused, but did as they were told, facing away from the Princess. Sweetie Belle, the first in line, felt her skirt being lifted up.
  67. >"Hey! Wh-what're you--" (pat) (pat) (SPANK) "Eep!"
  68. >(pat) (pat) (SPANK) "Uhn!"
  69. >(pat) (pat) (SPANK) "Hey!"
  70. Each girl blushed. Celestia gently addressed the trio:
  71. >"Consider that your one warning, children. Any further mischief, and I'll have to put you on my lap and spank you for real. Do I make myself clear?"
  72. >"Yes, ma'am, whatever you say, ma'am!"
  73. >"(soft laugh) Very good."
  75. @@@
  78. >"Well, aren't you just the cutest thing~?"
  79. >"Well, hehe, I mean, if you– whoa!"
  80. The powder-blue dragoness immediately took little Spike by surprise, hoisting him off the ground and into her arms. Her hands were a bit colder than he expected, causing him to squirm a bit as she tried to get him into a comfortable position. Her companions chimed in.
  81. >"Oh yes, simply adorable!"
  82. >"I wanna hold him next..."
  83. >"Don't you worry, little one. We'll take care of you..."
  84. Spike blushed. The dragoness settled him over her shoulder, then motioned for the other dragons to give him a bit of space.
  85. >"(giggle) Back off, girls. This one's mine~."
  86. >"Um, (nervous laugh) I don't think– I mean, maybe we can–"
  87. Spike felt the dragoness tenderly pat his bottom. His face turned even redder.
  88. >"Ah-ah. (pat) (pat) A sweet little baby boy like you shouldn't be hanging out with those mean young dragons over there. (pat) You're staying right here, so we can keep you out of trouble."
  89. >"R-really, it's okay. I..."
  90. >"There, there. (pat) (pat) (pat) No need to be shy. You just need someone to take care of you, that's all. We'll get you something to eat, (pat) then I'll give you a nice lava bath... won't that be nice?"
  91. Spike thought it over for a moment.
  92. >"Um... I guess I am a little hungry..."
  93. >"Oh! Well, why didn't you say so, little one?"
  94. The dragoness picked out a large opal from a nearby pile and showed it to him. Before Spike had a chance to admire the gem, she pressed it into his mouth.
  95. >"Mmph!"
  96. Spike instinctively began to suckle on the gem, as if he were being fed from a bottle. He liked the taste, but still felt a twinge of embarassment as the lady dragons cooed and fawned over him some more.
  97. >"Shh... there's a good boy. Just relax..."
  98. She cradled the young dragon in her arms. As she gently rocked him, Spike felt an odd sense of calm overtake him. He pondered to himself.
  99. >Okay, fine. Maybe I COULD get used to this...

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