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Shorts by ChuckSchuld

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-02-22 20:24:42
Updated: 2022-02-22 22:17:26
Expiry: Never

  1. Shorts by ChuckSchuld
  3. ---
  6. >But aaah waaawnt it naaayow-YIPE!
  7. She instinctively recoils from a sharp slap on her bum.
  8. >If you throw a tantrum about this, AB, ah *will* take you over mah knee
  9. She's never gotten a spanking before.
  10. >Y-Yes, sis.
  11. She says, rubbing her butt.
  12. >Good girl.
  13. You say, bending over to kiss her on the forehead.
  15. @@@
  18. Having spent the last several minutes with your no-longer-bawling adoptive granddaughter in your arms, you decide to ask her a question.
  19. >So, you ever gotten a spanking before, champ?
  20. Scootaloo wipes her nose and lifts her head up from your chest to look up at you.
  21. >Um… Uh-Huh. Rainbow spanked me back at the campsite for getting myself in danger.
  22. >Really? She barely knew you, right?
  23. >Yeah.
  24. >Huh.
  25. She settles her head against your chest and closes her eyes as you stroke her mane.
  26. You've only been babysitting her for a few days, but you've already come to love Scootaloo as much as your own daughter, the mare who adopted her.
  27. 'Course, you're not nearly as proud of her as you are of Dashie.
  28. Scootaloo isn't a world-saving-world-class-athlete-Wonderbolt.
  29. But she's still pretty great.
  31. @@@
  34. Alright, she's been in the corner long enough.
  35. >How ya doin', Sweetie?
  36. >Um… I'm okay, mommy.
  37. >You sure?
  38. Her rump is still red.
  39. >Alright then, let's get you out of that corner, Sweetie.
  40. You lift her up and take her over to the couch.
  41. >Oh, by the way, Sweetie…
  42. You give her three good smacks straight to the base of the crack.
  43. She stiffens up and starts to sob, thinking her spanking is going to continue.
  44. >…That was for peeking earlier.
  45. You pull her into a tight hug.
  47. @@@
  50. >TWILY!
  51. You grab your charge's arm and lead her back to the other side of the street.
  52. >Do you have any idea how much you scared me?
  53. >…Sawwy…
  54. Sighing, you crouch down on one leg and hold her against the other.
  56. PAF!
  57. >YIPE!
  58. PAF!
  59. >AH!
  60. PAF!
  61. >WAH!
  62. PAF!
  63. >GAH!
  64. PAF!
  65. >YAH!
  66. PAF!
  67. >EEE!
  68. PAF!
  69. >OWW!
  71. >Alright then.
  72. You give her a kiss on the forehead and walk away with her holding your hand.
  74. @@@
  77. >Be anon
  78. >Find out the adult ponies who barely come up to your waist spank their young on a fairly regular basis
  79. >See an example on the street
  80. >A mother tanning her foal
  81. >Decide to give her a taste of her own medicine
  82. >She's walking funny the whole next day
  83. >Managed to cover it up with makeup though
  85. @@@
  88. >Rarity, age 24 (not to be confused with Dick Grayson, age 12) visits her parent's house
  89. >Finds out they spank Sweetie Belle
  90. >Blood boiling
  91. >Makes an excuse about being late for an appointment
  92. >Leaves early
  93. >Next time
  94. >Makes sure to bring a belt she's particularly proud of
  95. >Showing it off to her parents
  96. >They're admiring the craftsmaresship
  97. >She offers to give them some first hand experience
  98. >Confused, they ask what she means
  99. >Sudden devilish glint in her eyes
  100. >Mom and dad feel their legs drawing together and going immobile
  102. @@@
  105. >Be Pearl
  106. >No hooves
  107. >Tell Rarity to do something she doesn't want to
  108. >She goes to do it, muttering under her breath about it
  109. >Through the impenetrable fog of vague grumbling, you hear the solitary word "fuck".
  111. >RARITY!
  112. >You grab her by the ear and pull her over your lap
  113. >This being an "in-the-moment" spanking, you just use your hand on her still-trousered bottom
  114. >A little under two minutes later, she's only lightly sniffling.
  115. >After all, even a girl as dramatic as Rarity knows that at sixteen, she's a little old to be in full tears from such a light spanking.
  116. >Granted, she's clearly holding the tears back
  117. >Anyway, there wasn't much of a lesson to be learned, and you think she's learned it
  118. >You give her a nice hug and send her off to work
  120. @@@
  123. >You will never be Sweetie's mom
  124. >You will never find her in the middle of something very naughty
  125. >You will never sternly but calmly and lovingly tell her that she needs spanked
  126. >You will never put her over your lap and turn her bottom pink with a good hoofspanking
  127. >You will never finish it off with ten with the hairbrush
  128. >You will never pull her into your loving embrace immediately afterwards
  129. >You will never give her her bath
  130. >You will never thoroughly wash all parts of her body, including the special parts she's not supposed to show to colts
  131. >You will never see her enjoying the cool water on her spanked bottom
  132. >You will never put her to bed with a kiss
  134. @@@
  137. >Equestria girls live show heads to Singapore
  138. >predictable regional adjustments to appeal to local sensibilities
  140. Related:
  141. >The Rainbooms see some success
  142. >Rainbow lets it go to her head
  143. >Starts getting high
  144. >Banging groupies
  145. >Her parents find out
  146. >Lecture her
  147. "Do you have any idea how we felt, finding out our baby girl was doing drugs and having unprotected sex?"
  148. >Her father leaves the room
  149. >Comes back with belt in hand
  150. "Bend over, Dashie."
  152. @@@
  155. It was Rainbow Dash's 20th birthday.
  156. It was also the day she moved all the way into her new house all the way on the other side of town.
  157. Sipping from a coffee mug, she reminisced about childhood.
  158. More specifically, childhood punishment.
  159. Even more specifically, childhood spankings.
  160. As she had grown older, spankings had, of course, become both harsher and less common.
  161. For example, when she was 7, being rude would have earned her a smacked tushy, but when she was 17, it would have earned her a brief scolding and a warning to behave.
  163. @@@
  166. >you are anon
  167. >you were foal sitting scootaloo.
  168. >you to the bathroom for few mins.
  169. >you came back and see scoots playing on the fan.
  170. >Scootaloo! - you yelled.
  171. >she got startled by you and lost her grip.
  172. >she got flung toward an open window.
  173. >she managed to grab on the window frame. but the window closed on her making her stuck in there.
  174. >her upper body is outside but her bottom half is inside. and the window was holding her in place.
  175. >you quickly pulled up her tail.
  176. >and spanked her.
  177. >she yelped and squirmed.
  178. >the pony outside can clearly see he being spanked.
  179. >She was totally embarrassed and unable to do anything.
  180. >spank spank spank
  181. >owe owe owe
  182. >scootaloo start kicking...
  183. >both diamond tiara and silver spoon walked by.
  184. >they saw scootaloo getting spanked.
  185. >they burst into hysterical laughter.
  186. >scootaloo cried out of embarrassment .
  187. >she pleaded for you to stop.
  188. >you didn't think she learned her lesson yet.
  189. >you wont stop cause she is just embarrased. you want her to learn that what she did was wrong.
  190. >you scolded her and spanked her harder.
  191. >her butt turned red.
  192. >she lost it. and start bawling.
  193. ...
  194. >well you thought she had enough. no point spanking her any more.
  195. >you pulled her out of the window.
  196. >you gave her a hug and told her to go sit in her room.
  197. ..
  198. >next day at school
  199. >she was teased by diamond tiara.
  200. >she was being called red flank red flank.
  201. >but she didn't know that cheerilee was standing behind her.
  202. >she heard what she said to poor scootaloo;
  203. >she yanked diamond's ear and pulled her toward her desk.
  204. >there diamond tiara received her first school spanking in front of the class.
  206. @@@
  209. >You've done something very naughty today, haven't you, Dashie?
  210. >Y-Yes, mommy.
  211. >And what was it?
  212. >I sassed you and said a bad word.
  213. >And what happens to little girls who do that?
  214. >They get their mouths soaped and their bottoms spanked.
  215. >Very good, Dashie.
  217. @@@
  220. Fuck, I messed that up. Here:
  221. >Stand up, Dashie.
  222. She wails into her pillow, seemingly ignoring you.
  223. >I said, stand up.
  224. She can't hear you.
  225. >Oh… poor baby.
  226. You take her hands and gently guide her up toward you.
  227. She wraps her arms around you, bawling into your chest.
  228. You return the hug and start gently rubbing her back.
  229. After a few minutes of this, she calms down enough to speak.
  230. >Mommyyyy… I'm *sob* sorryyyy……
  231. >I know, baby, I know.
  232. >This is the end, I promise, sweetie.
  233. You bend her back over and prepare to deal the first of ten final hand-spanks after her terrible ordeal with the belt.
  235. @@@
  238. Looks like someone wrote something before I could finish. Oh well.
  239. >Walk into your daughter's room.
  240. >In retrospect, should have knocked.
  241. -Twily, I made cookies-
  242. >See her with her hands in her panties.
  243. >One in front, one in back.
  244. >Frowning, you turn right back around.
  245. >She begins to cry, knowing what's about to happen.
  246. >You set the cookies on the kitchen counter.
  247. >You go back to her room.
  248. >She's taken her hands out of her panties and her panties off of her hips.
  249. -I-I'm sorry, mommy…
  250. -I know, Twily, but you've been warned about this before, haven't you?
  251. -Yes, mommy…
  252. -Alright, come here, sweetie.
  253. >Sniffling, she bends over your lap.
  254. -Now, Twilight Sparkle, I want you to remember this: when you pleasure yourself, always do it with your panties down.
  255. -Yes, mommy.
  256. >The first smack lands.
  257. -YIPE!
  258. >By the end of it, she's bawling.
  259. -Alright, Twily, your punishment's over.
  260. -Now, would you like to share some cookies with your mother?
  261. -…Oww…Y-Yes, mommy.
  262. -Good.
  264. @@@
  267. Big Mac sobbed into the haystack, fearfully anticipating the next *THWACK* of the switch.
  268. >It's over, Big Mac.
  269. The firetruck-coloured foal felt himself being lifted up and settled down on his father's lap. Almost leaping to wrap his arms around Pa's neck, he managed to sob out:
  271. >I know, Mac, I know.
  272. The only sound for the next minute was Mac's sniffling and sobbing, as his father tried to comfort him.
  273. >O- owwww…
  274. >I'm sorry we had to do this, Mac.
  275. >Now, would you like to go back inside?
  276. >Uh-huh.
  277. >Alright then.
  278. He lifted his son up and started to carry him out of the barn. While it was rather embarrassing for Big Mac, at nine years old, to be carried by his father like this, he had to admit it was better than walking right now.
  279. >Now, I want you to apologize to your mother when we get in. Understand?
  280. >Yes, daddy.
  281. Ma opened the door for them, smiling pleasantly at both of them.
  282. >Well, hello there, boys.
  283. >Um…hey, mama. Listen, I'm real sorry about-
  284. >Shhh. It's okay, baby.
  285. >Alright, Mac, go up to your room until supper's ready.
  286. >Yes, Pa.
  287. Big Mac walked away, visibly wincing as he did so.
  288. >Jeez, have you got any idea how hard it is to get a sense of when to stop spanking a colt that shade of red?
  290. @@@
  293. >You have spent the last several minutes with a sniffling filly at your feet.
  294. >You are a Ponyville shop owner.
  295. >You caught this little orange filly trying to sneak some candy out of your store and told her to either pay for it or put it back.
  296. >Guiltily, she put it back.
  297. >It was clear she didn't have the means to pay.
  298. >Then you took her back to your office for a good talking to.
  299. >Called her mother.
  300. >That should be her right now.
  301. >Indeed, a cyan mare opens the door and walks in.
  302. >Pegasus.
  303. "Come on, Scoots."
  304. >Sniffling, the filly gets up and follows her out the door.
  305. >You wonder what it's like being the child of a Wonderbolt/Bearer of an Element of Harmony.
  307. There's an awkward silence between when the scolding stops and when the spanking starts.
  308. It doesn't last long.
  309. >OWW!
  310. >WAAHH!
  311. >GAAHH!
  312. >YIPE!
  313. And so on, and -AH!- so forth.
  314. It seems like it lasts forever.
  315. It doesn't.
  316. Within three minutes, it's over.
  317. Sobbing and bawling, You're picked up off the cloud and pulled into Dashie's arms.
  318. You're never gonna steal again.
  320. @@@
  323. >Sweetie's parents find out she enjoys getting spanked
  324. >Start using it as a reward
  325. >"Well, you've been getting very good grades as of late, pumpkin, so we think it's only fair you get a good, hard dose of the belt."
  326. >"YAAY! Thank you, daddy!"

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