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By splishsplash
Created: 2022-02-22 20:20:34
Updated: 2022-03-11 19:00:33
Expiry: Never

  1. BEEEEEEEEEES! by BSting
  3. (19/10/2014)
  6. ---
  8. Fluttershy entered Sugar Cube Corner to buy some Carrot Cake for Angel. The shop was almost barren, however, as there was no pony around to give her service.
  9. >"Um, Hello?" asked Fluttershy meekly.
  10. Nopony was around. She was about to head out the door and come back later. Suddenly, she heard a faint crack echo throughout the shop. She almost dismissed the sound until she heard a couple more. It sounded like it was coming from upstairs. Part of her wanted to investigate, but she didn't want to be snoop. Unfortunately, curiosity got the better of her as she tip-hoofed up the stairs. The cracks got louder as she approached closer into an ajar door. Then, she started to hear voices.
  11. >"Put your back into it, dear. Let me have it!"
  12. >"I'm trying, sugarlumps!"
  13. It was the Cakes! Fluttershy connected the dots of what was happening in this household. She experimented pain play with "herself" before. She fought the urge to peek inside, but she couldn't deny the sight of two ponies in the act of sexy spankings.
  15. Fluttershy peeked through the crack in the door. Carrot Cake had a crop in his mouth, taking aim to strike his wife, Cup Cake, across her pudgy buttocks. Her tail was in the air, shaking her rump to tempt him with another swing. Carrot, with all his might, whipped his beloved in her right cheek. She gasped as her ass jiggled and turned a slight pink.
  16. >"Harder!", Cup Cake demanded.
  17. He strikes the left cheek.
  18. >"Harder!"
  19. He strikes both simultaneously.
  20. >"No...No, stop, Carrot."
  21. >"What's the matter, Cup?"
  22. She put her tail down, turned around, and gently pulled the crop from Carrot's mouth. She looked at it with a sad look on her face.
  23. >"S-sweetie, I'm sorry. I-I tried my best to hit as hard as I...", Carrot Cake explained before Cup Cake cut him off.
  24. >"Carrot sticks, it's ok. You did your best and I am happy you did, it's just... We've been doing this for a long time and, well, I want to try something new."
  25. >"What did you have in mind?"
  26. Cup Cake wiggled her rump as she seductively gazed at Carrot Cake.
  27. >"Well, I want to feel a more intense sensation on my backside before we start love making. Something I never really felt before. Know what I mean?"
  28. >"Oooh, I totally get that feeling."
  29. >"F-FLUTTERSHY?!"
  30. Fluttershy covered her mouth with her hooves, cursing herself for opening it in the first place. It was too little, too late as the Cakes now knew of her presence.
  32. >"Fluttershy?! How much of that did you see?" Carrot Cake asked nervously.
  33. Fluttershy was tempted to run away as fast as she could, but something stopped her. Something that made her think that she was the only pony with the answer to her problems.
  34. >"E...Enough to know that you need help." said Fluttershy.
  35. >"Fluttershy," said Cup Cake, "this is a private matter between two married ponies. You shouldn't be helping us in the first place."
  36. >"W-well, now I am. Mrs. Cake, I know the feeling you are going through. Crops, whips, paddles, they all just don't do it for me anymore. Now I have a method that is sure to get the heart pumping and the juices flowing. Um, relatively speaking..."
  37. Cup Cake was intrigued. She did have a certain itch that she was looking to scratch. Maybe this shy pony did have the answers to her peculiar dilemma.
  38. >"...Well, ok." she said. "I'll listen to your ideas. But, promise me you won't tell anypony about what you saw, especially your friend, Pinkie."
  39. >"I promise."
  40. >"Ok. Ok, then I trust you. Tell me, what's your idea?"
  41. >"Do you promise to keep an open mind?"
  42. >"Y-Yes, I do promise to take anything you say to heart."
  43. Fluttershy got excited. This is a rare opportunity to show her unusual practices to someone who was willing to cooperate.
  44. >"Ok! Stay here for a minute." Fluttershy commanded.
  45. She dashes down the stairs and out the door. After a short while, the Cakes exchanged guesses on what Fluttershy was bringing to them. Gradually, they started to hear a slight buzzing sound. It grew louder and louder as the Cakes started to worry for their own well-being...
  46. Fluttershy opened the bedroom door wider and said...
  47. >"I hope you don't mind, but I brought a few friends to help."
  48. A small swarm of insects entered the room and flew above their heads.
  49. >"BEEEEEEEEEES!" screamed Carrot.
  51. >"No, no, it's OK. They aren't going to attack!", said Fluttershy to calm the Cakes down.
  52. >"Fluttershy, you mean to tell me that THIS is what your idea is?!" Cup Cake exclaimed.
  53. >"Well, yes, but..."
  54. >"Fluttershy, this isn't going to work. I work at a bakery. I've been stung by a couple bees that fly into the shop for a snack. It hurts a lot!"
  55. >"Where did they sting you?"
  56. >"Once on the nose and once on the forearm."
  57. >"I see. Mrs. Cake, you don't understand because you've been stung on the wrong places."
  58. >"What?"
  59. >"If you use my method, you'll get a sensation that's greater than a paddle. You just have to trust me!"
  60. Cup Cake was skeptical. Was this really a better option? Bee stings had brought a great discomfort before, but maybe when they are used in another way...
  61. >"Out of the question, Fluttershy!", yelled Carrot Cake. "I-I'm not going to risk my wife's well-being for such a-"
  62. >"Dear, it's ok. I trust her." said Cup Cake calmly. "You've done this before, right?"
  63. >"Of course." said Fluttershy. "I wouldn't suggest this to other ponies if it wasn't supervised by me, though."
  64. >"Fair enough."
  65. Cup Cake laid her torso and forelegs on the end of her bed, leaving her bottom legs to stand. She slowly lifts her tail, giving full view of her big butt and marehood. She gives it a small shake and protrudes it outward.
  66. >"G...Go ahead, Fluttershy."
  67. >"As you wish. I'll stop it if it becomes too much."
  68. Fluttershy looks up to the small swarm overhead.
  69. >"Ok, bees. It's time for some target practice."
  70. >"It's a big target, too." chuckled Cup Cake, trying to ease her worries.
  71. >"It's a simple beginner's course, just like we practiced. One cheek, than the other. One at a time, adding on the number as we progress. Understand?"
  72. The bees make a affirming buzzing sound.
  73. >"Ready, Cup Cake?"
  74. >"R-Ready."
  76. One bee flies out of the group and makes a beeline for her left asscheek. Cup Cake gritted her teeth as she listens to the bee coming closer. It makes contact and firmly plants its stinger into her large, soft buttock.
  77. >"Ah!"
  78. The stinger begins to pump venom into her backside as the area around the area becomes red and sore.
  79. >"This... This is..."
  80. Cup Cake's thoughts are interrupter as she hears two more bees buzzing down to sting her. Two more punctures pierce her round flesh as they pump more venom into her ass.
  81. >"Ahhh! Oh, gosh! This is..."
  82. >"Isn't it exciting? said Fluttershy "The adrenaline certainly helps make the pleasure of it increase."
  83. >"I haven't felt this way since the first time I-"
  84. Three more stings forcefully enter her ass.
  85. >"OUCH! S-Since I was first whipped by my hubby. This is... this is intense! I- AOUCH!"
  86. Four more leave their mark. Cup Cake's ass continues to grow more redder as it swells.
  87. >"This... AHH!"
  88. More bees continue to sting her backside from top to bottom.
  89. >"This is... exactly what I was looking for..."
  90. >"Ready for the big finish?" asked Fluttershy.
  91. >We can't be done already..." whined Cup Cake.
  92. >"Believe me, after this, this should make you sore for days."
  93. >"Then, yes, give it to me!"
  94. >"You heard the mare, girls. Let her have it!"
  95. The collective swarm swoops in and Cup Cake's butt is entirely covered in bees! Cup Cake feels the burn as they dot her entire ass with stings, burning the surface with their collective toxins. Cup Cake screams in pain, as her body quivers and shakes. Fluttershy whistles a signal to halt their attack. The bee swarm circles around Fluttershy and fly out the bedroom window. Carrot Cake, who watched everything in a mix of horror and concern, stares at his wife's backside. It was stiff and red, larger than it was before, and very sensitive.
  97. >"Sweetie, are you ok?" worried Carrot Cake.
  98. Cup Cake was breathing heavily. Tears streamed from her eyes. She lifted her head and faced Carrot Cake.
  99. >"I'm fine. I-I finally scratched that itch..." she replied.
  100. >"Good. I was very worried."
  101. >"I know, dear. I think that may have been too much for you to see, but I still need you. I need you fuck me. Fuck me hard and let your body slap my sore ass as I cum."
  102. Fluttershy was surprised! Cup Cake certainly is a dirty mare when it came to intimacy, but she understood her passion.
  103. >"Oh! Before I forget, Fluttershy, take whatever you came here for. It's free of charge." said Cup Cake.
  104. >"Oh! Thank you very much. Enjoy yourselves!" thanked Fluttershy.
  105. Fluttershy closed the door before the Carrot mounted his wife. She scaled the stairs to the main room, getting the finest carrot cake for Angel. She also picked up a honey bun for the bees as well.
  107. The End

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