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Shorts by Nomine Anagram

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-02-22 20:37:01
Updated: 2024-11-03 13:56:36
Expiry: Never

  1. Shorts by Nomine Anagram
  3. ---
  6. She's going to get it, I have a basic plotline sketched out.
  8. Just as a teaser...
  10. Cozy shivered as she was led into the throne room of Equestria, where not only the Diarchs sat looking down upon her, but to Celestia's right sat Princess Twilight herself. She chanced a glance at her erstwhile headmistress, only to receive a glare in response. Quailing back, the filly looked all around at the other figures. King Thorax of the Changelings looked sadly at her, shaking his head. Queen Novo of the seaponies had on a look she had seen on her own mother's of sheer sternness. And Dragonlord Ember looked absolutely inflamed with rage. She couldn't make out the faces of the other two leaders.
  12. "Cozy Glow." Celestia intoned from her throne, looking around the room. "You stand before us, found guilty by overwhelmingly damning evidence against you of High Treason against the crown, amidst a myriad of other crimes. We, the leaders of the offended nations, together with Twilight Sparkle, who represents Harmony, have met to discuss your ultimate fate, and whether you are to return to Tartarus for all time. You are not permitted to speak in your defense, as your actions have stripped you of your right to a voice in these proceedings. Now, shall we begin?" she finished, looking over at the assembled dignitaries.
  14. "Yaks Say..." the yak Prince started to cry out, only to be interrupted by a loud female voice.
  16. "HOLD IT!" came a cry from the door, and Cozy turned to see a shocking sight. coming up to stand next to her was none other than Starlight Glimmer, dressed in the suit of one educated in law.
  18. "Can I help you, Starlight?" Celestia asked.
  20. "Starlight Glimmer, here to speak in defense of the accused." she replied.
  22. "The accused has been stripped of her voice!" Luna snapped.
  24. "But I have not, and I have the right as any pony to speak my piece regarding this incident." Starlight responded, glaring, daring them to remove her.
  26. @@@
  29. The worst part about Tartarus, Cozy had decided, was the air inside those doors. Not the monstrous three headed dog, no. Not the fact that she was imprisoned in a cage. Nope, none of that. Not even the fact that she was neighbors to former...pen pal, who had spent the first day or so taunting her about “wanting to be friends” after he rebuffed her initial offer. No, all of those things were bad, but...the air. The air was the worst.
  31. It wasn’t even that it was too hot, or too cold. In fact, it seemed to be perfectly keyed to her own body temperature, so she couldn’t feel any difference. It wasn’t that it blew and ruffled anything...sun and moon, it never even moved at all. It was like the air wasn’t even there.
  33. Outside...Outside the air had flavors. Had a taste. A smell. It had a life of its own, with every wisp of a breeze. Any young pegasus learned that, as they learned to fly. They learned that in order to move in the air, you had to learn to feel it, to appreciate its varied flavors and currents. Cozy could still remember waking up one morning, before ever even hearing of Twilight’s School of Friendship, and eagerly bounding out into the warm sunshine, filling her chest with the scent of a new spring day.
  35. Another breath, another lack of scent, and she was jerked back out of that memory, back to the cruel reality of where she was. Trapped. Trapped in a lifeless bubble of a cavern where there was nothing to do. Her one hope had been dashed from her when Tirek cast her aside. Now...Now she was stuck here, bored and alone. She had already measured her cage with her hooves, but even that hadn’t provided any was exactly ten hooves by ten hooves by ten hooves. One thousand cubic hooves.
  37. Whee…
  39. How she longed for a pack of cards, a chess or checkers set, anything! Anything was better than being trapped in this...this...boredom! Trapped in this boredom for all time...
  42. ((Just a little teaser to bump this bad boy up.))
  44. @@@
  47. Let us never forget the secret superhero identity of Bab's mother Candy Mane.
  49. At night, once her foals are put to bed, she dons a skintight yellow suit and a cape. And she goes about her duties, bringing discipline to the foals and teenagers and even adults of Equestria.
  51. For you see, Candy Mane saw the rampant lack of manners and discipline among the populous, and she knew something had to be done.
  53. And so she trained. Spanking her three foals, practicing aiming. Building her wind.
  55. One hundred Paddle Swats
  56. One Hundred Cane Swings
  57. One Hundred Hairbrushings
  59. And a ten minute flurry of hoof spankings, EVERY DAY!
  61. Her mane stayed in, because even it dared not defy her wishes now.
  63. Now, she can bring justice to any rear end she desires. Able to reduce even Celestia to tears with just One Swat.
  67. @@@
  70. In west Fillydelphia, born and grazed
  71. But in Canterlot was where I spent my formative days
  72. Blazin out, maxin and relaxin all cool
  73. Working on my fiery magic each day after school
  75. Well I mastered my flames, and it was all good
  76. Took revenge on all the jerks up in my neighborhood
  77. I started one little fire and my Mom got scared
  78. Said "Get out and find yourself a nice stallion or mare"
  80. I whistled for a chariot and when it came near
  81. The pegasi were fresh and they had dice on their rears
  82. If anything I could say this chariot was rare
  83. But I thought, neigh, forget it, ponies on to Baltimare!
  85. @@@
  88. "Young lady, I do not care if you were fighting for your life and the lives of your little ponies, such language is absolutely unacceptable in a pony of your station, stature, and position. In addition, you are setting a bad example for your little ponies. My sentence stands firm. You will spend tomorrow with a bar of soap in your mouth. Yes, even while you are addressing the councils and holding court."
  90. @@@
  93. >Be A Colt
  94. >Specifically, Be Rumble
  96. >You've been a bad colt for sure
  97. >Destroyed your brother's prized Wonderbolt's poster and he hairbrushed you for it
  98. >Your butt is still sore!
  99. >But hey, you got some sweet revenge
  100. >Mom hairbrushed his sorry flank right back, and you snuck over and listened to it. Music to your ears.
  102. >At least, until you heard Mom say that Thinderlane could boss you around and spank you now!
  103. >WHAT?!
  105. >Then you got grabbed and pulled into the room
  106. >Mom told Thunder he could deal with you listening in on his spanking
  107. >Only thing is, no brushing
  109. >Now you're over his knees, and he is holding you tight, taking a few breaths
  110. >Apparently her words made him think a bit, and he doesn't want to overdo it
  112. >He doesn't even say anything to you, not even when you start to try and smile at him
  113. >He just starts up, that hoof slapping into your bottom, igniting those pained nerves again!
  114. >Thunder is really strong, you knew that already. But now you're getting a firsthoof taste of just how strong he really is.
  115. >It doesn't matter how much you buck and plead and cry, he just keeps right on spanking you
  116. >One swat per second on your poor rear
  118. >After a minute, he stops
  120. >"No more pranks, Rumble."
  121. >SWAT!
  122. >"They're not funny. And they hurt me, and my things."
  123. >Two more swats land right on your rear, and you throw a hoof back to block.
  124. >"Thunder, no! Please!"
  125. >He catches your hoof, pins it to your back, then takes a second.
  126. >Then he spanks up and down your crease as you buck and cry, punishing you for blocking.
  127. >You cry so much you choke for a second, and he stops to let you catch your breath.
  128. >"This spanking isn't just for listening in. This is for everything you've done to me for the past month." he says
  129. >Then swats your sit spots nice and hard
  130. >You kick your hind hooves in response, flailing and trying to flap your wings, but big brother is just too strong
  131. >He swats you a few more times as your tears fall, then gives a last hard one that makes you yelp.
  132. >Then he puts you down
  134. >You sit there on the ground, wiping your eyes. Two spankings in one day is NOT fair!
  136. >Thunder looks down at you
  137. >"Go play, Rumble. I don't want to hear an apology right now."
  138. >THAT hurts, you actually tear up again
  139. >He looks mad, though
  140. >You look at the poster
  141. >He really was proud of it, always showed it to his friends
  143. >You open your mouth, try to say sorry
  144. >He shakes his head and points to the door
  145. >"Want me to believe you're sorry, Rumble? Find a way to show me." he says
  146. >He opens the door and pushes you out
  147. >You yelp at his hoof on your twice-roasted rump
  148. >His door closes behind you
  150. >End?
  152. @@@
  155. >Be a teenager working at Barnyard Bargains.
  156. >Its a basic, low paying part time job.
  157. >Your first one ever.
  158. >It sucks, but its nice to have the money.
  159. >You essentially just sell customers products and occasionally explain to the how they work.
  160. >Recently, the boss gave you a new colleague.
  161. >Her daughter.
  162. >She has to work half the time you do, apparently some sort of punishment for bullying.
  163. >She, of course, sucks at this job and being the spoiled brat that she is, likes to complain a lot.
  164. >Your essentially a foalsitter now. Wonderful.
  165. >She also came with another responsibility.
  166. >The boss put you in charge of her "maintenance spankings."
  167. >She must have been pretty bad. You heard of those, but didn't think some parents actually used them.
  168. >Anyway, your tasked with paddling her after her shift ends.
  169. >It was weird at first, but you got used to it, somehow.
  170. >Just a part of the job now.
  171. >She always complains, of course.
  172. >If it gets too bad, you warn her that you'll tell her dad.
  173. >That gets her to shut up
  174. >You'd feel bad for her, but she's kind of a pain to deal with, so you really don't.
  175. >At least Filthy's paying you extra for it.
  177. ---
  179. >One day, it gets interesting
  180. >You catch her teasing and picking on another filly
  181. >Right in the middle of the store
  182. >Filly is actually silently crying
  183. >She'd been sent here to buy a new hairbrush for her rear
  184. >Family can't afford Crimson's Customs
  185. >Diamond is being real nasty, calling her poor
  186. >Taunting her about getting spanked
  187. >You decide to step in
  188. >Customers are staring as you grab Diamond by the ear
  189. >You tell the filly to bring the brush to the front desk
  190. >And to wait there while you talk to the Boss
  191. >Hey, maybe he'll give her a discount, who knows
  192. >Probably not though
  193. >Either way, you drag Diamond over to HIS office
  194. >Knock twice, then pull her inside
  195. >You tell him the story
  196. >She says you're lying and making it up to get her in trouble
  197. >You tell him that the filly is still out there waiting by the Register
  198. >He glares at Diamond and goes out to talk
  199. >Diamond says she hates you and wishes you were dead
  200. >Sucks to be her
  201. >Boss Hoss heard that as he came in
  203. >At least this ought to be a show to remember
  205. @@@
  208. The colt smiled to himself as he awoke one Saturday morning. The sun was shining, the air was fresh and clear, and it was the first day of a long weekend, woohoo! He had plans, alright. It was going to be an amazing and awesome day!
  210. First on the list, Breakfast! The most important meal of the day! A nice mixture of eggs, an orange, toast, and some of his cereal. Mom said the cereal wasn’t healthy, but he always ignored her. The commercials said it was part of this complete breakfast, so it had to be healthy!
  212. Then, chores. He had a room to clean, and trash to take out. His homework still needed to be finished, so he did that too, grumbling all the while. Finally, though, after all that extra work, it was time! Time to go and enjoy the Sunshine and…
  214. CRACK!
  215. BOOM!
  217. Went the clouds in the sky right as his hoof touched the door. And as he watched in horror, a sheet of water came washing down, drowning his hopes of playing outside for the rest of the day.
  219. The colt gpaned to himself. Great. Another weekend rainstorm. Why didn't anypony tell colts and fillies when the Weather Teams were planning storms?! He could have taken his time with his chores…
  221. Sighing, he turned and shut the door again, plodding back into the house. Then he perked up! Board games! This was perfect Board Game weather!
  223. The thought parent to the deed, he ran to the garage where Dad kept the games, darting inside and grabbing his favorite one. As he carried it back in, he grinned. He just hoped he could convince Mom and Dad to play with him. Really, the game needed four players but they made it work.
  225. As he set his copy of Betrayal down on the table, he rubbed his hooves together. Maybe this time he would get to be the traitor. Maybe even get to be the Ouroborus...that one was awesome!
  227. Pulling the cover off the box, however, revealed a horrifying sight.
  229. Mold. Mildew. Covering all of the pieces! All the tokens...ruined!
  231. It was too much for the colt, and he slammed his hooves down on the floor. "Ohh…" he said, about to say a naughty word before his Dad's head poked in.
  233. "Something the matter, son?" He asked, the stallion striding inside.
  235. "It's our Betrayal's ruined! Some water must have gotten into the box…" the colt said, sniffing. It was his favorite game…
  237. Dad took a look in and winced. "Jeez...yeah, that doesn't look good. Teach us both to store things like that a bit higher on the shelf, huh?" He said.
  239. As his son nodded, Dad smiled. "Fortunately, I think I have a solution. Wait here." He said, then walked off.
  241. As his son waited, carefully touching his old friends, his Dad returned with a bag of game pieces.
  243. "Here we are...I picked up these replacement tokens a few weeks ago. Got them for a song...they can't grow mold and mildew on them." He said, passing the bag to his colt.
  245. "Wait, no matter what? How did you manage that?" He asked, opening the bag and carefully beginning to sort them out.
  247. Dad took the old tokens, carefully stacking them to clean them off later. "Well, about a year or so back, there was a unicorn who figured out a spell that could prevent mildew and mold from growing on things. Handy spell, but there was a was very magic intensive. And it only worked on small objects like game pieces." He said.
  249. His son nodded, looking over the new ones. "They're warm…" he said in surprise.
  251. "That's how the spell works. It keeps them warm enough that the spores can't take root, too dry." Dad said, then chuckled. "Actually, it caused a bit of a craze for a while. Ponies were paying top bits for pieces with their face on them, or custom game art for their favorite board game. And the pony who created the spell kept saying it would be the next big thing too...that he would expand it to disrupt the entire industry of cleaning." Dad continued, bagging up the old tokens and setting them aside.
  253. "So what happened? You said you got these for a song…" his son asked.
  255. "Well, it got to the point where ponies were paying thousands of bits for these things, just because it was a novelty, no mold or mildew on them. There were massive investments in them, all sorts of shenanigans. Then, one day, one pony just stood up and said "Wait...why are we all paying lots of bits for these silly little tokens, just because they can't get mildewed and have our pictures on them?!" Dad said, chuckling.
  257. "That pretty much brought everything to a halt, as everypony realized how stupid they'd been. The ponies who were charging lots of bits to create the things were left high and dry, no one was willing to pay that price for them anymore. That's how I got these for a song...the guy was desperate to get what he could for them."
  259. The son looked down and nodded. "I guess that makes sense...but isn't this supposed to be a spanking story?" He asked.
  261. "What? Did the knuckleheads who invested in Non Fungi-ble tokens not get spanked enough for you?
  263. @@@
  266. “Sister, please! Surely this ridiculous tradition has gone on long enough without me! Can you not simply punish me in effigy like you did for so very…”
  268. “Now Luna, dear, it simply isn’t the same. Every year while you were gone, yes, we punished Nightmare Moon in effigy on the Solstice, bringing in the new year by punishing the one who brought forth the everlasting night, summoning the Day once more through the redness of her rump.” Celestia said, for what felt like the hundredth time. “But now that you are back, it seems only proper to do it to the one who skipped out on her paddlings for all those long, long years.”
  270. “Celestia, surely you do not mean to have me publicly paddled every single year on the Winter Solstice…not for the next….” Luna protested, only for Celestia to put a hoof over her mouth with a grin.
  272. “I do indeed. You missed a thousand years of spankings for trying to plunge our land into eternal darkness. You are going to accept this punishment as a Requiem for your Sanity, whether you like it or not. Now, get your regalia on and MARCH, young lady!” she ordered, her tone brooking no argument.
  274. Shuddering, the Lunar Princess obeyed, going to get her finery on. She still had to do this, it would seem. Ridiculous idea, having her transform into Nightmare Moon once more, purely to be strapped down and paddled in front of everypony in Canterlot, all because of an old pony tale that she would swallow the sun for good if she wasn’t shown the error of her ways. Crazy old traditions, just peer pressure from ponies long dead.
  276. Absolutely…Ridiculous…
  278. So why was she still so nervous? Both about calling forth the spirit inside of her…and about her upcoming spanking? Could she still call the Nightmare into herself? Would she even remember it? Would she be able to feel it if she did transform? Would she be able to sit in the morning?
  280. It was just…all so absolutely ridiculous. And yet, as she pulled on the last of her regalia, she couldn’t help but whine a little bit. Just a bit.
  282. @@@
  285. The evening of the Solstice had come, and with it had come a crowd of ponies gathered around the raised platform in the Palace Grounds. Not merely Canterlot’s elite had gathered either. All around could be seen faces from as far-flung as Las Pegasus and Vanhoover, even the Western forests. Luna gulped as she stayed hidden as best she could behind Celestia, the mare of the moon shuddering as she imagined how many would see her up there. How many would watch her flanks be beaten red raw.
  287. She only hoped her sister would show some level of mercy…
  288. As Celestia stepped forward, the solar mare clearing her throat, the low rumble of the mumblings of a crowd stilled, a thousand idle conversations dying out as they beheld the regal form of their leader.
  290. “Good Evening, my little ponies! And welcome once again to our annual Solstice Festival! The sun has been lowered, and we all know what will be coming soon, as demanded by a thousand years of tradition. However…”
  292. “HEY!” called a voice from the crowd, some random white pony. “Where’s the effigy? Where’s the giant plushie of Nightmare Moon?! What, you expect us all to paddle thin air?!”
  294. At this the crowd erupted, only stilling their fuss when Celestia suddenly fired off a giant purple firework into the sky. “SILENCE!” she yelled, before composing herself. Even Luna backed off at the display of her Sister’s temper…she had more experience with it than most, after all.
  296. “As you can see, there is no effigy this year. That is because, after one thousand years imprisoned within the moon as penalty for her crimes, my sister Luna has returned to us. And she has graciously volunteered to take this year’s festival spanking as punishment for her crimes as Nightmare Moon.”
  298. With that, Celestia stepped aside, carefully bringing Luna forward as the smaller princess huffed a bit. Volunteered? Voluntold, maybe. When she got back inside, she was going to give Tia a piece of her mind…
  300. Still, at this point, she needed to show the ponies that she was sorry…sister was right about that one. She truly was sorry for the things she had done. She had been sorry after the first year or so within the moon. Then angry for a few years, then sorry, then angry…there were even a few years where she had just lapsed into deep depression, despairing of ever coming home. She had changed from Luna to Nightmare Moon and back again many times before finally simply slipping into a lassitude…
  302. “Ahem. I said, Princess Luna will now step forward and take her place in the binding frame.” came Tia’s voice, startling Luna out of her memory. With a slight eep, the mare obeyed, regally stepping forward, looking at the binding frame, trying…and failing…to hide her apprehension.
  304. Two royal guards stood to either side of the apparatus, and when she stepped into position, they came forward, carefully and gently taking her and guiding her down onto the flat board, securing her belly-down with her forehooves carefully pinned to the legs of the frame. Her neck and head were all she could move when they were done, her wings secured to her sides by the strap covering her back. Her tail had been pinned beneath that strap as well, while a ring graced her horn to block most of her magic…only most. There was no blocking the entirety of an alicorn’s strength.
  306. Most tellingly, she could see the crowd beneath her, most of them staring at her, glaring, in some cases even giving her looks of utmost hatred. She almost started to cry, seeing those faces…and then she saw something else. Six familiar faces scattered throughout the crowd, including one purple one sitting very close nearby, trying and failing to keep herself hidden behind a thick book. Luna could just barely make out the title…”How to remain Inconspicuous In a Crowd”.
  308. That sight…the sight of the six who had brought her back, made tears come to her eyes already. Why…Why had Tia invited them to watch this travesty of a show? Why had she invited them to come and watch her be humiliated?
  310. “Ponies of Equestria!” came a booming voice behind her. Not her Sister, this was somepony else. “You see before you Nightmare Moon! The dreaded creature who tried to destroy our world because she hated the sun and the day! Now she has swallowed the sun for real, as she has tried to do for so many nights this year! Let us now show her that Equestria will not tolerate such behaviors! Guards, commence the sentence to this monster!!!”
  312. “PLEASE! No! I’m not a monstAAAAH!” was all Luna could say as she felt the first blow of the paddle land upon her flanks. “I’m noAAA! I’m not NightmAAAA!!!” she tried to say, but finally fell silent and broke down sobbing, feeling nothing but the stinging blows of the wooden board upon her unprotected flanks. Even those first three had left a fire building in her hindquarters. And Celestia had told her the tradition added one spank a year…
  314. @@@
  317. I mean, they can factor into ageplay-related spankings quite nicely. And, for that matter, into more story-related spanks.
  319. Ex: Let's take a four-year-old colt who still sleeps in one due to still having 'issues' when he sleeps.
  321. Either having him get a bedtime spanking...or a wake-up spanking if Mommy discovers something like, say, Nighttime Cookie Theft...could make for an interesting setup. Especially if he's wet, due to water on the rump making spanks sting all the more.
  324. Though if anyone wants this silly idea...Imagine a pony getting their head stuck in the couch cushions and then spanked in that awkward position before being helped out.
  326. Or caught in a folding chair or in a folded bed...the possibilities are endless.
  329. Could be good if a pony was not cleaning their room. Caretaker comes in to check on them, sees they got distracted inside the couch and gives a few spanks before helping them out.
  331. @@@
  334. Diamond Tiara sighed to herself as she snuggled down into her bed, the covers soft and warm as she felt herself relaxing. It had been a fine day today, for sure. The 'Cutie Mark Crusaders'...sweet Celestia, what a silly name that was…had gotten spanked for one of their attempted Cutie Mark escapades. Miss Cheerilee hadn't let her do anything in school, but during recess when she wasn't watching…
  336. "Hey Everypony! Look! The Crusaders finally got their "Cutie Marks"! Oooh, bet that's the kind they didn't want, huh? What's the matter, Fillies? Wrong Kind of Cutie Marks?"
  338. Was what she had said, and everypony had laughed their flanks off, her and Silver Spoon the most. And that meant she was more popular in school and that was great! And she hadn't even gotten in trouble for it either, since even when those three silly fillies told on her, Miss Cheerilee just said for them to get along. So she had said okay and given her best Angel Smile and all was right again. Daddy hadn't learned about her being mean…and that was important, she'd be in big trouble if he did. But she was a smart filly, unlike those dumb Crusaders, so she didn't GET caught and spanked.
  340. Yep, she thought to herself as she scooted down further into her covers, laying her head on that soft pillow, her tummy full of delicious sweets and yummy dinner, today had been an excellent day indeed. And tomorrow would be just as good!
  342. Those were the thoughts that finally soothed the little filly into sleep, the gentle glow of her night light the only illumination in the room.
  344. Then one of the shadows in her room moved, opening its eyes.

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