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Detention by KrishnaKarnak

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-02-22 20:34:09
Updated: 2022-03-17 20:29:22
Expiry: Never

  1. Detention by KrishnaKarnak
  3. (14/04/2016)
  7. ---
  9. >DT leaned in close, brushing her snout hard against Rumble's dock. She extended her tongue another tantalising inch.
  10. >“Aah, aaaaahh, nnggnnn…”
  11. >Humming, she sent vibrations up and down the sensitive nerve endings circling that muscley, delicious asshole.
  12. >“Oooh Celestia!”
  13. >Another snap of the ruler. Looks like Rumble looked back again.
  14. “M-Miss Cheerilee! Not t-too hard!”
  15. >Diamond Tiara pulled out of his butt slowly, dragging her tongue hard against the back of his anus before flicking at that ticklish dock as she did so, pausing to give it a suck with her lips.
  16. “I don't think he deserves anymore chances, Miss Cheerilee!”
  17. >“I agree. He's not going to stay still and I warned you, didn't I, Rumble?” she said in sultry tones, leaning forward hungrily and jabbing the ruler at his face. “Diamond Tiara, go around and under my desk.”
  18. >She moved without hesitation, catching a glimpse of the crimson cheeks burning on Rumble's face and got a look at his stiff little cock, glistening wet with copius drips of precum.
  19. >He gave a sniffle, knowing what was coming.
  20. >So Diamond Tiara got to enjoy herself. Nestled beneath Cheerilee’s desk where the chair usually stood, she wrapped her mouth around that twitchy little slug of a dick. The salty pre stuck to her lips as she pushed forward, taking Rumble’s small dick right down to his spankable coinpurse balls. She slapped her tongue against them before closing down hard, drawing back and feeling that cock swell even more as she pulled away, cheeks inverted, sucking hard as she could.
  21. >Meanwhile, Rumble's front hooves were up on the desk above her as he danced on the spot.
  22. “Ow! Ooowie! Aaahhh! M-Miiiiiss Cheeeeeri-OOOWIE!”
  23. >Sounds like his other cheeks would be red as an apple, too, before Cheerilee was done.
  24. >“You won’t bring dirty magazines to school again, will you, young colt?”

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